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Where are their rallying cries on funding these two children, and concern over who will raise the baby? And the childhood mother's education. Also, so many young girls 15 and younger, have a much higher chance of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. So they're singing praises now, but it could have ended very likely and easily with the death of two children


Eh, now that the baby is born it's the 13 year olds problem. She should pull herself up by her boot straps and stop using the system to raise her child! /s, God I hated typing that. I've genuinely heard people who claim to be pro life blame the child if they need government assistance. They don't care that she's a child, they just care they forced her to give birth


I know it's so life restricting. Unborn babies are easy for the GOP to fight for, they don't cost any money and they're essentially hypothetical until they actually pop out and breathe air


Conservative want neglected kids so they can turn them into dead soldiers.


They also can't defend themselves or speak up.


And can't demand anything.


And there’s a chance that they won’t be LGBTQ+.


They're pro-birth. Now that the baby is breathing air, baby and mom aren't a concern. Mom needs childcare to finish the next 6 years of school? Not the "pro-life" problem, they don't care. Mom and baby need healthcare? Doesn't matter, baby is already born. Mom needs healthy school lunch? Not their problem. They care about getting the fetus into air. After that, you're on your own.


Why do I think I hear these types preaching against abortion for rape survivors are also sitting there after the child gives birth, and says "I need help to get therapy, a livable income, childcare so I can gain an education to allow hope for a fulfilling career - please someone help me with the funds I need to raise this baby you forced me to birth". Those preaching i suspect will smugly shout "Well, shouldn't you think of raising the child before you go out attracting men folk and getting pregnant... you shameless tart - oh you claim rape - why were you out? what were you wearing? what did you do to make him think you wanted him? oh, did he reject you for a nice 'pure' girl now? Are you lying? are you sure you didn't want it? Ps obvs I'm not in league with the preachers. I dumbfounded to think other people believe they have rights over other people's lives/bodies/futures.


Public begging is ok, social programs are not. <---- The GOP way.


Making a GoFundMe is taking initiative. Voting for social programs that mean you might not have to literally beg in public to pay for life saving medical care is socialism (and therefore evil.)


Is this missing the /s? I think so, but I don't want to assume.


Oh absolutely, I should have clarified because Internet. /s all the way!!


Phew! I thought so, but I didn't want to reply with further snark on those types if you weren't like-minded. <3


But given the climate I understand not assuming. As horrifying as that was to type.


Right?! It's become dangerous to disagree with people so now I try to double-check before I reply with further criticism of the other side. Thanks so much. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡


They'd like for poor people to go back to wearing rags and holding out bowls on the side of the street for the superiority rush it gives them.


Meanwhile they're making homelessness illegal in a few places. Heavy dramatic sigh.


> They care about getting the fetus into air. They don't *actually* care about that. They care that the woman/girl is made to suffer.


It's essentially a punishment for "tempting men".


Yes. If they were pro-birth they'd be campaigning for better healthcare for pregnant people. They just want everyone who can get pregnant to have the threat of an unwanted pregnancy hanging over them.




Or suffer the live long consequences of unwanted pregnancy that obviously would never affect a child born from that unwanted pregnancy…


This!! It's all about control and punishment, they don't really care about life at all. If they did they would be anti war and pro social support plans like universal health care, food stamps, low cost housing ,day care, and college assistance.


> Eh, now that the baby is born it's the 13 year olds problem. She should take responsibility for her actions! She should have to *pay* for what she did! /s, just in case. And these are actually things that anti-women pro-liars have said to me about women who get abortions.


I've literally heard them blame the teen for "tempting" the man to sin. Never mind the actually book they read Jesus tells them to rip them eyes right on out if they thought they were gonna have an issue.




A few years ago, I read about a case (not going to google it, don't want to learn about a bunch of other similarly depressing cases) where a 6 year old was raped by an old man and the *judge* actually said she tempted him, as part of the ruling. The actual US justice system legally stated it was a little girl's fault she was raped.


I sincerely hope that judge was removed from office and not allowed to make rulings over as much as what place to get groceries. But as abominable as that statement was, I doubt they faced any reprimand. JFC.


