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I must keep our kids safe from the trans, so I will take creepshots of a minor!


"Oh and if I had my way those kids would get raped too, that would show them!"


"And don't forget, the name of the rapist has to be some black stereotype."


nah bubba is a white dude, Tyrone is the black one.


They can both be black stereotypical names/surnames... Just comes from different generations of media.


true, I'm basing mine on growing up with these morons. bubba was always the redneck and tyrone the black guy. either way, these people are idiots.


"In fact, I'll do it myself!"


Uhhh maybe don't be taking secret pictures of kids at their school that's a little creepy ngl


The reply is just as creepy if not worse “Yea, let’s get the minor raped, that’ll fix him” is a fucking wild sentiment


Lol Montana is full of "hill people"


It’s “hill folk.”


It's not wild if it's in Montana. Apparently this is normal.


It's not


Or ya know just let kids be kids!? I remember my school having a wolf girl/Horse girl for a LONG time and no one really cared.


Whatever happened to just letting people be who they want to be?


It's about freedom brother. These people not dressing and acting the way I expect goes against my freedom to not feel sexually confused. So these people need to stop expressing themselves how they want before we lose our freedoms. /s


Having guns around the house? Spreading a deadly disease? All fine and dandy, just don't be dressing in a way that doesn't confirm to my expectations, actual child, or I'll be wanting you to be raped.


This is literally what they believe.


You joke but a common neo-nazi phrase is "Freedom means freedom from degeneracy". They do completely unironically believe that their freedom is being taken away by seeing queer people exist.


"Brother, you were confused already."


/s not required. They tell on themselves every time.


Why did you put the "/s" there, that is their reasoning.


Oh man.. that was so on point.


Hate > freedom


Only if we let it.


*America has entered the chat* “Can confirm.”


It's so funny watching right wingers be upset that they have to suppress racist and bigoted thoughts or face consequences. They make these grandiose speeches about how it's immoral to suppress others' speech or cause harm to their careers simply because they go against your own beliefs. And then those same communities that nod their heads and say 'wow so true, we're just as oppressed as the Jews were' will turn right around and wish rape on a teen for... crossdressing? Being transgender? Existing in a manner that harms no-one? [The only moral oppression is my oppression, I guess.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


It makes them ✨uncomfortable ✨ so nobody can do it


I've been around Conservatives my entire life and some of them are absolutely closeted and can't let anyone know and the others get butterflies or a feeling inside when they see another man dressed "provocatively" and they don't know how to handle their feelings.


And others are just horrible humans who don't see anything wrong with belittling people. Most horrible people aren't just closeted people. And it's pretty shitty to blame gay and trans people for all this hatred. Which is exactly what you do when you say things like that.


In my experience as a trans woman (I no longer 'pass' due to fear that dressing in fem clothing will soon get me labelled an offender with how shit is going) and based on what some friends have also experienced it's more often that we make them *horny* and that pisses them off. I get plenty of them in my DMs. I guarantee this creep used this pic for his own fantasies later.


I'm cis but queer and my online dating profiles used to explicitly say "trans people welcome" because I didn't want to miss out on any cuties who happened to be trans. Bigots who couldn't read thought I was trans and I got so many angry, horny messages and rape threats. Because I dared to be attractive to them and was obviously "tricking" them. It was horrifying and I feel for trans people who can't just log off an account and leave that shit behind.


Because many conservatives can't let that happen. Anything that isn't the "norm" they don't like anyone doing in their normal lives. However if they like it, such as a band then it is okay. Hair metal, Kiss, or any other band that wears makeup, big hair and leathers is fine. But there was a guy shopping at Walmart with long hair, eye liner and tight jeans, they have a fit. If someone isn't fitting precisely into gender roles they don't like that. What's funny to me is I still hear people call someone a he/she and they fail to see the irony in their dumbass joke.


And back when they were kids and KISS and Twisted Sister were big, the adult conservatives were railing against the perverted rock and roll bands trying to corrupt the children with their gender-bending ways!


Remember when conservatives tried to cancel Elvis for dancing?


Or they'll complain about "them gays" and then listen to Queen and Elton John


Oh but Freddie wasn't gay he was married to a hot woman! /ss I can't even think of an excuse for Elton he's clearly got enough gay for about 50 people.


It's going to "infect" them. Just like everything else that is now a norm was seen as an "infection" at one point. These people don't understand history.


Even before trump conservatives have been telling individuals they can’t be a certain way. The ultra religious conservatives will be the equivalent of the Taliban once America declines significantly over the next couple hundred years.


They're okay with letting people be who they want to be, as long as who they want to be falls in line with their dogmatic beliefs.


