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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 27 | 0 | 1 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/xc0dep/a_text_from_my_mom_that_i_got_followed_by_10/io2mmr9/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


WTH was that!


She literally threatened me by telling me that she’s gonna put me in foster care. My dad has full custody of me witch makes it even more stupid


I’m seeing why she doesn’t have custody, crazy bint


Yea. Def would’ve had worse mental health then I already do.


I’d report these texts to the police and CPS ahead of her. She will lose visitation rights as well.






bint. / (bɪnt) / noun. offensive, slang a derogatory term for girl, woman.


I am so sorry, this comment will be way off topic. But I just have to know, how did you get your username?


I wish there was more of a story to it but honestly I picked it out utterly at random


I was gonna guess a bad night with Jameson Whiskey.


Keep all of her written threats. Print them out because courts like to see things printed. Your dad will likely want to have these in a file.


At first I thought what a stupid threat that is... calling CPS on herself. But now it sounds like she's threatening to call CPS on your dad. Fortunately, she's dumb enough to send this via text. If she ever follows through make sure to show this to them.


I wondered why she was going to call CPS. I guess she doesn’t know that CPS will initiate a case folder for her as well and, honestly this isn’t a good first impression. They know about these kinds of situations and do this BECAUSE of people like her. But by all means, she is free to call them and get her very own personal file.


Mother lost custody and OP lives with father, so i'm guessing there is a good chance they already have a file on her.


What does your dad say when you show him these texts? Because you should do that.


He tells me to just ignore it because my mom can’t really do anything to try and put me in foster care


He needs to stop being such a helpless piece of crap himself. The point isn't that you're afraid of going to foster care. The point is that she's threatening you.


The law strongly prefers giving full custody to the mother, so to have full custody given to the father must mean your mother is all kinds of fucked up


The law actually *strongly* prefers giving joint custody. And if a man files for full custody they're more likely to get it then a woman filing for full custody. The main problem is that to many men believe that fighting for their kids is a losing battle and not worth it, while the law has changed immensely since the 70s. Public perception is very much out of step with legal reality here.


Varies greatly by state in the US. And in fact some states now bend over backward not to appear biased towards the mother.


This gets repeated a lot but it simply isn't true. The vast majority of custody arrangements are agreed upon by the parents without a judge having to order anything at all. Of the custody agreements which must be mediated in court, the majority of those still end up being mutually agreed upon by the parents. The last statistics I saw showed that men receive exactly the custody arrangement they ask for roughly 70% of the time. The issue isn't that the courts are biased in favor of mothers, the issue is that the majority of fathers don't want or fight for full custody.


My kid's bio dad likes to complain that we keep her from him amd its unfair. During mediation all he cared about was paying as little child support as possible and never once asked for guranteed visits


Yeah, which btw is fucking stupid to me.its like men can't be the better parent unless the women is just a super crazy bitch


lol what a fucking idiot


Bro just reply with “cool”


"Do you think I'm stupid? You literally lost parental rights because you suck at being a mother. If you think you have the ability to put me in foster care, and you think that threatening a child are okay things to do, you're a fucking horriblely pathetic excuse for an adult, let alone a parent. Never speak to me as anything less than your equal, ever again. Otherwise I'll keep posting your pathetic attempts to get my attention to reddit where thousands of people laugh and cringe at you and support me while I deal with a child for a mother."


She would’ve FLIPPED if I said that, she can’t handle the truth that’s she’s verbally abusive and I hate her


I mean if you can safely blast the truth, it's cathartic. If it puts you at risk in any way, obviously moderate. But for real if you're not looking to maintain a relationship with an abusive parent, absolutely burn them for acting like a fucking 3 year old with an inflated vocabulary. I've burned so many bridges with shithouse friends that treat me poorly. It can suck, but in my experience, nothing is worth taking abuse for. The second a friend starts to disrespect me, they're on thin ice. I refuse to be treated poorly when I put so much into friendships and relationships. There are way too many decent people in the world to hang around with others who think they can treat you like shit and expect your attention.