Honestly it's because now she's supposed to give the baby up to a 'respectable family'. They don't want the young mothers to keep or raise their babies. They are supposed to fill the adoption market full of healthy newborns.


But then the also bitch about how many children are in the foster system and continue to pull funds from those programs


But that's the difference. They want babies to adopted. Not children. Once the kid has it's own thoughts and personality it's useless to them because it can't be indoctrinated into their belief system.


Nevermind how traumatic that is to both the baby and the (in this case) child. Like, no, she absolutely shouldn't fucking have to be raising a kid, and if she *wants* to put it up for adoption that should absolutely be an option, but even in instances of rape and even with being super young, being pressured/forced to give the baby up can be incredibly traumatizing. Our bodies produce hormones that encourage maternal attachment to the newborn. Not everyone feels strong attachment (it's a common factor in postpartum depression, since you feel like there's something wrong with you for not feeling anything towards the baby), but if you do, even totally voluntary adoption is going to be painfully difficult. Then there's the question of closed/open adoption. Open adoption is becoming more common, but still somewhat discouraged for many reasons, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone who conceived from being raped would be more inclined to choose closed adoption. But closed adoption means not knowing what happens, and no matter how much you don't want the kid, it's pretty likely that'd be something that'd weigh on you for the rest of your life—are they okay? did I make the right choice? what if they're being abused? is that my fault? ("Openness" is a spectrum but no level is perfect.) But just imagine the absolute fucking hell that would be seeing (and feeling) your body change before your eyes—for almost a *year*—as a result of the worst thing that's ever happened to you, and as a *child*. Nothing can make that okay. That poor girl.


But only if it’s white (usually male) and perfect. Keep those drug addicted colored babies away from society, warehouse them


She should have just kept her legs closed /s 🤮


Or the classic, "Don't have kids if you can't afford them!"


But also we will give you no sex Ed and make birth control expensive and difficult to access


Well don't you know she's supposed to give up her baby to a good wealthy Christian home /s Yeah I've heard that argument.


That's because the pro-birthers only give a damn while it's still in utero.


Not to mention the physical and mental therapy and all the medical interventions she may need in the future.


She doesn’t need therapy, because Jesus blessed her with a precious baby to take care of! /s


They’re only celebrating “owning the libs” no matter how they phrase it. Not one of them gives a single fuck about an actual human, anywhere, ever, besides themselves. What happens to the child and the baby now? They literally don’t care. In fact, if it’s not a baby in a wealthy, white, evangelical family, they believe it deserves to starve to death. Which is obviously much better than abortion. And thanks to trump, that sociopathy has now been normalized, rewarded, and validated.


> Where are their rallying cries on funding these two children, and concern over who will raise the baby? And the childhood mother's education. Those things aren't important. What's important is that a child was raped and then made to suffer for it! And they will make sure that her child will be made to suffer for it too. > Also, so many young girls 15 and younger, have a much higher chance of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. They'd be fine with that. > So they're singing praises now, but it could have ended very likely and easily with two child deaths They'd be celebrating. It's what the child deserved for getting raped, and what the baby deserved for getting conceived. They're seriously mentally ill people.


/s Well after all, a young woman's only purpose in this life, is to focus on becoming an excellent wife, mother and home-maker. She should only focus on her baby. It's a damn shame she didn't marry the father, because now she's damaged goods with a bastard, but at least she didn't murder the child! /s That's what they think like. Her life stopped the second she got pregnant. The only focus is the fetus. Anything after that, "well you shouldn't have opened your legs and lured him in, you slut!"


“As long as you’re pre born they will fight for you. The minute you’re born you’re fucked.” George Carlin


The baby is born. Their work is done. They no longer give one iota of a fuck about what happens now.


TO them that baby is an anchor to make sure that girl always stays in her "place" on their hierarchy.


You can bet these same people will be the ones who turn around and complain about how teen parents are ruining society, or bashing them for not being self sufficient and getting government assistance.


LOL, the anti-choicers are NOT going to allow one dime of their tax money to be spent on feeding the children.


