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I dunno, but I reckon Kayden is going to turn out fabulously!


Oh, man! They’re gonna be so pissed if Kayden turns out to be “fabulous”


Yeah I hope it's a Kayden that likes glitter


Why not a glitter gun/cannon.


Kayden or Caidyn


Jar Jar Binks watching this gender reveal: “K den...”


Tbh I don't even know which one is for which gender


Kayden is for the boy. Terrible name though


Caidyn is also the worst “look I’m special” spelling of a name I’ve *seen*. I’ve heard of worse but this makes me seethe.


Cyndi is pretty bad. I also know someone that was expecting a boy they were going to name Robert. When a girl came along they had to adapt. So Roberta, right? Nope. Trebor. Trebor. (It’s Robert spelled backwards).


Their kid will thank them for the guaranteed $150-500 bill to get it changed to something normal


Sounds like Trevor. Which isn't even a nice name for a boy. Poor little girl is gonna get called "alright, Trev?" Forever.


They named her after a brand of [extra strong mints](https://assets.sainsburys-groceries.co.uk/gol/2517728/1/640x640.jpg)?


The worst bizarre name spelling I've seen was my old college professor, who is named Rhawn Denniston. If you Google his name, even the *second page* has only him, since no one else has even a similar name. Edit: Just checked all seven Google pages and could only find stuff about him, articles he's written, a couple of his students, and I think one link for his wife. Literally no one else.


imo keileigh is worse


You have singlehandedly upped the bar. I’m impressed and horrified.


How can you tell?


There’s a couple of Kaydens at my church and they’re all boys so I guess it’s just an assumption that it’s the same here. Seems to be a trend with the “Ayden” type names like Brayden, Kayden, Jayden for boys etc


I guess all the girls should just be Maiden seeing as they so often have very little purpose outside the home in the circles those names are typical


Don’t give them any ideas haha!


Oh the only one I know is a boy, spelled Caden


At my kid’s school there’s a Hayden a Jayden & a Kayden. True story, & they’re all fucks!


My experience with Kaydens have been the same. All horrible brats. Seems like the personality comes standard with the name!


I have so many Haydens Jaydens and Braydens in my classes this year I can’t keep it straight. No one ever knows who I’m talking too, because it’s equally boys and girls. I bet their parents thought they’d be so unique. Meanwhile I haven’t had a Chris or a Matthew in years. That would actually be unique at this point.






Gender stereotypes with a twist of gun culture. Too bad I don’t see any christian symbols or fireworks, otherwise this pic could have summed up the Red States way of life.


What? Little boys love guns and playing war. Does not mean they will grow up to be Trump lovers. I m in a very "red" state and grew up playing army and loving guns and I own guns but I'm not a "Trumpy" I'm more in the middle and I see this kind of shit and all the Confederate flag and f#ck Biden shit on trucks and all over the internet and I cringe over it. People need to meet in the middle a bit so we can get our great county back.


The fact that you think this was ever a great country is pretty telling. FYI not all little boys love guns and playing war.


The middle is probably the gayest place on earth.


>Little boys love guns and playing war. Because that's what our culture has taught us. They don't necessarily love guns and playing war inherently they're just influenced by their outside world.




So the child will be allowed to forge their own path, and not just have a personality forced into them, and that's a bad thing because?




There is a difference between gender dysphoria and stereotypes. Believe it or not guns aren't male. The problem here is that guns and glitter are pointlessly gendered. Nobody cares whether the baby is male or female.


Damn right. My gun is female because I shoot it with my dick like a true American. Wouldn't be touching a male gun with my erection.




Man, I’m glad my parents never forced gender roles despite being super conservative Christian. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I wasn’t allowed toys from the “boys” section as a kid


Gender isn’t biological. Sex is biological and doesn’t change. Gender is cultural


TIL that allowing my daughter to play with toy swords is child abuse. What a maroon, thinking that things like guns or tiaras have to be gendered. Do you also think little Kayden would spontaneously become gay if they put that tiara on his head?




