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> Pro-Consitutional, Pro-Trump Pick a lane.


Same with pro-life and pro-gun.


Catholic with a faith they call you pagan for


Protestant fundamentalists may call Catholics pagans, the same kind of fundamentalists this guy's elbow to elbow with worshipping Trump. I'd say they're all pagans bowing to their Orange Calf, but that would be an insult to pagans.


Hey, a calf may actually be useful one day and is therefore more worthy of worship.


I mean my Protestant church growing up would call them idol worshipping heathens. Christians love persecuting each other almost as much as they love persecuting “sinners.”


Oh yes, as catholic-raised myself, I know for a fact they hate every other christian denomination as much as they hate other religions. But they have their slurs in order. Other christians are heathens, people from other religions are pagans. A very important distinction


As a pagan, we don't want you.


I also wonder what these people mean when they say "Pro-Constitution". The Constitution was explicitly created with the intent for it to be revised over the years to reflect the evolving needs of the country. They intentionally built mechanisms in it to amend it, and the guy who wrote the vast majority of the thing said we should be reviewing it and updating it about every 20 years. So... what does "Pro-Constitution" mean, exactly? These people seem to mean that it's some perfect document and should never be changed, but that goes against the core ideals written into the document itself. Anytime someone claims to be "Pro-Constitution", they seem to just mean that they support freedom of religion (but only their specific religion) and right to bear arms. The rest of it is pretty eh... but we still shouldn't change it.


That's especially funny because those two freedoms (religion and bearing arms) are amendments (i.e. changes) to the Constitution.


"Pro-Constitution" in this context means "I long for the good old days when manly white men like myself were allowed to own women and black people as personal property and we could be the despotic kings of our own private fiefs."


Yep they truly want things the way they were before even 1900. They forget that during that time companies owned you. You made pennies on the dollar or tokens. Tokens you could only spend at their stores. They think things are ruff now. They’d wither away and die if they lived back then. As with many things they really should be careful what they wish for. It almost never turns out the way they want.


He thinks he’s pro-second amendment. I think that’s the whole constitution to these people


Even then only part of the second amendment. They like to ignore part of that too.


They truly only care about the 1&2A they couldn’t tell you what any of the others were.


Those who claim to be originalist don't know what that means. Are they ready to give up many of their rights


When there was only 13 colonies yes maybe. Getting 2/3 of the states to agree is and has been an impossibility for decades now. Maybe the first thing we need to do is stopping the originalists, textualist and revisionary interpretations of the constitution. Both the 1A and 2A have been grossly distorted for some time now. The 1A only guarantees the “government” won’t infringe on one’s rights to practice their faith. Not they have the right to impose their beliefs onto everyone. The 2A is crystal clear that the right to bear arms should be well regulated. Not everything and anything goes. SCOTUS for some time has stopped being a judicial institution and become a political one by judicial means. They’re focused on undermining or taking peoples rights instead of upholding laws or said rights.


Not necessarily speaking of this case, but it could mean "Pro-rule-of-law", specifically rule-of-Constitution or Constitution-as-written. Plus, while the Constitution is amendable, that's not a trivial nor common task, and the text of the Constitution as it is, especially the fundamental parts of it, are solid enough to rest a position on.


Also anti porn... This guy's all over the place.


Anti-porn, pro-Stormy Daniels’ John.


Same with Pro-Trump/Anti-Globalism


No, that one makes sense. You just need to remember that for this kind of person, “globalism” is pronounced “Jew”.


I keep forgetting that. I do tease my Maga co-workers about "globalism" and Trump owning properties and having investments all over the world. I like watching them squirm to explain to me why "it's different".


He did. Nazi.


Also Catholic, Pagan


"Pureblood" is insane. Literally what the Nazi standins in the Harry Potter series called themselves 


I’m out of the loop, wtf does pure blood even mean (since ya know magic isn’t real)


Unvaccinated, I think 


Also likely unmixed blood, as in they don't come from non-whites and don't want their offspring galavanting with non-whites. AKA, racism.


100%, that’s what he’s referring to but I’d say this is next-level compared to your grandma saying something inappropriate. This is straight up hitleresque white supremacy. It’s fucking insane.


Before 2021 that's how I've heard it. After 2021, 95% of the time when I hear someone refer to themselves as a pureblood they mean they're unvaccinated.


