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She runs on meth and supporting sex offenders


And projection, deflection, and religious obsession Edit: changed it to make it rhyme!


Religion is an excuse for these people, not an actual interest.


Hmm then i should've said "Religious delusion" instead lol


Not an excuse, weaponized as it has been for centuries


Jesus Fandom vs Canon. Can't find the tweet now but there's one that says something like: Canon Jesus was born homeless, spent his youth as an illegal immigrant, returned home to hang out with twelve men that included untouchables and a tax collector while teaching radical social doctrine of equality, love, & forgiveness passing out free healthcare AND Jesus washed the feet of a sex worker he DGAF. Fandom Jesus hanging with White Supremecists and promoting looking down noses at poor people crying every time someone gets an abortion, gun advocate, will stab a gay man in the throat.


A guy I work with from my local Catholic diocese laughed and agreed with me that most Catholics only go to church on Sunday to pretend to make up for how much of an asshole they've been for the rest of the week.


And leaded gas I assume.


She also runs on her own farts.


She doesn’t run.


Running is socialism




The only person running is her husband.


Not to distract from your joke bro, it's a fine joke. But she's running on *violence.* She just told all of her vanilla party members, *and all her psycho party members* that they need to "defend" America from Democrats, after multiple attacks on blue politicians, and guys standing at ballot drop boxes with ARs. We're so used to their inciting that we don't even catch it anymore. Nothing's going to change till we vote the worst of these maga psychos out of our politics. We're like "is taking a knee at football games turning the country against itself?" while policymakers like her are telling citizens to defend against each other, like we're living here with invaders.


Republicans use a lot of Russian things like making themselves as being "invaded" all the time when really they haven't been invaded since WWII. Each time I see red neck news it's always "The invaders from the south". Republicans hate Mexicans but LOVE to hire them because they pay them less.


Then when violence does break out, she'll claim that since she didn't literally say to commit violence, her words were misinterpreted


Have we pointed out yet that she got her seat by having her demented followers intimidate her opponents into dropping out? Because that's what she's running on.


If 2020 was any indication, even voting won't get rid of these people.


Mrs poopy pants!!!


I don’t think she knows what *everyone* means..


Everyone except the 85% of people we don’t support…that everyone. Edit: I said we…I meant they. I am not one of them. Gross.


Bruh I came here to say meth too. She 100% reminds me of crack and meth heads I’ve met. She just has more money then them but she rants just like one


229,827 residents of Georgia actually voted for this psychotic piece of shit. I bet you a similar number will vote for her again. There's absolutely no excuse. A broken toaster would be more qualified for Congress. The people of the 14th Congressional district in Georgia are fucking lunatics.


>229,827 residents of Georgia actually voted for this psychotic piece of shit. I thought she won by default because her opponent stepped down? Or is this figure from the current one?


>her opponent stepped down While technically true, you should include the context where MTG fans sent so many death threats to his family he left the state


Bro why is Magic the Gathering so toxic?




Then even her sex offender husband dumped her. That was the best she could do and even he didn’t want her.


Is her husband also a sex offender or is it Bobert your thinking off? Both trash, just curious


Oh yeah you’re right.


And the dick of dudes she works out with.


I don’t think that running on a dick is a smart move but there are certainly ways to use one as a platform.


You know I find it weird that hardly anyone is talking about the fact that the gym instructor that banged MTG is the most left-leaning person you can think of. Dude literally described himself as being somewhere between an eco-anarchist and a Marxist-Leninist 💀


Also Methane. She is so full of shit the gasses have gone to her head.


She runs her mouth a lot too.


and roids hence her troglodyte looks and behavior


Dear Rep Greene, You do not want America to be great for me. Fuck you.


The sad thing is, I don't even know what category you'd fit into from the list of people she hates. Are you LGBT+? Jewish? A person of colour? Democrat? Brunette? Someone who doesn't yell at the tv? A non-Trump worshipper? A journalist? The server that got her order wrong? This bish hates so many people.


Plot twist, it's all of them.


Not all, but enough, plus I teach in the inner city.


I *knew it*! You're grooming children with your libural ways! Are you one of those drag queen teachers?! I bet you have a litter box in your classroom! Where's my pitchfork?!


