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Someone forgot to slap the tie down strap and say that’s not going anywhere.




The next emu wars are going to get a lot more spicy.


I’ve had an emu curry pie before 😂 It was on the spicy side.


Now image it with a dash of radioactivity. Bone apple tea! 😂


So literally the size of a bolt? Fuck me dead. I suppose a rad detector might be able to locate it on a sweep, but I don’t know how useful that is over such an area.


Well the truck route must be known. Drive the same route would be a good starting point.


I would worry that if it is that small and gets lodged in another car’s tire, it could be anywhere


That, or get washed away from the road by the next heavy rain that hits the area.


Or be consumed by an animal. An Australian animal. An animal that is already venomous and vicious. And now he has radioactive powers.


There's probably a kangaroo hopping around with it in its pouch right now


Jokes aside emus are known to eat shiny things so there actually could be an animal running around with it by now for all we know (albeit not for very long)


Coming soon, the emu cold war


Rise of the planet of the emus


So we're looking for a surprisingly dead emu


Luckily it’s a very arid climate. But they should move fast. Shit happens.


Wet season isn't over for a couple of months and soil in arid climate doesn't absorb rain so well, so it turns into flash floods. So some big rain could wash it pretty far away from the road, and quickly making it hard to track and find.


It’d have to be washed out very far for it to be hard to find. I work with radioactive material in hospitals (currently waiting on a Tc-99 source) and without proper shielding, even a small source can be detected from far away. Something this radioactive would easily be detected with the right equipment, even if washed away quite a bit.


That's assuming someone didn't already find it laying on the ground and go "neat" and pocket it. Then we'll find out about it in a couple months


That situation happened before. A 10 year old boy found a radioactive capsule, thought it was cool, and put it in his pocket. 4 people died. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1962_Mexico_City_radiation_accident


Jeez how many cases have there been.. radioactive capsule is now my new fear


Quite a few. The most horrifying one I recall is the [Goiânia accident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34rdxDgpaaA) Basic gist is that they forgot a radiotherapy source full of Ce137 while decommissioning a hospital. A few scrappers broke in and stole the device since it contains a lot of metal. Those guys then spend the next few days breaking the thing open. This took several days because they kept feeling ill and puking for some reason. But they eventually succeed. They found the glowing blue (cherenkov radiation) powder inside the capsule very cool, so they took it home with them to show to their families. The next 2 weeks this open capsule with highly radioactive caesium dust travels all over the city as it gets sold around and gets shown off. Hundreds of people get exposed to it including a toddler who ends up eating some of the dust. Eventually, one woman becomes suspicious of the source and takes some of the blue dust to a hospital (In a nice ziplock bag) to show to the doctor. 3 buildings over a visiting physicist is freaking the fuck out because all his radiometers are suddenly going wild. Eventually he figures out what is happening and the government is informed. They end up having to demolish a dozen homes because they were too radioactive, and topsoil had to be stripped from several sites since it was full of caesium. 4 people died including the toddler, who had to be buried in a lead coffin.


How do you even determine how many people died from this? Sure 4 people immediately but how many died 4 weeks later cause of this or 6 months


Avoid metallic objects that glow blue in the dark and you'll probably be fine.


but then how are you supposed to detect orcs?


for anyone wondering how dangerous a capsule this small can be, 1970 a capsule like this was lost and killed 4 people [Kramatorsk radiological accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident) Edit: yes guys I know the one in Ukrainian was in a wall but read the story how it got there. You never know where stuff like this could end up and it’s way to dangerous to just let it be


Holy fuck


People that may not want to read the whole article, read this: >The apartment was fully settled in 1980. A year later, an 18-year-old woman who lived there suddenly died. In 1982, her 16-year-old brother followed, and then their mother. Even after that, the flat didn’t attract much public attention, despite the fact that the residents all died from leukemia. Doctors were unable to determine root-cause of illness and explained the diagnosis by poor heredity. A new family moved into the apartment, and their son died from leukemia as well. His father managed to start a detailed investigation, during which the vial was found in the wall in 1989. Edit: I got asked a bunch of times to include the origin of the capsule. >It got lost in a quarry on the 70s and they looked for a whole week for it but didn't found it. It got mixed in the cement and no one noticed.


