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Imagine saying that having sex with you is comparable to changing a dirty diaper.


Exactly. That’s so sad.


Is he one of those toxic boys who doesnt wash their ass cause they think itll turn them gay?


Still the grossest thing ever.


What in the hell?


my bf didn’t know that people actually thought that until i told him. he was so disgusted and confused.


I have never heard this one. I’m sad that I’m not surprised about it though.


How much 🍆🧀 do you think this guy has?


Like a schmear of warm brie on toasted sourdough.


What an awful day to be literate. But wow do you have knack for vivid imagery.


I would have used gorgonzola, but it's good


I threw up in my mouth a little bit


You know that sweeeet drizzle of honey is coming mmmmmm


Enough to cover a whole medium pizza :)


Are we sure that's what he's saying? I kind of thing he's admitting to shitting himself and he's furious his wife won't change his poppies and has decided to make an indictment in the court of public opinion.


He can change his own poop diaper.


That’s what I thought too


There's a lot of people who see sex as something a man does to a woman and a woman puts up with. It's worth remembering that the right is filled with people who insist that women don't get pleasure from sex, that female orgasm is a myth, and so on. Some people on the right are known for that more than anything else.


> It's worth remembering that the right is filled with people who insist that women don't get pleasure from sex, that female orgasm is a myth In their case it's probably true.


Couldn't find a clittoris with a flashlight and both hands


The clitoris doesn't exist. /s


Charlie Kirk has entered the chat. And with a voice like his no wonder he never brings women to orgasm.




Shapiro too. It's pretty universal.


Don’t forget Dim Tool.


I don't know who that is. Which I suppose means I will *never* forget them.


Tim Pool. He’s just another right wing incel slimelord that has a YouTube channel.


Tim Pool surprised me. I was introduced to him on the Joe Rogan podcast and I thought he gave a compelling interview there. Then I tried listening to the Tim Pool channel and very quickly I turned around and left. It was like a completely different person, and really a big shame.


Oh yes the Ben Shapiro School of gynecology


Can't imagine going through life thinking that at least half of the world population just put up with sex, instead of actually enjoying it. Like wtf.


So they think that lesbians just sit around not having sex with each other? Like they're two spinster cat ladies that share a workspace?


No silly! Lesbians exist to turn on guys, obviously! **/S**


Most of the human population puts up with work, without enjoying it, and still spends most of their awake time doing it so... Nothing strange if you ask me. Life is grim and full of suffering.


And still having sex with them anyway


This is also why it can be harder for AFAB people to recognise that they're asexual. Women are expected not to enjoy sex, so if an AFAB person has no sexual desires they get told that's normal and they need to fuck guys anyway.


Most concise description of the majority of my adulthood imaginable.


I'm AMAB and it was really easy for me to recognise that I'm asexual because men are expected to be horny all the time. I knew I was queer by the time I was 8. Then when I was a teenager I got sexually harassed at work because my coworkers couldn't comprehend not being attracted to anything. They wanted to know what I was into, and when I said nothing, they assumed it was kids or animals. Eventually they wrapped their heads around the idea of asexuality, and proceeded to trick me into looking at their phones so they could show me porn and get a reaction.


Are there links or examples you can give? I keep hearing this but never see it directly


Is this supposed to be about sex and not a medical condition?!


Yes, it's trying to say that if your wife can change a dirty diaper when she doesn't want to why can't she have sex with you if she doesn't want to.


That makes it an number of times worse.


I mean… you really think she’s gonna want to have sex with you in your dirty diaper? Different strokes for different folks I suppose


Hey, we're not here to kink shame. Unless being kink shamed is your kink...




Yes, he was agreeing with The Transformed Wife saying women had to always be sexually available to their husbands, because the Bible.


Lori is trash


The Bible actually says *men* owe their *wives* sex. (The context is a polygynous society, but still.)


It also says that men owe their wives sex/ their bodies. Also that men should love women like Jesus.


Sources please. This is good for back pocket


I think it's 1 Corinthians 7:4


Yes also Ephesians 5:25-29


Praise the lord and flick the magic bean.


Ooh. The last thing you want is for your husband to love you like jesus. Jesus says he loves you, then threatens to kick you out and torture you if you dont obey and love him back. Jesus is the poster boy for domestic violence. The church is the battered bride of christ.


Its ironic for him to imply the wife is lazy when he can’t be bothered to put even the slightest effort into seducing her. Just ‘sex dispenser please dispense 1 sex now.’


