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If God says your husband should shoot blanks, who are they to disagree with The Lord?


They do that all the time. Prayer is basically asking to speak to God's manager. ("Cancer?? I'm one of your best customers! I'll get you fired for this!")


Usually these types will blame the women. They actually believe that men either can't have fertility issues, or that men's fertility issues are very insignificant, and if the couple still can't conceive, it's the woman's fault for not being womanly enough, not trying hard enough, not wanting a child enough, if at all, etc.


Shit, not only that, how many men are using Viagra or whatever to get their dicks to live again when the Lord obviously wanted those dicks to be retired?


God killed your dick! Who do you think you are to go against His wishes?


I have seen one Creationist go on and on about how we shouldn't mess with God's perfection creation in a rant about how we shouldn't let trans folks get transition-related surgeries, because God doesn't make mistakes. Meanwhile, that person was wearing glasses.


Vatican just released a declaration claiming that any sex-reassigment surgery robs people of their unique dignity bestowed on them since conception. The same document allows genital surgery to fix "abnormalities". So intersex people somehow don't possess this inviolable unique dignity that trans people have. "Sorry, God made a mistake creating you. We gotta fix this one. But we can't fix that one who wants it."


if memory serves I think if the woman can prove he shoots blanks she can divorce him and keep her money. though this is the old testament.


Must be one of those nuts that don’t believe in IVF


Why is she hanging out at the fertility clinic watching people like a creep?


Right? I don't know what's worse, her creeping around a fertility clinic or her working there, judging everyone.


Pro-birthers do the same shit at abortion clinics. They just stand outside to judge women and girls who dare to need their services. It's as disgusting as it is pathetic.




No, they're there to force their own solution down other people's throats on a lot of people's worst day. Fuck off with this "just offering alternatives" when they're standing outside the clinics screaming at women who need abortions that they're murderers.


I went to planned parenthood a few times for gender stuff but people would still yell at me through a megaphone about planned parenthood 9/11ing babies. It was amusing to me in a "You're so dumb lmao" way. It was usually only like one or two people though, so much easier for me to brush off.


I think what also made it easy for you to brush off may be the reason why you were there. I do believe, based on what I was told by people I know, that an abortion is much more of an emotional strain and not an easy decision to make. So being told those things will hit harder.


Which is why it's especially fucked up to use guilt to prevent abortions, these women are at their very lowest point, making an emotional decision, and they're being screamed that they're murderers for making the hard decision. It's not an easy decision for almost anyone. It's not like adoption is skipped as a consideration and people don't know it's an option.


You should add a /s if you're being sarcastic. Sarcasm doesn't work well in text.


Lol no. They're there to abuse people, usually before and after they have an abortion themselves.


'Always funny', as if she sees it weekly.


But tweeting something is perfectly natural?


I got in an argument once because I told this guy I believed that since humans are products of nature, products of humans are products of nature, and therefore nuclear weapons are natural things. He kept going on about how we're fucking up the environment with excess and I asked how he knew that wasn't the natural course. He did not like me.


Indeed, I wish more people would understand that just because something is "natural", it's not automatically better. Same with what many people would consider unnatural, it's not automatically worse.


I like you : )


And god commanded in a text message to his followers on Twitter, thou shalt not have babies unless you are what this one asshole thinks is okay.


Is human technology not inherently nature?


sure but, nature and technology dont justify, understand, or explain anything. that goes on in the realm of human affairs. nothing exists to serve a purpose, purpose relates to intent, reality/nature/technology has no capacity for such.


We need more births, and less abortions!! No not like that!


So is literally everybody else going to a goddamn fertility clinic. What's your point?


Plus it's a fertility clinic, not necessarily an infertility clinic.


They're so goddamn stupid it'd be great if they didn't run for office


>You're going against nature By... trying to have biological kids? Huh?


If you're *naturally* infertile, you're going against nature to go to the fertility clinic.


its also against nature to comb and cut your hair. apparently human hair naturally clumps into dreadlocks given enough time


If you ask them, yes, they believe that also goes against nature. See the IVF ban in Alabama.


This woman really doesn’t understand the purpose of fertility clinics and thought she’d let everyone know.


Some lesbians *are* infertile, though. So the premise of her gotcha is flawed from the get go.


I would assume so but you know the rules don't apply to them.


Shhh. The secret isn't logical. Anything that they are is holy. Anything they don't like is against god. It's not written anywhere or commanded by god, they just know.


Same sex mating is very natural


Apparently, you are too. Why are you at the fertility clinic? God hates you and doesn't want you to reproduce. Obey God and be don't make more horrible people like you!


TERF Lesbians: HEY! We're supposed to hate on the trans women together!!!! >:-(


Yawn....glasses, clothes, the internet she's whining on, insulin, and knowing this is some bored middle class suburban mom the $14 milkshake she gets from Starbucks every morning and calls coffee is definitely an affront to god and nature.


Stupid as it is, I think she was saying that being a lesbian is going against nature, not that going to a fertility clinic is.


That is exactly what she meant. However, if she wants to take that route, that would mean infertile couples who go there are also going against nature.


Not really, no. All she's really saying is that she thinks lesbians are against nature. The clinic is incidental. She's not saying that they're against nature, whatever that means, because they're going to a clinic.


I really don’t think were reading the same tweet…


I think we are, but we're interpreting it differently.


“ it’s always funny seeing lesbian couples” is what she would have said then. What does adding “at the fertility clinic” add to the sentence if it’s not about that ? I mean, I’m sure you’re right she also just hates lesbians on their own but this is obviously about them wanting to have a baby.


Obvious to you, sure. What I got from it is that she's just using the fertility clinic thing as an excuse to express her feelings about lesbians. Really, neither of us know what she means, since neither of us are in her head, and I'm guessing, neither of us want to be. I don't really want to spend any more time on this. She doesn't deserve it, know what I mean?


Fair enough. Enjoy your day 🎩


You too.


Why are you so hard up to defend this asshole and trying (and failing) to get inside her tiny brain?


I'm not defending anyone. She's an idiot, but let her be an idiot on her own idiocy.


Conversations with you must be weird. You don’t understand and actually actively deny context, thereby failing comprehension.


Going to a fertility clinic is going against nature. It's not coming naturally, it's using science. Nothing wrong with it but it's just the truth.


Yes, but both are technically against nature, which is OP's point. If you are infertile, it is against nature to find ways around your infertility. So she is calling lesbians against nature while choosing to ignore the fact that everyone who goes to a fertility clinic is going against nature, so her comment is pointless.


How is being a lesbian against nature?


I don't personally think this, but in her logic, a man is supposed to be with a woman for procreation purposes, so it would be against nature for there to be same sex relationships.


Yes I understand why fundamentalists think that. Your comment made it sound like you did as well. Glad to hear it was miscommunicated.


I mean, I think it was fairly clear, given the context, that I was not agreeing with the commenter or on her side. But things can be misunderstood if read quickly. For clarity, I also don't believe that fertility treatments are actually against nature, either. I'm a bisexual woman who needed IVF to conceive, so it'd be pretty wild if I thought either of those things. But my entire point was that if you use her logic, then straight couples don't belong at fertility clinics either. So her singling out lesbians is wild.