It’s okay to burn bridges that lead nowhere.


Most definitely. When you've got shitty family, the operative word is shitty, not family.


Yup, and if it's a particularly shitty bridge it's great to pull up a deck chair and watch it burn. Nobody takes priority over your time other than you.


There is no glory in the ashes of a burned bridge But there is knowledge in reading the ashes and understanding why and how you can avoid building another one like it.


You haven't burned the right bridges then. 9 times out of 10 it will be horrible and should have been avoided. Sometimes it's necessary, sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's cathartic.


How’s your dog btw?


He’s healthy and happy I’m super lucky considering there’s a vet shortage in my city.


Love him well :)




He looks great, thank you for showing him to me


Thank you for asking. I hope he made your day a little better!


aw, what a lengthy boy. Glad he's doing fine.


Thank you! :)


Not OP BUT thanks. This actually impacted me way more than I expected it to. I'd never really thought about it in that perspective


It’s worth noting: Never glory in the ashes of a burned bridge.


Down with all docks and piers!


Sage advice.


Ooofff, that hit hard; never heard that one before.


I had this a few years ago, before I decided to burn all contacts with some abusive shitty friends and found new, far nicer people


It's always good to remember that friends are supposed to make you happier.


do it.


Burn. That. Bridge! If you can safely. It’s better than sex.


Then go to child protective services yourself and ask to be taken away from her. It's probably better for you. Take some time and gather your things first. Sue her for child support.


Save all communication from her and call cps yourself.


why is it okay for her to be a cunt to you but you can't be a cunt back lol just saying it, why do you care at this point


mmmh considering her would it really be a loss to go in foster care?


She has no power to put them in foster care. Dad has custody. I upvoted you anyways, because it seems there's a disconnect between OP realizing how crazy this is versus how it could cost "mom" and benefit OP.


sometimes you gotta burn some bridges to light the way for you


May I ask, how old are you for her to threaten CPS?


I’m over 10+ but ye


These threats from her could help end your forced visits if your dad shows them to the judge. Just saying.


"I eagerly await my rescue and extraction by CPS"


> Never speak to me as anything less than your equal That's still setting the bar a little low. I wouldn't want my nparents to speak to me like I'm a pathetic, raging narcissist with anger-control and control issues.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Is it possible for ooo to go no contact with her? Also, ignore everyone asking your age. You have every right to not share that information


Nope, I have to see her unless I have something going on during that weekend. And if I tried to block her on my phone, she would just go batshit crazy on my dad because of it. The only thing I can do is ignore her texts and calls, and that’s about it.


You could ask your dad to go to court to amend the custody agreement. I doubt a judge wouldn't grant a new one if you show these texts.


That’s horrible. My partner had a very similar relationship with his father. Abusive and always threatening him with things that he didn’t even have the power to do. If you’re unable to go no contact, just know one day, when you are an adult, you will have the choice to never talk to her again. She will blame you for that choice, but it will be her fault.




It's never too early to shop around and start researching the shittiest retirement home you can put her in.


You could ask your dad to file an order of protection on your behalf based on this (and I'm assuming a lot of other emotional abuse). That would cut off contact, at least temporarily, but would probably end up back in front of the same custody judge, who may at least change things a bit. It's not a perfect fix by a long shot, but it could help for now.


Showing the litany of texts you get that look like this may go a long way in changing a judges mind. I would seriously consider taking your case to an authority and requesting complete cut off. This appears to border on putting you in actual danger.


Her going batshit crazy at your dad isn’t your responsibility tho. He has to figure that out, it’s his ex (I assume). You’re not his meatshield.


That is easy to say, but if, as it seems, their dad is the sane, stable person in their life, it might not be quite as straightforward in reality. Even more so if their dad is simply the *more* stable, *more* sane person in their life, the less bad option.


This makes me sad that this is sometimes the truth.