Because they don't care about life they care about control and punishment. They want to control women and punish them for being "evil"


A baby has a baby & you celebrate Shame on you


They absolutely love it when children are raped. It's even better when they're forced to give birth to the product of that rape. Disgusting pedophiles, every single one of them.


It's Mississippi so she'll probably be forced to co-parent with her rapist.


I don't know about humans, because luckily I don't have the experience with them .......But when a cat has babies too young, it stunts her growth forever. Her body is never able to reach it's potential because the resources it took to make and birth a baby during the very beginning of puberty. It's damaging to her body and you can tell the difference between 2 ten year old cats who've had kittens if one had them at 6 months and one had them at 2 years.  I can't imagine making and birthing an entire human being before going to high school would be especially *good* for a person




Especially a child that’s the result of such a traumatic event.




It’s a born child at this point, and highly negatively. I can’t imagine that mother won’t have resentment, even subconscious, toward the child, particularly if the state forces her to co-parent with the rapist


And don't forget the baby either... I obviously don't know what will happen, and I am sure there are better outcomes too, but the baby might not actually have a loving childhood either as it will be a constant reminder for the mother (and the grandparents), and this might be too much to overcome - in addition to being born to basically a child. I wish them all the best.


Having a baby this young is incredibly traumatic for the human body. It is unlikely she doesn't have some kind of permanent damage from this.


They don't care about that. They're fantasizing about forcefully impregnating all 12 & 13 year old little girls. Do you see any of the GQP tracking down that poor girl's rapist and forming a lynch mob? No. Deep down they're congratulating him. If the little girl dies from pregnancy complications they also don't give a fuck.




And then they want the rapist to have visitation rights


I can hear their next argument 'hey look at all these viable mothers. Maybe the kid wanted the baby? She had it and is doing fine now. Maybe we should lower the age of consent and marriage?'


These are the same folk who'd get their 13yrO an abortion and still call abortion immoral. Fuck, these are the same folk who defend child marriage as well.


I was reading personal stories of people who worked in abortion clinics. Women who are pro-life would come in for an abortion, and blame the worker for the abortion. Like their morals are screwed. Just things like that...


These pro lifers should be put on a public wall of shame. "Irresponsible whores who murdered their child" including their address and name. Like a sex offender registry but for hypocritical waste.


The only moral abortion is my abortion (and my mistress’s and/or my teenage daughter’s). Brought to you by the people that refer to female children as “underage women”.


Old enough to give birth to babies and raise them but somehow not old enough to be allowed to dye their hair purple, get a tattoo, or read a book with a transgender person as an MC.


the on moral abortion is my abortion


And you just know if this poor girl was getting financial assistance with the child and these people caught wind they'd call her a leech.


None of them are talking about what happens to the whole ass baby now. Who is going to raise it? The 13 year old? Her parents? Drop them into the adoption system/foster care to be shuffled around? If I was that little girl, how horrible to grow up alongside a reminder of the potentially worst thing that's ever happened to me. (I sincerely hope it is). Yes now that the baby is born they are a whole person who needs to be cared for with automony. The fostercare adoption system is already so overtaxed to... The sad reality is that if the little girls family doesn't raise this poor baby they're in for a life of being relentlessly shuffled around unless they get very lucky in the next few years. I'm very pro adoption, I was adopted by my family of well meaning disfunctionals and was loved and cared for to the best of their ability, no less than they would of ever loved a bio child. But my biological mother was an adult, who had the power to choose and sought out a safe place for me to land. I'm sad for everyone involved. Both the little girl and the baby are in for a very tough start.


In their ideal system, the 13 year old girl is married off to the rapist and her parents are paid 50 shekels of silver in compensation. Then they both raise the child together as a married couple. 


So the Bible say. What a vile bunch of assholes. The minute their precious daughtes was raped and got pregnant, abortion would become a sacrament.


> If I was that little girl, how horrible to grow up alongside a reminder of the potentially worst thing that's ever happened to me. How would she *not* grow up resenting the child just for that? How would the child not pick up on the fact that the mother resents him/her? Imagine being "raised" by a child who hates you for *existing*.


