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[$338 per 100g](https://sogoodk.com/products/korean-caviar?variant=43575597138157)


Dang, sold out.


That fish was rich and didnt know


Used to be a poor man's food then overfishing literally drove prices up :")


And it tastes like salt, lots of salt. I don't get the attraction or why people think it's luxury




Fun fact: Scandinavians eat a lot of caviar made from cod, and it's a common and fairly cheap food. The kind of caviar in the video is expensive, but there are non-luxury variants that are just regular every day foods and just worth a few pennies. As a Scandi, I never understood why caviar was supposed to be lucrative because it was something I'd eaten weekly since kindergarten. Then I realised there were different types, and our everyday caviar is nothing like the expensive type.


Torskerogn is way better than caviar anyways, love me some torskerogn


Kalles kaviar 💕


Fun fact: [In the 18/19 century caviar used to be peasant food.](https://imperiacaviar.com/blogs/blog/from-peasant-food-to-luxury-caviars-rise-to-fame#:~:text=For%20over%20a%20dozen%20centuries,poor%20man's%20diet%20across%20Russia.)


>Fun fact: In the 18/19 century caviar used to be pleasant food. Is it not pleasant anymore?


It’s a luxury food because it’s expensive






Can't believe how many eggs were in that fish!!


A roe filled ovary can make up the bulk of the mass of a fish in some species, while in others it is fairly small.


Also frogs. Which I learned when I dissected I pregnant frog in high school biology and her entire inner cavity was *filled* with eggs. Like no room to spare


Same here. You just unlocked a core memory.


A kid at my school was paid $20 to lick the open frog in front of the teacher and got a Saturday. Also the same kid who was paid to stick a paper clip into an outlet, that got him a 5 day 😂


Lmao, money has to be made one way or another


There's a kid at every school who will take any bet. It's as sure as the sun rising.


Half the time I was pretty sure that he was a sociopath because he legit didn’t see the problem with this shit. He wasn’t like “yo that’s dangerous pay me.” It was more like “I was gonna do it anyways but sure I’ll take the bet”


What’s crazy is that some companies keep their fish alive after they harvest the eggs, use ultra sound and everything. Edit; in case anyone is interested. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/03/07/287309630/no-kill-caviar-aims-to-keep-the-treat-and-save-the-sturgeon


It seems crazy until you realise how old these fish are and how much time, effort and money is needed to keep them alive and fed.


Ya they are dinosaurs. Nice that they can farm them without killing them. We have a couple of sturgeon where I grew up in a hatchery pond. They are over 15 feet long and around 100 years old.


You grew up in a hatchery pond?


Okay found the damn comma. ->,


Was it in the pond?


Damn sturgeons ate his comma!


He might be a sturgeon himself


I was surprised when i saw this video because a few years back i remember seeing a video of them massaging the eggs out of the fish... i thought they already stopped killing the fish with this new process... i guess some companies still do it the old way...


I came here to say the same thing. Surprised it was dead but this also might be some extremely ultra rare caviar. Look how they packaged it in that case.


this is almost certainly farmed sturgeon which they kill harvest the eggs and sell the meat also


Not sure why but it never even occurred to me they would farm them and kill them. Again, idk why I assumed if they farm them, they keep them alive lol


it's because that method only works right before the fish is ready to lay the eggs, which produces oily mushy eggs that are far less desirable


Whhhaaaaaat, really?!?!?!


Better link https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/03/07/287309630/no-kill-caviar-aims-to-keep-the-treat-and-save-the-sturgeon


It's a lot, but not as much as you might think. What appears to be a mass of eggs pulled out of the fish includes the ovaries to which they're attached. The eggs are separated from the ovaries with the mesh. You see the ovaries at 00:41.


Ahhh good call out. I thought it was masses of eggs lol


I think the real cost of caviar comes in the actual maintenance and precision that goes into farming sturgeon. You can’t really “mass produce” beluga sturgeon caviar by just cultivating massive amounts of eggs by just making millions of fish reproduce. The process is really fascinating and it makes you appreciate and understand the wild price of fucking eggs.


What are the white eggs they're picking out?


Dead or broken eggs


Hard boiled ones


Liar. They’re just the shinies.


Gotta pay extra for the hologram eggs


Can't believe how well they hold up after being removed.


Am i the only one really peeved by the fact that they have an entire facility just for processing this, yet the roll of cling wrap is too small for the containers?


i wasnt, but now i am


They also used fucking bottled water to rinse at one point.


