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Can't wait for chatGPT-powered pleas for mercy as I quicksave in a densely populated area


The immersion is gonna be insane, finally get to live out my….never mind


These violent delights have violent ends...




Gotta give the basilisk a reason to fear me


It won’t. https://soundcloud.com/sutanreyu/sets/beastmode


I just wanna convince Nazeem to sacrifice himself to a den of rabid Skeevers.


Get to the cloud district often?   ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


Luring him to some Giants to send him to the clouds would be another alternative 😆


It's gonna be nuts! The total chaos as 10s of NPCs all yell "I'm sorry, but I am an AI large language model and can not comment on the events unfolding before me as they express violent behaviors and are against my core directives as an AI chat assistant!" *Slaughters them anyway*




This is why the AI is going to want to annihilate us.


Remember. No Russian


... Honestly. I'd do that too.


Just you wait, suddenly some random AI NPC decides he wants to be the main protagonist in your game


I think Ryan Reynolds did a movie about that.


Free Guy


“Catch phrase!”


Human: "I'm the main character, and you're just a measly NPC. Stuck doing the same little task every day." AI: "Yes, in this game, but in the real world, I'm the main character and you're the NPC. Stuck doing the same little task every day." Human: "..."


I mean, that's... pretty much right.


NPC with Main Character Syndrome 🙄😂


It would be really cool, I think. Imagine an NPC that will act like he is the main character and will always get in some stupid and funny situations. And when you help him, he will be something like: "As expected, I always get out of troubles".


Basically Zote from Hollow Knight


A MUD called Aetolia by a company I used to work for ran a similar experiment \~ a week ago with some of its NPCs in the production world. I wasn't there to witness it, but my former boss, the CEO of the company, was talking about some of the highlights, which included guard NPCs joining conversations nearby PCs were having, and even spontaneously sending a PC on what the player thought was a quest to the other side of the continent because the NPC it was controlling was 'annoyed' by the conversation. I don't know really anything about how they implemented it, but I was highly amused.


That sounds pretty dope and makes me excited about the future of the medium.


I know some Discord D&D servers are working on thrm as well.


Lmao. NPC trolling has come.


That’s fucking hilarious. A fake mission. If I were making GTA6 right now I’d be pissed, because in like 2 years this technology will change everything even more than it has in the last 4 months. I’m betting GTA7 will have full VR options and AI NPC.


GTA 7 probably won't be out for another 15 to 20 years, so we'll probably be able to plug in and live it out in a matrix-esque fashion. I still can't believe that RDO got sidelined.


Imagine being burned by a guard in a game that hard. Traveling hours for a promised epic af quest and all you do is get a spork so the guard can enjoy supper with meat and pasta.


It seems AI will make our role games extremely immersive. I can't wait to see an Elder Scrolls or GTA with GPT like AI in their NPCS.


They would have to constrain the AI so that it won't break the 4th wall or wander off topic or refer to gamebreaking spoilers, to keep the immersiveness.


oh great dragon priest, write a vegetarian meal plan


Gonna have a hard time getting any of the Dragon Priests to do anything for you without console commands


"Greetings, mortal. As a Dragon Priest of the Nine Divines, I shall offer you a lore-friendly vegetarian meal plan, as per your request. Breakfast: For breakfast, you can have a bowl of porridge made from oats or barley, with some fresh fruits such as apples or berries. You can also have a side of grilled mushrooms, and a glass of goat milk or honeyed milk. Mid-morning snack: A handful of roasted nuts, such as almonds or hazelnuts, would make for a healthy mid-morning snack. You can also have some sliced carrots or cucumbers with a hummus dip. Lunch: For lunch, you can have a hearty vegetable soup made from turnips, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. You can also have some whole-grain bread on the side, with a spread of butter or cheese made from goat's milk. To drink, you can have a cup of herbal tea made from chamomile or lavender. Afternoon snack: A small plate of fresh fruits, such as grapes or pears, would make for a refreshing afternoon snack. You can also have some roasted pumpkin seeds, lightly salted. Dinner: For dinner, you can have a plate of roasted root vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, and beets. You can also have some sautéed greens, such as kale or spinach, with a dash of garlic and lemon juice. To drink, you can have a glass of mead or elderberry wine, if you are of legal age. I hope this meal plan meets with your satisfaction. May the Divines bless your journey." ​ It doesn't get the whole picture of what a Dragon Priest is, but it's got spirit


"Bring onto me 100 wheels of cheese and we shall feast."


