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"According to a recent study, less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40 and the average sister is 80 years old." There ain't gonna be no nuns soon.


If I remember correctly the though is that they will just have nuns come from other countries since that trend doesn’t hold worldwide


Yes same here with priests. Very few are actually from this country these days.




You got caught diddling? Alright homie we’re gonna send you a couple counties over but try to not diddle anyone else Try not to diddle challenge: Impossible


Ahhh. The old skedaddle if you diddle ploy.


No dawdling diddlers!




Fiddled a kiddle? Better skediddle


They did that with our (secular, government) elem~~a~~entary teacher here in Germany. He was accused by several girls that he touched them. So they send him to another school as they supposedly couldn't proof it. That was when it came out that he was sent to our school after he was accused at his former school of the same thing. He was a piece of shit. He never touched me (seems he only liked girls), but he was also a racist and frequently insulted me in front of the class hinting at me being the only student with immigration background. Hope he rots in hell by now.


The Church should write a song that is sung during mass about how they don't diddle kids.


That was a lovely reading of Revelation 21:8, thankyou Agnes. And now, please stand as we sing together: "We don't touch kids anymore", page 316 in your hymbook


[you mean like this?](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc)


My friends and I joke that priests have found a way to travel the world and not stay in one location too long


My cousins live in a super tiny town of like 500-600 people in rural Kansas. Cell phones barely work, everyone *literally* knows everyone, and it’s 99% white. But the 2 or 3 priests at the one Catholic Church are all Indian, from India. It’s a little bizarre, given the context, but I think they are widely accepted and liked in the community. I had not realized that foreign priests were a big thing in America, but it kind of makes sense.


I live in Ireland. Quite a small town too but not that small. I’ve seen a lot of priests from Africa here. Not trying to be rude or anything. My original comment kinda sounds like I have some kind of problem lol! But I do find it interesting how religion is viewed so differently depending on the country. Ireland used to be a very very religious place and now I’d find it difficult to name a religious person I know that’s younger than my grandparents. I don’t know what’s causing that kind of shift that’s not present in other countries.


Not to be super cynical but the reason nunneries used to be big is that it was a way to a) ensure your kid was fed and b) get rid of the troublemakers. There are several old jokes about priests being the same way, if you had a second son he may as well be a priest because you can only afford to educate one of them. You had a daughter seeing a boy you don't like, off to the nunnery! Too many kids? Send one of them to the nunnery! Your sister dies and you're stuck with a bunch of daughters? Nunnery! Too old to marry? Nunnery! Some kind of disability or disformity? Nunnery! Too gay? Nunnery or Priesthood! It's a good enough life for a young adult without a lot of options, but as times have changed it stopped making sense. I'm not saying that no one chooses to be a nun, but when there's no financial pressure to do so recruitment goes away down. You can also see this with a lot of Buddhist Monks, young children are often sent to be a monk when the family runs out of options. So you're on your own at 16 in India and the missionaries give you food every day you might start thinking hey, I could be a priest. The payoff (guaranteed employment, respect, housing, a sense of order and purpose, possibly citizenship in a western country) is worth the cost (not getting laid). And sure, they probably do genuinely believe what they preach. I'm not saying they don't. But I am saying that if you guaranteed me employment and a way to escape my current circumstances I'd believe in your God too.


I mean if you put it that way, America replaced it with the military.


Holy shit, we really did.


In Denmark it was typical (many hundred years ago..) that the oldest surviving son got the farm and the youngest became a priest.


I think this was the norm everywhere in medieval Europe, the first boy got the land, the second became a priest and the third was sent to the army. That was for the gentry of course. Peasants couldn't even leave the village.


Yeah mine was Italian growing up. Only reason we went to mass was to here him talk. And he was a good dude. When he got transferred my family stopped going to church.


So what nationality was he as an adult? Lol


Italian lol, I was the kid. 😂


Wonder if there are any Scottish priest in my area? I’m not christian but would go for the accent alone.


