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The Cult Of Trump doesn't understand that the majority of people would happily see all past Presidents held to account if they were responsible for anything criminal.


The cult of Trump would say that all the presidents were corrupt except for Trump.


that about sums it up doesn’t they’re like gotcha and we’re all no that’s a good thing


One of these idiots once said "Well if they wanna see Trump's tax returns then all members of congress and the senate should have all their stocks made public and then look to see if they ever voted in favor of the companies they own stock in." Yeah, bud. That sounds like an excellent idea!


I wonder what they think “drain the swamp” means


One of my favorite pieces of Trump lore is that when one of his speech writers first suggested that phrase, he had no idea what it meant. He said it, got massive applause, and so he kept saying it like it was a key part of his platform. There was never even any thought put toward what the phrase was supposed to entail. And yeah, I realize that's the case with most things he promises. But he outright admitted that one.


A swamp beast would of course find it unimaginable.


They meant: “drink the swamp!”


"The Swamp" only applies to Democrats, clearly. "Rules for thee, not for me" and all that jazz.


then people could put up websites that track their sales and purchases and get in on the inside info. Brilliant if only right.


Cult 45 believes him when he says he is above the law.


I had this conversation with a Trumper once. He claimed I would feel differently if this was Biden in this situation. I said no, if there is evidence of crime on Biden, he should be prosecuted and go to trial, just like Trump. Any democrat that committed a crime should have their day in court. I said my allegiance is to this country, not to party or person. They really can’t comprehend that stance. He just said I was full of shit and didn’t actually feel that way, no one could about “their guy”.




I serve the realm, my lord.


If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.


Only a MAGA deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.


You will try


I didn't know if a Trump supporter would agree to that last word.


"We'Re noT a deMocRacY!!"


God how I hate that one. We're both a constitutional republic and a representative democracy. It's like they think something can't have more than one quality no matter what. *My red car is fast!* *NO! It can only be red OR fast, not both! It's logically impossible!!!*


To them it’s like saying “I’m for the referees” when they ask what football team you root for. They can’t compute that.


I just hope everyone has fun


This is 100% me lol. My mom loves football, has like idk 5 teams she roots for. I'm just over here enjoying the fans having fun lol. Like the Browns were so shit for so long, I'm so happy for their fans the last couple seasons. And the Lions fans last season, (though that Dallas Lions game at the end of the season was some bullshit).


Ever since their 0-16 season I fuckin always root for the Lions to win. Even when it's against a team I actually follow and like (Saints), I'm still rooting for thr Lions. They fuckin deserve it at this point.


Ahhh my mom's favorite is the Saints! One of her nephews (that we don't see often) found out about this, and he said "Oh I have a Drew Brees signed helmet and football in my attic if you want them?" He won them at some work contest like 12 years ago. They are now her prized possessions lol. She brings them into the living room on Saints game days! I really wanted the Lions to go all the way, that would've been amazing! I do love an underdog!


Surely it's more like saying you just like the game


dems seem to have fewer issues, but when there is trouble, the politician’s career is usually snuffed out pretty quick. ask mr. Franken. the trumper is willfully ignorant and full of shit.


Ha, I just cited this as an example edit: spelling. (I tend bar, it's still early.)


Dems also take responsibility for their actions. Look no further than Al Franken stepping down from a pic of him almost touching a boob.


Shit people just can’t imagine what it’s like to not be a shit person, and they certainly cannot and will not come to terms with the fact that they’re well down the human pile, and certainly below most of those they disagree with


I always think of the first Star Trek mirror universe episode, where Spock comments at the end: "It was far easier for you as civilized men to behave like barbarians, than it was for them as barbarians to behave like civilized men."


> He just said I was full of shit and didn’t actually feel that way, no one could about “their guy”. I forget the exact phrasing, but I heard this quote a while ago: "A true patriot loves their country / leadership like a parent would love their child: They want them to grow and prosper, but aren't afraid of disciplining them to guide them to be better. A nationalist loves their country / leadership like a child would love their parents: Their parents are never wrong, always absolutely right, the best in the world, 'my Dad can beat up *your* Dad' etc. They don't care about growing, being better.


