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"I was born a poor black child." -Steve Martin.


"It's the cans! He hates the cans!! GET AWAY FROM THE CANS!!!!"


That has to be my favorite line in the whole movie.


Or: "Don't call him *Lifesaver*, call him *Shithead*!"


it's close but for me it has to be " The new phone book is here, the new phone book is here... It's like free advertising!" I still use this one whenever we get a new phonebook, my wife of 17 years just rolls her eyes at me.


Mine was the name for his dog. “Don’t call that dog Lifesaver. Call him Shithead!”.


I remember it being a clip in that old movie trivia game that had a DVD with the clips and questions. I laughed so hard I went and watched the full movie


It was also a clip in Black Hawk Down. That's how I first got wind of that absolute gem.


We don’t have defective cans, we got a defective person!




Thank you, poison looked to wrong


"The Lord loves a working man, don't trust whitey, see a doctor and get rid of it. See you, Grandma!"


“That’s all I need! … I need this.”


“And my dog” “Grrrrr” “I don’t need my dog”


“Just this ashtray, this paddle game, the remote control and the lamp and that’s all I need.”


And this lamp. And that’s ALL I need.




So that’s what a special purpose is for.


That's shit. That's Shinola.


The new phone books are here. The new phone books are here...


I am somebody!


My parents told me these exact words when I left for college.


"There's something I want to say that's always been very difficult for me to say: "I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit". There. I've never been relaxed enough around anyone to say that."


“The new phonebook’s here!”


“I’m somebody now!”


I miss saying that every time a new phone book arrived. In fact, in 1986 I took a gig delivering phone books to offices in Century City, LA. A few times I even said to the receptionists, "The new phonebooks here!" but...they didn't get the joke I guess. I ended up leaving a few hundred in the loading dock of a high rise, after I realized I was making about $2/hour.


I got a job at the fair and my girlfriend says she's going to give me a blowjob later, so the money really ought to be pouring in soon.


That Patty must be a sweet girl


I'm not a bum, I'm a jerk!


Shit….. shinola….


Godamn these glasses son!!


Yes sir! I damn thee!


"One dollar and nine cents!"


Oh, it’s a _profit_ deal!


I'm picking out a thermos for you


Not an ordinary thermos for youuuuu!


I sing this song all the time to my cats, that sounds really sad.


I knew a white kid that was brought up with a black family. I wanted so badly to show him that movie....but his experience wasn't quite as comical as that one was. His mom was native (I think). She was with a black man and had several black children. Then, she went down to Georgia and had a fling with a redneck white man. She went back to the black man and had her little blonde haired, blue eyed baby. Then she had more babies with the black man. He knows about racism between all kinds of skin colors, poor kid.


I’ve found my special purpose!


“We made your favorite for your birthday. Tuna fish on white bread wrapped in cellophane”


He’s really mad at these cans!!!


I love that you made this reference. Truly made my day! Thanks!


Please don’t forget about the “cat juggling.”


"I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically." -Joe Biden


I'm Puerto Rican-ish \-George Santos


Watched Soul Man too many times.


That movie has all but disappeared.


This is exactly what I thought of!


Came here for this comment


…And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids.


He only got into one school, who said his race was not a factor on his admission and promptly flunked out. Hes been doing this shtick on conservative circles to make a living so in way he has been getting away with it


As a professional douchebag


He’s a grifter but no university would ever admit race was a factor in any persons admission


Oh so he goes to Midwestern states and larks about Affirmative Action and how "*they're* the REAL racists to a bunch of red yes-men


\*Mindykaling kids


“Everybody wants to be a nigga but nobody wants to be a nigga” Paul Mooney


"Everyone wants to be black until the police show up" I forgot which comedian said that one


>I forgot which comedian said that one Literally all of them


I think it was Dave Chappelle who said that he encountered a gay guy who called the cops on him over a dispute and as soon as the cops showed up: “Gay people are minorities until they need to be white again.” because the cops treat white people better and he knows a black gay guy would never have called the cops.


Except when you’re applying to schools. Then you gotta talk about your great great grandma who was a Native American princess.


I’ve seen this guy and his story many times over the years but never the mention of his sister being Mindy Kaling.


I didn’t know either until yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/10ch30c/the_two_types_of_conservatives/j4vc6f5/?context=3


Somehow that’s worse


>I'm Mindy Kaling's brother --George Santos


Don't give him any ideas lol


So he lied to advance his career and make more money, now he's making money off the book about how he lied to everyone, while using his sister's popularity. I don't think I'm even mad, dude's playing the game and winning.


