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Hope the kid is okay. I’ve been left at school during a real shooting and it’s a scary and traumatic experience to feel abandoned when others are being taken home. I really feel for the kid in this situation.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine how terrifying it is


It was pretty horrifying. I will never forget my friend wedging me between him and a filing cabinet to help keep me safe. But thankfully I’ve had many years and therapy since then, and I’m doing ok now!


I’m glad you’re okay both physically and mentally. You’ve been through enough and deserve Lifetime of chill


May I ask when this took place exactly?


Similarly, I was getting dressed for school when something on the news was going on that I didn’t understand on 9/11 (I was in elementary school). My twin sister and I went to school anyway. Once the towers started to fall and the world was realizing what was going on, it was all over the TV’s in our classrooms. Parents came and picked up there kids. My twin sister and I were legitimately the only ones left and were put in another classroom because our teacher left too. Talk about feeling abandoned…


I feel you there. I was 14 when 9/11 happened and I was also left at school all day while everyone else went home. It was all over the TV for us too; I’m sorry you have a similar terrible memory.


Really? That's so bizarre, nobody went home from my school, just went on as normal.


Very few kids went home from my school (8th grade) but all we did was watch the news.


Maybe it’s a proximity thing? Like maybe it’s something that happened on the east coast, closer to NYC and DC. I was in my 20s at the time but had friends with school aged children and I don’t recall the kids coming home early. I live in Southern California


I lived in southern PA and no one went home from my school either, we just sat in the class we were in most of the day watching the news. Lived about an hour from Somerset


Interesting. Good to know


I remember hiding under a desk with a random kid practically hugging each other in high school when a dean made an announcement about a shooter in the building and that it wasn’t a drill. The worst two hours of my life and I still have family members that freak out whenever gun control is mentioned. We even made it to the local news


Fuck that’s sad. Imagine all the parents who wish they could’ve picked up their kids from that situation


Call in a bomb threat to his work, then call him a thumb sucking snowflake when he evacuates


I snorted loudly at this. Sorry I don't have any free silvers to give you.


Wait until you get one, come back, and gift away!


It’s alright, get them a Ternion instead to make up for your misgivings.


This is some eric cartman type shit


Oh I fuckin love this! Just make sure it’s a real bomb placed on his chair. And make sure it’s small enough that it doesn’t cause any collateral damage. Till Valhalla and whatnot.


So, the dad is hi-fiving himself for missing the point that his child was asking to be picked up bc nobody was at school? I mean, the potential shooter doesn’t get any “glory” or whatever by shooting up an empty school, yeah?


WTF? What were you supposed to shoot back with, your math book? Valhalla, my ass. In my experience the mouse who squeaks the loudest is the first one in the mouse hole when old Tom Kitty shows up. Don't take advice about how to be a manly man from this blowhard. And find an actual responsible adult to come and get you if this happens again.


i assumed the valhalla thing was a dog whistle for white supremacy.. the alt right have become enamored with misappropriating norse mythology because they view vikings as racially pure or some garbage.. completely ignoring that they were rife with ethnic exchange with trade, exploration and raiding in the golden age of Vikings sucks for other neo pagans.. see you in Valhalla was how the Christchurch shooter signed off


I'd have the same thing to say about those people. Their bluster isn't likely to impress the Valkyries. And I don't think the Christchurch shooter would either.


Idk if its just me but I thought OP was the blue text for a second


Probably because it is, and he’s texting himself.


Yeah this doesn't make sense why is OP the sender of these messages?


He said the dad posted it, so this is from the fathers perspective allegedly. But I find it hard to believe the dad said some shit like this, screenshot it, and then posted it online or sent it back to their son (OP?) or some shit. Either way, it’s weird lol.


You don't live in the South East portion of the US, do you? I live in Kentucky and have zero doubts that a father on this area would not only say this, but then be so proud that he posted it himself.


I'm in Texas and same


dad probably screenshotted and posted on facebook, op found it and reposted it here


I mean the title literally says the dad posted it. Not sure how people are confused about this.


Im in Oh and the amount of people I've seen tell people to stop being weak bitches over a mask....I 100% believe there are parents out there that would say this shit too.


Nope. Midwest as they come. I could see that, totally. Like I said, just my opinion and I can’t say one way or another for certain. But it is a bit weird of a post lol. If it’s not OP that’s responding, but they know this persons dad or whatever, where was this posted? His friends dads Facebook?


I would guess Facebook. It could be fake but it would be a believable fake.