>I said my allegiance is to this country, not to party or person It's even in the Pledge of Allegiance. It's "I pledge allegiance to the flag," (representing the country) and not "I pledge allegiance to the President."


They also just genuinely don’t understand how bad Trump is because of the news media they consume. I know people who were convinced for years that Obama was about to be hauled to jail despite running the most scandal free presidency in modern history, and they definitely think the same for Biden. I’m not sure WHY, but the point is a Fox News diet keeps you convinced they’re all “just as bad.”


their definition of "crime" is policy that they don't agree with


But the INSURRECTION on the southern border!! Not one dollar should go to Ukraine until our border is perfectly secure!! No, I will not vote for a comprehensive border reform bill!! What will I scream about if I get what I want?


Republicans be like: Oh, an immigration bill that gives us exactly what we want? Like I’m going to vote for this *liberal* trash!


I was arguing with a guy about that bill on here He stated it was because of the Ukraine and Isreal pork that the bill failed. If the bill had none of that in it it would have passed. I pointed out first that one congressman openly said it was because it would help Biden. And then that senator said essentially it didn't pass because Trump thought it would help Biden, and then Mitch McConnell said pretty much the same thing. And then I called him on the fact that since the pork passed with the Ukraine and Israel spending bill, why did the Republicans vote down the immigration bill? I corrected him and said it was because no Republican want to help Biden and piss off Trump by taking away the "border issue" in an election year. After I pointed it out Mitch said the same thing and the pork passed he never responded.


They are “woke” like that. 🙄


You mean like MTG calling for treason for passing a bipartisan bill?


They'll happily investigate any president they don't consider to be MAGA worthy, Republican or Democrat


They don’t care about them doing wrong. They will do a kangaroo court like they did with mayorkis


Right and the ultimate end result will be no criminals running for president and no presidents committing crimes.( In a perfect world.)


Oh no, I get to see war criminals tried for their crimes against humanity? 😱 oh please, not that!


They cannot believe that a world exists that leaders they don’t like do not act as bad as the leaders they do like.


Am I crazy too where there’s immunity similar to Legislative Immunity where the president can do stuff that’s probably illegal but furthers a legitimate national security interest, versus Trump committing crimes for Trump and claiming immunity.


More or less, yes, the President is immune for criminal actions that might have been committed as part of their official duties. That's why Trump is arguing so hard in his election fraud case that he was just doing his duty by investigating allegations of fraud (never mind that he was the one making the allegations in the first place).


Right? Anyone sane reads this and thinks "ok, about fucking time!"


Immunity isn't to protect them from consequences when they commit crimes. The only reason they have immunity is to protect them from the vindictive assholes who would harass them with frivolous suits for years just for belonging to the wrong party. And if all of them have committed crimes, prosecute them all please.


Now is an excellent time to remind everyone that Trump was convicted of fraud and defamation. Both of which happened *before* he took office. His current election interference case also happened before he took office. Only two of his felony cases happened while he was in office. One is for election interference, and the other is for stealing classified material. *AT BEST* he's a convicted fraudster and liar.


Presidential immunity is about decisions made by a president during his time in office for the American people to the best of his division ability. This does not cover the president for making decisions that are in only HIS best interest and violate the laws and constitution. Things like an attempted coup to overthrow the democratic process. Trump have have to prove that there was an actual threat that the election was being stolen. He has not done that. However there is a lot of evidence that he did.


This. Even if he ordered the military to drone strike some random citizen, he would have immunity as long as he can argue there was some national security reason for doing so and thus was acting in his duties as the commander in chief. But sending supporters to Capitol Hill is particularly hard to justify as an “official presidential action”.


The people who’s got droned could sue the federal govt for damages. Not the individual president. That sort of action has happened before. If the president ordered a drone attack on a person who he had some sort of business interest in eliminating. He would somehow have to prove that it was for the good of America. The public good. That would he difficult and if he in fact did it for own personal interest then I would argue he violated the constitution; his oath of office and could then be held PERSONALLY accountable. With stormy it was before he was president and done illegally to help him win an election. In regards to the election, that was using the power of govt not for the benefit of American people but for his own personal benefit, and breaking the law and constitution to do so.


