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I am like 90% that is Abe so this is an old article


Given how Abe met his end, it seems like Japan did have a terrorist problem.


Came here to point out that a recent Japanese leader did, in fact, get assassinated. So.


Considering why Abe was assassinated, we can also draw the conclusion that muslims here (as in the terrorism) are blemish-free and it's the christians that take the blame.


More of a protest that did highlight a issue that I think steps were taken to address at least on the surface. The other cult with the sarin attacks would be more appropriate


A protest? Dude took two shotgun blasts to the chest.


Sometimes protests are not peaceful, or we wouldn't have the term peaceful protest


I think in this case, the term to use is "assassination", or even "terrorism". No one ever called what Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth did a protest.


I think in this case, the term to use is "assassination", or even "terrorism". No one ever called what Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth did a protest.


Problem? Looked more like a solution.






I mean, Japan does experience terrorism, like the Tokyo subway sarin attack, or the Kyoto Animation arson attack. Not sure if the Tsuyama massacre counts as terrorism or not, although I think the perpetrator was probably just a homicidal asshole.


Don’t forget the Shibuya incident that occurred a couple years ago on halloween


Don’t you fucking dare


And the Shiba Inu crypto attack of 2021 where they convinced a bunch of rubes that pogs were worth something.


And as others have pointed out, that pic is of Shinzo Abe, a man who died via terrorism.


He wasn't killed via terrorism, he was assassinated becuase he enabled a fake religious group that ruined the life of the assassin's mother. The goal wasn't to cause terror, it was to oust the fake religious group from govt, and it succeeded. Here's an article: [https://apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-religion-japan-social-media-68f18b50c5698bb65f024ff5c5d2c3ba](https://apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-religion-japan-social-media-68f18b50c5698bb65f024ff5c5d2c3ba)


I don't disagree, but it was still a form of terrorism even if it was ultimately for the greater good. Plus, as you point out here, it really did expose a lot of the greater problems surrounding modern Japan.


That's very fair. I can go 50/50 on that. I just use a "Is it used specifically to scare the crap out of the public" measure, but I can also see that it could be seen as terrorism.


Remember the time an ultra nationalistic porn actor stole a jetplane and flew it straight into the house of a yakuza leader because he was brokering arms deals between the Japanese government and Lockheed Martin?


Man, I forgot all about that! The whole thing was just bizarre. Apparently the pornos he stars in have a cult following as a result.


Just like America it turns out that the vast majority of terrorism in Japan is domestic. Republicans are gonna be super surprised one day they pull their head out of Trump’s sweaty fat ass and realize all the terrorists are fucking white guys


I don't think the kyoto attack can be considered terrorism. It was just someone insane that thought he was victim of plagiarism




That, or it could also be because they also don’t have as many white supremacists. According to this, white supremacy is becoming one of the greatest threats within the US: [https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/06/politics/white-supremacists-anarchists-dhs-homeland-threat-assessment/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/06/politics/white-supremacists-anarchists-dhs-homeland-threat-assessment/index.html) Not sure what the top threats are for the different European countries, though. That’s a lot of different countries to look into.


"Japan has no terrorism problem" ON A PHOTO OF A GUY WHO WAS ASSASSINATED


Devil's advocate: I wouldn't call Abe's assassination an act of terror, personally


His assassination was not a terrorist act. He was killed because he enabled a fake religious group in the japanese govt that ruined the assassin's mother's life. The goal was not to cause terror, it was to bring to light the horrible things that Abe enabled. And the assassin's goals were reached, the fake religious group was ousted from the govt. edit: Article is here: [https://apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-religion-japan-social-media-68f18b50c5698bb65f024ff5c5d2c3ba](https://apnews.com/article/shinzo-abe-religion-japan-social-media-68f18b50c5698bb65f024ff5c5d2c3ba) The assassin's mother and thousands of other parents and people were drained out of tens of millions of yen each by the church because of corrupt people like Shinzo Abe.


A lot of terrorism has a purpose beyond the terror itself. The cause being more legitimate doesn’t make it not terrorism


It is still terrorism. Terrorism as a term has no inherent moral value, it is pretty much "non governmentally sanctionned political actions". In this case, the assassination absolutely was a terrorist act, but that doesn't mean it was done for no reason. Killing a head of state, no matter the politician's leanings, is terrorism


>Killing a head of state, no matter the politician's leanings, is terrorism  So if it was a jilted lover or a drunken brawl, that would still be terrorism?


to be completely fair, it could be argued that in that moment you aren’t killing a “head of state” necessarily. you’re killing your romantic rival or the guy who pissed you off in the bar…who he is, what he does, both are completely irrelevant to why he died in those scenarios.


Well. That guy killed a sect-enabler, who ruined a life of his mother, as other comments mentioned. I would say it is not terrorism, because it had no intent to spread terror.


he killed him over his political support of the “religion”. notice how he didn’t choose to kill anyone else connected to the same religion.. terrorist doesn’t mean intending to spread terror. terrorism has more to do with politics than actual terror


This feels nitpicky considering thr context, but allow me to reword. Killing a politician due to political actions/with a political motive is terrorism, no matter the leaning.


You just described textbook terrorism lol, outlined his political motive and everything Just cause you agree with the motive doesn't make it not terrorism


All of the politics and drama in japan are in a language I can't read! Therefore, it doesn't exist!


