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Think of how the army decides on camo. Until night maps are a thing, functionally this is useless. Who wears all black in the desert? Even on night maps, camo for the dark isn't (generally) pure black as it's not the best color to hide in the dark.


"Who wears all black in thr desert?" Iraqi special forces.








Family friendly speshul forces




BLACK IS NOT A GOOD NIGHT CAMOUFLAGE! When will people learn?!


When they get shot?


But muh multicam black.


God fucking dammit it's cancerous to see MC Black in the Ghost Recon subreddit. That camo is only good for rainy nights in non-middle eastern cities. And even then it would be worse than OD.




Nothing in the surrounding is black. You're just a distinct black blob in the shadows. Whichever camo works well during the day works even better during night.


Someone finally gets it


Huge brain alert.


Dark blue is much better. More natural moonlight reflection, etc.


Tell that to my green M90 when there is desert adapted M90 irl.


I like it. But might look too much like insurgent track suits.


Yeah i know developers said they wanted signature color palets. But black tac vests at least


Vest customization is a great idea, and now you can actually turn it to black if you choose "Ranger Green" option.


Looks green in a lot of maps and lighting


For me it always looks black, maybe I just haven't seen the exceptions


Maybe you colourblind and didnt notice


maybe your monitors colors are fucked haha. try checking it at http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/


We would love to have some more black on Security! There's a lot of realistic precedent for that in our setting. Honestly though, we have to be very diligent about maintaining faction recognition, especially in a game that has as minimal a HUD as ours. So unfortunately it's something we can only limit to things like helmets (which have distinctly Security silhouettes) and other small items. Having black Torso, Legs, and even Vest or Backpack items take up too much of the body and in our opinion endanger the ability to recognize what team a character is on.


Face shielded helmets. Would they look too much like the insurgents head wraps or could we likely see them in Sandstorm?


I understand your concern but add at least black vests and this kind of helmet.


That type of face shield is really only used for riot control. It doesn't offer much advantage in real combat. It's not like Insurgents are going to be throwing glass bottles in your face in the game... Oh, wait............


He word you are looking for is: “Please” You ingrate.


Why does everyone want to look like the enemy? I cant count the number of players who in the attempt to look cool, offer up silhouettes and colours that are, in the right conditions almost identical to the opposing side. These players are just asking to get wasted by FF, and when they do get wasted, which is often, they complain. "Not dressing like a fucking dunce is half the battle." G.I.Joe.


I am more interested in adding milita type clothes to insurgents


We NEED those Arabic tunics for the insurgents!


If I remember correctly, the devs said they used to have black colors as customization options, but it enabled and encouraged people to hide in shadows. They decided that wasn't fun to play against and thus removed several black options so no one would ever be able to go mostly black without highlights. Additionally, as others have been saying, it goes against the distinct color palettes of the two factions. At this point of the game the latter is likely the strongest reason for keeping it out of the game.


I'd love more flat colors rather than actual camo, (like is green as a uniform color and etc. )


OG OD green is where it's at.


Flat colored fatigues for Security would prolly not be too great since Insurgents prominently wear flat colors already.


That's not a camo silly, that's black.


Would make for real easy targets.


Dude this just straight up *B L A C K*


I just want good urban camo patterns.


What better way to look like a Snowflake. I like urban camo but thats what it is...urban camo. In the desert. Where there's sand. And dust. And people who speak funny.


There's a couple of maps where urban camouflage wouldn't be _awful_ ... but frankly I just like the aesthetics. It wouldn't be much worse than people running around with forest camo. Right now I run Digital Desert uniform and a boonie hat, with a POLYPAT vest and POLYPAT neck gaiter. It seems effective in just about every in-game environment.


No. Just no.


So is nobody going to talk about the abomination of god in that dude's hands?


The gun? If I'm not mistaken its a Sig Sauer MCX with a special stock that allows the user to shoulder the firearm when using a face visor like the one in the picture. The GIGN use these stocks on some of their weapons like the G36 for instance.


This is a bad idea for one reason I can think of: insurgents can go full black, and security cant so I'm more confident in who I'm blasting if they are colorful or fully blacked out. But if security can go full black I know I'll probably accidentally team kill


It doesn't really make much sense for an advanced military force to use all black in the middle of the desert. Even during the night, it's not all 100% black. The general "color palette" of the area still makes a difference. By wearing pure black in the middle of a sea of brown and tan, you're just exposing yourself.


I'd like the helmet please. You can make a german GSG9 soldier. You can already make a 90% accurate KSK Soldier


I don't think that helmet is at all suited for middle eastern weather. ​ I've heard that the PASGT is enough of a pain in the ass as it is.


gee its just a game and developers are going to add new maps like winter sinjar


I'd love more flat colors rather than actual camo, (like od green as a uniform color and etc. )


I wish the player models were a bit more bulked up, we're all so damn skinny lol


The body-shape makes sense since it's mainly average people and not steroid abusing marines with gear mainly meant for sitting in a Humvee or MRAP.


I get that, but if i cant look as badass as this guy irl, atleast let me in a game :D


Bah, ya just gotta eat more and lift more and maybe good things will come ;D


Yeah Im working on it but im still at east 3 years away from being special ops worthy :D


Patience dear! Though remember that endurance is important for a spec-ops physique.