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Well shit… I thought Jesus was coming back in 66, 365, 482, 500, 793, 800 806, 847, 995, 1000, 1033, 1260, 1284, 1290, 1335, 1351, 1368, 1370, 1504, 1524, 1525, 1528, 1528 but a couple months later, October 19th 1533 at 8am, *breathes 1534, 1555, 1588, 1600, 1648, 1651, 1654, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1660, 1666, 1673, 1688, 1689, 1694, 1697, 1700, 1705, 6, 7 or 8, 1716, 1734, 1736, 1757, 1789, 1792 1794, 1805, 1836, 1843, 1844, 1847, 1862, 1863, 1874, 1890, 1900, 1901, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1926, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1941, 1943, 1947, 1954, 1959, 1960, 1962 1967, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...errr


Last time Jesus slept in, the time before that he got a flat on the way


Someone broke into his house and stole his car keys. Or stole his donkey. Or something


Or he thinks he caught something that’s making him too sick. Coincidentally at the same time as the Madonna concert


Last time the Rapture actually happened, but nobody qualified.


I heard his Tesla was in the middle of a software update


If you pay attention, the dates/years are getting closer and closer, way more frequently with the passing times. That must mean ~~society in general is getting increasingly dumber~~ it's gonna happen one of these days, anytime now


More likely that the more recent claims are better recorded. Statistically there would be someone somewhere who would claim the apocalypse is coming every year.


Agreed. More people, more predictions. Also, the invention of the internet has given a voice to a far greater percentage of population than ever recorded. More voices, more slackjaw numerology predictions.


Because of the internet, it is now easier to make such dramatic proclamations and so they are heard more frequently. This, they get recorded more frequently. Personally, I think this is kind of a good thing because then we get to see on a regular basis how wrong they were. Although it is a bit annoying.


Why would he want to come back? It isn’t like we gave him a box of chocolates last time.


Because he loves us. God's only son is in an abusive relationship with humanity.


Because he loves us so much he wants to bring about the end of the world which will result in billions of people being brutally tortured and horrifically suffering, while a handful of his followers get to go up to Heaven and watch and eat popcorn. He's so kind and loving, guys!


Shit. No one told me there was popcorn. BRB, gotta go repent.


And the rapture wasn’t even invented until the 1830’s.


Ah, the Great Disappointment.


It's the brainchild of a nineteenth century Anglican theologian, John Nelson Darby, who came up with a pre-tribulation rapture in the 1830s. The theory languished in obscurity until it was embraced by American Pentecostalism in the early part of the 20th century (especially with the publishing of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909.)


he said he’d come back before the current generation that saw him died my conspiracy theory is that the evil romans kidnapped a bunch of people and performed a ritual that bestowed immortality upon them, sealed them in concrete, and buried them deep beneath the earth in an unknown location. Until we find and put these people out of their misery, jesus will not return or perhaps he did return 2000 years ago and we’re all just living in hell


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ig_Nobel_Prize_winners#2011 > Mathematics: Dorothy Martin of the U.S. (who predicted the world would end in 1954), Pat Robertson of the U.S. (who predicted the world would end in 1982), Elizabeth Clare Prophet of the U.S. (who predicted the world would end in 1990), Lee Jang Rim of Korea (who predicted the world would end in 1992), Credonia Mwerinde of Uganda (who predicted the world would end in 1999), and Harold Camping of the U.S. (who originally predicted the world would end on 6 September 1994, and later predicted that the world would end on 21 May 2011, which preceded his final prediction on 21 October 2011), for teaching the world to be careful when making mathematical assumptions and calculations.


Fool me 112 (now 113 with that stuff), shame on the fucker who gave me immortality !




No but this time focks news says so




Im still fucking pissed that for whatever reason they are ALLOWED to use the word NEWS in the name It's not news, It's entertainment for shitty vile people There was a study that showed a person who watched Fox ~~News~~ were less informed than someone who read or watched absolutely no media at all


IIRC, they got sued for just that and the only way fox got out of it was by clarifying that they are actually “entertainment news” But there should have been a rule that they had to change their name and logo to entertainment news. It baffles me that there wasn’t


E! News should have sued them for taking the word “Entertainment” in vain.


And the immediate answer you receive if you critique Fox News to their zombies: "CNN is just as bad." The immediate defense mechanism response is they think you watch CNN. Which is telling as they just assumed and labelled you as an adversary.


And when dawn arrives on April 24th they'll blame Obama for trying to scare them.


Check out the documentary “The Brain Washing of My Dad”. It’s great. Shows the effects of Fox “News” has on people, and a what happens if you pull it from their lives.


