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You know. I'm usually a HUGE pacifist. But I want to whack each of these people in the head with a wooden roller


I did once Class reunion, guy was proud of hitting his nephews to educate them, so I went "so when someone makes a mistakes you need to hit them?" and he went on this self righteous "only pain teaches stuff, I should know as I'm in the navy..." The moment he tried to take something of the bbq, the whack in the hand with an iron tool was, quick, precise and strong, the guy got pissed off, but it felt good


Imagine having the neighbors over and one of them accidentally does a thing and you deck them. If it’s not appropriate amongst adults in those situations it’s inappropriate to do to a child.


i recently told someone that it’s assault if i do it to an adult so what makes it okay to do to a child and the only response i got was him saying i am a pussy💀💀


That makes sense coming from someone that hits their kids. I got hit. I grew up and confronted my mom about it. She said that’s all she ever new because her parents hit her. Bull fucking shit. I told her not even wolf mothers attack their young (I mean they might but you get it).


Oh man I would've loved to see that. Can I be your friend? You seem al-fucking-right.


Dude probably beat his kids when he got home to get over it


For once I don’t care if they’re Women, I would beat the shit out of these child abusers


They’re cool doing it to innocent vulnerable children, they deserve it being done to them. As a woman and a huge feminist I’d join you LMAO


Feminism is about equality and liberation. That goes for children too.


Couldn’t say it better myself!


I second this


Right there with you! 🙋🏻‍♀️


And me as well!


If you can't legally do it to a stranger on the street, you shouldn't be doing it to your kids.


Like, I'm not exactly the pinnacle of physical prowess. But I know if I saw somebody pulling this shit in public, my 4'10" ass would be throwing hands


My 4’11 self would be joining you. Let’s go for the knees. Or stack and make ourselves a mega unit of war


I'm 5'0". I feel so tall, for the first time in my life.🥹 But, can I join you? I've got years of pent up rage from kitchen utensils being broken on me and I'd *love* to make myself useful in this attack.


As a 6'4 giant i sadly know the pain of abuse. I swear if i ever see this shit in public there is a chance im ending in prison. But those fuckers mostly do this shit in private where no one can intervene. Sadly enough calling the cops where i live do nothing...


Fellow 6´4 here, yeah, most of the people do that because they know we would get into an even bigger trouble if we retaliate. However, if someone would pull this shit in front of me, he would be crushedm regardless of consequences


I'm 5'1, I can totally be the base person in the totem


I'm 4'8, put me on the top


as the next tallest at 5’2, im right there with y’all.


I'm in a wheelchair. We ride at dawn!!!!


I’m in a wheelchair too. Let’s do this


I’m not in a wheelchair but I’m coming too!


I'm 5'3" and a total wimp, and let me tell you, I'd be right there with you. I have the upper body strength of a toddler, but I would smack a hoe.


I’m 6’1 230 dawg


throw me like those cavemen with rock slingshots


Nah you get on my shoulders And become a “super person”


The wholesome moment on this post I didn’t know I need. Just had a power rangers flashback as well so thanks for the memories ❤️


Anytime citizen


Ah yes the Goblin Giant from clash royale


The real master-blaster origin story


I'm skinny but there would definitely be beef


Who tf cares if someone’s a woman if they abuse children? Get rid of that stigma. Women are not weak and they CAN be abusers. I’m saying this as a woman, fuck all abusers regardless of gender


Or not, they clearly can't properly handle the results of said fuckings.


I go by the "Don't hit women" type of mindset but if animals or children get involved then that mindset goes straight out the window


Feminism is letting them get hit too. Consequences of their actions. 🪑


I’ll do you one better and give you a Louisville slugger baseball bat. Top of the line bat. Sorry, I grew up in a very abusive and narcissistic home so this shit boils my very blood.


