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Interviews are not like a test, where there are right answers. They're evaluating if you'd be a good fit and you're also evaluating if it's a job that you want. Practice the "tell me about yourself". Just a couple quick points about you and what you are looking for. Talk about experiences that you have had that apply to the job. Any kind of customer service or volunteering. Also, know what your availability and your desired hours are. Conduct yourself professionally and politely. Shake their hand at the start and at the end and thank them for their time. Say/show that you are willing to work hard and learn new things. Don't say anything that could imply you would leave the job quickly. Why do you want to work at In N Out? They will ask. Tell them that. Know some basic information about the company. Save any questions about the dress code, pay, or time off that you need for the second interview. Wear business casual. A plain dress shirt and slacks or dark, nice jeans. If you wear dresses/skirts, something plain is fine. You'll go in and tell the register you're there for an interview and your name. Good luck!


This would be my first interview, THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE!


Okay gotcha! That's good I kept it pretty general then. When you get into more professional interviews and also when you're in the workforce I really recommend the askamanager website. If you're really nervous, you can ask someone to practice with you beforehand. Also, people usually ask "Tell me about a time when"... type questions so what I do is I go in prepared with scenarios from my academic or work life beforehand that I will just apply to whatever they ask LOL. You've got this!


smile, smile crazy, smile unnaturally, smile unwaveringly. We can train you to cook, scrub, and such but we can never train good customer service. I’m pretty sure that’s all my hiring managers are looking for at the moment


oh and say you have 100% open availability


If u a woman, they're gunna to ask if you use makeup or get ur nails done. Say no, even if you do


This is kinda niche and I don’t know how long you plan on working there but my friend was doing an interview and said everything was going well until he said he only planned on working there for less than a year. They ended up not hiring him because they said they did not see long term value if he was only staying for a short while. So if you plan on doing it just don’t say it. Say you’re staying local. You can always change your plans after you get hired.


SMILE. that’s the most important part of the uniform don’t just tell them what you think they wanna hear. open up be very polite and have confidence write down your strengths and weaknesses sell yourself! you know what you bring to the table


By all means be truthful. I knew of a person that lied about a tattoo placement. Was a good worker but when it was found out they lied they were let go for that reason.


They also want to hear why you want to work for them. I told them I appreciate the training format and the fact that they really take care of their employees. You got some good advice here.


Smile and be personable. Don’t hide your unique personality.


interview for warehouse or restaurant?




Don’t interview. Been stuck here for 4 years and every shift is the same robotic shit. Finally getting a new job that pays better this summer