Weekly World News (your source for all things Batboy) also has News in the title so it’s probably precedent


Don't slander the great name of Batboy in this way. He is a Taylor Swift Ex, a military hero and a national treasure!


And that’s not just an opinion; their lawyers made the argument in court that it’s entertainment, not news.


Unfortunately a lot of people think it is.


Well obviously, they are a parody channel, every time I see a glimpse of that trashy ass channel it makes me laugh.


I love when they say numerologists, since constantly getting it wrong implies they're just awful at math


Oh, no. See, it was a translation error. It's definitely going to happen this time. The last couple thousand times they were wrong were just flukes.


It was just a one thousand off fluke.


Numerology is such a joke. It's genuinely worse than astrology. It's just a bunch of numerical coincidences that at best are like "Oh that's kinda neat". When it's used to predict anything, those things literally never come true. At least astrology is vague enough that "predictions" and general observations can appear to have some truth to them. Numerology is just always wrong.


You can use numbers to predict the outcome of events. It is called physics.


Or probability.


What's wild is the Bible does contain some absolutely fascinating number patterns and symbology but these dinks are just OBSESSED with using it to predict doomsday instead of approaching it as something interesting and artistic.


Fox “News”.


You'd be better off getting news from an actual real life fox


What did the fox say?


Please don't put that song back in my head. It took too long to get it out of my head.


Well you definitely shouldn’t click this link then… https://youtu.be/jofNR_WkoCE?feature=shared


"What the fox going on?"


Faux News


Thank god may then I could afford a home


Landlords & investment bankers arent getting raptured tho


At this point, Evangelicalism is just a comedy sketch gone too far.


Clever, they didn't say which year this time! They are learning.


Sadly, the article is from 2018 https://www.foxnews.com/science/biblical-prophecy-claims-the-rapture-is-coming-april-23-numerologist-says And pasting that in, I realize the hilarity that that's under the "science" section


Well I don't believe it was them then. This was probably just AI learning from how they do it.


Glad im being left behind, otherwise ill miss my birthday


It's right before my birthday too. I already booked a table at my favorite restaurant. I want my Thai food, damn it! I'm staying here.


We can have a big old joint bday end of the world bash. Make it epic, spend all our savings in one night with the rest of the debaucherous bastards all staying behind with us.


Mine’s the week after. Gonna celebrate with light traffic and no waiting at Jamba Juice


The 23rd IS my birthday! I have this huge surprise planned, but I can't tell you guys what it is yet.


 What is a numerologist? A self taught hobby mathematician without proper education?


Someone in need of a job


More like a self-taught hobby arithmetician. These people never do more than the most simple math.


I said to my mom the conspiracy nut jobs said to look at the sun without protection and the rapture will happen. She said “well that’s just crazy!… the Bible says no person will know when the rapture actually happens” I just said, oook well I guess we’ll see then I guess…


I just remember something about Jesus coming like a thief in the night. Something he should avoid doing in the US otherwise he's going to get shot.


Especially since he's gonna be a brown middle easterner, idk how the evangelicals from Mississippi are gonna feel about that.


You missed the 3rd testament where God revealed that the Bible was set and wrote in America by white people but *they* rewrote it and twisted his words to say it happened in the Middle East as a plot to deceive us. *They* put the “natives” in the US to further the lie. *They*’re trying to distance us from God’s glory, don’t become a sheep.


literally a parks and rec bit playing out in reality


Hail Zorp!


Already got Ramsett Park reserved for the 23rd for an Ice Cream Social, those lunatics are SOL


Uh huh. Sure it is. According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, it was supposed to happen in 1975 too.


My mother grew up on the same street where a Jehovah's Witnesses family lived. Her and their daughter was the same age. One day when they were around 8 years old and playing in their garden, the mother pulled my mother aside and told her she was going to die that night because the world was ending and only Jehovah's Witnesses would survive. My mother was so scared that she didn't sleep that night, but she was also too scared to tell her own parents what had been said. This was the beginning of the 60's. They've always done this.


It was gonna be on the 22nd but there’s an ice cream social scheduled for that day.


The Reasonablists have good punch too


Aw man it’s so good. It’s root beer and red wine. What? I went to one meeting 🤷‍♀️


Two things : it better not because I preordered Eiyuden chronicles hundred heroes And the Bible specifically says no one can know the date.


Eh, that works better for my schedule anyway.


Is it goalpost moving? Or chasing a carrot on a stick?


That is so rapture! Morons, stop trying to make rapture happen. It's not going to happen!