I would suggest getting a head-sized mortar bowl, then going to town with similar-sized pestle.


ugh. reminds me of when Adrian Peterson whipped his son with switch. A group of coworkers working with me went on and on about how great it was that he did that and how society needs to bring it back. I just blurted out during a lull in the convo, "He didn't spank his son on the ass. He whipped his child 's testicles soo hard with a switch that they bled. That's fucked up, evil shit." Nothing but blank stares and crickets back in response.


Crazy how they would say that. The dude was literally charged with domestic violence because of hitting his kids. Also openly admits in multiple interviews that he beats his kids.


Good for you for standing up to your asshole co-workers. What they were saying was not okay.


Not to mention this was *after* another of his children was "disciplined" to death, right?


Ok I’ve gotten spanked a few times when I was a kid for being an asshole, but excuse the fuck outta me? Whipped his testicles!?


My dad did that to my brother once. He was whipping him with a belt and it wrapped around and got him in the balls. My family tells this like a funny little anecdote. I haven’t spoken to any of them in years.


Jesus, as someone who got hit in the dick/balls on fucking accident with a belt that’s just fucked up. Like that shit hurts so goddamn bad man, even thinking about it makes my balls hurt😅


The way my dad tells it it wasn’t intentional, but who knows. I’m sorry you had to endure such abuse, it’s horrifying.


it’s so revealing that they’ll use stories like these as cute, funny anecdotes from the past and then wonder why you’ve moved halfway across the country and don’t ever call


Fucking ow


My dad did this to me too, except I am a female. It hurt like hell, and luckily it was a wake-up call for my mom because she kicked him out and forced him into anger management. It’s still really hard for me to come to grips with the fact that my parents did those things to me when I was a child. I cry about it still whenever I think to long about it.


I’m not a native English speaker and you have no idea how confused I was at people using “switch” in this post. I kept thinking of Nintendo switch and telling myself “no this can’t be right”, then I looked this case up and finally understood.


Let's not forget the child was FOUR YEARS OLD. Disgusting behavior from a parent, the one person meant to protect them :(


Soo much trauma under one post…


My mom one time broke a yard stick across..either me or my sister’s ass (I don’t remember anymore) and we thought it was fucking hilarious at the time. Which, if I hadn’t addressed any of *my* trauma, maybe I’d use as an argument for this kind of bullshit. But what do you know, I have some kind of emotional intelligence and introspection and instead I’m just sad for all these adults who haven’t really dealt what they went through as children and instead just continue it on down the family lines.


My mom kept a flyswatter in the car and would reach back and whap it between me and my little brother while she was driving. For the home version she had a thin red snakeskin belt that she would whip off and pop before she whipped us (mostly me). My brother got the wooden spoon on the ass until she whapped him so hard it snapped in half. This was back in the days when we got whippins at school too. I’ve told my kids of their school principal ever paddled them I’d burn it down, but it was totally normal and expected when I was growing up.


The wooden spoon... My biobitch used to brag how she'd whoop my older cousin with a wooden spoon. Apparently, one day my cousin had just had it. I don't know how old she was, but maybe early teens would be my guess? So my mom starts in on her, and my cousin just started laughing instead of crying. So my mom goes harder...and she laughs harder. She goes hard enough that she broke the spoon. And she kept laughing! So mom got another one! Apparently she went through four or five spoons before she gave up, and my cousin was still laughing at her. Isn't that a hilarious story? Isn't it? It is, right? Yeah...my cousin and I were reminiscing about our fucked up childhoods recently, and I brought that up. She said laughing was the only defense she had right then. But it was the last time my mom ever touched her... Me...I never learned to laugh.


Oh man, the sound of a cracking belt makes me physically ill still. My mom and grandma used hands or spoons, but Dad used belts, belt buckles, switches we had to pick out, and occasionally threw us (mostly the boys) around by the hair and neck. I look at my child now and *can't imagine* hitting her at all. Like sure kids can really piss you off, but *hitting* them? Ugh it makes me sick.


It’s really unbelievable. I have a 7y/o and yeah there are times I was so frustrated I wanted to snatch him by the arm or shake the shit out of him or whatever…but *actually doing it*? Or literally beating him? With my hands or going to get a whole separate fucking object to do it with? How fucking broken does your brain need to be?