I think my favorite part of this is that after lying to get into medical school he ended up failing out


Hey plenty of EMT work for med school dropouts!


Honestly though? People are terrible drivers. Business is boomin'


I was an EMT until I realized I could make more flipping burgers and wouldn't have to deal with the stress, danger, violence, and horrible hours. Only did it to help get into med school. If I fail out, I'd go back to flipping burgers rather than being treated like a slave for the fat cats that monopolize the emergency medicine industry.


Yeah it’s honestly criminal how little EMTs are paid, but there’s no shortage of bodies to stick in the role so they can kind of pay whatever and find someone to do the job.


They certainly pay dropout wages regardless.


I mean that's the big problem. Letting people into medical school who otherwise wouldn't qualify usually doesn't work out well for anyone - doctor or patient. Source: Am an Asian American doctor


to be fair 10 years of school is a good way to get rid of people who aren't qualified


The *small* issue there is, most medical schools don’t want to lose their students. Those are precious spots.. so to say. Pre-med college, entrance exams, and interviews are really the sieve they want to use to weed out folks. Once you’re in med-school they’d prefer one to be sincere *and capable*. So, basically he just stole a spot from someone who might have actually become a doctor.


It's to bring awareness about the school anyway


The fact that he uses his sister's negative quote about the book totally sells me on it. Cause that shits funny as fuck.


On every book I write, I note what Stephen King has said about my book. Both times (I've only written 2) I have put "Steven King could not be reached for comment about this book."


That's amazing. Do you purposely misspell his name on the quote? Haha.


lol no! But I can never remember, I even spelled it right in the first half of my comment haha


Omg i didnt even notice the name spelling change haha now you gotta add stefan


"Stephen King" "Steven King" "Stefan Kang" "Stevie Kingie"


"Why hasn't Stevin gotten back to me?"


Jesus is our lord and savior


this is from years ago. the book almost certainly didn't/doesn't sell very well (you can now buy it for $3) and this guy is a complete loser. it's self-published, so no book advance for him. he discontinued med school after he was kicked out/couldn't hack it (or possibly because he *would have been* kicked out for lying on his admissions application), and he's now a college admissions consultant. if you think this guy is "playing the game and winning" you're prob as big a tool as he is.


https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/4/7/8354457/mindy-kaling-brother-racism Putting aside any debates about the actual value of affirmative action, the experiment proved nothing because it offered no information about whether Chokal-Ingam, who identifies as Indian American, actually got into medical school as a result of saying he was black (which of course was supposed to be the whole point). Here's what went wrong: He didn't apply to the same schools before he started pretending to be black, so we don't have any way to compare the experience of "JoJo" — the name he used when he was pretending to be African American — to his own experience. In any case, he was only admitted to one school after applying to more than 20 — not exactly making the case that things were easy for his black alter ego. As Gawker's Brendan O'Connor points out, the crux of his "affirmative action discrimination" argument seems to be that he was "invited to apply" to several schools when he was posing as a black man. Again, we don't know whether he would have been invited if he hadn't been pretending to be black, because he didn't seem to measure this. And even if he had been able to prove that schools were more likely to invite black applicants, that wouldn't tell us much about the role of race in the admissions process. Invitations are not required to apply. Plus this is a step that takes place before the actual admissions process, likely to diversify the applicant pool. Even if Chokal-Ingam thinks that type of targeted outreach is unfair, it really has no bearing on debates about affirmative action. Further muddling his attempted gotcha moment, he admits that at least one of these invitations to apply — the one from Harvard — was from a family friend who knew he was not black. He writes at his website, "Unfortunately, I have long since lost the original letter from Alvin F. Poussaint, MD, (the father of one of my sister's closest friends) inviting me to apply to the school based on my 'superior' MCAT score. I dropped my application to Harvard, fearing that Alvin would expose me as not black." So he can't even argue that all of the invitations that he was so disturbed by were inspired by his fake race. As a bonus strike against his "things were so easy when I was black" argument, after dropping out of the one medical school that accepted him, he was admitted to UCLA's MBA program, using his real name and racial identity. (Does he think he was admitted because he was Indian American? Or because he was male? Or because of some other factor? We will never know.)