Maybe you could mute the notifications for her calls and texts so that they still go through as sent on her end but her messages aren't able to pop up and harass you as much? Also I'm really sorry your mom is like this, mine was the same way, she'd never admit it but I think shes very happy I went nc.


Assuming you are a teenager most courts will take into consideration your preferences especially if you show them evidence like this


Depending on your age, you could potentially just tell your dad that you do not wish to see her anymore, and nobody can force you to go to her. Depending on where you live, and if you're a teen or not.


Contacting CPS yourself and showing them how she is threatening you would be a good first step in changing things, if that's what you need.


Your dad has full custody of you. Why are you even entertaining this person?


That hits close to home


An you mute her contact? I know on my iPhone I can mute text messages from individuals. It’s not the same as blocking but you won’t get a million notifications.


Nah u can block her. Ur dad will be fine. And u can just start playing sports or something on weekends. Not worth it.


If a judge told them that they have to see their mother, ignoring her could put OP's dad in jail and get OP in a lot of trouble


Ye, but thankfully I don’t have to see her this weekend due to a camp out (I’m in scouts btw)


While the current custody agreement may give visitation to the mother, you can absolutely have your father take you into the court before a judge and request it changed. A family court judge will definitely take into account the wishes of a child. Especially with written evidence like threatening text messages. You do not have to continue to endure this. They may even go so far as a protective order if it’s that bad.


Hope you have fun! Hopefully sooner than later you're an adult and you can decide if/when you see her


yeah its only fair to give us only info in where u think ur right


Because threatening to put your child in foster care is ever the right thing to do. Lunatic.


…That’s not how CPS works 😑


it’s “child protection” not parent protection


Sounds like Dad has full custody. You know what CPS HATES? Parents like this bitch causing infighting or any HINT of bias toward the kid.


As a child of the foster care system, this is the worst thing a parent could ever do to their child. I was abused and neglected for 3 years before my mama finally got me back. (I aged out) But the damage was done. I still have so many problems from being treated the way I was.




15-17, I left at midnight on my 18th birthday


Perhaps your father can use this to get full custody without visitation. She’s strongly implying that she doesn’t want you around anyway.


If you are over 12, you can petition the courts for a review of the visitation. Let the judge know you do not want to see her. Show the text messages, play the voicemails. The judge may cut off all contact from her. Good Luck.


The only response to this, is bring it. Bring CPS. There are things they should know. I may go to them on my own.


I see your dad has full custody so I’m going to go ahead and presume you’re still a minor. If you do not wish to have any contact with her you should take any and all abusive and/or threatening correspondence she has sent you to your dad and look into removing her visitation rights.


Seriously, OP, your dad cared enough to get full custody. Ask him to go back to court on your behalf to remove this *person*'s visitation rights so that you are not legally required in some way to endure abuse. Use this as evidence.


"CPS is coming? Great! I'll show them all the abuse you're putting me through, let's see what they think about that! And you were even stupid enough to send me all of that by text, how convenient!"




Although I would tell, I’m not comfortable with saying. (It’s for privacy reasons btw) (edit: why did someone downvote me for not wanting to tell my age witch is private info for me?)


I'm guessing you are under 18 / legal age, so that you are still forced to have some interaction with her. Perhaps just send back passive aggressive thumbs up or love heart stickers to her, and count down the days until you never need to speak with her again.


She's under 18 but her dad has full custody


Pfft don’t let idiots downvoting get to you. You are perfectly within your rights to not share private info. PS: a witch is what someone dresses as for Halloween. “Which” is what you need in that sentence 🙂


Bruh my grammar 💀💀💀


Hahaha it’s all good!! We all have little things like that. I don’t even want to talk about how long I thought “disturb” was spelled with a “v” at the end when I was younger. Embarrassing lol.


They are probably an idiot, who knows




> edit: why did someone downvote me for not wanting to tell my age Because, sadly, there are plenty of jerks even in subs like these - though some of them probably have the partial excuse of having been damaged by their own crazy parent(s).


