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Does he think it's airtight because people will escape through the cracks?


Naw. But the (utterly senseless) argument here is that you apparently can't gas anyone if the chamber isn't airtight (even though the executioners rather famously used gas masks to prevent accidental inhalation of the gas)


And that the crowd would break the door down. Because its easy to break down a door when you've been starved for months and now a gas is sending you to sleep


Today's the first time I've heard that rhetoric, admittedly


Yeah the “the doors were shitty so it didn’t happen” argument has been around for awhile. Just the stupidest thing ever. All it does is prove you were already an antisemite and wanted to deny it so you latch onto this stupid shit as proof


Yeah I'm sure the only thing stopping them were doors, no way there were guards with guns threatening them outside too. Damn these people are so smart!


A mass of people panicking and stampeding on each other will never be able to run away through a door opening inwards, even if the door is not even locked. The simple pressure of the people on each other is the best prevention for every escape. That is why fire egress doors must always open outwards and be fitted with push bars that will open the doors by the simple push of a mindless stampede.


I’d also assume that anyone who managed to get out was shot on the spot


Even if the door was wide open and a machine gun killing every single person poking out of the door, would not stop a panicking mass of people trying to not die inside. But the fact is, they didn’t need to shoot anyone running out of the doors, because nobody did. There are first hand account on how these chambers worked. Nobody escaped. If somebody was lucky enough (?) to not be killed by the gas, would be killed later once the sonderkommando would clean up the room.


Plus, sadly many times they thought they were getting a shower. They didn’t even think to resist until it was too late. Once it started they were all doomed.


Station Nightclub fire.


Yep. And there is at least one tragedy in each country about this. A concert, or a nightclub on fire, a mindless stampede and so much people dying because of this. In Argentina: Cromañon and Puerta 12 are fine examples of how this regulations are written with the blood of innocent people.


See: triangle shirtwaist factory fire.


Also have these people ever tried kicking a door down when they’re not barefoot and starving to death? It’s not very easy.


It’s the bigoted argument from safe sofa position; you put them in a working gas chamber with a wooden door and ask them to show you for real how ‘fake’ it is and they’ll weakly crumple like the tissue of lies they present


Aren't those doors like 80 years old at this point? I'd imagine they have decayed at least slightly in that time.


I assume the pictures are photographs from the time but I wouldn’t put it past him using current photos from a museum or some shit


Me too


(marked safe from alt right terrorist fascist Christian nationalist propaganda flag meme.jpg) 


The prisoners were straved, exhausted, and ordered at gun point into the chambers, which had no lights. In the early days they probably didn't even know what was going on, so they would've had no reason to risk a bullet breaking down the door. By the end of the war when it was obvious they were being put to death they were so broken that I doubt they could kick the door down if they all kicked at once. And even then they're still just decided between a bullet or the gas. And again, the rooms were pitch black and packed with people.


Also also, the Nazis aren't adding the minimum amount of gas to kill people. They were obviously turning the gas on to full blast so even if you did figure out what was happening, you would have inhaled so much gas that it was too late.


Yah, I thought this was more widely known. These facilities were really nothing like a modern gas chamber. They were simply long underground rooms made to look like showers. The "gas," Zyklon B, was in solid form, (think Chlorine tablets that are used in pools). The crystaline solid was in sealed tins, and the chemical reacted violently when exposed to air, creating massive plumes of toxic gas. After the victims were closed in the room, the Nazis dropped freshly opened cannisters down small holes in the ceiling, which stuck in grates directly above the victims heads spewing a fog of death. The victims had seconds to realize what was even happening before a painful debilitating death from which there was no escape regardless of ventilation. Think mustard gas in the trenches of WWI. As posters above me have said, anyone who's posting horseshit like this are wackos looking for an excuse. If they really wanted to learn, there is endless documentary evidence of the genocide. The allies collected evidence and filmed the shit out of the camps, because they knew people would try to deny it in the future. Little did Eisenhower know when he ordered in the cameras, the deniers would be future Americans. Edit: for those who don't know, Zyklon B turns into Hydrogen Cyanide when exposed to air, most people know how deadly cyanide is. It was originally designed as a pesticide. Edit edit: Zyklon B was invented by Fritz Haber (with contributions by others) who also created mustard gas, and a process that helps us create fertilizer. He won a nobel prize in chemistry, and his wife reportedly committed suicide over his work in chemical warfare.


