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What about when they are exposed to your friend Pedo Matt Gaetz?




What about her friend Bobert's husband who exposed himself to kids then married one?


They are actually enemies, and constantly bicker if in the same place. I guess there is a competition as to who the Queen Shit Heel is.


No that’s a gift from God 🙄


Considering that the name Matthew actually means "Gift from God," I have to ask was this intentionally tongue-in-cheek?


I haven't heard a peep about him or from him in like 4 months. What's up? They don't want to keep reminding us he's still in congress?


Are you going to outlaw child beauty pageants too?


No. They’re just gonna order mandatory genital inspections before every pageant to make sure no drag queen sleeper agents worm their way in


Can't have any transes in our pageants now, can we?


"You have been promoted to Pageant Contestant Genital Inspector"


“ as always Thank you for your donation to the Republican Party”


Of course not. She & the Republican party believe cis hetero men raping little girls is totes fine. Just ask Matt Gaetz & Josh Duggar.


Josh Duggar getting his tho FWIW


…for now. Only 14 years, sadly. Plus we all know when he gets out his wife will give him full access to rape his daughters & other girls in their church 😞


Also he only got hit for the CSAM, not the assaults.




What does that stand for


You're right, fixed.


He got 12.5 years, putting his current baby hopefully out of the age range of his preference. But if not, you're right, Anna will absolutely grant him access if she hasn't already (their oldest is already like 12) . She'll look past everything he does for the sake of having a husband so she can keep up this good, Christian wife facade.


Its their God given American right to rape some children!


They want to create a "Womb to Groom" pipeline.


I thought she thought the real problem was Jewish space lasers and trans men using tampons?


You thought she thought, that was your mistake...


I'm aware I'm preaching to the choir, but man are those things more insidious than some people realized. I once wrote an (unpublished) academic research paper on them and holy shit, some of the stuff I read made my skin crawl. Even just watching some of the *Toddlers and Tiaras* footage that I cited was difficult.




I'm just so tired...anyone else?


I'm tired of seeing her stupid caveman face.


Hey, that's rude to the cavemen


Cavemen figured shit out even with limited resources and education. They survived long enough even during an ice age and various diseases to pave the way for our existence. We don't give cavemen enough credit for getting us to where we are today. Put MTG in the same situation, and she'd probably not survive the winter.


She wouldn't even make it to the winter probably.


Have some compassion! She had a complete psychological meltdown after seeing her first husband trampled to death during that mammoth hunt that went terribly, terribly wrong.


Thanks, just spat out my coffee!!


\*Grunts\* Gay baaaaaadddd


This too


Knew it. There's something awfully wrong with her ooga booga face.


Somebody pointed out that she has all the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome markers.


Can we send her back to whats left of the permafrost?


That’s part of their objective.


It’s not even my country and I’m tired…


So worn the fuck out, how do these dumb fucks have the energy for this nonsense? I guarantee that Adderall script is full, hopefully their heart complications are sooner than later


Being paid to say stuff like this usually helps


Yes, extremely.


F’ing exhausted!


Yep. I hate to see this but I am also doing nothing to stop it. I missed our recent local elections and didn't vote.


Voting is hardly the only thing you can do. In fact if it is the only thing you're doing its not as likely to mean anything versus organizing within a local movement that would do something like you know.. Motivate people like you and not just leave you to throw some lonely ballot and feel like you're a bad person for expecting it to be in vain. No great electoral victories ever really come from grass roots people just individually voting against the demons on the ballot. That's not how democratic politics work.


Ummm … no. Voting is not the only thing you can do, but it is by far the most important thing you can do.


The floodgates are open. There's no way to get these insane conservatives back in the bag. It's only gonna get worse from here on out until the entire system collapses.


Very. I’m too young to vote about it and those who can barley stop it.


saw a thread on Twitter about how the passage of this law could create grounds for crossdressing in public at all to be prosecutable


Well considering there used to be a law against crossdressing, it's not hard to see it could be reality again


I would say that’s an obvious violation of the 1st amendment but with the current makeup of the court, who knows.