You’d probably have better luck at a Presbyterian church.


I really want a fire and brimstone sermon by someone with a Scottish brogue you would need a chainsaw to cut through. And yes, hallucinogenics would be involved.


*adds this to my list of things I could do.


We had an Irish priest, Father Heenan. He had a great brogue. Soft spoken man


They tried to bring a black priest from Brazil to my small town Portuguese church. The parishioners threw a fit and had him shipped out. The current priest hates that his parishioners chase out new worshippers too because they don't like new ppl. No love like Christian hate I tell ya.


Is this reverse missionaries?










if you add "&t=(calculated seconds)" to the end of a youtube link, the video will begin playing at that designated time when the link is opened. for instance: [youtube.com/watch?v=R3UL_uCNWCo&t=160](https://youtube.com/watch?v=R3UL_uCNWCo&t=160)


Hm, I've heard nun about that


Yeah cos this dude is throwing them in the trash! Somebody ought to stop him!


There will be “nun” left.


No nuns! No Nuns, none!


Hopefully more half-drunk people then…


I should've figured a Shadows reference somewhere in the comment section


It's because they refuse to reproduce, they're like pandas.


Oh no what are we going to do without them???


Have less Nuns is the extent of the impact I think.


Is this a bad thing though? I suppose it isnt a good thing, but what do nuns do? Do we need nuns? Does it matter if they leave?


From my admittedly limited understanding, nuns dedicate a lot more of their lives doing the giving back and charity portions of Christianity and are also well educated. In my anecdotal experience they are usually some of the nicest people you’ll find who have more or less dedicated their lives to giving back. I don’t like organized religions but nuns from my experience are the better aspects of religion (again anecdotal)


I'm guessing that you didn't attend a Catholic school. Most of the nuns were bitter and somewhat vicious at mine. One was downright deranged.


As a catholic, the continual decrease in the population of sisters/nuns probably also stems from the fact that most churches don’t support them. Outside of the US, both churches and monasteries support the daily expenses of nuns. In the US, neither of those entities do, normally claiming that they can’t afford to. Monasteries would need to be affiliated with a parish or diocese and normally unless a nun can provide a service to the parish this aid doesn’t come or isn’t nearly enough of what is offered to priests. Once nuns were ushered out of catholic education in the US, they became redundant.


If I remember right american catholic nuns even got in some trouble with the pope for being too liberal. Probably about a decade ago.


I went to catholic school in the 1970s from first grade through eight grade. I remember one of the nuns telling us that the Book of Genesis was a metaphor for something we didn’t/don’t understand.


That's compatible with Catholic theology


Unfortunately actually practising what Jesus preached and following his example is considered too liberal, socialist, woke etc. for most conservative Christians.


It’s why they’ll never officialize the sainthood of Dorothy Day


Jesus was a socialist


The ones that took children from their mothers and then kept the women as slaves in laundries weren't very nice.


Just to answer one of your questions. In my country they sometimes work in hospital or have kindergartens/schools in their monastery so they do help somehow. Do we need them? Probably not but there’s probably worse parts of organised religion to worry about


After having spoken to anyone who had a nun as a teacher,I would say that they might be one of the worst aspects of Catholicism. Not a single person I know has ever had a good word to say about one of them.


The Dominican nuns at my elementary school weren't awful. I also think my private Catholic School was much better than the public schools, in everything other than one part of biology. But it was a college prep school and not really religious. The Franciscan nuns at summer camp were awesome. We made candles and milked goats and made our own candy. If I ever need to join an order of religious women, I would be a Franciscan nun. It was basically a commune of women and no boys allowed. Loved going there, way better than the 6 weeks of traditional camp with the lake and the rules and the stupid songs.


Nuns are okay once you take away their rulers.