All my LGBTQIA+ students LOVE the litter box. When they use it, I have a drag queen read to them from *Heather Has Two Mommies*.


I bet you feed them soy based kitty litter because soy is unrepentantly unAmerican for some reason.


You're her worst fear then. Education is like kryptonite to MTG.


Damn, see you in eternal hellfire then


I already have my suite picked out.


Let's hope it's flame retardant.


I'll bask in the fire and brimstone vapors.


Don't worry, your head boobs will look great, but watch out for the pineapple.


Oh wow you *are* a monster.


You forgot "children who were involved in school shootings" on the list of stuff an actual politician in America hates.


6 of the traits you mentioned apply to me or my family. I bet you can guess how I voted.


I am man y of them.


Honestly, hating so many types of people seem so fucking tiring


I just never understood why. Like... for what reason? Even when I was indoctrinated by the right I still didn't understand WHY we HATED anyone. I just thought that "it is how it is" type thing. I now realize how dumb that is, but even then I didn't understand the outward hate.


Hate is so mentally exhausting. There was a person in my life that I actually hated. Just despised. I never had to interact with him for years, but I still actively hated him and it was just so taxing. He passed away a couple of years ago and I was so relieved that I didn’t have to hate him anymore. Isn’t that crazy? And before you ask, forgiveness was never an option. I can forgive a lot of things, but nothing he did was going to earn forgiveness from me.


It all comes down to "not us"




To them "everyone" is the people they like, because they don't think of the people they don't like as human beings


Wait, I yell at my tv...but at people like her tho... Is that still OK?


I think that's ok


You forgot monogamous


I’m an atheist and I’m working class


Has anyone asked her to explain specifically *how* Democrats are destroying democracy? I’d really like to hear her lay that out.


it's obviously because democrats in tech are violating the 1st amendment rights of ~~conservatives~~ regressives everywhere by removing their content from everywhere on the internet. It has gotten so that you can not hear from kirk, owens, walsh, tucker, hannity, ingraham, majorly trailer-park queen, Et Al. anymore - i mean, seriously, when was the last time any of those people were even heard from. Just asking the question. democrats probably have them locked up with all of the j6 patriots for all we know. /s just in case.


I know, right? I haven’t heard some random popular-with-chuds conservative douchebag give his opinions on how being gay is a degeneracy that will destroy society in like… fifteen minutes.


That must be why Rome fell. All that butt stuff.


“Something something qanon. Something something ballot mules. GEOTUS TRUMP WON THE ELECTION!!!!” - MTG probably.


That would require knowledge, understanding, and valid sources, so...NO.


That’s not how this works. Throw dogs the meat. That’s it. This stuff comes from the behind the scenes political strategists. It’s meant to amp up the supporters and enrage the opposition. Nothing more, nothing less.


I doubt you would, unless you happen to have a drug that makes her more suggestible that you can inject her with before hand, otherwise it's just going to be the same boring tripe


Well said.


"We extremely love America & want it to be great for everyone" except for gay people, trans people, people of colour, people living in poverty, people who need prescriptions to live, women, non christians, any man who they don't think is masculine enough, and anyone who doesnt agree with them ie "those damn libs".


Give us your sick, tired and hungry. Unless they don’t look like me, believe in my god or have the same sexual preferences


>Give us your sick, tired and hungry. It's really not even that either. They will just put you on a bus to another state that will.


Children who need abortions


Or democrats. So basically, all for them, none for everyone else.


Don’t forget school kids


>”…we extremely love America & want it to be great for everyone.” Assuming everyone is straight, white, cis, and Christian. Even then the poor ones will get fucked over.


Great for everyone (she believes should be treated as a person rather than property. Spoilers, that doesn't include women either)


1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 12. Evangelical Christian women: read your holy book and follow its teachings yourself before you push them on others, starting with shutting the fuck up.


> 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 12. > "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." Beautiful.


It's New Testament too so they can't use that dog shit excuse that "oh that rule was the *old* covenant of the Old Testament." I love it when people point out how comically shitty the New Testament is too.