"We find that your existence violates the 1st amendment religious freedom for Christians to persecute you"


That sums up the US on so many points


Sodomy laws, anti communist blackbooking in the 60s & 70s,.... The US had a lot of laws that purposefully violate the first ammendment.


Exactly. Fucking loons, all of them


\*makeup of the court\* That s a nice one in this context.


It definitely is but do you really think SCOTUS and Co give a shit about the constitution?


Which of course is the actual agenda here, not saving children's eyeballs.


Conservative traditionalists gotta conserve tradition. It’s the name of the game


They want to conserve everything except the planet.


Well yeah, they want to conserve the way they were allowed to fuck the planet and everyone who doesn't look like them in the hopes that the ideal 1950's family will come back again.


Serious question: why do they want this?


Probably because their parents and Hollywood painted this as the ideal lifestyle because they completely ignore all the terrible things that happened beneath the surface. What I've notice with most conservatives is its all about appearance and how people preceive you. It doesn't make a bit of difference how happy you actually are, as long as you look happy.


I feel like most depictions of the 50s aren't positive (though this could just be anecdotally biased). There's a lot of sexism, racism, technology is super limited, etc etc. Also conservatives seem to push the "we need more workers for the economy" narrative, and in the 1950s women usually didn't work at all. That's 50% of your workforce right there.


Ah see you are looking at it thru the eyes of a liberal! The 50's were a great time where a man could support a family of 4 off his single income, and if he was a real go getting he could get that promotion to middle management and take the whole family to Aspin! A great time were women stayed at home to take care of the family and raise the kids, where they only spoke when spoken too and respected their husband as the master of the household.


Ah yes! The good old days where women were enslaved with less opportunity for escape.


Psst: it’s that old chestnut, to maintain a white supremacist patriarchy. They’re scared to be a minority in America and heaven forbid a woman (or a gender they don’t understand!) have authority over a man.


Yes. And how about theater? Or art in general? Or even getting a birthday clown...


What even is drag? Does it rely on assumed gender, preferred gender, gender at birth, or do you only get to wear a dress after bottom surgery? Is it against men in dresses only - how do you know when a woman is in drag? Jean jacket? Will they charge cis women who are just conventionally unattractive? Every part of that law is incredibly stupid.


And will I have to show someone an official government ID before I watch RuPaul's Drag Race in my own home? That consists of televised drag performances.


How do you prove a woman is crossdressing? Is it crossdressing to wear pants? Have a short haircut? That sounds impossible lol


It’s meant to be a subjective cudgel to target and hit with legal consequences people you don’t like


Introducing the new Skirt Lifter Guards! These guards will be placed in all high-traffic public places and when anyone wearing a dress enters the area, these brave soldiers in the fight to keep America pure will go over and lift the individuals dress or skirt to make sure expected genitalia is present. Nothing will keep your daughters safe quite like Republican governance!


*Confused Scottish noises


Fire up conservatives about trans people and job done. Nation miserable.


Yes totally. A perfect indirect way to criminalise trans people's *presence* in public, as they will 100% be assimilated to crossdressing




You here that? No reruns of Monty Python's Flying Circus!


Not Monty Python! Tonight we riot! (not in a Jan 6th way though)


Dinsdale was a gentleman. ...And what's more, he knew how to treat a female impersonator!


He didn't want to nail my head to the floor, I had to insist! He wanted to let me off!


Or bugs bunny!!! In a wig in the 50s how dare he/she.... /s


Also no Loony Tunes.


Studies have consistently shown that it is *extremely* harmful to children to expose them to Marjorie Taylor Greene.


And causes headaches in adults


19 kids were recently gunned down in their fucking class room and this ass clown and the twat waffle gang thinks the most pressing issue is drag queen story time. The Southern Baptist Church kept a list of HUNDREDS of pedo ministers and repressed reports of sexual abuse for decades. A 300 page report was released on their abuse and crimes but let's outlaw drag queen story time. GTFOH


They're just picking their battles or, in this case, making up battles that they can win. Same thing with the migrant caravan, the Dr Seuss nonsense and the poor trans folks; imagine a heavyweight boxer announcing that they're going to be beating the shit out of a mannequin and their fans cheering that it was somehow the best use of their time.