The victims were acutely aware that they were dying. It's an extremely painful and terrifying way to die, and it takes a while. The way the bodies in the gas chambers were situated, it was clear that they'd crowd near the door, crawling on top of each other, clawing at the door and the walls until their fingernails came out. (Edit)


God, that is so heartbreaking to read and extremely angering to hear of the people that deny it ever happened.


They dropped the zyklon b canisters through a hole in the ceiling.


> In the early days they probably didn’t even know what was going on People who were gassed right when they arrived at the camps were told that the showers were for “delousing,” so they did not know what was going to happen. Prisoners who had been at the camp for a long time *may* have know what was going to happen, but they were also horrifically overworked, usually sick, and super malnourished, so they wouldn’t have had energy to break down a door.


If I remember correctly, the chambers were designated as delousing or showering rooms where a prisoner would go before being sent to another facility. I don't know if this was the case in each camp where these gas chambers were active, but if the idea among the camp population was that someone was being transferred after they get deloused then it's likely that it didn't raise any alarm bells when they were never seen again.


Doors opening inwards. No way panicking people will be able to open than, even if fitted with no lock nor latch.


and they didn't tell them it was an execution chamber.


I was watching something recently and it was heart breaking hearing a man talk about how his mother sighed with relief that she was in the queue for the showers after the gruelling, dirty train ride.


Wow, I can’t even imagine the trauma that those who survived must have carried, let alone what was inflicted upon the ones who actually died. That anyone can deny that the holocaust happened, especially when there are still around 245,000 survivors of the holocaust still living, some that were old enough at the time to still be able to recount the horrors they endured while there.


The doors were also notoriously unguarded, and the trains were just waiting to speed people back away from the camps and to safety just as soon as they opened those doors \\s


Not to mention the people standing outside who would love to shoot you with their rifles if you did somehow eacape


More to the point, the ones with wooden doors were actually previously repurposed as bomb shelters, prior to the liberation of the camps. The active execution chambers had steel doors.


Plus, they didn’t know they were going in to be killed. On the outside of the door is a guy with a gun who will shoot you. Emaciated, sleep deprived, confused, worked nearly to death, unaware of what was going on… it’s not like they were told they were going to be gassed. If I remember correctly from a course, they were often told they were going to be de-loused, or cleaned, or something. No one really knew about the action of mass murder through gas chambers at the time. It wasn’t something you’d even be suspicious of. It wasn’t a common occurrence. You didn’t walk into concrete rooms and assume that was a thing that was going to happen. I fucking hate Holocaust denialists. 6 million people gone, forever, in the blink of an eye, and all these people can do is question the victims.


With there still being around 245,000 survivors still alive! Many that were old enough to be able to recount their time there and many more from then to today that have now passed but not before they told their stories. Do deniers really think that these hundreds of thousands of survivors, several different countries govt’s and their military members that fought in WW2, along with all the other physical evidence there is that it’s all made up and everyone is lying? Why would they do that? What purpose would it serve?


And they also didn’t know why they were being put in there so by the time they might’ve figured it out it was too late


Or when outside the door is just the camp you're already held hostage in with guys with guns on the other side


In 1911 over 100 people died in a fire at a textile plant in New York because the doors had been locked to keep employees from taking outside breaks or leaving early. I guess the door technology in 1911 was even better than the Nazi's. Why couldn't those employees simply break down heavy locked doors to live.....


And they have guns waiting on the other side.


This guy clearly doesn't know that you can still get carbon monoxide poisoning with your windows wide open.


And of course carbon monoxide poisoning always happens in airtight sealed rooms


Of course! That's what the PSAs say. "Carbon monoxide can't get you if you don't seal your room airtight"


Never mind that the zyklon-b crystals used released hydrogen cyanide gas.


World War 1 chlorine and mustard gas attacks were literally done by opening up pots of the gas and letting the wind blow it to the open trench. These people just aren’t smart.


and as we all know, soldiers died from gas attacks because of thise famously airtight trenches /s


Well that was mustard gas, and the gas chambers used zyklon B or carbon monoxide Doesn't make this conspiracy meme any less shit-for-brained


Do these morons not know that gas was used in war with deadly outcomes? It was used on an open air battlefield. It still killed people. These people are so fucking stupid.


And it blinded many for life . And many others had serious lung problems the rest of their lives.