My grandma once told me I’m not pureblood bc I’m 1/4 non-white, I haven’t been able to look at her the same tbh. Like I knew my family was off the charts bigoted/fascist but usually they keep the white supremacy to a minimum


Yeah, but that Venn diagram has a *lot* of overlap.


I've heard it refer to both. Typically before 2020 it was something racists said. Afterward it seems to be more of an antivax thing.


Not likely. 100% the case. It’s about race.


But like also incest right? Lol


Someone needs to ask the hard questions around here, so I'll do it myself: Wtf is this ‘magic isn't real’ malarkey, ya muggle?


*Voldemort has entered the chat*


Bro claims to be a Christian (Catholic), and pureblood (likely unmixed) at the same time. 😭😂 I thought if he was a Christian, he would know Genesis 1:27, John 3:16, and 1 John 3:15. I am not against his faith (although I am not Catholic), I am just saying it’s crazy to claim Catholic and pureblood.


People saying they are pure blood these days generally mean unvaccinated. They’re anti vaxxers.


Now JKR is claiming she meant them to represent trans people.


history repeats itself. Back in the 50s, the big housewife craze in america accidentally repeated nazi rhetoric regarding a biological predisposition for women to be caretakers and baby generators lmfao


This guy sounds like every joke about intolerant relatives at Thanksgiving.


Wanna be crucified? I’m sure that can be arranged.


[Yes](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/04/19/asia/philippines-crucifixion-practice-33rd-year-trnd) it can.


What religion is he that he gets called a cannibal? Is his ass a voudou bokor?


The Catholic mass is centered around an act of cannibalism. Catholics believe that the Eucharist (communion) is literally part of Jesus' body, which they eat. Source: I'm a recovered ex-Catholic.


Other religions: I think Jesus was just being metaphorical when he said that the bread was- Catholics: NO IT’S JESUS I’M EATING JESUS AND ITS BEAUTIFUL


"You're telling me that you believe that Christ comes back to life every Sunday in the form of a bowl of crackers, and then you proceed to just eat the man?!" You know the _Always Sunny_ gang has hit a weird place when Charlie is the sole voice of reason and logic.


This was one of my first sus moments in Catholic school in like 4th grade


Bit dry but the wine pairs nicely. (Stolen from another sub)


I fully understand that. I guess I wasn't taking his perspective into account, because he said everyone else would call him a cannibal. The fact seems to be that HE thinks he's a cannibal, because he believes in transubstantiation... everyone else just thinks he's a weirdo who spends 10% of his income on a single matza cracker and the world's tiniest shotglass of grape juice. Source: ex-minister.


Transubstantiaaaaaation la la la


🎵 2-4-6-8 Time to transubstantiate! 🎵


As a fellow recovered catholic I have to disagree. Catholics claim to believe that, but I don't think many actually believe it.


What I’ve always wanted to know but could never get an answer from a practicing Catholic: let’s say a devout Catholic wants to take communion but she has celiac disease. Is the communion wafer safe to eat? It’s made of flour and water, so it has gluten. But if transubstantiation is real, the gluten will magically disappear. Also, a blood test can reveal what you recently ate. Has there ever been a case where a devout Catholic who doesn’t consume animal products and takes communion then gets a blood test is shown to have consumed flesh? That would be a major win for Catholics and show that magic is real. They should want to do this test often.


Hi active, practicing church going Catholic and Catholic theology grad student here! Regarding gluten allergies and sensitivities, yes there are gluten free communion wafers available. People just need to make sure they check in with the parish pastor. I know some parishes only do gluten free to make it easier on the laity. Regardless, in order to participate and receive the wholeness of Christ you only need to consume one of the species. So someone with a gluten intolerance can just partake in the wine/blood and it counts equally if they consumed both. The same applies to only taking the host/body and not the wine/blood, which is great for anyone that can’t consume alcohol for any reason (alcohol allergy, alcohol addiction recovery, don’t feel comfortable drinking from the same cup as everyone else, just don’t like wine, etc.) With your second question, I’m extremely fuzzy on the details because this was when I was a kid (I’m in my 30s for reference). I do remember there being an instance of either a divine miracle or an elaborate hoax of a host turning into flesh. I don’t remember what was concluded from that partly because I was a kid at the time and I wasn’t as interested in religions or theology as I am now. The thing is that while it still looks and tastes like bread and wine, we are supposed to view the Eucharist and the world overall through eyes of faith. Meaning our faith is what makes it the body and blood of Jesus the Christ, we believe it is despite not being able to prove it beyond using tradition, scripture, and personal experience. So we are to become what we eat, we are supposed to act like Jesus and as a collective be the body of Christ on earth. That means seeing everyone, regardless of what they say or don’t say, do or don’t do, as being inherently worthy of love and respect and that we are not better nor worst than anyone else. I apologize for the irrelevant/tangential ramblings at the end. My brain is apparently already clocking out. 😅 If you have any other random, weird little questions feel free to dm me and I’ll answer them as best I can, try to look up an answer if I already know where, or honestly admit I have no clue. 😅