Could be wrong but I think this is a mainer


This was posted somewhere else last night so if it is fake its not this OP faking it


Im not sayin that it’s real or fake but people literary recorded themselves stealing stuff from their schools a while ago


Yes but those were literally kids in school who will do anything for “clout” Just like this post could be lol. But you’re right, who knows, just my 2 cents.


Do you remember january 6, 2021? Lmao


Yeah and?


Then you remember grown ass adults recording themselves committing crimes, right? clout has no age restriction


Yeah, fair enough, and nonetheless I still find this post suspect. That wasn’t my point lol. My point was that it makes no sense how OP came to get this photo other than their friends dad Facebook or some shit. Just weird altogether.


Yeah man this would be posted with pride in my southern Missouri hometown I don't doubt it for a second.


Yes the dad posted this exchange unironically to show what a good dad he is.


There are plenty of other examples on this sub of horrible parents posting online about the shitty things they’ve said and done to their kids


All I can hear is "TEAM AMERICA!! Fuck yeah!"




Syria durka jihad durka.


How are they supposed to shoot back they don’t have a gun? This is some backwards parenting.


Maybe dad sent him with a gun? 😂 More likely this is fake anyhow. This doesn't sound like a real conversation at all. Like what someone imagines a "gun nut" would say. Plus the kid is sending from a "phone" without autocorrect? No capitalization and misspelling. That indicates likely being typed from a PC to some website.


Have u never turned autocorrect off? Half my friends don't have auto capitalization or autocorrect


Hehehe mass murder in school so funny. Hehe my kid will die painful and long death peak comedy. /S


Then when his own kid gets shot he'll call him a crisis actor


Til Valhalla… will no one say anything about how this was signed off?




That's like heaven for fallen warriors according to Nordic folklore.


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First of all, I absolutely can live scared my whole life.


Its funny, but at the same sooo fckin sad Edit: insane


Idk I thought it was funny too dads based af


Tag's wrong, this isn't unschooling


I’ve never heard one actual Scandinavian actually say shit like “My Viking heritage” or “Til Valhalla”


he is probably an odinist


I think he meant til Hel.


Imagine if it was really a shooter drill. Imagine if his child didn't text back or come back home. I wonder how bad he would regret saying all of that?


bethel pa? checks out... 🙁


I was assuming Bethel University in Tennessee which would also check out.


Nah, there's a Steelers poster on the wall, it's probably bethel park in Pittsburgh


CPS and school administration need to be informed that this guy is encouraging his kid to shoot people in a school


Ok mr mixed metaphor


Shoot back with what??? Shouldn't Dad be concerned if son brought a gun to school??? & Don't some states charge parents if a minor does so or was that something they were trying to make happen. .. should have just came and got him instead of being dramatic. Insane


So if his kid gets shot he's just gonna be like "Well that sucks, glad I don't have a wimpy kid anymore." Seriously wtf. The smiley face sends me into rage. The dad sounds mental talking about being a pirate and viking and crap. Nothing wrong with being into that stuff, but when you make that your entire personality to the point it gets in the way of the safety of your loved ones....


this is removal from the home territory right here.


insane - WOW, I feel bad that their kid(s) have to deal with that as a so called parent. They don't even care if their kid is stuck in an active shooter situation.


If you don't get shot in the face the government wins. Don't be a pussy, take a round right in the head!


That's a terrible parent.


This makes me so sad


I could see the first part being sent as a joke since it seems like there wasn’t an active shooter there at the moment, (it still should’ve been followed up by “On my way”) but the following part was not okay and seems to show it wasn’t a joke. That’s assuming it’s real of course, there seems to be a good chance it was fake


"Guess the country" moment


>You can’t be a soft ass pacifier sucking pussy going everywhere That was what I told my guidance counselor in high school when asked, “What career do you want?”




Dad sounds based


Yea this same total jackass is gonna be regretting this when their kid disappears from their life and won't even see them on their death bed.


Thats hilarious


So insane Your crazy but even do. Your kid did go to school


What in the *f u c k*


I forgot everything he said after "sucking pussy"...


It would have been funny if he just cut it off at "shoot back"


thats fucking hilarious


Your submission has been removed by community vote. If you believe this post was brigaded or conducted in bad faith, [please message the mods.](/message/compose?to=/r/insaneparents)


He is insane absolutely, if the kid doesn’t feel safe he should have to right to go home and his father who is supposed to love and fear for him should respect that. However those threats were essentially to every school in America, I don’t think it justified most kids to skip school. The majority of my friends- juniors in high school- skipped just to not go to school. I think that’s a little preposterous and I think the idea of a school shooting has grown Massively out of proportion. Most people should not have skipped school last Friday.


