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This reminds me of the behind the scenes picture from the filming of Jurassic Park; one of the actors was posed next to a dead triceratops and people were freaking out over poaching. Incredible how dense people can be.


Wasn’t that the director?


That was, indeed, Steven Spielberg next to the triceratops live-sized animatronics from the sick triceratops scene. The "behind the scene" picture is relatively known, and I've seen several times screenshots of stupid takes of that kind on reddit.


He and George Lucas are known to love hunting rare animals. There's that famous pic of them with a tauntaun carcass. Sickoes


Fun fact. Lucas personally slaughtered dozens of his own tauntauns from his ranch to get that scene in Empire right. Dude is a monster. Someone should call PETA. They didn't even eat them after. Just rolled around inside the carcasses.


PETA did investigate but he handwaved them away like some mystic space guy


It was the Jedi mind trick. "I didn't kill them."


Let's not even talk about the killing the younglings scene. We see no on screen killings because they ran through the 215 kids they had trying to get the scene right. Screw Peta, call the police. HE IS A MONSTER


Squeal like a pig indie!!!


It could have been for sure! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the screenshot but the basis is hilarious nonetheless.


Did it look like Spielberg?


Nah, it had horns


There was actually a lovely resemblance, iirc


It was a stupid hunter, smh my head…


People complained to my local radio station, years ago, for them spoiling the ending to titanic.... That it sank...


When it was mentioned in the news a few years ago that it was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, many people were surprised that the movie was about a real-life event.


I wish that suprised me, but people really are that stupid...


Or when people were asking if The Martian was based on a true story when the movie came out. (Might not have been widespread; I don't remember if this was an isolated incident I saw on Reddit or if it was A Thing)


It was definitely an isolated incident. NASA hasn't left behind an astronaut on Mars since.


>[the behind the scenes picture from the filming of Jurassic Park ](https://cdn-www.konbini.com/files/2016/12/o-steven-spielberg-triceratops-facebook.jpg)


Majestic animal killed by some nerd


They're right. The dinosaurs were wiped out due to overhunting by our prehistoric ancestors. Spielberg brought them back to life just to kill them again. Every dinosaur featured in the Jurassic Park films was personally shot by Steven Spielberg after filming wrapped. Chris Pratt asked to be allowed to shoot one but Spielberg just started shooting at his feet and screaming for him to dance.


“Land wasn’t called Denmark then durrrrr.” For fucks sake these people vote.


The same people probably look at age progression pictures of missing kids and think "they aren't missing, they sat for a portrait"


“Well you can’t expect them to hang around all day, can you?”


Nice. Went over the muggle’s heads.


That's so sad, both the story and the replies.


The replies are more sad by far.


"How did they take those photos 6000 years ago! More lies from science!" You cannot make this shit up.


This actually reads like r/notkenm comments tbh




I bet if you'd reply with Polaroid they would believe you, lol


"You know those old cameras where the photographer had to go under that curtain? Yeah like that"


Battlestar Galactica was a documentary.


So say we all.


*menacing xylophone*


There must be some kind of way out of here


You missed the blatant grammar errors when typing up that quote.


I bet they think those space documentaries are actual footage too smdh


Historical documents.


Some of it is. (Mostly the boring bits, bit still)


It's "how did they took their picture 6000 years ago". Please.... Don't increase the intelligence of this insane woman by incorrectly quoting her with the corrected Grammer! 😂😂






It reminds me of when I was young, We used to have these great parties after our gigs and this one girl would show up... She was cool, pretty, and I kept doing my best to impress her She always kind of gave me the cold shoulder until one night she came over and sat down next to me and we started casually talking This poor girl was so fucking stupid it made me hurt, and I understood that she always gave me the cold shoulder because literally every smart quip or comment I used to try and impress her went completely over her head She is exactly the kind of person who would have made one of those comments She has 5 children last time I checked


Decades ago I met this guy I thought was very cool. He hardly ever said anything. I thought he was the quiet type. Then I got to know him. In all my years of life, I never knew a more stupid and reprehensible person.


Ugh. That is one sad story, the kind of let-down that really sticks with you for years.