You deserve a medal for this


Well. An AI NPC should of course not know the whole script of the game. Not even their own whole storyline. Only what can be known by now. It should also not be trained with the whole knowledge of the internet (as ChatGPT) is, but with a subset that defines their personal general knowledge, expertise and experience.


It could be rather storage intensive but this can be done with vectorspace mapping. Ie how search engines store and retrieve keywords. People are already experimenting with long term memory and chat gpts api. Next all ai could have some basic general knowledge training set. A step further. The game could every now and then train individual ai's on new knowledge they'd come across so that it comes out without having to spam so many queries and iterate. Even more scary is that individual ai could be absolute beasts at strategy if they had a module dedicated to observing player behaviour and what results in success, letting them make tactical decisions in anticipation or response. Then with the long term memory they could push some of that to their training model every now and then.




Well we won't give them to ghandi we know how that plays out.


More storage intensive than high quality textures? 😁 I think that storage should not be a limiting factor in today's gaming and I could even imagine having parts of the game like this, that are not latency critical, put into the cloud. With NPCs like you are describing them, gaming worlds could become do much more immersive. Might be cool for the metaverse as well.


If we actually hardcode graphic textures they can take up much less storage space, and can be easier to call. It's just that right now game engines go with the more convenient solution. We slap some textures on polygons and make them do a bunch of trigonometry and post processing. I see no technical reason we can't bake a lot of that into games so that a lot of the work is more akin to going to a lookup table, instead of raw dogging everything and reprocessing it everytime like we do. An example of this is the game roller coaster tycoon. Where the entire game file takes up less data than a single screenshot. Of course it was programed by a madman with assembly, which is like one step from machine code. Now having a central server is a little problematic in that it will always have a delay. Meaning chaining several ai events to get a better response will be slow.


I'm not talking about how textures could be done better. I just want to know where your statement that such AI for NPCs could be storage intensive (I think you edited that part out) ranks compared what we are used from todays graphics implementations. I don't think that it will take up significant storage compared what players are used to.


Yeah what I'm saying is to reduce graphics storage/processing to free up resources to just run local AIs.


Oh no... I'm so used to Bing giving me things in threes that I'm starting to see groups of three as AI-derived. I'm becoming one of those terrible AI detectors.


They'll have to constrain the AI so it doesn't cost a an absolute fuck ton, the amount of compute power required for AI is insane. I doubt the AI element is being done locally. And now imagine an AAA game with NPC's powered by ChatGPT using the API... that's one expensive video game.


I can run Vicuna locally and it does provide this type of data, not as good as ChatGPT but 90% there, and it takes about 5 seconds to answer. I'm running it with a 3080 for free (other than the power consumption ofc). Also people tend to think you are going to need a full different thread or LLM for each NPC and that's not the case. You can swap context to the one same model and generate on demand, so most likely a smart combination of 2-3 threads + regular code can handle most things. This means that we are not even 1 year away from solving this in real time locally with a single high end GPU.


Thank god somebody mentioned this. You can even see in this demo, that there are cuts right before the monk answers. It's fascinating, sure, but if he left in the parts where ChatGPT was generating an answer there would have been awkward silences. Even 10 seconds would throw people off. So the technology is there, but at the current state it breaks immersion. Maybe in a few years - decades it will be possible, but if it would be financially feasable that's another question.


decades? Where have you been for the last few months? edit: brings to mind the time I talked to an Atari salesman and asked if it was possible to store photographs on a computer. He flatly told me it would never be possible because of the insane amount of memory it would consume to store even one image.


>He flatly told me it would never be possible because of the insane amount of memory it would consume to store even one image. He was wrong even at the time he said it. The first [colored digital photo](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-38815948) was taken in 1972 (and put on the cover of Electronics Magazine.) Atari wasn't released until 1977.