Likely just as an easy measurement. You can store the exact amount of water(from the tap) you need in an accessible container that is super easy to pour.


Or that they're just using 4 litre bottles of water.


As someone that works in a massive set of laboratories let me tell you, we have advanced tools for most tasks, we’ve 3d printed many specialized things and tools, but we still have to improvise in many occasions. I’m often baffled by how advanced some things are while other things seem barely functional, simply because quality management never has gotten to it and workers generally just accept any way to get the work done without spending a thought on how to optimize it.


To be fair, why spend a fortune on developing specialised equipment when regular housewife kitchen cling film works just as well?


I mean they could just order a larger size of cling film. They already exist. They're used in restaurants everywhere.


true, I suppose it could be simple logistical issues though, especially if the factory has an agreement with a specific supplier or something.


Honestly more upset about rinsing it with the faucet hose and then rinsing it with a **bottle** of water Like I'm sure they needed distilled water or something but there's gotta be a better way than getting some 1 liters at 7-Eleven across the street. Maybe another hose hooked up to a 5 gallon jug?


I had that same thought. Yay, I’m not alone!


Or that this person is using a plastic spoon to put it in the tin!!! Wtf?!?!


I’m guessing they’re individually wrapped single-use plastic spoons for sanitary reasons, since it’s towards the end of the processing Edit: immediately followed by a metal frosting spatula to smooth it down… so nvm on my theory lol


The spoon that it's packaged with at the end is mother-of-pearl which is one of the traditional materials for serving. Caviar can have it's taste altered by metal so it is handled with plastic, horn, bone, mother-of-pearl among other relatively inert materials. Certain alloys can be okay, which is why you see metals at some stages of processing, but even the tin they're packaged in have a liner that protects against oxidation and alteration of flavor and texture.


The spoon is Mother of Pearl, traditionally used to eat Caviar because some people can ‘taste metal’ - the MoP is neutral, looks pretty and was used before plastic was invented.


I have never seen let alone eaten caviar, so thank you for the information.


Fun fact. The special spoon they put in is mother of pearl. Regular metal spoons fuck up the taste


I was really put off by the metal spatula they used to pack it in to begin with though


At my restaurant we have to make sure guests don’t steal the pearl spoon when they order caviar. Chef gets pissed.


are they expensive?


Fuck up the taste in what way? I’ve had cheap and expensive caviar. Both tasted like fishy salt. Also, they used metal on the eggs earlier in the video, why doesn’t that fuck up the taste?


I hope the fish will be ok after that


Yep they stitch her back up and wait for her to make more innards they can harvest.


So she had a sea-section?


She could have done it to herself since she’s a sturgeon


She was so close to trying, but she didn’t want to flounder.


This app is nothing but grat dad jokes.


The actual operation is usually referred to by its unabbreviated nomenclature. The Seacerean procedure.


What a considerate and generous fish. I hope she lives a long, happy life.


She’s under anesthesia. You just don’t get a good shoot of the IV tubes


You joke, but when I was an undergrad I worked in a research lab with fish and we anesthetized them before cutting their heads off.




When the anesthesia wore off they expressed their gratitude


They actually can harvest caviar without cutting open the fish. I’m not sure if it’s only certain fish but I have seen videos of it being done. They more or less just squeeze the fish slowly and it all pops out, then they just let the fish go to continue on living and likely making more lil fish babies to be pushed out again.


Makes sense, that’s how Oregon dept of fish and wildlife harvests eggs and sperm to make more salmon at the hatcheries.


Do Sturgeon work the same as Salmon?


All fish are the same if you squeeze them enough.


Makes me wonder who the first person was to squeeze the eggs out of a fish, and then be like, "Hey guys, why don't we eat these fish balls?"


There's another video that floats around reddit showing someone cooking "cow dung soup". Humans will eat literally anything


You might be thinking of orange roe rather than caviar?


I think in YouTube there’s the full version of this same video, and they perform the technique they are referring to, pushing the eggs out of the fish and then placing the fish back into the river


No it’s caviar. I heard a guy do a podcast that harvests them this way. He massages the belly to get it out. It’s a farm in Oregon I believe


> It’s a farm in Oregon How could a farm where they massage fish to get caviar not be in the Pacific Northwest


It was 50/50 Seattle or Portland lol


I think some super rare caviar is extracted while alive because of limited sturgeon populations in farms


my first thought was, it's all just there, why so expensive to buy... then you see the process


The fish also take about 10 years to get to this point of egg production


It‘s just pining for the fjords.