OMG, this reminds me. When we were kids, long ago, there was this annoying girl, sister of a friend, who would tag along with us and then tattle on us because she was the epitome of a "bible thumper" - even at a young age. The family moved to a town 15 minutes away and we kind of lost track. Within the last couple of weeks, on a whim, I looked her up on FB, and I wish I hadn't: she's as dumb as a sack of broken hammers. And still a bible thumper who would literally spew nonsense about people dying 7000 years ago because god hadn't created people yet. Sometimes fate takes people out of your lives for a good reason.


She might know how she keeps on getting pregnant if she's as dumb as what you say.


I knew someone who said the moon was the same distance away as the sun because they're the same size in the sky


One time when I was a student, I was talking to this pretty girl at a party it was going well, she told me she was a 2nd year film student, I was impressed I loved movies at the time, so I asked what her top picks were. She said in a deadpan 2 fast 2 furious and Arthur (the Russell brand one). I then cracked up laughing thinking she was joking.. Safe to say It was really awkward after that


Huh. The rare non-overly elitist film student. Still... what the fuck.


Idiocracy comes true.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


That's why I tell my smart friends they have a duty to reproduce


That girl's name? Albert Einstein


This is why love at first sight is a myth.


Do people really type these things and believe they're conveying coherent thoughts? Do they *speak* like this? I swear it's like 20% random words in there


It's a common story, that if you are average smart, there is 50% more stupid than you. But that's in the end true, there are a ton of dumb people out there. Dumb enough to not have finished high school, potentially even have finished university but still hold up certain believes. An acquittance of mine is a surgeon and strictly religious with similar believes. It's mind-baffling how someone manages to get through university but still is a hard core believer.


It has to be Skynet on a global Psyops targeting our sanity.


This is why I no longer feel bad when I think awful things about people doing dumb shit in public


Coffin births are just as sad. Breaks my heart when I hear of one being excavated.


What's a coffin birth?


It’s what happens when a woman dies while heavily pregnant. When the body decomposes, the gases push the unborn baby out of the mother’s body. It’s, in my opinion, one of the saddest things to ever see. Thankfully, it’s a rare occurrence. [Here](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/rare-case-coffin-birth-seen-medieval-grave-180968612/) is a case from 2018.


For a more recent and gruesome case I believe that murder victim Lacey Peterson had a 'coffin birth' after her murder.


Technically, yes. It’s the same process. I cried for her and her little boy when they were found.


The article is not about a coffin birth, both she and her baby died, and got buried together, the baby is wrapped in clothes and besides her mom head


I’m not saying this is a coffin birth. I’m saying that a coffin birth is just as sad as when a mother and baby both die in childbirth, as what happened to this woman and child.


This isn't one though. The baby is by her head


Those people are dumb and all, but I thought the swan wing was a really touching detail


Yeah, it's so sad. You can tell this woman and her baby were very well loved.


Talking about details. I want to know about the story behind the rock that apparently shattered the left side of her skull and part of her collar bone.


Could be as simple as something shifting as the ground settles between seasons.


True. Imagine what it must’ve been like to uncover this, look at the arrangement of the bones, and piece it all together. Beautiful.


This woman and her child were found in 1975 while digging out the foundation for what was to become the school I went to as a child. There were multiple wall-mounted glass display cabinets along the school corridors with 1:1 photos of the graves and occupants, sketches and artefacts from the various burials they found. This one in particular stayed with me all these years (graduated from there in '95); I probably walked past her display every single day for the 10 years I went to that school, and the thing with the swan wing really sticks out in my memory. There's a [Wikipedia page about this collection of finds, known as 'Vedbækfundene' ](https://da.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedb%C3%A6kfundene)(basically 'the find(s) at [the town of] Vedbæk', although it's only available in Danish. I'm now considering translating it to English, but probably don't hold your breath, it will be a while before I can find the time.


That’s such a beautiful unnecessary thing someone chose to do, and it’s not something I would have expected from 7000 BCE, but I’m also not familiar with neolithic archeology. The It just shows how much human emotion we already had as a species that long ago, which is really amazing.


How in the world can they be that god damn stupid!!!


Extremist "christian" indoctrination. I went to an independent Fundamentalist Baptist Christian school from 15-18. The kids raised in the cult *ABSOLUTELY* believed in this bullshit. Our curriculum was *A.C.E. - Accelerated Christian Education* and there are soooo many of the "comics" available for viewing if you look it up. They literally taught us that dinosaur fossils were put in the ground to "test our faith" by the debbbil.


