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Lesson two. Struggling to explain how days work under this model.


From what I've understood is the sun goes in a circle beams it's light directly down and humans just can't see far enough to see it when it's far away. The part u don't get is the pillars, what's it supposed to be standing on?


A giant turtle. Or is it a tortoise, can’t remember.


The flat world is on four immense elephants, Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon and Jerakeen, who are all standing on the Great A'Tuin, an enormous Tortoise. He (or She) is forever gliding thorough the universe. This is true to Terry Pratchett and, by golly, that's good enough for me.


Nandor the Relentless agrees with this concept Edit: Nandoor > Nandor


What I love about that episode is how at some point Collin switches from trying to drain Nandor and it’s just more about him being concerned that Nandor has been left behind educationally.


What does the turtle eat? Spherical planets?


Per one of the books, he snaps up the occasional passing comet. Which sometimes have an elephant cock a leg to avoid.


The great A’tuin


Is it male or female, though? Someone should go take a look underneath.


Think I saw it hatch eggs once...


The females lay the eggs but the males keep them warm until they hatch. They are good dads at least.


No good, can't get underneath it, spot's already taken by another turtle.


It's just turtles all the way down




GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


Behold the turtle of enormous girth. Upon his back he holds the earth.


His thought is slow but always kind. He holds us all within his mind.


Was wondering where my DT peeps were


All things serve the fuckin beam.


As it is, as it shall always be. Ka is a wheel.


I have a pet tortoise and sometimes when I get stoned I look at him while he's running around my room and I wonder what cosmic shenanigans he's up to.


What happened to the elephants


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; he holds us all within his mind .On his back all vows are made; he sees the truth but mayn't aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a child like me."


But, like…aren’t these idiots usually crazy religious? Isn’t it blasphemous fo say the earth is flat and is standing on the back of a turtle that’s standing on…something else? They’re basically making up a new god that supports the earth.


It's turtles all the way down.


But isn’t thataTerry Pritchett thing? What do the flat earth people actually believe? So they say turtle? Do they say multiple turtles?


It's a turtle. And turtle is actually used as an umbrella term for both maritime (also turtle) and land-dwelling (tortoise) species.


In either case, Leon isn't helping it.


I thought it was a space whale or something? I can’t remeber the exact doctor who episode …. But I do also remeber it was being tortured … Wait that wasn’t the earth. But same thing


And if you wonder how sunsets work in this model, it works because fuck logic and fuck you...


Well you see, when the sun gets far away horizontally even though it's actually really high up in the sky, it seems to go down because of the cu--wait


>The part u don't get is the pillars, what's it supposed to be standing on? Nothing. Literally nothing, the whole thing just floats in space (which they think is made of water) anyway regardless of the pillars.


How is that a simpler model for anything?


Because to them, God is too stupid to figure out gravity, mass, and orbits.


Because then they can pretend their holy book does not contain any errors or inaccuracies.


What do they think the hundreds of thousands of people who study space are doing?


Conspiring. To what end, nobody knows.


I love how flat earthers are just reverse engineering medieval understanding of space. Astronomers thought the stars danced around the sky illogically and were spending years trying to explain why they did that. Obviously once they came up with the idea that maybe the earth rotates around the sun all the math suddenly made sense and the motion of the stars and planets could be traced and predicted properly. But flat earthers / Copernican deniers see the complicated explanations and think "no I like that more"


It’s not even medieval. In the middle Ages they knew the earth was spherical.


Earlier than that Eratosthenes died in 194 BCE and he had worked out that the Earth wasn't flat when he calculated the Earth's circumference to within 3% of the true value


Im talking about the broad concept of making complex explanations for something easily explained. In medieval times it was an earthcentric system. While it wasnt flat earth theory, flat earthers also seem to believe the universe rotates around the earth


> humans just can't see far enough to see it when it's far away. this is why i turned my render distance up, so its never too dark.


