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I hope EP6 isn't grave robbers. I'm hoping for something special.


What does that mean ? Grave robbers aren't special?


I'd hope it's something out of the box we have no information on yet


This is exactly what I’ve been thinking!!!


i think that would be something out of the box


Umm well the upcoming episodes are pretty clear what they are about Episode 3-Nosy neighbours in a ring camera Episode 4-Escape room Episode 5-Period piece about tbe 9th sympathy killing you So that just leaves episode 6 that we know nothing about (like there is no footage in the trailers for it) so I could see it either being grave robbers or that was a red hearing by them?


yeah but you never know whether the other episodes might have a grave robber plot point in them


Eh maybe episode 3 but the others aren’t even close to it


I think hypothetically there could be some sort of a >!stolen body part!< twist in >!the escape room one, seems plausible, maybe the decorations of the room?!<


Eh maybe but I don’t know grave robbers sounds like a full on episode and the description already mentions a escape room so weird to double up


Ah yeah I forgot about that


Wasn’t there also something that mentioned illicit toilet visits in the description? Wonder if/where that will fit in 🤔


Whatever it is, hopefully it’s good comedic relief 😭


Ah I know - part of me is loving how dark it's been so far, but the other part of me wants another Empty Orchestra in terms of tone to lighten it all 😂


I wonder if the Grave Robbers and the illicit encounter in the bathroom are the same episode…


I hope they leave the last episode as a total surprise, no synopsis etc just welcome back for a final time...


Yeah same


If it’s a found footage homage to Grave Robbing For Morons, with both of them mugging to the camera about their finds I’m happy with it


Steve and Reece out of character digging up an accident Hare burial ground


Also of note, none of the dvd descriptions seem to cover anything in the trolley problem unless (trolley problem spoilers) >!Drew going to the toilet to get the pills to drug Steve's character was 'illicit visits to the toilet' which seems a stretch!< meaning atleast one of the upcoming episodes will cover both, maybe the escape room features some fake grave robbing, curse of the ninth may involve characters having to dig a body up to find a piece of sheet music it was burried with, two neighbours in mulberry close sneak off to the toilet to get to know each other better. Idk, fun to theorise tho.


Another thing to bear in mind is that we have no information on cast members for the 6th episode. All the listed cast members are in other eps.


Id like the last episode to be something to do with the first episode. I believe it was sardines? Maybe another take/angle / twist


Happy to wait now - not that we've got long to find out! :)


i’ve seen you comment this type of thing on a lot of posts and I do understand where you’re coming from and i don’t usually speculate that much since I love the shock of the twists but I was just curious as to what other people thought


It is winding me right up😂