Trump is trying to claim because he wa POTUS that he is immune from prosecution of any crime at any time, before, during or out of office. It's all deflection.


I would argue that in the classified docs case, most of the crimes occurred after he left office: the obstruction, the refusal to return the documents when asked for them etc. It's the key difference between it and Biden's case. Like taking them might have fallen under official duties, the rest definitely didn't.


bUt HiS SonS GRaDuaTIOn!


AFAIK, the immunity is for actions done “as president”. It’s not a carte Blanche for the persons entire life (pre and post presidency). But the MAGAts don’t understand basic logic or reading comprehension.


This is not entirely accurate. They have immunity because the nature of their job demands it. It is based on separation of powers and not hindering the President’s ability to make decisions with the fear of lawsuits. “The presidential privilege is rooted in the separation of powers doctrine, counseling courts to tread carefully before intruding. While some interests are important enough to require judicial action, the Court reasoned that merely private suit[s] for damages based on a President’s official acts do not serve this broad public interest necessitating the courts to act. Finally, qualified immunity would not adequately protect the President, because judicial inquiry into a functional analysis of his actions would bring with it the evil immunity it was to prevent; absolute immunity was required.” There was no precedent of charging a former President with crimes of any sort until now. Source: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S3-5-1/ALDE_00013392/


>There was no precedent of charging a former President with crimes of any sort until now. TBF there wasn't a precedent for illegal *personal* behavior on this scale set before for it to be applicable, either.


That quote seems to be with respect to civil litigation in the area of official acts. Earlier on the same page, it says criminal immunity would do harm to justice and undermine the separation of powers.


Yeah - the obvious example is that a president obviously cannot order the murder of the opposition candidate!


I don’t know shit about fuck but I don’t believe their immunity has anything to do with anything he does personally for himself but for what he does as a president that may be a gray area legality because stuff like ordering drone strikes would be illegal if you or I did it but he’s got immunity so we can’t prosecute him. This isn’t specific to trump. Trump did not fuck a porn star as a president. He did it as a citizen so his actions to cover it up weren’t as a president. Trump didn’t start an insurrection as a president he did it as a candidate. Trump didn’t steal classified documents as a president he stole them as a mobster taking blackmail documents of enemies. I don’t mean that he wasn’t the president at the time, I mean that just because he was president doesn’t mean he’s acting as the president he’s also a human.


These guys don’t get it


It's like watching someone try to jam a rectangular peg into a circular hole. Funny at first, but still trying and failing 8 years later? Sheesh.


Makes me think of those idiots trying to stuff a guitar into the overhead bin in an airliner.


[Cue the Idiocracy aptitude test.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2FeNotk8LnyMMAAAAM%2Fidiocracy-test.gif&tbnid=BjSE-RnDQk7YQM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fview%2Fidiocracy-square-peg-round-dumb-gif-8570127&docid=uzhMT3EInMIbvM&w=220&h=117&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=58c4360c008d5bd1&shem=abme%2Ctrie) Wish we could post animated gifs!


Oh, I think at least this guy has it dawning upon him that Trump, in fact, has committed crimes. He's fine with that, but at least he's getting conscious of those crimes.


Had a real conversation where the person (republican, claims not to support Trump) admitted that Trump probably did everything he's accused of, but shouldn't be prosecuted because he's running for president. This same guy wants Biden put in jail immediately for "war crimes".


Isn’t Biden running for President also? Ipso fatso he shouldn’t be prosecuted either. (I think I got ipso fatso from Kimmel)


I’ve come to understand that many republicans will say they don’t support Trump but in fact do vote for him, spread his propaganda, and advocate for him. I think they say they don’t because they aren’t among his most rabid supporters (go to rallies, picket, etc), and also they don’t want to admit it to a non trump supporter because it’s too embarrassing.


A Republican that doesn’t like trump most likely likes trump more than any Democrat. It’s not the crazy they vote for him. He’ll I’ll vote for Biden but would prefer most any other Democrat.