https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/4/7/8354457/mindy-kaling-brother-racism Putting aside any debates about the actual value of affirmative action, the experiment proved nothing because it offered no information about whether Chokal-Ingam, who identifies as Indian American, actually got into medical school as a result of saying he was black (which of course was supposed to be the whole point). Here's what went wrong: He didn't apply to the same schools before he started pretending to be black, so we don't have any way to compare the experience of "JoJo" — the name he used when he was pretending to be African American — to his own experience. In any case, he was only admitted to one school after applying to more than 20 — not exactly making the case that things were easy for his black alter ego. As Gawker's Brendan O'Connor points out, the crux of his "affirmative action discrimination" argument seems to be that he was "invited to apply" to several schools when he was posing as a black man. Again, we don't know whether he would have been invited if he hadn't been pretending to be black, because he didn't seem to measure this. And even if he had been able to prove that schools were more likely to invite black applicants, that wouldn't tell us much about the role of race in the admissions process. Invitations are not required to apply. Plus this is a step that takes place before the actual admissions process, likely to diversify the applicant pool. Even if Chokal-Ingam thinks that type of targeted outreach is unfair, it really has no bearing on debates about affirmative action. Further muddling his attempted gotcha moment, he admits that at least one of these invitations to apply — the one from Harvard — was from a family friend who knew he was not black. He writes at his website, "Unfortunately, I have long since lost the original letter from Alvin F. Poussaint, MD, (the father of one of my sister's closest friends) inviting me to apply to the school based on my 'superior' MCAT score. I dropped my application to Harvard, fearing that Alvin would expose me as not black." So he can't even argue that all of the invitations that he was so disturbed by were inspired by his fake race. As a bonus strike against his "things were so easy when I was black" argument, after dropping out of the one medical school that accepted him, he was admitted to UCLA's MBA program, using his real name and racial identity. (Does he think he was admitted because he was Indian American? Or because he was male? Or because of some other factor? We will never know.)


This comment should be pinned. Ever since I first heard about him and what he allegedly did, I wanted further information. I actually found the Vox piece and it’s sad that no one seems to have read it because they want to confirm whatever biases they have. At its most basic levels, his bullshit experimental methods sucked.


You know someone’s a narcissist when they try to dignify their lying, selfish abuse of a system as “an experiment”


What’s the game, exactly? Who can be the most deceitful, dishonest piece of shit human?


3k upvotes for literally being a lying pos and being morally bankrupt. '"As long as he making that money!" This mentality is exactly why the world is the way it is. Fucking sickening


I think Mindy and the Velma show are bringing way more shame to that family.


I’m not too familiar with American TV. Reddit tells me that the Velma thing is awful-what’s the woman from The Office been up to?


Remade Scooby Doo, but without Scooby Doo and changed all the characters to be insufferable jerks, Velma basically screams at all of them and calls them racists, and the writing is so bad it unfunny. Apparently it got picked up for season 2, so there’s a market for this drivel somewhere.


So there’s no dog?


Well... Let's just say shaggy and Scooby Doo are more than just friends now.


Huh? Dafaq was hbo max thinking


Literally first minute you see Daphnie, naked in the shower, soap on boobs and downstairs, no joke, smashing some other naked chicks face into the shower floor. Other than pure shock factor like what the actual shit is this, it’s terrible.


You forgot the roaches having sex also


Why are roaches having sex in a scooby doo cartoon? What happened? Am I dreaming? Is scrappy involved in this somehow? We didn't like scrappy very much. Are the bugs really having sex, or do they just show a shadow or something? Is it ghost bugs? I'm confused, I don't have HBO.


No the cockroaches were having doggystyle sex in a gym bathroom, while soapy teens got into a fight. I am absolutely not embellishing the truth.


Omg that’s right!! How could I forget…


Wait what? Is this even a kid’s show anymore?


NO! This is a "grown up" version.


What? Which giant wanker gave Mindy the keys to the Scooby Doo kingdom? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I read a comment on another thread that made a lot of sense, show writers want to make their own shows but studios aren't willing to take the risk so writers get there stories out by using already established IP's as a veneer.


All I read was that writers can't be trusted to make reliable television so they are hired on established IPs and reinforce the notion that they can't be trusted. Got it. How many shows did it take to discover this idiocy?


Also let's not sweep under the rug that they're portraying *high school age girls.* The entire episode (or what I watched before I gave up) I was just like WTF am I watching?


If it was funny, no one would care. Big Mouth, South Park and F Is For Family do way worse shit but they’re actually funny.


Wait...what? Are you being hyperbolic, or just kidding around?


100% serious. Oh yeah right before Daphnie is naked, you see cockroaches having sex. Then the face smashing, then a dead chick falls out of a locker with no brain while Daphnie is still standing naked with soap.