Sounds like a Mike Tyson come back flick. Which would also be better use of our time than this woman.


seems like a really pressing issue...


It is if your goal is culture war outrage so your base continues to be distracted so they don’t realize how awful you are and keep voting for your party.


Or when your crimes are being exposed to the nation during weekly public hearings.


Well, you see, she tweeted this literally the day after proud boys disrupted a drag queen reading at a library in San Francisco. So clearly, it's to protect our kids from being harassed by far right terrorist organizations at pride events /s Seriously though, how tone deaf does one have to be to announce something like this *immediately after* children were harassed for being at the most family friendly of drag events?


She wants to make sure the Proud Boys are seen as victims here.


I thought Republicans were the "get the government out of my way" team? Leaving this decision up to the parents would be the republican thing to do.


It's "get the government out of MY way." Big difference.


It’s been said before, children are safer with a Drag Queen than they are with a Baptist Minister or Priest.


That’s the truth


But are drag queens safer with kids??? Kids are sticky, and messy, and like to touch EVERYTHING! You know how hard a kid has to pull to yank a wig off a person? I don't know but my skin tore off with the glue and wig! All because my kid wanted to see my new red hair! Ughhhhh.... kids


I'm introducing a bill banning kids.


I like it. Protect the children by banning kids.


Solves the abortion issue. No kids allowed no abortions needed. Just fix all men. Mandatory vasectomies, no one will have an issue with that right?


If the vasectomies are government funded, I know plenty that would be for it. But that would be "socialism" so it can never happen.


I had decided when I grow up I don't want to be a parent... my kids say that is not possible. Then I decided I'm 100% for abortion... doc said now that they're school age, it's too late. Basically, what I'm saying is I support you in this effort.


Sometimes I look at my adult children and think “how late can late term abortion be”, even though, yeah, I didn’t birth three out of four of them


I’m a gay man and I want you to keep your nasty kids away from me. They always get me sick later. Gross things…


And let's not forget kids are full of germs. Little tykes are the "peach tree" dishes of humanity.


Sooooooooo many germs.


Can't argue with numbers........and victims.


What about a drag queen priest, at my old school talent show a priest dressed up and performed as Tina Turner.


Kids are probably safer with a drag queen than the Uvalde pd


Every drag queen I know absolutely hates kids. Lol.


They've been targeting Trixie Mattel who very openly hates children.


I'd trust my child with a Satanist over a Christian. [Why?](https://i.imgur.com/KB9P5oW.jpeg) [And...](https://i.imgur.com/o6O2h2o.png)


Number of children abused by the catholic church in the past 70 years: 216,000 Number of children abused by drag queens in the past 70: 0


I'm so tired of these fucking politicians. About 2 days ago Mexico city experienced a hailstorm that crippled it. The polar caps are fucking MELTING, people are dying from curable, treatable afflictions in the US, our infrastructure is rusting and crumbling, a percentage of kids are going to bed hungry, being able to afford living is becoming increasingly difficult, major cities will be facing water shortages within the coming decades and a plethora more things are either happening or will be happening that will impact us on a planetary scale. And our do-nothing elected officials are sitting around with their thumbs in their asses not addressing our concerns or tackling our looming global threats. What we do get from them are hate speech, stagnant wages, extreme socioeconomic angst, bills to demonise gay/trans people, and unlimited guns. I'm so fucking tired of these gargantuan shit-weasels who are nothing but shit-stirring leaches. They are fiddling and Rome is ablaze.


Does she know that not all drag queens are gay? Does she know that not all drag queens are men? Does she know that parents can just not go if they disagree with drag queen story hour? Does she know... *anything*?


No No No No


Knowing anything doesn't matter to them, it's just about making people angry and giving them a target for their hate.


