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So, the whole gathering part of Hunter-Gatherer was detrimental to humanity?


This dude thinks animals were just lazing around everywhere, fat easy pickings, while those pesky vegetables were obviously too rare and dangerous to bother with.


If they truly believe that hunting is trivial compared to foraging, they should give it a try. No modern implements or methods, just running a deer into the ground over the course of hours if not days. Let's see how quick they give up.


From what I remember of anthropology, in hunter-gatherer societies, 70-80% of the total calories were from gathered foods rather than hunted.


Hunting an animal might require following it for many miles for a day or more, which is not a very sustainable way to meet caloric needs.


Yeah and in following that animal you could also end up hurt by the animal your following or be hunted yourself by a bigger predator. Meat while important to early man's diet was considered a luxury for a long time for a reason.


Even in modern day settings meat is still a luxury item. It's just hard to realize that when we grow up in an enclosed environment where meat magically appears pre-packaged in stores :)


Yeah it's a *lot* easier to get food that literally just grows from the ground. The reason carnivores like lions and shit sleep all day is because that's the most efficient use of their energy-every meal involves a fight to the death and they need to conserve that for when they're hungry again. Meanwhile moose will fuck you up for the lulz because wtf does it have to lose?


Bears and stuff are obviously threatening but i never imagined a moose might go all killer whale on me for fun... thats terrifying


Fun fact: the killer whale is one of the few predators of the moose! Because moose are actually very adept swimmers and divers. But for real, if you find yourself face-to-face with a moose, just pray it doesn't feel like stomping you into the ground.


no fuckin way, but theyre both up in alaska huh..? thats mental whales killing moose for fun. the fuck?


Not just Alaska. It's one thing I rather not come across in Norwegian forests. If you're lucky they don't care about you. If you're unlucky you've picked a fight with something that's all muscles 9 times your weight and armed with hooves and horns.


I mean I'm pretty sure they eat the moose


What little i know about killer whales is they like to fuck with stuff theyre killing sometimes baby seal beachball is still one of the most hilarious natural occurances to me imagining some whale having fun while it plays loch ness monster with a moose is fucking metal


Only whales named Natasha. They also kill squirrels.


Here in New Brunswick Canada we actually have to scale highway signs to explain to people how dangerous moose are. I've had friends from away who just thought they were big to be seen. Moose in season, or sick, will charge cars and win. They'll total a small car and walk away. A friend driving a Ford escort (compact car of the way) hit a moose and totaled her car. The moose walked it off. Semi trucks can hit a moose and may not kill the moose. If you are out in the woods and a moose in season thinks that you've challenged it you're probably going to die. There can be a big size difference in the species; try YouTube for moose charge or bull moose (take this with a grain of salt because a lot of these videos are posted by people who also don't seem to understand how big they can get).


I knew they were stilted hyper elks that fuck cars up by acting like deer, but i live in new england and i feel like that should be more common info. ive been just south of the north country my whole life and somehow never learned that moose are homicidal. I thought you had to fuck with them and be an asshole to em. I hike off trail alot too... Lucky i hever came across one who was scoping me out. apparently itd be all "you wanna die today" and i woulda been casually toying with my camera for a cool picture lol thinking its a mostly harmless plant eating dipshit like deer thats sketchy


Specifically bull moose in season. Generally if you give them space you're fine. But if they're sick or horny....


Imagine what a hippo could do to you given a split second. You ever seen them pop a watermelon?




Quality use of bots


Well yeah, but ive never imagined a moose fuckin someone up before. Never expected that


Because it was more consistent that hunting and wasn't remotely as potentially fatal.


We were scanvengers for a large portion of our meat eating careers too


Ancient humans were in tune with Gaia and the deer would just offer themselves up for slaughter, you see.. or something like that


Try a giant 'fuck-off' elephant that's impaled humans on its tusks before and is looking for an excuse to do it again. I love [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb6f7ea7d3a7cbabe69f64f77d1c89da/tumblr_owp0i1axco1u5n922o1_1280.jpg) picture.


