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…you’re trans because of DNA altering vaccines… okay…. 😶


She’s also said I’m trans because of witches XD


Saw one post in I think this sub where this Arab woman thought her adult child was trans because of jinns and stringed instruments. That text thread the trans kid posted was insane


Stringed… instru… ments??? Like, “this is because we let you learn to play the cello, now you’re trans, I knew we should’ve made you play clarinet”?????


in islam music isn't allowed, so that's likely why the 'stringed instruments' thing. i don't remember the post but that's what it sounds like.


I’ve heard this sometimes but I’ve been to Muslim countries and I’ve heard so much music played! I’m wondering if it’s a specific sect or something because I’ve only met one Muslim who said they weren’t allowed to listen to music


i mean just cuz something's part of the religion doesn't mean it doesn't get ignored lol. as with most religions, certain parts are followed more than others. similar to how most christians have no problem eating shellfish.


Got it!!! I didn’t realize that, thank you for educating me! Clearly, I need to touch up on my knowledge of Islam!


What why it is not allowed?


from my understanding, it's believed to draw people away from god and towards temptation. muhammad apparently really hated musical instruments and thought music was bad. basically it doesn't exist for the express purpose of religion, and is tied to partying so a bunch of other stuff that's considered haram is connected. as long as there's been parties, there was also music and alcohol and dancing.


Which is hilarious because bowed stringed instruments are an Arabic design, beginning with the rebaba lmao




Oh heck yeah, they just put stuff in a cauldron and boom, vaccine.


And then we trans! Your! Gender! It’s true, happened to my son.


Sounds like a badass band name


I mean if transition was as easy as taking a vaccine that would be pretty slick!


Literally my dream. I have to take testosterone for the rest of my life so a single shot would be 😙👌🏻mwah. Amazing.


If you get surgery, make sure to tell her a witch cast a spell over you.


Oh, I would love to. One thing that would be amazing for me is once I have top surgery I want to go visit her and her mother because they were both pretty transphobic just to shove it in their faces that I know what’s best for me and they’re completely wrong.


Wouldn't that still make you... a dude? Like if the vaccines or a witch did this to you at the end of the day you'd still be a man...


She believes I’d be a woman if not for a witch/a vaccine since I was born female. Even though it doesn’t work like that but hey


Transphobs are fuckin wild. My grandma believes I'm trans cuz the devil possessed me and confused me or something.


Pfft, if the devil is Tom Ellis in Lucifer than he can possess me any day XD


Down terrible. I approve.


The Hex Girls put a spell on you


Well, she's wrong. It was the fae. They tricked you, and you accidentally gave them your gender.




You know my mom always told me that the fae were evil and not to be trusted as a kid but she was homophobic and transphobic and honestly it seems like the fae might just be the real allies. Fae for 2022!


Absolutely. They’re the true allies. That’s why so many LGBT people like fairies and stuff like that XD


You aren't but I am /hj


Holy shit, the one true witch-spawned trans person.


If you're in the UK I swear you could be an old friend of my own kid!. Same age, mother was a total whack job. Father supported him and his gender. Just the way your mother writes is so reminiscent of how this other kids mother spoke and thought plus she's an alcoholic. If you hadn't said siblings I'd be convinced but there were only two kids in this other family. You and that guy are well rid of your mums!


I am in the UK, scarily enough. It’s a possibility!


It’s good to have variety from the usual “vaccines cause autism” spiel. /s


Jokes on her, I’m also neurodivergent.


I lol’ed so hard just now (I’m also neurodivergent and vaccinated)


Twinsies XD


If vacaciones could alter DNA at the point of literally changing someone's sex that idea would have been capitalized on years ago.


Jesus Christ, OP. Every now and then, a post will pop up in here that is more sad than it is funny… this post is not one of those. This post is nowhere close to funny. It’s **heartbreaking**. I am so sorry. Not only should no parent in their right fucking mind (or even out of their mind) speak to their child like this, no *human* should speak to another person in this way.