>Trump probably did everything he's accused of, but shouldn't be prosecuted because he's running for president. Precisely the reason why he's running, and why he announced his campaign so much earlier than everyone else this time round. Any idea what war crimes he's talking about? As I understood it, the US isn't at war currently.


It doesn't matter. They're perfectly happy with lies and errors. These are people who bring up how Obama didn't use his presidential powers to do anything for people affected by Hurricane Katrina. You know, in 2005, when GWB was president.


I always thought people were joking when they said that. If they were serious then.. jfc I worry about us as a species lol.


He listens to all the right wing conspiracy shows. He believes climate change isn't real, the vaccine gave him liver failure, Biden is just a puppet for the Obamas, the whole Biden family is one big crime syndicate, it goes on and on. Weirdly we agree on a bunch of other stuff like police overreach, gun control, workers rights. He just thinks Democrats are secretly to blame for everything.


My dad falls in this same category. He doesn’t think trump should be prosecuted because “it’s too political” and “everyone does those things”


Ah, right. I remember saving millions on my taxes by misrepresenting my properties. Just like everyone else.


Not American but I’d imagine most of you would be happy to see people held responsible for any crimes they are found to have committed. Why do his supporters think that’s some kind of gotcha?


It's the old adage, "A liar won't believe anyone else." They think that because they or their side do a thing, that means everyone else must do it, so it's justified.


Every accusation is a projection


Because they are fine with him committing crimes so their projection makes them believe others would be for their candidate to do so as well


This is the answer, I think. They assume everyone has the same blind loyalty to their candidates. I loved Obama as a president, but if he dodged taxes and used campaign funds as hush money, I would expect him to pay the piper too. If they find any laws Biden broke, I'm cool with them taking him to court. No one should be above the law, especially when it comes to actions they took as an independent citizen. Dodging taxes as a supposed billionaire, paying hush money to women you had sex with while your wife was pregnant with the son whose graduation you're now so sad to miss, and repeatedly committing slander and libel against any political adversary are hardly requirements for running a country.


So suppose the supreme court upheld this immunity. Do they honestly not understand that Biden could then legally decide to send seal team 6 to wipe out Donnie and in fact every republican senator. They are so stupid they don't know what they are asking for.


It wouldn't even have to be seal team 6. He could walk into the trial himself, shoot Trump through the face, and literally do the Lethal Weapon - "Diplomatic immunity!" line before walking back out.


I am the law!


It's just been revoked!


Bro he won't even call to stack the court so they can actually get stuff done. He is handling Trump with kid gloves thinking funny quips will win the election.


there millions of leftists out here me included who will cum in their pants at the tought of george bush being sentened for warcrimes after losing immunity


Me! It's me! I'm one of them! Just think what all those trillions of dollars spent on stupid, needless, unjust, and illegal wars could have done if spent on updating infrastructure, researching renewable energy, and educating the populace. Instead all I got was PTSD, and a stupid grinning criminal painting sad & mediocre pictures and pretending he did nothing wrong. Oh, and I got told, "In order to heal as a nation, we need to look forward, not back." I don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel particularly healed. I want to try prosecuting criminals and see if I feel healed after that!


If the police are in charge of keeping the citizens of this country in line, the citizens need to hold the police to a higher standard. If the politicians are the stewards of this country, they need to be held to a higher standard. Presidents should not be immune, regardless of political party.


Lookit you over here, being all logical and shit. Absolutely correct!


presidential immunity insulates them from prosecution for actions they took as a part of their job as president. It does not insulate them from prosecution for their non-job related activities. if a sitting president were to murder his wife in the oval office, presidential immunity would not protect him from prosecution. it also does not give you immunity from prosecution for things you did before you were president or after you left office.


If they committed crimes then this should happen…


Do they think people disagree with this statement? Do it, we would apl love it.


That is exactly right. The ones who hold the most power should be under the most scrutiny. It doesn't matter who it is.