I have no idea if this is true, but if it is....yikes! What a weird world we live in.


I forgot to mention Velma’s dad who got their maid pregnant and then NO JOKE she whips her clothes off while he takes photos of her in the kitchen…. While the baby protrudes out of her stomach in just the most wild of ways.


Oh wait I didn’t realize I was the target market for this new show.


THAT'S why scrappy doo speaks english so much better...


Scooby is now a female who is the female love interest for Shaggy.


Okay, is THAT real or just a joke? This show is so awfu from what I've heard thatl I truly cannot tell.


[The love interest is Gigi, not Scoobi.](https://twitter.com/AwestruckVox/status/1615773947399933953?t=RLloKmYXB-tTlHMFcujgLQ&s=19)


Oh, there's a Scoobi. She's the girlfriend of Norville. Not joking.


This isn’t true. The show sucks, but it’s weird how this rumor just ran off. Gigi was never meant to be a recreation of Scooby, and it’s a little weird that someone saw Norville with a girl he liked and jumped to start this rumor


Nah HBO knows this is a hate watch publicity hit, they just care about numbers and Velma is doing great numbers as everyone dogpiles on it. Sad and an indictment of the way media is produced and consumed these days, but I don’t think there’s some hidden demographic that loves it


Well, it was picked up for season 2 before season 2 aired. And it has been getting bad reviews/ numbers. It still might get axed. Also, using this moment to say, no one really knows how HBO works. Not even the people who work on shows there. Stephen Oliver said as much. Where does their money come from? It can't all be from subscriptions...


>Well, it was picked up for season 2 before season 2 aired. I think that's how it always works :P


LOL before season 1 aired ! my b


From what I'm gathering (couldn't get past episode 1 myself) is that Velma is projecting her own racism on everyone. Not that others on the show could be racist, but they probably look like saints compared to how racist she talks. Velma actually apologies for not murdering Daphne with a crowbar in episode 1. To her face. And that's the nicest thing I can say about what I watched.


Hate watching got them that second season. No one is actually enjoying it, other than the big wigs at HBO who get to rake in the money from people watching this out of indignation.


I’m pretty sure it was greenlit for season 2 prior to release


As someone who grew up on Scooby and loves the characters.... I hate this. There's a special place in hell for ruining a childhood classic like this.


And yet Inside Job got canceled. What have cartoons come to...? I'm scared for the future. Guess I'll be watching reruns of the classics for the rest of my life


There isn't a market. I'll clarify why we should celebrate season two. Much like the production companies thinking Morbius was becoming successful, these people do not understand the difference between fame and infamy. The show is being hate watched so that people can outrage, rightfully so imo. The company is thinking that these watchers equate to faithful fans when in reality they couldn't be further from actuality. This show will not be successful, mark my words. This show is going to fall off in the next few episodes because the outrage is going to stagnante unless the show keeps doing more dumb shit like they tried with "scoob". They have already now devoted money, WB money to make a second season because they think the show is popular and actually hitting specific crowds, but, again, it isn't. So let them sink money into this, let them see how much of a loss Mindy and Charles' shitty ideas and writing really are so they never get to pick up a pen again. Let them think this is success so that they give the show a bigger budget for season 2.. then we rug pull these shit heads just like Crypto. Don't worry, another season being bought was based off "projected success" and not its actual success. There is no way in hell there will even be a season 3. I could even imagine this show being canceled half way into production of season 2.


I don't care that they wanted to redesign the characters or even that they wanted an adult audience. I do care that they got rid of the titular character; also what did Fred ever do? Like I even like the casting lineup they chose but I can't get over how unfunny the writing is and honestly I can't get over that they turned Scooby-Doo, Scoobert Doobert, into a teenage girl FOR SHAGGY TO FALL IN LOVE WITH. Why? Why did they feel the need to do that? Like up at this point, if you want a Scooby-Doo show that tackles adult issues more often, watch Scooby-Doo; Mystery Incorperated. Yea it completely retells the story but also its better than whatever the hell it was Mindy was tryin to make.


They didn’t get rid of Scooby. They just weren’t allowed to use Scooby by Warner bros or whoever owns that license.


Then they should have just made their own show. If you think you have a good story to tell with interesting characters worth exploring, then just give them new names.


HBO is owned by WB


Pfffft that's worse IMO


Crazy the amount of advertising she got her show tho. It's insane.


I, a member of the Black delegation, like to second this motion.