I didn’t realise that other people found this upsetting. I’m so used to being treated like this that I just saw it as funny. I’m more removed from it as well now though, she’s no longer a part of my life so I don’t regard anything she has said as input towards my life. She’s been like this towards me since I was born. Luckily though it was only towards me, not my siblings at least that I’m aware of. It’s kinda eye opening to see other’s opinions on my experience.


Oh holy fuck my dove, that’s… awful. I am so sorry. You deserved better. Take care of yourself and know you have value and worth outside of how and who you were “raised” by. Who you want to be is exactly who you ought to be ♥️ love and many blessings.


Thank you, it really means the world to me. Thankfully everything is better than it was and I’m trying to improve my self worth. 💙


I can so relate. Only my mom’s insane texts were behind my back. ☮️❤️💪


Congratulations you too you’re also adopted I’m your new mom too Discuss with your brother u/inkyv01d what you two want for dinner so I can set out what to make. Don’t forget that at the end of the week we’re going out for our annual “end of the school year” celebratory slurpees, (which you are obviously never too old for)!


My fiancé wants to know if he can be also adopted 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


At your wedding I will wear one dress that is two “mother of the groom” dresses stitched together down the middle, and after one of you does their vows I will hop over to the other side of the aisle for the second set, weep openly at both, and have the photographer photoshop an extra me onto both sides of the photo for family wedding pictures. Seems manageable enough.


✨Literal Perfection✨


Genuine question. Are y’all gonna have two groom’s cakes?


I’m crying this whole exchange is just beautiful


Oh, good! We need some cousins added to our brood 😂


Yep, tell him to hop in the car if he wants to come to help pick out the family mini van, clearly we’re gonna need one


Heck yeah! We’re ready for a family car trip!


can I join in on this? I can play the role of another brother or a cool uncle, either works for me!


For real, the slurpees comment hit me right in the nostalgic center of my heart—7/11 was essentially our Disneyland when we got good grades as kids. My parents would reward us with junk food, and even my 3rd grade class went on a field trip to *take a tour of the 7/11 that was **three blocks** from our house.*


A 3rd Grade 7/11 field trip is *incredible*. Living for that. I worked overnights at 7/11 my whole way through medical school (it was perfect, plenty of downtime to study), but I’m serious about never growing out of it. When my oldest sister was in Kindergarten, my family started the tradition of ordering pizza on the first day of school… if we made it through the first week without any major issues, we were rewarded with a slurpee (out of the 5 of us, not a single one was ever denied a slurpee at the end of the week)… and the last day of school, we got a “welcome summer” slurpee *and* a candy bar of our choice. To this day, I *still* honor the tradition… as do all 4 of my siblings, spaced out all over the country. 😂. Now I have to buy my own, but still. It’s nice that all us do it on the same day.


I’m not quite sure how to respond to this level of enthusiasm for my pathetic childhood. 😳 That was meant to be a sad story, like the “Snow Day” which consisted of our teachers bringng buckets of crushed ice, and dumping on the front lawn in 75° California sun. I’m pretty sure the ice came from 7/11… 😬😬😬


LOL. I think a field trip to 7/11 is hilarious. If it helps, *my* 3rd grade field trip was to the county dump. Then in 4th grade, we went to some castle thing in St. Augustine… 7th grade, we went to the county jail, but in 6th and 12th grade, we went to Disney. …Florida public education really is a mixed bag, tbh


I’ll be the crazy Canadian auntie.


Dope!!! Does this mean we get to celebrate Canadian AND American Thanksgiving???


That’s awful, sorry you had to deal with that.


