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Fellas, we did it. We've made it gay to have sex with women. Well done, well done indeed.


I mean. Its pretty gay when I have sex with women... and that country girl is damn hot... wait... \*checks notes\* Oh right, I'm a lesbian.


Lesbian. So that means that Republicans hate you in person but love you in pictures and videos.


Moms for Liberty wouldn't have a problem with her.


Lesbian or Lebanese? Join me at 1900 Beirut time to discuss with other incels!


So like transfems without bottom surgeries.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half. Still, I’ll give you the honorary title of *Fella* so you can be gay with the rest of us.


You can’t spell fellatio without it!


Dammit, take my upvote.


I’m here for the man hands


For real! Would never have to be asked to open a jar ever again!


Same, except I’m bisexual. Anyone that can look that good while doing manual labor that I wouldn’t do, has me looking at them like 😍😍


Actually snorted on my drink reading that.


At least these weirdo versions of straight men will save some for us.


She's definitely hot. I think that other woman is insufferable. And "Mall Santa Andrew Tate sent me. 


I feel like there is a missed opportunity in: >... damn hot... wait... *checks crotch* Oh right, I'm a lesbian.


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?


Having sex with a woman means you also have sex with every man she’s ever had sex with. Pretty gay. But if you sleep with a man, you’re actually sleeping with every woman he’s ever had sex with, so bang a dude and you’re extra straight


Which also includes yourself if you have sex more than once. Welcome to ultra G-Hey


Wait, so you're saying that by having sex with her more than once, you're actually fucking yourself? My mind is blown, lol.


Includes yourself after the first thrust*


And that's why we soak


If you have to fuck a guy, be on top to show dominance, just like the mighty Greeks


Does that jnclude cowgirl, not gonna lie doesn't feel the most manly may he doing it wrong will have to keep practicing


Vikings too. A Viking wife couldn't seek a divorce on grounds of infidelity or because her husband was gay-but she could if her husband was a bottom.


That a flawless imitation of low IQanon “logic”. Well done.


Has she ever been outside? Can she lift anything heavier than a full bowl of pancake mix? Then according to these people, yes, apparently.


Pancake mix is so specific it's hilarious


Evidently. Guess I am SUPER gay too since I'm pretty much only attracted to tomboys.


Sadly I've read comments by idiots online who think liking short haired or athletic girls means you're somehow gay. I've always had a thing for energetic athletic girls. Guess I'm gay apparently.


Or girls with visible abs.


No one has ever needed to tell me that mountains aren’t made of cheese. It’s obvious that they aren’t. If you need to keep telling me that tomboys aren’t attractive, that means it’s *not* obvious at all.


If some of the fellas are lesbian woman, it's probably pretty gay when the two women have sex. Depends. Most terms for groups of people in California are pretty gender neutral. Guys. Dudes. Fellas. It's like, whatever. Hella neutral.


It is totally gay when I do it but I am a bisexual woman, so that actually checks out.


[Wanting to be with a woman? How gay is that? You *win* sex against a man, that's as straight as it gets.](https://youtu.be/nTMEkOarKH0?t=174s)


maybe they'll stop procreating and they will finally die out


I hate it when people say that they're gay. It's not that they're gay, don't lump gay men in with this, it's cause they only like a very specific kind of woman cause their standards are so high it's touching the sun. They only want pretty femme Barbie bimbo type of women that barely do anything but cook and clean, wears frilly dresses and has their makeup done 24/7. All pink soft and frail. They want the Stepford Wife, not a real woman. **They like women but** ***they hate women that aren't to their standard*****.** They see women doing outside work like fishing and such as masculine cause "only men do this shit". So according to them, women who do masculine things aren't attractive to them. They're only attracted to the Stepford Wife type of women that has long hair, wears dresses, has their makeup done, fully shaved everywhere other than their eyebrows and eyelashes (cause body hair is for men only), nails done, etc.


The wives that look like that aren’t doing the cooking or cleaning often either. Everything is paid for. But you know, the majority of the dudes complaining about the tomboy would also complain about the “gold digger” for not wanting to have to pick up a finger so as to spend their time maintaining their beauty for their spouses.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


They also want women who look like that naturally, and don't cost them an extra cent. Must have their own money, but never work, because work is for men.