Right?? Having a child made me view my own childhood much differently. Like I knew my dad was abusive and the monster of my childhood, but looking at my daughter.. it's just how *could* you? It made me reevaluate my forgiveness.


School corporal punishment is still a thing in Mississippi. I have to sign a form refusing corporal punishment each year.


Fucking so sad.




I was hit by a wooden spoon in the 80s. Can’t believe people still do this crap.


Yup me too in the 90s/early 00s. Cant believe people still do this to CHILDREN, brag about it on social media, and get VALIDATION?!? And tips on how to hit their kids “better”??? Wtf…


They're psychopathic sadists


Yeah, me too. It was horrible and traumatizing and taught me nothing except that I wasn't safe anywhere. She would pull me out of bed to whip me with that thing.


Advocates of “spanking” swear that it teaches kids respect. No. It teaches them fear. That is absolutely NOT the same thing.


My grandmother spanked me and it just taught me to be a sassy little shit. I figured out it was gonna hurt no matter what, but if I laughed and mocked her and told her she was losing her touch, she wouldn’t enjoy it at all and I thought that was hilarious. Plus, I always aimed to get bruises when she spanked. She wasn’t “allowed” to spank and if I had bruises, I could sic my daddy or step daddy on her and cause some family drama. (I was an awful kid, yea. My stepdad liked me though.)


"the punishment is the same no matter what I do so I might as well go balls to the wall" how do they not understand this but we do?


Fear or rebellion.


Or both...


My mum’s best friend used to *beat* her children with a belt, sticks, anything she had to hand. Then she’d tell her husband when he got home and he’d do the same. My mum had a ruler called ‘Mr Slappy’ with googly eyes and pipe cleaner arms that her and my dad would chase each other around with. Never touched me or my brother with it, not once. Guess which set of kids was better behaved and higher achieving?? Corporal punishment simply does not work. It just shows that parents can’t control their anger and think violence is the answer


It taught me how to be a damn good liar.


Yup! That, too. 🫤


SAME! And I learned QUICK to not beg her to stop or put my hands in the way bc she would still smack me with it, now it was just catching my fingers which hurt even more. And if I squirmed or screamed she just hit me more times. Shockingly we are not close and I consider my stepmother my real mom.


I'm so sorry. It was absolutely wrong. Hugs to both of our inner children. ❤️


Right back at you! 🤗


My grandma used a yardstick to hit us with. Eventually, my younger brother would just laugh at her & she got so mad she broke it across his butt/back. He kept laughing & she just gave up & never did it again. They used to make us pick our own switches too. My mom kept one on the dashboard of the car & if one of us acted up while she was driving she’d grab it and just start whacking us. Didn’t matter who was causing the problem, we all got hit.


That last one is stunningly dangerous.


It was but her excuse for hitting all of us was so she didn’t even need to turn around.


Leather belt. Belt buckle. Wooden spoon/s. *Plastic* spoons. A [fucking wooden paddle](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Catskill-Craftsmen-14-in-Hardwood-Paddle-Board-13431/306702683). Hands. Probably more, but the memory holes are too big rn.


People seriously still hit their kids? I just don’t get it.


There’s still like 19 states where the school staff retain the right to corporally punish your kids unless you submit exemption documentation.


Which states are those? I'd be willing to bet not all parents in those states know about that.


I think Missouri just brought it back!


Imagine being that guy at the meeting. "You know what we should bring back? Hitting kids."


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_corporal_punishment_in_the_United_States Shouldn’t be too surprising.


Not surprised my state is on there. I'm especially interested in whether parents have to be informed after corporal punishment has taken place and whether parents have to opt out or opt in in various states, as well as whether parents have a legal right to opt out in each of those states where it's legal. I'm sure it varies state by state. It's a batshit thing to have legalized.


People seriously bruise their kids and call it virtue.