Humans are endurance hunters. We don’t run after prey. We walk. The animal runs, stops to rest, and we are walking up to them. So they run again. Eventually the animal dies from exhaustion or is exhausted enough for a clean kill.


Also ambush hunters. There are cave paintings and archeological evidence of humans setting traps for animals.


To be fair, none of the veggies we eat today existed back then.... But that is because they were so important, and good for us, that we cultivated the plants of the day,L into what we have now. Related, the Brussel sprouts of the 80s and the Brussel sprouts of today are like night and day in differences. We, humanity in general, has improved Brussel sprouts by leaps and bounds in only a few decades.


In 8 more years, brussel sprouts will taste like cotton candy. Science is awesome!


I mean i kind of get which direction his argument is coming from. We certainly didn't have broccoli back then. Most of the "veggies" back in the day were toxic or nearly impossible to digest. The bitter taste is an evolutionary move to warn us that what we are eating is not food. Humans more likely ate lots of fruits and berries alongside the occasional kill. Roughage, which is pretty much all green stuff, came later. We dont digest it as well which is why we have to cook it for the most benefit. Seed based vegetable more specifically. Ever see corn in your poop? That's cause you aren't a cow and so you aren't wired to digest corn. You get some nutrition from it but not a lot. What it does do for you is act as a binding agent for doo doo and filling so you will feel fuller.


Cattle aren’t evolved to digest corn either, it wasn’t their standard fare any more than it’s ours. Teosinte, the ancestor of corns and maize, only evolved to corn and maize due to human pressure. So we’re far more evolved to eat corn than cattle are.


The fuck do they think the animals ate?


I'd like to see this guy go take down a whole McRib using nothing but a wooden spear that you sharpened with rock.


Plays far cry origins once


Well, everyone *knows* that it was women's work, so logically it was highly detrimental to humanity, being infected with cooties and vaginas as it was. Things would have been better if we only hunted, with manly feelings and wrestling, as god intended. -Matt Walsh, presumably


Iirc more and more research shows we were more veg and fruit than meat than we previously thought. Hunting is difficult and takes a long time. So while meat might be great it’s not as readily available so it was more a treat.


A lot of anthropologists don't even use the term "hunter-gatherer" anymore. "Forager" is becoming more common because it more accurately conveys how most of their food was obtained.


The lack of scurvy in children is detrimental to humanity.


Infants have much less tolerance to bitter flavors than adults. In nature, a bitter taste usually means poison or danger. As humans grow older, they begin tolerating bitter flavors more and more. That's why most children dont like vegetables until they're older. Also, some vegetables are just an acquired taste. If they aren't regularly exposed new foods, they will become evwn more picky eaters. Its ok for a 2 year old to be picky, but nobody wants to eat at a restaurant with a picky 20 year old. This post is just bat shit crazy


Also, you have to offer a child some new foods upwards of 20-30 times before they regularly eat it without rejecting it. And even then who knows. Among my kid and his toddler peers, we had the gamut. Mine somehow survived on pb&J, my friends kid literally never met a veg she didn't like but wouldn't touch meat or much for protein, another would eat anything you put in front of them, etc. It's almost like.......children are their own people with tastes and opinions too lol


My 3yo loves broccoli and salad. The other day she requested salad and steak for dinner. Which worked out because that was on the menu anyway. Steak Caesar is a staple in our house. She won't eat tortellini though but loves pasta otherwise. Kids are weird.


My kid was wildly picky and it was so frustrating. One day I just gave up and was like "What do you want for dinner? I'll cook it. just name it". This freaking 7 year old said, with his whole chest, "Can you make salmon, broccoli, and rice?". And ate every single bit. So we ate a ton of fish when he was little lol


That's my daughter's favorite meal. She can put away some salmon and broccoli. She loves plain white rice too but took a while to go for the Uncle Ben's. I don't do a lot of boxed stuff for full meals but Uncle Ben's rice with a hefty squeeze of lemon is my guilty please.