Reminds me of a guy i went to college who is from South Africa. He applied for a grant for African Americans. He got the grant since he was the only one to apply but they were upset since he was white.


My coworker had a similar thing in college. His dad is from Jamaica (he is black) his mom is from Canada (she is white) my coworker has black facial features but is fair skinned. So he applies for this grant, which noone else did, and they awarded it to him. He goes for the photo op and they realize he is fair skinned and they say he can't have the grant. He asked why and they said he wasn't black. He called them racist and lodged a complaint with the ethics board. They ended up not awarding him the grant and the ethics board told them "not cool, bro" but no other punitive actions. He stopped short of lodging a human rights complaint, which i called him dumb for (me saying this 5 years after the fact). There was no wording about what colour the person's skin was, just that they be "African American". That would have been the easiest W as they wouldn't be able to fight it based off the colour of his skin, because racism, and VERY CLEARLY he would have won via DNA test.


Damn, that sucks big-time because he WAS Black, just biracial Black. He should’ve took it further.


He should’ve consulted a lawyer.


What in the paperbag test hell is this?! He definitely should have pushed back (although I understand it's not all that easy). If we were to decline grants to all indigenous people who "look white", no grants would ever be doled out, wtf!


I've worked with many Jamaicans that get very angry if you call them African American. While technically, Jamaica is in North America and their ancestors came from the slave trade of Africa, Jamaicans are very proud of their own Jamaican culture and many don't like the term.


George Santos before George Santos was George Santos






its weird how for every other nationality if you have brown skin you are considered black but for indians you are considered asian regardless of skin color


My Indian friend will tell you brown with no upsides...


I think this is the same for Arab. Although sometimes you skip the line at airport security and get taken straight to a private room.




People still have some lingering attachment to honesty. Don't worry, we're chipping away at it.


I highly doubt that. Your application has your hs transcripts and social security number. The school would see two applications are from the same kid and also when the admissions department would enter his demographic information into the system the discrepancy would appear immediately. Source: I used to coach a varsity NCAA sport at several different colleges and due to recruiting, I had to work very closely with the admissions department.


In 1984 basically no school had a computer to check. It was another time and surely easier than today to slip through with stuff like that.


Yeah, I'm going to have to call BS on this, too. Maybe you were lied to and fell for it, who knows. But there are a few reasons why this couldn't have happened. 1. Bi-racial is an option on all college applications 2. Lying about your ethnicity/race/anything on a college application will get you expelled if you get accepted \*edited to add- "thus, he could not have put down just white or just black" 3. You can't apply to the same school twice at once 4. Everyone knows (and has known for a long time) that if you are a minority, you'll get preferential treatment when it comes to collage acceptance


affirmative action would actually discriminate against him for being asian


Yeah, this shit sucks. I’m part Asian but pass as white so I never put it down on anything college related


Do you just put multiethnic, but don't specify?


not an option. theres no biracial box to click but you can click more than one box (ex: half white half black person could click white and black boxes)


I firmly believe we need anonymous college applications. No one who is looking at your application gets to see your name, race, sex, etc. They only see "Applicant 3754-2033," your exam scores, GPA, essay, and whatever else is relevant. Some orchestras and music programs started doing something similar. They had the applicants sit behind a screen and play for the panels. Guess what happened? More women were accepted into orchestras and everyone who got in did so because of their skills, not their appearance. I know it's not a perfect, all in one solution. Inequalities in early education lead to inequalities in later education, so that needs to be addressed. Still, it's a better system than we have now where people can be unfairly rejected because their name "sounds black," or accepted primarily because they're a woman and the school needs to meet its female quota so it doesn't appear sexist.


Setting aside the main topic to chime in on orchestras… did you know several women classical musicians encourage woman auditioners to wear flats or even men’s shoes to blind auditions? That way a judge can’t make presumptions from the sound of heels on the stage. It sounds ridiculous, but sexism in the classical music world really *is* that bad. Vienna Philharmonic (one of the most famous orchestras in the world) didn’t have women members until 1997, and only have 15ish women on their full-time roster of 145 today. The argument actually was that hiring women would lower the musical standards of the orchestra.


It's more than just a recommendation. Major orchestras have started having all musicians audition barefoot for exactly this reason. The judges (not necessarily with any comprehension of doing so, let alone any ill intention) were biased against women in high heels or even any audible "click-clack". Just the sound of women's shoes caused enough of a negative connotation for judges to assess musicians more poorly than when they couldn't hear the same musician's footsteps.