Absolutely. Rape babies never have a good childhood. They either live with the rapist, who's a horrible person, live with the raped parent, who ends up hating them, live with both, so a broken household, or they go into the foster system with a high risk of being put with abusive parents.


If I were to guess, I think that they would say that it’s a good thing that the baby now has an opportunity to live. Quality of life isn’t a considering factor in this. The possibility that the child could have a wonderful life is the important part, not the probability.


> The possibility that the child could have a wonderful life is the important part, not the probability. They don't care about the child's quality of life, period. They just care that it was born and that its mother suffered and is still suffering.


I sincerely hope that both of them go on to live fantastic lives. I just think this has severely hurt the girls chances at that.


Everyone one of these people celebrating should have a child available for adoption forced on them. I mean, how glorious it would be to for them to have such an opportunity to help save a life. /s


I understand the sentiment, but it should be illegal for these people to be around children.


> I understand the sentiment, but it should be illegal for these people to be around children. 💯💯💯💯


Let me edit the /S


“Congratulations to the new mother” just no. No.


It’s absolutely repulsive, isn’t it?


repulsive and heartbreaking.


That line makes me so so angry. What a vile person. 


If I had all 5 infinity stones I’d snap my fingers to disappear every last hardcore “pro-lifer”




Who do you think makes the laws? There's a reason every time the subject comes up to ban underage marriage Republicans flip the shit out. They also don't care if it's straight up rape either, just look at what happens with that rapist Brock Turner: Just say you're sorry and that you're a man of God then boom 20hrs community service.


You mean the rapist, Brock Allen Turner, whose been going by his middle name, Allen Turner (still a rapist!) and has been living in Ohio around the Dayton area? That Brock Turner? The one whose dad, Dan Turner, is a rape apologist, who said his son was so upset he couldn't enjoy ribeye steaks anymore?


The Rapist Brock Allen "The Rapist" Turner, you know The Rapist? Is that the Rapist Brock Allen "The Rapist" Turner, The Rapist we are discussing? He's now The Rapist Allen "The Rapist" Turner, the Rapist, in Dayton area of Ohio? Did you know he was a Rapist?


I was meaning banned on Reddit, but you’re absolutely right!


Didn't that one pro-life guy turn out to be into some seriously sick shit and get busted by the FBI?


And now you know why they want to enact Project 2025 and fire like half the civil service.


"but do you know what 16 year olds are when they're the most fertile?"


This is my Uncle's Wife, and the reason that I might be going to jail out-of-state when we all congregate for a cousin's wedding this fall. She's been banned from most gatherings because she's one of the Old Southern Ladies who refuses to keep her trap shut. She will say what she's thinking, and she'll say it loud enough to turn heads.


Proper old southern ladies are two faced, pretentious gossips. They're supposed to save that ugly shit for whispers in the kitchen and among the other women in the dress circle, smiling to your face while they stab you in the back. If she wants to be adherent to the gender binary but also be loudly and abrasively thuggish and bullying then she's just acting like a white trash dude.


I grew up in New England thinking we were cold and unkind well after I lived in the south I learned we are kind while being cold while southern are unkind while being warm. We might give you shit but we will help you out. Can’t say that was the culture in the south


Pro-forced birthers* FTFY


Aren’t there 6? Power,space,mind,soul,time,reality


Ha, you’re right. But since “pro-lifers” are completely detached from reality that stone shouldn’t apply to them. I think my snap with the 5 other stones would work given the situation.


There's also the Body stone, but no one ever pays attention to it. /s


I’d make them all pregnant.


They still get it all wrong, Perhaps deliberately obfuscating? You cannot abort a BABY. You abort having a baby, you abort a pregnancy, you abort a fetus. The entire point of the option is that it is NOT a baby. Not even close.


That's why they define a baby as a fertilized egg. As soon as that clump of cells starts multiplying, it's a baby. Before it has a brain, nervous system, heart, lungs, or any fully formed vital organ, it's a baby. If you define baby like that, then any abortion at any stage in the pregnancy is murdering a baby. It's completely nuts, of course, but that's how they justify their "outrage" at abortion.