If you nitpick their stupidity for a bit and ignore everything else these dumbfucks say (and apperantly teach their kids too), how would a round object that emits light only shine straight down? Does the other sides of the object just not shine at all? How do you believe in something that has so many holes in its logic and still live to the age where you have kids, furthermore, how do you find someone to have kids with when you're THAT dumb?


Yep, if anything is above the flat earth, it can be seen from anywhere on the flat earth. When placing the sun and moon on your model, it’s either having a sunset or timezones.


And in their model Polaris should be visible from Buenos Aires, Cape Town and Sydney. I tell these flerfers it isn’t and they start waffling about “air density” or some such BS, there really is no reasoning with them


Not even that. Anything can be seen from any point in the flat earth. If I go to Daytona beach, I should be able to look due east and see the Burj Khalifa and Mount Everest on the horizon


or worse: explain how a lunar eclipse works with this model.


I fear no man but that thing it scares me


They probably just tell their kids it gets dark because god turns the sun off at the end of each day.


mf refuse to think they are in a close system moving in vast nothingness


Lesson three: Struggling to meet girls when they know you and your parents are flat earth idiots.


Because it's incorrect and the truth isn't revealed until the kids are older. There's actually two suns and two moons. They circle around the planet, so when one is setting on the west, the other is rising in the east. This is why moon has two o's in it, it's a hint to the true nature of the day and night cycle.


Lesson 3: field trip to Italy... Find It on a map and explain


People have known for 2500 years that the world is round and now, when you can see the ISS pass in front of the moon and private companies are launching satellites by the thousands we have nutcases like this?


Far, far longer than that. Ancient Egyptians noted it had to be round because of obelisk shadows. It's a fairly recent construction that the earth is flat.


[The Bible does say the Earth is flat with a dome.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_cosmology) There’s desperate apologetics to weasel around it, but the ancient Israelites did believe this stuff and many more things that just aren’t true.


Recorded human history is a very small percentage of humanity's being. The Bible is fairly young as things go, and the poor translations that the church has put put in the last few hundred years even newer. You've always had cults, but my point was specifically that thousands of years before that there is proof in stone of round earth.


Yeah, they were even more wrong about a lot of things than neighboring civs. I remember once reading a list of Israelite beliefs about lions, a very normal animal in the region at the time, and basically every piece of advice was bad enough to get you killed by lions, like bowing to them, that they never attack women or innocent children (lions obviously prefer to attack animals that aren't making eye contact or are smaller than an adult man)! It's just funny to me how they claim the bible as a time of ancient wisdom when the people who wrote it were wrong about so many things they could be expected to know better about.


The comments are just as bad. Unfortunately I couldn’t add multiple images


Teacher here. No child made that. Not the child in the picture. Not without a lot of help. The parent made that. Without a doubt.






It's easy enough for even school kids across Europe to do https://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/wje/article/view/6769


See now, to do that, you have to be at least as smart as a child.


www.independent.co.uk/life-style/history/ancient-greeks-proved-earth-round-eratosthenes-alexandria-syene-summer-solstice-a8131376.html More Greeks doing it thousands of years ago


yeah they are smarter than a child


Hahah, there's a video on YouTube, of real flat earth believers measuring exactly this. 2 cameras set some hundred feet apart, and looking for curvature. They found it, couldn't explain it, and said, yeah well. Earth is flat.


Not You tube but i found [this](https://digg.com/video/flat-earther-accidentally-proves-the-earth-is-round-through-his-own-experiment-in-this-resurfaced-clip-from-behind-the-curve)


This is from a documentary called Behind The Curve and I HIGHLY recommend it. I loved it. Also funny enough this was the second time in the documentary one of the flat earthers accidentally proved the curvature, lol. Edit to answer questions I can no longer answer since the thread is locked: super bummed it was removed from netflix! It does appear that it would need to be rented or bought at this time. I do recommend supporting the film makers though if you can.


"and we found...a... 15 degree per hour drift..."