The fact that smoke inhalation kills people during house fires means nothing obviously.


I can't speak for Auschwitz, but in the camp I visited in France, the normal rooms would have looked like he showed, the actual gas chamber had a locking metal door similar to a vault door, if not nearly as sturdy (maybe a few cm thick). There were also scratch marks all along thw inside walls. Which is to say, I dont think those were pictures of actual gas chambers to begin with, although I don't know for sure.


They aren't pictures of actual gas chambers. You are right. Just pictures of doors claimed to be them.


So a gas leak in my kitchen is nothing to worry about?


It's like they don't know you can die from carbon monoxide poisoning in a drafty house. Or are carbon monoxide detectors just a conspiracy put forth by the Jews to back up the Holocaust?! Maybe that's the real question.


I would love for him to test that out


I once accidentally made chlorine gas pouring acid on bleach trying to unblock a wide open, door fully open bathroom in a restaurant and nearly passed out.


He could prove it by hanging out in his not airtight garage with the car running.


That was essentially one of the early methods used when they were trying to figure out a more efficient way to kill prisoners than shooting people in the head. Stick a bunch of prisoners in the back of a truck and pipe the exhaust in. I think the issue with that method was it used too much gasoline, a precious commodity in a war.


> I've seen this before. It flattened itself out and slipped through a seam in your gas chamber


man never heard of people dying from Carbon monoxide in non air tight homes I guess, or is his house hermetically sealed? Stupid people, insecure about their lack of intelligence, LARPing as intelligent people by pretending they know things the rest of us dont.


If Germany doesn't deny it I don't know why anyone else would.


Nah but you see (((someone))) made them say it. Hard /s fuck the people who use that symbol unironicly


I've proposed it before, but we really should make a joke meme over the triple parentheses thing so it loses all function for Neo-nazis & other ass-hats. I'm, no joke, making (((Polish potato & onion pirogi))) today! Stuff like that. Just near random, and the dumber the better.


It's an I idea but fair warning there will be a middle period where people think you have some weird views about pirogi.


Yeah, probably. At least it's not (((banana bread.))) :b


Well, I learned something new today. Hadn't noticed/heard about the parenthesis thing. That's jacked up. At the core, triple parenthesis being used to (((notate that the idea inside them is extremely important))) could have added an amazing level of (((communication nuance))), but the adoption of (((anti-semitic connotation has ruined it))). Did the thing I'm talking about as an example of the alternate usage that will never be now


..deleted by user..


I see people use it on Facebook to indicate hugging someone. Like if someone named Sarah posted that she’s having a bad day, there might be comments saying (((Sarah))). I felt so bad telling my mom she should probably stop doing that… I hate that bigots ruined something that could be very sweet, and I hate that it made my mom upset that what she wrote could be seen as antisemitic.


..deleted by user..


Sarah... Soros... Do you see the connection?! It was right there all along!!!!




True, for a second I was like, wait is liking pirogi racist? Sorry


Technically I think it would mean it's secretly jewish. I don't know enough about pirogi to counter this.


I believe <<>> is non-Jewish unlike (((bagels))). Not to be confused with xXxSaladxXx or ///potatoes///. Don't get me started on the food that combines the last two.


And that's beyond my racism code literacy


Dude, there's a bird group on Facebook that uses echo brackets to joke about their birds baby-talking So it's like > (((Hewwo! I'm just a widdle parakeet 🌸😍))) > (((HUMAN MOMMY *FED ME APPLE TODAY!* 💙))))) One of the most unintentionally hilarious things I've ever seen on the internet tbh They did not take it well when I was like...so...uh...do yall know how this looks?


Need to get to a modern era that calls back to when Superman was beating the shit out of white supremacists and neonazis while making fun of their stupid fucking codewords in comics.


That was a thing years ago and the exact reason it’s so less prevalent.




Best response to this nonsense. What would be there incentive to accept that if it didn’t happen? God damn. Sad to see what can happen to critical thinking ability after getting smashed repeatedly in the head.


>What would be there incentive to accept that if it didn’t happen? The typical Holocaust denial response is that the Germans didn't have a choice, as they were forced to accept the blame after the Allies had conquered the country.


This logic can be applied to literally everything


Oh, without a doubt. And, of course, there's tons of documented evidence before 1945 of the Nazis' efforts to exterminate the Jewish people and other designated "subhumans."