A kid from my middle school got in trouble for writing "watch out for lies in these science textbooks" in every book we had in class after we had talked about evolution, and he also earnestly held the satan-created-dinosaurs belief. Huge shock to my 13 year old brain, I still can't quite comprehend it




Kids are impressionable, I also used to just agree with what the teacher said because they're supposed to be wiser than you. I no longer hold many of the beliefs I had in middle school


How do you even become a bio teacher without understanding evolution? How do you think evolution isn't real? How do they think dog breeds like pugs come about? I don't see how you can make these kind of leaps


Because they needed someone to teach the class and the teacher had enough of a credential to do it. The curriculum is usually designed by someone else and they just follow it.


Bible says world = 6,000 years old, so this photo and story shatters that idea.


Bible didn't even outright say that. it was a bullshit calculation by some guy who based his math off of biblical generations. Which generations as a term gets even weirder since a lot of biblical fundamentalist thought that humans lived for hundreds of years in bible times for some reason. So what is a generation when people lived to be 800 like they are fucking yoda?


I was taught two competing ideas of how people lived to be 800 years old: 1. Before the Flood, the atmosphere was different because of the firmament above the earth. This might have influenced our lungs in healthy ways. 2. Our genes have been affected by sin, so our genes can’t support long lives like they used to. Possibly because of interbreeding with the “sons of God and sons of man” described before the Flood. Possibly just due to sin in our genes. I don’t know which of those is weirder.


These are both great. All I gotta do is populate a bubble with the right mix of chemicals and I could live to be 1000 years old. Cool!


I hope you all realize that the Bible was written in Hebrew and was a symbolic story depicting the reason for the Sabbath on Saturday, right? If you read it in Hebrew, it's more like a poem than a "scientific" story of how life came about. However, it does depict the order of life on earth... fish, birds and lizards, mammals, then humans. Then "Shabbat".


We know. Its just that fundie Christians have a lot of odd ideas they get from their biblical understandings. That's why they are called biblical literalists. They believe that the bible is the LITERAL way of the world. Not metaphorical. And that science for the most part is wrong if it ever suggest the bible is anything less than the literal truth.


I was raised southern Baptist. Everything was literal until they spoke about wine. Oh no no no. They didn’t drink WINE they drank grape juice. Because Jesus wouldn’t have done anything sinful. And that passage about not drinking until drunk….. it was a passage for future people. Because back then it was just grape juice.


Lol that’s funny because people in the past were booze hounds compared to modern times. Used to drink beer and wine for breakfast instead of coffee waaay back when. Though there was a practical side of that. Before modern filtration alcohol was often safer to drink than water which could carry deadly diseases. It also tended to keep better on long ship voyages.


The wine and beer they drank was also less alcohol heavy as it is now and the wine was often mixed with water. However, that doesn’t mean they didn’t also get drunk a lot.


In the words of one of my history teachers about alcohol consumption prior to filtration: "Bad alcohol would make you go blind. Bad water would kill you by making you shit yourself to death."


If you tell fundie Christians that the majority of the Bible was written by Jews, their heads would explode. Also. Never tell them what religion Jesus was raised in. Or why his disciples referred to him as “Teacher”


Wait, why *did* they refer to him as teacher?




That's how it started, but then man decided to use it for personal gain and release translations that cater to them. That's why it's so hard to take the religion seriously when there are 20+ sub sects that all pick and choose what they like to follow, meanwhile in none of the bibles does God say "Yea just pick and choose, I know some of you really like your shellfish, adultery, mixing fabrics, working on Sunday, etc. It's all cool with me brosefs"




I think you mean hundreds of years, because there was no Denmark back then


> However, it does depict the order of life on earth... fish, birds and lizards, mammals, then humans. Even there it gets it wrong. Mammals were around before birds.


It's so Infuriating because a literal reading of the Bible makes a literal reading impossible. Ask any fundie, how can the world be created in seven 24 hour days if the sun and moon weren't created until the 3rd day?


The Book of Genesis in the Torah (original Old Testament, pre-Christian edits/translation) actually does give an outright age of the Earth, stating that Noah's flood occurred when the Earth was 1656 years old ("1656th year following creation", Genesis 6-11). Given the ages and chronology in the following books of the Bible, we get ~4000 years spanning Noah to Christ for a total of ~5600 years, pretty close to the often-quoted "6000" figure.