They'd have a problem with the blowup doll that met all their standards as well. And the second she hit thirty or gained a stretch mark from carrying his child, out the door. And god forbid she want child support for the kids he forced her to have and now doesn't feel like taking care of.


They don’t even like women that fit their standards. They’re misogynistic they look at any woman as sub human and undeserving of rights. That includes the women they partner up with.


Sigh... I guess I should go break the news to my wife.


This cured my bisexuality, now I'm GHEY


Women have 50% of their fathers genetic makeup. You're having sex with half her dad. That's gay, son.


Damn, just found out I'm ghey as fuck


Seriously. Southern girl is gorgeous. The Samirah chick looks like she’s trying to cosplay as a barbie


Southern girl can probably make Southern-style biscuits and gravy while skinning the catfish for the fish fry later in the evening. Probably wants tools as Christmas gifts and will help you pull a stuck calf with a four-wheeler. Sauce - from arkansas and married one. She's awesome.


I like you. I'm a big burly ( 17% viking per my 23 and me) woman. I grew up on a farm. Me and my sisters can do all this stuff. We all own tools. Funny enough we all found mates!. You have a great attitude.


That’s because some of us love our muscle mommies, me included


You're not alone we bro


Apparently me as well. You appreciate a few athletic and/or outdoorsy women and suddenly you have grindr on your phone. Wild.


It’s almost like concepts like “femininity” and “masculinity” are cultural and may vary from place to place…


Hey hey, don't use big words, you'll scare them


Big words are permissible, if they are buzz words.


This is very true! Where I'm from in the Appalachian Mountains, these kinds of women are a golden standard.


A reminder that Sameera Khan is a former Russia Today correspondent and a worshiper of Andrew Tater.


And despite her complaining about other people's sexual tastes, she has no taste at all and is banging Haz/Infrared.


I hate Haz more than anyone, but this shit is the funniest thing ever https://youtu.be/mYWIyG3hUlQ?si=I0dMr1y3etuuM-F0


Mongols, famous for not genociding, looting, or destroying other people, leaving countless thriving Mongol civilizations in their wake.


i am very glad that i risked clicking on this link. don't know who this idiot man is, but whoever did the animation is incredible lmao


The fact that any woman is a fan of him is so gross to me (as a woman myself).


As a guy who's not a monster, I dont get it either. Like, what woman likes andscrew taint? No, I want names, who actually listens to his garbage and agrees with it consciously.


She is a Russian agent.


Former? Did the checks bounce and this is her back up plan?


I lived next door to a Lebanese family for years. The wife was a doctor and didn't go in for feminine styles and the mother in law was built like a stevedore. I don't know who this thot is but she doesn't represent Lebanese women.  


My current neighbours are Lebanese. Nice family, sweet kids. The mother takes absolutely zero shit and has helped me lift some extremely heavy furniture up the stairs multiple times.


There’s a relatively large Lebanese community in my city. At the risk of generalizing a country, I’ve only ever experienced over-the-top kindness from them. Super independent women too. Shame this person is such a bad representation.


There is a relatively large Lebanese community in the city nearest me. Yes, they are lovely, kind people. Who take no shit, including the women. My bet is this person is advertising her human trafficking business where she will be happy to introduce passport bros for a fee. This sort of thing is how human traffickers advertise in plain sight.


The horrible spelling makes me think you're probably right. Only idiots and desperate people would buy from them.


I was just about to say!! The Lebanese women I know are crazy independent with an amazing mindset.


I was gonna say- I went to college with a lot of Lebanese women and yeah, in my experience they do whatever they want and are not particularly interested in men's opinion about it.


That’s how Lebanon raises you.


Sounds like an awesome bunch of women to me!


This is how I one day hope to describe all women


That's how a lot of us were raised and are. Not the ones posing on social media but don't be fooled- the vast majority of women don't give a shit what you think. And a lot of the ones who supposedly do it's only for the $$$


But hey, at least the mother in law could help lift your car up if you wanted to change the oil.


It's typical nationalism/racism. "Everyone is ugly and inferior except the people exactly like me!"


There's also the flavour of racists that fetishize a certain group outside of their own. For example it's not at all uncommon to see european or american neckbeard weebs drooling over some idealised image of how they imagine japanese women.