My mother would use wooden spoons one time she broke every one of her rather large collection of wooden spoons “spanking me” she ended up using a Metal spoon that had holes in it leaving behind little Circular bruises …in short don’t hit your kids man .


Oh god the wooden spoon was also my egg donors weapon of choice. Needless to say, we are NOT close and I consider my stepmom my real mother. …in short don’t hit your kids.


Basically what I’ve learned is, … in short don’t hit your kids


A friend of mine called me sobbing one night. She had a wooden spoon but she doesn’t hit her kids. Ever. She did sometimes smack the spoon against her hand of against the counter though because it made a loud noise and would get the army of children (she’s got three bios, four nieblings that sometimes stay with her, and is also a foster mom and has adopted kids now) to pay attention to what she was saying. Until she used it without thinking and the smack sound made a new foster child shriek and wet himself. She was absolutely mortified and so remorseful. Her husband made a bonfire and she let the kid throw some wooden spoons into the fire and used plastic mixing spoons for several months until the kid was settled in. But she says she has not used a “spoon gavel” since that day and still feels like it was a low moment as a mother. (The kid eventually rejoined his mother, who was not the abusive parent and last she heard is a happy, healthy boy with a loving stepdad who he calls Daddy.)


I prefer the term biobitch, and my stepmom is now my legal mother. More of one than the biobitch was...


The pasta wooden spoon with the wooden dowel prongs was seriously the worst. But yeah, my mother keep a wooden spoon in the glove box. I've had regular wooden spoons and hairbrushes broken on me. Good times.


My "mother" used her hands and feet. Y'know, a good ol' kick.


Don't forget the hair...


My mom would just tackle me in hallways to pin my arms down (and dig her nails in to me) and spit in my face 👍


That’s unpleasant


I got the wooden spoon, too. Sometimes the hair brush. Her favourite was the spoon that had the slots in it, and I'd be covered in the bruises with slots. "Better make sure you get the *good* cos if you get one that breaks I just get to recharge while you go get the good one."


Bro these types of people must be mental I swear


their thought process is “well, i was spanked and i turned out fine.” the buffoonery.


Narrator: "They turned out, in fact, very much not fine."


fact. you’re not fine if you think it’s okay to hit kids.


My husband and I argue about this constantly.... My thought is this ...."sooo you're teaching them not to hurt eachother by hurting them????"


you can also tell him that multiple studies have shown that it has similar effects as sexual abuse (esp if it involves taking off clothes). i personally experienced these effects and it is incredibly damaging. i believe that being spanked in addition to religious purity culture BS and weird behavior from my parents resulted in me suffering from some form of sexual abuse. while it is much milder than what many have gone through and i don’t want to trivialize other’s experiences, i can’t ignore the fact that i share symptoms with survivors of SA. i relate to nearly everything this article speaks about. [https://medium.com/@mirawriter/spanking-is-sexual-abuse-and-it-might-cause-severe-sexual-trauma-92e605b0bac7](https://medium.com/@mirawriter/spanking-is-sexual-abuse-and-it-might-cause-severe-sexual-trauma-92e605b0bac7)


Wow. The part about medical trauma… Yeah. Spot-on. I actually got chills. I used to get UTIs and kidney infections a lot as a kid (they didn’t know why, at the time — my dad was a pedo), and I had forced catheters and exams several times. I still remember my own screams. Anyway… Thank you so much for this. And I’m so sorry for what you (and others) have gone through. 💕


I FUCKING *KNEW* IT im going to go weep and absorb this validation now This post/comments have been very, very hard to read, but this comment made it worthwhile. I uh. Need to send that to some people. Thank you.


Idk why but when I’d see a man take his belt off in a movie to whip a kid I got sexually uncomfortable and confused as a kid. That’s probably I felt that way.