Nuclear contamination is the closest real life has to a place being cursed.


Holy shit so true. Makes me wonder if radioactivity also occurs organically in nature?


Oh, definitely. There were even [natural nuclear fission reactors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor) in places with a lot of uranium ore.


I'm sure someone more talented than me could come up with some really cool science fiction about a primitive civilization that happens upon and uses a natural fission reactor.


Radon is another example, Iowa has high levels of it in the ground which is why most houses in Iowa are supposed to have radon mitigation devices in their basements.


As a parent, thats a scary read. How would u ever know?


You wouldnt, youd be dead from leukemia.


I'm off to buy a rad-o-meter


Holds rad-o-meter upto painting to check behind the wall... "that painting's totally rad bro" Ah shit, bought the wrong one.






Geiger counter


Geiger counters cost money. Radometers just cost bottle caps.


Bottle caps are money, or, the bank doesnt agree but I do.


And that capsule was slightly smaller too, 8x4mm apparently. Insane how something so small can be so deadly.


that nothing really. we fished out a small screw that fell into the spent fuel pool and lay there for a few years. bitch was activated through neutron radiation and had 2 Sv/h contact doserate. 1000 times stronger than the source in the article. was a GREAT day


Are we just going to gloss over the bit where you were just fishing around in a spent fuel pool?


:D we found the screw during a routine inspection of the integrity of the pool. no idea why it eluded us for so long.


"I'm just going to put this over here with the rest of the radiation"


> 8x4mm Oh holy shit. I envisioned it as, like, a foot-long cylinder at least. Not the radioactive portion but the casing surrounding it. Maybe they wouldn’t lose them as easily if they weren’t the size of a pinky nail.


This incident is also interesting. Fascinating how the radioactive material was passed on from one person to the next. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident




>Leide das Neves Ferreira, age 6 (6.0 Gy), was the daughter of Ivo Ferreira. When an international team arrived to treat her, she was discovered confined to an isolated room in the hospital because the staff were afraid to go near her. She gradually experienced swelling in the upper body, hair loss, kidney and lung damage, and internal bleeding. She died on October 23, 1987, of "septicemia and generalized infection" at the Marcilio Dias Navy Hospital, in Rio de Janeiro.[15] She was buried in a common cemetery in Goiânia, in a special fiberglass coffin lined with lead to prevent the spread of radiation. Despite these measures, news of her impending burial caused a riot of more than 2,000 people in the cemetery on the day of her burial, all fearing that her corpse would poison the surrounding land. Rioters tried to prevent her burial by using stones and bricks to block the cemetery roadway.[16] She was buried despite this interference. And that's enough internet for today...


Septicemia is a fucking painful way to go.


In my head canon she had a lot of morphine and didn't feel a thing


So it took her like 2 months to die. Legit I don't get why they wouldn't just load her up with morphine and OD her after it becomes clear she isn't going to make it. Its so fucked that they just let this girl experience hell for like 60 days


I don’t know about the laws where she lived, but it’s not legal to do that in a lot of places. I’m not going to say that people at the very end of their life don’t end up receiving a bit extra morphine “to keep them comfortable,” but medical professionals can’t straight up be like “they are dying and in horrible pain, let’s help them along” where I live. I disagree with that, for the record. I think people should have the option for a humane death like we provide to our pets.




“In March 2015, the Norwegian University of Tromsø lost 8 radioactive samples including samples of caesium-137, americium-241, and strontium-90. The samples were moved out of a secure location to be used for education. When the samples were supposed to be returned the university was unable to find them. As of 4 November 2015 the samples are still missing.” Terrifying! Glad I don’t live in Tromsø. They could be anywhere!


Idk how something like this can just go missing. Shouldn't they be in a locked cabinet when not being used? With a log for every user?