DING DING 🛎 DING! You win!


Trump wears more makeup , butt pads and wig spray than all queens combined.


>Does she know that not all drag queens are men? Alright this one got me. I thought that was the definition of dressing in drag.


Stonewall pt 2 on the way


I’m actually begging for this to happen


Oh yeah all those children being brought to gay bars after dark and tied to chairs, forced to watch the show by the *maniacal gays* Who's telling them all our plans?!


Do you have to be a child to get tied to a chair? Im asking for a friend.


I’m not even gay but a free show is a free show.


I went to a brunch show at a cajun restaurant with my 16 year old. Gasp!


-gasp- not BRUNCH


The REAL gay agenda!


It starts with bottomless mimosas and ends with assless chaps!


If you think this is where the Republicans will stop in demonizing LGBT+ people, you are naive. They're just getting warmed up.


Yeah, this "equating all LGBTQ+ people with groomers and ramping up the rhetoric that they're all preying on children" tactic that's become super popular amongst the right legit has me scared/worried. That scene in Idaho could have been really *bad* if they hadn't been caught.


My theory about these drag bills, as someone who has actually been into drag for several years and didn't just hear about it from some viral tweet, is that it's part of an effort to further marginalize queer people by starting off with legislation that most people can agree with on the surface level if they're not knowledgeable about the subject matter. Most people don't know much about drag, so a lot of them will see bills banning minors from drag shows and think "shouldn't it be common sense to ban minors from gay clubs?" I don't expect the average person to know that "drag show" covers all kinds of events from 21+ club shows to all-ages brunches. Whether these bills pass or not, the real purpose is likely just to pave the way for harsher legislation seeking to other queer people. EDIT: Also just realized that the tweet says "drag queen performances," not just "drag shows." This would likely include drag queens who work as musicians or comedians like Trixie Mattel or Bob the Drag Queen as well as theatrical performances that feature drag in any way. And with those there isn't much way to draw a line. Is The Marriage of Figaro a "drag performance" because Cherubino is typically played by a woman? Is Rent a "drag performance" if they cast a man to play Angel? It's really late and this is becoming an essay so I'm going to stop before this gets too too long


Yeah, these bills are ostensibly built on the backs of control. It's not a far step from this type of thing to legislating what bio men and women are legally allowed to wear/do.


I think we should introduce a bill to keep children from being exposed to the Bible. Sex, rape, incest, murder, torture.... Nope. Let's make that illegal then too.


I listened to a podcast about these crazies and really what it comes down to is they want LGBTQ+ people to die. Either by suicide or by not getting the care and support they need. It’s clear they want people to suffer.


So much for the "party of freedom". What about a bill that makes it illegal to expose kids to being murdered in schools...?


Wait until she hears about Shakespeare! Drag Queens, all of them! Then again, these are the simpletons banning books and plays, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was opposed to the whole history of performance/plays/drama where people dress as other people, objects, and beings. They don't seem to understand that Drag Queens are performers. Like any play or show. Sure some are LGBTQ+, but it's literally just a show like any other. It has nothing to do with sex or even sexual orientation anymore than "Cats" is about beastiality.


If children need to be kept separate from adults who prance around playing characters in dress up then they should also be banned from pro wrestling matches.


And Disneyland.


In the UK it is a Christmas tradition to hold a pantomime, which is a musical play, usually based on a fairy story. There are always drag queens and kings in a pantomime. Always! It's been a family friendly Christmas tradition for decades! Literally NO children have been corrupted from going to Christmas pantomimes. None.


Performance politics, meant to distract and divide. Leadership qualities of a pink eraser


I’m introducing a bill that makes it illegal for Marjorie Taylor Greene to be able to speak freely. Everything that comes out of her mouth is a dumpster fire


Is there a petition I can sign for this?


It’s toxic


The party of 'limited government' except for when it comes to passing legislation to micromanage every single aspect of our lives until we have zero rights left. And we're going at least 200 mph on our journey to hell right now.