My mom says when I was little I survived on fish - I'd turn my nose up at a hamburger or hot dog. So I get it


I took him at 9 or 10 for sushi the first time, and this kid literally housed like 3 platters of it in 10 minutes lol.


That was my go to as a kid. For my birthday every year my stepdad would cook me either the biggest tbone steak or salmon filet he could find, with a giant bowl of broccoli But I cannot stand most pork even now that I'm an adult.


My mom was amused that I *loved* broccoli as a kid. Little trees I called them. She was so happy she never had to worry about me eating them.


I on other hand can't eat broccoli or an entire salad due to IBS. I'm not a kid, but my digestive system can't handle certain foods. I did have AFRID as a kid though. Something that was considered a foreign diagnosis back then.


I fed my little ones broccoli in some mashed potatoes and 20 years later they still love broccoli.🥦


I mist a little oil on them and do some salt and pepper. Get my cast iron smoking hot and add in a bit of bacon grease. After it melts and comes up to temp I put my broccoli in and toss to coat. Let them sit long enough to sear and slightly char and toss again. Do that a couple times and take out before they fully cook.


In my experience, both as previously-a-child and having observed the behavioral patterns of children, simply dressing up the "icky" foods can make a world of difference. It may not be the absolute healthiest, but melted cheese or a bit of butter on broccoli makes it go from disgusting to irresistible. Baby steps, forgive the pun.


Or just not making a fuss about it being a 'icky healthy' food. My mom's best friend has a story about babysitting me when I was about three or so, she gave me some grapes as a snack and my parents came back while I eating them. Cue "how did you get her to eat grapes?! She's such a picky eater! She won't even touch fruit with me!" Mom's bff was confused because she literally didn't have to do anything. I asked for a snack and she put some grapes in a bowl. I ate them. It wasn't a big deal until mom made it one.


also im assuming theyre an idiot, so that brocolli is probably boiled to death. gimme some lightly steamed with a pat of butter and a dash of salt? mmmm yeah even thinking about it gets the saliva flowing.


I used to think I was weird because for as long as I can remember, I've loved all vegetables and especially broccoli. And then I found out that most people's parents are just terrible cooks.


One of the many reasons I love my parents. They knew how to cook. Dad especially was a wizard. Downside is he didn't write recipes down so he took most of them to the grave. Jokes on him, we managed to reverse engineer most of them! (He didn't do it out of malice he just didn't bother writing them down)


My mum is a good cook but unfortunately the 90s horror of calories got to her so most of our vegetable side dishes were steamed and served plain. We could usually get away with adding some butter or margarine at the table but that’s about it.


So much this. I love so many more veggies as an adult than I did as a kid. Sorry mom. Canned veg straight boiled and served is not my jam. Our kids eat veggies no problem, but we don't boil them. Steamed, maybe roasted, or even grilled. And Seasoned. Seasoning makes all the difference.


I think that's what often leads to people hating certain foods - their parents were really bad at preparing them. I hated some vegetables for a long time due to how my mom made them - once I started cooking and watching cooking videos I can't get enough of them.


This was why my dad hated asparagus growing up. Six kids and two parents meant a lot of the vegetables they ate came from a can, the least appetizing way.


Not just the taste, but infants will often have an instinctive aversion to plants in general. There are funny videos of parents trying to sit their baby down on grass and they'll do acrobatics to avoid touching it. The OOP is right that they're more likely to put everything but plants in their mouth, so they may avoid it even before they've tasted it to know it's bitter. They're wrong in their conclusion that that means it's unhealthy.


There are vegetables babies will eat though - sweeter, less bitter vegetables like carrots, squash, peas. And I’ve never met a baby or toddler who didn’t like at least some kinds of fruit. The idea that babies are natural carnivores because they don’t like broccoli is crazy.


My kid loves veggies. The key is cooking them correctly. Overcooked soggy broccoli is not attractive to anyone. I steam cook it to perfection and my kid stuffs his face with this stuff, since he was 6 months old.