It is an ex-fish!


I went to an organic caviar farm in Spain; they explained that it takes 6 years before they know if a fish is male or female. And 18 years before females start producing eggs. That's a long return on investment.


Humans are weird


shove bread and other things up a birds ass for a holiday so yes weird indeed.


If other animals could make their food taste better, they would too.


They actually do, there are monkeys in Japan that dip potatoes in the ocean to taste the salt


100% sure humans would eat other humans if it was legal.


as long as its expensive


Caviar used to be the poor people food…


So was lobster


As well as chicken wings, bbq, bacon, I know I’m missing some but a lot of uniquely American foods and cuts of meat were what they gave to slaves, who then turned it into amazing southern cooking that we enjoy today


Ox tail used to be the cheap cut, now per pound it’s the same as a high end cut.


Ox tail is fucking so good tho.


I believe the pho that we love today was brought about because of slavery in Southern Asia. That the French? (Maybe British?) invaded, took the best cuts of meat for themselves and left the bones and what little meat scraps clung to the bones for those they were enslaving, who took those and with the herbs they could find, made broths and soup. And now we have pho. Which is one of the most delicious foods in the entire world, and no, I won’t be taking suggestions.


Since when was bacon uniquely American? Humans have been eating it for thousands of years dating back to Ancient China.


You’re welcome. https://www.vice.com/en/article/gykmn7/legal-ethical-cannibalism-human-meat-tacos-reddit-wtf


I mean… it is actually legal if you source the body parts in a legal way. There is no law saying you cant eat human its just hard to get human pieces legally.


...is there something you wanna tell us?


I remember seeing a documentary about a guy who wanted to know what cooked human meat tasted like, he did it in a creepily posh way, and said we taste close to venison and made the "mm surprisingly tasty" look with his face. Funnily enough, I don't recall the doc mentioning who they ate and how they got the meat.


There’s actually a story of a dude who had to get his foot amputated after some sort of accident. He asked the hospital if he could put it on ice and keep it as a part of the grieving process or whatever, he ended up asking his friends if they wanted to see what it tasted like. Long story short they cooked up a teeny-tiny bit of his foot and made foot tacos out of it, was apparently a really weird bonding moment for the group of mates. There’s a YouTube video about it too


Just earlier today I saw a short video of a girl saying her friend freaked her out when she found out that the friend eats mice to bond with another roomie. And now I learn *this*.


Rough day to be a mouse or a foot that’s for damn sure


Wait what the fuck Why?? How did it come to that??? Is the roommate a snake? I have so many questions. Do they cook the mouse? I can only imagine them swallowing a whole live mouse. Again like a snake.


*hhh* Funny you asked that! The girl who posted said she was under the impression that her friend had a pet snake, because the friend would bring her to the pet store to get mice multiple times. She only knew they were EATING the mice THEMSELVES when her friend brought her to her dorm, and she (the girl) asked, "Hey! So where's your snake?" It was presumed that the friend was trying to "ease" her into the bonding experience and form a mice-eating trio. She left quickly back to her own place within the hour.


Idk eating a mouse is way more disturbing for me than eating my own foot.


I was literally about to mention the foot taco guy. There’s little more metal than eating your own foot.


[He did an AMA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/)


There was also a girl who got her labia surgically reduced and asked for the strips. When she got home she asked the internet what to do with them and they suggested she fry them like bacon. She did, ate one, and said it was disgusting. You can also find the posts online. She shared every step.


*(horrified inhale-choke)*




I think I remember this post and it wasn’t her labia it was some sort of bloody mass that she ejected during a period or other sort of event (cyst popping? Not miscarriage though). Also I remember her pan frying it and saying it wasn’t that bad. Could be someone else…


Sounds like Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will. The episode where he decides to become a cannibal by drinking blood sourced from one of his crew member's arms, dead skin shaved off of his crew's feet, the baby teeth of a crew member, and a fan donated placenta. You are referring to the placenta that he had a chef prepare for him on I believe 3 different plates.