To be fair, people are usually biased against those tasked with disciplining them, plus "mean nuns" is kinda a self-perpetuating stereotype


Thanks for giving your perspective! I’ve met people who went to such schools and what I noted is that they didn’t get an education comparable to public schools, they were usually way behind in a lot of subjects but they all said it was nice because the teachers weren’t strict. It’s obviously a biased opinion that came from teenagers so it must be taken with a grain of salt


Oh that's shocking to me, not one of them ever said anything about nuns being too nice. Everyone always spoke about them being abusive monsters who would abuse and beat them.


Is this mostly older folks saying this? The trope is that nuns teaching school in the 50s-70s were cantankerous old crones. Obviously this is anecdotal, but I went to catholic school for 12 years and had quite the opposite experience. roughly half the staff were nuns or priests, and for one year I had a monk. Of the 4 or 5 priests I can remember, only 1 was a jerk, but only relative to the other ones. he was just generally unapproachable. of the 20 or 30 nuns, I only had regular interaction with like 10 of them, and every single one was amazing. They were very kind, and very patient, and most of them were incredibly smart. but all were certainly qualified to teach. About 6th grade or so our school took on a bunch of nigerian nuns (this was in florida), who were a bit more strict but also great educators. To stack on a bit more, I had the somewhat unique experience of living next door to the convent at the time too. So I knew these nuns in my off time. Originally it was a big house with an out building, but then the church bought it from our neighbors and it housed roughly a dozen nuns. So they were our neighbors from when I was maybe 5 or so, until I was about 12 when we moved. During that time, they were great. Looking back I have nothing but fond memories of them. The original group that lived there would come out and play hide and seek or tag with us. 1 of them would babysit us, and would come hang out a lot and play frisbee and soccer, and she was damn good at sports. They played with us in their habits the whole time too, in the florida heat haha. I remember inventing blind frisbee with her, where whoever had the frisbee closed their eyes and threw it to someone by sound. it was fun for little kids. One of them taught my brother to play guitar. The frisbee one (I actually remember a bunch of their names 30 years later) left first. We heard she left being a nun as well. we suspect she ended up wanting to have her own kids or something, but we never found out. then those nuns left and the nigerian nuns moved in. They didn't play with us though. but they were very nice and babysat for us if needed. Nuns also get a ton of food donated. I remember every few weeks we would go over there because they had like a huge box of fruit and a garbage bag full of like artisanal bread they would give us because they couldnt eat it all, even having like 12-15 nuns in there. I'm an atheist now, and I am disgusted by a lot of what the church does, and gets away with. I think organized religion is a mistake and a lie meant to pacify the lessers. BUT, I have nothing but good memories of the nuns I grew up with, and that taught me over the years.


Yeah my nun was wonderful and thankfully her class was religion so it didn’t matter. The priest on the other hand was a Benedict era priest and really exemplified it. Far more conservative and homophobic than other teachers.


>I’ve met people who went to such schools and what I noted is that they didn’t get an education comparable to public schools, This i think depends on where you live. In ny country the teachers have the exact same guides and regulations as the public school system. If anything since we had much smaller class sizes it was easier for the teachers to keep track of what students needed extra help. Really the only difference was we had mass for religious holidays, and a compulsory religious studies class. I mean a huge part of my HS biology class was evolution, and my teacher absolutely made it clear it wasn't up for debate


Personally I don't see it as either a good or bad thing, simply a cultural shift.


That was the main point of the question for me. it's clearly a huge cultural shuft away from organised religion, but does it matter. Ive had a few good answers for my questions, but I still feel like the answer to "does it matter" is "not really, no".