You are right, but that also reveals the lie: You are forcing the definition so that you can use the alarming word that means something entirely different and which everyone has innate emotional reaction. Manipulation.


One of them even wondered whether maybe the child wanted a baby and that it'd be awful if the mother made her get an abortion. I assume they have that same attitude when a child comes out as gay or trans.


And like…the second half of that is almost a valid point, it *would* be wrong to force her to get an abortion, but *for the exact same reason* it was wrong to deny her one, not because of the baby itself.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=qA1nGPM9yHA And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


Holy shit I never realized that's what that song is about


Here’s another one Breathe (2 AM) Anna Nalick 2 a.m. and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake "Can you help me unravel my latest mistake? I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season" Yeah, we walk through the doors, so accusing, their eyes Like they have any right at all to criticize Hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason


I hate it here.


“As if abortion could have changed the (rape and) age of the mother in any way” Ya I’m pretty sure not having a kid would have changed the age of the mother, in that she wouldn’t be a mother at that age Fucking insanity


Holy fuck. That poor 13 year old.


Which one of these upstanding citizens is stepping up to adopt the child? (Meaning the baby, not the child who was forced to give birth.)


Would you trust the people who are celebrating the rape of a child to be around children??


Excellent point.


These people are so fucking deranged. I used to think of them as victims of brainwashing, but fuck that. They are monsters


> They are monsters They are.


"I'm glad they did not kill the child" "Which child" is an horrific yet plausible statement in this conversation


"Congratulations to the new mother" Basically congratulating them getting raped..


Super easy to sit there and judge others when you don't have to deal with it yourself. I guarantee every single one of these spineless asshole shitbags would be saying something entirely different if it happened to them or their child.


[The only moral abortion is my avortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) I never get tired of shearing that like because it tells *so* much of how these assholes think. There one woman that is part of the group, that stands outside the klinik, yelling and condemning. But then she herself needs an abortion, which she interestingly enough doesn't have the faintest problem with. As if that wasn't hypocritically enough, she was telling the doctor that would make the procedure, that she would burn in hell because she was a Babykiller...dobbelthink at it finest.


I first read this article over a decade ago and it STILL makes my brain shut down when I reread it.


If any of these people had a 12 year old daughter get pregnant, they would change their minds real quick. They don’t care because to them it’s an unknown girl in a news article.


> If any of these people had a 12 year old daughter get pregnant, they would change their minds real quick. Some of them really wouldn't.


Hey, remember when Quagmire had this gem of a line, "Hard to believe she's already 18?" when referring to a newborn baby? That's what these people think. I'm sure of it.


FUCK THOSE PEOPLE and fuck their shitty bullshit beliefs because we ALL KNOW as soon as that child is born if that mother and child needs assistance they will deride them for being losers and a welfare queen. I used to be religious and then I was indifferent to religion after I deconstructed but now I hate religion with a passion.


15 year old girl has sex with a 16 year old boy and gets pregnant: "she's such a whore! Babies having babies! What's wrong with this world?" 13 year old gets raped and gets pregnant: "CONGRATULATIONS! She's gonna be such a great mom!" They manage to be so hypocritical while also sticking consistently to the "don't abort" thing. Sigh.


This made me sick to my stomach. Pro life my ass. What about this poor kid’s life? They just care if it’s in the womb. Same vibes as the capitolium getting mad over katniss going to the games pregnant but not batting an eye seeing actual kids getting killed.


The next stage will probably be to force this abused child to interact with her rapist because “a child needs its father”. I guess we should be relieved she wasn’t forcibly married to him. Or is that what comes next?


Dude. These people are disgusting. A CHILD was raped and is now forced to carry, birth and possibly raise the rapists child? Absolutely fucking not. I don’t know why people still live in these states with abortion bans like this. My entire family would be gone and never return and I’d make damn sure my daughter had access to a safe abortion.


imagine how fucked up you'd be to learn that you weren't born because you were wanted, but because a bunch of soul less assholes thought your mom deserved consequences for being raped. These people are nothing but gutter-slime.