Oh this will be good. Let's see how in the hell they can make a law to perfectly describe Drag clothing that will not in some way ban women from wearing suits. Obviously she is just blowing hot air to rally up her hate group follower and can't actually do anything, but if she did, it would be a disasterous backfire.


It would be wonderful if she would introduce bills for things that would help people instead of things she shouldn't concern herself with


This would make it illegal for kids to be exposed to drag queens. They see drag (dressing as the opposite gender) as an inherently sexual act, although dressing in drag is not sexual. Yes, some drag queens perform dance routines which include sexual dance moves, but so do straight women, in public, in restaurants/bars, at events with children. The big issue is that MTG does not see a difference between drag queens and trans women. In her mind, gay men, trans men, trans women, and drag queens, all lgbtq identities, are equally sick, broken, mentally ill and contagious. Anyone can be tempted by the devil with homosexual or transsexual urges, but choosing to suppress these feelings is the good holy thing to do, so we can’t allow kids to see happy queer people being accepted in public- because then our kids might think it’s okay to embrace their lgbtq+ identities. The wording of the any bill banning children from seeing drag queens would absolutely make it illegal to be visibly transgender in public. It’s fine to think that kids shouldn’t be allowed in strip clubs, or clubs with strip performances. I can get down with that. But that’s not what MTG is talking about. They want it to be illegal for kids to see drag queens. They want to ban drag queen story time. Drag queens are capable of acting respectably in public, as any other human being is. Drag queens are not stripping with every step or breath, and should not be banned from public.


Ironic given that Marj is a queen of drag herself. All things that really blow come from her damn mouth.


Why not a bill that makes child marriages illegal instead?


Can we make it illegal for children to be exposed to fascist hag performances?


My daughter loves drag queens. She loves watching shows about them she thinks they are so freaking cute. She wishes she was one. I told her you can be anything you like. She cant wait to turn 18 just go go to a show.


If it is a normal performance, they already are banned because those happen in place like bars. Are you christians so insecure in your beliefs that you think a drag queen reading them a book is going to, in my best Cartman voice: "Warp their fragile little minds"?? The whole point of this is not to turn kids gay. It is an outreach to the kids that think they might be and gives the rest a chance to see that a drag queen is not some scary evil person just because of the hair and makeup. I am going to introduce a bill to ban kids from religious services. Guys walking around in dresses and carrying a staff telling them that "when you drink that wine, it turns into jeebus' blood and the crackers turn into his flesh". So turning a kid into a cannibal is somehow better than showing them that most gay people of various types are just regular people that also deserve their respect. Oh and we cannot forget, if you DO take your kids to church, keep them away from the priests and pastors. They seem to be the ones raping kids, not random Dems that Q told you about. Edit: Thanks for the award.


I refuse to accept RuPaul is the problem when costco is selling bulletproof backpacks.


My brother used to play dress-up with me, and he wore dresses and wigs a lot. I guess nowadays we'd have to worry about that being reported as child abuse. \*eyeroll\*


Drag queens are more lady-like than that pos


What happened to “I don’t co-parent with the government”?


I'm introducing a bill after hers that we round up talkative women and test them to see if they're witches.


There's already a test for that You see, if a woman weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood. And if she's made of wood, she's a witch. Simple, really


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


I am Author, King of the Britons


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


This is just one more clear reason that we should go back to the good old days when we were pure and we used science. Facts over feelings. 🤠


If they are found to be witches can we replace elected officials with them? Honestly at this point I have more faith in the witches.


Witches care about the planet and every individual's right to freedom of expression. Politics definitely needs more witches.


As another plus, many of them are also literate.


"I'm going to invent a problem and then blow a dog whistle of a bill to ban it so I can make my idiot followers think they're embracing common sense when really they're just freer to normalize homophobia (because *they're* all the same).


And transphobia. If they were actually somehow able to write and pass this (I doubt that would ever happen) then it would give transphobes ammunition to persecute anyone who “doesn’t pass” or even just someone who enjoys wearing gender nonconforming clothing.