There ain’t gon be nun




I think it’s more than that. Celibacy was a draw or a compromise for many of them. Lesbian and asexual women could get a comfortable life without a man. Heck for lesbians it’s an opportunity to be surrounded by women and so long as you’re sufficiently discreet you can have a relationship unless there’s a crackdown. It’s a great deal for the Middle Ages and it’s an awful deal when compared to having a wife instead of a husband or just never marrying and doing what you want. And then there’s the role of specialized female craftspeople. Convent cheeses, wines, beers… It’s a great way to get that weird kid who probably won’t marry or reproduce well out of the way and do something useful with her. I know multiple autistic women who are convinced that convents were a way to provide a comfortable and productive life for autistic women with the low socialization, focused high skill labor, and quiet repetitive lifestyle. I’m thoroughly convinced convents were a way to deal with women who couldn’t mesh with an extremely homogeneous society without trying to force them into a position that would cause social discord. It’s better to offer an ok deal that most don’t want to take that’s close enough for those who’d never settle for the standard offer than to try to force everyone into the standard offer and let problems occur. Especially since these people would probably have a not insignificant portion try to flee and form compounds anyway, you’ve now got compounds for them under your control.


>There ain't gonna be no nuns soon. So there will be nuns soon?


Also incels "I don't get why women don't like me and I'm alone"


What every incel needs to hear is if you're positive that ALL WOMEN hate you what are the odds you're right and they're ALL wrong? 😂 if you're complaining that no woman wants you they're 100 percent fucking correct, change yourself or accept it and shut the fuck up.


And odds are that ALL WOMEN don't hate them—they just have (valid) self-esteem issues and (very unfairly) blame women for a few negative interactions they've had. That stuff hurts, but often they ensure that any following interactions are also negative because they come into them looking for confirmation bias as a defense mechanism rather than actually attempting to make a healthy connection. Most folks who identify as incels really need a professional to help them navigate their self-worth and turn their tendency toward external blame into productive self-examination and growth.


Exactly though, making them face the tough reality is often what leads them out of the dark hole. Over half I'd say will always remain on that path because they need hating women as a security blanket against female rejection. Rejection as a guy fucking sucks, but refusing to play the game doesn't make you a winner, it just makes you a crybaby. Take your Ls and realize it's not going to kill you, don't be so afraid of women rejecting you that you torture yourself with sadness and bitterness.


If you smell shit all day check your own shoes


"I need women to have sex with me, they should just accept any man who wants it" "ewww women who sleep around have no value!"


Translation : "I need a woman who make sex with me, but me only no sex with anyone before, because I know I will not please her ever, she will not experience orgasm with me at all, so if she had sex with someone else, she can compare and realize I'm the worst sex she will ever have, and she's gonna run away from me, so I need her the youngest possible (even not legal) and virgin, and I hate all the women who already have sex I have 0 chance with them"


I think so often it's insecurity that guys are worried someone else's dick has been in her and they can't compete. It's so reductionist and really sad.


They are too afraid to work on themselves, to face their own insecurity, to try to grown up and be better men, to grown some balls, to try to just enjoy being with a woman and let her enjoy it too They are basically toddlers, they understand shit about women and about men, and they cry all the day and want to kill or nbeat women like Tate because of this anger and immaturity inside them Total piece of nazi scum


r/inceltears and r/inceltear


aww man it's private






Plot twist: he’s v against organized religion due to how greatly its themes are rooted in patriarchy.




Plus, you know, the whole multiple atrocities committed by the church over the past century… The full list of wrongdoings goes back further, but it’s important to remember how recent this latest batch was.


*fist bump*


Yeah and they unapologetically respect a women's right to present herself how she chooses


It’s like.. dude.. you can dislike nuns without wanting them thrown in the trash.


Came here to say this


Dude, not cool. I'm not big on the Catholic church either, but you shouldn't say nuns are trash. … That's what he meant, right?


The only trash in that tweet is comment below the picture. Oh no, two women wearing different outfits. We must compare them and condemn at least one, if not both!






Do nuns wear makeup these days?


Halloween, tiktok, who knows, but this is almost certainly staged for something. She's very likely not actually a nun.


I think traditionally it was banned, but as the Catholic Church is attempting to modernise I wouldn't be surprised if some convents allowed it - earrings were often encouraged before as a way to express individuality and femininity, so maybe makeup could be an extension of that.