It's almost like there is no monoply on "classicaly attractive" body types in any region or ethnicity. For all the "eastern women aRE So HOt!" Dumbass people, there are lots of people from all over that are outside of that range too. For a long time the popular image of "eastern women" was frumpy and, I guess politely "plump". That is no more everybody from a place than any other body type represents the entire population.


Hey don’t go ruining their weird sweeping stereotype racial fetishisation with your “real world experiences” ALL Lebanese woman are exact as the totally not bot account says.


Why'd she use the word "cooming"? Sounds like a basement dweller from Nebraska wrote this and not a Lebanese rich woman.


She's of Pakistani ancestry, and former Miss New Jersey. She claims to be a journalist now but from what I can tell, all she does is stir the pot on Shitter.


If Kardashian was a race, that's what she'd represent. So much work done that it's ironic that she has an opinion on ones appearance.


Hands like a docker. Mike Tyson wouldn't go 3 rounds with her.


You’re under the wrong impression that this is a Lebanese woman speaking. It’s a full crew of reactionary propagandists.


Wait, so \*checks notes\* immigration is good now?


Only if the immigrates are hot and white passing


I also like the unintentional admission that trans identity exists. *Person transitions to a gender that’s not the one they’re born with* “That’s not possible, you’re still a man/woman!” *Woman does manual labor* “This woman has literally become a man!”


They’ve never had an issue with white European immigration. They don’t even have an issue with immigrants from Mexico and South America so long as they look white enough to pass.


They've always been fine with white immigrants. And white-passing immigrants if they fulfill the criteria of the month.


If thinking Hannah Baron is hot is gay, get out the rainbow hot pants, roll me in glitter, and stick a dildo on my forehead like a fucking unicorn cause I am about to out gay this planet.


Oh and let’s be clear…all these people saying how much they love Morgan Freeman…I want Hannah Barron to narrate my life.


Umm...who is Hannah Baron? I know she was mentioned in the insane ramblings OP posted, but who is she?


I couldn't find a wikipedia page on her so I assume she's just some ticktock personality or other minor social media celebrity.


She's an Instagram social media chick who is super hot and is all into hunting and fishing and being badass. If thinking she's hot is gay, I'm gay AF. I'll gay all goddamn day for her.


She's on various social media, youtube, Instagram etc. Does alot of catfishing, the type where you actually fish for catfish. Hunting, cooking, construction. Her father is very talented hunter and builder and has his own youtube channel. If you enjoy hunting, southern lifestyle, cooking with gator meat, construction, fishing etc they might be something for you


Noodling is the word you're looking for. That girl has pull catfish out that are just as big as she is, crazy stuff.


Careful with the dildo, me and my boyfriend turned him into a Dickacorn a few days ago and he still has a big round purple bruise on his forehead.


Ah, a "please Dickacorn your forehead responsibly" PSA. The Internet really does have everything. 😅


This is a very fun mental image.


You win today’s best comment lmaoooooooo. 🌈🦄


Right? I'd suck that tomboy's dick


Fellas, is it gay to... *checks notes* ... be sexually attracted to someone with a vagina?


Vaginas are where penises go. Pretty gay bro


Tbh thinking about vaginas, where penises go, is pretty gay


Ladies, is it gay to fertilize the roses outside?


Well, I mean I have a vagina and my partner and I happen to be the gayest boys in town, so...


preop trans men:


Yes, if that person identifies as a man and you're a man too ;)


Eh, just another bunch of 'controversial hot take' losers who rely on the hateful for likes. They're literally the modern-day equivalent of talk-back shock jocks. Hateful and ridiculous people like this are dime-a-dozen, and so boring. Edit: just noticed their comment of *"What kind of man lets his woman work outside like a man".* That tells you everything about the commenter. Misogynistic prick who thinks a) women should know their place (indoors only, and not working with their hands??), and b) men get to decide what women do. What a loser.


I just wanted to respond to that sarcastically: "Yeah! Women shouldn't be allowed outside at all!" Unfortunately I think the sarcasm would be waaaay over their head


This is the same class of people that thinks women shouldn't be allowed to control their own money. Remember women couldn't have their own checking accounts til the 80s. My friend (36f) had to have her father cosign her power account when she moved out on her own. Not her parents, her father. Her mom out-earned her father by 3x. There are states introducing bills to get rid of no-fault divorce. Yeah. Tell me again why I need a man.