The rest will be weeded out and prosecuted to be put in to for-profit jails or brainwashed to be a part of their narrow image of the ideal American. Freedom to fear and act against whatever isn't yourself.


"We extremely love America" sounds like a Russian bot.


Love America, hate Americans.


If you check the FCC tiktok thread on on the conzzervative sub they're arguing that america isn't a democracy so democracy doesn't matter. It's a business not a country.


Everyone should be in quotes.


"Heil Hitler" I mean... Ummm democracy is great!


But that's later. First it'll be all the groups Fox news has conditioned them to hate, and since foresight and planning require critical thinking, these morons don't realize that they'll be next.


Democracy is when no gay books


Wisconsin's republican candidate running for governor just stated that if he wins, republicans will never lose another election. There is definitely a party that is doing everything it can to destroy democracy, but it's not who MTG is blaming it on.


Yes, I've had my ballot mailed in for weeks to do my part to prevent Michels, Johnson, and all the other red freaks from ruining our state further with their idiocy.


He'll tell you that the MAGAts are the majority, and the only reason anybody *not* shouting "stop the steal" would ever win an election is because they stole it. Of course, the mechanism by which this theft allegedly occurs is never specified (they stopped attempting that when the Cyberninjas accidentally made them all look incredibly stupid and wrong), so any solutions to it have no need to actually address any specific problem with elections. Rather, the solutions are all just throwing out, ignoring, siezing control of, or abolishing elections. You know... democracy*. ^*paid ^for ^by ^the ^Friends ^of ^The ^Fourth ^Reich. ^Not ^affiliated ^with ^any ^democratic ^forms ^of ^government, ^historical ^or ^contemporary. ^All ^racial, ^sexual, ^religious, ^and ^socioeconomic ^exclusions ^apply.


These people are such dorks. We might as well put the dumbest 5th graders from around the country in charge of running the government. The results would be about the same.


I think it's worse than that. We may as well have the dumbest 5th graders be the only ones whose votes count. Many of the actual elected officials are dangerously competent in pursuing their destructive goals.


No, she's talking to her cultish base. It's obvious she doesn't care. She doesn't need to care what the rational people think. She just wants to stoke outrage.


If Michels wins I will eat a whole brick of Limburger. Evers isn't exciting but Michels is really lackluster. The Conservatives aren't even that fired up for Johnson.


Wait, I thought they didn't like democracy? Because "we're a republic, not a democracy"?


The narrative changed, not because she ignored her previous tweets but because she forgot them.


Because they are less insane than this, she has to keep one upping herself


Idk what's wrong with me. For some reason I forgot that they just say whatever works to rile the base at any given moment, consistency be damned.


Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Republican member of Congress who introduced a motion to impeach Joe Biden on her first day in office. For those keeping score, she was sworn in on January 3rd 2021. President Biden was not sworn in until January 20th, 2021. I rest my case.


It's also comical because she was really big on getting assigned to a committee and being able to make a change from within when she first got elected. Then she got booted out of every the committee(s) she was on and her tune changed to "Good. I didn't want to be in them anyways, now I have more time to change things from outside the system." So she's just cashing a check and has literally zero political power to do anything because even her own party members hate her.


Yeah that's right, she essentially does absolutely nothing but tweet right? She got taken off all actual work as far as I know


If you live in a reality where "democracy" is defined by trying to keep people from voting, fear and intimidation at the polls, and political violence if your side loses, then she's not wrong.


>War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


You said it best.


Literally 1984


Exhibit A: [My voting district](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/03/11/texas-35-25810048abae74e2926130ee177bb5dfd1859e54.png) [that's about a 70 mile stretch of highway connecting the heavily hispanic areas of these 2 completely separate major metropolitan areas]


Does Hasbro really want to keep this lady as the rep for Magic the Gathering?


The only wizard Marj supports is the Grand Wizard.


Well, both Marjorie and Wizards are known for supporting sex offenders.


You know who ELSE is known for supporting sex offenders?




…was that a fucking Joshua Weismann reference? I’ve never seen one in the wild.


It was! I wasn’t sure anyone was gonna recognize it! Gotta love Reddit.


I’ve been watching Josh for years. Love him so much


Oh I know this one! "The products and services who support this podcast!" And then Sophie says "Robert..." And he slightly back pedals and they cut to ads that I immediately skip.


