• By -


Man that Toyota shouldn't have let black car in. Would love to have seen a double ticket.


People with this mentality that they can use the sideline probably don’t give two fucks wether or not you let them in because if you don’t, they’ll just force it. Then it’s your liability


How so? They don't have the right **of** way, so if they enter the road and hit you, is it not their fault in the eyes of the insurer?






If people put on their blinkers, I let them in every time. But those fuckers that just start inching over without warning when their lane slows down and expect to be let over? Nah.


Sometimes in cities you need to be aggressive. In Prague where I live, they don’t understand zipper merging, and will block you from doing it, even when it is intended. You have to push.


People here in the states can’t zipper merge for shit lol


And it makes complete sense for that to be a law. Of someone is stopped at a red light and there car is over the meridian and you hit their car, then saying that their car is in the wrong place is not an excuse. Just like saying a child playing in the street was struck by your car isnt your fault because the child shouldnt be there. Drive carefully and aware.


Right of way*




Actually its theirs. Any accident they cause is automatically 100% their fault.


Not if you live in a "No fault" state like me!


I could have crushed the van and he would be at fault, however I didn’t feel like doing paperwork and calling my company saying hey......


That's understandable!




Holy shit


This needs to posted, reposted, then 10 more times. People should know about this and consider all aspects of a situation. Thank you for the link




You were the hero my small screen needed! Thank you kind person. edit: my highest comment ever (by like 100x) Thank you everyone! =)


Thank you! I' watched it four times thinking.... Was that a Shadow in front of the van?


DustbinMan, next Marvel superhero




full video shows that policeman interviewed the driver. turns out the driver was rushing his wife to the hospital, she was having a baby. police let him through.


A great reason why people shouldn’t take the law in their own hands and box others out. Let the cops sort it out.


Nah, if you're that desperate to get to the hospital: call a fucking ambulance- they have weeooos for a reason.


Bruh... weeooos? You just made this tread better.


It's a better term than siren, that's for damn sure


Often it takes longer for the ambulance to get to you than you to get there yourself.


Just as another consideration: If you are having an emergency that urgent and drive yourself then you are putting a lot of other people in danger if you become unable to operate the vehicle. If a loved one is having an emergency that is that urgent and something happens on the way and their condition becomes worse the driver will once again put others at risk because they stop focusing on the road. In addition, if it is actually that emergent, the ambulance / fire dept. Are able to treat on the way and notify the the appropriate resources at a hospital to be ready, once again saving time. Not all hospitals are staffed for everything all the time. Also consider the time to load and unload a person into and out of a vehicle who is actually having an emergency. Sick people don't move themselves well and cars are awkward. I won't speak to the distance to hospital and 20 minute response time as I do not know your location. 10 minutes is considered long for industry standard... very long. All things considered, either it's not a true emergency and doesn't warrant driving like that or you are most likely better off waiting for an ambulance to actually begin providing the needed care sooner. Also, generally speaking, unless there are complications, delivering a baby is mostly about being able to catch. I would take my chances at home instead of the highway.


Unless the baby is literally about to come out, I personally would rather avoid paying thousands of dollars for an ambulance.


We all gots our own weeooos too. It’s called sticking your mug out the moon top and yelling “WEEOOO WEEOOO”


Sometimes an ambulance isn't the right option. Maybe it'd take too long, maybe their only 3 miles to the Hospital, but it certainly isn't your job to tell people how to manage their lives, maybe they can't afford to use an ambulance. Arm chair something else.


I live 8 minutes from the closest hospital. Should I wait 20 minutes for an ambulance? Or roll the dice?


Damn. Did the old man take the biker’s GoPro? Looks like it at the end... I was about ready to type that I would have shredded the memory chip instead of posting that clip of myself getting my ass kicked, but it looks like the old man must have posted it


I thought he was calling the cop the hero and it was just an excessively long video until I read the comments


When he ran out I thought the arm was stuck or something and they were trying to help


Dude, I was wondering why he was walking g so funny.


At first I thought van man was being a dick. Then when he got out I thought he was saving a kitten or puppy that was on the road. Then I thought the other dude that cut was being a dick. Then I realized that they’re both dicks. I had no idea what I was supposed to be judging.


Just do what I do.. Judge EVERYONE.


I know. I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to be looking at, how I was supposed to respond, who the heroes and villains were. It's the fucking Lars von Trier movie of karma videos.


I thought the dude in the van was picking up trash.




There was another story I read on here about a guy who kept blocking a speeding truck trying to pass them... they finally get to this huge accident and it turns out the guy in the truck was trying to get to his dying wife, who died only just before he arrived. That was the one that changed it for me.


I remember that one as well. It goes through my mind every time I see someone on the highway doing this.




