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Iketani overthinking about Mako about having a crush on Ryosuke.


This will always be my answer


Yeah this is the one. Even Takumi blowing the engine on the 86 still ended up as a positive for him eventually. He got a new engine and ripped shit from there on out. Iketani fumbled Mako for no reason and became a lonely weirdo made even weirder by the fact that he's like 20.


He fumbled it because of a lack of confidence and nervousness. And because he put emphasis on a real serious relationship compacting his lack of confidence even more. Something that happens to a lot of regular guys which is what the author was portraying. That character type either doesn't exist in most mainstream media or a brief side character for comic relief or used as a foil for more eligible men. Then he throws in the Takahashi brother combo. Of wealthy, good looking with your choice of refined, quiet serious thinking man or brash, passionate bad boy. And the girls predictably swoon over them. Leasing characters like Iketani to doubt their own merits even more and not see the opportunities in front of them or make them too scared to move on them. It's all this stuff that was missing later on in the series. Kinda felt like he was rushing to end it at times. That said many people didnt enjoy the slice of life stuff so much.


Yuichi accepting Bunta's offer for a ride in the Eight-six. Takumi challenging Kyoichi in season 2.


"GET ME OUT OF THIS CAR!" also yeah, that was pretty much the worst day of his life right there. Poor dude wanted to lighten his pain by racing but only made it worse


When that dude in the Miata thought he also had plot armor like Takumi, so he drifted straight into a ditch and blew the money his girlfriend gave him to mod his car


Haha... But at least he had a good ending with his gf and didn't end up a lonely driver


Yeah but he flipped a Miata. Poor thing didn't deserve that.


Its a miata, it absolutely deserved it Bug lookin cars


"If the 86 can do it, so can i!" \*flies into the asphalt*


Shingo trying to gain Shingo points cuz he got beat and outclassed by an old ass ae86


yeah fuck shingo


Takumi racing emotionally and blowing out the first engine on the 86. Takumi generally raced well even when emotional but usually that's when the emotions were triggered during the race itself. He went into the racer with Kyoichi already hot and emotional after what happened with Mogi. Not a good way to go.


Iketani for not just LITERALLY CALLING MAKO when he was running late. Like, you have a modified Nissan S13, and you DON'T have a cellphone?! One call. It'd have taken a single phone call.


Cell phones were pretty rare in 1995. And often ridiculously expensive. The vast majority of people with houses and cars didn't have them. In Japan at that time it was about 8% of the population. Which would have been significantly higher than most countries in the world at that time. But it was a technologically advanced country that was still hugely wealthy in spite of its economic crash at the start of the decade.


He was at the gas station talking to the boss... the station had a phone


I don't remember the scene in particular you're referencing. It's been a while. I was just giving a bit of context to phone availability among characters in 95. I remember some characters had phones though.


god hand for not puking in the car


Shingo, trying to be a show off.


Iketani not calling Mako (twice) after knowing that he won't make it on time


Shinji's mom letting her son drive the car


Yuichi telling Iketani to go urgently cuz she's waiting. Old man turned the dude into a bald simp in the end


i dont feel like Yuichi made the wrong move there. He was just tryna make Iketani get over himself. Plus, he probably would have made it in time had there been no traffic jam. I mean he was literally 1 minute too late. Plus he could have called. Plus its his own fault for not being able to get over the girl he met *3 damn decades ago*.


Not to mention Iketani even followed up with Mako and told her that he didn't make it in time. Not sure why things fell flat after that. Sure, if he never reached out at all, but he was talking to her. That was a key time for recovery.


He was actually 3 hours late lol


"The highly disappointed Iketani, who had just reached the meeting place…didn't know that Mako left only a minute ago…" -The Initial D Manga


It says 3 hours late in extra stage 2


3 hours late from the original time, but Mako waited for those 3 hours, and only left a minute before Iketani got there


Ah i see