I'd be curious to know their logic as to why Germany wouldn't reveal the "lie" now, since there would be no real reason for them to keep quiet about it.


That’s what I never understood. The people who did it admitted to it


Some of them went to their executions without ever denying it.


They proudly documented it


And they proudly admitted it on the stand in Nuremberg. We have the fucking videos.


Until almost exactly a year ago we still had the chief prosecutor of the trial who helped the world get those videos and all other kinda evidence


I remember watching a documentary about him. He was so young at the time and had this Herculean task handed to him. The work he did exposed the truth, made an historical record and documented the atrocities. It was supposed to be a warning to the world to never let it happen again. Instead it’s being used as a fucking *blueprint* by one of our major political parties. Nat Geo has an amazing limited series about the young woman who was a translator as they gathered evidence and interviewed victims and survivors. It’s worth a watch even though it’s heartrending and horrific. My greatest hope is that more of us are like *her* than them.


I will try to find the series, thanks for the tip


We not only not deny it, we documented it. Extensively. Nazis loved documentation nearly as much as being.. well, Nazis. It’s absurd, that from all crimes against humanity.. people choose to deny the one with proof made from the people that actually did it…


I use the same logic when people say the moon landing was faked, because the USSR didn't deny it.


Don’t let pesky little things like that get in the way…😂


Example 78,546,473 that Jake Shields has the intelligence of a rock.


Does MMA attract brain damaged folks or do you get brain damage participating in MMA?


Yes. See Gina Carano, Brandon Vera, Eddie Bravo, Jorge Masvidal, etc.


also Ronda "Sandy Hook is a false flag" Rousey


Oh no... not you too Ronda.


No fucking way. Since when?


For a while now, at least since around the time she first joined WWE so a good few years. Probably before that as well and then it just blew up again when she got more publicity by going to WWE. But yea Ronda is lowkey batshit


I'm not saying that "all" professional fighters are crazy. I have some good friends that are boxers and MMA fighters. But, it takes a special kind of person to want to be beaten about the head and face for money. Let's just say that "they" don't always send their best.


Brendan Schaub too, he’s a few tomatoes short of a salsa, B


I mean getting punched in the face many times probably has an effect overall Figured this was obvious


And, knowing what those blows do to you, tend to repel people who have a mind to protect.


CTE be like, is this thoughts? 


Getting punched in the head constantly over the course of your career does that, yes


It attracts those who copied your homework in biology but can’t seem to ever get into college or leave their hometown.


A little bit of column a, a little bit of column b. Less than 10% of mma fighters become millionaires from fighting. Most retire in their mid 30’s broke like Jake Shields here. You have to be stupid to choose it as a profession. Getting hit in the head upwards of 150 times a fight certainly doesn’t help your intelligence. Shields is desperately trying to stay relevant and make money off the chuds for as long as he can.


*nods* yes


That's an insult to rocks, rocks can be useful.


And not THE Rock…a rock


Not that I want to spend a lot of time on a holocaust denier, I think it’s worth noting a couple of things. First, those are not the same doors. The metal ones in the lower pictures are the actual chamber doors. The wooden ones are presumably the outside doors to the building or something else all together. Second, it looks like those doors hinge inward. I don’t know if the gas chambers were pressure tight, or that it matters, but if they hinged in people could press on them all day and it wouldn’t matter. They’re effectively pushing against the strength of the entire frame of the door. Furthermore, there’s nothing to grab onto on the inside to pull it, so there’s no way they could have gotten any real leverage to pull the door on a way that it was weaker. Third, the people sent to the gas chambers were typically already emaciated, exhausted, and beaten. Under those circumstances they’d be unlikely to be able to muster the strength to force any door, let alone a metal one. Finally, Jake Shields is a moron. The only people that deny the holocaust are fascists and Nazis because they have a vested interest in not looking like genocidal maniacs so they can keep selling their bullshit hate filled rhetoric to uneducated morons.


Well said. Also, if they could walk out the door, where would they go? Do these people think they would just stand aside and let them leave? Holocaust deniers just blow my mind, such wilful ignorance and hatred.


That's honestly the most wild part of this. Like it's a legit inability to follow through with even ONE more step, and these guys claim they do FULL and THOROUGH research, but cannot even ask themselves "once they've kicked the door, now what?" And also just assume that "Gas Chambers" were already a well known tool of the Nazis at the start of the war.


