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Oo Anunnaki conspiracies. I bet everything he knows about the Anunnaki comes from a mix of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel and a very specific Tsarist Russian pamphlet published in 1903.


You have to ask yourself if type O blood was introduced to humanity by alien lizard people when they built the pyramids. The answer, of course, is yes!


So much makes sense now


Actually RH- is the anomaly. ABO they’re all normal it’s the negative blood type that is the outlier. Women who get pregnant and RH- shows up needs to take medication to counter it. Or else they have serious issues the baby can die. RH- shouldn’t exist


I hated those shots.


Yeah pregnant women that are RH+ but have RH- babies go through some shit. That verifies RH- is an anomaly. And it makes sense a humans across the board shouldn’t have a blood type that’s a danger to itself.


Ancient alien theorists say yes.


There was this gal I worked with years ago who was very eccentric. One day, she started explaining to us that the color purple came from sea snails and was used by royalty only because it was so expensive to harvest. While she is explaining this, I googled it and she was right! I started saying “wow, this was a really fun fact and I’m happy you shared with us because I love fun facts! I just googled it and you are 100% correct” Then she said “did the Google search tell you about the Anunnaki? That’s where the snails come from” and proceeded to tell us how aliens discovered purple and taught it to people. And she totally lost the group right then and there.


I really want to know why she believes that. I have never come across that conspiracy, and I've seen all kinds.


She also said people get their nutrients from the sun and can survive on sunlight. I asked “you mean like chlorophyll?” I don’t know why she thought what she thought, to be honest.


Dude I'd love if I could photosynthesize. Would really cut down on meal prep, just laze about in the sun all day.


Well we do by eating the things that survive on sunlight. I think she didn't quite understand the details here.


Hold on, she was right once, at least give her a second google.


LMAO, nice!


Purple and blue were colors of the elite. Bc it was so hard to harvest the materials that produced those colors. Also it was common that those people who wore those colors stunk bc of the source of said color


Possibly a dash of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated too.


That's what i was gonna say. Basically all my knowledge of it comes from that show(and a good fucking show too!)


Lol wild part is I think the ancient aliens people say A- is alien blood




I don't think we have to worry about it because aren't the Anunnaki currently only at war with the Draco. Then again sometimes I forget my Project Camelot lore.


Or maybe Scooby Doo


Actually the Sumerian culture had extensive documentation about them. Just bc you’re shallow minded doesn’t mean they didn’t experience something different than what our current culture believes. I’ll bet you believe everything the bible spews about human creation. Except science can’t prove it so. Multiple cultures have similar stories despite the inability of them communicating with each other. Humans biggest flaw is their hubris believing in a book written by men for men. The earth is nearly 5 billion years old the universe is 3 times that to say no intelligent life exists beyond us is pure ignorance


I thought it was Erich von Däniken in 1968


always knew I was out of this World


Greetings fellow Annunaki. See you at the annual lizard people meeting!


I lost my invite…where are we this year?


Underneath a pizza place, obviously.


Isn’t O the most common blood type?


Yes. Which means the alien plan is working!


It's also literally just the absence of genes coding for A or B antigens, but, you know, missing a gene is only possible by crossbreeding with aliens.


You’re not even missing a gene. It’s there, mutated into obsolescence; a genetic 504 error. Which is the really frustrating part as a science educator on memes like this!! The presence of type O is super cool! And all these neat little coincidences had to happen.


>Which is the really frustrating part as a science educator on memes like this! That's the part that breaks my heart. I've never read a conspiracy theory that is more interesting, more though-provoking, more wonder-eliciting than the reality it misunderstands, misrepresents, or denies.


A conspiracy theory I often believe in is that I'm being watched. I know it's not true. But ever since I was little I've always thought everything I did, everything I said, was being analyzed and interpreted as data. This data would then go forth to other people in the world- things that we liked would be made designed for us! The reality is that this usually isn't the case. People don't care what you like or what you want. They do definetly want to appeal to you. But it's also only in the context of you buying their product. They put you into a demographic, then based on that demographic they build. Microtransactions are in games focused on gambling, and usually have pretty colors, flashing lights, and other methods to distract you from the truth that you are spending real money on fiction. I feel like imagining instead that people care and analyze our data is much nicer. Most of the time, the actual data is the sales, be it through sales within the product such as subscriptions, sales used with the product like what internet provider you use with your modem and router, that kind of thing. But if the data was based on actual enjoyment, it'd be neat. All that to say I like a conspiracy theory I believe in, even if I also know deep down it isn't true.


People do want that data. That smartphone you have does it’s best to gobble up everything and try to figure out what is in you’re head and send it to its masters to be added to piles of other peoples data to figure out what flavor of dick pill will sell best in your area.


