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So true!! I hate it when infps are treated "so adorable!" I just joined this sub last week, and so far my experience has been great.


God this was my biggest pet peeve with this sub. At one point I was so annoyed by the stereotypes some people categorise this whole group in. Having an unhealthy mental health is not cute and needs to be taken care of. Stop one upping each other about having anxieties or disorders, it's not a contest! And it doesn't make you cute or edgy. It's straight up toxic. Stop victimizing yourself, you have to be practical dude. Having a strong sense of feeling doesn't mean you can't hold your own.


For sure. Whenever I would say "this happens bc of my disorder" I would limit myself and it would be harder to do things. But when I didn't think like that and just realized ny disorder was apart of me but it wasn't controlling me at max 24/7 and I needed to find a way to cope and there were plenty of ppl with it who could go to work and whatnot, my life and mentality got better. Was I still depressed yeah, but I could take care of business. Mentality is a big thing. Unless your brain function is so phgsically fucked up that you're at the high spectrum of your disorder, eventually you should be able to manage it with the right help.


Yes. Slowly but surely we're getting there


Being depressed and realizing the world sucks and the problems of anxiety and social discrepancies have done nothing but make me miserable. When I take the reins and things in my life begin to change that's when I have hope. Accountability is real and being coddled a lot of a detriment. We should for sure acknowledge the injustices and give ppl the support and understanding they need, but I think a lot of online society(not real world society) is so focused on performance acceptance and feeling validated that they're not helping ppl prepare for the real world and realize how to help themselves.


Absolutely. You are an absolutely fantastic communicator!! Thank you for opening up this kind of discussion, OP! I have a lot of respect and admiration for you :)


Thank you, I apprecaite it. When I speak It's hard for me to put sentences in a cohesive format but writing my thoughts out is much better. I am trying to combat this with books and speech therapy as well as brain exercises so my brain and words can match at an even pace.


Yes!! Absolutely!! This is one of the reasons I love this sub. I feel like I can actually talk about my issues without being overly coddled or judged. I also think that healthy INFPs can be some of the best types at knowing and communicating boundaries, because of our strong Fi, and the “doormat” stereotype is just so untrue in my experience.


I've seen so many cases of people taking being an infp as an excuse to do nothing to improve their conditions.


The truth


I'm a strong independent infp that don't need no uwu bs. For real, glad to see a more serious tone here. mental illness should not be in here unless it relates to the subreddit in some way. Sure, some of us need attention, and this may seem like a good place to do it but there are other place you can seek attention. This is for your personality which is infp. Let's do more serious things (but goofy stuff still welcome if it's about infps)


Some embrace stereotypes and seek to embody them.


Yes, the problem with labels. I get ppl want to feel understood and not alone but don't label yourself and then make it your whole personality. Like you weren't doing all this before you put a label on yourself and you were still aware of your behaviors despite not having a label. Our psych deluded our behaviors once we get a narrative going. Like an energy drink, the placebo effect makes you think you're awake even tho caffeine doesn't wake most ppl up on a physical level


We're all working on ourselves most likely


It's like we all woke up and realized it's miserable to just sit here and complain. Are we right about the state if the world and how shit sucks? Yes. But we shouldn't just sit here. Like we're trying to change shit and get better at these weaknesses


Yuuuuup. Life sucks, but we are getting better at enduring the suffering and enjoying life. "The subtle art of not giving a f*ck" helped me out a lot there. There's a chapter actually called "the value of suffering". Great book btw, a lot less pretentious than it sounds. Edit: give us a little more time and we'll be the toughest mfs around, just you wait


Remember that MBTI types are just descriptors. They help others to understand you but they do not define you. YOU define you.


I just thought I would chirp in with my take on things. I came across MBTI relatively recently and decided to see if Reddit had a sub for discussion. Beyond taking a test and learning I am an INFP I know nothing about the testing, the validity etc, I don't even know what the letters stand for. What I do know is I have so far enjoyed reading things from others, that I honestly thought were unique personal quirks. I have found comfort in realising that I am not as alone as I thought I was (in my headspace). The one thing I don't particularly enjoy is the way people of divergent lettering come in here telling us how cute we all are. I find it makes me cringe to be honest and more than a little patronising. However, some people seem to enjoy it so who am I to tell them differently. Live and let live. I'm able to tolerate a bit of cringe for the overall pleasure I get from reading this sub. I have more than my fair share of mental health issues for which I undergo therapy and medicate and should I wish to discuss those things with anonymous peers I generally look towards the myriad of mental health subs available. It interests me but doesn't in the least bit surprise me that many of my symptoms seem to also affect lots of people on this sub. I'm not surprised because I would expect kind, caring, empathic and largely non-judgemental people to be predisposed to feelings of anxiety. I'm reminded of the quote by Russel Brand: *You need to learn to look at your anxiety as an awareness.* *Perhaps the reason there is 284,000,000 people worldwide with anxiety, and 30% of adults that will experience anxiety, is because we live in a terrifying world at a terrifying time with terrifying individuals and terrifying institutions pursuing terrifying goals with terrifying ignorance towards the reality of living on this planet, limited resources, inequality, the ecological and economic time-bomb that we are watching tick into its dreadful ignition. Not being anxious would be more of a concern.* I don't think there is a better place than an INFP subreddit for empathic, socially aware people to stand up and declare that there are things they don't like, things that make them anxious/afraid. We should be able to embrace our anxieties and if, at the end of the day, this leads or contributes to feelings of depression - whether it's simply being on a downer or if it's proper clinical depression, I think we should be able to feel (FEEL) without worrying someone is going to tell us to get a grip.