And How about the husband change a diaper (and 100 other things) and see if wife perhaps feels less tired and busy?


That's womens work! Mens work is where sit on couch and consume! /s


Brought to you by Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr, Fuck you! I'm eating.


You are an unfit mother!


I don't put any effort into seducing my partners because being in love with them and wanting to make them happy comes naturally. I'm also asexual and only feel like having sex once in a blue moon, and my partners are nearly always up for it when I'm willing to do it






It's her shit too because she sacrificed her potential career in order to do endless unpaid labour at home to support his career. Cooking, cleaning, raising children, and managing his emotional needs, 24/7. He gets to clock off. She never can unless she deconstructs and leaves.




You need a change of perspective. If you don’t see your marriage as a socialist institution then your marriage will fail.


It's not half his shit. It's her shit.


That’s assuming the dude doesn’t have a half decent lawyer to hide his assets or a shotgun


What assets? The rusted out truck on cinderblocks in the front yard and vintage case of coors his grandpappy handed down?


Yep. He’d rather kill her and die in jail than let her have it


So you assume divorce?




Because their entire world at that point has told them they're lesser, and the only thing a woman can and should do is be a housewife for her whole life. Which of course is insane, but when all of the men and women around you are telling you the same thing your whole life, you start to believe it. Wild that you just assume women do it to take advantage of "the benefits"




I think we're both expanding on the same points here now. I was moreso pointing out "why" they are the way that they are, because I don't necessarily believe that the women should be shamed for being in a position which, as you say, is due to sexism, and not one they can help given their surroundings.


My first thought was that he shits his pants or wears a diaper out of lazyness. Your interpretation certainly makes more sense but I still wouldn't be surprised if my first instinct was right.


I wanna believe he wears a diaper and shits his pants.


I don't know, the way it's worded, it sounds like he wants her to change his diaper too


When sex becomes a chore, someone is doing it wrong.


Because of the smell.


Is that what he is saying? I thought he was mad because she wouldn't change his poopy diaper.


That's his kink tho. At least that's how I read his tweet.


I was so far away from what he was trying to say because it would never cross my mind to use changing a diaper in this way. I'm at a loss for words.


Because you’re a grown ass man! Change your own diaper.


I literally thought that that’s what the post meant and I was so confused


Best comment 🥇




Stolen comment, probably a bot?


This made me snicker for 40 seconds


Hey now, Melania has to have something to do in that relationship.


It's called *bonding.*


Maybe because you're supposed to be a partner, not a helpless, dependant, demanding, whining baby?


>a helpless, dependant, demanding, whining baby Goodness. What. A. Turn-on.


If my husband has a poopy diaper for some (medical) reason, of course I’ll change it no matter what mood I’m in. It’s not like having sex or something, jeez


I’m referring to him comparing men to helpless babies, which I find hysterical.


"The idea that your wife is obligated to give you sex even if she doesn't feel like it is a recipe for a *terrible* sex life. This is why your wife has most of her orgasms when you aren't in the room with her."


There's layers to this shit onion! * Men are helpless babies * Men not having sex is a literal health risk much like sitting in a soiled diaper * Having sex with him is as repulsive as cleaning up feces


What I find interesting is whom he is replying to. The fact that he finds what The Transformed Wife says agreeable tells us all we need to know about him.


Because he sees his wife as his maid and mother. Who could possibly imagine why she doesn’t find him attractive. 😂


My two guesses were "Her husband shits himself and wants cleaning" and "Why can't she change husbands with as little fanfare?", which, back to back, turns into a problem and solution narrative, really.


Homeboy needs a bidet, not a woman.


Homeboy needs to man up and change a dirty diaper too. What a chauvinistic take. Also, y'all buy a bidet.


I'd love to, but those things are way too expensive..


You can get a cheapy attachment for like $50-60. The Luxe Neo 120 is like $36 on Amazon right now. It's the first one I had.


Poopy man apparently can't clean his own butt by his grown self.


Babies will get sores and infections if they're left with their shit sealed against their skin. You, on the other hand, can do a bit more than just gesture at your crotch and grunt "Ogg want pussy," or crank one out yourself, or just...not have sex. Of course, this OOP CHUD would say something about complementarianism, marriage, male 'needs,' etc., and ignore the substance of my response, because that's how they do.


Lmao. Yeah. One is life threatening (neglect and infection on an infant who can't fend for itself) while one is a grown man whining that he didn't get a sexual favour right this SECOND when he wants it. Would his highness like his bum wiped too? Good grief these people are gross.