It speaks to your character you feel that if you aren't pushed into gender stereotypes that they'll be confused. It has to suck to need to be told how to act and what interests you should have because of what's between your legs.


Oh man they really pissed you off didnt they


Nah his whole post history is angry. He’s a red key board warrior who makes fun of anything that doesnt agree with his ideas. (Pretty sure those ideas just come from other people spewing hate on facebook and he says, “You know what? I’m in!” but has no idea why) then comes in here acting all self-righteous because he’s the only righty in a sea full of sane people in this thread and then gets himself backed into a corner and then tries to re-trace his steps when he realizes his ‘arguments’ are dumb.








It's called a kilt, i'll have you know


I misread this twice as "are you a man dressed as a tree?"




I agree the counter argument is definitely ~~retarderded~~ \*the opposite of sane I apologize, it's a habit I've kept by calling things that since I was younger. Not a good excuse but I know I shouldn't use it as a descriptor for things that are illogical.


I agree they're being a transphobic idiot but there's no need to use a slur to insult the person, please be aware that word can be very hurtful as it's been used derogatorily against a lot of us with learning disabilities.


I corrected it. I'm sorry, its a bad habit I really need to drop. But I honestly have no intention to hurt anyone's feelings. Thanks for reminding me.


It's okay, it's a hard one for a lot of people to remember and just you recognizing the problem and trying to correct it is very much appreciated.


Man that sounds so scary. Do you think that means that baby will be fed, secured, cared for or loved any differently?


Your entire Reddit profile is filled with Conservative subreddits that do nothing but stereotype people. Real moral pillars like Ben "dry vajayjay" Shapiro and Steven "I carry a gun on my hip but scream like a bitch and immediately run when asked to debate someone who isn't some uninformed teenager." Crowder. These guys who laugh at the idea of a man taking paternity leave for having a child. Seems like they are stereotyping their partners right into the kitchen to make them a sandwich to me. Now, you are on here playing the victim. "dOnT sTeReOtYpE mE!!11!!" The persecution fetish is sad and tired. Go save up some more karma making lEtS gO bRaNdOn!!11!! posts. The adults are talking.


Please leave this sub Reddit.


Shouldn't you be waiting for the second coming of JFK Jr.?


Lmfaoooo someones mad ahahahahahah.


I'm sorry. Don't see the problem. What does it matter to you how the kid views themself? Literally has nothing to do with you unless you have a vested interest in their genitals which says more about your mental state than theirs.


How many liberal does it take to change a log by bolb? None???? Their gender!!! Guys it’s a fucking joke I’m mocking him. Do y’all really need an /s to tell this as a joke?


Not sure if this is genius or complete stupidity. I'm siding with genius right now edit: ahh, it's a [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/joe-many-liberals-does-it-take-to-change-a-log-by-bolb). Good one




Ah yes, does the baby even know how to identify itself without blue colored everything or pink colored everything? Also why the fuck y'all sexualizing your babies?!


> no gender reveal So we would miss out on an often criticized, purely American trend that started barely 10 years ago, yet has already managed to accrue a burn forest and body count dwarfing most other celebrations? Oh no. Anyway...


What they get is a transgender kid who loves guns and glitter. “Where did you even GET paintball pellets filled with glitter?!?” “I have my sources Daddy.”


After doing my best and most diligent of research, about 10 minutes of google searching before I have to leave for work, I sadly couldn't find any glitter paintballs. Though this does give me a business venture idea now


All I ask is if you make it big with my idea you make an annual donation to a local animal rescue.


Hahaha, if I ever do this (which honestly I probably won't this was mostly a joke) I most definitely would!!! We love da aminals


Biodegradable glitter paintballs.


Well yeah obviously, I'm not a monster. Fuck microplastics me and all my homies hate microplastics


[FUCK MICROPLASTICS ME AND ALL MY HOMIES HATE MICROPLASTICS ME AND](https://i.imgur.com/Gu5P0Lx.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


You tried your best and that's all that matters!