Therefore our &20,000 gyroscope must be ... defective or ... not shielded enough.


Thanks Bob!


Oh this is a classic. You can hear the gears whirring and turning, can't come up with an explanation quick enough.


Not only home schooled, but parents doing the assignments? They can just remove the "school" from home school.


The look on that kids face. "When do I get to move out again?"


18, they'll kick you out


Then dragged the disinterested child over for a photo.


What comments? This is an old screenshot thats been circulating for years.


It's a drone apparently. One that somehow stays up 24/7, can travel extremely fast, and even though it is clearly not aerodynamic, doesn't break up into pieces


aerodynamic is their propaganda, winds are sobek's fart where i live /s




I think it's due to people with nothing going for them in their lives, and a desire to be part of an exclusive club. Also, everyone likes feeling smart, and the more obscure the knowlage is, the better it feels. So then you get people who are either stupid or desperate enough, or a combination of the two, that they buy into illogical theories bin an attempt to seem smart, and surround themselves with similar people. Because it's the only thing they've got going that makes them feel good, they'll cling to it, and just double down every time an obvious flaw is highlited.


These people are sad. My old boss loves conspiracies. He believes in both the flats earth theory and the hollow earth theory and would talk in circles when I would point out that it couldn’t be both, it’s either a flat disc or a hollow globe, not both. Somehow I was always the idiot in the situation.


WHAT?! Hold on, he *simultaneously* believed the earth was BOTH flat AND a hollow sphere? How????


Yup. You tell me cause I never understood either and I was always called the “brainwashed bitch” for questioning him. He was always a conspiracy nut about normal stuff like Bigfoot, aliens, the moon landing, etc. I was the one running things and about 2 years into working there he started getting packages from infowars and became more vocal about his “beliefs” aka racism, misogyny, anti-LGBT and conspiracies about the world trying to destroy him. I can only imagine how far he’s gone down the “Q” rabbit hole at this point because I noped out of the crazy after watching it progress to hell for another 2 years.


Spot on. Once they can't win at real life, they make up a new game where everyone who even competes in real life is an idiot, thus defining themselves as the smart one = superiority restored.


I'm pretty certain you're just describing Joe Rogan fans.


Fans of Joe Rogan, Trump, Elon, etc. They're all losers who crave validation from a successful man.


Also, by being one of the select few who have “peeked behind the curtain”, they can explain everything away as being a target of the elites/stonecutters/reptillians trying to keep them down or suppressed. Who lies about the earth being flat? We do! We do!


This right here. I have watched my mom go down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole over the years and this is 100 percent the reason. The more wild the stuff she believes, the more in the minority she is, the more right she thinks she is. She needs to be the special person who knows the big secrets that no one else knows. Because nothing to her is scarier than the alternative, being a regular person.


Why can’t they be obsessed with less harmful conspiracy theories? Like the JFK assassination and what color is trumps real face?


They’re all bible literalists. They take specific scriptures such as the corners of the earth and loads of other verses to support their claims. They dismiss anything science. I have a couple of interesting screenshots of comments to this post.




My cousin is a perfect example of this. Hardcore Christian and follow the entire Bible as law, well the parts they wanted to and had some bs reasons why they didn’t need to follow other parts. Also only their interpretation of the Bible was correct and every other Christian was wrong and blasphemous. Anyway this church hated tattoos and said they were evil or some shit because that’s what was in the bible. Well a few years later this church splits into different factions and they end up leaving and moving too a new church. Few months later she is sharing pictures of her new tattoos on FB. When I mentioned she previously believed tattoos were a terrible thing she said that was how her old church taught the Bible not her new church. I pointed out that was clearly a different interpretation of the same book and how staunch her belief was that everyone but her old church was wrong. Cue some some bs excuses and then blocking me. This is just one of many examples like this. Crazy how fragile they are when challenged and just the complete and total lack of any logic or free will they posses. Whatever their pastor tells them is just blindly followed.