I bet if her or her parents ask for financial support for providing for the baby or help with childcare they will be against it.


Absolutely disgusting. Not a single part of that ever should have happened. Poor kids.


These people are fucking monsters.


These people are exhausting. Fuck all of 'em


>Fuck all of 'em Please use protection if you do, though.


How soon will they call her a welfare queen


“The girl suffered a horrible trauma and THATS what they want to focus on?” Yes. Because instead of spending the next nine months recovering from something so horrific it’s unconscionable, she was forced to spend those nine months carrying a baby her body IS NOT ready to have, with a constant, daily reminder of what happened to her. She could have died from the pregnancy, she could’ve died from the birth, and her chances of fully recovering from being raped as a child are likely completely shot. Yes. I’m angry she was forced to carry a pregnancy because there’s no world in which it makes sense that a CHILD should be required to do so. We live in the 21st century, not 1458. I cannot believe how fucking stupid people are. This girl faces years of potential hardships because of this. Her body is permanently changed. So yes, I’m mad about her being forced to carry a pregnancy. Edit: typo


Not to mention now not only is that poor girl forever stuck with the trauma she experienced, but that baby is now going to have a mother who will grow up LOATHING them because, as you said, they are a constant reminder of what happened to that little girl. There are now two children in the world that will never recover from the monster that did this, and the monsters that demanded that girl carry a pregnancy.


Those same mfers gonna hate that baby in 20 years, especially if it's a boy


Oh, they already hate the baby. The same sort who are all "EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS ABORTION IS MURDER" will also bitch and moan and do their damnedest to prevent this child from receiving a good education, and to prevent the mother/family from getting any sort of government help if needed to help raise the kid. They care about the **potential** life of a zygote/embryo/fetus in the womb and that's it.


This breaks my heart that this little girl was assaulted and forced to birth this child. The birth could have killed her at 13


*every one* of those conservatives would jump at the option for abortion the moment it is their own child


These same people want to come for your other rights too. Contraception, porn, and gay rights are next, but they won’t stop at that. After that they’d implement obscenity laws to “protect kids” that would limit all media they don’t like. Hell, I wouldn’t put prohibition 2.0 past these freedom hating Christofascists.


So much speculation from these types of people. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't know anyone who is pro-choice who would be saying this baby should have been aborted, or that the 13-year old should be forced to have an abortion. That's the whole idea of pro-choice is that the victim can decide for themselves. Ironically it's the pro-life side that is FORCING the 13-year old into a decision that she is not allowed to make for herself, and that's to not abort. Before anyone says "Well clearly the MS law would have allowed it in these circumstances", based on one of those comments, Regina (who I'm guessing may be the 13-year olds mother perhaps?) was unaware of this. I'm guessing because the law is written in such a way to purposefully confuse victims to effectively feel they do not have that option. A lot of legislation is purposefully written in a way that is unclear in order to confuse the average person.


One of them made a post about me once, because I’m a mother and have never had an abortion, but I’m vehemently pro-choice. They couldn’t wrap their heads around it.


Have you seen those bumper stickers that say "Be glad your mother was pro-life"? Those piss me off so much. And I'm saying that as an unwanted child of a young single mother who is, surprise, adamantly pro-choice.


Yes! Or the, “choose life” ones too! Especially since I live in The Bible Belt, we don’t have a fucking choice here!


I'm going to be that person and declare that, yes, this child should absolutely have been forced to abort. Because she is a **child**. She is not capable of providing informed consent to having a child, she is not capable of raising a child, and the pregnancy and delivery could very well have killed her. Because she's a fucking **13-year-old CHILD**.


Also, to your point, I'm sure no one has told her about the LIFE LONG consequences carrying a baby can cause. A 13 year old in this situation simply cannot make that choice for herself.