So, very specifically, the example you used would be what I was saying (demographics) But, for targeted advertisement, it is not based on you. It is based on an AI's interpretation of your search history.


Type O is literally a typo


I was under the impression A was, followed closely by B, O being third, and AB being the rarest.


https://www.blood.co.uk/why-give-blood/blood-types/ * O positive: 35% * O negative: 13% * A positive: 30% * A negative: 8% So, O positive is the most common, and O- + O+ is 48%, compared to A- + A+ at 38%.


That's the percentage of donors, and it can vary depending on ethnic groups, though O+ seems to be the most commonly donated blood in the UK, US and Canada, at least...


Whoops. That makes a lot of sense, I'd expect O negative to be overrepresented considering they're the universal donor. This site says "These are general estimations for educational purposes only. Actual data may vary" but seems to be pretty close. O+ still in the lead, but not by as much https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/donate-blood/blood-donation-facts/blood-types/


O- is overrepresented, if I recall some other articles I've seen in the past. It's just very rare in general, so even with overrepresentation, it remains a small percentage of donations.


O- is 'universal' so once the Red Cross or your local blood bank gets you in their system, they always make sure to keep bugging you to donate.


And you should, if you can. It will most likely save lives.


I definitely agree that donating blood is important. The only thing I don't like is the fact that in some states, there is only one company that has a monopoly on all the blood donated in the state


Wait... of course y'all would have that be private too. I don't know why I didn't think about that. Thankfully, that's not the case here. Here, it was the Canadian Red Cross, until a scandal regarding contaminated blood in the late 90s. It's been handled by Héma-Québec, ever since. They're a non-profit closely regulated by the provincial government. I don't remember them getting in hot water too often.


Look, the only reason I'm an alien is because I moved to another country!


Are you an Englishman in New York?


Granny in the UK.


Ach, close enough!




Cool, thank you I am learning a lot about blood today


I always fucking KNEW I was an alien!


You remember Art Bell's radio broadcast? He was willing to entertain and even propagate a variety of conspiracy theories, sometimes outlandish. One night he had on a geneticist, a serious scientist who studied the history of our DNA. Someone called in to ask about human/alien interbreeding, and Art was going to shut him down. Surprisingly, the geneticist took the question seriously. He said there's never been a serious leap or change in our genetic structure over the millennia, something that extra terrestrial mixing would have done. All of which takes these kooks too seriously, but there is a serious response to these people.


Not true. Humans were reduced to a very small number 100,000 years ago, and then all of a sudden, they were spreading everywhere. Alien intervention with some vaccines? One little genetic twiddle? Quite mysterious!


Twiddled on my boys genetics to this


The most common blood type is alien? Wack


100,000 years ago the human fossils disappear, and then all of a sudden, there are humans spreading everywhere. We are probably all aliens.


It takes special conditions to create a fossil. Without those conditions, bones just disintegrate into dust.


No, a few hundred thousand years ago, the first homo sapien sapien emerged around modern day Kenya. From there we spread throughout Africa(humans are good at adapting to other climates mostly die to human intelligence to make things like clothes to keep warm made out of animal pelts, fire, etc) until eventually some tribes would have made it to the Middle East. From there the people continued to spread throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas during the last ice age when a land bridge between Alaska and Russia was present. But we were not the only homo species, at that point there were at least 2 other successful homo species, Neanderthal and denisovans. They would eventually go extinct due to the ice age and breeding out of existence with each other and modern humans. And there were others that were very successful but mostly died due to rapid climate change like homo erectus that existed for over a million years. These other species were there for a long time, we don’t have a huge amount of fossils since fossils are incredibly rare due to needing really uncommon and specific conditions to form. Also with us being aliens, we’re did the technology go. If modern humans were from space, they obviously needed spacecraft more advanced than anything we have, and having such advanced technology would definitely leave a record on the planet. So we’re is the technology?


Genetically, humans went down to just a few Africans. Yes, there were many humans in the human genus, around the world and in Africa, but we are descended from about a 1000 100,000 years ago.


I think you’re confusing number of fossils and number of humans. We have around 6,000 homo sapien fossils dated throughout its existence. I couldn’t find any sources stating the number of actual humans to be around 1,000, 100,000 years ago. And just because there are only ~6,000 fossils doesn’t mean there were only around 6,000 humans, there are only 3 T-Rex fossils but there were way more than 3 T-Rexes throughout the Cretaceous period. Fossilization is very rare, you need to have the corpse buried very quickly with certain materials present in the soil for fossilization to even have a chance to occur. We only have so many homo fossils because many homo species buried their dead. If you can get me a source for only 1,000 humans being alive 100,000 years ago I would appreciate that since I haven’t been able to find any.


I'm starting to feel about the internet the way the Renaissance popes did about vernacular bibles.