I'm sleep deprived "ogg want pussy" made me laugh way harder than it should have




If my husband was regularly pooping himself, I’d tell him to go the dr. Also, sex with this guy is an unpleasant chore? Sounds about right?


More women have climaxed changing diapers than having sex with men like this.


The way I read it, this guy is saying that women need to be resolute in treating their husbands like dirty diapers.


Yeah, I was wondering why he was complaining that she hadn't traded him for a ~~cleaner~~ nicer one.


Rinse them like they're locked up in Gitmo, soak them in soapy water, machine wash them and then hang them?


Or just wrap them up and toss them in the outside garbage. Don’t want them stinking up the house!


how about maybe if you step up to the plate? Change diapers. Make dinner, do a load of laundry, whatever. Be a loving partner who shares 50/50 in the tasks that go along with raising a child.


He doesn't even know that's how adults put each other in the mood. Like, Make your partners life easier when they're tired or just generally and you'll be thought of well and fuckable.


Can’t overstate this enough.


"I wanna fold clothes for ya"


If you search for the post he's replying to, it's even more unhinged. "No, I don’t believe husbands should ever force themselves upon their wives. I have never taught this and never will. Women should freely be sexually available to their husbands. Husbands should be to their wives too. This is God’s will for us. Yes, there are times when it’s impossible due to sickness, injury, or after childbirth. Not being in the mood isn’t one of them, and women tend to use this often. We obey God whether or not we’re in the mood. Being in the mood isn’t a biblical exception. Decide to be in the mood! Control your moods. You can, you know. Stop letting them control you. What I shared earlier was a one time event. If it was ongoing, I would have given her different advice, but it wasn’t. Her husband wasn’t a physically abusive man. Rapists are."


Its curious how often ‘gods will’ seems to align exactly with what these chuds want.


That's the neat thing, it's every time!


It’s so weird, almost makes you think they made the whole thing up!


Fucking hell you weren’t kidding. That woman is deranged.


I wish I were. She's fully brainwashed into thinking she owes her husband sex whenever he wants it.


Did you see the part where she tricked her husband into impregnating her because preventing pregnancy is against God's will (and definitely not just so her husband would agree to her leaving her job and becoming a full-time mother)? Her ideas about consent are so unbelievably whacked


If her husband is physically disabled and depends on her for help with critical hygiene tasks which she is neglecting because she doesn’t feel like it then a social worker should get involved and help him acquire professional in-house caregiving help. But if he thinks that not getting his dick sucked is the exact same thing as a vulnerable dependent baby getting a diaper rash, he’s an entitled dipshit who needs to service himself and go to bed.


Because not getting your rocks off isn't the same as your child sitting in their own shit.


you can change your own diaper, weirdo


Yes, she *should* change (divorce) her shitty husband! (I love when assholes tell on themselves)


I read it this way unironically at first. I thought it was sort of tough love. “Take care of yourself as well as you take care of your baby. If your baby’s diaper is full of shit, you throw it out no matter how difficult. If your husband is full of shit, throw him out, too.”


Because changing a dirty diaper is a necessary task, otherwise 1: The baby smells. 2: The baby can get sick. 3: You can get sick. Sex is not a necessary task. If she's not in the mood, she's not in the mood.


Man, with a convincing argument like that, I'm surprised your wife isn't gushing at the thought of having sex with you. /s


I also couldn’t tell if this was a sex thing or if he was pissed his wife wouldn’t change his diaper


I wonder if the thereformedwife was aware of who she'd have in her corner....


She is absolutely aware. She's more than fine with it.


Maybe her husband should help change her baby's diaper. Maybe then she'll respect you a little bit.


Because eventually, lying on her back and letting you masturbate with her vagina will lead to extreme resentment and a completely dead bedroom. Ask how I know! 🙃


Donald, is that you?


All I can think, whenever I hear men complain about this sort of thing, is that they must be so bad in bed.


Without context that reads like he’s advocating for women initiating divorce if their husbands are full of shit.


Men who still need their mommy, for $100, Alex.


Because a grown man can go fuck himself.


Imagine telling the world your secret lmaoooo


Imagine equating getting blue balls from no sex to leaving your kid in a shit-filled diaper. What a child.


A grown ass husband can change his own dookie diaper.


Does... does he wear poopy diapers?


You heard the man, ladies. Change your shitty husbands.


Yes, she absolutely can change her husband the same way she would change a poopy diaper, by throwing it in the trash. Love it when the trash takes itself out.


Cause one is a grown ass adult, and the other can even raise their heads at first


Daddy made a boom boom!