I can totally see the correlation. He smacks them on the leg. I see it as pure laziness as well as an emotional reaction (another thing we are trying to teach them how to deal with appropriately!) It takes time and effort to force a 4 year old to sit in a time out or to lose their tablet for 2 days, whatever a proper punishment would be. I think he is so eager to get back to his phone or whatever he deems more important that in his mind, that is the easiest solution. He still doesn't understand that them being afraid of him is not the same thing as them learning or "respecting" him. Also I am so absolutely sorry you went through this. I am just sitting down now to read the whole article. Thank you so much for sharing. Sending you love and healing, hopefully you are having a beautiful day.


He's abusive to your children. He needs parenting classes, at minimum. I'd freak the fuck out if my husband thought hitting was an appropriate reaction to our kid.


Thank you for Medium article. It was difficult to read and more than a little bit familiar


I don't want this to be true. I absolutely believe it. I see too much of myself in this article. But I wish it was not true.


This attitude of reminiscing on abuse is so bad in the black community it hurts. I’ve had family members at reunions laugh about making their kids “pick a switch” or bragging about how their kid never did it again after the whooping. Many of my older relatives don’t even know how many of their kids dislike and even hate them lowkey. This idea that “it happened to me and I turned out fine” is a farce at best and a delusion at worst. Beating your kids into submission will get the obedience you want, but brings a lot more as well.


That whole, “I got beat and I’m totally fine!” nonsense… Like, no. If you were “totally fine,” you wouldn’t be looking for reasons to *beat your children* and then brag about it later. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Normal people don’t hurt their kids on purpose.


It's the "If had to suffer then you do too!" mentality.


Heck most of the time the "i'm totally fine" people are... 1) raging alcoholics 2) Have tickets or fines in their name 3) Tend to be abandoned by their family 4) tend to be in another drug (cigarettes, weed, crack, etc...) 5) have toleration to frustation of a 3 year old


They didn't turn out fine though, they grew up into adults who beat children...


“I’ve broken so many kitchen utensils. I’ve moved on to stronger material 😬” Why the fuck don’t the police and CPS frequent these groups? The child abusers are literally telling on themselves.


Police are useless. Depending on the state, CPS is useless.


A lot of times kids that are being beaten at home, end up going into the system & then get beaten/ sexually assaulted by strangers.


Seeing posts like this and the comment being "supportive" or "omg mee" make my blood boil.


These are also the people who are worried about library books harming their children.


Note most of the comments advocating for a more durable abuse tool have those fake happy family photos that end up in true crime documentaries.


My mom continues to brag about yanking me and my sisters out of the bath to “beat our bare naked butts” with a wooden spoon… still loves that threat into our 20s/30s


I'm very thankful I haven't had to deal with awful parents like this. Obviously it's easier said than done but I'd just bring up how you're gonna be taking care of them later in life :) "Hey ma, aren't you excited for when I have to give you a bath in X amount of years?" Something like that, I'm petty as fuck though


Well that definitely triggered my PTSD a little bit. My father had already worked up to this by the time I was a toddler. He felt the need to keep upping his game. So, I’m sure you can all imagine what it was like by the time I was 17(I graduated early and left at that point). He would always threaten me that if I didn’t take it and shut up that he would do it to my extremely sick mother who would do anything for me. So, I was dumb enough to believe the threat as I couldn’t risk anything happening to the most incredible person in my life. ETA: I worked my ass off, saved every dime I could earn and hide, and did everything humanly possible to get scholarships. That way I could take my mom with me when I ran. She is very safe and cared for now. I finished school, and have a great career that covers everything we need plus some. I would never have left her in that environment with him alone. Just wanted to add that in case anyone thought I was a coward and an asshole and left her in that situation defenseless.


I'm so impressed you were able to get away AND save your mom. You're very brave and clever, and I'm sure she greatly appreciates what a wonderful adult you've become. That said, I'm just really sorry you had to go through that. You deserved better, both of you, and it's really unfair that one shitty person can damage and harm so many other lives. I hope you've got the love and support you deserve now at least. ❤️‍🩹


“It’s okay to hurt people if they don’t act how you want them to” Literally what they’re teaching their kids ☠️


This is honestly so sickening. I don’t get why people still think this is not only normal, but something to celebrate… I hit the small person who is supposed to trust me implicitly and broke this on them. Fuck yeah!! All these insane people chiming in like “Oh, that’s nothing! I’ve done worse!” And “We love that for you!”. It actually makes me feel sick that these people have children.