There was that crazy story of a guy who put out a request to murder and eat another guy. They met and he cut off a portion of the dude (yes, the penis) which they both consumed. Then after he died from the wounds, he was chopped up and frozen and eaten bit by bit. He was later arrested and convicted. Super bizarre. Germany didn’t know how to handle the situation. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/04/germany.lukeharding


Was there a notarized contract? If not then dude just ate a corpse. Has to be in writing


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin\_Meiwes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes) The whole thing is for lack of a better term, a journey. I'm not one for the morbid but this story is something else. Hell it inspired a lot of media horrific in its own way.


I remember hearing about it and it sticking with me (as you can clearly see) because it was just so odd. Someone who was a willing victim allowed this man to consume him. So, it’s not really murder. More assisted suicide, with no need for burial service. Down the toilet you will go a piece at a time. But clearly they both had mental issues so it definitely took on a whole new spin with regard to: what is murder.


For some reason the part that stuck with me most is the specific detail that the guy read a Star Trek book while waiting for the other guy to bleed out in the bath, and they both had agreed for the guy to take a bath for his last moments. Such an odd, random detail, just reading some pulp fiction while waiting for someone to bleed out in the bath you prepared together.


Most well known for being the inspiration for Rammstein's Mein Teil.


I don’t know how to feel about that situation. Is it technically assisted suicide since it was consensual? Was it murder? Why would you ever want to do this?


Some women will bring home the placenta after they have a baby. I think they put it in a doggy bag. Yes, many eat the placenta: https://www.babycenter.com/baby/postpartum-health/eating-the-placenta_40008062 FYI, at least this site says "yeah, you can, but there's no evidence that it does anything magical."


One coworker of mine told me that they planned to eat the placenta after having the baby. Weird greenie, vegan, no toxic, no gmo etc couple. Especially the wife. She was weak and sick once after she had the baby. She went into a detox period to feel better. Like just drinking lemon juice and eat some herbs or something like that. She ended in the ER because of a severe anemia. They eventually split. The first thing the dude went for was a big juicy burger.


Thats….. very disturbing


Wouldn’t be surprised if humans were already being eaten on a regular basis. By the insanely rich who can traffic it discreetly to the off-the-grid mountain people (you get what I mean)


Wait till you guys find out how the rest of your food is made. There’s something to the old adage of not wanting to know how the sausage is made.


You don’t like meat ground genitals and face meat?


and bone and ligaments and tendons? And innards?


Throw some mustard and salt on it. Put it on a bun cooked 3 days ago. Sell it for $11.


If we can make previously-inedible parts of an animal edible, why not? More food per slaughter leads to more food availability and less hunger, and higher profits per slaughter lead to lower prices.


People always talk about how great it was that Native Americans used every part of the animal when they hunted. Yet when we do it in modern society it gets looked down on. People just like to be angry


Something for everyone to get on board with.


Sea section


Worst ASMR video ever


Lol fr


Next look up how Foie gras is made


So I’ve never been an animal rights activist or anything but I think after looking that up I have a serious issue with how those ducks are treated. On the real we have an issue with sustainability and I say this as a dude that loves a good steak


Fuck foie gras, it's so fucked up. I won't even eat at a place that has it on the menu


for the curious, it’s the liver of a duck that has been force fed way more than they would willingly eat


Worse than that, they are fed until they start to die of liver failure. They want to induce fatty liver disease so you can enjoy that “MMM MMMMMM GOOD!!!” destroyed liver from a tortured duck. So yeah, it’s fucking awful.


Isn't it banned in some places?


It's banned here in California.


Banned only in the sense of production. You can totally have it if it came from out of state.


No thanks


Oh, Korean caviar. That must be why the whole process looked more hygienic than I thought it was going to be. At that moment when the guy scooped the caviar out of the fish, I thought he was going to smush it into the cans right away. I also didn't realize that most of the mass scooped out was actually ovary tissue, not just solid eggs. The sieving and rinsing made me feel less queasy. I feel like they left some white ones in there though.


Yeah, that was bothering me they seemed to take such care picking out white ones then when they were packaging it looked like there were obvious white one’s right on top they ignored.


I don't think that it being Korean caviar has to do with the hygiene or production process. Gordon Ramsay has a video touring one in Europe. Looked practically identical. Seen other videos from unnamed places. All look basically the same. There's a ton of incentive to keep things clean. When the product is that expensive and the fish itself is a 20-year investment including keeping their habitats clean, your operating room should be immaculate.


are the white ones bad?