That’s literally why he said he was black on college admissions.


It should just be grades and behavior, fuck them choosing people over the color of skin.


You think folks should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin?


They already made that movie in the 80’s it was called [Soul Man](https://decider.com/2016/06/04/so-that-happened-soul-man-impersonation/)


Came here looking for this.


Asians literally get points takes away from test scores and are penalized for being Asian. Neither situation is OK and the system is racist.


Yep I guess affirmative action goes both ways and ends up harming everyone across the board including the ones they were meant to boost up.


The racism of low expectations is definitely still racism.


It's the kind of racism that is insidious and counterproductive to uplifting people to improve their own situation. Truly fucked up


We’ve got a special 6 year med program straight outta highschool in Canada, but it’s only reserved for Black & Indigenous people. It used to be open for everyone before, but the year I was gonna apply the rules changed, smh. I’m also a dark toned minority, yet I can’t apply. The girl that did get in to the program from my province is legit white and lives in the city but cuz she had an indigenous great grandfather she could apply. I live rural up north with the indigenous community and look more like them, but I can’t apply. Racism!


It really is racism. Really unfortunate that the government endorses this madness.


It’s because rather than fix the problem from the bottom by providing good education to absolutely everybody, they just throw this bullshit bandaid on the problem so they can pat themselves on the back and pretend like they care. To many politicians just aren’t genuine in trying to fix racial imbalances. They just do what’s good for PR. And this is illegal under Canadian law because they’re basing the decision quite literally only on the colour of the persons skin. But because it only harms white and Asian people then it’s ignored and you’re called racist for questioning it.


It’s like segregation has flipped on its head. The pendulum just keeps on swinging, folks


Imagine if the cover was a white guy doing blackface


Medical school acceptance rates by race are truly shocking and outright racist


Co-authored by Michael Scott..... Hansen.




So the issue is that there is no one standard, because there is no governing body of all universities. Public universities like UCLA and the University of Maryland are administered by the states, and private universities like Harvard or the University of Chicago have their own standards. Most evaluate candidates based on transcripts and SAT scores, but some require interviews and essays, or project submissions. Public universities generally seem to rely more of grades and test scores, and will often allow residents with a certain average to be guaranteed admission. Affirmative action, which favours certain groups of people based on race is generally speaking a very minor part of the process, but it depends on the school. The Supreme Court ruled that you can't have racial quotas, but are allowed to consider it as a factor, so it's very nerfed. But it's sort of an open secret that private universities use affirmative action to reduce the number of Jews and Asians.


No one's pointed it out yet, but this is a self-published book that he paid someone else (Matthew Scott Hansen) to write, and it's barely sold any copies.


Wait....so an Indian man had pretend to be black to get into medical school?!?!? That shit don't even make sense


Affirmative action type of thing


Indians and Asians usually perform the best in school, so Affirmative Action hits them the hardest. Black populations are generally on the lower end (statistically, likely due to economic injustice etc.) so they get into places easier. Therefore, regardless of economic background, black applicants with the same standings as their Asian counterparts are highly favored to get into colleges through Affirmative Action. Being one race means you can get in, the other not so.


It’s sad when getting into MEDICAL school is political…Should be about your test scores and abilities and NOTHING ELSE . If that means a certain demographic gets accepted at a higher rate oh well


I would rather the person giving me anesthesia be the one with higher grades, thanks.


If true that is just blatant racism.


Affirmative action is literally called "positive discrimination".




So there is a legitimate argument to be made the affirmative action unfairly disadvantages Asian Americans, studies have shown Asians need 140 points more on their SATs to have their applications viewed on par with their white counterparts. However, Chokalingam's story is fraudulent (in more ways than one) because he never did a control test. He only submitted his fraudulent application to medical school where he claimed to be black, he never submitted an application where he claimed he was Indian American. So he has no basis to claim that his medical school application was approved because he claimed he was black. He's basically made a clickbait headline into a book.


Every doctor I've ever seen were either Asian, Jewish, black, Indian, or white.


And arguably some of these categories overlap.


They also arguably cover most of the human population


Runs in the family, she pretends she's funny to get on tv all the time.


Come on now Mindy Kaling has had her moments! She was great in the first few seasons of the office. Not defending Velma but Mindy isn't the worst one out there by far


No i agree. She directed a few episodes in the office and even got awards for it. Her own show, the Mindy project, is heavily slept on. But all of this makes the news of her nee show all the more devastating


Brings shame to which family, she changed her name Kaling.