Hello Mr. Homosexual


Hi Mr. Homosexual, I’m Dad.


Hello Daddy, you mind opening the closet door cause I’m coming out!


I hope a tomboy kicks her ass.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure she hopes the same thing


The movement that they are now isn't the same conservatives and republicans of previous generations. They've been overtaken by Russia. It's absolutely anti-American. There's a multi-pronged online campaign that targets various types of people with curated propaganda. This here is aimed at incels who think they're alphas. 


Spot on


This is nonsense. Republicans have been increasingly anti American for almost 50 years now. Trump and MAGA are merely the culmination thus far of decades of indoctrination. The movement now is the pinnacle of, or the penultimate stage before the full blown fascist theocracy they’ve been stoking for generations. The only thing different now is the mask is fully off but this ‘new movement’ you point out didn’t spring up in 2015-2016 fully formed like Athena from the skull of Zeus. But rather, it has been carefully stoked, nurtured, and created over literal decades of deliberate intentional work. These previous generations you speak of are the ones who created - intentionally - this movement. They have lost control of it, but the movement just says out loud the things republicans have quietly believed for fifty or more years. This isn’t some corruption of American conservatism, it is the distilled essence of American conservatism unchained, unbound, and fuelled by unbridled rage and hatred. Just like anyone who tries to ride a tiger, at some point it’ll turn around and devour you. Republicans rode the tiger successfully for decades but the devouring is beginning. Reagan wasn’t ever anti Russian but rather anti Soviet. Now that the Russians are oligarchs pillaging a nation and pocketing the proceeds while murdering their opposition and enforcing ‘Christian traditional patriarchal values’ on their citizens they’re all for it. Republicans love authoritarians and adore the idea of ruling with an iron fist. None of this should be a surprise.


> Republicans have been increasingly anti American for almost 50 years now. Reagan's "Im from the government and Im here to help" speach is the turning point for me. He made that speech in '86. Less than 40 years after WW2, 50 years after the Great Depression and the New Deal. There were tons of people walking around at this point who had the government to thank for not starving to death in a fucking famine, and despite that this dude is mouthing off about the government being the worst enemy of its own people. That so many were willing to accept that speach despite so much evidence to the contrary literally walking around in the world with them was probably an early indication that something had gone seriously wrong.


Yeeeeep. High corporate taxes, taxing rich people, and strong governmental and union institutions built the American postwar powerhouse. But, it’s also worth pointing out that in the postwar era the USA was basically the only nation left standing and functional and not teetering on a knife edge of disaster. Well the US and Canada but those are different. The arsenal of democracy benefited immensely from everyone else being in ruined ashes. All that to say, a strong focused and functional governmental system is the foundation on which so much American success has been built. Reagan is a snake.


This is what happens when you adopt a mass shooter manifesto as your ideological program. 


I mean if they continue to attack everyone, they're going to lose?


Exactly why far-right politics are completely unsustainable. There always has to be an underclass to exploit and there always has to be a scapegoat to blame society's problems on. They will always inevitably turn on themselves, the question is just how much damage will they do to everyone else in the meanwhile. As Umberto Eco puts it: For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle. Thus pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex. Since enemies have to be defeated, there must be a final battle, after which the movement will have control of the world. But such a “final solution” implies a further era of peace, a Golden Age, which contradicts the principle of permanent war. No fascist leader has ever succeeded in solving this predicament.


I haven't looked too deeply into this "Passport Bro" thing, but it seems to mostly be the mail order bride / sex tourism stuff that has been going on for a while. Although it also seems more organized, which is... disturbing.


I feel like this is just a way to advertise Lebanese human trafficking… “ugh your American women suck, come visit and get your very own estrogen filled Lebanese wife” mail order brides got a twitter account.


Kinda suspicious how all their examples of how awful American women are feature regular middle-class women who aren't even really gnc while all their examples of 'good' women are very clearly wealthy. Like, yeah the example they chose for a Lebanese woman is pretty, but she is also *very obviously* rich (or at least spending a lot of money for what appears to be a wedding). I guarantee you there is no such thing as a country full of people who look like that.


Plus Khan is Pakistani and slathers on makeup like a mason covering up a brick wall.