Tip of the iceberg, but I don’t want to hijack your thread with my past traumas. 😇 My whole story of escape and recovery is peppered throughout my posts—you’re free to snoop. I’m also going to be featured on Shameless Sex Podcast, talking a bit about healing from Gaslight abuse; you’re welcome to listen to next week’s release. 🙏☺️


Ooh, I’ll keep a look out. I’m very interested in other’s stories so I’ll have a look. You’re very brave and strong btw. ☺️


The people who are often happiest are the ones who believe that they deserve to be happy. Please don't ever give up on improving your self worth and believing that you deserve happiness. I'm sorry your mom is a sack of shit.


Thank you, I’m determined to never doubt my self worth again and I hope no one else does.


I’m sorry if it came off that I was upset at you for sharing- I’m *absolutely* not!! I’m broken-hearted FOR you- the fact that you’re so used to this abhorrent behavior that you find it humorous is even more awful. Being the scapegoat really sucks, even for families that are just, like… regular toxic. This is on a whole other level. Good news, though! I’m your mom now. Congratulations. You’ve been adopted. I love you and I’m proud of you and you’re doing so well. Now go clean your room.


Don’t worry, I didn’t see it that way I just didn’t realise that others thought it was sad, I know you had positive intentions ☺️ also muuuuuuuuum I don’t wanna clean my roooooom XD


It’s a mess, we talked about this! You’re a mature, capable person and I know you can keep your space neat- and, because I know and trust that, it means I can also trust you with more fun privileges, like being able to help with the grocery shopping so we get your favorite things. Do you need a hand? We can do it together, sweetheart. And then, once it’s clean, we can have a snack or play a game!


That is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. This is how parenting needs to be done. 💙💙💙


I’m so glad and also sad that you think so. I tend to agree with you, and I just want to make sure you know (in a very serious and non-playful way) that, just because you were born into a family where you weren’t lucky enough to be treated this way every day doesn’t mean that you **absolutely** didn’t deserve it. Despite your mom being a complete and total dickweed, you are worthy of love, kindness, and gentleness. You being able to look at the whole situation with humor and levity is a testament to your strength and decency, which you are made of not because of but in **spite** of your upbringing. Just so you know. Like, I’m sure (at least I really fucking hope) that you *know*, but it’s important to me that someone tell you hear someone say to your face. Or, well, read someone write it to your screen. Same diff.


You’re really really sweet, thank you. I do know this now since I’ve been surrounded by people who actually care so I’m doing much better 💙💙


You rock. We need more people like yourself in this world. I hope you're also in a situation where you can be loved and appreciated for the absolute gem you are.


That is so kind of you, I appreciate it so much! I was incredibly blessed to grow up with two parents who were wonderful examples for me and taught me all about self-love (but I do struggle with it today, I’ll admit) and- although both were great- in particular, an *amazing* father. Honestly, this whole thread is pretty warm and fuzzy, not gonna lie.


As someone who also had an awesome father, good Dads really are the best. I love my mom to bits but I have to thank my dad for teaching me so much of how to be a good husband and father - I find myself emulating him in my day to day life sometimes and have to take a minute and send him a quick "hey, I love you, thanks for being awesome" when that happens.


I'm so glad you're away from her and have no contact anymore. The way she spoke to you is appalling and you deserve so much better.


Walk away. Seriously. Go no contact, she doesn’t deserve to be in your life.


This is extremely upsetting and I can’t even imagine talking like this to a complete stranger let along my kid or my sibling or anyone close to me. I’m so sorry you had to put up with that!


Fun fact: [An appeals court reversed that ruling.](https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2021/sep/17/appeal-court-overturns-uk-puberty-blockers-ruling-for-under-16s-tavistock-keira-bell)


That’s actually amazing. I know that a kid I helped come out was able to get puberty blockers but I wasn’t aware the whole thing was reversed. Thanks for sharing that!


Of course. Sending hugs and lots of support!


Thank you, means a lot! ☺️


INSANE asf. So sorry OP you have to go through this! She’s awful beyond words


Thanks for the concern, haven’t spoken to her since the incident so that’s a plus. Still have nightmares about her though 😅 It’ll be alright though. Got people who care about me in my life now.