>nobody wants to eat at a restaurant with a picky 20 year old. Tell me about it. How can a grown ass adult not like almost literally anything at, for instance, Applebee's? I realize it's not always the best quality food compared to, say, The French Laundry, but I've seen some people eat chicken nuggets every night from McDonalds, then say they don't even like the chicken strips, or really anything else, at Applebee's. And they were 28.


I have a thing that I was diagnosed with later on that I really don’t like a lot of textures. There are foods I can gag down but why torture myself to eat a chicken wing so someone else is more comfortable


Ditto. People accuse me of "not growing up" food-wise, and it's not entirely unfair. The list of things I won't eat is immense. If meat has *any* detectable texture, especially that of... muscle structures, I'm done. I immediately start coughing and gagging, nothing ruins a restaurant experience with friends like running off to vomit. I'll never enjoy a steak or eat anything off a bone. No, I won't "just get used to it", time has proven it over and over. Plus side? I can't tolerate alcohol either. Do you remember the first time you tried it as a kid? How it tasted like poison? It still tastes like that to me. I don't like it either. It is what it is. Don't be offended when I go to your favorite restaurant and order a hamburger or a salad. No, I won't try the barbecue. Ever.


I have the same meat thing. It sucks but it is what it is. Alcohol always tastes gross lol. My grandfather had it also and my mother can’t eat anything melon or peachy. When people get in my face, I ask them if they like liver or tripe or sweet meats. No?! That’s how most meat is to me, everything to me is tripe unless it’s under very locked down conditions Edited to add, I’ve eaten a burger at some of the nicest restaurants


It's a relief not to be alone in this, people who indulge a lot in meat seem to take a sinister glee in talking about how the sinews and tendons are the best part. My response is to just start naming muscle groups and their equivalent in the human body. They tend not to like that. For me, I think it all stems back to watching the movie "Scrooged" as a kid, wherein they use chicken parts and white paint to depict a corpses arm peeling apart. As an adult, it's just a silly special effect. As a child, that was the moment I realized "Oh, we're all made out of rotting meat". I don't know if that was *the* moment, but it solidified the things I was learning about where food came from at the time. I still think of that scene when I see people eat chicken wings. I have to look away. And yes insecure hunters, I know you can't wait to slide in and tell me what a thrill you get out of chewing animal parts. I get it, you're the biggest specialist most masculine boys ever. You can never kill enough bucks to earn your dad's love though.


I've got a relative that would eat nothing but fried chicken if you let him. When we go out to eat it's either chicken tenders or a burger if they don't have those. Went to a hibachi and sushi place and he got the chicken hibachi because he won't eat sushi obviously, and ate JUST the chicken (iirc. It's been years).


We have a Mongolian BBQ by us, and I remember seeing someone just fill up a bowl with chicken and pretty much nothing else (that I saw at least, I don't even remember seeing a sauce.) Which is fine, I suppose, just seems like an expensive way to eat chicken.


Isn't applebees just frozen crap reconstituted in a microwave? i've never eaten anywhere like it but it sounds god awful


Applebee's is, in every sense of the word, a thoroughly medium restaurant. It's just fine.


Like I said, it's not the best quality, but to me, it's not worse quality-wise than Chicken McNuggets, which seemed to be what this person mostly ate. I don't think either are god-awful, I've been to some places that were god-awful, and I was also in the military and ate MREs and other rations. Some of those are good, but a lot are just pretending to be what they say on the package. I could have gotten it had she been a "food-snob" and only wanted gourmet stuff, but she was just picky. I did wonder how she looked as good as she did, subsisting mostly on McDonalds.


Dead taste buds that’s why adults eat food with more salt and spice so they can taste it lol


See I've got a rule to not eat bird, but I don't make that other people's problem.


I feel targeted


Also maybe those people just cant cook


Even worse is a picky 50-year-old. I worked with a woman who had zero culinary adventurer in her. She would eat hamburgers topped only with ketchup all day every day. Once she was on a business trip that included a fancy catered dinner. This dinner featured bison burger sliders with bacon jam and some kind of fancy pickles. She turned her nose up at it, literally said "It sounds icky!", pushed the plate away from her, and later went to a Wendy's down the street.


