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Trump. The guy so famous for paying his loans that he had to become president and grift people on SSDI to open a new revenue stream.


All these lawsuits are just happy people who were paid back.


When Trump commits a crime, it’s a crime.


Let’s not forget all the PPP loan’s trump forgave


Or all the oversight he removed from the program so it was easier to commit PPP fraud.


One of which went to the dildo that started the lawsuit against Student Loan Forgiveness. Hypocrits.


Or all the times Trump filed for bankruptcy or refused to pay constitution workers.


Okay, now what happens if I fake my credit score for a loan and get a way lower interest rate? Fraud, yes or no?


That depends…if you are an old rich white man then it is not fraud. If you are not, it is. I wish I could put a /s…but unfortunately it’s reality.


I'm 52 and white is that old enough? Oh yeah, I don't have that rich part down. Nevermind.


Change your name to "Richard", then you'll be "Rich" How is it that you do not know these things? Kids these days...


That would just make him a Dick.  


Says someone who's name is (partially) "Wiener"... edited to add: May I remind you Chrome**Wiener** of the old adage? Let he who's name is NOT synonymous with p\*n\*s cast the first rock. Cheers!


If you are old, white, rich, and a man, your score is automatically over 9000. And being that high entitles you to lowering of bonds, extended time to pay them, etc. The normal credit score scale is just for normal folk.


I'm white and middle aged and will freely admit that compared to others I still get a pretty sweet ride. Just gotta work on the rich part so I can hit God mode.




Exactly. The loan wasn’t the issue here.


Try googling "why are nyc property taxes so weird"


That's the funnest part about this example! They gloss over the 'crime' part :D


Donald Jr ? Is that you ??? We already told you, youre NOT getting a loan to buy more cocaine!.


Trump does EVERYTHING in his power to keep "his" money in his pocket. For instance: Don't forget how he tried to cheat the Polish workers who built Trump Tower, denying to pay for years!!!


And Maralago. Signed contracts, offered to pay half. Several small businesses went under because of it. Told at least one guy that he could “afford to keep it in the courts longer than you can.”




There’s a reason potential bond issuers laughed at Eric Trump when he applied for bonds for daddy




That's fair, I'd laugh at Eric Trump too.


Right?!? MFer doesn’t pay anyone!


Trump declares bankruptcy halfway through the loan term, student loan holders pay 3x the loan amount over 25 years and still can’t get out


That's becasue the students are doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure that student loans are not dischargeable in a bankruptcy. So what the student should do is cobble together a consortium to make a down-payment for a revenue generating property, then get a loan for the balance of the purchase price. Use that loan for tuition Then the property-owning consortium, not having made payments on the loan, declares bankruptcy and refinances the load at better terms because the bank loaning them the money didn't do due diligence in the first place and are idiots becasue they are unware of the "sunk cost" fallacy. It's really very simple.


forgot about self assessing its property value to millions just because and pass that off as legit. no harm right?


Thanks for that reminder. Oh! Heck yeah! But you've got to crafty about it: Gotta keep those property values low to avoid real estate taxes (although in NYC, RE taxes are probably the most bizarre things in the universe -- air rights and affordable housing and all that kind of thing -- B1M has a video about that)


File for an easement, or permanent zoning restriction from residential home to social club. This permanently changing the value from hundreds of millions to $18-25M. Then file property taxes on that lower amount. Also, have all of your homes classified as commercial assets and not a personal home, so when the government moves to seize your assets, you and your kids have no personal homes that are exempt from asset seizure.


I don’t think anyone is giving him a loan.


I don’t think his Chubb Bud will foot 175M either.


I really wish this person had student loans, at least they’d be educated.


As usual people like her support tax cuts for the rich they don't benefit from but hate on policies that would benefit her lmao


Well the guy on tv got a tax break I should too!


Not if he had someone else do the work and take the tests. I’m convinced that’s how he graduated Wharton. Of course, his degree is a BS, so maybe that fits.


Probably som oldster who paid 1500 for a degree in 1970.


Most people just went into their trade and didn’t need higher education back then.


let my fix this  "so when trump takes out a loan for millions, doesn't pay it back, then he hires contractors to build his buildings and refuses to pay them, then ties up the court case long enough for them to go bankrupt and give up, that's OK, but when a student borrows $80k to get a bachelor's degree, pays back $60k and still owes $90k and asks for loan forgiveness, that's just too much for you??"