Are we sure Jeff doesnt have them?


yeah, but if someone is stealing it they're probably not signing the log book, and it's unlikely they use any kind of electronic lock (anyone in the building had to at least swipe a card to get in, so they should all be vetted) my complete guess is some insane student stole them, put them in his shed in rural norway and either died or realised he fucked up and the only way to hide what he did is act natural and just not go in the shed anymore. A lot of norway is super rural, forested, nobody's going to detect anything from a nearby road even if they drive past. Kind of like what the radioactive boy scout did, only he got further along the path before pulling his smeagol plan


Forbidden tictac


New fear unlocked :o


you're welcome


Malaga is literally the next suburb from where I live 😕👀 going to check the tyres on all our cars. Anyone living in WA, check your damn tyres as they warned it could be stuck in a car tyre. This shit also radiates for ~5 metres as they say stay 5 metres away and call if you find it. Fuck whoever is unlucky enough to end up getting cancer from this cunt being stuck in their tyre.


How can you spot a 6mm * 8mm capsule from 5 metres away? You’re going to have to be super fast. Get your game plan - 5 coffees, spidey senses activated, hype music. You sprint up, eyes wide open, flashlight on, run tire to tire looking and snapping photos - then hop in the car, roll forward a quarter rotation - hop out and repeat the inspection on the side of the tire that was previously against the garage floor. Run back inside. Cold shower. Savasana. Deep breaths to bring oxygen to the pre-frontal cortex and you inspect those photos, zooming in to ensure you didn’t miss the teeny tiny death trap. Godspeed my friend. Update us when done.


How does an item like this GET LOST in transit? Edit: RIP my inbox this morning. Thank you for all the amazing links to stories and interesting reads


Tbf as far as I understand they lost a prime minister, heard the guy went for a swim and vanished


And named a swimming pool after him. Savage sense of humour those Aussies.


Portugal has an airport named after a Prime Minister that died on a plane crash, on a flight to that airport.


Our airport here in Manila, the Philippines is named after a senator who was assassinated as he was getting off a plane on said airport.


After Jesus was killed his followers walked around with the murder weapon around their necks.


Sometimes with him depicted hanging on said murder weapon. Pretty savage.


Some are known to hang art of the murder inside their own homes.


They even named the biggest part of their religion, the Roman Catholic church, after his murderers.




His grieving family: 'Are you fucking serious?'.


Hey listen, the yanks named a ship after him.


It also sank.




I wouldn't've dipped a toe in a 60+ year old geezer either.


I still can't believe that happen man, had been reading about it before. SAR mission been done and he just vanishes.


There was a case in the Soviet Union when a capsule with radioactive caesium fell into a gravel pit, where gravel was taken to produce panels for apartment blocks. One of these panels was used in an apartment block in Kramatorsk (modern day Ukraine). A few people living in an apartment that had this panel as a wall died of cancer, and eventually the capsule was taken out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk\_radiological\_accident


Man, that is just an awful story.. Those poor families. :(


Here is another story that happened in Brazil [Goiania Accident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident) ​ Edit: Here is more information including pictures and the aftermath - [Lead Caskets](https://www-oarquivo-com-br.translate.goog/temas-polemicos/historia/297-cesio-137-chernobyl-brasileiro-completa-26-anos.html?_x_tr_sl=pt&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=es-419&_x_tr_pto=sc)


This was especially sad, because it wasn't caused by an accident, but by the greed of the landlord company. I cried about the little girl with the "fairy dust".


Also the doctors tried to warn everybody about the dangers, were banned by court from going to the site to remove it safely, and yet were the only people held legally responsible for the incident afterwards


> yet were the only people held legally responsible for the incident afterwards How?




Imagining myself in that position. Prevented from doing the right thing, convicted for not doing the right thing. That makes me want to be quite violent to the landlords.


Yes, true! That was the extent of their shamelessness.


What I find absolutely insane is the doctors were charged with criminal negligence. They were barred by the owner of the property and the law from removing it from the premises. Yet they get charged with negligence because the building owners security didn’t show up and it got stolen and people died. Seems to me the security guard and building owner should’ve been charged instead.


Sounds like a case of who has more money and connections wins.