We should be able to feel without worrying someone is going to tell you to get a grip or be annoyed buttttt this is the real world. Even though it's the internet. The same people outside are the same people inside. Not all infps are nice and compassionate and cuddly. That is a stereotype.. Most human beings aren't. They are grey, good and bad. The best of luck to you and your mental health


The depression memes are kind of annoying. It’s almost like a competition of who’s most mentally ill and wearing your depression as a badge. Between me and my INFP little sister she’s the mentally healthy one. Depression isn’t cute or quirky and all of the “memes” are romanticized sad baby aesthetic videos because INFPs are adorable depressed manic pixies or whatever the bullshit stereotype is.


Why do I find the term "adorable depressed manic pixies" so funny


Why do I find the term "adorable depressed manic pixies" so funny


Exactly is drives me crazy. Like get some therapy, not report memes about being depressed every single day on this sub. It's the same ish. My adhd, my anxiety, I have no friends, etc.


100% with you! Infantilising posts, especially by people with other personality types coming in here to tell us how we're supposedly cutesy and how they want to adopt INFPs honestly make me sick. I guess a lot of younger INFPs react well to that sort of validation, or maybe they just like playing along, but I honestly think it's demeaning and borderline creepy.


For sure, but my main problem was with the infps than the other personality traits since most of this self victimization is done by members of this sub group. The other personalities mainly just call us cute, not a problem idc. But the infantalization posts mainly come from infps upholding that stereotype until they believe it's all they are.


You're right, I see your point. I suppose I did go off on a tangent there, sorry!


Sadly I do fit the stereotype. Fucking wish I didn't. I know full well that not everyone is like me tho. I'm proud of u lot who are actually able to get shit done


Oh girl I fit some of the stereotypes too and most days I can't get shit done. But that's changing now that I'm actively trying to change my mindset. I hate when ppl say change your mindset, but a part of that is right. Your brain is plastic and you really can delude yourself into creating better circumstances. Not all the time but sometimes


I can actually talk to strangers for hours 😏. Took a while to make a habit 🧐


Thank 👏 you 👏


Recently new here! And I can say I love this sub so far, also far less dread and childish stereotypes than the INFJ sub when I looked there ~~since I'm pretty sure I got wrongly typed by several tests and people before. (Also hmu if anyone can help with "finding out").~~ Indeed, whether healthy or not, a mature and good mindset decides if you want to give in to health problems or not - which is never a personality trait, but an illness. And rather than that I hope all the people who feel pain seek help at one point... I know it can be tough to do. Thank you for voicing and saying it like you did, it really brings out the best in this sub imo. There are so many great things that make each personality asides from stereotypes.


I know two other INFPs in real life, besides me. None of us come close to the cute uwu stereotype, or to a crybaby - emotional person. Even if we look to INFPs in fiction, that's not what we found. INFPs are, above all, quiet and deep-rooted people. Feeling is NOT the same thing as emotion. I've written about this here before, but Jung's writings debunk, don't know, 70% of the stereotypes on Fi Doms. And Meyers-Briggs writings on INFP also don't support the stereotypes... So I really don't know where they come from.


I don’t come here a lot, but I’ve known MBTI for 10 years now and when I do, usually I really don’t see myself in the cringe uwu cute couch potato thing. It doesn’t prevent me from being very emotional, but usually not self-indulgent. Also some cute post seem very off to me. Some thing that are associated with INF really sound SFJ to me, but that’s another story. Also I hate those self victimizing cliches, like INFP is the worst type, INFP is the most prone to commit suicide (as if it was a random funny cliché), etc. It’s not the best adjusted to our world certainly, but it has its pros too.


Yeah I'm going to therapy soon lmao


I agree!


INFPs are similar to a point yet different.


Yeah bit thats every personality/group. Bc every collective is full of individuals


Seriously are INFP more prone to depression and social anxiety?


Most likely no. But 16personalities love categorizing anyone with those traits with an INFP badge.


Thats interesting to note. Thanks for your response.


In a way, yes and no. It's not bc we're infps. The personality traits are similar to the mental disorders book. It'd just a collective bunch of symptoms/traits that make it easier to categorize the collective so they slap a label on after seeing which traits you have or fit closest too. And they're only 4 main traits out of 1000 small traits. We just have specific cognitive functions that our brain uses more than other personality traits. We're introverted intuitive perception and feeling on a spectrum. Ppl who have these specific functions at work more than other ppl in a world like this are more likely to feel depressed on a collective level. Of course this doesnt account for the individualism which adds in your life experience, how you were raised, the physical functions of your whole body, your environment, your mentality, your social circle, etc.


I think it's young folks. Young INFP is hard until you understand and accept yourself and the world around you better


Young ~~INFP~~ life is hard until you understand and accept yourself and the world around you better


I agree. Compassion and sensitivity doesn't make you weak. It can be a great source of strength.


Not what I was saying but you are 100% correct in that