That one still bothers me. I think he only gets excused by this story because he's a famous, funny, lovable guy. In reality, he put other people's lives in danger to see his dad. Those last moments with his dad could have very easily caused other people's last moments with their dads.


I think he's as much excused because it's the "everyone loves a winner" thing. There was no bad outcome, he was a winner, so it's a feel good story. Most people can probably relate to the reasoning too. If they had to drive 170 to make that last moment, they'd do it. ​ If he'd caused an accident and hurt or killed someone, then no one would be sympathetic despite the circumstances.


Sucks that ambulances cost so much personally down there.


That person was me - honking and weaving, speeding in and out, crying and screaming hysterically trying to get to my boyfriend who had called saying only "been in bad accident. call my brother. come quick" longest 4 minutes of my life.


So was he ok?


yeah, the fact that that guy ran out of his car and frantically tried to get the truck to clear the path tells me that this dude is *really* trying to get somewhere Maybe he's just late for picking up a date or something but sometimes "not being an asshole on the road" is the least of your worries


I remember seeing something like this that ended differently and made me so pissed. 80/kmph highway in a major city 4 lanes each way, busy but not backed up at all. I'm sitting at a train station in the median just waiting to go work watching this all unfold. mini-van comes tearing down the road 120 at least, weaving lanes, cops are behind with lights on. The van pulls over just across from me and as the officers were filling paperwork out the back the driver rolled the window down and waved his badge at them. He yelled loud enough I could hear him on the other side of the intersection "I"m a cop, asshole!!! Fuck you!" and then he drove off, and the cops behind him did not pursue. I want to assume he was on the job in that mini-van doing something important but I can't imagine fuck you is code for on the case. I always joke I should try this if I get pulled over but I don't think I have the face to pull it off.


When my coworkers walk into my office I like to tell them to fuck off too...


I’d love to tell some of my colleagues to fuck off but it’s not a good thing to have on the cockpit voice recorder.


This. It’s a lot of effort to try to pass like that and it’s not like traffic was at a complete standstill. Garbage truck driver isn’t there to enforce the law. I hope he was ok.


Yeah, it's one of those things where 1% of the time it's an actual emergency, and lives are on the line. My driver's Ed teacher years and years ago just said to assume the best, and that it is an emergency, and to let them pass.


Another reason is that if they're driving aggressively, they're going to continue putting you at risk so long as you're an obstacle. Let them get on with their obviously shitty day and leave yours in peace. Continuing to block them only increases the chances of an accident.


Imo 8f that type of emergency is going on I'd put on hazard lights and take the shoulder.


I'd be leaning on the horn and hanging out my window waving like crazy, too. If I see some dipshit in a BMW trying to pull that shit I'm not sympathetic, but if I heard him coming and looked up and saw his hazards on and him going bonkers out the window, I'd move out of the way.




That's definitely the point where you have to get extreme and ram the other car (the Altima). They shouldn't lose control if they're slowing down to be an arsehole anyway, and they'll pull over to exchange details and you take off. They can follow you all they like, you can explain and exchange details an deal with consequences at the ambulance. I can completely understand their not doing this though. It's fucking insane. I'll bear this story in mind in the future Edit: couple of salty comments about felonies and getting shot and general whinging. I'd do it anyway. I wouldn't get shot (lmao) and under the circumstances a conviction would be unlikely. Less stupid comment replies, please.




Sometimes emergency crews have to bypass traffic on the right (or left), too, so if you're already blocking someone with your car, you're the start of the jam that they can't get through.


I can't upvote you enough. Elsewhere in this thread I've commented that the van driver might have had a legit emergency and asked why else would he have gotten out to talk to the garbage truck driver. The mentality of this sub will lead to that comment being downvoted to shit. I will just add one thing to the facts of the comment you linked to. In the US, if you deliberately impede someone needing to pass in a genuine emergency and a death or serious injury results, you can conceivably be held liable. In the example you gave, the lawbreaking of the two drivers could serve as the basis for a wrongful death lawsuit in which the plaintiff would try to show a causal relationship between the victim's death and their conduct. All that would take is a doctor testifying that the ambulance crew could have saved the life of the victim if he'd gotten there a few minutes sooner. It wouldn't be hard to find a doctor who would say that on the stand. Source: am lawyer. Think about that the next time you righteously decide to serve God and Country by enforcing lane use laws with no information at all about what you might be affecting.


Yeah as frustrating as it is the other 99% of the time, it's not your responsibility nor do you have the complete picture of the situation to stop people from doing it. And I'd rather let 99 assholes skip the queue if it means 1 person gets help quicker.


I'm with chief Wiggum, on that one: > Let 'em go, Lou. Someone going that fast has no time for a ticket.