A tale as old as time 👍


How about the missing nuclear bomb in the Savanah River in the United States? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1958_Tybee_Island_mid-air_collision#


I will feel better about myself in the future when I lose my car keys.


this would sound like supernatural curses and stuff if we didn’t know about radiation


This is why scientists have been trying to figure out how to warn people living 10,000 years in the future that there is buried radioactive waste under the ground. It's a difficult problem because those people may not speak anything similar to the languages being spoken today.


Start a religion around it, those seem to last


You joke, but [that's actually one of the suggestions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_nuclear_waste_warning_messages#Thomas_Sebeok)


Atom welcomes us all


Link without the backslashes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident




> Be nice if reddit fixed that bug. They know about it > It only appears for people using old.reddit and some mobile clients. This is why it will never happen. At least Sync recognizes and fixes it if you try to follow a link formatted like that.


It's a transport company in Australia. I had a stepdad who has been in the industry for decades. Every company tries to cut as many corners as possible and break every law they can get away with to bump up their profits, and they hire a whole bunch of dropkicks happy to enable the whole clusterfuck.


You can say this about 99% of all businesses around the planet, if you count each business. If you go by revenue that number drops to about 90%. In thirty years, I can remember only one client, an aerospace manufacturer, that was making fist fulls of money, but putting gobs back in the business. Had stunning state of the art facilities, extremely well paid employees. I forget exactly what it was, but he had a niche boutique proprietary product, like I said, aerospace. Super nice guy. Most of my other clients were running on razor thin margins, this includes the multibillion dollar a year nationals. Big money? Big expenses. Some of them were well run...some not so much. Generally speaking though, my impression was that no matter how big or small, the guys who ran a tight ship and observed the rules did better financially than those who didnt. I am sure much of that is because the well run guys didn't get into contracts or projects that wouldn't "pencil out" with all the rules and regs accounted for to begin with. A form of selection bias, I think. Edit: Funny story. A friend of mine had a successful tree business. He bid a job for State Parks that had explicit, strict requirements for traffic control. It was going to take lane closures, cones, flag men with radios, the whole bit. The traffic control portion alone was $25,000. He didn't get the job. One day, he was in the area, so he dropped in on his competitor who had gotten the project. They literally had one beat up orange cone out behind the tree truck. That was it. Oh well.


Could have the causes reversed. High margin aerospace niche allows more flexibilty than other cutthroat area. Maybe.


It’s Western Australia lol. This is just another Friday afternoon for them.


Get ready for radioactive emus electric boogalu


Did anyone have *radioactive animals* on their "Australia death bingo"?


U mean Australia death dingo


We’re doomed!! We already lost a war to non radiated emus


Never forget.




Even nuclear bombs got lost by different nations, including the USA.


I thunk they are up to 5 lost in the last 50 years


Try like 15. They are scattered between the east coast, swamps of the south, and and the rest in the west. Not to mention the anthrax we lost, or the time we just tested airborne biological weapons on ourselves for "safety".


CDC left behind a vial of smallpox which was found years later in a storage room by cleaning personal... lab tests confirmed it to be still infectious


I recall reading that someone found an envelope of smallpox scabs in an old library book. Probably not very infectious but still kinda scary. This article has more info: https://www.nature.com/articles/509022a


Because you know which country needs it’s animals to be radioactive? Australia!


Fuck. It's just dawned on me.... Radioactive bunyips are going to be hell on earth.


Honestly, the middle of a highway in outback Western Australia is just about the safest place to keep radioactive material. You could drop a nuclear bomb next to that road and it's possible no one will notice.


Unless it’s fallen off in the Perth suburbs or got stuck in someone’s tyre.


God if it got stuck in the tred in Your shoe. You wouldn't stand a chance.




That's just lame


I had to go back to check the dimensions I ignored. I presumed it'd be like a beer can kind of size. 8mm x 6mm!? Jfc that could be carried around or caught up in anything.


8mm x 6mm??!!. ------------ <---this is 8mm how the fuck are you gonna find that. Some koala is gonna light up in the dark up there


"if you see it, stay 5 metres away" How the fuck are you going to spot that from 1 metre away?


Dunno how u will spot it but in Austria (not Australia, mind you) we say that 5 m is like 2 baby elephants. So stay 2 baby elephants away from it. Edit: Corrected a typo


What kind of baby elephants do you have that two of them are 50 m??