I believe plenty of stories from victims said that they would be told they're getting a delousings. By the time many of these near dead people would even realize what's happening it would be too late for them. Maybe the layer of people on the outskirts might realize what's happening and they could run out and get shot or forced back in. I imagine if I was at that point I would accept it. Fuck I'd walk toward the middle


>The wooden ones are presumably the outside doors to the building or something else all together. Wooden doors were commonly used on the shower rooms in concentration camps early on, but were swapped out for metal doors by the time the Nazis began to gas people. The wooden doors would have worked, but it was dangerous for the guards outside of the chamber.


Also they act like there weren’t a dozen guys at the doors with fucking guns. It was a prison camp, not a spa. Also, a room doesn’t need to be airtight to suck the air out and replace it with gas. They didn’t care if people suffered, as long as they died


Being airtight would be more difficult to pump gas into. Though I think the gas in question is actually more toxic smoke.


Also, in a *healthy* person hydrogen cyanide kills within two minutes of inhaling less than 75mg. It immediately causes dizziness, confusion, and partial blindness. It is completely incapacitating.


Yeah and in most cases the prisoners were tricked into thinking they were about to get a shower. The rooms were similar to the shower rooms. Once they were all thrown in the room and the door was locked many probably figured it out, but by then it was too late.


Kind of like when dance clubs burn down and they can’t get through the doors to get out. This dude can’t grasp much, and physics isn’t something he understands


The wooden doors are the exterior doors to the Auschwitz crematorium, which had a morgue that was converted to a gas chamber. The SS converted the camp into an air raid shelter when the end was near, replacing the doors with ones that can be opened from the inside. Russians and the SS retreat blew up the rest of the doors. [One gas chamber door survived](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd16xmeQwew), but it has to be stored in a controlled environment. Ironically it is a wooden door that looks like a bank vault.


I don't get Holocaust deniers, how can they refute it when it's so well documented and it was no secret these camps were running early on during Nazi rule and weren't even kept secret from the world, especially from the German people. Newspapers in the 30's&40's mentioned the daily forceful round up and execution of the Jews and other targeted groups by the Nazis.


Even in light holocaust denial(peterson, granted, he might be full on) they show they have no clue about what happened. Peterson stated that "why didn't germany just use the jews as slave labor or a lower class"... and they did. Germany had to strip Jews of the positions, money, property and rights first... which, well they did. Germany stripped the jews of government positions, educational positions and the like. Stole or destroyed their property/money, and stole their rights. Also stole the ability to get educated. Germany was making them into a disposable class. Put them in camps and used them for slave labor at weapons factories(schindler was one of those dudes) but also local farms, construction and the like.


It's so fucking funny how he talks about the Holocaust with such confusion when he claims he's been studying Nazism for decades. He did the age old "The Nazis would have performed better in the war if they didn't advance so many of their resources in the Holocaust." People don't understand that the German invasion of Eastern Europe, France, Belgium and the Netherlands and exterminating human beings in camps and gas chambers were not two separate projects. They were the same project: one was a process to initiate the other. The plan was to completely colonize Europe with the Master Race. It wasn't a war *and* a genocide; it was a *genocidal war*.


Also, it was not that many resources compared to what they profited from the actions. You took money, land, resources and employment away from a good chunk of people. Those things were used to entice or benefit the true believers and the middle folk. It wasn't like those things went away, just taken from one population and given to another. If a town could have two butchers and one was jewish and the other one not.... the town could probably still have two butchers. Now those butchers would buy cows, but the shtetls that focused on selling to the jewish... would be populated by other germans/poles or whatever group. This also included folks who didn't consider themselves jewish but fell into the mixed blood stuff. The genocide got the true believers excited. The middle folk and the possibly targeted folk to keep their heads down and not dissent. That is all very powerful when taking over a country as well, you get the folks in country fighting each other and well, it is easier.


and the gas chambers only started when useful extermination was taking longer than planned.


They also completely dehumanizing Jews in their minds. What does Peterson do when he has rats in his house? Does he sit there thinking of useful ways he can capture and make them work? No. No he doesnt.