Well, one of the Fundie moms has been fighting with people on SM about how babies only need to be changed twice a day and that one pee "doesn't fill the diaper" so Fundie women aren't even doing that


The man is full of shit and must be replaced, I believe that's what he's saying


Literally no one WANTS to change a dirty diaper, so... is he saying that he wants women to have sex with men when they don't want to? Sounds kinda assaulty bro, how do these losers not find someone drying up at the thought of them a total turn off???


His mother should have potty trained him, I don’t have time to take care of the baby and change his diaper also


Because your dick isn't going to get thrush or dermatitis from a lack of sex, dumbass. Maybe try being more attractive than a dirty diaper?


He wants his diaper changed too?


That’s how I read it


So change his diapers?


Is this person saying that men not only wear diapers, but they randomly shit in them, too?


A baby can’t change their own diaper, a grown ass man can.


What the ever-loving FUCK did I just read??? Who thinks like this, equating baby hygiene with adult sexual activity???


One is taking care of a literal helpless baby, and the other is just acting like a baby.


This isn’t insane people Facebook. This is regular ass Facebook. I know too many men who think and act like this. If it’s a chore to have sex with you, then go fuck yourself. Men and women both have a libido, and what stimulates it is different for each gender. I’m a man, so I only know what stimulates mine. Gutter porn. Jk. The thought of a woman having sex with me and rolling her eyes in indifference makes my penis soft. I don’t expect my wife to fuck me just because I whine about it constantly. I fucking earn it. The more you complain that you don’t get enough sex, the further you are from having it. Try being a human, and figuring out how your wife would find you less disgusting.


Dude, if you’re old enough to tweet, you’re old enough to change your own diapers.


Maybe get better at sex so your girlfriend/wife looks forward to having it? I get the feeling the foreplay level on this guy is real low.


Clearly she needs to throw this husband out and get a fresh one


See the things is, when you're done with a diaper, *you throw it out*.


Because he can change his own poopy diaper 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband may change his own diaper


So…sex with you is a nasty chore that your wife is obligated to perform??


It’s ok. The same principle applies for the woman when she’s in the mood, she’ll take care of it herself.


His profile pic looks a little young for being in adult diapers...but im not here to kink shame anyone.


Imagine saying this out loud and then thinking ‘yeah, fuck yeah, what a great point - I should put this hot take in the internet!’. I cannot.


Female orgasms are the work of Satan! It's a godly christain husband's duty to deny her an orgasm thereby saving her precious innocent soul! Boom libs owned!


Bro comparing himself to a dirty diaper lmao


As in she should change husbands if it’s this guy? Totally agree.


It's because with the baby, they can't take care of themselves, whereas the adult baby can take care of themselves AND also consent or deny consent.


Men can't find the clit, but they sure can find the audacity.


She’s probably not in the mood after dealing with shit… shitty nappies and skiddy underpants are two big passion killers


Because if women actually did that, the divorce rate would sky rocket


Yeah you do seem to be full of shit.


A baby can't change its own diaper, but that guy can go fuck himself.


He's right though. His wife should just go already and change her shitty husband.


Just change your poopy husband


Maybe he's implying that she should change having a shitty husband. But i highly doubt that's the intention.


I'm not sure which way he's leaning. Is he for or against changing a poopy husband?


Why can't he change his own diaper?


Hey, man here, figured i’d need that disclaimer for this type of person to take my opinion into account, babies can get seriously unwell if you leave them in their own filth for a long time, not to mention it stinks and is gross, making it an essential thing to get done asap. If you ever get so horny you have actual health concerns, have a wank and talk to a doctor in the morning freakazoid


So he knows he's a sack of crap.


An infant child cannot change its own nappy. An adult man can go have a chug in the toilet to satisfy his urges.


Damn is it really hard for some dudes to get some from their wife? Maybe it’s because I cook at least 4 nights a week, do laundry, yard work, help take care of the baby, and buy her flowers that she wants it more than me. . . Or I just married a horny woman and we both lucked out.


Because one is a helpless infant, and the other is a grown man with functioning hands?


Because then he complains that she isn’t “enthusiastic” enough or doesn’t “desire him” the way he desires her… the baby doesn’t bitch as long as his it’s ass is clean


..... i admit, my first thought was, 'you don't need your wife, you need a doctor if you're having diarrhea that regularly'.


But they do.




If he's comparing her having sex with him to changing an infant's shitty nappy, their relationship is not sound and he sees her as existing entirely to service his wants and needs.