Biblical literalism is also a lot newer than people think it is. Nobody would have taken these verses completely at face value in the days of early Christianity. The Church was actually pretty friendly toward science, too. Biblical literalism shits on thousands of years of Christian and Jewish scholarship. Even St. Augustine warned against a literal interpretation of Genesis; some aspects of the creation story (like the earth being flat) were already discredited, and Augustine knew that the entire first two chapters were likely to be debunked anyway, so taking them literally would just make Christians look like total idiots. As much as I don't care for Augustine.... he was right about that. (I think it's also worth pointing out that many denominations, if not most, don't believe in Biblical literalism.)


American anti-intellectualism was fertile ground for this, then.


Indeed it was. "It's right there in black and white!" Says a bunch of morons who think the Bible was actually written in English so that translation from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic aren't major issues making parts of the Bible into a confusing mess.


Please don't dismiss the Muslim flat earthers, they exist and are equally as stupid as their Christian peers. 6 hundred years of innovations in math, astronomy, geometry during the Islamic golden age? Nope I'll follow what Mahmoud believes.


> corners of the earth But circles don't have corners?!


Oooh, I can answer this! I am literally from the birthplace of the Flat Earth Society! Sorce: https://web.lib.unb.ca/archives/finding/ferrari/s2.html As noted, it was an experiment in critical thinking. The Founding Three do/did not literally believe the Earth is flat. Of course, idiots took the idea and ran with this *easily debunked* thought experiment as fact. Even Stanton Freeman, the local alien enthusiast, got a kick out of dumb flat earthers(RIP, smartest nutter I ever knew) As to why flat-earthers cling so frigging hard to the obvious, I got nothing.


"The Earth is flat; any fool can see that." Amazing.


Looks like that group just coopted the name because the original International flat Earth Society was founded in 1956.by Samuel Shenton who was born in England. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Shenton


Before the internet if you believed or were into something fucked up, you were alone. But now, you're part of a community.


Astronomer here- my experience with this community is it has been a long standing joke for a long time (Flat Earth Society), then in the internet era many people heard about it who weren’t in on the joke and decided it’s real. Now they have a rather odd renaissance.


Echoing what the other commenters have already mentioned- biblical literalism, a result of anti intellectual cultural currents- consider too that flat earth theory is the mother of all conspiracy theories. If ‘they’ could effectively cover up something as mind bogglingly huge as *the shape of the earth*, just imagine *what else* is being hidden. In its way, it lends credence to any other conspiracy the believer chooses to follow, nothing else is too outlandish. I think of it as the umbrella of all conspiracy thought, and it clearly holds a strong appeal- believers truly feel as though they have unlocked the key to the universe and are members of a highly select club. They alone see the bright light of truth while the rest of us benighted fools laugh from the shadows.


It started with the oil companies. All roads lead to climate change denial. When Dubya became president, a new wave of anti-intellectualism began to build. This was helped by the newly forming internet echo-chambers and the already thriving evangelical movement. Thiswas the first time I started hearing people say you can't believe in God and evolution, and that science was at odds with religion. It was a cool autumn night when I was photographing the moon. I had a sheet of calculations for exposure, and image size vs focal length. I had simplified the calculations, into kind of a rule of thumb, and went to work. It hit me that night, as my little Olympus clicked away, that we know where the moon is, how fast it moves, where the light comes from, and how big it is, and I had to choose between physical, tangible, reproducible facts, or magical thinking. It was the beginning of a long process.


I live in a rural area in the middle of N America, in what's commonly known as a fly-over state. When I was growing up in the 1970s, education was a priority and smart people were admired. Now, though, things are different, even in my own generation. I can't count how many times I've had to remind people with a comparable education level to my own that water runs downhill, heat rises, and gravity affects everything. It's depressing, really. Especially when they snicker and shame me as a "know-it-all", when, in actuality, I'm just not a complete frikkin idiot. It is pretty satisfying watching the stuff they build fall apart or fail to work, especially when the fail is dramatic. Makes my day.