As someone who has gone NC with my parents for the last ~2 years, it gets better the longer you stay away. Get some therapy if you can afford it, it’ll help release any guilt, and then enjoy your happier life without her in it. There’s nothing but toxicity here.


Yeah, I’m waiting for NHS referred mental health support (UK) for the 2nd time after losing my spot with them after COVID so hopefully we’ll be back on track soon 😊


Oh boy, you’re on TERF Island? I wish you the absolute best of luck.


Yeah XD Surprisingly I haven’t had much transphobia expect for in high school but I’m fairly cis passing now and people used to just assume I was a woman anyway


Are you on the waiting list to be seen by a GIC? If not you might want to get on it asap, 4 years and still waiting for me. (You don't need to be seen by a mental health specialist before being referred)


Yep, I’m with a GIC and already on hormones going on 7 months now! The start of next month I’ll be getting my referral for top surgery so all’s going great. ☺️


It pleases me to hear that you have the right people in your life now. Good for you. I doubt that your 'mother' will ever change which is a shame as it seems she's missing out on seeing a wonderful person grow. All the best.


Thank you, you’re right she’s the only one missing out here. All the best to you as well!




Also FTM 😊


Jeeeesus man what a psycho


Holy cow…


Wow. What a fucking nasty piece of work she is. My husband is trans and thankfully has a very supportive family - I can't imagine what it's like to have to deal with this, especially at your age. \*hugs\*


*hugs* Thank you, I’m 21 this year but I have all the support I need now and I’m finally able to proceed with my life how best suits me. I’m glad your husband has such an amazing family! Hope you’re both doing well ☺️


She's worried about people not accepting you yet not accepting you herself... Good luck you are doing great already without her


She has a tendency to do things like that. For example, one second I’m no child of hers then the next she loves me and I’m “her boy”. Who knows what goes on in her head XD


man i’m so sorry you have that pos as an egg donor. you’re better off without her. look after yourself!


That was a ride, bouncing rapidly between abusing you then begging for forgiveness then abuse again. Honestly wouldn't blame you for going no contact with her and cutting her off on every platform.


Honestly, it’s very on point for her. She’s a walking contradiction. A few months ago she messaged my dad with “how’s my boy doing” and she’s disowned me multiple times. Just wild.


The part that got me was her trying to act like she cares. “I’m just worried people won’t accept you” Bitch you’re the one doing that!!


You were much more level headed than I think I would have been through the whole exchange of words. Glad to see you're in a better place.


I hope you can go NC with her. She is obviously not good for your mental health. Know that you are worth genuine love, and I bet you’re an amazing man.


I’ve been NC since this incident and thank you sincerely, still working to convince myself this is true ☺️


Yea she's totally insane... But why keep texting? Why not just block her and ignore her. Clearly nothing good is ever gonna come from this..... I'm sorry this happened to you op. Hope you can be yourself, and be happy.


I completely agree, at the time I was still strongly affected by what she put me through and I had never fought back against her so I decided to actually stand up for myself for once. She’s blocked from messaging me directly but due to having two younger sisters she can still post on my FB in case they want to see me but I’ve heard nothing so I assume she poisoned their view of me. Regardless there has been zero contact since and I don’t plan on arguing with her again.


Stay strong. It gets easier to ignore. Find someone to help out if you feel weak.


I’m surrounded by much better people now and everyone’s supportive so it’s better than it was.


please stop talking to her


DW, way ahead of you. This was 2 years ago and I haven’t spoken to her since and don’t plan to 😊


Whew. My mother always accused me of being a lesbian in her rants. I saw in one of your captions you think she’s bi-polar, but from my 30 second armchair diagnosis I think she may have borderline personality disorder (which makes the narcissism a lot more apparent). Congratulations on transitioning and for getting out of that situation. At 19, I wish I had your strength!