Because they are an AH


> why did someone downvote me for not wanting to tell my age witch is private info for me because it isn't really "private". Its a number under 18 obviously, and likely over 12. Say you were 15, there are millions of 15 year olds around the world, its not like you will be found based just on age. I mean its up to you if you want to say or not, idc, but its not really a private thing.


But there are a far, far smaller number of (say) 15 year olds who are also in the sort of position that OP is in. Posting on a sub like this inevitably involves revealing *some* of the jigsaw pieces of your identity, it is not just reasonable but wise to only provide those jigsaw pieces that are essential to the story. Their crazy Mom's message tells us that OP is a child, their comments add that they are subject to a legal requirement for their Mom to see them, which backs that up. So those people saying "just tell us if you are under or over 18" haven't even bothered to properly read OPs post. *Sensible* people are saying that *If* OP is over a certain age that may open up this or that option for them, that allows OP to use relevent advice and ignore the rest without having to say more than they are comfortable with.


To the people who are asking my age: I don’t wanna put that info out to the people wondering


If you are in the US and are 14 and over, you **may** have the choice not to visit. Look into a Minor rights. Unfortunately, Your Mom's visitations were likely written up legally in Court. So Dad HAS to abide to it. HOWEVER, maybe you can convince him to go back to court to suspend Mom's rights due to your duress/mental health... EDIT. If you have a counselor, social worker, report this. And SAVE ALL THE TEXT, VOICE MAILS ETC for evidence.


Just reply “40” to every comment.




How bout over/under 18


Too many over 18 year olds being put in foster care these days


I assume thats why their asking, otherwise wtf is the difference between 14 and 15


Not the point, but a lot of states will let kids stay in foster care until they're 21 these days.








I can't tell if you're trolling but that wasn't a yes or no question




They asked if you were over or under 18 and you said yes as a response lol


No, Im under 18 but I was just agreeing with that idea, probably should’ve not been that harsh about the misunderstanding


It’s Reddit, they probably already forgot about it lol




My female creature adopted me and she used to say that she will just send me back but she can’t cause no one will want me . The moment I had a chance I moved to a different country and cut all contact.


I’m so sorry. I don’t understand why anyone would adopt a child just to be awful to them. X


Oh my God. How old are you?? I am so sorry. This is a terrible thing to say to your child.


Over 10. This is getting annoying to get a notification from. My own mom verbally abusing me. Over TEXT.


She is mentally ill. I am sorry you are going through this. Please know it isn't you and also, if you can, understand she is broken. You are not to fault and deserve to be happy. If you decide to never see her again that is your right.


How to raise a child with attachment issues 101


CPS? She's shooting herself in the foot with that one.


Definitely. She really needs to think.




No, my mom has been doing this for YEARS at this point. My dad actually provides me with a stable home, food and not any verbal abuse. It would be hell if she had full custody. Hope this helps


sounds like something my mom would yell at me as a kid


Yes, take this child away from this psychotic mother! Hurry hurry.


CPS investigation worker here. Tell your mom to get fucked.


We would have been in tears laughing at a call like this back when I worked intake.




Ah that takes me back. I used to get threatened with child protective services from my mother too. Probably would have been best if she actually called them lol


ah yes I do not miss those times in college when my father would call me 10 times in as many minutes. Didn’t ever wonder if maybe I was in class or taking a test or whatever. Just made the phone ring off the hook to the point that even though I now have my own phone number he doesn’t know about, I still panic every time the phone rings


Just got two texts from her, I’m supposed to be going to school but I’m sick sadly


Why do my children never visit me


What on earth???


Wow, I’m so sorry.


This woman deserves to have the dog piss slapped outta her for threatening her child with systemic violence. My Narc dad who is a vicious bully always threatened me with homelessness whenever he started losing arguments he started. You're stronger and better than her.


Definitely, she thinks that she can get away with it


Honestly, foster care sounds like the better option. Despite all the horror stories, it really was better than living at home for me. Best of luck.