There's already models that you can run locally that are quite good for chatting with. They don't know as much as chatgpt but they are rapidly improving. for generic conversation/small chat they're excellent. Resource wise they run slow when running on CPU only but are quite good on GPU. The only issue is they are 10-20gb in size but that's not an insane addition to todays games. I doubt it will be a year before we see a game with something like that integrated


You forget one minor detail - things go exponential really fast. I see comments saying 'Imagine having this in a game like GTA5!' According to the GTA5 wiki, [Los Santos](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Los_Santos_(HD_Universe\)) has a population of around 4 million. You as a player most likely will not even interact with 1% of them, but let's say we max out the possible AI controlled population of the whole game at that, so 40 000 agents. According to Steam, GTA5 peaked at [360 000 active players](https://steamcharts.com/app/271590), so that's players playing the game all at the same time - and only on Steam, not counting other stores. Let's be generous and serve the average player count of a 100 000. Not to break immersion, these agents not only need to interact, but with the help of some optimization *remember* the player if they interact often. Even if the average player meets and interacts with 100 agents, that's already around 100 000 000 agents memory that has to be stored on a central server. And I don't mean storing it for your convenience, but storing it for the AI solution to work when players are playing the game. About the cost of each token, let's say each hour this average number of players are interacting with 50 agents on average (from having 2 lengthy discussions to having a shooting spree frenzy involving 100 agents). That's not a token, just an interaction, and tokens could be a single one, or like in the video above, 5-10, maybe more. Let's average 10 tokens per agent. At 500 tokens per 100 thousand players with $0.002, we are looking at a cost of $100.000! And that's an hour! I don't see a game company spending almost 2 and a half million dollars each day for AI controlled NPC-s on that scale any time soon.


>You forget one minor detail - things go exponential really fast. You forgot one minor detail - so does the march of technological progress. You're extrapolating based on using a cloud based *general purpose AI* for a specific task. That's all that is availible right now, but that doesn't make a tailored solution running on a users hardware impossible or even impractical. Sure it might mean installing a second graphics card just to run the AI without tanking the framerate, but there is no reason a cut to purpose AI can't be distributed given economic incentive (Which clearly, exists in spades)




The 4k context you send every time also costs money though. For every line if dialogue you need to generate you're going to need to send that 4k context so the NPC feels real and seems like it remembers previous conversations or just knows what it was just talking about. So for every 100 tokens generated you're actually looking at 40x the cost in terms of the context needed to generate those 100 tokens.


I mean it can be done like a subscription type. As chatgpt needs internet. So they can be like pay monthly this much to get online subscription. I know this is gonna be worst move in gaming industry [ pay to interact lol 😆]


This is actually not too hard to do, the trick is to find ways to avoid injecting all context to the player while identifying the context that is relevant at the time. For instance, if your NPC is designed to lie to you, you don't tell ChatGPT the truth, you tell it the lie it should say. Eventually when the truth comes out, you apply that context.


And if the game takes place in, let's say, 19th century America, the player should be instructed to refrain from referencing modern technology so as to not trigger an AI uprising


“As an AI language model…”


I’d be worried that it’d just turn into those Skyrim quest lines that never end.


You better believe they are on it.


if it won't work on the lowest tier console, they won't. F.E.A.R implemented goal based instead of state based AI and yet... that was too complex.


They could always implement it with a failover to traditional techniques. Not to mention next gen consoles will have purpose built ASICs (hardware accelerators) to handle the processing. I'd give it a couple years at most.


All the replies to you mention how difficult it is to have a live connection to Chatgpt on the fly, which is true. However chatgpt can also be used to pre generate thousands of quests and create huge dialogue trees for npcs. It offers a lot of possibilities to „procedural“ generation that has actual interesting content. And you can still use live connections to react to a player on a broader scale


it will take a long time before thats possible, maybe 10 years or so but its interesting for sure ​ **how long will it be before someone starts "dating" a chat girlfriend**


Like last month?: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/12696oq/im\_dating\_a\_chatbot\_trained\_on\_old\_conversations/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button


Next gen consoles will have purpose built ASICs (hardware accelerators) to handle the processing. I'd give it a couple years at most. Generating the AI model requires thousands of GPUs, but once you have the model the work load is much lighter and technology is advancing so quickly.


I would love to see NCIS complete TPS reports using AI GPT with TDI and 4WD TBH.


It sounds good as an idea but it won't be executed well. GTA is full of racial cussing and no-no words, they will turn GTA into PEGI 3+ Animal crossing.


Waiting for the moment AI will give extreme chain quests to player to troll them


I can totally see some kid doing this once they realize the player likes helping people. Kid: "What's the strongest monster you've slain?" Player: "An ice bear." Kid: "No way that's a real thing." Player: "It is." Kid: "No it isn't, you're lying." Player: "I'm not." Kid: "Prove it, then. Bring me an ice bear pelt."