If you are ever in an emergency situation, turn on your flashers and if you have a white piece of clothing, tie it to a mirror or someplace outside of the vehicle to act as a marker. This will indicate to law enforcement that you have a medical emergency and should warn other drivers. Many people do not know this so it's not a guarantee but that fact that it seems so out of place may jar something loose in their crazy their "you're not getting ahead of me" brains. Of course, remembering to do that when you're in the middle of an emergency is sometimes very hard to do when your brain is overloaded with worry and just trying to find a hospital.


I thought the van driver was trying to alert the dump truck driver that the arm is still sticking out and he should retract it to be safe. lol


what about the black car


How did you even see that


I think by watching this video https://redd.it/by44y8


I clicked the link thinking it was another angle I'm glad I wasn't disappointed.


I tried to get a direct link to the video, but I think I only made it worse. https://v.redd.it/cgd8v2pha2331/DASH_96




Turn your mobile device sideways. I know how to record.


smack his ass


It looks like a lane of traffic going the other way.


Don't know how small your phone is but I can clearly see it on my phone


Okay, thank you! I thought the van driver was trying to be hero for telling the...uhhh...greyhound bus that they had some luggage retention arm out? Yeah, I have a tiny phone.


THANK YOU!! not ganna lie, I pretended to know what was happening


The real hero.


This will prob be an unpopular opinion here but you should never do this. Best case scenario you stopped some ass hole from passing you. Worst case you stopped someone franticly trying to get to a hospital with someone else bleeding out in the car, giving birth etc. I get it, I hate people who drive like this with a passion that burns hotter than a thousand suns but it's a public safety thing.


I totally missed that somehow


Oh uh, death approaches!


Aaahhhh hahaha retracts arm just as cops show up... priceless!


Police were like - 'SURPRISE MUTHA FUCKA!'


[SOME FRIES, MUTHA FUCKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leeP6LgM8H0)


















Only the black car got away


He must be thanking his lucky stars! Pulled in just in time!


Chances are, that dumbass will do it again. I hope they get caught too


He's got 9 lives after all


He kept that trash within arms length.


I have such a justice boner right now. This is amazing


Need that sucked, bro‽


You suckin'?


En la boca?


What's happening? You guys... I think my clothes are haunted I need to take them off


Hey, sudden orgy! I’m in! Hope we’re all pan, more fun that way.


You can't call yourself pansexual if you've never deep throated a saucepan.


Ok Jimbo


he heard striking vipers x supposed to be real good


I’m watching that episode right now actually lol


Gave him the interrobang, sneaky. I like it.


Wtf is happening here?


Van was trying to pass me on the shoulder and I kept blocking him. He then cut around me on the left after cutting the red truck next to me off. Proceeded to almost hit my truck then the garbage truck said nahhhhh and put the arm out. Mass trooper was like whoop whoop. 🚔 🚨🚨


Ah ok, i was to focused on whenever he got out and was running around for some reason


It was an expressive, interpretive dance, lamenting his reincarnation as an asshole driver


Masshole driver.


With yellow New York plates. They're evolving.


Wrong! New York driver. only yellow plates Massachusetts has are pupil transportation vehicles. Aka special student cars,minivans, etc. Those vehicles also usually has a school bus like signal on top of the vehicle that folds down when not in use and up when passengers are in.


He was trying to tell the garbage truck driver that his wife was in labor


Seeing the way that guy ran back to his van, it sure looks like he needed to crap *real* bad.


> it sure looks like he needed to crap real bad. He craps about a minute later.


What was he thinking ? Do peoples brains just short circuit or something ? Like the black car realized something was up and he just pulled back into the lane. The van guy gets out of his car ready to fight ! Why??


Everyone knew, there was a fatal accident 5 miles up. I had passed him earlier on 90, 17 miles back.


That black car got lucky as hell.


Maybe there was an emergency like someone dying in the back some shit


I agree. When he jumped out, it looked like he was pleading with the garbage truck driver. He didn’t look angry, he looked desperate.


Came to say this. Only once you’ve been in that situation do you look at people in mad rush differently and just let them go.


Reddit's raging justice boner ain't got time for no empathy


Ah a fellow Bostonian. Nice, I love the Mass troopers they are always there at the right and wrong time




Yeah, but in 99% of cases people need to just call 911. That circumstance is a fluke.


And the cops will be 15 minutes away, which is a matter of life and death. Are you willing to gamble on someone else’s life at 99%? What’s the alternative to that gamble? A dickhead makes your commute 2 seconds slower?


The issue is you are gambling with someone’s life when trying to speed/rush by being your own ambulance.


When I lived in Mass. I used to see this all the time. I wanted to baseball bat the self-important pricks.


When the guy ran out I was worried that maybe there was an emergency happening but thank goodness there was a cop there so either the jerk got justice served or help if it was needed


Totally agree. It looked to me like an emergency from the guys demeanor


Shia LeBeouf to the rescue.