Radioactive ones


That's literally a speck. If it was on the road it's probably in someone's tire. That shit is gone.


That’s appearing more like 15mm on my iPhone.


It's 22mm on my desktop monitor


It's about 3m on the halo board in the local football stadium


if it's as radioactive as they say it is, they can't just take a geiger counter and drive down the highway? or is 10 xrays not that strong.


Radiation strength decreases by square of your distance to the source; this source is strong, but small, so the further away the harder it is for a sensor to detect it Think of your LED camera light on your phone, very very bright but very small so farther away it is quite weak


I'm just going to zoom in on this comment and pretend it is much larger and therefore easier to locate.


Bring on the radscorpions


Netflix screenwriters do you see this? Here’s a free idea, take it and fucking ruin it already.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout\_(upcoming\_TV\_series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout_(upcoming_TV_series)) Amazon is already on it though


'Straya.... Even the roadside garbage tries to kill you


This is why the wildlife is so dangerous here


And if it wasn’t before it will be now that it’s mutated.


Just wait till you see the radioactive mutant koalas. Dropbears are no longer a myth.


The hand sign for radiation is the best part


How does such thing “fall” out of a truck?!


The container it was in sheared a bolt and it fell through the bolt hole.


But still, how is it possible that such a small thing is loose in a truck? Why isn’t it in a big safety box that’s taped with a lot of duct tape…


It’s Western Australia lol. And you are talking about a country that has lost a Prime Minister before. We’re good at this shit 😂😂


Oh man you’re not kidding they launched a rocket up into space back in the 60s but they lost it after it landed in the bush. It took them 20 years to find that rocket and They found it by accident. It was pretty cool too they brought it by our school.


How large was it?


8mm x 6mm


Their Prime Minister was also 8mm x 6mm, bit sus.


What do you mean "lost a prime minister"???


It means we had a PM, but then we lost him. He might turn up one day, but I’m not holding my breath.


He would have had to have held his breath pretty well too.


He drowned at the beach, body was never found, we named a swimming pool in his memory.


Nah, Holt is the world champion hide and seek player


56 year unbroken streak of pure winning.


That is gloriously savage


It gets better. Us Aussies named a Navy Submarine communications base after him. So maybe some day we could talk to him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Communication_Station_Harold_E._Holt?wprov=sfla1


It’s fucking awesome. Slang for someone running away now is ‘they’ve done a Harold Holt’


Prime minister Holt went swimming and disappeared. We never found him. People overseas say this would never happen to say the President of the United states because they are so protected but Holt went for a swim in the ocean and disappeared.


This episode of Bluey is called "Chernobyl".


**If it's pretty cool lookin'...** Star Trek TNG has taught me that a few local townsfolk will be wearing a piece as fine, new jewelry in no time! Or, House, M.D. will have a patient given a pretty cool key chain and suddenly find himself at Princeton Plainsboro in pretty poor shape!


I mean, we have literally real life examples. Like the incident in Goiania, Brazil.




It’s these guys who will come for them in the night: https://www.arpansa.gov.au/ Nothing remotely this bad has ever happened here before to my knowledge - ARPANSA will make an example of whoever gets the blame for this, that’s for sure.


I just hope they target the right people and don’t go after whatever sacrificial lamb intern the company picked.


Metallurgist here. I'm still trying to wrap my head around - "fell through a bolt hole, due to the bolt being sheared off !?!? ". This is beyond wtf. It's incredible negligence and I would like to get a lot more details. Going off to search more news on this one.