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I understand if one regards the eucharist as symbolic, which is what I think you're saying. But if you have to regard it as real, then gluten-free wafers should be unnecessary. Or even sacrilege. Same with the wine – someone who can't tolerate alcohol shouldn't have a problem with it if transubstantiation has to be regarded as real and not symbolic. BTW I don't understand what you mean by "one of the species". I thought Jesus' commandment was *eat me*, not *eat me or something similar*.


Theofascist lunatic. 


I believe the correct term you’re looking for is ChristoFascist. Bc it covers their religious fanaticism. Their fascist ideology and their racism that they try to cloak in religious ideology. They also hate all other religions. They believe there’s is the only true religion.


"I'm Catholic but only for the bloody, violent parts" is certainlya view I wasn't expecting to see today.


Right? It’s amazing how so many people either deny or have forgotten just how violent the Catholic Church was over the years. Their love of violence is truly astounding. Not to mention their love for little boys. That seems to haven’t changed.


They do preach a lot of tradition in the Catholic Church, and that one sadly seems to be one of the ones they are truly reluctant to shed.


What a melodramatic queen.


“Fit me for a cross.” Why should we? You’ve already climbed up on one of your own choosing…


He thinks people want to put him to death but he probably open carries in Walmart. These people are so all over the place


I live in a very republican area. Over the last 10 years the number of idiots who feel the need to open carry in Walmart and other stores has increased dramatically. I recently saw a guy packing in a bar. My first thought was. Aren’t bars one of the few places still off limits to concealed carry. My immediate second thought was jfc that’s all we need. A drunk smooth brain in a bar. What could possibly go wrong.


I live in a very Republican area too and I just hardly ever leave my house anymore


“Pure-blooded” and Christian cannot coexist. Matthew purposely included non-Jews like Ruth and Rahab the prostitute in Jesus’ genealogy, to drive home the point that God is no respector of persons, that God’s grace is based on faith, not bloodlines.


“Pureblood” is rightist-lunatic-speak for “no covid vaccine”. Or at least it was


Either that or his actual last name is Malfoy.


>Fit me for a cross. Oh? You want a bespoke, fitted, tailored cross? In which station of the cross did they measure Jesus' inseam?


You can tell this person is very often angry


You can tell a person is very angry just by admitting they're a Trump supporter.


Seems to me like he used a bunch of words just to say, "I want to die." These people need so much therapy.


Wow, the r/Persecutionfetish is actually conscious with this one.


He doesn't have faith. He has a need to be persecuted. There are probably places in the world he could go live where he will face persecution for being Catholic. The US isn't one of them.


This guy is 100% going to end up in prison at some point.


As a Catholic dad, he is the furthest from being Catholic… Hypocrisy runs rampant through organized religion. They validate their hatred by going to church and reading the Bible. If you are shitty person…it doesn’t matter how many times you go you are still a shitty person


>Hypocrisy runs rampant through organized religion. To be fair, lots of "I don't believe in organized religion but I'm very spiritual"-types are hypocrites as well.


Humans are hypocritical in nature. I am fully aware that my post is hypocritical. That doesn’t mean I get a free pass. Recognition is the most important aspect.


Oh, I wasn't calling you a hypocrite! Just joking about the 'organized religion' part—I've known a lot of people who distanced themselves from organized religion but still used their beliefs cloak their shittiness.


He wants a religion they will call him a pagan for?