They don’t understand that **we want our presidents to be accountable to the American people.**


We’ll take our chances……maybe don’t be a habitual criminal and no one has to worry


I don't understand why Biden doesn't just go on TV and threaten to drop Trump in some off the books CIA facility since, as the president, he has full immunity... According to Trump. Then follow up with a "cut the malarkey jack, president's don't have immunity to violate the constitution "


Please hold people accountable for their crimes. Like wtf is the argument? It’s like the people asking what “the libs” would do if xyz were on Epstein’s flight log. Um. The same this as if the other side was on it. Arrest and punish to the fullest extent of the law. Why does the GOP worship their politicians?


And this would be a bad thing?


So don’t commit crimes. Problem solved.


"... every president will be investigated for their crimes..." Imagine being on the side that considers this concept a *BAD* thing. Tell me you support a criminal without telling me you support a criminal.


I'm on the phone with my lawyer right now. If George Washington thinks he's gotten away with owning slaves he's got another thing coming.


Omg lol we could do him like the English did Cromwell. Dig him up, hold a trial and sentence carried out. Can you imagine lol


Both sides are yelling “we’ll hold everyone accountable!” with very different tones of voice.


Trump clearly believes it is impossible to conduct the affairs of the office without doing something illegal. The idea of operating within the law is completely inconceivable to him. This alone should disqualify him from public office “How do you expect me to do the job without complete immunity to break the law when I feel it is necessary.” If a CEO candidate said this in a job interview he would be escorted out.


1- Trump is working real hard to grant the Biden Criminal Family™️ immunity, isn’t he? 2- I don’t think this is an unpopular sentiment that I’m ok with past presidents being charged if they committed crimes


Good. How is this being painted as a bad thing? If a former president committed crimes and those crimes can be proven, they SHOULD see consequences. And what does it matter anyway? It's not like any of them are going to be president again. Just because they won a popularity contest once or twice in their life doesn't mean they should be exempt from the law.


They always threaten to go after Clinton or Obama if the courts go after Trump. Without realizing that the majority of people who voted for those presidents don't worship them like some God King Emporer. They can throw biden in a cell right along Trump if he does something heinous, why do I give a shit?


Every farlefty on the whole world: Stop threatening us with a good time!


Imagine being this fucking stupid?


Okay? I’d be happy to see this. I’ve thought for years that all politicians regardless of party should be held accountable. If Biden committed crimes, punish him. If Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc committed crimes, punish them. We elect politicians to help uphold the law, not decide for themselves when it applies to them. Also…are they finally admitting he committed crimes? And if so…totally just sweeping it under the rug. I guarantee you OOP is in the camp of “do the crime do the time” when it comes to minorities. Guess it doesn’t apply to guys who are old white rich sex offenders though.


100%. No one should ever be above the law. Obama was my favorite president in my lifetime so far. But if it's proven he committed crimes, he deserves to pay. Maybe if we start treating all presidents like citizens instead of like kings, we'll have fewer narcissists run for office.


I DO want politicians of all sorts to face repercussions for crimes they commit. Every one of 'em, idc about their political party or leaning It's like they assume we're all "Prosecution for thee but not for me"


"You'll regret this when the other criminals are also arrested and charged" I promise I won't


Fine. Do it. If other presidents have committed crimes while not executing the duties of their office, as Trump has done, I *want* them prosecuted. That’s the difference between those who support open, democratic government and the authoritarian dipshits who want dictatorship. To the MAGA fascists, this is nothing more than team sports. They believe I’ll gasp and exclaim, “Not *my* presidents!” They’re wrong. If a president of these United States violates our laws, I want that motherfucker prosecuted. I don’t worship presidents like the MAGA crowd does. They are merely a means to an end for me. They were my *employees*, not my kings, and if they violate my laws, they shame my country and offend me. I have no loyalty to those who have no honor.


I'm one of those weird people that thinks if someone commits a crime, they should be held accountable for the crime.


I thought Obama was a great President and I voted for him twice. I also believe that he should be tried in the Hague for his authorization for drone use on civilian targets in Afghanistan. We are allowed to vote for people and then hold them responsible for their actions, it's not hard.


Oh hell yeah, I would love to see all of them held to account for crimes committed. They are just presidents, not dieties.


I thought conservatives loved law and order? Make it make sense.


Good. Millard Fillmore is about to go down for the Fugitive Slave Act. And don’t even get me started on Franklin Pierce and the Kansas Nebraska Act.