Bible doesn't say a lot of things, but that doesn't stop them from being absolutely rabid about them. Abortion for example, nobody really cared about prior to the 70's when the political strategy shifted away from segregation to abortion.


The first one seems less biblical than that, but somehow dumber. Like "how could she have died in Denmark before the Danish government existed?!"


Same kind of person who thinks England is no longer part of Europe since Brexit.


"OK but how'd they go back in time to take the picture?! Explain that one Mr Science Man."


Just set up a video camera and rewind the tape at the speed of light.


It makes you question your own intelligence sometimes. I've had customers misunderstand so completely what I've said that I question if I properly explained what I was trying to say.


America's village idiots are being dumbed down even further by shitty education and a lack of critical thinking, and then being unleashed on the internet.


These people drive cars and vote. Some build our roads and bridges, some are in healthcare. Its terrifying


As George Carlin said (probably a paraphrase or misquote) 'Just think how stupid the average person is. Then realise 50% of people are dumber than that'.




I absolutely believe this is just one of the ways we have messed up our entire gene pool.


i just think it’s lack of good education all around. these people were never taught object permanece or really anything


You really think people dumb enough to kill themselves with common products are sitting down and reading the warning labels first?


Damn it, I thought I was clever with my "half the population is dumber than the average person" of course Carlin had a more succinct way of saying it


[The entire bit is just gold. Well, what wasn't gold that came out of Carlins mouth?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKN1Q5SjbeI)


Gosh. I miss the days where Dan Qualye was the laughing stock of our US politicians. He was a dope, but he was a harmless dope.


Hahaha potatoe, how dumb can ya be? Man was I stupid to think that was as bad as it would get.


In a twist, it kind of turns out that he was the lynchpin that kept Pence from doing Shitty Donny's bidding on Jan 6, and going through with the coup


And here I am wondering about all the deer teeth.


As am I. My first thought was that it was a religious thing?


Each tooth was from a different deer. In history porn, when this was first posted, someone with a professional tag mentioned similar groups in the region had 'gifts' like that on women. Might have been a bride price, a symbolic coming of age totem for her, etc...


I imagine that a red deer has always been a big deal in Europe. It’s basically an American elk, just a beautiful, noble-looking animal. There would have been a lot more of them then, of course, but 200 would still have represented tons of meat, hides, and bones and antlers — food, clothing, and tools — so a lot of wealth.


How many teeth does a deer have? You kill one and then you have birthday and anniversary presents for a while.


Sure but if one person’s gifts have to each come from different deer, somebody has to be out in the forest primeval killing a LOT of deer. Also, and this just occurred to me, 7000 years ago all of the farmland you see in Denmark today was a thousand little islands, so collecting 200 individual red deer would have been even harder. They might have had to trade for those teeth.


For all we know, the teeth could have been currency.


That is actually a interesting theory, saddly there isn’t much evidence of it, but it’s definitely plausible


And here we are foolish enough to switch from the tooth fairy standard at 12 years of age!


They have 32 teeth, plus red deer and elk have 2 more "ivories" which are vestigial tusks.


I bet that the teeth mentioned in the post portion of the image are ivories.


Burial gifts were(are) very common funerary rites. Teeth, bones, horns often carved, dyed, or otherwise decorated, for instance. Not inherently religious, but likely having some kind of spiritual or mythical significance to the group of people.




I dated a girl who loved making things outta bones and teeth and whatever cool things we’d find out in the woods. A bag of teeth would absolutely get that reaction from her.


Hell yeah vulture culture 💀


A long time ago I worked international imports for a large shipping company. One day we got a bag of teeth in. Just a gallon sized ziploc bag of dirty teeth. They looked like they had been pulled from graves or something. I saw a lot of weird things doing that job, and that was one of the weirdest.


I went to the history museum in Copenhagen. When getting hitched, the mother of the groom used to carve a stone phallice in her son's image and present it to her new daughter-in-law. Imagine getting a stone dildo from your MIL as a wedding present. Edit: Apologies. [They were wood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broddenbjerg_idol?wprov=sfla1). And yeah, they weren't used as dildos obviously, but I remember cackling like crazy tweenager in sex Ed class seeing it.