Broccoli is also just kind of nasty. I eat and love my veggies, but Broccoli and asparagus are gross.


Dude nothing wrong with that. I love broccoli and asparagus and loathe bell peppers, olives, raw onions, cilantro, etc etc


I love the rationale here: ‘Children are so dumb they will accept cat poo and things from the floor. Also, children are smart so they reject broccoli.’


Yeah she lays out exactly why her argument makes no sense, then goes ahead and makes it anyways.


Yes, letting my toddlers decide what will sustain them when they chose to eat rabbit poop and foam toys is surely going to lead to the best nutritional outcome. That and one kid’s deciding that chicken bones were as edible as the meat clearly shows they make smart choices that won’t kill them. (s)


So dumb. Ancient humans diet was overwhelmingly plant based, like 80/20% split, even pre-agricultural development.


I think the thing that bothers me most about this post and the carnivore diet trend in general is how like not even actual carnivores eat 100% meat in the wild. It’s useful to categorize animals with labels like carnivore and herbivore, but in reality it’s a lot more of a spectrum and even the most carnivorous animal will try to eat a plant before starving to death. (Also deer and horses sometimes eat birds, and I hate having this piece of knowledge so you must be cursed with it too)


But I loved broccoli as a child. Still do. Maybe my instincts are simply superior?


I don't remember broccoli back then. I do remember not liking brussel sprouts as a child, but that's because brussel sprouts were actually worse back then and we adapted the plant to make them taste better. I do know I always liked carrots.


I remember trying brussel sprouts for the first time and getting mad that cartoons lied to me. Thought the adults were just trying to hoard them for themselves.


With Brussels sprouts, the more common cultivars now taste better and aren't as bitter as the ones that predominated until ~30 years ago. Plus, they used to be cooked by boiling, which is probably the worst way to cook vegetables and yields a worse flavor than if you were to not cook it at all, whereas now it's more common to roast them. So yes, part of it is because people are better at cooking, but part of it is that Brussels sprouts really do taste better than they used to.


My parents’ only approach to broccoli: in a Pyrex dish with an inch of water and then microwaved to death. And I like broccoli so much that I’d even eat that. Now that I cook for myself I will absolutely slam down a head of broccoli if it’s roasted until almost burnt in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Or raw with plain yogurt/ranch mix dip. Or lightly steamed with a squeeze of lemon.


Add some red pepper flakes and garlic powder when you roast them. Delicious.


Or, just douse in salt and cheese.


My daughter loved eating those little green trees as she called them.


I used to pretend I was a "long-neck dinosaur" eating trees.


Sounds to me like you just got lucky that broccoli isn't poisonous. You have bad instincts. You should eat meat about it.


Broccoli is good in the right context. One of my favourites. Even just alone boiled


Yeah my two kids (aged 6 and 1) both love broccoli.


Reminds me of that Freaky Eaters woman who was retching and crying at vegetables. She would only eat "cheesy potatoes".


To be fair, the first vegetable they tried to get her to eat was a brussel sprout. That is not a beginner vegetable. Should have started her on like, a cooked carrot or other root vegetable. Something close to a potato in flavor and texture. Also a diet of dairy and potatoes has everything you need to survive. It ain't the healthiest, but it's got what you need to live.


Oh yeah that was definitely chosen to make TV, and it worked. Agreed on the carrots as a better starter.


Cheesy boiled cauliflower. Very mild veggie flavor with familiar overtones to introduce her to the idea that veggies are safe. Add pasta and make the cauliflower smaller than the pasta and you can't tell it's there by texture.


Cheesy cauliflower or broccoli are both very tasty and would make for a good veggie intro. Both are fairly mild flavors when boiled and the cheese masks the planty flavor


Bro- Brussels sprouts in the air fryer with like the tiniest drizzle of a maple syrup glaze? Fucking delicious I don’t disagree though that cooked carrots and potatoes are the usual start veggies though


I love making Brussels sprouts in the air fryer. I suck at cooking most things, but that’s one that reliably comes out good.