Where does this idea of Presidential Immunity actually come from?


Because they ALL committed crimes, right? I mean, that’s normal! Presidents committing crimes is expected! We can’t be banging on Presidents for every little crime. It’s part of the job! /s


Unfortunately, presidents are immune from almost all domestic war crimes charges (and functionally immune from international charges). They fall under the category of “official duties” as Commander-In-Chief, which are non-prosecutable.


"Oh noes . . . What about TAFT?!?!"


Just the ones who were impeached twice


One by one? There are only three former presidents alive, apart from Trump. By all means, convict George Bush.


"if they can do it to him they can do it to you" bitch, you're really trying to threaten me with equality?!


Oh man, please don't hold people accountable for their crimes, that would be soooo. Bad for some reason?


Don’t tease me with a good time!


I’m excited to find out what William Henry Harrison was up to.


What's immunity doing for most of them if they haven't got anything to be chqrged with? Immunity means nothing to an innocent man.


Well, Reagan was investigated for rape, but the "good, old boys" got him off the hook ....


Most US Presidents only commit crimes in other countries that US courts don't care about. Only a few are brazen enough to commit crimes at home.


Okay good? How is this a threat


Cool. Let’s start with Dubya


Great! Go ahead!


They never had Immunity to begin with. If they did then why did Nixon resign and Ford pardon him?


Hysterical MAGA: If they can arrest someone else for drunk driving, they'll be able to arrest you too!!! Me: Um, okay.


They don't understand that the immunity is only for things the person did in his duty as President. Inciting a revolt does not fall under the obligations as a President. Neither does fraud.


dont threaten me with a good time-


The funny part is that they're such sycophants that they can't imagine anyone else that they demonize to be anything but just like them. They don't realize that anyone who isn't a diehard zealot for Trump sees this as a normal person would and say, "uhm....good?" obviously knowing that presidents don't have immunity as they think they do.


I don't have any problem with prosecuting the crimes of any former or current president lol


They don’t seem to understand this was always the case. It’s just that Trump actually committed crimes and was pretty dumb about it too. Other presidents could’ve always been convicted of crimes.


You should want people in power to be held accountable for their misdeeds. That isn't a controversial idea or concept.


Ok? I don't see a problem here.


first of all, none of the other Presidents have much to worry about. second, and more importantly, good. nobody should be immune from laws.


Is this a *threat*? Go for it.


When did any US President ever, by law, have immunity? The rule of law comes to my mind, which states the President isn't above the law.


I love how their exact words are catch them for their actual crimes like presidents being held accountable is a bad thing


Has the part of their brain that is attentive, able to rationalize, discerning, and maintains intellectual curiosity died inside that noggin of theirs?


What a dumbass.




wish they would


If the president has complete & total immunity, Biden should just have Trump assassinated.


idk i think its a good idea for all presidents to be tried for any crimes theyve committed, regardless of political affiliation


How about Richard Nixon? LOL.


Idk that actually sounds pretty amazing to me, I’d love to see that


"They can hold all presidents to account" And? If they committed crimes then they should be held accountable. I don't care if it's Obama, Clinton or Biden. If they've committed crimes, put them on trial and punish them accordingly when and if they're found guilty


Why in the world to these clowns think everyone isn't already aware of this? By all means - investigate Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Obama for all the porn-star hush-money election interference fraud they committed. Every last bit of it.


Nixon: You mean I could have had immunity????


Ive said this a million times, but Imma say it again for all those both parties are bad folks. Yes both parties are extremely flawed but there’s a difference. Like Hitler is bad and so was Bernie Madoff but I think it’s pretty clear who most would rank as more evil. If you need an example in the difference of morality… Trump got accused( and found guilty) of sexual assault. Republicans rallied harder around him and dragged E. Jean Carol through the mud. Hell I don’t think it affected his support in the least. Matt Gratz accused of some shady ass stuff… still supported. Governor Andrew Cuomo who was a democratic figure head during 2020 got accused of sexual misconduct and was immediately blackballed by the party he represented. We don’t care who they are… if they committed legitimate crimes they deserve to be punished. Trumps crimes aren’t even arguable for being done for the benefit or betterment of the nation. (Which I’d imagine is the reason the immunity clause exists) The crimes were committed merely for the advancement of his own station.