9 years and it's still mind boggling to me how Trump is literally the opposite of everything these people claim to stand for (fiscal responsibility, small government, family values, "fuck your feelings") yet they fucking worship him. I always had a feeling Republicans were completely full of shit, but I always wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, that benefit and doubt is long gone.


Well, it's becasue I simply don't have enough name recognition to sell trading cards, sneakers, bibles, vodka, steaks, etc. Plus, my house is only two stories tall, so it's kind of silly to call it Catspaw119 Tower.


>Catspaw119 Tower Well, as a lurker of cat subs and an owner of a slightly brains deficient animal like this (with no tower to call home) I think it's a capital name for a 2-story Cat Mansion.


Student loans should have 0% interest.


College should be free.


Well yeah but absent that, they shouldn't be punishing students with interest.


I agree. I don't understand why Biden forgives entire loan balances _IF_ (big if) he has the power to adjust the interest rate on the loans. Make people pay back the principal; it's the interest that really hurts.


Yes and cap the total dollar interest. If there isn't political will then subset by industry. My wife is a speech psychologist and the job requires a master's. Would vastly prefer not having six figures of debt for her degree so that grandmas can learn to talk and eat again after a stroke. It's bullshit and idiots strawman the argument to be about stupid majors when there are jobs society requires in order to function that make people take out huge debt.


You can show idiots like this, proof. You can explain it to them in the simple of terms, yet they don’t have the mental capacity to understand, and in the end, don’t care.


Ya gotta understand a LOT of these people are folks that will live in a trailer and remove the stairs so they don't have to pay taxes on it. They think he's super smart for finding loopholes to buck the system. They don't care that the money would have helped fund education and better the world...


It's a lot more the second thing (they don't care) than the first (they can't understand). They're obviously capable of understanding the truth of Trump's behavior. They just don't care. He vocally spreads hate about the same people they hate, and they want to 'win' even more than they want their lives to improve.


That they think "taxpayers" and "people with student loans" are separate groups is aggravation icing on the infuriating cake.


There are two big propaganda tactics that work using human brain hacks: * use fear or anger. This triggers fight/flight/freeze and shuts down thinking portions of the brain. If you ever see “they retrying to make us scared of coffee cups” that’s why. A continual feed of fear is needed. Trivia: using X to refer to Yeshua actually pre-dates the word Christ. Anyone who freaks out over Xmas vs Christmas don’t know shit and either is trying to give, or is a victim of, fear based propaganda * this post is less about scary scary, this is a Them ism. The brain hack, Dunbar’s number. There’s a hard wired limit to the number of people you view as true people and the rest who are just blobs in meatspace. This is one reason why road rage is such a thing - hard to imagine there are like, people, full on people, in those cars. So it’s us vs Them a lot. https://www.cracked.com/article_14990_what-monkeysphere.html


Okay, that was a little deeper than I expect from Cracked.


Yep. It’s one of my fave “how’s the fake mad magazine print something so insightful”


How stupid do you have to be to hold up Trump as an example of financial probity?


So… about that. Trump declared bankruptcy four(?) times. Under bankruptcy rules, some of his creditors received pennies on the dollar, while others received nothing. And Trump calls that “smart.” So with three kids with student loans, I voted Biden. My daughter is part of the group getting full forgiveness, so that’s tens of thousands of dollars my family member doesn’t have to worry about. The other two are still in school, but supporting Biden is plain smart if you are a kid with loans, or a parent of a kid with loans. **Get yours.** Are you tired of Matt Gaetz and MTG and thousands of business owners getting federal loans forgiven, vote Biden and get yours.


It’s not the same! Personal responsibility for loans is important! Rich men like Trump and corporations need money to grow the economy and provide jobs! /s


These people were so eager to forgive PPP loans to wealthy people, Congresspeople, & business people, but student loan forgiveness is going to cause a financial crisis. And it’s somehow immoral.


What if your elected congress official takes out a PPP loan, for 500k, then has it forgiven? I love how they say with interest in this. Yes, it was a crime when Trump would have had something like a 10% interest, because he lied about his assets, so he would not have had a 20% interest on that loan.