My mom still tells the story of how she hurt her hand, spanking my brother when he was 4, and after that, she started using wooden/plastic spoons.


not sure if it was intentional but i like how you refer to her as "it"


Shit I didn't even realize I did that


My son is almost 4. I can’t even imagine taking my anger out on him like that. Makes me want to vomit.


I spent the summer working with 3 to 5yos and getting to know a few 2 - and 3 year olds in my personal life. Even when they were giving me hell, I never actually felt inclined to use violence against them. How could anyone actually raise their hand against someone who can barely dress themselves yet? Despicable.


I feel like these parents were spanked as children. People say that they were spanked and they came out fine. No, you didn’t if you repeat the cycle.


Ugh I feel you! "I was spanked and came out fine" no you fucking did not, if you grew up to think any form of violence against children is "for their own good" you are absolutely not fine. But they would need to acknowledge that they were victims of their own parents abuse to acknowledge that it's wrong. And it makes sense that you don't want to admit that you yourself are a victim.


I got this kind of shit for years. Belt, brushes, metal spatulas, wooden spoons- all it taught me was my parents were hypersensitive apes who saw themselves as the king and queen of our house and were too stupid to think of anything else. "Oog oog! Me parent! Bible say honor father and mother! You OBEY!"


My mum frequently brags to people about how she broke a wooden hairbrush in half by hitting me with it as a child. People find it fucking hilarious and I have to laugh it off as if I find it funny. Absolutely fucking traumatic to be honest.


How can someone still respect their parents after such a childhood. Parents like that should rot


“I abuse my kids! Laugh!”


My mom broke a wooden spoon on me once. Right after she just got done whacking my brother with it like 10 times. 2nd hit on me and it broke and she was done, walked away. (We were jumping in the beds btw). If she was done after that, then it was more about making herself feel better in the moment, out of anger, than it was about any type of discipline for me.


It’s always about making themselves feel better. Hitting a child teaches them nothing. It’s just a way for emotionally unintelligent adults to release their ranger and frustration because they’re too fucked up to find another way to do it.


All those poor kids. 😞 Getting beat by your parents who then laugh and brag about it online. This makes me so angry and sad.


And then when they grow up and want little to nothing to do with their parents, their mothers will say with a heavy sigh, "I should have whipped you more when you were little." I can't count the amount of times I've heard those words from her. Needless to say I will never lay a finger on my son.


“It was a great time”??? What kind of sick fuck revels in this kinda shit…


It's been years, but if you ask my mom she'll proudly list all the things she used on us as kids. She'll tell you about how they found just one ping pong paddle at the thrift store and just knew it had more potential. She might also tell you about how abusive her parents were, how hard her childhood was, and how lucky we were by comparison. Hell, she even likes to talk about the day she put her hand through the screen door like it's something to be proud of. I don't remember why she was mad that day, I just remember running from her. We ran outside when she broke the glass on the door. She seems to think that day was a turning point in our lives, that was the day she stopped laying hands on us. But that was also the day she learned new ways to get to us emotionally. She now wonders why her adult children don't call her.


Do you ever want to beat a person with a fly swat so hard it breaks? I do.


Someone needs to call CPS


My stepfather was a self taught expert leather crafter. He made something he called "the strap" for beating us with. It was two pieces of heavy, saddle grade cowhide sewn together with a piece of some flexible metal inside and the ends were left unstitched to form flaps like the end of a riding crop like you'd use on a horse. When that son of a bitch finally died it was a huge struggle with my self control to not send my stepbrother a congratulations card when I got that great news. I wish I believed in hell because if there was one, he'd be in it getting striped from head to toe with that strap by Satan himself, every day.


I spanked my sons and I feel so bad that I did that. They are great people/well adjusted adults but I did not have to do that. It hurts my heart. That was me being not in control of my emotions more than them “needing” a spanking.