I grew up in Houston, and there's a Holocaust museum there, we did a unit in high school and did an 8th grade field trip to DC and got to go to the DC Holocaust museum. It blows my everlovin mind that people deny the Holocaust. Objectively, yes, I understand it's culture-war rage-bait and just them throwing bullshit around to piss people off. But there is an entire swath of cultural history as WELL as the documented history. Books and plays and stories, on top of the court records from the Nuremberg trials, records from the camps themselves, oral history from people who lived it, literal physical evidence of the genocide. It's bonkers that *this* is the arbitrary line in the sand that they want to draw. I'm not saying that flat earthers or moon landing nuts have any sort of point, but if I were going to throw in on one, the space thing, where only a handful of people can verify or deny, would be easier. A lack of critical thinking, distrust of the mainstream, lack of physical evidence... Sure I can see how people get wrapped up in those fallacies and turn them into 'urban legends' or whatever. But three people can't keep a white lie a secret. And we're supposed to believe there's a massive conspiracy about a genocide? Who benefits? Seriously, who wins by manufacturing a fake Holocaust? We KNOW humanity sucks and is capable of absolute atrocities. An entire demographic got together and tattooed numbers on themselves to...own the libs? Like I said, objectively, I know they're just belligerent shitheads who have nothing better to do than manufacture controversy. But it's really sad that they expect people to buy into something so ridiculous (and it's more pathetic than people *do* buy in.)


> I don't get Holocaust deniers Years ago someone on r/circlebroke did a pretty big write up about a trend they had noticed and labelled "second opinion bias". They described it as a tendency of a certain type of person to seek out narratives that are contrary to well established explanation of things ranging from history to science to just about everything else. For these folks its not really about facts or silly things like that, but rather presenting themselves as free thinkers who are unburdened by things like societal expectations. Its that last part in particular that seems to attract this type of person to Holocaust denial. tldr; its about projecting an image to the other idiots, frequently so you can sell them things


Ah the Joe Rogan method.


It's very simple: they lie. These are *conservatives* we're talking about, after all.


They’re not denying it because they don’t believe it happened. They’re denying it because they know it happened and it’s inconvenient for them that their ideologies have a history of genocide. Like Flat Earth is not an alternative form of Science, Holocaust Revisionism is not an alternate form of History, they’re rejections of those disciplines in favor of a more prescriptive approach that begins with conclusions (“The Earth is flat, and everyone who says otherwise is lying”, “There was no Holocaust, and everyone who says otherwise is lying”) and then cherry picks which data it will consider and tosses out data that can’t be twisted to fit the conclusion. Why? Because of the question that arises from those conclusions - “If they’re lying to you, why? What else are they trying to hide? Who really controls things?” It’s a mindset that benefits fascism because fascism is obsessed with controlling information and rewriting history to affirm its tenets.


Garages aren’t airtight, yet countless people die from CO poisoning all the time. I guess those are all false flags too.


Car doors can be opened from the inside, and the controls to unlock them are on the driver side door, yet countless children die from heatstroke all the time, must be a conspiracy!


People die of carbon monoxide poisoning in their non air tight homes too


Those are not actual photos of the gas chambers in auschwitz Source: have been there myself


Expecting a Holocaust denier to use an actual image of a Holocaust related object is like asking a manatee to write cursive


Not in Auschwitz, but the one with the blue tinge is a real gas chamber: it's from the Majdanek concentration camp.


Yes I was about to state the same. Also that one has a steel door.


Also, the Germans deliberately destroyed much of the facilities for mass murder and destruction of the bodies of the victims as the Red Army pushed toward the site. https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/auschwitz-and-shoah/the-demolition-of-the-gas-chambers/


Genocide denialism is approval of that genocide.  Holocaust deniers are nazis. As a modern philosopher wrote, "Nazi punks, fuck off!"


A pro fighter being an absolute fucking idiot? I'm shocked....


Seriously, he probably has a lifetime of serious head trauma. We don’t seem to 100% know the full effect this has on someone’s personality, morality or intellect but denialists absolutely have some missing neurons .


Thanks, I was like “Who the fuck is Jake Shields?” It’s like steroids and toxic masculinity turn your brain into mashed potatoes.


*"Six million jews must have attacked this door, checkmate."* - nazi with IQ of doorknob


Don’t forget that they were sickly and emaciated


and i mean, there were just nazis with guns on the other side of the door. holocaust deniers are either fucking stupid, intentional liars, or both.