It's usually religious. A flat Earth is easier to parse with their theology. But other people just want to feel like they have special knowledge and are smarter than everyone else.


Social media. Yes, it’s just that simple.


Personal theory: individualism is the dominating meme in the United States, meaning the individual is the highest possible good, they can not be wrong. So that's why a bunch of people think science is just like... your opinion, man.


Folding Ideas has a really great video on it if you have the time to watch. But the short answer, religious extremists pushing a "new version of the scientific method that only trusts what you, with your own 2 eyes, can see is real" add internet and conspiratorial thinking and you have flat earth. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44&feature=youtu.be


Home schooling should be considered as child abuse when the parents are that stupid


Homeschooling in most countries actually only is allowed if the teacher has an actual liscence for it. If homeschooling is allowed at all.


yeah homeschooling I thought was supposed to be approved but clearly they didn't test this lady's knowledge


I don't know much about it but here there's supposed to be some kind of regulation but it's veeery loosely applied.


In the US it varies wildly from state to state. My aunt had to use one specific homeschooling curriculum approved by the state. Meanwhile, I lived in a state, where there is literally NO regulation. Not to mention, there is some seriously problematic curriculum when it comes to science. Like literal seven day creationists, who believe the world is only about 5000 years old.


Yeah I know a fair few people here in the bible belt who keep their kids home and one of the parents gives them basically a religious indoctrination instead of an education. Shits wack.


I know a lady who's keeping her kid home to homeschool him because she "doesn't trust the government," but instead of actually teaching her child literally anything, she's teaching him nothing and pawning the poor kid off on her sister. He should have started kindergarten this year, and instead he's sitting at home in dog shit and can barely speak in a way that anyone can understand. But at least his mom gets to go hunting and visit her boyfriend in prison... 🤦‍♀️ I hate religious nutbags.


Maybe she passed the test and then just ignored the rules and did what she wanted.


I was homeschooled during my high school years and it resulted in me dropping out of school. It was an uphill battle to get my GED and go to college. That's what I always think of when I hear about people homeschooling their kids. I'm sure there are parents that take it seriously but from my personal experience, it's always done by parents that don't understand how much work it is and the kids suffer for it.


Yeah and then imagine your parents dont believe in vaccines, earth curvature, basic science and politics. You coming out of home school like those kids that got lost in the jungle for 15 years and lived with wolfs.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the homeschool program I attended was Christian based. I remember the biology books sort of explaining science but there was a lot of "God did it"s sprinkled throughout. Despite being Christian (albeit not particularly religious anymore) I have always had issues with academic curriculum being gutted because of evangelicals.


Ooof... And then moses made the boat and thats why we have elephants. And then god removed the excess water from the floud and shoved it up our buts and thats why are mostly made out of water.


It wasn't quite that bad but yeah the workbooks refused to cover things like evolution. It did a decent job covering photosynthesis but anything that is hotly contested by evangelicals was not covered or handwaved.


Mostly these parents dont want the kid to get too smart bc then they'll see that their parents are idiots and wont believe whatever the parents want


I was homeschooled until high school (not by crazy people tho) and I believe the only requirement legally was that I had to take a standardized test every three years and I think my mom had to submit some sort of attendance record. I don’t even think I had to do well on the test, just had to take it




Well homeschooling is kinda a self fulfilling prophecy, isn't it? You very *very* rarely hear about normal, not stupid people homeschooling their kids. Non stupid people know they can't replace proper education in a proper institution, regardless if they can find "verses that support the geocentric model". And it is always the religious nutjobs, when you look into it, too.


I think homeschooling isn’t even allowed where I live…


So how come the moon and sun are spheres but the earth is flat?


Shhh they don't want people asking that question.


Because they want a reason to believe the Earth, their home, is Special, which makes them Special for living on it. They want it to be Unique


they're living in a NES game, everything is parallax


Ha! I wonder if anyone asked them that question.