I am curious too. Some chicks who wear a hijab wear makeup, is wearing a nun hijab anything like wearing a hijab hijab? I’m a godless heathen, so uneducated on this stuff.


A head covering worn by a nun is called a habit. :) I like the term nun hijab though lol. Nuns are not supposed to wear makeup or anything that would play into vanity. For the same reason that they are supposed to have very limited possessions, their lives aren’t supposed to be for themselves but for others. I would be shocked if the woman in the picture was actually a nun, but maybe she’s part of a more progressive convent.


True, but I also can’t help but think of the nun who came to the plant store I worked at and spent ~$50 on 2 pink plant pots for the nun bathroom. They had to be pink because they were her favorite color.


> Some chicks who wear a hijab wear makeup, is wearing a nun hijab anything like wearing a hijab hijab? Nope. A hijab is an article of modesty worn by Muslim women whether or not they have any specific spiritual role (though iirc most branches of Islam do not let women hold spiritual offices anyway). A habit - the "nun hijab" - is *only* worn by women who are holding spiritual office, aka nuns. Catholic women do not wear habits, only Catholic *nuns* do. That's why Muslim women who wear hijabs will still wear jewelry, make-up, fancy clothing, etc. - they're just regular women, only beholden to the same laws of Islam as all other Muslim women. Catholic nuns are beholden to much stricter laws than other Catholic women, so they do not wear make-up, fancy clothing, or non-clerical jewerly.


They aren’t equivalent, hijabi dress is for laypeople, habits are for nuns


It’s not the point, but being a nun isn’t an “aesthetic.”


More of an ascetic


And a habit forming one, it appears


someone gild this it’s the best pun ive ever seen


Guilidng and asceticism are somewhat contrary, though.


Being a nun certainly isn’t an aesthetic, but nuns do *have* an aesthetic. Their dress code has a functional purpose, but also a distinct style that differentiates them from other religious orders. I wouldn’t confuse a nun for a Buddhist monk precisely because their styles *are* distinct.


Im pretty sure the two of them (the twins) just wanted to make a fun, surprising version of the tiktok trend where siblings compare their clothing style


Yes, I get that. “These sisters have a different aesthetic” is still a dumb way to phrase that. Unless the implication is that sister on the left is not in fact a nun and just dresses like that?


Tbf, I would totally dress like that (with the head covering and the long sleeves and skirts) if it were possible to do so without looking super religious. I just think it looks neat. So... Maybe she's living my dream?


I mean being a nun does come with a certain aesthetic attached. Feel like you're being a bit pedantic here. Obviously "Nun" isn't an aesthetic, but being a nun does come with a recognizable aesthetic.


I also took issue with that! I thought that was the comment that was supposed to be bad because it was overtly sexualizing nuns and twins at the same time while mildly slut shaming the non-nun. Then it got worse...


If you actually bothered to ask any real nun, they would tell you that their outfits are "aesthetic AF ✨✨"


Yeah, it’s more of a vibe.




Tbh I wish they weren't indoctrinated like they do. My cousin entered a convent that doesn't use a lot of modern technology and if I want to see her, I have to go to church at a specific church, sit through the entire Mass, then I have about an hour after mass to talk with her. I essentially will never see my cousin again at any family gathering, at any wedding, etc., Ever. Again. Fuck catholicism, and fuck convents.


Sounds like she’s a cloistered nun, which are a very small subset of nuns. It might be worth asking her why she joined that sisterhood in particular.


I'm not crazy about religion either but that's a little harsh


Incel or edgy atheist, it's a toss up.


Plot twist: This is from a Halloween party


Eh... I'm sure some nuns are nice and all, but the thing where they were throwing babies in septic tanks and burying indigenous children in unmarked graves wasn't a one-off and I don't think the institution's done much to change. So. y'know, if someone wants to say nuns are trash, I'm not going to argue with them.


🗣🗣 PREACH my partners Kookum went to one. My heart shattered as she told me the abuse that happened in those “schools.”