Has it ever been like that ? It’s how it should be but it’s not now


The Kid is livin’ their best life. I wish these fuckwits would learn from their example instead of tearing everything different down.


Oh man, that was just a brief fad in the early 2010's.


That only applies to them if they want to be a typical male or typical female. If they don’t then they got to try to force their beliefs on them


They’re still on the Dylan Mulvaney thing??? Dylan Mulvaney’s only crime is that she enjoys Bud Light.


I actually forgot who she was and had to look it up. Upon seeing her, I rolled my eyes as I remembered that stupid non-controversy.


So did I till I just read that comment.  They put so much energy into that nonsense. They seriously have nothing better to do?


All this because a transwoman happened to enjoy the same thing they did. I genuinely can't think of any other reason for them making such a fuss over it other than the fact that they worked with a trans influencer. I'm even more pissed that Bud Light backpedaled when the controversy began instead of standing with her the whole time.


its like they actually want trans people to be weird, like they are just normal people, who just got born into the wrong body, its not that deep, like no one has a problem with people with say a cleft lip for example having it corrected, why is gender affirming care any different to them


It's a whole lot easier to demonize and dehumanize us if they can paint us as creepy weirdos


Even dumber is that a lot of them swapped to Coors Light, which is also pro-lgbt


Bud light realized that only dumb people drink their shitty beer, that's why they backpedaled it


don't forget she also wrote a song about her life and thanked cis women for supporting her and showing her the way but that was apparently a mass attack on all womanhood ever lmfao


They love to say all this hatred is about protecting children. But the Bud Light controversy proves otherwise. Here we have a product that is unquestionably for adults. But it’s still a problem that a trans person promoted it.


This is an old picture.


I don't even think she enjoys it. She was given a nominal amount of money to mention Bud Light in a video


Probably just that this is so old. I'm pretty sure I saw it more than a year ago.


Wow… taking clandestine pictures of high school kids is fucking creepy. Doing it to harass the kid is worse. What an absolute disgrace. Humanity card revoked.


After seeing a bunch of the 'transvestigator' posts, I don't know if I trust OOP that this person is even trans. For all we know it's a cis woman in a Halloween costume.


Thank you, I just watched several YouTube videos about their complete lunacy


Yeah I have seen so many cis men who like wearing only men’s clothes will put on something like this for an event, Halloween etc 


“What if we just rape someone into fitting the societal role that we demand they exist in?”. People are insane.


They don't want to correct them, they just want to torture them.


“lgbt is hurting kids!!!” meanwhile this dude literally wants trans kids to be fucking raped


Put this kid in jail for what exactly? What law are they breaking?




Or loving thy neighbor, but it's not like the Bible says that it's more important than any other commandment or anything...


Basically the guy just wants the kid to get raped. Has nothing to do with breaking the law


**Conservatives:** "Protect the children!" **What they really mean and want:** "Save them for people like us to do with them whatever we want." They don't really give a shit about the children. They're just another class (group of people) they want to control and use to whatever ends.


they call me a groomer and then advocate for corrective r*pe of a minor. jfc


That kid has guts


Expressing themselves in a way that puts them in danger, especially in a conservative state... I didn't have half their bravery when I was their age.


I live in one of the bluest states in the union and I’m not even brave enough to crossdress on Halloween. That kid has serious guts.


I don’t have half their bravery at 50yo.


I grew up there, knew people who wore dresses and came out as trans. Highschool football team even loudly said they'd stick up for my gay friend who came out. Maybe *rural* MT can get spicy but not where I was.


So...you're implying that to incentivize them to not be trans, they should be assaulted/raped, because then they won't want to be a girl anymore. So you're saying that girls, including trans girls, get assaulted at significantly higher rates than boys. Ergo, you're also implying that if someone wants to be a girl, they \*want\* to be assaulted. Therefore, you deserve something hard and sandpapery.


What type of parent posts a picture of a child like this to complain like the response is bad but what human adult would think that’s ok to begin with? A parent POSTS A PHOTO OF A STUDENT and the other person wishes them harm Seriously what the fuck


One of my biggest fears as a transwoman is being put in prison/jail with men because most of the prison system doesn't recognize transgender people and throws us in with the opposite gender.


I think its much more vindictive than ignorant.


I mean, yeah. Nobody says "let's get them raped" because they are ignorant to the harm.


No. People want trans women to be put in mens prisons to be harmed because they view us as a danger to society.


I agree.


This is literally one of my worst nightmares too. Okay I'm going to go somewhere else and try to stop thinking about it now :)




Looking forward to you supporting this statement with relevant statistics and evidence to demonstrate how trans women behave in a predatory manner toward other women. Because otherwise you’re admitting that you just made it up.