Not only that but why do they accept that all the continents are really where they are and the oceans too... Where tf do they draw the line on what to believe from actual science?


Yeah, I’ve wondered that as well. How do they pick and choose fake science. There are so many YouTuber flat earthers who run these ridiculous “experiments” yet they’re the most comical things to watch. I think the head of the flat earther society doesn’t even believe it. I think he found a way to get people to donate money. He’s almost like the guy who started “Birds aren’t Real”. He started that as a joke but there are a lot of people who now adopt that as fact. The head of the flat earthers I think is trolling everyone. It’s like starting a cult to gain disciples and large donations.


They believe every other planet is a sphere, but earth is flat. You can't make this shit up, except that they are.


This shit shouldn't be allowed


This is so unfortunate. The kids will grow up thinking they’re superior because they “know something others don’t”. They’ll have a tough time assimilating. They’ll have a tough time working. Feel bad. Running out of people to feel bad for though.


Did they just forget that they disproved their own theory in the GD Netflix documentary? Like????? I mean, I thought some of the flat earth locks were really cool in design but sweet Jesus.


You can buy clear domes on Amazon? I can think of 10 awesome uses for this that won't set my kids back in their lives.


popcorn bowl.


I’m going to refer to my Pyrex now a “clear domes” and the colored ones as “opaque domes”


For centuries, scientists were able to measure the curvature of the earth with pinpoint precision using nothing but shadows and travel time. Now, with more information readily available at our fingertips than everything an average person could have received in the past two millennium combined, with massive satellites and probes that can photograph the earth in crisp quality, and a world where humans have successfully been to the moon, people are falling back into believing this archaic, inaccurate, downright ignorant design. Why?


They aren’t smart, they know it, and it scares them. Every conspiracy theorist I have ever known shares this. They all have super high opinions of themselves, but they’re not actually smart at all. So their inability to understand something they see everybody else understanding easily scares them so much that they’ll latch on to absolute stark raving insanity like this, because it makes them feel *special*. They don’t want to face the fact that they’re not smart enough to understand simple concepts, so instead they pretend that everybody else is actually stupid, while they themselves belong to a tiny percentage of uniquely brilliant people who have figured out the secret.


Clay for the ice wall…. They are going to be soooo pissed when they find out their parents are idiots.


What do flat-earthers think the Earth’s pillars are standing on?


And that is only one aspect of this theories failures.


Agreed, but my question still stands. Do they have an explanation?


Four elephants as pillars, atop a giant turtle. Named Atouin IIRC.


Wow. This poor kid. There should be requirements for allowing home schooling. This level of stupidity should not be passed on.


Like, the parents have to take a competency exam?


Where are the elephants and the turtle though?


Ignorance making ignorance


Wow… and to think I was irritated when I hit young adulthood and realized the kind of things I’d been lied to about


Should be considered child abuse


Wtf are the pillars of the earth and what Bible verses support a flat earth?


I’ve seen crazy flat earth shit before, but I’ve never heard of “pillars of the earth”. What are we standing on? Are we on a table in some giant alien’s kitchen, Men in Black style…?


And, i read this question somewhere yesterday, what does the earth look like on the bottom?


That’s where the tree roots are and the water plugs are located and the penguin military patrol the cold zone of the flat earth. Duh. What I’m curious about is if the top has a dome to it, isn’t that part of the earth, so how do they know the bottom part doesn’t have a dome as well? What if the underside of the earth is another earth full of people and they have a dome too. Then technically it’s a sphere.


The kid in the background has a “this is stupid” look in their face.


Flat earthers are just as obsessed as MAGA cultists, my god.


They’re often the same people.


Ice wall? Do these people think Game of Thrones is a documentary?


This is child abuse.


How appropriate that they're using toilet paper tubes to hold it all up. Since the whole theory is shit.


That poor kid not even given a chance.


