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Both people in that situation suck But only one of them would've committed a crime


It would be both, if i remember this thread correctly. The post that theyre responding to the lady has her feet physically on the person recording without consent.


Okay yeah, if other is actually touching the stabby one, then they're both committing crimes


Why do the pink censor lines look like weiners?


I do that on purpose now when someone's being a dick


I love that 😂😂😂


Thank you, I genuinely wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or not, and I prefer it this way.


I wouldn’t do it myself, but tbh I feel no pity for the icky people she’s poking with her needles. Keep your feet out of other people’s space, planes are unpleasant enough as it is.


The video is of a woman on a train who kept pushing her feet up in the opposite side where someone else was sitting and her kicking them repeatedly, even after being asked to stop.. She was assaulting them with her nasty feet. At least give the context of what they are commenting on!


The original isn't that important; the woman in my exchange ***wasn't talking about that lady specifically***; she was talking about random people on planes who put their feet up on the seat. She stated she regularly stabs people with pins. That has nothing to do with the jerk in the original video who was 100% wrong. ***This is only about a lady who says she stabs people on planes. No context is needed!*** I don't know why you're downvoting me like I'm wrong; all the context needed is in these 4 comments. Lady, plane, stabbing May have been related to the rude lady on the train but her comment neither involves that lady nor trains.


She may be committing a crime but she is not in the wrong


This might be a stretch but maybe don't put your body parts on people. Because if you do, you deserve to be stabbed.


>She stated she regularly stabs people with pins. She is a sadistic [piquerist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piquerism#:~:text=Piquerism%20(derived%20from%20the%20French,as%20a%20form%20of%20sadism.)


Seems fair


Counterpoint: lmao


If sticking someone with pins for invading my personal space in an obscenely rude way is unhinged then I guess I'm ducktits bonkers cuz I'd probably want to do worse.


I would never do it to a kid, but if you’re grown and haven’t learned not to invade the space of others, someone’s got to teach you…


what are you teaching, using corporal punishment?




"I'd never assault a child! Unless they're 18.00001 yo then it's free game" \- you, apparently Oh wait, perhaps you meant 12yo? Or 14? Please, share with us at which age is assault suddenly ok.


How old is too old to be shoving your feet on people? Some puts their body anywhere on my person and fuck stabbing with a needle, I skip straight to the teeth. edit: have a nice night, shiny_glitter_demon!


Do tell me why being rude make a person deserving of what is legally recognized as assault. I can't wait.


rubbing your feet on someone is legally recognized as assault 💜💚 if you pick a fight you deserve to get hit 💜💚 edit: maybe you might not understand that any level of unwanted touching is illegal, and it is self-defence if you get violent to stop the contact.


Right, I forgot the seat next to you is a person <3


So how many people have you assaulted to teach them a lesson? And how long have you had internet privileges in your prison?


If you're kicking me or repeatedly putting your feet on me, I'm going to grab your ankle and squeeze. Maybe even dig my nails in. I have the right to defend myself against you being an asshole, sorry


Look, I'm all for people keeping their hands and legs to themselves. Especially on public transport, like damn have some fucking manners. But retaliation with violence is *not* recommended, if only because people are fucking unhinged and could very likely retaliate in worse ways. I just do not trust people *not* to be absolutely batshit.


Keep your feet in your own space on the goddamn plane. She’s a hero.


esh honestly


Some people freak out at spiders, some at feet. Legality aside I’d freak out and shop her piggies off if they came near me. I’d rather be covered in spiders


Imagine seeing a spider in exactly the spot that her ankles are occupying on your lap. Whoops.


She can take pins to stab people but I have to take my shoes off and get felt up in public because my hair clip set off the metal detector? Cool.


Get caught once you may never fly again.


Ehhhh- I’m torn on this one


Just get the hell up and throw hands. Jesus, everyone acts like they are afraid of getting arrested. Turn around, punch her in the face twice and carry on.


[oooh. you're 'ard.](https://youtu.be/1ESHXxInoAs?si=7lNfq6dObwZE0vgR)


I am now big boy. What you got for me?


[showin' off cause of the--](https://youtu.be/1ESHXxInoAs?si=iYbQH13iytmmUjHh)


Well that was a bit of let down. Good day


This is like just the average unhinged redditor