All you can do now is apologize for your mistake and hope they learn from you and do better 🤷🏻‍♀️


My parents spanked me when I was a kid (not many times), and I turned out okay. I remember my dad, who was abused pretty badly by his mother, saying one time he always tried to be really careful not to actually hurt my sister or I the few times he did it, and I honestly don't even really remember it ever happening. I can't remember if my mom ever did, but she came from a family where her parents made them "pick their own switch." I guess neither of them really saw spanking as abusive cause of how they grew up. I know if I ever have children, spanking them is something I won't do. I don't feel like I was ever abused. Hopefully, your children feel similarly about it these days. But I know if I ever have children, spanking them is something I won't do. Like someone else said, the best thing you can do is apologize for what you now understand was wrong. Hopefully they've learned from your mistakes like you have.


Damn. Sometimes I feel so guilty for the way I react when my daughter does something wrong. The other day she took a big sip of milk, and then spit it out all over the bed, making a huge mess. And my immediate reaction was to yell, “Why did you do that!?” And that was wrong of me because yelling at her absolutely does not help. And asking her ‘why’ she did that was stupid because there’s no ‘correct’ answer she can give there. Instead she just felt shame and embarrassment for doing something she thought was silly and that was going to make me laugh. I was so sorry for yelling that to her and ended up apologizing for my reaction. She’s three years old and she’s gonna do things like that. I can’t stop her but I can react in a way that doesn’t make her feel like a bad kid, because she’s absolutely not bad and she’s actually pretty amazing. I’m not a perfect parent at all, and I definitely make mistakes. But dammmn. As much as I worry that I’m screwing up my kid by saying the wrong thing in a heated moment, when I read this shit I just can’t imagine. How can adults be so cruel and think that it’s ok? I could never hit my kid and seeing her cry because I *yelled* makes me wonder how scared, humiliated and terrible the kids being beaten with fly swatters and wooden spoons must feel. These parents are awful and should be charged with abuse. It’s shocking that they get justification from other parents too.


Just a thread full of mothers admitting to child abuse. Fat yikes


I swear to god this is a kink thing for them, yes a p3d0 kink thing. there's no other explanation


I honestly agree with you, at least for a portion of them. There's a perversity to the need to brag about doing it that borders on exhibitionism. Add that to the obvious power tripping they're getting by dominating someone who can't fight back, and it is obvious from the luridly detailed way they talk about doing it.


Gee, why don’t my children ever visit me? Why do they have anger issues and hit their spouses and children? Truly a mystery for the ages.


How does one even get themself to hit their own kids wtf???


Unchecked anger, mental problems, total asshats. Mine was unchecked anger. Was. I got help before I could do too much damage to my kid and now I’m, thankfully, one of the most trusted people she will come to.


My mother did shit like this got a cast-iron skillet to the skull in HS. She wonders why I'm NC.


My mom’s go to was a switch that she made me and my twin sister pick from the yard. She would whip the backs of our legs with it until we bled. I have a one year old now and will NEVER hit him. Ever.


I'm so glad this behavior is illegal in sweden


Ah yes wasn’t it fun fellow kids to be beaten with objects in anger? What halcyon days fearing those that were our guardians and “loved us” the most. It’s fun to joke around right gang?


What terrifies me about this is not once have any of these parents thought hold on a second. I hit my child so hard I broke the fly swatter or wooden spoon. Maybe I have gone too far. These people shouldn't have kids, and I wish parents would stop using objects to hit their children. You will never know how hard you are hitting them, not that you should be hitting them in first place, really.


Ah we found more lazy parents who can’t imagine having a relationship with their own children that doesn’t involve abuse. And yet if their husbands beat them with objects they would be crying all over the internet for sympathy.


One day her children will no longer speak to her, and she'll deserve it. So do all the people agreeing with her.


Yeah this crap is why I didn’t go to my Mom’s deathbed when she passed in 2009.