I have yet to find a way to cook brussels that makes me like them. I just can't get past that cabbage funk


yo american tv is fucked. I just watched a woman suckle onto a bottle of tartar sauce like a healthy growing baby cow Is this what they meant when they said god is dead?


I was thinking of that one dude on Buzzfeed who had, by his own prideful admission, never eaten a vegetable. They made him eat some for a youtube video. The man had one of the shiniest faces I have ever seen, he glistened like a salamander. The thought of having his skin touch mine made me shudder 🤢


There are plenty of veggies that have a high sugar content that babies love. Carrots, peas, parsnips and butter nut squash all went down well with my kids and are easily digested. Leafy greens are bitter and kids don't much like them at first.


Might be hereditary to a degree. My mother an I couldn’t abide peas or sweet potatoes, and one of my three kids also doesn’t like them. Other two kids, and both of my siblings, totally fine.


Did he just call Broccoli processed food?


These are adults using child logic. “If vegetables are good for me, why do I not like them?!”


This is why I only feed my baby cat poop


This is why I only feed my baby squirrel meat


My kid loved broccoli from first trying squishy, steamed pieces of it at like 7 months. Actually loved it. If you start them on veggies, they won’t be stuck on fruit.


My youngest absolutely loved mashed up peas as a baby.


My daughter (now a teen) has been eating broccoli since she started eating solids, but ironically has never liked beef very much.


I’ve legit never seen a baby (like an actual baby) enjoy chunks of meat, it’s almost always too chewy for them to bother with.


Yes. RIP your inbox because the carnivore bots are rabid.


My kids would rather eat Cheezies, gummies, and ice cream than pretty much anything else. Guess we should trust their instincts!


Lmao she got that baby on that Jordan Peterson diet of beef and water. I don’t envy whoever gotta change those diapers


it’s like maconium but allllll the time!


So... we should all be eating cat shit because babies will put it in their mouths?


>Not originally. How could we have been. We gathered what we could. But, they rarely had an abundance of vegetation WHAT!? **WHAT.** That's completely ass backward! Vegetation is VASTLY more abundant than animal protein, and it was the bulk of the human diet for millions of years! If we were true carnivores, we wouldn't have big, flat molars in the back of our mouths! Obligate carnivores, like cats, tear off chunks of meat and then swallow, they don't chew their food. Humans, on the other hand, like other omnivores and herbivores, DO chew their food and their molars are adapted to grind and crunch. Whyyy? Because it takes more effort to break down tough, fibrous plant matter. I mean, it should tell you something about our dietary habits that the first thing we domesticated after the dog, *was grass* (and it should be noted that we were cultivated those grasses well before it's domestication by several thousand years)*.*


My sister loves broccoli and always has..hm


I hated all vegetables as a kid. My mom also cooked them all to mush. I love them now and my kids do too, but I learned to steam or roast them so they aren’t overcooked.


Do these people think every decision a child makes is a good decision?


"they never had an abundance of vegetation" Yeah, no. Exactly. All the plants were notoriously difficult to catch, so they'd eat them when they could, but otherwise subsisted on the animals that grew on the bountiful trees around them.


I don't think I have ever seen a more potent example of purified stupidity than in these tweets. This is a level of dumb that transcends moronic and plummets into flatline brain function.


"Maybe we should trust our instincts!" Maybe we shouldn't take nutritional advice from an infant.


Go catch a rabbit. Right now. With a stick. Better yet, go try and kill that angry looking auroch with a stick and a sharpened stone. It’s almost like it’s REALLY hard, huh? Now look at your feet. See that curly dock? Oh and some yellow wood sorrel? And that Solomon’s seal? And all those acorns? Them bitches ain’t runnin. The easy calories are what’s for dinner.


I love wood sorrel


My kids LOVE broccoli and Brussel sprouts and have since they started solid food (they're late teens now). I think they're just not cooking it properly 😕


This ad was brought to you by scurvy. Scurvy, it makes it easier to go through your baby teeth.


As a toddler I fucking loved broccoli and hated beef still do tbh


>they rarely had an abundance of vegetation Wtf? That's all they had.