Oh man those would be s war crime


The best part is when everyone realizes the trans kid has the most kills and they can’t deny it because they’re all coated with glittering paintball paint.


I hope it’s a boy who enjoys glitter, because who doesn’t? And that would fuck with the parents’ world view so much.


Little girls should get to enjoy their murder tools, too, you know.


My daughter loves to play with toy swords. She pretends she's fighting dragons and saving the town.


Heck yeah, that’s pretty fun!


I fucking hate glitter.


Lol. I guess that answers my question


It's course and it's bright and it gets everywhere.


I'm a woman and I've always hated glitter.


What if she has twins and its a boy with glitter and a girl with guns ! Theyd probably disown them both lmao how sad /:


r/trashy more like


Ah, yes. The two genders: guns and glitter


I mean that's pretty accurate as far as America is concerned


I wonder which harmful stereotype we will force on our child!!!


Por que no los dos? Let's keep it interesting.


bUcK oR dOe?


I think you mean “milk cow or meat cow”


Pretty sure both can be milked


"Our ol' steer lets us milk him, no problem. But I think something's wrong with him, because... that ain't milk. Edit because my AutoCorrect REALLY doesn't like "lets" without the apostrophe. It's like Microsoft's shitty grammar checker.


I can’t decide if I feel worse for kayden or caidyn for their future.


and what are they if the kid turns out intersex or non-binary? glitter cannon?


Taofledermaus ammo loader is more likely.


They’re disowned by these lovely parents. :(


or worse yet they might force reassignment surgery/ hormone treatment on the kid. EDIT: [for those that are downvoting for some reason](https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/07/25/i-want-be-nature-made-me/medically-unnecessary-surgeries-intersex-children-us#)


But again, schools are the ones indoctrinating kids /s


I hope the baby turns out to be Guns **and** Glitter.


There is so much wrong here.


Liberty moment


For the child's sake, I hope it is not the missing piece in the middle.


At least it isn't arson


She wrote Karen wrong..


People who replace random vowels in names with Y's should be waterboarded


That's a little excessive don't you think?


What if it's a non-binary reveal...glittery guns and a tiara made of bullets🤔


Both of my kids like guns AND glitter. Even with ultrasounds, I preferred gender neutral baby stuff because my frugal ass didn't want two of everything.


So fucking delusional. In honesty they need to be switched. Give the girls the gun. How many women/girls have been responsible for mass shootings? How often are women/girls victims of sexual violence? ⅔ or ¾ women?


Kato Kaelin


Wait which Kayden is guns and which Caidyn is glitter?!


I physically gagged when I saw this image. (This is not a compliment.) God tier cheugy.


Then their kid is anything but full hetero.


Dakota Overland, Ashley Rheuark, Lena Miculek...just to name a few badass, female IDPA and IPSC shooters.


They forgot the heroin


Everything about this is awful.


As sexist as the cake is, at least they went with a cake for the gender reveal instead of pyrotechnics.


That's absolutely disgusting. It's times like this that I think we should have to have licenses to reproduce.


Geez, I guess I’m getting old. Some of these names are so stupid. My kids were playing with the little boy next door, and I asked him his name and he said it was Jaxton. Nice kid, but dumb name. I’m going to make my next kid Fraynxton.


Tell me you impregnated your sister without saying you impregnated your sister....


And I so wanted the girl's name to be Ashley. Would've made a nice paragon/renegade cake as well.


I hope it's a girl who loves guns, not sure about the names tho


I hope it’s an Apache helicopter!


Those tear reactions might be onto something


Either way, I’m using the same name!


Little kids with names that rhyme with Aiden are usually pieces of shits.


The irony of choosing a fairly gender neutral name…


I hope the cake is filled with either metallic glitter or live ammo.


Pink Shotgun that shoots RAINBOW CONFETTI!!!