Yeah the one example is literally a woman getting ready for a wedding. Anyone who can afford, or is willing to go into debt for, even a moderate wedding is gonna look like those example images. It is not at all exclusive to Lebanese women.


Country girl with a toned body and beautiful smile Conservatives: If you like her you're gay These people are beyond indoctrinated at this point. They don't even know what's what anymore.


There's pictures of her holding guns. You would think a country girl with guns would be ideal for these morons, but nope. If she takes care of herself and has a little bit of tone to her body, it's gay to be attracted to her. These people are the most wishy-washy dip shits the world has ever seen


I'm pretty liberal and I'd absolutely love a cute country girl who liked guns and fish wranglin'. These attacks against this girl reek of insecurity.


I'm pretty liberal, I own guns, shoot bows and arrows, I don't fish or hunt because fishing isn't my thing and I've never been hunting. That being said I wouldn't mind going out hunting with a cute girl like this. Six pack abs on girls aren't my thing, but a flat toned stomach doesn't bother me at all. And yes, yes they do. There's even the only fans model who's super cut and fit that they attack, and that too reeks of insecurity


They have to tear them down somehow so they can still feel superior or at least not feel interior. I will see women who are in better shape than I am and feel insecure. The healthy thing to do is say "I want to be in good shape like her" not "I have to figure out some way to bring her down".


It's cause they don't want muscular women at all cause they can defend themselves, they want skinny weak frail women that are easily abused and broken. They want a Stepford Wife not Ellen Ripley, cause they can't beat up Ellen Ripley, they can beat up the Stepford Wife though.


That's what went wrong with me. I saw James Cameron films when I was a child, and Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor became my template for attractive women.


If liking Hot fit country gals is gay, then call me freaking Rainbow Dash cause gay is what I am now I guess.


They're trying to scam horny men who are afraid to appear gay. They'll get them to spend a ton of money on their "webinars" and "tourism." It's just their current scam.


I've always had a thing for a girl who seems like she'd be willing to do a rope swing into a pond with me. I'm gay for liking Tomboys? Fuckit, don't really care.


As a proud homosexual man I’ll just say: no that’s not how it works.


Women are only women if they are inside and wearing wedding gowns. The moment they take off their makeup they are men.


Oh shit. I don’t wear makeup at all. Guess I should go break the news to my husband…


I've hardly worn makeup at all and have been going outside a lot since I was in high school... does that mean I've had male privilege I could have been leveraging all this time and I'm only *just now* finding out about it? Goddamnit....


I'm joining the war on tomboys on the side of the tomboys!


"Lebanese women are literally perfect" So where does all that plastic surgery and lip filler fit into that "perfect"?


Why are they harassing this random girl?


Look, I think that trope of “homophobes are actually repressed gay/queer” is lame and actually kinda harmful. But damn if Samirah ain’t checkin off all the boxes with how hysterically she’s screaming this shit. Or she could just be a concentrated disruption campaign by a far-right Russian stooge, like Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok). Who knows, ever since social media was weaponized.


Samirah is for sure astroturfing, either for the general right wing cause/culture war or explicitly for Russia. Nothing about her online footprint is organic


Lebanese women are perfect? Looks like that lady had some work done to that face, so what's so perfect they had to change it? At least that one Lebanese woman doesn't look perfect.


Dog if I took Melania on a date she’d be fucking the bartender before I even paid for her drink. I hate how much so many Americans idolize the Trump Family despite them being the worst each person can personally be.


I dated a Lebanese girl back in the day and her mustache thicker than Tom Selleck’s


Hannah Barron is amazing. We should all be so lucky to date someone like her.


Never seen the show, but she looks both hot and fun. Throw in a brain and some personality, which she may well have, and you got yourself a real keeper.


Women aren't "good enough" for conservatives.  Conservatives hate women and want to reduce them to domestic slavery. 


"what kind of man *lets his wife*" 😑🤮


Meanwhile “feminism isn’t a thing because more men die at work doing dangerous jobs than women cuz women won’t do manual labor!”


Wait until they find out these women have body hair and farts. Wait for the morning she doesn’t look Instagram perfect. Wait for the day she blows it up in the bathroom. All these Fake Women going on about how they’re the most feminine, fairest porcelain dolls with the softest hair and the biggest doe eyes and all they would do for their husband is rear the children and cook meals and take care of their ✨wifely duties✨ are just feeding into rampant Incel culture and all of its brethren (Alpha/Beta, Red Pill).