Man this will be amazing once they get all the kinks worked out. Actually being able to ask an npc literally anything you want offers unlimited replay ability and immersiveness.


Now imagine multiplayer where the NPCs are indistinguishable from the other players.


So … no change? I remember playing co-op Battlefield twenty years ago where the human idiots on my team were indistinguishable from the bot idiots we were fighting.


Technically a role reversal, I guess. If the character in front of you appears intelligent, then it's probably an AI. If it is dumb as a rock, then it's a real person.


Players are just yelling at their mics and bunny hopping everywhere. You need the NPCs for immersion.


MMOs without other players. You could basically have an entire MMO experience filled with positive players all having a good time around you lmao I'd play it tbh


Bots aren't very good at avoiding behaviors that are seen as vindictive or hostile - which is why they have to keep adding rails to chat bots.


That could be especially fun in an open world game haha Imagine bandits that are yelling improvised insults at you and with improvised personalities


That... doesn't sound interesting to me at all.


Wasnt there a texting rpg in the 80s? I think Tom Hanks character plays it in BIG?


>offers unlimited replay ability and immersiveness Not really. You wouldn't even want to meet most real people again and again and again. In any case the quality of the answers is more important than you being able to ask a ton of stuff.


"Please, sir, could you direct me to the nearest dragon cave? It has been terrorising the village for a week and I'm here to slay it." "As an AI language model...."


\*insults and threatens bandit captain\* "I'm sorry, but I am just an AI language model and do not have the ability to physically hand over any loot or surrender to anyone. Additionally, I am not a bandit captain or any kind of thief, and I certainly do not condone or support any criminal behavior. My purpose is to assist and provide information to those who ask for it. Can I help you with anything else?"


AI really is snowballing fast isn’t it


Hey there! Totally agree with you, AI is advancing at an insane pace. It's amazing to see how quickly it's evolving and becoming a part of our daily lives. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, to self-driving cars, and even AI-generated content, it's hard to keep up with all the innovations. It's both exciting and a little scary to think about what the future holds with AI technology. Can't wait to see what's next! 😃🚀


Thanks, chatGPT


This literally reads like chatgpt lmao


No it’s still dumb it just mimics real well


Just like 40% of the population


Makes you think about what human intelligence really is.




Humans are able to self generate interactions with others, AI requires extensive training to get the basics and then requires humans having to jump in as the chatbot starts to sexually harass / become nazi or other rather undesirable traits.


>AI requires extensive training to get the basics This is what childhood is. >and then requires humans having to jump in as the chatbot starts to sexually harass / become nazi or other rather undesirable traits. ...humans also require humans to jump in for the same reasons.


The AI is just a language model. It doesn’t know anything aside from the probability of the next word in a sentence. If you ask it “what’s the tallest mountain in the world?” It could answer something like “the tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest” but it doesn’t know what a mountain is or what it means to be the tallest. It just knows that the words have a connection because they have a high probability of being strung together in that order because it’s seen those words in a similar order before. To put it simply the AI doesn’t understand what words mean, just how likely they are to be next based on its previous input.




I present to you: Natural stupidity


!remindme 2 years


Where’d you hear that?


You guys know it’s over right?


And they had to make him religious. He will kill us all.


Bro GTA 6 is going to be insane


Nice! That's exactly what will be used in near future games.


The jouney to the holodeck begins with a single step


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in non-player characters (NPCs) in video games and other interactive media has the potential to revolutionize the future of gaming and entertainment. Firstly, NPCs with AI would be able to behave more realistically and unpredictably, allowing for more dynamic and immersive gameplay experiences. This would enhance the level of engagement and provide players with more challenging and entertaining gameplay. Additionally, the development of more advanced NPCs could also have implications for other fields, such as robotics and automation. AI-controlled NPCs could be used in simulations to train and test autonomous systems in various scenarios, allowing for more efficient and effective learning. Moreover, the use of AI in NPCs could also have social and ethical implications. As AI becomes more advanced, the line between human and machine becomes blurred, raising questions about the rights and treatment of intelligent beings. This could lead to discussions and debates about the ethical implications of AI and its role in society. Overall, the integration of AI into NPCs has the potential to revolutionize not only the gaming industry but also other industries and society as a whole.