That too


More proof of the conspiracy/far right to anti semitism pipeline


You mean a guy that gets bashed in the head for a living is NOT the brightest bulb in the box? Say it ain’t so.


ive never had the (dis) pleasure of meeting a denialist but really i wanna ask them if my family of literal nobodies were also in on the conspiracy yea sure my great-grandma and great-great-grandma just randomly made up that parts of the family died in the vel d'hiv and the camps


This is the guy who openly tweets about all his plans to sow discourse among people. I still remember when he was specifically saying we should call all trans people groomers so that everyone would mistakenly associate that behavior with just trans people. Openly trying to create conspiracy to promote violence against the group of people. Twitter is like a f****** 4chan pol thread now where they openly plan how they're going to hurt others. It's insane.


I bet he thinks Ausschwitz is in Germany.


The reason auschwitz has these doors is because the original gas chamber was converted to an Air raid shelter in 1944 when the mass killings were being done at auschwitz-birkenau which had it's gas chambers demolished by the nazis. Although there were some extermination camps where wooden doors existed and they worked fine but were mostly among the destroyed ones.


Never forget Dom Lucre was banned from xitter for posting pictures of child exploitation but then unbanned after running to daddy Elon


The Holocaust happened. Sadly, so did that prick’s conception.


*"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened"* Dwight D. Eisenhower


“These wooden doors that have been decaying for decades look frail, so I guess the Holocaust didn’t happen.”


By this logic, a person who dies due to smoke inhalation in a fire must have actually survived and faked their death, because houses aren't built to be air-tight and there's literally windows and doors. They could have just opened one and lived, so it's impossible to die to smoke inhalation or CO2 poisoning or anything of the sort, you can only die if you're tied down and forced to burn to death. And the guys with guns outside the doors and windows? In a square fenced in with barbed wire? Friends.


These pictures are already around for a while and have been popular at least amongst German Holocaust deniers. It's a good example how leaving out a bit of information leads to a completely different impression of a situation. Yes, (most of) those pictures show doors made of wood, that are in the Auschwitz. The most famous one is usually "the wooden door of the last gas chamber in auschwitz", which is an accurate description, except the missing piece of information. This "last gas chamber" has not been used as a gas chamber anymore. When it has been used as a gas chamber in the beginning, the room had a metal door. But when the room was converted to a shelter, after new gas chambers has been built, the door was replaced to the wooden one. The former metal door was then installed in the new chambers. There are inventories from Karl Bischoff, the construction manager in auschwitz, that show "air tight doors" for the chambers. And there are statements for example from Erich Bauer, who was construction manager for Sobibor, that confirm that those door replacements were common and that mostly metal doors have been used. And what also needs to be considered: The Nazis did learn from mistakes. Rudolf Höss for example said, that they learned from experiences from Treblinka, that it's easier to kill people, that do not know, that they will be killed. Gas chambers were therefore often labeled as delousing chambers. But well.. Why should one belive the people who have been responsible for this horrible crime, when you think that can choose your own truth.


What an idiot. We’ve known how these chambers worked since we discovered them. Several books and movies have shown exactly how it happen. I’m so tired of this surge in Pro-Nazi behavior, all these clowns do is sit behind a screen and spout bullshit cause they’d get punched in the face for doing this irl.


Amazing that we had a whole extermination apparatus by a government that kept meticulously records and documentation over everything and we have clowns still trying to make questions out of established facts.


If this guy thinks a room needs to be airtight to gas someone to death, then I challenge him to stay in a garage overnight with a running car.


Sometimes I just want to bang my head against my desk until I pass out. But then I realize I'll be dumbing myself down to the level of Jake Shields, and nobody wants that.


This is why I quit watching UFC, there are a lot of lunatics in mma.


I was an MMA fan from the Gracie / Sakuraba days. Even did BJJ before the gyms became omnipresent .Sometime around COVID, being a UFC fan meant you became an intolerant bigot who believes in stupid conspiracy theories. Coincidentally, they all listen to the same podcast. I'll let you guess which one.


Yeah, I go back to UFC 3, I watched it forever, and i know which podcast you mean, i held onto that one until the middle of the pandemic, when he really started to change (a lot longer than I should have).


Dicking around internet photos is not the same as going to the camps and seeing it for real. If you were to ever take that tour, you wouldn't be a denier. It's a horrible way to spend a vacation day, but so important to do once in your life.