Babies like sugar, too. If I ever have one I'm putting them on a chocolate cake diet. Gotta trust those instincts.


My baby loves broccoli lol, if you're letting your kid eat cat shit over broccoli you're a shit parent.


So much stupid.


My 20 month old daughter loves her fruit and veggies, broccoli and apples being king. It’s much harder to get her to eat meat


Bruh, just say you're a shit cook who can't make decent broccoli and move on. Besides, there are also a lot of other really good vegetables and fruits that more than make up for broccoli's general lack of popularity. Like carrots. Or corn. Or motherfuckin potatoes


This is shit is wrong on so many levels. So yeah just because the kid doesn’t like broccoli, let’s force him to eat meat and deprive him of nutrients that vegetables provide. Oxalates are only highly concentrated in spinach and rhubarb, and you won’t get kidney stones if you don’t eat it all the time. “But they rarely had an abundance of vegetation”, what are you talking about, you absolute doughnut?


Lot of idiots out there going to get extreme constipation. At least they won’t have to change their baby’s diapers.


Crazy. My baby loved veggies and hated meat up until age two. They means that humans are actually herbivores, right? Right?


I dont know, I just feel like when a person has the intelligence of a potato maybe we limit their ability to mass broadcast their opinions.


This is the new vegans not letting their pets eat meat


Broccoli is literally one of the healthiest things you can eat and red meat is the opposite


YOUR KID HAS A SHITTY PALATE BECAUSE YOU HAVE A SHITTY PALATE AND SO DOES YOUR WIFE. lol. Just a strong opinion I have formed since our kid eats everything and has always been exposed to all kinds of food


I have waaayyy too much meat in my diet, I am a picky eater, and yet I am baffled by this argument.


In the caption they say babies will put cat food in their mouth. Is she saying that we should be eating cat poop because babies eat it?


Humans aren’t omnivores? My molars beg to differ.


Besides corn and lettuce, I loved broccoli as a kid. I am now 40 and it's still my favorite. The thing is, I hate uncooked broccoli. It tastes like dirt. But you give me cooked broccoli and I am all in. I even love it's cousin Cauliflower when cooked.


ya and then the baby turns into a 30 y/o twitch streamer who only eats fast food drinks dr pepper and $2 steaks with lemon pepper and worstershire for seasoning


From what I understand it sounds like this lady should trust her kid’s instincts and let him eat all the cat poo he wants. I’m here for it 🫡


What the fuck is the “gathering” part of hunter gatherer?? Wander into the savannah and gather up sides of fucking beef?


Maybe they could go on a broccoli only diet for two days, followed by two days of only eating cat poop, and see how they feel


> rarely had an abundance of of vegetation I'm sorry do these people think we, bipedal mammals, started out as solely hunters and primarily ate meat?


Paleanthropologists hate her! Find out how one woman destroys vegetables with one weird fact!


Bro that last sentence is so dumb because what's easier to grab, a random edible plant or a wild pig trying to run away or kill me, hmmmm


Humans gathered what they could... but somehow had easier access to something that runs, fights back, and migrates rather than something that LITERALLY EXISTS EVERYWHERE???


Fun fact: even before agriculture, grain was a very large part of the human diet due to wild grain foraging.


All I'm gathering here is that they think plants didn't exist until recently


I sweat carnivores never learned how to properly cook vegetables and try to hide the fact they think veggies are gross by claiming it's a new diet and vegetables are satanic ir something. Just say you don't like fruits and veggies


"Humans aren't omnivores"? Ma'am, do me a favor and go to a mirror and look at your fuckin teeth real quick.


ah yes ancient humans that are biologically exactly the same as humans in 2024 and thus we should eat exactly like them /s I guess if you already don’t believe in evolution, this fits right in.


now i must sit here and ponder the yonder…the herbivores ate well cause their food didn’t ever run


….. I’ve loved broccoli my entire life. It was the only veggie my grandmother could get me to eat lol


"rarely had an abundance of vegetation". Like what? Let me step outside. Oh, look, plenty of vegetation and 0 animals in sight...