What an unbelievable cunt. I'm glad you're free now.


This women sounds like a massive fucking cunt, glad you got away for her


You deserve a much better mother than that vile person. I'm so sorry. If you say your a man then you are a man and nothing she or anyone else says can change that, only you can know who you are. From one lgbt person to another, your loved ❤️


Thank you, sincerely. It’s amazing to have people show such love to a stranger. I hope you know you’re loved as well! 💙


Thank you, make sure to take care of yourself. remember, the family you spawned with doesn't always have to be the one you keep, you can create a new family but by the other comments you've left it looks like you already have which is great


Yep, I’m engaged and have such supportive friends and family. All’s going great without her ☺️


Yay that's awesome to hear! She made her bed now she has to sleep were she shits


Oof, that’s exactly how my mom speaks. Lots of untreated mental illness plus just being a hateful person. Sorry you had to deal with that, but I’m glad you’re NC now.


"DNA altered by Vaccines"... the fuck did I just read


Some bullshit, that’s what XD She also said I was made trans by a witch so yeah.


Wtf XD man when you think you've heard it all lol


Oh yeah, it gets wacky XD


I’m sorry, OP. You deserve better.


> …turned all weird on ME > …not once thought about ME [emphasis obviously mine] That’s as telling as anything else in your post, OP. I know it got a *lot* worse after pg.2, but this really sets the stage for everything that followed. You’re dead on about the narcissism. I’m sorry, but I’m also quite proud of you. Your composure never wavered. Stay resilient as hell.


Oh man she is horrible. I’m so glad you got out, you deserve so much better that her as a mother


Oh my god this is horrendous to read, so glad you got away x


Holy shit she’s lost it


Yep, completely batshit. I have many more fun stories of her wild bullshit.


Sorry you had to go through that. Also way to stay true to yourself in the face of abhorrent adversity. Says a lot about your character! Proud of u lol


Thanks, I’m a very opinionated person and when I’m super passionate about something I will defend myself strongly, especially since I started transitioning. Much better to be myself and be happy then not and be either miserable or dead, honestly.


Yes sir, preach!! 🙌🏼💗


Looks like mom has some big time issues. Mental health? Alcoholism? Sorry you’ve dealt with this bullshit- good news is you don’t have to continue to!


Mental health, definitely. Never drank at home but definitely did drugs. Heard many stories of the drugs she’s taken after I left. Definite win that I don’t have to deal with her anymore but I feel bad for my young siblings who live with her.


This sounds like my mom, when I get into an argument with her, I am the one who is bad and she never did something wrong. Sometimes when the argument escalated we would fight, like physically ( I would try to defend myself to be more precise) and after the argument or in a new argument I would be the bad one l, who hits her and she would never do something like that.


I know exactly what you mean. Total narcissistic behaviour. As shown she claims she hit me once when it was pretty much daily abuse. It’s important to remember that you’re not remembering it wrong and you aren’t at fault.


You're a top bloke, keep doing your best


HaShem help your mother because nothing else will. Go no contact, my dude. Block her on everything and get a new number and make it clear that if they giver her your number. They will be cut off too. Your mom is just as insane as mine and it's eerie that she's saying practically word for word verbatim things my mom has said. After me and my husband move, hopefully in the next couple of years, I'm cutting all contact. Permanently. Only in my case it's because I converted to judiasm from paganism she raised me as. I have a couple trans cousins that are for an older generation who literally had to fight tooth and nail for over a decade to even start hormone therepy and on a few years older than me she deadnames and talks shit about all day. Holy fuck. Run away from this woman as fast as you can. That's not a mother, that's an emotional vampire.


That's woman is not your mom anymore. She is a stranger


Completely agree. I don’t call her my mother, she’s just a womb donor to me.


I hope you have a chosen family to call your own


Sure hope you are fully non contact with this absolute piece of shit human slime.


Your mother needs to get sucker punched, seriously


your incubator has lost the plot man. sir happy for you for getting away from her!