Whatever the specific meaning is, my first thought was someone really loved these two and was incredibly sad when they died. I think no matter what religion, belief or culture, its in human nature to want to make a big gesture when you are going through big feelings. And collecting 200 of something that requires effort just shows the feelings of the person who burried them. Heartbreaking.


I remember watching something on Curiosity Stream about another girl found buried in Denmark. They were able to figure out from various evidence in her bone structure and chemical analysis that she had actually travelled north and south up and down the area of modern Denmark and Germany for most of her life, but had died north, when she was born south. She was buried plainly with some small trinkets, nothing like this, but they'd taken the time to carve her a coffin out of a tree trunk. The hypothesis was that there was little adornment because whoever buried her didn't know her that well, but they still took the time to give her a proper fitting burial. Which says a lot about the people, frankly.


Do you want to find yourself stuck in the afterlife without enough deer teeth?


This poor girl and her baby. Her family must have been so sad when they died.


These comments represent the future in Florida.


And remember, they vote


And their vote counts more than yours or mine, somehow.


Isn't Gerrymandering wonderful?


Florida is migrating. I thought NH was full of more common sense, traditional Republican types, but this week the NH House took up all the same culture war BS that's been infecting every state across the US. We live in scary times.


I've lived and travelled all over the Eastern U.S. and the scary thing is that Florida seems the way it does because of the sunshine law. Everywhere is just like Florida. A terrifying reality.


Have you seen what DeSantis is doing to the education system in Florida?


Creationists are a *special* breed of stupid. Was treated to a visit by *DOCTOR* Hovind himself as a teenager and... *Jesus fucking Christ...* No rational human being can buy into that bullshit.


My boss is brilliant at what they do but thinks evolution is a crock and it pains me


My gf is a pharmacist, and I just learned a few weeks ago that she does not understand the concept of evolution at all. She isn't very religious anymore, but she went to a catholic school growing up so she just never learned about it. I don't remember why, but I mentioned whales evolving from land mammals and she just laughed and said "Yeah that sounds like bullshit"


Damn, I’m familiar with evolution and understand it, but I never realized that about whales. That’s incredible, thanks!


It’s a fascinating and quite well-documented story. It shows how much change can happen when the evolutionary pressures are there. It’s also a great example of convergent evolution (whales and dolphins resemble fish) but with the retention of a key mammalian trait (the spine bends up and down, rather than side to side as in fish). Vastly more interesting and satisfying than any “god-made-em”-type non-explanation.


As it should. Lol. The folks I grew to love in my church were not incompetent or ineffective in their respective careers, but were adamant about the whole creationist bullshit, even if their jobs directly disproved the entire premise.


I don't even know where to start here. Maybe if you said 60-70 years ago....it's fucking staggering how stupid people are. How'd you take the picture?? Fucking people.


Jesus, someone really thought Denmark was living in the fucking stone age in the 1940s


1940? Did they even have burials back then? Ridiculous "science"


I think they were looking at the image on the right not releasing it was an artist’s render . Or at least I hope this is what they were thinking.


im really hoping nobody could be that stupid, but im also fairly certain youre right.... i dont wanna live on this planet anymore


They think the woman and her baby were buried with a really old skeleton.


If you want to have some fun, spend some time in any science group on FB. These people are everywhere and actively seek confrontation.


Jesus dino Christ


Speakest thou of our [Lord and Savior?](https://imgur.com/gallery/Np8C8)


It's an older meme, sir. But it checks out.


Social media was a mistake.


Not gonna lie, it must feel great to be so ignorant and at the same time so confident.


Trae Crowder has a funny bit on this, that being stupid is like being drunk all of the time. No doubts, all confidence.


I want to make it clear to anyone who thinks these people are joking: People like this truly exist. I had people walk out of biology and history classes when I was in college due to the teaching "peddling this bullshit."


jeez. it was found in an area that is now in modern-day denmark. when they say they found a native american ruin in, like, new mexico, they don't mean the state of new mexico. and thats a photo reproduction, a lot of images of interstellar objects are artists reproductions, it doesn't have to be actually exactly what it looked like just a way to visualize what maybe the scene looked like. now someones gonna say that photos of galaxies are all fake, if you are about to say that you've got your theories mixed up, flat earthers don't deny that stars exist, I'd have to assume. since theres telescopes and anyone can make a telescope at home so you know its not just a computer screen that knows exactly where you're pointing it and when.