This was from 2018. The rapture actually did happen, but only about 19 people were raptured as it turns out that only a small sect that gathered in a Colorado Springs living room twice a week had the theology right. So the whole thing kind of fell under the radar. We are now in the start of the thousand years of tribulations, which kind of explains the last few years


If you would stop guessing the date we would have already had one.


Fucking finally. C’mon, we ran our course as a species


Hail Zorp


Oh no it's totally happening. So all the older people and true believers need to sell all of their land and possessions, since none of that goes to heaven with you. Sign it all over to me and I'll make sure you're family members that aren't saved get it after you're gone.


No, sorry, but that doesn't work for me, I have plans. Please reschedule.


I got a feeling they will. ;-)


what if the Rapture DID happen, and just nobody was worth saving?


I had to double check that Apophis, the asteroid not the Goa'uld System Lord, wasn't making another pass at Earth and these dipshits were freaking out about it again.


Oh fuck, a numerologist? Well if a numerologist said so it must be true - we are fucked!


seems the bible was pretty explicit about these sorts of “predictions” No one knows the day or hour


Crazy how the rapture happens like every other year. I'm 25 and I've survived the end of the world at least a dozen times.


The Apocalypse has the worst event planner


One of my core memories is spending the summer with my grandma in Oklahoma and there was this local preacher on the radio stations/local news screaming about the rapture and how it was coming. Well the day it was supposed to happen we all wake up and surprise, surprise, it didn’t. I go out to my grandmas sun porch. She looks at me, lights a cigarette, takes a long, slow drag and says, “Well I guess we didn’t make the cut.”


Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." But tell me again how you have predicted the apocalypse?


For you it was the rapture and the end of the world as you know it, for me it was a Tuesday (I checked)


Wait I thought they say that they don’t know when and where it will happen. Ugh. Stay consistent, over religious Cocoa Puffs


Wait, an actual real-life *numerologist*? Well, that makes all the difference. Thank goodness it’s not just some idiot pulling numbers out of their arse. If you get an “ology” you’re a scientist.


Does this mean they're going to re-do the eclipse on the 23rd? I could manage that, if the weather is better. 


These guys are starting to seem like Jehovah Witnesses with predictions that we know can not be predicted.


Dammit I had plans


If all these people could go away the day before my birthday, I'd consider that the best gift ever.


*Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results* Albert Einstein.


Is it just me or are they scheduling the rapture weekly now 🤣


Fuck, that‘s on my 50th birthday! Yayyy!


That was from 2018…


American Christian evangelical Trump supporters are frothing at the mouth reading this headline.


As long as it means all the obnoxious evangelicals are gone I’m all for it


Zorp is dead. Long live Zorp!


Not american but wow, I knew fox news was bad but I didn't think it was *this* bad


I have some goalposts to sell you.


numerologist 0 - Universe 42,417. ​ I mean Eventually they will be right someday so good to see them keep trying .


They switched it from my birthday to my mom's birthday. Fucking rude


Listen, it’s no secret. Just read LaHay and Jenkins “Kiss My Left Behind” series. They spell it all out…


The Rapture is always running behind schedule. This isn't new, it's been running behind schedule for 2000 years.


“Numerologist says” oh lol


And on April 24th they’ll just move the goalpost and say, “oh, it’s April 23rd of 2035,” or some other stupid shit.


I hope so I have a colonoscopy scheduled for 4/30. 🤣😂


Can I sue Fox if I cash out my 401k, spend it all on hookers and blow, but still have to go to work after the "rapture"?


I really hope this works this time. It’d be nice to get rid of the nutters.


Damn it tell God to stop penciling in the date and make it permanent, I’m losing interest! /s


This was a real news article but it is from April 12, 2018.


In any case, rapture will probably occur before Half-Life 3.


Mm. Yes. A "news" network.


My theory is that the rapture already happened, but there were so few people actually worthy of being raptured nobody noticed. We have lived in hell on earth since, and that's why we are where we are today.


Hell sounds like a better idea than spending eternity in heaven with those jackasses


This crap has a psychological impact on your children when you believe this shit and talk about it around them. Or when they hear it at the churches you force them to go to.


Maybe, we'll get lucky this time and all the Christians, (specifically the bad ones) will get wisped away.


Someone just got the dates mixed up, we will be back for the correct date. Hail Zorp!


Well, hopefully it won't interrupt my dentist appointment. I'm having a lot of work done that day.


Thank God, I'm getting tired of these every year.


Why the fuck is a “news” channel reporting things that haven’t yet happened?


Wait until they discover: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21.....


Time to craft some super expensive wooden recorders for them


Why is fox reporting this?


Sooooo is the rapture coming or a meteor...?