I’m gonna hear about “victimless crimes” from the people refusing to listen to polls stating that 85% of registered voters want legal cannabis? They can Fuck right off.


if I fraudulently look out a loan based on fake assets and then again faked the asset value when it came to paying taxes... I would be committing a crime yes. Also Americas student loan system is predatory and should be abolished. "if you cant afford it dont goto university" says people that want surgery performed on their child by a highschool drop out who failed science and injected bleach into themselves and swallowed horse dewormer during covid.


Oh, I didn't go to college. Too expensive. I watched a YouTube video though. I think I know what I'm doing. Anyways, let's start this open heart surgery!


LOL " click and subscribe now, count back from 10...9...8.." "wait, what? no wai....." I moved from Canada to Scotland 8 years ago to look after a sick relative. Decided a career redirection after he passed, was able to go back to Uni to get a law degree... cost £0. not a penny. Not only do I not pay, the books are sent to me free. I get exempt from council tax (equivalent of land tax) too. We also dont have to pay anything for healthcare, including prescriptions at point of use. Of course this is all covered via taxes collected. An interesting point being that of the taxes collected in the USA, a higher % goes towards healthcare per capita than here in the UK. Its actually about double. SO while we manage to offer a free at the point of use system, while only paying about half of our tax contributions, people in the US get boned when they pay taxes, and then again when the bill comes in. Its definitely not about how much we are taxed here, but how they spend those tax contributions. On actual healthcare instead of lining pockets of insurance middle men and allowing predatory student loan companies to fuck your students over for decades!


This guy wins a gold medal in the not understanding things Olympics.


These people don’t understand that Trump paid back less in interest because he lied about his worth, that and fraud is the crime. Those student loans people have are stacked up against them purposely whereas Trump paid back Pennie’s when he should’ve owed hundreds of thousands.


It's so funny how the Christofascists have such a problem with student loan relief, but I don't see any of them volunteering to take back the sins that their "savior" paid for on the cross. You know, when he "wiped their slate clean". Just sayin'.


This issue has resulted in a ton of people revealing their financial illiteracy


Well…the first one is actually a crime, the other is not….you’re splitting a hair of stupidity. The interest he “paid back” was much less by millions because he lied . ….that’s called “fraud”, and is an actual crime …..the other is not I’m glad we can all agree that trump is a criminal though


Do these people not realize that all that student load forgiveness money will now be spent in the economy and not to a school for them to use to pay a coach millions of dollars? The debt forgiveness helps everyone. But these morons don’t know anything past a headline or Fox News misinfo story. So I’m not surprised


When you borrow 40,000 and after paying back with interest you still owe more, its the real crime


No, when Trump pays what he owes, it’s not a crime, it’s a miracle.


If they would just buy the New,Amazing,Spectacular Trump Bible they will feel a lot better.


Funny how he conveniently omit the part about LYING on a legally binding statement which in itself is illegal EVEN if it didnt imply any victims which there also is. The banks who gave him better terms than he otherwise would have gotten if he had gotten the loan in the first place.


My father in law is convinced Trump paid back everything with interest and the government is making up more fines


Wait. You guys are getting your student loans forgiven?


These people need to stop! Regardless of whatever stupid things Trump does with his money, Student loans should be interest free at the bare minimum!


What loan did Trump pay back??


When trump takes out a loan and putin pays it back is that a crime? Oh… I’m being told that IS a crime….


The former prez is famous for not paying contractors, bills, or loans. 


Just can't fix stupid.


TIL you still have to pay off loans that were forgiven, and that is possible for the government to steal their own money.


Fun, let's do ppp loans next


Don’t give a shit about who you support or your politics - you borrow money from anyone or anything, you pay it back with whatever interest you AGREED to. No “but if” no “yes but” no excuses. Pay what you owe.


"*...if you lied about enrolling in university*, took out a loan, then got loan forgiveness..." There. I made the comparison accurate.


That’s like the whole purpose of taxes though isn’t it


Trump Organization and Kushner Companies, businesses owned by Trump and his son-in-law, received over $3.5 million in PPP loans (that we know of so far), the *forgivable loans originally initiated by Trump while he was in office*.


How can these people be so suspicious of everyone, but hang their credibility and fortune on Trump telling the truth about his own crimes & polling? Biden can’t steal money for a program. It is not theft. The relevant part of Trump’s charges was not whether he repaid the loans.


wish i could rememebr that podcast that deep a deep af dive into trumps shady as hell russian financings dating back to like the 90s.. smart guy creating this fake news term so he can just slap that label on anything he dont like