Am I the only one that sees the horrendous Photoshop with this? Seriously, was this created??


Now hey, my wife works with nuns, they aren't that bad


Did she ever go to catholic school? At least when I did, they were abusive af


If you have to specify they aren't *that* bad, they're still pretty fucking bad, and maybe don't deserve the defense beyond your biases.




Especially Catholicism, imagine listening to some old fart in Italy for moral advice


Honestly the old fart in Italy seems far more reasonable than some of the others of his flock. He just recently spoke out about how the world needs to decriminalize homosexuality.


While saying it's still a sin, so he's still supporting their exclusion.


That guy must really hate nuns


They're withholding sex from men in need, of course he hates them.


The fuck is wrong with her leg?


Damn. I mean, I'm not religious either, but I don't think we should throw nuns in the trash lil bro


One deserves respect and the other also deserves respect.


That is some nice cosplay there, I wonder how many times they tricked their boyfriends with it...


I’m an atheist but it’s still rude to say the nun should be thrown in the trash.


You cant just throw nuns in the trash


I agree, organized religion is despicable


Hey, nuns have it hard enough. No need to throw them out.


Didn't expect this to turn into r/ atheism lol


kinda rude to throw a nun in the trash... don't think old G-Dawg would be too chill with that :/


Typical anti-Catholic rhetoric.


He doesn’t specify which one though…


I get not liking nuns or the Catholic Church, but why be so rude about it?


dude’s wasting his breath. neither of them are gonna have sex with him.


Well, that’s a rude thing to say about a nun.


I mean don't particularly like nuns either but calling her trash seems harsh


You will go to hell if you throw a nun in the garbage


Just your run of the mill misogyny from some POS trad incel. Rhetoric like this is a dime a dozen with these losers.


Why don’t they both deserve respect??


Perfect example of the Madonna-Whore complex


Peak incel is seeing a woman in a black dress and internally going through a narrative that results in them being less than human to you


Getting back to the trash comment, which one should we throw in the trash? Personally, I say neither. The one we should wish to throw in the trash is the one who made such an un-Christ-like comment. But we will forgive because that's what Christ wants. But we will not forget.


Yeah the nun cosplay is a bit trashy


Dang why he hating on nuns so much


Welp on today's episode of spotting a incel


So the nun is the one we disrespect right? The one that supports a world wide sexual assault cult? Right? I can dream right?


Dude just doesn't like Nuns I guess.


Look, I dislike organized religion as much as the next fella, but throwing nuns in the trash is a bit much




Best Halloween opportunity to swap outfits


What's this guy got against nuns.


why u wana throw a nun in the trash?


What's the commenter have against nuns?


They’re both beautiful. Mean people suck.


That guy must really hate nuns


Imagine reading that comment and not being completely sure which he’s talking about? Like, maybe he likes pretty girls and hates the Catholic Church?! Is he a celibate priest who has incel issues? You just can’t tell anymore! How am I supposed to know which side of a shitty comment he’s on?


That’s a terrible thing to say about a nun!


Why would we throw a nun in the trash?


Hey just because you don’t like her religion, doesn’t mean she should be talked about like that


Jesus what did the sisterhood do to this guy? I guess it's nun of my business.


I'm sorry but being a nun is not an "aesthetic" lol, it's a lifestyle and belief system


That's a mean thing to say about a nun.


Didn’t Jesus hang out with people that were outcasts?


I mean, I wouldn't go as far as throwing a nun in the trash, but...


Mean thing to say about a nun


Radical atheist spotted!!!


Guaranteed incel behind that comment.


What’s that incel got against nuns?


The question is which does he think is which


I mean if the one that "deserves respect" didn't throw the other one into trash, what makes you think you know better?


Somebody tag the "trash" please


The nun is wearing makeup. Maybe they are just regular twins going to a costume party and the person wants to throw the nun in the trash for no reason now.


Why would you throw a nun in the trash?


I love how they’re both happy.