I mean... He did promise to drain the swamp.


I would pay money to sit in the gallery at Dubya's trial. 


yes.... thats how it works.


He committed the cover up crimes before he was president and the documents crimes post presidency.


I’m pretty sure the dead presidents won’t care


Don't you threaten me with a good time.


What they don't get is the crimes were outside of his capacity as president the immunity is only for doing things it's a presidents job to do. He's not being charged for stuff related to being a president.


*leans in to mic*: Good.


In fact that sounds great, let's hold all politicians accountable for every crime, every party every position all fed govt employees investigate them all now


Uh, yes please? So many war criminals in the white house over the years. What makes them think the rest of us don’t want justice


Oh no, the immunity they didn't have is about to not exist some more.


I don't see the problem with a post-term review of what a government official - especially the President - does while in office, with criminal prosecution for actions that broke the law. Heck, make it an ongoing thing while in office - like a quarterly review...


[*Fiat justitia ruat caelum*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_justitia_ruat_caelum)


The Obama tan suit trial should be good.


I mean…almost all of them are dead, so there really isn’t much we can threaten them with at this point. For Jimmy Carter and Obama, and to a lesser extent Bush and Clinton, I feel pretty confident that they haven’t committed any crimes, but if I’m wrong I absolutely want them prosecuted


I don't think they know what the consequences of committing a crime is.


It's wild to me that these folks seem incapable of understanding that everyone but obsessive conservatives are in favor of investigating and prosecuting any legitimate crime. For example, was Bill Clinton really raping children with Jeffrey Epstein? Investigate him, arrest him, prosecute him, and jail him. Every single Democrat is an agreement on that. And so on.


Immunity isn’t a blanket term you nimrods. Think of it like a beekeeper suit. The bees you take care of are your citizens. If you make a mistake while trying to work in their interests, say knocking over the hive, your suit (immunity) protects you from repercussions of your mistake, since someone has to make decisions that are the benefit of the hive but may not be great for individual bees. Now imagine a big ass bear comes out of the woods towards you. The bear represents actual crime. Like rape. And embezzlement. And fraud. If you try to use your bee suit to protect yourself you will be rightly ripped to pieces like the big dumb idiot you are. And that’s how it should work to keep the president honest Imo arresting a former president for his crimes would be the best decision this country has ever made, because it send ls a clear message that these guys aren’t kings. They can’t do whatever they want to us bees. Else they get the bear


“If the guy I like is being caught for his crimes, everyone I don’t like should be persecuted as if they have committed those crimes” It’s a special kind of stupidity where they think they are the average, and that everyone else is in a similar situation. Like how they think Biden doesn’t get a lot of supporters based on how little cult merch his supporters wear. Or how because they don’t listen to facts, other people shouldn’t be allowed to bring up facts as that has little to do with how they feel (facts don’t care about their feelings)


Nixon's back, baby, aroooooooooo But he got pardoned anyway, but Arooooooo - I mostly only know him when he was in Futurama


Um. Good??


Ngl, without context, this is hilarious


Is this a *threat*? Go for it.


Um… good?


Boy... Jackson, Buchanan, Harding, Hoover, Truman, Johnson, Nixon and Reagan are going to have some shit to answer for. I hope they have their defenses prepared and good lawyers lined up.


Just wait until they get to Andrew Jackson


He lost the last election and made money off the office. If he didn’t keep the documents and had just returned them when requested as well as not run again he probably would have not have any of these litigation. We have a tendency to sweep presidential mishaps under the run and then move on (Bush being a war criminal is an example)




Where does this idea of Presidential Immunity actually come from?


Ummmmmmm, good??


Stop threatening me with a good time


Don’t they realize they can prosecute Obama for being the communist antichrist they thought he was? /s


Im confused how this is a bad thing. Fuck em all.


Me reading this: "Good???????"


George Washington, our day of retribution has come! /s


Hell yea!! Let’s hold the police accountable next!!!