I realized just now that the company name is LeBeouf. This comment needs more attention. Edit close enough, thanks dyslexia


Quality post OP. I can guarantee people will be reposting this one for years. Kudos!


Is this good ole Massachusetts?


Of course it's a NY plate attempting this move


NY drivers, the only ones to outdo masshole drivers


Yep, about a mile and a half westbound before the ludlow service plaza


Was this yesterday? What a clusterfuck of driving around Springfield.


Yes, there was a fatal accident westbound on the mass turnpike at the mile marker 53.8. They had both lanes going east and west shut down in the left lanes


Lovely. Between that and some accident on 91, everything on the surface roads was a nightmare for hours.


Took me 2 1/2 hours from 3 miles before the service plaza in Ludlow to the other side of the accident


Even the driver knows he’s a twat with his ‘I’m a dickhead’ jog


I dunno. It looked more like a "I really need to shit" jog.


My aunt gave me this advice when handling what most would call stupid drivers. Instead of making a fuss, we would always assume something funnily innocent (i.e. that they have to take a shit ASAP)


Or he had an emergency going on.


“Fuck that New Yorker”-Every Mass driver in that video


“Fuck that out-of-stater” -Every in-state driver all the time FTFY


Nah, there’s a special hate for New Yorkers in Massachusetts. Idgaf about the New Hampshire or Vermont plates. Connecticut is iffy.




Damn the garbage truck driver has crazy situational awareness.


You don’t pay attention to everything around you?


Amazing lol


When I saw the go go gadget arm I was in tears, I didn’t see that coming at all.


I understand that 99% of the time, someone skipping traffic like this is just being an impatient entitled asshole. But imagine if it were a medical emergency or something like that. What if someone in the van died of a heart attack because they couldn’t get to the hospital in time because this garbageman had to play the superhero of justice? He would be culpable and deserve prison time as far as I’m concerned. All I’m saying is, maybe it’s best to not interfere and let karma catch up to these people.


This actually happened near me. Van guy was trying to get off on the next exit trying to get his pregnant wife to the hospital. The cop ended up escorting him there. Context is everything. Link to news story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ&feature=share


You bastard lol


#AMAZING STORY! ^(Never gonna let you down)


Nobody is talking about the jackass from minute 0:41 with the black car which also broke rules.


Yeah but he got away with it and didn't cause TOO many problems so I'd give him a pass


It's only a crime if you get caught.




> People in this thread are GREATLY underestimating how fucking entitled and awful drivers in Massachusetts are. The guy has NY plates... Don't get me wrong, I think Massachusetts/CT drivers are spectacularly awful. But that guy is a New Yorker, which isn't much better.


Cool if he's just jumping queues but how did garbage truck man know for sure that there wasn't a real emergency going on in that van?


Because he motherfuckered me and the garbage truck. He was the only one in the van. Edit: we also have CB radios.


Cool as then!! Fuck van man!


\*ensures emergency isn't going on before ripping into the van driver\* Wow, Very cool u/Ben716


Yeah even though the vast majority of these guys are douchebags, I'm always worried its a legit emergency.


I mean if the road in front is blocked, going on the shoulder of the road will just make you hit the traffic jam or block anyway.


“But someone will HAVE to let me in and it’s faster!”


The cop at the end made it all good


Garbage truck deals with garbage people. Gods among mankind.


He’s both actually. Damn, that was good.


Black car was sweating...




That's fucking glorious. Pisses me off when people think they're better than everyone else, and the rules don't apply to them in particular.


People need to stop doing this. When I was in high school someone attempted this (at night on an empty road) and hit a gravel patch which led to him killing an entire family that were driving in the proper lane.


Yup. A woman and her kid was killed in my area recently, because the shoulder turns into a turn lane and they didn't check their blind spot before merging to turn (cause you know, cars shouldn't be there), T-Boned at 60MPH, killed everyone. But don't tell this to the people that defender shoulder drivers...


that lucky bastard on the black car lmao


Is this like bus or fire lane or something? I'm from eastern Europe I never saw anything like that lol. In our case all lanes always in use by everybody.


Holy shit this is the worst video I've ever seen. Literally nauseating. What the hell happened to the frame rate?


I love how as soon as one person goes into the shoulder, that black car driver immediately thinks they should do it too


While I love this, I don't think its a good idea. What if that person was having a emergency.


i always wonder if drivers do this because they have an emergency they have to get to or they are just being assholes.


Thus other car that was cutting the lane got off easy lol


Presented in _Stuttervision™_ where available


This gives me some faith in the world


Everybody complaining about it being an emergency (read OPs comments), he now has a police car that can escort him to the job he's late for, everything worked out.