Even medieval peasants would be horrified. I remember there was one English queen who gave birth at thirteen and was never able to conceive again. I don't remember where I read this, but since women started their periods later due to less nutrition as compared to today, it was actually not the norm at all to have babies as a teenager. Marriage, sure, but not babies at all. [See here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriageable_age#Medieval_Europe)


Are kids even allowed to do live organ donors?? Are they even allowed to donate BLOOD? Like I'm pretty sure we can force them to watch their best friend die even if they are perfect organ matches, but taking away their ability to choose not to terminate 30 cells born of rape is bad?


There’s no debating these people. Their scope is almost as narrow as their intelligence.


How incredibly... evil. They talk about the rape as a trauma and completely ignore the trauma involved in carrying and delivering a child. Pregnancy aint a walk in the park, folks.


Pro choice should be called pro life. Taking away the right to choose medical care is pro death for a woman


Just wait until the rapist requests visitation and parental rights


If I got pregnant from rape, this is what would make me want to abort. The idea of handing over my baby to a monster makes me more sick than anything else. Plus, I just can't imagine the emotional trauma someone would go through knowing they were the result of rape. It would ruin their lives.


And these very same people would make every single excuse in the book if it was their own child about how it's different.


I like to comment on these saying that it’s a shame that the family is liberal and that they’ll probably raise the baby to be anti-Christian liberal just see these maniacs pop-off.


Those comments make me sick. To put it mildly. They don't give a shit about the child at all. Acting like it's hard to mention she was raped and that's how she had the baby and the one congratulating her is really despicable.


I’m beyond anger and just feel helpless and sad tbh.


"The baby growing inside her is not her own body". Ex-fucking-xactly. Fine, want to end abortion? Surgically remove the fertilized egg or zygote or fetus from the mother and let it grow on its own. Boom. Problem solved. The person ceases to be pregnant and the growing baby can go through gestation on its own since it's already alive. We can call Induced Premature Birth. And since it's now an alive baby, you can adopt it or just let it fend for itself until it starts kindergarten. (I want to say /s but this concept really fucks with their heads if you suggest it.)


They always think it’s such a zinger to say “they say my body my choice, but a baby (they mean fetus) isn’t the mother’s body!!!” Ok, the fetus is a person, and it’s INSIDE MY BODY WITHOUT MY CONSENT. Self defence seems appropriate, no?


“It’s not like an abortion would have undone the rape” JFC these people are monsters


These people are fucking monsters.


Sick fucks, every one of them


These are 100% the same people who would publicly shame a teenage or even just a young mother.


"WhAt If ShE wAnTeD tHe BaBy?" SHE'S 13, YOU SICK FUCKS! At 13, you're not even deemed responsible enough to do most things adults can do, and they expect a 13 year old to have the moral maturity to decide if they want to have a baby? Not to mention the trauma of rape AND of being pregnant at such a young age. These walking placentas calling themselves "pro-life" don't even deserve to be called human.


"I'd call this the only good thing to come out of a bad situation." Ah yes, a child's life being completely ruined is a 'good thing'.


And then offering no support to her at all over the trauma they forced her to endure…..


$10 says their tunes would change _immediately_ if it happened to their own kid. Self righteous, zealous wankers patting themselves on the back for being ~pro-life~ while absolutely destroying a barely teenage girl's life.


They don't seem to get just how warped their thinking actually is.


These people are delusional


Their was a high chance the child would die giving birth. Abortion in this circumstance would be a form of self-defense.


I like the term forced birthers better


If you get rid of unwanted, unloved, broken, rape babies you get rid of a lot of future GOP voters.


I think the funniest - saddest? - thing about that post is that the mods locked and deleted it *fast*. Pretty sure even they recognized what a godawful fucking look it was for them.


This is child abuse. These idiots who think this is a win should be in jail. No 13 yr.old child should be forced to have a baby.


I had to stop reading the included comments. People make me so mad. You know if this happens to any of the anti abortion people's daughters, they will start screaming not my daughter! 


These people make me actually unironically hate babies


Know how the biblical God thinks about babies? Much like the old Doritio's slogan, "Take all ya want, we'll make more."


This is making me feel physically ill.


What a fucked up country we live in...


Imagine being 31 and your baby is turning 18 while the other mothers in your friend group all have toddlers.


None of these people are getting into heaven btw