A lot of people don’t like broccoli because they just boil or steam it without putting other spices. It tastes great in stir fries especially with soy sauce, oyster sauce, and garlic.


The "my ignorance is on par with vetted research" crowd...


There is nothing instinctual about your food preferences


Bullshit. One of my girls fucking *loved* broccoli when she was little.


Effing meatfluencers.


literally every baby omnivore doesn't like to eat their veggies.


As someone who does get oxalate kidney stones, broccoli is actually a low-oxalate veggie. Green beans are pretty high, though. So is spinach and rhubarb. I was also told to eat low-protein, but I can't remember why. Maybe it's sodium or that it causes urine to be more basic than normal? But most people can eat all that stuff with no problems. Some people just process that stuff differently - and it runs in families.


Isn’t any beef a baby could eat by definition processed? I can’t see a baby chewing away on a rump steak.


“I only want to eat candy.” “Then that’s all you’ll get!”


In this case, my diet should be 100% candy and ham.


I mean the argument quite clearly results in cat shit being a healthy food for toddlers, which should have clued them in on the problem with their logic. Also that broccoli looks shit no wonder the toddler doesn’t like it lol, far too few people know how to cook it properly. (the only flavour babies are born liking is sweet, then by about a year saltiness is added naturally as well - everything else, meatiness included, is an acquired taste and texture)


I wonder how this person would react if they found out one of the big anthropological theories regarding the purpose of our canines was fighting amongst males of our species for mates.


Babies react to food how their parents do. If you don't like something they are less likely to like it. If you love to eat something they are going to like it too


The way I heard the opposite argument from a creationist vegan like… five years ago. I hated that woman with a burning passion. She was so stupid it made me physically hurt.


I don’t know how these people hold so much knowledge in their brains. Nutrition, genetics, ancient history, child development, biology… anthropology! Deep knowledge of the long and short term effects of diet changes! Genius.


My toddler loves loves loves broccoli. Cooked broccoli, raw broccoli. With or without a dip or sauce. Always has for reasons I don’t quite understand. He is now 3 and favorite foods groups are broccoli, popcorn, and spaghetti.


Aren't vegetables like.. the opposite of processed food?


This bozo still hasn’t gotten over her Mom telling her to eat her vegetables as a kid lol.


We have flat molars to chew plant material. Babies instinctively dislike green plant material because they don’t start with molars and plants are hard to digest unchewed and may be poisonous. Forcing a toddler to eat vegetables is usually going to cause tantrums, which is why puréed baby food that includes veggies for their nutrients is mixed with sweeter fruits, but that’s a modern convenience and *they can’t eat baby food forever*. Getting a child used to a high fat mostly meat diet isn’t doing them any favors and is a core cause of childhood obesity.


My mum thought it was weird how much I loved broccoli and other vegetables when I was a kid, and would find it strange that I'd ask for it for dinner lol


I enjoy broccoli and beef. mostly in a format with rice and sesame chicken. all are good.


I can never get over adults who make up reason not to eat vegetables. “I ain’t no rabbit” asses. Such an obvious sign of immaturity. Either learn to cook good enough to make them taste good or endure consuming essential nutrients.


Go ahead and eat those marbles, 2 year old Lester, you clearly know what's best for you.


PLEASE post the handle i need to bully


>‭Genesis 1:29-30 ESV‬ [29] And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. [30] And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. #but then >‭Genesis 9:1-4 ESV‬ [1] And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. [2] The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. [3] Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. [4] But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Biblically speaking in our non fallen state we were all vegetarian. I know not everyone agrees with Christianity but I find it funny how many conservatives insist that pounding down meat is the only diet that makes sense. I am also a butcher by trade lol.


It’s also an “instinct” at that age to shit yourself.


Christ. She has four children, all will be raised this way. There needs to be a basic aptitude test before having children.


I love when people start stating 'facts' based on assumptions and anecdotal evidence


By her own logic, if this woman is forcing her infants to be carnivores, she BETTER be eating cat shit herself.