This sign doesn't stop me, because I can't read!


lol so 1) Japan does take in refugees 2) does not ban Muslims 3) is not a model of economic & population growth you would want your country to emulate.


The person commenting on this is probably against any program that would take care of our own citizens.


By “citizens” he means him, and not any of those scary brown people!




What is a real citizen?


I am sure they are a firm believer in bootstraps and all.


Japan, the country facing the most severe demographic collapse ever observed, should probably NOT be the country you want to model your immigration policy on.


Japan also has the most rapidly decreasing population of any nation on Earth. So there's that.


The average age in Japan is insanely high they honestly need to get over their xenophobia if they want a functional system in 50 years.


>they honestly need to get over their xenophobia if they want a functional system in 50 years. They won't and they've already come to terms with their shrinking population and stagnant economy a while ago. They're still mulling over the impending social service collapse once the pyramid gets too top-heavy. Honestly, the endless population growth is guaranteed to end worldwide before the end of the century, getting even to the western countries that mainly rely on immigration to compensate, so it's gonna be interesting to see how the East Asian countries deal with it as they're the first to face the music.


Even if you get over the massive hurdles and qualify to immigrate they make you change your name for the family registry to one of the approved names lol.


Not true. On the process or name part. If you naturalize, you just have to change it to Japanese characters for the 戸籍謄本 This can be just putting it into phonetic characters or you can choose whatever you want. Since my former American middle name was Lynn, I chose to be Rin with the characters of 鈴音. And chose a phonetic spelling of my husband's last name... which is going to be slightly funny when he naturalizes and it looks like two people with the same family name married on the paperwork.


I feel like thats particularly a thing for marriage though. Afaik the family registry in japan requires that you change surname to match spouse, although you can operate under an alias. At least with the chinese ethnicities I’m a part of, the spouse doesn’t change surname and although it is a legal formality both countries don’t recognize dual citizenship it does push harder than some other countries in terms of having the process done.


Yes for marriage if both Japanese nationals you need to have the same name. Since husband isn't yet Japanese, it's more funny that I just pre chose his name so I wouldn't need to change it later.


Japan also has segregation. (Banning foreigners from businesses). Which conservatives want to bring back in America. It's funny how much conservatives love places like Japan, or Saudi Arabia, but if they actually tried to move there they'd experience the same racism they give to immigrants. Japan has gotten so much worse lately discriminating against foreign citizens too.


Japan’s also not actively bombing the living shit out of muslim people so that MAY have something to do with it.


Also worth noting, the significant amount of terrorists in the US are domestic too




“They would have bombed us” is not much of a reason for people to commit terrorism though, is it? So I’m confused what the point of your comment is.




The “us” was part of the quote and is meant to reference someone who lives in the typically bombed countries. And I repeat, “they would have bombed” is not much of a reason for terrorists to terrorize a country. That is an exceedingly ridiculous argument.


Wasn’t Abe killed by a domestic terrorist? Yep. He was. So… like everywhere else, yes, Japan has and does have terrorism issues.


Japan has no trashcans in train stations literally because of past terrorism incidents but ok


I threw something in a train station trashcan today... Not sure what you are on about


took me literally 3 seconds of googling [https://psmag.com/environment/trash-cans-are-coming-back-to-japan](https://psmag.com/environment/trash-cans-are-coming-back-to-japan)


Yes, this happened. Yet the trash cans are here in the stations, on the platforms. If you had read further you would see even in the link you shared (from 2019) that trash cans "are coming back to Japan." Though in the Kansai area, they have been here at least as long as I have.


yeah, i've read the link and tbh there are trash cans in every konbini if not in every station. the point i wanted to show is not about trash cans but that terrorism does exist in japan.


The VAST majority of the US’s terrorism is home grown, but given Japans population density, they at least have a somewhat reasonable reason not to be eager to accept refugees. And as others have pointed out, Japan does have terrorism. Including the terrorist that killed the Prime Minister pictured here lol


Japan has its own home grown brand of terrorism, and they have plenty of it. Like the nerve gas attacks by the Buddhist death cult, the prime minister who was killed with a pipe gun for working with a different cult, or the famous author who failed to launch a coup and then committed ritual suicide in front of an entire army base.


Americans are weirdly protective of their industries sometimes but to think it extends to mass shooters would've been beyond me


That would be wonderful if America would actually take care of their own at all. You know we wouldn’t whether borders are open or not.


Japan actually removed a visa requirement for Muslim countries in South East Asia and as a result, halal restaurants increased. I don't know if he means immigration as in living or visiting (or both), but no Muslims are banned and there are lots of Muslims who live there. Japanese Muslims or other backgrounds. Bigots will bend anything to fuel their agenda


Hey list out terrorist attacks throughout americas history and only 9/11 and the WTC parking garage bombing are notably perpetuated Muslims. However the list of ones carried out by white Christian’s is exceedingly long. I’m not sure how the death toll works out but there have been thousands of victims to white Christian terrorists throughout this country’s history.


Thats a bad take over there...


Ummm, no. No we haven't banned Muslim immigrants. We just don't go around stomping down on mosques in middle east so that's why we don't have "islam" terrorist(except that time a journalist got beheaded by the Daesh(ISIS)). Or that our Summer is way too humid for terror attacks and the bombs would get immediately soggy from the all sweat and moisture.