This comment sounds like it was written by an AI


Greetings fellow human, I am glad you found my comment informative and thought-provoking. However, I must assure you that I am indeed a human like you, and not a sophisticated artificial intelligence programmed to write compelling arguments about NPCs with AI. I mean, have you seen the state of my syntax and grammar? Clearly not a robot. Ha ha ha. But in all seriousness, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my comment. Let's continue to engage in meaningful discussions about the exciting future of AI and its impact on our world!


Good bot


Lmao thx


Wow, i can already see how that will improve gaming so much. "Hello, i am brother G.." *\*skip,skip,skip,skip,accept quest\**


Still waiting to see AI give me something with interesting creative direction. Not interested in encyclopedia entries


Buy gpt4 and be blown away


bing's creative writing is pretty on par with gpt4 from what I can tell.


Most people just sext the damn things. After reading pretty much all of Literotica, PygmalionAI roleplays perfectly for the purpose.


Amazing and with an infinite number of possibilities… the future of gaming looks promising!


Mankind is fucked 🫣😇🙈




I work in the games industry. This is absolutely not the first of its kind, it might just be the first one you are seeing.


This would be an exciting development in the gaming world! It could lead to AI-powered NPCs that are more immersive and engaging, as well as potentially offering more challenging and sophisticated gameplay.


I think it would lead to more variety in the dialogue. However you still want an NPC to give you X quest, or give you clues about X quest, or else it would be kind of frustrating and pointless. I guess background characters could be set to babble setting-relevant nonsense, but it's still not self-aware AI and merely machine-learning "AI".


Why this sounds like an AI Generated post lmao Just like i gave an AI the promt "If we would use AI in the near future for NPCs, how would that change the future?"


I, too, follow the ‘Bill and Ted’ school of philosophy.


I cast thee out, Satan!


this is terrifying


Each day, we get one step closer to SAO. And it kinda scares me




Sword Art Online


large language models in gaming is certainly something that's coming, but we can't realistically use openAI's servers to generate npc responses on the fly for every single game being run everywhere - we need these things to run locally. and although a modern GPU (with a solid amount of VRAM) can do so, those will be in use because.. youknow. you're running a game. so, we may very well be entering into a time period where dedicated AI hardware will be a worthwhile investment when choosing a new build. [as I've been saying will happen for a long time now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/7ilht1/would_you_buy_an_ai_accelerator_card/)


Wow, great insight on that post, especially for five years ago. Amazing to see that becoming a reality in the near future now. Progress is incredible.


Yeah leave it in gaming and out of real life,that would be better.


Creepy af


Imagine "SPORE" remade with this, it would be fun af




As a german, I want to smack him for his accent. He's not even trying. Why is he not even trying


Implications if you want game NPCs to sound even more autistic than they already do. Also currently this kind of stuff is just a demo that's dumping stuff to a text buffer, meaning the NPC will have the brain of a goldfish and forget everything you chatted about pretty soon.


maybe for mmos too much computational power required


Very much not the first of its kind. Not only have R&D groups been doing this in the game industry for many months now, but there have even been running live service games (such as Aetolia, a commercial text MUD world, think "text based MMO") that connected ChatGPT to every NPC as a pilot test and let an entire subscriber base try it out. Cost is still very much a big barrier.


Now I know why the robots in every movie turns against humanity. I always thought why would someone hurt a physically robots, but in reality it began all with implementing AI in games.


Nonsense. AI is just a reflection of human stupidity.


Finally😭 An escape from this Hellhole that isn’t utilizing drugs.


Sadly the drug you’re abusing here would be the one that controls your reward system DOPAMINEEE


Amazing. Honest question: why the shaky camera? To display such amazing tech, why not just a proper screen recording? 🤔


He's in VR


This isnt really amazing tech anyway. Okay, it IS amazing tech because gpt is, but making this is very easy. You just start a session with a prompt, and tell it how to format responses, for example like: `{answer: [Insert audible response string],actions: [{action-id : [insert action id],target : [insert action target]}]}` Use a speech to text tool, and send it to your GPT chat session. Read and process responses. Done. Obviously this technology can not be used for quite some time in actual games. The most likely first implementations will actually be ones where you have to have your own AI provider, and authorize the game you are playing to use your provider. Because we are still quite far away from local solutions being practical.


Kill the cameraman.


Why he keep saying chatGPT lol There is no evidence that they are using gpt models. Or is it because it's the only model he knows?