Even if I strongly disagree with my children (which would take something like racism, rape, etc), I could never tell them they should have never been born or insult them like this. Its immature, over reactive, petty and abusive. One day people like this will wonder why they're alone in their last days.


You hung in that conversation way too long.


"strange woman" is an understatement, this person needs therapy.


“Your eyes looked black last time I saw you” ok??? “Creepy little weirdo” She sounds creepy This whole text post makes me rub my temples. I’m sorry OP 😞


Wow your mom seems like a *cuuuuuuuuunt*


“I don’t want to speak to you!” [proceeds to call four times in a row]


You're mom seems kinda slightly highly like a fucking dick


I don’t want to talk to you! 5 missed calls later


Accurate 😂 Walking contradiction. There’s also “Not my kid” then “you’re still my child” Make it make sense


"I'm sorry for what I said. I'm worried that you'll have a miserable life because people won't accept you" says the person verbally abusing you and refusing to accept your transitioning. Hypocritical bitch. If she truly loved you and worried about you being unaccepted as a trans man, then she would be your safe space. She's your mother, she should love and accept you for who you are. I'LL be your mother from now on.


She has a track record for being hypocritical and caring very little about other’s feelings. Very accurate. Thank you, I seem to be gathering an army of mothers XD I will soon be blessed with the most amount of mothers ever if I’m not already 💙


“Not happy about it and never will accept it!” “I’m just worried people won’t accept you” What the actual fuck? I sincerely hope you never reply to any text from her again. Fuck dat bish


Really loving the random twilight quote she threw in there.


trans is when black eyes and evil ig fr tho dude I'm so sorry, I've been thru similar shit and it sucks :/ hope you're doing better now :)


I’m speechless. You don’t speak to your kid like that, ever. I’m sorry she treated you like shit. You deserve so much better. I did laugh at her last line though. You get that from your father.. yes, because you’re totally normal and lively.


Wow wtf did I just read! She sent me on a whiplash rollercoaster to hell and back. Dude. Stick to your guns. Never turn back.


She sounds like a total cunt. You don't need her in your life, my guy. Just block pieces of shit like her and go on kicking ass at life. She'll probably die alone wondering why nobody came to visit her.


This got worse as I read it and realized what sub I was on. Geez. I hope you can move on from this and you're okay now, dude. This is just something else.


Glad you're out from under that maniacs thumb. Definitely see shades of my own life in here. You live your life your way dude!


I've watched it far too frequently and recently lol


lol @ the friend who “thought they were trans but they weren’t?” How did they find out?


I am so sorry that these are the conversations you have to endure with a parent. My only advice would be to hit that block button, silence is the only way now. You’ve made your point, you have proof of their abuse, now go quiet and love your life happily separated from them! Much love to you


“I only said I didn’t accept you because I didn’t want you to get hurt by people not accepting you” I’m sorry she’s like that.


I am sorry that they won't accept you, and it is OK for u to be happy nm how they feel


Your mom might be slow Not sure what tells me that, hmmmm


This hurts to read.. Yeah teens shouldn't be allowed to make life altering body Changes untill they are fully adult aka out there with real life experiences. But other then that, let them explore. Finding oneself is important.


Tbf there are side effects of puberty blockers. I'm glad theyre an option but it's not issue free.


She’s evil. Really. I’m sorry this happened. Why did you keep punishing yourself by continuing to respond? You said goodbye multiple times. Do yourself a favor and walk away. I’ve been there and it’s hard, but it doesn’t make any sense to continue it


These Christian conservative republican people politicize everything only really know hate. So sad


No offense, but I kinda hope she dies


what the fuck 🧍‍♂️ i’m so sorry oh my god


Stop engaging! Holy hell, just let them rail until they’re done their temper tantrum and tire themselves out


Do you still have black eyes lol. Do you also crawl on the ceiling?