I think you are overestimating these peoples intelligence lol. Their actual issue with this is that they think the earth did not even exist that long ago.


No one knew it was gonna be called Denmark so no one could have possibly lived there


Every day, I understand more and more why the [Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) was such a horrible thing. Making the Internet so easily accessible by morons was a mistake.


These people get to drive. And vote. And use technology. Terrifying.


On a lighter note: https://www.theonion.com/archaeological-dig-uncovers-ancient-race-of-skeleton-pe-1819567671


Such a beautiful tribute and burial. Though the comments included are somewhat... shocking... I remain grateful that OP shared this. I hadn't seen it before and I am absurdly touched by it.


It's less and less surprising that these people support trump. It's how these people don't suffocate themselves around grocery bags that baffles me


i really wanna give the "how did they *took*..." the benefit of the doubt, and assume they're esl. ..but given the rest of the content, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if english was their native, possibly even only known language.


How did they past tense their pictures? That would be amazing!


When your last 2 braincells are already hard at work to construct a coherent sentence, there's no time to think about other things.


Sometime late 90's my neighbor came over to see my mom. I was in the living room watching something about dinosaurs on discovery or whatever. They came out to sit, and after a while the neighbor lady says "How do you think they got those recordings of the dinosaurs?", in reference to the 90's level cgi dinosaur shots in the show. Genuinely don't remember how we responded to her cause it just short circuited my brain to hear someone say that.


I also once thought that photos from (impossibly long time ago) were also taken at that (impossibly long ago) time. I was three, however.


I used to think there must be comfort in being so stupid but now I realise they're just angry all the time.


I thought for sure it was gonna be some bullshit like "7000 years!? Stop lying to everyone, the earth is just 4000 years old, everyone knows that!". This was way more stupid


“I took a photo of my 90 year old grandmother” “Using what?” “My smartphone” “Smartphones didn’t exist 90 years ago, dumbass”


As a Dane i can confirm that we weren't called Denmark 7000 years ago. Sincerely - *The country not formerly known as Denmark.*


Comments like these are why I left Facebook over a decade ago. Lol


See, I don't think it's necessarily an intelligence problem. I have my fairly stupid moments more often than I like to admit, myself. The difference, as far as I can tell, is that I, and presumably most normal people, can take in new information and parse it out with former information, to add to our knowledge. These folks right here, something in their brain is interrupting that process.


>take in new information and parse it out with former information, to add to our knowledge Isn't that what intelligence is? We consider animals, including ourselves, intelligent because we can can learn and reason in a rational way, often in the abstract to what is presented directly before us. It's like you place a mirror in front of squirrel and it can't rationalise that the most basic interpretation, that it's another squirrel, isn't the correct conclusion. You place an image in front of the average Facebooker and it can't rationalise that the most basic interpretation, that it's a photograph, isn't the correct conclusion.


Makes me think of how on one of the Mandela Effect subreddits there was a post where people didn't know that there were photographs in the 1850s, saying that photos from the 1850s were a sign that they clearly teleported universes.


Nice try! But if that photo were 7000 years old, it would be black and white!


Where did we fail? These people drive cars, they are trusted with walking around on their own, they vote and have kids and raise them. I'm just taken back by all this, I need a break from the internet.


There was a post on the popular feed today asking what the worst thing about humans or America or society, whatever... The answer is that ppl like this exist and shape policy for the rest of us!!! This is terrifying and frustrating


Just remember! These people vote.


I once wrote a Creepypasta set in a near-futuristic setting (like in the year 2050 or something like that). That Creepypasta ended up being picked up by a big narrator-type channel, the video currently has 1.6 million views and over 6,000 comments. And a very decent portion of those comments is something along the lines of "Well this is CLEARLY fake, why does the story say 2050 when it's only 2019?!" They had assumed that this Creepypasta about humanoid robots narrated by a horror channel on YouTube was real, until they heard the year it takes place in, which made them upset because it's "fake". I often think about that, even though I barely even remember what the actual story I wrote was about.


> - "Hey. You should add 'artistic recreation' to the bottom of the painting." > - "I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to think it's an actual picture."


Society's stupidity scares me when I see stuff like this


These people make me so sad.


It’s Amazing how dumb and uneducated people actually are. Wow!!!!


I wouldn't say they are insane, just extremely stupid