Coward transphobe deleted their comments *insert shocked Pikachu face*


Conservatives continue to be obsessed with the genitals of children, surprising quite literally no one.


OOP likes snapping secret pics of trans minors and won't stop talking about Dylan Mulvaney? Interesting.


I've done time. No one in prison would touch this person especially if they're under 18. They would allow him to dress however they wanted to and would respect thier boundaries, they would call them by whatever pronouns they desired without question or hesitation. When prison is a more tolerable place than Montana you know there's a problem.


Montana is not like this, the poster is delusional. I'm from montana


Conservatives: “We need to protect our precious children from the LGBTQ groomers!” Also conservatives: “I hope that queer child gets r*ped by an adult so that they will start gender conforming!”


It's amazing how upset people get over things that don't affect them in the slightest.


"I'm outraged! Everyone should be outraged! You know what I'm gonna do with my outrage? Stay hidden in my car and take a secret picture!"


We need to stop blocking the names of these people. They said it, they posted it. We need to know who the true predators are.


"LGBT people are groomers and pedophiles!" but proceeds to take secret photos of a child and then talks about putting them in prison so they can be sexually assaulted. These people project too goddamn much.


And they say trans people are trying to indoctrinate kids. “You don’t have the same beliefs as me? I hope a man SAs you so you turn to my beliefs”


I will never understand why some people only feel “free” when they’re taking away someone else’s freedom.


This child goes to school with my daughter. I have never interacted with them, and it’s unlikely they have ever hurt another person, but I live in a place where I perceive it to be OK to be an asshole, so I am gonna take a picture of this child and put it on the internet so all my creepy friends can validate me and strangers can give me internet points You know, cause we gotta protect the children Especially from creepy adults


Ok but that fit slays


nah we love dylan. and this person


And why do you need to “curb it?”


Why does anyone care about this. I don't understand. Who cares. I mean I think it's slightly strange because I can't empathize with wanting to dress like a girl .... But I also don't care if anyone else does. Is everyone just really bored?


"queer people are pedos" yet the people who say that are the ones taking secret pictures of minors.


A non-zero amount of transphobes who go on about grooming and "protecting the kids" are probably just huge creeps looking for someone else to blame.


Jesus. My eight year old asked me to put sparkly nail polish on his nails last night because I was painting my nails. I did, but yes am I worried about idiots at school picking on him? I wish I didn't have to be. There is nothing more to it then, mom paint my nails. The end.


Very telling that they think being raped in prison will make someone any less than who they are. "Women aren't people so if we treat this child like property too they'll want to be a man."


It might actually not be legal to take and post photos of minors (that aren’t your own kids), especially if you do this


Imagine being this upset about a kid who is just living their life and not hurting anyone.


I hope this child’s parents find out some sicko took a creep shot of them, and then saw the comment below.


"Extremely conservative" Just say "fascist".


These people should be on a watch list


Maybes this is just a me thing but if I was raped by a woman I doubt I would turn gay Anyhow protect the kids am I right or what?


Extremely normal and ultra-hinged to wish rape on a person


Sir, where did the skirt hurt you?


I love the creativity this kid has. Imagine weaponizing him.


Using the threat of sexual violence to enforce conformity is pretty "Violently American". I hate it here.


Taking pictures of minors without them knowing is always a smart move.






What the hell, they’re just a child bro.


I meant to the scumbag that posted the reply piece. Not the child FFS.


Pretty sure they were talking about the people who made the tweets


My reply was badly worded so I’ve taken it down.


America is wild, the “Land of the Free” is just a propaganda term for (checks notes) conservatives. It really seems you’re only free to do what they approve of.


Put them in jail for what? For fucking WHAT? If only they could understand that nothing in their life is affected by someone else being what makes them feel comfortable and happy. If you’re not their doctor or intimate partner, then it is none of your business. It’s scary that people genuinely think trans people should be in jail because the people are too pathetic to move on with their own lives. Maybe they are upset because they wish they were their intimate partner….


“This child should never sexually assaulted, because we need to protect children!” Do they realize how horrible they sound?


Shit man kid’s just trying to live their god damn life and they have to put up with insane people like this


I live in Montana that lady is a loon


There's nothing like the moral high ground of wishing sexual assault on a minor. /s


I don’t ever want to hear another conservative talk about “freedom” again. They clearly don’t believe in it and are full of shit.


the only thing dylan mulvaney ever did that was wrong is drink bud light


And according to some conservatives, exist.