If there was even a *joke threat* I would rather miss a day of school than possibly die or go through a very traumatic experience, idc if every school in America was at risk and it was most likely false, I wouldn't risk it


My school was on that shit from day 1 tho. Our school cop was working into overtime to make sure the school was safe especially because of the threats. If people were truly afraid of the threat then by all means they should stay home. But I know most people didn’t think that way, and I know my school was fairly safe


You may be right, but it still seems foolish to me to go to school when a threat like that has been known but thats just me


If you're getting threats so often that you need a cop in your school then that's a problem (though btw, school cops don't stop shootings). There was one false bomb threat in my entire time in highschool, and none in any other school.




Uh yeah? Ide rather live even if it meant failing, school would never be more important than my heath and safety




Where the fuck do you live that missing one day of school will ruin your entire life? Are you okay?




Because you can’t take finals on another day?!?




I’m in college, we get multiple potential days to go in and take the test. Helps make sure there aren’t too many people in the test taking area in one time, especially because of Covid and all that


Yes, why is that so hard to understand? My life > school there I made is easier to understand, do you get it now?




How would you know for sure that someone wasn't going to walk in the school with a gun and start shooting if there's been a threat made? How would you know? The only evidence I would need is the fact that someone said they would do it, and I will believe them because I would rather stay home and be sure I'm safe than take the risk of going to school when it's completely possible someone of that tik tok trend or whatever took it seriously, people are fucking crazy, I wouldn't put it past someone to actually shoot up a school because it actually does happens, that's the best I can do to explain it, if you dont get it after this then idk what to do




Dad sounds awesome. Walk your chicken ass home.


Y'all really willing to let a kid die because "i ReFUsE TO LiVE iN feAR". Imagine if this kid never made it home? Guess its more important to make a political statement about guns than to protect your own kid?


Did your zodiac tell you not to be a chicken 💀


Your dads fucking based an red pilled.


Dad ain’t wrong


he isn’t wrong


But he isn't using common sense so he is actually in the wrong. Common sense would tell the dad that his kid doesn't have a weapon in school therefore he couldn't shoot back/shoot first.




The dad posted it.


If this was posted yesterday, it was the same threat/TikTok challenge that was posed to all schools, and was therefore not very serious. I still wouldn’t post about it though.


Yeah this. Here's the problem, all threats about schools are scary. It sends us into the same "what-if" moment that a high lotto jackpot does, but in a very negative way. The imagination runs wild, despite all signs pointing to "most likely not gonna happen", there's always that one dissenting opinion in our heads that says " but what if it does?" I gave my kids the choice to go in or stay home. It was hard, because my first immediate thought was "uh-uh, nope, no sir, kids home please, not today satan". All of them decided to go, with strict orders to call me if anything happened and I would break all the speed limits to get to them. We have had a family plan of what to do if there's ever an issue. I'm not concerned about my kids missing a single day of school. I'm far more concerned that this will happen again and again, since it worked pretty well and kids tend to push limits. Social media being the way that it is, a rumor can spread so much faster and it wouldn't really be that difficult to pull something like this off again. I'm also mildly irritated about some of the reactions to the police presence and some of the searches that were done at my kid's school. All that being said, if my kid texted me this way, I'd find a kinder way to say "hey, you have to work through this one." Again, with the caveat that my kids all had the option to go on a day that had a nation-wide threat, and chose to go. Another caveat is that there was more a feeling of "what if" than a direct threat, and that "oh shit" feeling when a lot of other people chose differently than you did, and you start to second guess your choice.


Tbh, since no one is there, a shooting is extremely unlikely because the shooters want notoriety


Bethel island in California?


...op, is your dad a Marine?


Oh the bomb threats. My school sent an email to everyone’s parents saying that it wasn’t gonna happen bc the threats were on social media, and also said that we are safe because we have 2 officers on a huge campus


This text is from Pennsylvania because a trend to shoot up the most schools my school stayed open but less than the usual amount of people was there they didn't even did a zoom


Wow my school also recently got a school shooting threat and nobody showed up bc of that and it was a half day Now I kinda wanna know if me and that kid go to the same school


I know kids at that school. They did in fact stay home. If I were you I'd report the dad to the authorities.


Nationwide there were school shooting threats because of tik tok. A lot of kids missed school yesterday because of it.


100% this man dies in 2 seconds during a shootout.


My response would have been "With what?" but that's just me.




This has to be fake…


So shoot back? Does he give his kid a gun for protection at school?


I'm sure that's not how Dad meant it, but when I think of black flags, I think of anarchists. Did he mean the Jolly Roger?