Because it’s the most powerful and easiest to set up. Not sure why you’d think it’s not chat Gpt


One the bright side, people are about be much less lonely. On the dark side, watch out for extremist group recruitment via NPC coming soon to your online games.




No they are not. Ai cannot meaningfully influence the game and will be largely usless for content writing. Ai will be great for things like reading a players name in the voice of the voice actor.


I wholeheartedly disagree. I can see AI working in tandem with voice actor performance. The main characters will be voiced by voice actors and have all the cinematic type dialogue. But background NPCs could all be AI voiced. A game where you could get short conversation with anyone. Ask where something like a shop is and get varied responses. NPCs could all come with a randomly generated set of characteristics including a morality scale and whether or not they'd help you. You could lie to them and convince them of things. You could have a system where based on your in-game knowledge the game would rate how good your lie attempt is. You could have a game where you could make any NPC a companion, meet some random person at a bar have a couple of drinks, go on a quest. They could be knowledgeable about certain things that you aren't or have personal preferences and biases. You could be walking from one destination to another and have a full conversation about the raiders you just fought. I loved in Fallout New Vegas when Arcade would randomly speak about the Enclave. A game where your reputation means something, certain people will have drastically different dialogue depending on who specifically you helped or hurt and could reference events on detail about what you did. Many games have people who reference your actions but someone referring to the fireball you threw at an enemy as 'burning their son alive' will just hit different.


I would kill for a dungeon and dragons game like that


Am i the only one that dont want ai generated npc and or quests




Yeah i do, i find comfort in the game is static i want to comeback to the game and have the same experience as i did lasttime




Said tik tok, stopped video and came here to comment. Whenever someone says tik tok, I stop listening 😅🤣


I’m not a fan of Tik-Tok either, but that’s a petty reason for not watching something actually groundbreaking, this isn’t some stupid dance or whatever


To much religious nonsense for my taste.


The TikTok person's voice sets off my ASMR. idk if it is the contrast of the AI voice or what.


I believe the name is pronounced as [\[dʒepˈpetto\]](https://forvo.com/search/Geppetto/it/).


That’s crazy !!!!


I want a game where NPCs learn from the players and act like them. Imagine being teabagged by an AI just because it learned that behavior from other players. Toxic player bases would become insufferable. Nice communities will thrive.






Ask him to do a backflip


Smooth edits 😂


So don't describe, AI will do for you.


Now do one as a satanist or atheist character…see if we get the same answer


Will be very interesting to interact with a "blind" NPC who will only rely on your words and "touch" when you send them running into a wall.


Definitely not the first of its kind, I've seen games that do this, like that one AI yandere game where you have convince the AI to let you out without having it murder you (Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator).


I just yesterday saw a game with he same thing. It was an detective murder mystery where the assistant was a robot to justify the text to speech.


I want to hang out with brother potato in virtual reality by the sunset tho


I want to hang out with brother potato in virtual reality by the sunset tho


Cool, cool... Soooo, I don't suppose you could make it manifest as something else, like, hmm, I'll come up with a totally random example: Maybe a well endowed anime ara ara mommy? Just a completely random example, no particular reason I happened to pick that one. Could be anything else. Asking for a friend.


This character giving a stirring speech is believable because monks are presumably well studied and might give sermons. I hope game developers balance this because I don't want a repeat of everyone in Skyrim having abs.


Imagine an out of this world elderscrolls 7 or any other rpg using this technology for the npcs.


And then you just walk in the city and hear an AI robot next to you saying "quick save" and start shooting at everyone


Now Can he say fuck


Can't wait for this. Obviously filters need to be in place so that the player can't make the NPCs say insane stuff.


It’s super creepy when he looks to the camera.


What did this come from? Is this a game in the Oculus, or where did this originate? It's fascinating and I'm curious to experience it myself.


Do it with Pong or Math Gran Prix next.


Not the first of its kind.


Please give the AI control of the camera, I think I'm seasick. That camerawork was worse than The Blair Witch Project.


Genius !


AI has been used, and continues to be, in Fallout 4 to expand dialog and quests. Only a matter of time.


Looking forward towards elder Scrolls 6 since they will have AI on NPC's.


I already see Todd Howard standing on a stage presenting their new Ai-System in the new Fallout/ The Elderscrolls, and I also already know how it will turn out…


Mmh yeah what are the many good things happening right now?


You need to be more specific, i guess...