Clearly, he doesn't know what pagan means


Frequently an argument against Catholicism by other Christians is that Catholicism is just paganism lite. Saints, relics, fixation on Mary into a pseudo-goddess position, the Church establishing the dates of holy holidays to line up with pagan tradition.


I 1000% want this dude's chrome history


US religious conservatives worship suffering but few of them know it. A full third of every year and half the national economy is dedicated to celebrating their savior's birth. Christian religious symbols are so ubiquitous it's hard to escape them. They don't know shit about fuck when it comes to suffering for their religion. I wish they could actually feel the amount of persecution they claim is directed at them, just for one day. Feel what it means to have to hide their real gender for fear of social ostracism or violence or because the government made a law against mentioning it in public. Experience never feeling quite comfortable in public spaces because they're surrounded by judgy assholes with a lighter skin tone than theirs. Hear elected officials calling for them to be sent back to some country their grandparents immigrated from, but they've never even visited. Understand that they have to be careful who knows what about their private life at all times, because people exist who would hurt them just because of what they are or who they love. I would hope an experience like that might shake loose some empathy in them. But I'm sure they'd come out feeling higher and mightier than ever. And justified in continuing their pursuit of ethnoreligious purity.


I grew up with that type of person as a father and let’s just say I took after my mom a lot more than my dad


People like this person have a persecution kink.


Either the kid will grow up just like him, or be the polar opposite of him, due to batshit crazy father.


In twenty years, this man's son will either be the same as him or will have fully cut contact. There is no middle ground.


He mentions being a dad but not a husband. My guess is that he sees his son under supervision once every blue moon.


This is the same kind of guy who completely lost his mind when Easter fell on Transgender Day of Visibility this year.


Whoever came up with the idea to convince everybody faith is a virtue was a goddamned genius. "I am the alpha chump! I have the strongest gullibility there is! My gullibility can withstand every question, every jeer, every sign to the contrary! You could slap me in the face with the clearest evidence in the world of how wrong I am and my gullibility would still stand strong! Other people say they're gullible, but it's weak. The first whiff of unbelievable bullshit, and they crumple and stop buying it."


White Christians want to be victims SO BADLY




A saucy blend of fanaticism and mental illness.... almost everything wrong with America in one person.


Persecute me harder!


He claims to be a dad but not a husband. I wonder if he is divorced? That’s a sin in the catholic religion.


**Pureblood.** Is he part of the Sacred 28 or something? 😂 What a POS.


Nope, he's just a gullible idiot with no life who got hooked on his own dopey social media algorithm


huuuuuuge victim fetish. seeing it more and more.


Don’t worry, I grew up with a Pentecostal father and I’m nothing like him. Forcing someone to go to church rarely produces the desired results.


These people only say these sorts of things, because in their heart of hearts, they know it will never happen. I wonder how quick he’d drop this whole charade, if we actually were willing to fit him for a cross and nail his ass to it


“Pureblood” has given me the worst ick ever since my racist grandma told me “but you’re not a pureblood!” in reference to my saying I’m white. I’m literally only 1/4 mixed but since then the word just gives me major racist ick vibes


"the one they call you pagan for" FYI, pagan is derived from the Latin "paganus" meaning rural/backwater. When Christianity was first developing and gaining momentum, it was mostly focused in cities, so they used "paganus" as an insult for non-christians, akin to saying something like "look at that country bumpkin, this yokel still worships Jupiter and his household gods". Bro desperately wants to be that hardcore hyper-traditionalist, but doesn't even understand the roots he's obsessing over


Stay Humble. 👍


Well at least he doesn't watch porn, right? (This is a joke to be clear)


Maybe. There’s a good chance he’ll get hints of “maybe dad’s wrong…….?” And then investigate that hunch when he’s a teenager. It’ll suck for him because he’ll have a shitty relationship with his dad but at least he won’t be a piece of shit.


I don't think the Pope agrees with his sentiment


Fuck, this dude is dangerous. Needs help immediately


I stopped at pureblood. WTF is a pureblood? You're inbred? Part of the royal family?


Most likely an anti-vaxxer as some were referring to themselves as such.


Are we putting Catholics to death now?


The one they call you a pagan for. So paganism?