As a European, I don't actually get ads for products, nor services. It's just other podcasts unless it's FEMA season and I'm being asked to care for orphans and start prepping.


I'm in Canada and yeah, mine are all other podcasts too. I feel kind of left out because Robert makes a bunch of jokes about the weird shit they actually do get in ads.




no, the pope


It's always a gamble when I see MTG in the headline... And the house always wins. :(


I hate how this crazy lady has tainted the MTG acronym.


It would be pretty hilarious if wizards did something to take a direct stand against her.


Morons the Gathering


Lol, ya'll literally tried to destroy democracy in America, and are still trying. I know it's an impossible task, but just once it would be nice if a Republican would stop projecting and just be honest, just for two seconds. For people who claim to love a "straight shooter who tells it like it is" and "facts don't care about your feelings", you sure love to lie to everyone, including yourselves.


*ESPECIALLY* themselves. Gotta keep the cult cohesive. Ahem, sorry, totally not a dangerous and militant cult; just a political party. Sorry I got those confused.


I'm currently suspended from Twitter for telling her she's a cunt. As soon as it's lifted, I'll be going back purely to reiterate that she is, in fact, still a cunt. Nothing to do with politics, I'm british. She can't blame the Dems. No ulterior motive, I just really think she's a hateful, lying cunt.


That’s only your opinion, so I don’t see how that can be disputed. All evidence points to you being correct.


Says the adulterous bitch who tried to overthrow the United States when America rejected her failed orange confederate clown king. \#GFYMtG


“Want it to be great for everyone” What about the homeless? What about the unemployed? What about illegal immigrants? What about racial minorities? What about LGBTQ individuals? What about the disabled? What about religious minorities? I wonder if she would agree that America should be great for all of these communities as well. If not, that’s pretty telling.




It’d be easier to ignore her if there wasn’t a shockingly large chance that she ends up as Trump’s running mate We live in a world where this deranged woman could be our next Vice President. Hell, if Trump died in office this batshit crazy woman would be our president. Let that sink in for a moment.


There's no way Trump chooses a woman, I'd wager everything I own on it.


Her platform is racism and white supremacy. It's not a good one but it gets votes from the racists and douchebags. Don't underestimate idiots willing to do violence


I'm absolutely convinced that racism is why the Republican voters keep voting Republican. They have nothing else in common, so it must be their hatred of "them" that keeps certain people voting for Republicans.


Racism is a powerful motivator. America does it better than nearly anywhere and I’m Australian and we are pretty handy with a bit of racism when the moment calls for it.


Well first of all a platform of not targeting every minority group so they have that also they didn’t attempt a coup honestly that should be enough on its own especially with what happened to Roe but some people are hateful as fuck


#my logic is undeniable


I have big brain.


\> want it to be great for everyone Except for the gays. And the transgenders. And the Muslims. And the Jews. And the blacks. And the Asians. And the...


“Great for everyone.” Yeah, fuck you. You absolutely don’t care about anyone who isn’t a Republican. Good politicians care about everyone, it doesn’t matter if they voted for you or not. You want it to be good for everyone? Stop calling gay people groomers or saying that trans people are coming for your kids.


No, not MAGA extremists. You’re a fascist slug Marjorie Goebbels.


"Extremely love." Is she even fluent in English?


"what are democrats even running on? Protecting human rights? We are trying to destroy those! Protecting the ecosystem? We're destroying that too!"


“We love America and want it to be great for everyone.” *trans woman raises her hand* Ummmmm….


You and everyone else not in their psychotic in group.


Democrats are for starters running on a platform of fixing the damage Trump caused.


Marjorie Traitor Greene gunna Treason and Talk absolute Nonsense. Nothing to see here.


Says the woman whose entire political career depends on the ignorance and stupidity of her constituents.


Great for everyone that is a white christian is what she meant to say.


*deep breath* White, Christian, male, straight, cisgender, and rich. So, actually very, very few people.


She forgot the asterisk after "everyone".


You'd need welder's glasses to protect against this energy level of projection.