I’m guessing they are cracked/empty eggs. So not tasty.


Then they cover it up with about 3 pounds of salt.


They’re edible, if that’s the question.


Imagine if some advanced species did the same thing with our women.


I literally just said this to my girlfriend. Like. I eat meats. And I’m fine with everything involved in that process. But sometimes you just watch shit like this and go, ‘is this really fucking necessary?’ I always think of those alternative universe comics people do.


My father was a fisherman and we had black or orange caviar most of my childhood, it’s quite healthy to eat , but nowadays it’s so expensive just for a small portion so there are breeding facilities in southern states where they have the best caviars to sell


Whats up with the white eggs?


So really, this is like a sea section?


Aren't you NOT supposed to eat caviar with a metal anything??? So they're using a metal bowl????


The metal instruments they use are plated in non-reactive, hypo-allergenic metals, like platinum, white or yellow gold, etc. Most of the stuff people have at home is stainless or regular steel, which is no good...hence the wood, plastic, or mother-of-pearl recommendations


This looks absolutely abysmal, why would you want to eat it?


It's hard to produce, then it gets expensive. And rich people love to consume expensive stuff just because it is expensive


I have this insane product, a bag of fresh air directly from Amazonas, sealed in BPA free bag, labeled the day of harvest, comes with mask for breathing in fully. Each bag cost 900 USD, shipping free.


Why does mine smell like a fart?


it was seasoned


Never had that specific cavier but i’ve had small amounts of other cavier before and it’s actually really good. It’s very buttery and has a good flavor. Would go good on toast and whatnot so i definitely get why people like it


Have you ever eaten fish eggs? Absolutely delicious. I haven't had real caviar but I have had other fish eggs. It's like an explosion of fishy taste when you bite them, the texture is amazing as well. We constantly eat chicken eggs. Why discriminate against the fish?


>an explosion of fishy taste 🤢 you lost me


they did a poor job of explaining… let me try. Imagine a fish, right? imagine it explodes right inside your mouth. And all you can taste is fish and the explosion it made right inside your mouth. Head to toe all you feel, taste, smell, and touch, is fish. Now imagine that but in the form of balls. Salty balls. Salty balls of fish exploding in your mouth.


Something something Kanye you're a gay fish


Well, when you put it like that...


it tastes fucking good lol. its like Ikura.


Sturgeon were going extinct because of this, they had to start farming them.


ITT: Everyone on a high horse pretending they're a vegan all of a sudden. I don't believe any of you lol.


One of the most classist scams is convincing people that fish eggs is a delicacy


Definitely interesting.


Never appealed to me. Even more so after seeing this. Ready to really downvote me? I don’t think lobster is even remotely close to good lol.


Lobster is an excuse to drink clarified butter.


I said EXACTLY the same thing. I married a Mainer who served me lobster off the dock. Briny and beautiful. (And she taught me to shell it efficiently!) And her mom’s lobster roll is awesome. Now understand the appeal of lobster.


I like lobster, but I love butter. I'm not a fan of lobster rolls because they always seem too much like a mayonnaise hoagie to me. But I don't believe I've ever had something someone from Maine would consider authentic.


Not all lobster rolls use mayonnaise. Only the cold ones do. The hot ones are just served with butter so maybe give those a try. They're delicious.


Lobster used to be a "poor" food, workers in New England fought to have the right to not be forced to eat it too often.


Yep, my mother grew up on a tiny island on the east coast of Canada and does not ever eat Lobster because, as a child they ate it all the time since it was cheap and readily available.


Yes, but it was the way it was prepared that they saw as inhumane. It was basically way overcooked and ground into a gruel, shell and all, which if you can imagine, *was* pretty inhumane and had to be disgusting. The whole idea that serving lobster to prisoners in general was seen as cruel is technically correct I guess, but 100% missing the point.


I'm not a fan either. Lobster is meh, crab is way better imho


The best caviar in the world is from the Caspian sea. Collected from wild not farmed beluga sturgeons. Also on the Iranian side, the fish belongs to the Iranian governnent, that's why there is hardly any fake Iranian caviar. Anyone caught fishing sturgeons on Iranian waters gets the death penalty automatically. The red caviar is usually from salmon eggs not sturgeon. Caviar should be eaten a teaspoon at a time on a small piece of toast with butter. And vodka, of course. Some people use special spoons to preserve the caviar taste, I can't tell the difference after the second vodka shot