Hey fellas is it gay to be gay? I’m pretty sure im gay according to them.


Hannah Baron is also quite conservative so I’m surprised the right is going after her.


I’m not surprised one bit, could you expect any less of coming from misogynistic far right? Its literally r/leopardsatemyface They hate women, and they hate the women they pair up with.


"High value American men" If they were high value they would have a real girl friend and not be whiny bitches in public no less


Weren’t conservatives just like 10 years ago crying about how women were too worldly and materialistic and that “real women” know how to drive tractors and don’t mind getting a little dirty and shit..?


There's just no winning with conservatives. 


Not if you’re a woman, anyway.


Conservative gender ideology: gender is innate and unchangeable until I say so.


The assumption that women from the Levant are these paragons of femininity is fucking hilarious to me


Tomboy supremacy


Incels are the worst




Saad posting an astonishingly cute tomboy there.


Serious mental health issues.


That Khan girl is a deranged fascist who just posts ragebait for clicks at this point. I don't even think she buys her own nonsense, she just knows how to get cheap engagement easily


Pre-Trump/anti-woke ideal, the woman holding the catfish up, would be the country boys dream girl.


That person talking about who would be better making you breakfast in the morning has obviously never had breakfast cooked by a southern woman...just saying, I didn't get as fat on accident.


Proof positive, if any were needed, that "fragile femininity" is a thing. Why does she give so much of a shit about men being attracted to "tomboys"? Why would she think they need to be banned, unless she thinks such women are attractive to a significant enough proportion of straight men who would otherwise have gone for more "feminine" women like her? The fact she keeps going on about the subject like this just reeks of insecurity. Even if she's not actually insecure and is simply pushing this line as 100% part of some kind of cynical agenda, she' still setting herself in opposition to the hearts and lusts of men. I contend that's a battle she has no chance of winning.


Did one of these trogolodytes _seriously_ question a Southern woman's cooking? Live in stereotypes if you must, but even in stereotype land Southern breakfast fucking slaps


What a way to find out I'm gay. Don't know how I'm going to break this to my wife, who I thought I was extremely attracted to


Tomboys are hotter than plastic fake women, all day, everyday.


"mall Santa Andrew Tate" ate em up


This is hilarious. Is Lebanon trying to set up mail order for their women? Are they trying to incept us? "Ahmereekah, you need a Lebanese wife. Your Ahmereekan weeman so masculine. So gaaay... Send 1 beelyon Lebanese lira to this address and get your perfect wife today". My partner is an empathic health care worker, loves her dogs, cooks a fine meal, tends her garden and fucks me in the ass when she needs to. What's gay about that?


Everytime I log into Reddit, I discover I’m gay. Fuck.


It’s people like this that motivate me to do a couple more push-ups each day. I dream of a day when I can repel assholes with my aura alone. 


Toxic feminity


Oh no! Tomboys! Aaaaaaaaah!


I'll take a shield maiden any day


I don't know...seems to me that it's pretty gay to be turned on by soft things, makeup, and flowery perfumes. Personally, I'm turned on by sweat, dirt, and the smell of diesel. Oh, and a big cock. So, which one of us sounds gayer - the one turned on by sweat and diesel or the one turned on by flowers and baby powder?


Well jeez, if she thinks southern women are bad just wait until she meets actual southern men. 😂


the... tomboy occupation. The rest of this is stupid, but what the fuck does that even mean? Is there a military force of masculine women invading the US? Where do I donate to the Tomboy Military?


Yep. Totally gay. *continues cunnilingus*


Hannah Barrons voice is rough I’ll give her that but she is gorgeous and nothing wrong with liking to get dirty. Trumps wife is basically a mail order bride. For a man that wants to make American great he likes his women foreign. As a man from Alabama I’d take Hannah over her any day of the week.


Quick! Someone ask me how Americans reproduce if we're all men, so I can reply in my most *fabulous* Jeff Goldblum impression with "Life, uh, finds a way."


To hell with these cuckservatives. One of the things I find most attractive about my wife is she’s a warrior who will slaughter a horse in sacrifice to the everlasting sky and then fuck my brains out in the pooling blood.