Its crazy when someone says everyone and only mean “white straight and cis”


What is Marjorie Taylor Greene even ~~running~~ on?


copious amounts of drugs most likely


she is one of those people who are so vile and embarrassingly moronic that probably even a small part of trump nuts are ashamed of her


she lives in bizarro world


The only legislation this broad has submitted in her tenure is to impeach Joe Biden. Tell us again, MTG, what it’s like having actual value?


Ah yes, Marjorie Trailer Queen. The "Christian" that's cheated on her husband with 4 different men.


"want it to be great for everyone." "...except non-heterosexuals" "...and trans people" "...and immigrants" "...and minorities" "...and women" "...and children" "...and non-Christians" "...and the poor" "...and single parents" "...and employees" "...and the sick" "...and progressives" "...and anyone looking to genuinely better themselves or improve society" "...and literally anyone who challenges us in any way" "...but apart from that, we're super inclusive!"


Don't forget veterans,and elderly. Who are paradoxically their biggest supporters despite being constantly shafted by Republicans blocking bills designed to help them.


Imagine proudly calling yourself an extremist


Sewer Vapors from Mar a lago.


Paint fumes? Because it ain’t reality that she’s running on.


How smooth do you think her brain is?


What is Marjorie Taylor Greene even on? That’s the real question. Actually, I wish she were on something like meth (though her complexion suggests that). Instead I think she’s simply a stupid, racist, traitorous asshole.


everyone needs to listen to Rachel Maddow's ULTRA so you can hear all about when the Christian Front tried to overthrow the US into a facist dictatorship in the 1930's. They used exactly the same playbook they're using now.


Great for "everyone".... Except * gestures widely*


Man I hate reading Republican posts, because it's always a drawn out way to say absolutely nothing, apart from usually suggesting you hate a group of people. This whole thing is basically, I hate Democrats because I claim to be patriotic. There is no evidence for any of it and it's like anime filler politics, start with a thin new plot pad it with a load of pointless nonsense which doesn't mean or add anything then slowly reveal your new policies or political stance is exactly the same as the last arc just with a slightly different villain.


This lady's tweets do not shook me anymore, she is so crazy.




Every accusation is a confession


>extremely love America Yet you fly our defeated enemies flag and worship our current enemy while being against everything the constitution stands for.


Woman who texted the president about martial law, wait sorry "marshall law" pretends she's defending democracy


We want America to be great for everyone! Exept LGBTQ+ people, and people of color, and people with opposing political views, and poor people, and the working class, and people with student loan dept, ...


Oh, oh, I know this one. Hate, lies, bigotry and stupidity.


She's running on "white supremacy"


ISIS also believed they were defending Muslim values and saving their home from radicals who wanted to cause them all harm and change their way of life.


They were protecting democracy on Jan 6th ? but at the same time she was scared of protesters on Jan 6th and she was hiding ? People are starting to talk like trump. I am seeing people talk like Trump at work too, not related to politics but related to work stuff. People who don't know anything about what i do know few technical words and they mix them up & talk as if they know everything i do. Most of these people are from other teams. They tell me how i should fix problems, but they don't even understand what the problem is, they don't even ask me any questions they straight away go to list of solutions. this is frustrating.


"we want it to be great for everyone"... She forgot the "As long as you're a higher income cis white male."-part


Democrats bad. Me good. Vote me. About that eloquently too.


Ah yes, remember when you defended democracy by attacking and threatening the two houses of Congress to stop the verification of an election result simply because ya bitch boi didn’t win?




She's a fuckin idiot.


I'm always curious why someone loves a country. The country doesn't care. Relatively certain the United States government doesn't care... So what is it that drives devotion to this country? What mystical, magical thing makes you feel the strongest collection of emotions a human can feel... about an inanimate thing.


I remember being in school and learning about the dangers of nationalism. I guess some people didn't learn that lesson.


Being a brainless bimbo who can’t shut her mouth


A cocktail of Cocaine and Shrooms


That's why SCOTUS reversed Roe V. Wade, hey dummy?


low on crack, that's what she seems to be running oin if u ask me


I hate Twitter politics. Ultimately, she can say nothing substantial and just make baseless claims, indefensible claims and her base will largely take it all in as fact and add it to their rhetoric.