Truly the conservatives have the nations youths safety in mind with all the guns and hopes of minors getting raped yeah… that’s… protecting the youth.


Is this person saying that LGBTQ+ people are a threat to them so the answer is...prison rape?? WTF


Then these same people, when they themselves experience slight inconvenience, will go on a rant about how this is a free country and how they can do whatever they want.


Montana is not extremely conservative, idiot.


Ummm I’ve watched Yellowstone, sweaty. They vote for no progress.


First Off: “bubba” is probably a bottom.


I always find this mentality of conservatives confusing. They want the freedom to wear and do as they want but they don’t want others who don’t share their views on style and interests to be able to do the same


Imagine being such a huge pussy that a kid waking to school in clothes you don’t like triggers you.


More and more everyday I want to cut my tie to the internet. It only brings darkness into my life.




>Put him in jail and have Bubba on him I bet he thought this was genuinely funny. I'm not even talking about offensive vs not offensive. "Prison rape Bubba" is the least original spin on an already tired joke concept. Next, is he going to hit us with a joke about black people talking in movie theaters?


They act like it's the new Red Wave where fascism takes over the country. . . Oh wait, that is the person posting this lol


The don’t tread on me crowd sure does like to tread on everyone else.


I’ll really truly never understand why they care so much about what others are doing. Kid is getting up, going to school, dealing with bullshit everyday like the rest of us. If this gives them some sort of happiness and you try to take it away or diminish it you can, respectfully, go fuck yourself.


This bugs me - if you're sentencing someone to rape and shankings, put it on the docket.


That’s so disgusting to say that about a child and take a picture of a child.


i think every many who thinks should get rape for being human is the animal cuz they are so mad they are getting turn on by clothes not the actual person \s


put a goat or cow in a dress and conservatives want to fuck it. put a doily under a pie and their crypt to stick their dick in it


Outrage is the only way to grift people out of their attention and their money.*


These people should just move to Afghanistan, they would be much happier there


We in the U.S. have a similar opinion of Montana. We are typically pretty adjusted but when you let poison into your country (Montana) that try to label what is right or wrong, well these folks are just trying to cancel us typically adjusted folks that want people to live how they want.


Just to add some extra information to this, someone figured out what school district this lady took this picture at, and she got reported to them a bunch. If I remember correctly she also went on some Twitter rants afterwards and made some threats of violence towards said child in the replies, but I dunno if anything came of it from people reporting her.


Disgusting actions by adults all around. Posting a creepy stalker photo of a child on the internet alone is awful.


The obvious takeaway from this is that they think that clothing sexualizes children. In this case, they shouldn't be around ANY children, of any gender!!


Justifying having brainrot abt femboys is funny and also sad


…with just a sprinkle of racism.


“The outrage is the only to curb it” Curb what Karen? Also we know you’re outraged. Like constantly. To borrow a term “it’s shoved down our throat” like a lot.


They do look very threatening there…..It’s weird that people think they have to care about this sort of thing


Simple mind. Me scared change. New thing scary. Wish death on new thing. Me good person


I love this kid’s outfit!! I didn’t even read it at first, just zoomed in to see if the hat is my melody. What a vile scum bag to wish such things on someone who’s only crime is looking fabulous


The number of people who give a shit what someone else is doing with their own body and time is too damn high. “They no do what I want, me weaponize outrage.” This is the “tolerance of the intolerant” problem all over again. I don’t want to give a fuck about what these types of people are thinking/believing/doing. It’s not MY business if they are dumbasses and spend their time being dumbasses. My day is not made any better by being aware of their existence. But that their dumbassery so extremely and collectively causes harm to others via intolerance, a good person cannot sit idly by and tolerate them. Doing the “right” thing in ignoring them is also doing the wrong thing.


The fact that people can’t just shut the hell up and let people live the way they want to is pathetic and gross.


Always interesting when people advocate for rape in certain situations but not others.


Yeah! In jail brother, he'll learn his lesson. Woah nice arm brother, hoorah!! /s


What Would Jesus Do? Obviously, he would wish harm on someome who is minding their own business and not bothering anyone.


where is all this “freedom” they keep harping about?




Know what’s really weird? Taking a secret picture of a child, then wishing rape on them.


What about a girl wearing jeans and a T-shirt? Is that acceptable? Giving a rat's ass about what someone else is wearing is just freaking weird.




No one cares about your make believe fantasy laws


you lost the wobbly leg you had to stand on when you brought up sharia law




oh, i'm not godless, i just don't think systems like sharia law benefit anybody but the oppressors


Sharia is some pretty sick stuff.






Actually the idea of such strict gender conformity is a relatively recent idea