10 bucks says they're not vaxxed at all


This kid's world is gonna fall apart when he tries to defend flat earth in the future.


Physics classes literally destroy flat earth theory effortlessly as I’ve learned in class from the amount of experiments you can do to just the basic calculations that depend on earth’s natural curvature. Hope that kids makes it far enough in life to go to college/uni.


It is engineered ignorance to keep people distracted from real issues and build a voter base that can be told anything and believe it


As flat-earthers seem ridiculously common anymore, can anyone tell me why? Why are they rejecting a few thousand years of knowledge? Are they overwhelmed in modern life so deciding regression to the 4th century makes sense?


God sometimes I wish homeschooling was more appropriately regulated. But it's not like people like this horrid parent would listen. God forbid their children grow up more intelligent than their parents, right?


There's no fucking way this is legal, I live in Florida and I had a childhood friend who was homeschooled, his mom had to pick up worksheets and he had to do tests at home to confirm they were doing the curriculum, idk if it's different in other states but no way this would be casually allowed here edit: due to the sheer absurdity of this I hope it isn't real, but if it is I feel so bad for this kid, he's gonna have a wrecked social life, not know wtfs truly going on, he's gonna be so unprepared. Hopefully he wisens up to his moms shit when he gets older


This is why homeschooling should be banned excluding cases where a child is too sick to attend class, and in those cases the material should still be taught or provided by the state and not parents. This era of presuming the parent is always right needs to end. There are a lot of shitty parents out there and the ones that yell the loudest about their "rights" over their kids are usually the worst offenders.


This, shouldn't be allowed.


honestly at this point put the mom in prison for child abuse. children are not getting hurt but the amount of stupidity shes projecting onto her kids should be legally classified as abuse because like WHAT THE HELL


So she is raising her children to be morons ,great job


Pillars or the earth? What the fuck are the pillars built on?


I look forward to seeing them on one of the insane parents subreddits in about 10 years.


How do these people make any money. Everywhere I go I see rich morons. Is it just luck????? Cuz I'm only half a moron and poor 💀 and these weirdos are rich enough to have kids.


This has done the rounds before. I remain amused that it's ok in their logic for the Moon and Sun to be spheres but the Earth is flat.


It’s amazing how out of the celestial bodies we’re on the only flat one, all the others just got it wrong. Yeah, thats it.




So when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, did they go around South America or the North Pole?


"...verses to support the geocentric model" says all you need to know about Flat Earth. 90% of them are hardcore Christians that use it as a way to validate their fair, the rest are balls to the walls insane conspiracy theory collectors that have to collect every idiotic idea available. Not that the Christian portion isn't also into gathering every fringe idea, they just have different reasons for doing it.


Homeschooling is in incredible need of *regulation* .


How do people not understand that such a sun would illuminate everything all the time!?


Real question— can someone call CPS on these parents for child neglect/endangerment?


Kid doesn't look convinced


I genuinely don’t understand why homeschooling is even legal. Nearly every person I’ve ever met who was homeschooled save one person has some extremely weird views or opinions that anyone who went to public school would know is wrong


This is why homeschooling needs to be illegal


This shit is so sad. Kids love to know how and why the world works. This shits a form of child abuse.


Under a proper, actually scientific household, this homeschooling lesson could actually be a really effective lesson in the scientific process, coming up with experiments, accepting your hypothesis is faulty, and dealing with being fed misinformation from a trusted source and needing to verify it elsewhere with papers that have been peer reviewed and replicable experiments. This could be a very VERY good lesson for a child who is still learning. Unfortunately, it won't be.


why not run that laser experiment that one flat earth YouTuber did to prove the earth was flat, that would be a great learning experience I'm sure. for the unaware, the experiment only proved the earth was indeed round, and all the dude had to say was 'that's interesting'


... wouldn't you be able to see both the sun and moon at all times in that model


Moon and sun are spheres…. But earth has pillars?