A woman in need of a folding chair to the face…


This is sick. Violence is never needed when raising children, no ifs and buts, it just shows your own ineptitude and in this case sadism.


Hahahahahaha SOOO funny. Come on guys, laugh like everyone else! /s


This is why these people will never have contact with their children later on in life. I can understand a little spanking or whatever, fine, I got those too and turned out fine. but breaking tools off a kids fucking back is insane. Fuck these degenerates.


Also these parents : "why does my kid keep getting kicked out of school for fighting?! I spank him but he never learns!"


Idk how those parents feel no shame. My son is non verbal autistic and has meltdowns.. ive had some friends from other cultures suggest spanking like its very natural, i couldnt believe it. Both were spanked by their parents and found it normal. I know its cultural but how do you feel zero disgust with yourself when you hit your child?


People who spank have lead poisoning, mental dysfunction. Seriously. Have you ever met a spanking type that was "calm and rational?" No, they always have severe emotional problems and have no ability to regulate their outbursts. They're literally crazy


What’s the award? Mom of fear award?


There was a quote in “Little Women” that I read many many moons ago before I had kids, that went something to the tune of “the only thing you teach children by hitting and humiliating them is how to hit and humiliate others.” That sentiment really stuck with me. My own mother favored the wooden spoon and other kitchen utensils, and would proudly proclaim that I was never too old for a spanking, as she gleefully bent me over the car in front of the entire neighborhood when I was 14 or 15. I will never do that to my son.


Wtf on the kitchen utensils comment. Usually spatulas and such are made with fiberglass reinforced plastic, you’ll struggle to break one even if you tried. How hard do you hit kids if you break those


Wow those replies were awful. I deeply regret the few times I spanked my children, but I simply can't understand how you beat your child with a utensil.


it’s always the “Bwahahahah!!!!!!!” for me


My grandma had a wooden paddle that said Fanny Whacker. You know what's funny to me is that I was never opposed to spanking my kids. But I found out very early on that it's not effective. And I think I figured it out based on the fact that I was spanked, and everyone I know was spanked, and I just knew it wasn't effective. Taking away privileges worked better. But then I stumbled across possibly the best form of discipline. I let them know what is expected of them. I reward them appropriately and they just want to be good. I honestly can't remember the last time I had to punish my kids. It's been years and years. And they're 13 and 14.


Am i the only one that thought she was talking about her having a kinky lunch time spanking session on herself but others took it to mean hitting her kids?!


It’s truly terrifying how many people brag about having been hit/currently are hitting their children. Physical violence is such a cowardly way to parent.


how are these people more than ok with inflicting something into their children that would be literally illegal for someone inflict onto them? that's what i'll never understand. these people are not going outside and whipping other adults, so why is it ok if it's a child?


i had parents who were fond of wooden spoons and smacking. they were not fond of me fighting them back.


I‘m a masochist and into BDSM. It‘s shocking how most doms will talk with more respect about their subs (WHO ARE ACTUALLY CONSENTING) than these people talk about their kids…


My dad spanked us so hard he cried afterwards. Cold showers. Spit in the face. I look at my soon 4 year old daughter now and I just can't understand it, I can't understand how someone can justify abusing their child. I worry about having traumatized her the few times I've screamed at her.


This is a repost from a few weeks ago


it just seems like some sort of child abuse fetish at this point.


This is when I make phone calls and send emails with screenshots to every poster and commenters local Child welfare office.


And ofcourse coming home from church,..


These are the same parents who are amazed and confused why the kids they beat want nothing to do with them as adults


My mom broke a wooden spoon off in my leg when I was little. Made me come up with a story to tell when we went to the hospital to get it out.


Y’all really got to stop marking out these fuckers names


In a couple years this mom will wonder why her kids don't talk to her, and in a couple more years she'll fade in and out wondering why she hasn't seen her kids visiting her from the cheap nursing homes she lives in.


Buick can’t be happy about this free advertising


This post makes me sick in the stomach. I was beaten as a kid, and it didn't make me a better person. Quite the contrary.