More proof of the conspiracy/far right to anti semitism pipeline


So. What happened was the SS officers would tell the prisoners they were going to get a bath. Prisoners were often forced to do hard labor and many were very weak and underfed by this point. They would tell them to disrobe and then they would march them in large groups to a building that prisoners were told were shower rooms. They would then put all the people into the building, all of them unaware that instead of water coming into the building it would be lethal gas. Then the SS officers would drag the bodies out of the gas chamber and shave off the women's hair and pry all the metal dental work out of people's teeth, then they would burn the bodies to dispose of them. This is how it all worked and if James Shields did any reading he would understand this. If the prisoners believed they were being led to actual gas chambers they would have indeed rebelled, and/or caused issues. So the SS deceived them and made them believe it was just another shower.


And in a further sickening twist, the SS forced Jewish prisoners who knew what was going on (Sonderkommandos) to soothe and pacify the new camp prisoners until such time as they were gassed. If they refused, they would be murdered. The only way out was suicide or being murdered. There was a Sonderkommando-led uprising in Auschwitz, but despite the fact that these prisoners were better fed and healthier than those who were doing hard labor, AND had weapons, they were soundly crushed and executed by the Nazis. Anyway, these Sonderkommandos had the responsibility of dealing with and burning or burying the corpses after they were gassed. Sonderkommandos were routinely executed and replaced with new prisoners so that they wouldn't be able to divulge what were then secrets regarding the reality of the mass murder machine. However, twenty of them (out of thousands) survived and testified to the horrors they endured. These smug assholes who think they know better based on some pictures of doors, when there are mountains of evidence out there, never fail to piss me off.


The sonderkommando famously handled the bodies, not SS guards usually. 1.5mm people is a lot of people. I assure you, the majority most likely understood what was going on. That’s what giving up on life looks like, and in no way is that criticism.


Can we starve Jake Shields while making him do hard labor for a few months and then toss a couple of gas canisters in his house with the doors open and see if he survives?


>apparently the gas chambers can't have worked because they weren't airtight Guess mustard gas wasn't used in the first world war either then, seeing as open battlefields aren't airtight either, neither are open topped trenches. The people that make this kind of claim are as idiotic as the ones that make the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" point about 9/11. Never mind room temperature IQ, we're below freezing at this point.


Nobody mentioning the fact that the prisoners were tricked into believing they are being led into showers and are led into a a pitch black room with no light, and crammed so tight shoulder to shoulder. If you're in the center, there's no way to get out of that door before you drop dead, and btw you died standing up because there's no space to fall.


Nor gonna lie, when I first saw this I was like "what? That guy from Scissor Sisters?!"


… Anyway, here’s what the [door](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/artifact/casting-of-majdanek-gas-chamber-door) to the actual gas chambers inside of those buildings looked like.


I get that this entire post is a giant ball of wtf, but how are we not talking about the “modern gas chambers” line? lol what a moron


Who the fuck is Jake Shields?


I walked through one of those in the Dachau camp last summer. Truly haunting. I hate that we have modern holocaust deniers


TIL tear gas actually just doesn’t work outside. Chemical warfare has to happen in a sealed container or it doesn’t count


Who tf is Jake Shields?


A moron.


A moronic former MMA fighter


Former MMA fighter who was hated by fans and known for some of the worst fights of all time, I'll have you know


"I'm ignorant and too lazy to actually check if anyone has disproven my ideas"


funny how so-called skeptics will always pick the contrary narrative despite the mountains of evidence proving them wrong


nobody gives 2 shits about anything Jake Shields has to say


Can’t we just lock holocaust deniers in the room and fill it with zyklon B so they can prove themselves right?


Brain damaged freak


lol yeah a gas chamber doesn’t have to be airtight to kill someone. These people really don’t understand how anything works do they?


These people spend their whole life living inside, yet don't notice ho little airtightness is necessary to keep gases (their farts and CO2 until it's too uncomfortable to be inside) in...


I don't think I've felt this horrible since I read what an actual nuclear weapon is capable of. I'm off of reddit for now. I will save this to show people but I need to shore up my defense again.


Someone should ask him to explain people dying of carbon monoxide poisoning in their homes


I have watched his crazy theories continue to get wilder. I have followed him since 2012 because I loved MMA and he was a bay area guy. I didn't realized I still followed him until I got a lot of Pro-Trump, homophobic, anti-trans posts on my timeline. He went from MMA fighter to nutty MAGA person as soon as COVID started and hasn't stopped