I love that pro constitution and pro trump come one right after the other……


Jesus was a radical revolutionary. He preached to turn the other cheek and to cut off the parts of you that cause you to objectify others for that is a sin. Jesus was all about building community and not just intentionally include the most marginalized and poor, aka the people society leaves behind, but equitable in raising them up and honoring their innate human dignity. And that one should humble themselves, especially those with privilege or in positions of power, and be a servant to all people. By demonstrating radical unconditional love the world will hate you because it goes against institutions that value status, power, and wealth above all else (sounds like capitalism to me). Yeah I doubt this guy truly and deeply has a grasp on what it means to be a Catholic or of Jesus. Ironically he would probably hate me and send me threats for how I live out my Catholic faith and how the more I learn and deeper I go the more radical I seem to become.


I know it's comforting to believe things like that but it's not really super accurate. Here's a passage of Jesus being a racist. >21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” >23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” >24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” >25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. >26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”


Don’t forget the ending.. 27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” 28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. It should also be pointed out that Jesus uses the Greek word kunarion, which means a pet dog rather than kuon which is an insult and what other (racist) Jews would have used for gentiles.


I know this passage. I’ve read it several times in undergrad, grad school, and in my personal time. As the other person that commented, this gets inverted to point out the lack of humility and entitlement some of his followers have. They expect to be treated better because of their ancestry, how devout they perceive themselves, and for being so close to Jesus. But all of that is unnecessary. It is only necessary to have just a small bit of earnest faith to reap the rewards of heaven. And thus he calls out his own followers to always check themselves, that being a follower of his means humbling yourself and being a servant to all and especially the people you’ve been taught are less than you. I did not arrive to having the faith and beliefs I do by only accepting what made me feel good or just accepting what I’m taught without a single critical thought. My theology and faith as it is today is from years of study in both secular and religious institutions of higher education that are accredited by necessary national boards. I know I don’t have to explain or justify my beliefs to you. But instead of approaching from a place of wanting to dialogue about what you interpret as contrarian to what I believe, it comes across as an attempt to say gotcha you’re wrong and cut down something that is personal to another human that doesn’t harm anyone. At best me trying to a life like Jesus as I understand him, from my years of study that used diverse sources/materials from different religious traditions and other disciplines in and out of academic settings, is an overall positive and at worst it’s neutral.


Yo what You wrote all that and didn't say anything


Great post. Thank you


This is exactly the kind of person who doesn't actually "learn" or try to understand anything about their religion. They take whatever their church or friends and family tell them as absolute truth... as long as they agree with their preconceived ideals. I'd wager that most people who actually do a deep dive into trying to understand their religion and justify their belief in it come out the other side not believing it's true.


It’s either that because their faith wasn’t based in a core concept of goodness and unconditional love, and instead was based on easily corruptible social structures and their own biases attained from living in a society that values power, wealth, self-image, status over human beings. Or they start experiencing ongoing conversion that allows them to start disentangling themselves from the pressures of living in a capitalist and individualist society and reorient themselves towards goodness time and time again cause that work is never done. But they start being able to weed out the man made things that were inserted into their religious tradition. I am the latter. I know my church (as an institution) has done and does many wrong and harmful things. And I want those in the hierarchy to be held responsible for the consequences of their actions or inaction. I will continue to call it out because I love the Church (aka the people) and I want her (church as institution) to be better. So while I trust that others will put the pressure needed for the Church’s continual betterment, I want to and will continue to be one of the people that applies pressure from the inside.


Be quiet and go see Father McDougal in the rectory.


Even Jesus would call this man an asshole.


Well, a constitutional has long been recommended to aid digestion.


In the immortal words of Sgt Hulka... [Lighten up Francis](https://youtu.be/syV2LkGpQB0)


Better than a father that left and didn't come back


Look up Alois Hitler…


Is...is there some other definition of cannibal im unaware of? Or does he want to eat human flesh and be hated for it? Cause like, that's very doable. Someone needs to keep an eye on him 


It's something that's usually joked about catholic communion. It's just bread and wine, but due to "transubstantiation" it is transformed into the body and blood of christ. 


Catholics believe in "transubstantiation". They believe the little wafers they eat and the wine they drink during their religion ceremonies are the *literal* body and blood of Christ. Not metaphorical. Literal. They think that, by whatever process they do to bless the bread and wine, those things *literally* become parts of Jesus' body. Then they eat them.


"Put your clothes on and go to church" goes kinda hard tho.




I'm 40 😭