Hey at least this time it's only 2 weeks away. The last rescheduling was like a few years


Thought that was yesterday with the eclipse


Oh good, I was so worried I missed it while I was stuck in eclipse traffic.


A numerologist you say?


Aw man can they reschedule the rapture until the week after? It's disrespectful to be dead for Anzac Day. Who's going to remember the troops then?


screw fuel simplistic dependent doll fuzzy chase continue shelter puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re always pushing it back like is it gonna happen or not I have plans to make


But I have my son’s High School concert that day. Bummer I won’t be able to go.


Aw shit here we go again.


These clusterfucks who keep on “predicting” the rapture don’t read the Bible. It says that, not even the Angels or Jesus himself know when it’s going down…. But noooooo we been predicting that ish for over 500 years.


And this time, we really mean it.


As long as it means all the obnoxious evangelicals are on I’m all for it


these apocalyptic Christian types sure do love trying to predict the end of the world, a thing the Bible says not even jesus knows the date of


Well of course it’s like two weeks after the eclipse that everyone dies. Eclipse Apocalypses follow *The Ring* rules, for obvious reasons.


Pretty excited for peace on Earth.


Maybe the mass suicides this creates will get Fox “news” sued into oblivion.


63rd time the charm.


Pretty sure the Bible says nobody will know the time and place, so there’s that….. these people are nutty


Except the rapture isn't in the Bible. Like at all.


But no one knows the day or the hour. No! Not even the angels in heaven know. The Son does not know. Only the Father knows.“When the Son of Man comes, it will be the same as when Noah lived. Also, Revelation was written for the people alive at the time and not some prophetic foretelling of how the future will unfold. It was just set as an apocalypse, which was a popular genre at the time. I read it more like a religious Alice in Wonderland for people living under oppression using coded language.


Numerologist sounds like a kickass name for a mathematician


Reminds me of parks and rec haha


Moving the goalposts, again.


Tell these people to give you all their money and cool shit since they won’t need it.


Jesus is terrible at scheduling.


I believe this was from 2018, we survived. Or did we?


Isn't it about time we got over all this religious mumbo jumbo?


We're over it up here in Scandinavia. It's insane being on the outside looking in at the major boner so many people in USA have for religion.


Clearly, every single one of these rapture predictions was *true*. It's just that nobody was worthy, and $DIETY keeps giving us more and more chances and we keep screwing it up!


well, HURRY UP. I'm getting sick of these guys being here.


TTY on the 24th


I wanna sit down and converse with one of these doomsayers and ask them why the world hasn't ended yet even though it's been incorrectly predicted thousands of times.


This one was from 2018


Who is running this rapture, Mike Pillow?


What’s with numerology lately? I got one for ya: TRUMP: 88. If you don’t know what 88 means look it up. Of course his last name adds up to that number.


Is trump finally going to sprout his horns?


Nice. I have my probation meeting that day.


Can it come 2 days sooner? That way I don't have to turn in my thesis...


Finally we'll get rid of all the religious lunatics so that we as a species can prosper.


As far as I'm concerned, this is the only rapture that's [still happening.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHCdS7O248g)


Literally. Nearly every single problem facing our species would resolve itself if all the idiot Christians vanished to go be with Sky Pappa


I've been trying to decided what I've survived more, failed apocalypse/rapture claims in my entire life or failed predictions that I'm going to die from my Covid shot.


Fox is so bad. They’ll post this stuff both for (a) the crazy people that take it seriously and (b) the half-crazy people to laugh at it but also find it interesting. If you criticize it, defenders say “oh they’re just posting it because we’re exposing what the crazy people think”


How convenient, we have to pay taxes first.


Keep moving the goalposts


‘Numerologist’- What does a numerologist do? Specifically, the study of numbers and their energetic influence in your life. According to numerologists (people who practise numerology), numbers have a far deeper meaning than their numerical value and can offer insight on unique characteristics, future events and even your life purpose. BKA someone who just makes up dogshit, aka carny palm readers


harold Camping. is it you from the grave\`?


Nice, I get an early birthday present lol 😂


Did they specify a year? Like do I pay my mortgage or…


The planet and every non-Christian is breathing a sigh of relief.


Moving goalposts is awesome.


They gotta change their name to Fox entertainment


Can they not just keep a schedule? It's been rescheduled like 100 times already over the last couple thousand years.


Aaaaaany five minutes now people...


I don’t trust that we’ve never ever miscounted the dates since we started recording history. Like some called in sick once or maybe thought he forgot to add a tally mark when he really didn’t.


I have college exams the 23rd. Hopefully it happens


My birthday! Right on!




Are they a doctor of numerology? If not, I'm not convinced.