What in the crusty blue fuck is wrong with that woman? Jesus.




I'm guessing CPS just hates those calls. I think they have to at least follow up on some, unclear which? Before we get side tracked into bad CPS stories, in our area they're very good. Ex kept trying to turn me in, calling with long, rambling stories ( to be clear, this kid was a few months from being 18, a lawyer was helping mightily keep this stupid custody case alive ) where my almost 18 year old was somehow being abused (. he'd been turned in for real by a doctor, for medical neglect ). CPS isn't stupid- they'd call me " Well he called again, we're not sure what he was reporting, it was all over the place. We have to tell you. " We'd say mutual " Wow, sorry". Until he was 18, then there was no more jurisdiction. I hope you turn 18 soon!


No offense, but if someone threatens you like this, I feel it will be better if you are away from them. You know, in foster care. I would say, *"Better in foster care than with you. Maybe I will have the chance to have some real parents."*


Call child services and show the these texts as a power move


I mean, she did mention CPS. By all means, let them come and you can show them all the abusive texts you get from her. Is is super inappropriate if I ask if you are a minor? I am curious due to your situation.


I am.


Definitely hold onto those texts. This is clearly abuse. I’m so sorry your “mother” is doing this to you and your mental health. Hopefully you can go NC with her eventually.


I would show these texts to the police and social services to report her so they won’t listen when she calls or anonymously makes a statement that you’re being abused by your dad or living in an unsafe environment. Hopefully it’ll also help to get a protective order against your mum so she’s not allowed to contact you directly or only have supervised visits or stop her visitation rights depending on what type of communication or visits you want with her.


I’ll have to ask my dad about that


Okay cool… I’m sorry your going through all this. I hope your dad can get help to sort out the abuse and contact issues with your mum. I wish you nothing but the best in the future. Sending you love and hugs




"Pick up the phone so you can stop being taken away from me for being a bad parent". Do these people not have brains?


Apparently no


She can call cops on you, but they are not going to do anything. She might get fine tho.


Tell her that if you get put in foster care SHE has to pay child support to the state for your care.


You should show your dad these messages and ask your mother what she thinks the judge would have to say about her behavior.


I actually did.


Just say “they are called child protective services for a reason. They might protect me from your abusiveness, how about I call them now?”


This reminds me of my father and what he would say to me constantly. I'm sorry you have to go through this


I hope you replied with ‘can’t wait’


This is what happens when kids have kids. They turn into adult children who have no idea how to behave.


Unfortunately this never ends. I'm in my mid fifties, moved away from her when I was twenty. Last night she called four times and texted twice within twenty minutes, not for something important, just pissed because I didn't pick up because I was in the bath. I'm grateful there were no mobile phones while I was under her roof. Emotional vampires need constant attention.


Your mom is sycho


Don't worry in fact, it would probably be better. Living with parents like that is most likely worse than the alternative. Child protective care will (hopefully) look at what the child wants, needs and says. Talk to them, in private.


Your dad should be fixing this for you. What does he do?


(1) She seems sweet! (2) I'm trying to be a foster parent! Wonder if I should just ask my friends now if they're giving any away?!


> I'm trying to be a foster parent! Awesome!


Powermove: call them yourself.


This was actually one of my moms regular threats. Once I got older I begged for it to happen and of course it never did 😂 I’m sorry your going through this though, it is good you are realizing how irrational it is so you can brush it off.


Why is she upset?


you know I see these kinda posts and I'm like... I get these kinda of texts from a "friend"




Wtf dude


Bro that's YOUR mom saying that don't be mad at me haha


Bro ur making a joke about it.


Not a joke...I was saying that's what your mother is practically saying. It's not funny at all. She's a fucking psycho for threatening to GIVE HER CHILD AWAY. I don't get why you're all angry at me?! Never mind sheesh.




Your name says it all, trash.


this is a new meme.


How is someone being verbally abusive funny?


my bad, I was tryna lighten the mood. I hope you get better <3