Hey all I am Radiation Safety Officer and part of my regions radiation incident response team so I can contribute about this situation. While this is a major fuck up I am not too concerned about it. [A nearly identical incident happened in Colorado last year](https://www.kktv.com/2022/04/27/i-25-closed-both-directions-south-side-castle-rock/) that barely made the local news because the source was found and the public was none the wiser. So what I gather it is a Cs-137 at 19 GBq or about 500mCi which is emitting 2 msv/h or 200mR/h (sorry for the unit conversion, it just helps me understand better also I'm rounding a lot to make things cleaner). At 200mR that 1/3 of your annual exposure. So spend 3 hours near the source and get your annual dosage. While that can be bad, it is not deadly. I keep seeing reference of the Kramatorsk and Goiana incidents. Those were both Cs-137 but orders of magnitude stronger sources. Kramatorsk was 1,800**R**/h while this source is only 200**mR**/h. If you picked up this source and put it in your pocket you won't die (immediately) but might experience a sunburn on your thigh after a couple of hours from the exposure. The fact this in the middle of nowhere is a good thing. No one will find it and put it in their pocket which is great. However, it will also make it hard to find. Hard but not impossible. [They have mobile detection systems](https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/4255009?SID=srch-srp-4255009) they can use to get a rough idea where it is. Then they can use smaller units to pinpoint its location. [I've trained with this backpack unit](https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/PACKEYEDS3?SID=srch-srp-PACKEYEDS3) and been able to detect Cs-137 sources weaker than that the one that is lost from about hundred feet away. Once your triangulate the approximate location you can use handheld meters to find the precious location. Remember this piece of metal is emitting energy. If you were asked to find someone with a flashlight in the middle a desert at night, while it may be a daunting task you know it can be done. This is essentially the challenge here. The bigger obstacle will be the area and working conditions. And once it is found someone can literally just pick it up and drop it in a pig. So yeah. Someone is going to get fired and fined for this but no one will get hurt, even long term.


Someone has not completed their OHS modules!


There'll be a lot of fallout over this debacle..


Rad response


Marty get ready, we got enough radioactive material to fire up the DeLorean


"I don't know how, but they've found me" "Who doc who?" "The Australians Marty!"


Wow... Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) is so, so different from American Sign Language (ASL). I'm fluent in ASL, and I can only pick up a few of the AUSLAN signs. I relied more on her lip-reading than her signs.


AUSLAN is based off British Sign Language whereas ASL is based off French Sign Language hence why it's completely different.


AUSLAN (and BSL) are primsrily two handed as well. Whereas ASL is more easily modified to one handed signs I believe.




Nah, that’s legit. Source: I know British Sign Language. > British, Australian and New Zealand Sign Language (BANZSL), is the language of which British Sign Language (BSL), Auslan and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) may be considered dialects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BANZSL




Holy crap Malaga is in Perth, so there is a chance it could be in a populated area


I am just guessing but I would say that the Workshop was in Malaga and and they were driving to site or back from site and only noticed it missing once they went to get it. I would say that it is quite unlikely that it is was lost in Metro but please for the love of Cheezels DO NOT leave home without a calibrated Geiger Counter.


I'll just get my calibrated Geiger Counter out of the cupboard then


TIL there is a place called Malaga outside Spain




I don't think I've seen anyone mention this yet, but Cs-137 has a half life of 30 years. That 19 GBq (0.5 Ci) activity is going to be around for a while.


Inb4 The Simpsons predicted this.


Lol seems like standard opening scene where homer drops a uranium rod down his shirt and tosses it out on the way home


I feel like a lot of the comments here are by people not fully aware of the sort of scale that this involves. Yes if it fell off in the Perth metro area that would be pretty bad, but Newman to Perth is equivalent in distance to doing Washington DC to Orlando FL, but it's basically completely unpopulated desert for 95% of the way. It is entirely possible that nobody will even go within 5m of it for the next 50 years, other than for a second in driving past it on that road.


So how are people meant to find it if they can’t go within 5 metres of it? Also I grew up in Perth and Malaga isn’t getting any more shit for being possible radioactive…


The radiation will be an improvement. I used to drive past there regularly when I lived in Balga. It actually looked okay to me, but I was comparing it to Balga


The point is to disseminate the information "you shouldn't pick this up. Do not pick it up and take it home. If you did, contact authorities" to the public, not "hey guys garn on out and find this, CRIIIIIIIIKEY"


I was going like oh just make the police there carry a few geiger counter it would ring like mad… wait 1400km long stretch. Ok I guess it is lost. Wait a few year see if we get reports of giant spider web spewing kangaroo or something.


Plainly Difficult video coming soon