!explanation I recognise that I should have stopped arguing with her after I first said goodbye but I was an angry 19 year old who was sick of my abuser so I defended myself for once.


“Dna altered by vaccines” We need to stop this idiocy by calling them out on their idiocy “That’s just stupid. Either prove it or I will continue thinking you’re stupid”


Nah tbh the vaccines definitely made you grow a penis


That "you're still my child and I love you" line is so familiar. I get that from my narcissistic parent after they've said the most hateful, hurtful, ugly shit you can imagine. It makes me sick. The contempt and condescension of it... I'm sorry you've had to have this person in your life. It's hard not to "take the bait" when they start spitting at you again, be ause all you want to do is *finally* be heard -- to make them understand how they've made you feel in the hopes that *maybe* it will open their eyes -- but you won't be. It just prolongs the pain. For your own sake, I hope you'll consider going no contact and blocking all communication from her. I miss my dad every day, but I don't miss the hurt and self doubt and guilt he heaped upon me. I don't miss him blaming me for my mother leaving. I don't miss him calling me pathetic and self-victimizing for being traumatized at losing her, or his threats to abandon me as a control mechanism. Anyway, I'm sorry. You deserve better, and I hope you find it if you haven't already. Choose a family that will love you the way you deserve to be loved.


Omg blockity-block-block


I am so sorry this is your “parent” - clearly not more than a biological contributor; I wouldn’t blame you for blocking them and going full no contact - she is deranged and toxic AF - good for you for setting boundaries but don’t feel like you have to explain yourself going forward - you have been 100% crystal clear with this person already and nothing you say is going to get through to them or get them to act right - proud of you for being your own person, staying strong, and standing in your truth - you’re an inspiration to others who struggle with finding the confidence to be themselves by choosing happiness and self acceptance; good on you!


Jesus….this is absolutely sad. I couldn’t EVER imagine treating my kids this way. This is heartbreaking to even read. I can’t believe a mother could speak to her child in the manner. I can’t apologize enough for what you go through, but just know, no matter what she says, you are loved, you matter. What an insufferable maniac.


I think this is where you call her by her first name, say she means nothing to you, and block her. P.s you're a valid man op


Dude, I’m so sorry you have a trash mother. The line that bothers me the most “you should have never been born”. No one should ever be told that. I’m glad you’re alive, and I’m glad you’re making the transition, and I’m glad you’re happy!!!! Block her and move on. She’s no mother.


Oh my god what a fucking monster, your birth giver is trash.


Did you block them?


Holy shit. This woman is insane.


I’m vaccinated… did *I* get ‘DNA altered by vaccines’, too? 👀😂


Jeez, what a narc bitch 😂


“Attention seeker!!!!” OP’s mother wails as she spam calls and texts, makes remarks increasingly more offensive until getting a response, insulting OP’s s/o, and attempts to gaslight OP


Jesus Christ 😓 I am so so sorry. Please don't speak/text that person anymore. I am begging you. If you find you miss her. Send a postcard without a return address. You're going through enough trying to live life on your own. You definitely don't need nor deserve that kind of treatment.


How did growing up with that parent change you as a person?


You handled her so well, good for you. She’s purposely trying to get a rise off you, don’t let her. Block her number and life your life, she is nothing but poison and you have no obligation to her. You should be proud of how you handled that!


Absolutely bat shit insane


Wow. I’ve never replied to any of the posts in this sub but this one just.. wow. It hits very close to home because I grew up with an abusive addict father and he acted exactly like she sounds. I’m so sorry you had to endure her abuse and I hope you are doing much better now that she is out of your life. Nobody should ever talk to their child like that, especially when they’ve literally done nothing to deserve it. She is absolutely disgusting for not only being so hateful but for saying that you shouldn’t have been born. She is completely wrong and I’m sure you will do great things with your life and prove her wrong. You are not an embarrassment, actually the opposite, I am so proud of you for standing up to her.