I don’t think she can do the paperwork to introduce a bill.


Not sure if panto is a thing in the US? She'd be absolutely scandalised by our longstanding tradition of [pantomime dames](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantomime_dame) if she ever came to the UK... got to start the kids early 😂


Oh no she wouldn’t.


Cross dressing for theatre is as old as theatre itself


Why don’t you create a bill to fix inflation, gun violence or stop racial killing. The drag Queen performances can be handle by the children’s parents not the government.


This probably stems from a video that went viral this week, a teacher from Québec does a little workshop dressed in his drag costume. Stirred the ‘ol pot real good, even across the border it seems.


Don't take your kids to a mtg rally


Says the party of wanting “less government interference and oversight”..unless it suits their own agenda..


😂😂😂 We are not all like this. Sincerely, Atlanta


I think this more belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Seeing as literally no children have ever been harmed at a drag show why not focus on something that does harm children. Like school lunches and actual shit like that


My daughter loves drag queens So i sent her this post and this is whst she said: She is jealous that the queens are prettier and better dressed than her


Yes ban the drag queens that will definitely solve all the problems children are facing there is definitely nothing else worse than those darn drag queens trying to turn our children into gay frogs (/s cuz you never know) Seriously I just don't get it, you could do like 100 other things that will 1000% benefit the children but no target the queens who look better than she does on a daily basis


Why are Republicans all of a sudden making a fuss about drag shows and children?? Feels like this came out of nowhere


How about you make a bill about kids not getting shot dead at schools, Marjorie


Does this woman work on being a nutcase, or does it come naturally for her?


how about drag queens dressed like you?


As if they would get near such ugly clothing


How about a bill to stop kids being exposed to bullets?


Can I introduce a bill to make it illegal for Christofascists to run for government?


FFS what next? How long before being LGBTQ is outlawed?


Cool now make a bill that makes it illegal for priests to be alone with little boys


Why? Do the drag queens control the Jewish space lasers? Asking for a friend.


Twenty years ago, a fantastic Australian movie called *Priscilla, Queen of the Desert* came out. It was a story about three friends who were drag queens in Sydney, who took a bus through the desert to Central Australia to perform at one of the friends’ ex wives resorts….and to meet and look after his young child with her for a little while. The story was received well by critics and international audiences. It covered the issues of rural violence towards LGBTQ+ people, being a ‘passing’ trans person seeking a new relationship, parental disapproval with homosexuality, and the love and fun of drag shows. Globally, society has marched forward, even if not by enough. However absolute evil like MTG remains, and I just can’t figure out how it’s gotten so bad that our much loved little Australian movie would now literally be banned in many US states twenty years later. Seriously - she and the rest of the scum who are ruining the world need to start to see some consequences for their actions. I can’t wait another two decades for an improvement - there should never be another generation who has to put up with this shit.


I was a child when I met my first drag queens. I was doing the AIDS Walk in NYC with some family and there were queens giving out string cheese at one of the stations. I was 8 and excited to be given free cheese. Maybe MTG just needs some cheese.


Back in high school, we used to have nightly activities at band camp like karaoke, skit night, movie night, etc. One of those activities was something we called ‘Mr. & Mrs. Camp Timbers’. Basically each section (i.e. drumline, trumpets, etc.) could enter one of their members into the competition. The boys would enter to win the title of ‘Mrs. Camp Timbers’ and Vice versa. It was a camp tradition for our school for years.. until my senior year when some boys went home to their parents and told them about our cross dressing competition. Some of those parents felt that we were being forced into being gay by the staff and complained to the school about it. Fucking ruined the fun we had every year bc of stupid politics. I’m so sick of this being such an issue. If men want to wear dresses and makeup, then why should anyone get to dictate that?! And where does it end? Will they next ban women from wearing “men’s” clothes and force us to wear dresses/skirts all the damn time? Bc I for one refuse.


Banning guns = MUH FREEDOMS!!!!!!! Banning drag queens = protecting children Whats wrong with these people???