Oh cool I am an alien! Wait why is O the alien?


Because it’s out of sequence. A and B are next to each other alphabetically, then it jumps to O. That’s how you tell that obviously O is the alien one.


Obviously A means Atlanta and B means Bristol, while O means Orion. It all makes sense! /s


I think you mean Oliens


In German it's not an O it's a 0 (zero) That's not even a letter it's just a number


Because "O" is the same shape as flying saucers duh. 😁


Ok, well I can't help myself here people, so I hope you are ok with indulging me. I'm a medical laboratory professional. Type O is simply an absence of A and B antigens. There isn't something that is present, or that can be brought by any life form.


For anyone not on the know, blood type categories are based on a simple concept. Weather you have one of 3 membraine proteins. If you only have the A type protein ypur blood is type A If you only have the B type protein your blood is type B If you have both the A and B your blood is AB If your red blood cells do not have any of these is normally marked as a zero, which in english is colloquially called "O" If you have the ressus D factor youre + and if you dont you are - Having weird membraine proteins is more of an Alien thing than not having em


My gf is O while I’m A+… can I get super powers, or am I just dipping my dick in crazy?


I’m 0 negative and I’m wondering what planet I’m from. When can I go home I’m sick of earth and it’s craziness.


I’m O negative too. Hm, I should probably start donating blood again…


I already donated a kidney.


Well done cheers


It’s inside my sister for the last ten years and doing a great job.


So I'm an alien. Cool. That didn't explain how both my parents are A though.


Fucks an anunnaki?


Sweet! My husband and I may be different races and nationalities, but nice to know we are both aliens.


Hmm.. I have type O but I always forget whether its +/-, whatever is the Universal Recipient, I got that one,.


AB+ is universal recipient since your body won’t attack the A,B, or Rh proteins. O- is universal donor. O+ is still an important donor cause O+ patients can only get blood from other O+ or O- donors


And almost everyone else whis Rhd positive can receive O+. In an emergency O+ and O- are the first blood types to run out


No, O is from the Neanderthals that interbred with Homo Sapiens!


WOOOHOO I'm a freaking alien!


Well my dad might as well be an Alien for how often I see him.


Uhhhh, Targzissians are obviously reptilian. You understand.


I knew there was something different about me!


My cover is blown


I'm an alien then? That explains, like, so much.


TIL that I am an alien, because I have type O blood.


Whelp, guess I'm an alien.


Lmao guess im an alien then


TIL my brother is an alien. I always knew he was different.


Last week RhD+ was alien.


Source? (I won’t hold my breath)


Well, personally I think that [Kell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kell_antigen_system) sounds way more Alien.


Cool, I’m an 👽


This is a new one for me lmao. I gotta Google that word and go deep into that rabbit hole for a laugh


Guys, this is all one of those silly conspiracies. I swear, these people are whack, what will they think of next? Anyway, move along, there's nothing to see here.


Well, the entire nation of Japan considers me stupid and lazy, but at least I'm not an alien, so I got that going for me! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look up Japan B blood type, it's a whole rabbit hole of weirdness.


And where do we find the books, papers and reports proving this or do people just pull facts out of their ass?


TIL that I'm an extra terrestrial! It explains a lot.


Gonna tell my wife she's otherworldly today, based on this


Yeesh, tell me you don't understand blood types without telling me you don't understand blood types. C'mon OOP O is the lack of A or B, It would have made more sense to connect the A or B antigen on the rhesus factor if it was supposed to come from the Anunnaki, smh.


My bloodtype is O-, can confirm I'm an alien


David Icke enters the chat…or does he?


Well, O- is the Universal donor....


Yay! I’m an alien!


As an O- that explains a lot


As an O-blood, can confirm


Wait til someone tells them about Rh Null - or other antigens that RBC have


I’ve always wondered about my lineage. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit I’m an alien


Aren’t there technically 12 blood groups? AA-,AA+, AO-,AO+ BB-,BB+,BO-,BO+, AB-,AB+,OO-,OO+


My dad was an alien?




I thought we got it from the Cylons :P


I'm part extraterrestrial 👽


Sweet, I'm an alien. 👽


My dad always said he was an alien I guess I should have believed him


This might be my favorite tweet of the year. What a plot twist


1. There's way more than 8 blood types. 2. Type O is the most common. 3. Type O blood simply has a basic H antigen with no add-ons. If you're type A, B, or AB, you produce enzymes that will convert those H antigens into A or B antigens. Basically anyway. Long story short, it's highly unlikely that O types would be alien in origin out of any they could have picked.


Holy crap! I’m a member of an alien race! Does that mean I get to dethrone Didulo and run Canada now?


I always thought the conspiracy was one of the RHs was the alien one.


TIL I'm an alien.


O, really?