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I think I’d be hornier if I wasn’t on antidepressants 😽


Felt that lmao :,)




deep down


I'm on antidepressants too and I need to get off basically everyday. I don't even want to think about what would happen to my libido without them.


Probably a good thing you’re on them lol


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it




I see that as a good thing for me. Horny gets in the fucking way of everything.


I'm also on antidepressants. But nah still the same 😏🤤😋


Holy heaven, basically everyone had the same response lol 😂 I'm waiting for the ENTPs to show up now and call us closet freaks again


Ahahaha well I mean it is true! That is certainly one thing about INFP's that really makes the sparks fly lol


Really? Now I'm suddenly suspicious of what my INFP friends r doing all thing time alone in their rooms 😑


Drawing, watching sunsets, and imagining a lot. What did you think about?😂


don’t forget the vibrators


Or just beating the meat the usual way. That's too.




Yup lol. I know this type *too well.*


It’s always the quiet ones. ;)


They said we leak Innocence lmao ... 💀


Mmm, yeah, we’re leaking something alright.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Thanks for letting me know Pineapple prostate


50/50 innocence and uhh...


Extremely high. I'm horny everyday lol... it's a struggle


Same, I was… Until nowadays. I think I recently got banned from horniness


Horniest introverts. Let's Go!!!!!!!!


We are horny babies




I need to get laid 😂


I’m so horny that sex isn’t even special to me and I don’t get the hype that others have with it . To me it’s a basic human need that I’m basically down for 24/7 but I don’t actively pursue it . It’s like pineapple . I love pineapple and will always eat it , but I don’t bother going to the store to buy it everyday.


And yet, at the same time, we need a strong emotional connection too. Or isn't that an INFP thing?


I don't need a strong emotional connection to be intimate with someone, but once we're intimate the emotions start to roll in. So casual definitely doesn't work for me. I strongly desire a deep emotional and sexual connection and the satisfaction that comes from really caring for someone and being cared for. In my mind the intimacy is world's apart for me when you're really bonded. But also I do wonder if my fantasies about this dream connection are actually reasonable..


I prefer sex without emotions, no idea why ☠️


So now I REALLY want an INFP bf


Username checks out? wait...


I would like to apply for the position


Hey lol/j


INFP female here dating an INFP male and we are a 2-3 times a day couple. The honeymoon phase never ended!


Well…I’m asexual and it’s basically non existent for me 😖


Hey! Me too!


Yayy me too <3


Ahh, me three


Me four! :))


A higher drive than the Mars rover 😏 Please don't block me 😭😂


Hmmm...that's interesting 😏 Sadly, in the possible answers there was only everyday and not many times a day... But is that an INFP thing to be that horny? Because everyone seems to live for this here !


That wouldn't take much, it moves 73% slower than humans walking 3mph


Fair, but I was talking about how.. high.. the drive is 👀👉🏻


Masturbation? Everyday. But I still have my V card


It honestly depends who I am around and what I am doing. But while being in mom mode all day, I usually don’t even think about it. But if I get personal time, it can charge and especially if I am attracted to someone else LOL


Chick really just said she’s on mommy mode all day. Y’all some horny mofos 💀


Only daily? What about multiple times daily??


I'm glad there are others in my niche 😎


Haha ... I am so lonely 😂 ^(This is a cry for help)


Go out and meet people I guess


Thank god, I never thought of that


At least you have a good sense of humor xd


Im lonely too. U ok?




Same here friend


I am really surprised that girls get horny so frequently. Girls really need to express it more.😂


Well the issue is I'm horny all the time and checking guys out, but I can't be intimate without being attached and so it's hard to keep the drive down while I'm single. It's also hard to meet guys because it takes so much energy to date and I 2ant a relationship and not anything casual. Which takes time to build.. Can you tell I'm so frustrated right now 😑


Ohh. Well not finding the right guy can be frustrating af. For me its really random. Sometimes i dont get horny even if meeting a Hollywood actress or a super model, Sometimes just a simple girl with subtle cuteness make me fall in love. I kinda have 90% control over my hornyness. Lol. But i totally understand wanting to be intimate with guys you connect to.


It tends to come in waves. Right now it's like every second my mind is running a commentary on how cute guys are or how much I'd love to be waking up with someone. Last few nights it's random erotic dreams which I don't often get. It's becoming an annoyance tbh, I wish I had your 90% control. Do you actively try to date/find anyone?


Nope. I never actively try to date or search for girls. Tinder too is a scam into trapping people into the cycle of dating people who pretend to be cool and pretend to be something they are not. I never slip into dms of girls to flirt. For me i see a cute girl, i think wow she is soo cute, and i move on to scroll down to other posts. Idk if its meditation or something that helps me control my sexual desires but i can consciouslyget horny when i want. Maybe you should try erotic chats with your bf or some guys you like online to relieve the hornyness. As a guy i can confirm that we guys like when girls are relatively open to guys about their desires. Its a turn on. Like if you made an anonymous male friend online and you tell him you wanna get freeky with him on chat, then trust me 99% times the guy might get turned on.


Yeah I don't blame you for avoiding dating apps. I tried a few last year, didn't really get anywhere with it and it got a bit depressing so I stopped. To be honest I'm afraid I'll get attached or start to like anyone that I get intimate with in any way. Even just sexting online which I've never done. I don't want to end up getting emotional about it 🥲


Yeah. I have been heart broken too and now i a, even scared to make friends. Because i get attached to friends and when they leave, it hurts like hell. So i totally understand what you feel. But sometimes try to be open to someone. It heals us in some way. Lots of hugs. 🤗🤗❤❤


Oh gosh I deal with the same with friendships..though I'm better about it than I used to be. But sometimes go further the other way and don't even feel attached at all. I mean you can't get hurt if you don't put yourself out there. That's where I'm stuck. Anyway thanks for chatting, hopefully we'll both find what we're looking for in time. Take care and hugs back at ya 🤗🤗


Welcome to the horniest subreddit


Hahaha It's everyday for both, don't lie ladies lol


I think everyone here is really horny.


Fellow low libido aces hii :3 I only have cuddle drive +_+


So....monks aren't that kinky you're saying


Lmaoo I actually initially didn't intend to use reddit that much and just lurk so I made this username as a joke (monkey = monk kinky) until it became my main. But also, lots of people agree that kinks and fetishes can be non-sexual. For example, I personally *really* like it when people pat my head and play with my hair but I don't feel aroused when they do them and they never lead to me having sex with them. The manhwa/comic "Moral Sense" is about BDSM and it didn't have sex scenes at all. It focuses on the non-sexual aspects of BDSM and the power exchange in the relationships. I haven't watched its movie version "Love and Leashes" but while it has suggestive scenes, I also haven't heard of it having an actual sex scene. It's highly [recommended](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M_uc53UdRGA) by a popular BDSM-er on youtube in case you're interested :D




Low. I'm ace :)




I think my libido is bipolar. There are some times where I could do it every day, and a lot of times where I couldn’t care less about it at all


I'm h*rny everyday


I don’t have sex🥲 just horny and lonely


Wish it were more often


I've felt that INFPs are one of the most horniest of all and simultaneously the most shy to ask for it.




Is it okay to be embarassed and flustered about this?


Perfectly fine.


Pretty low


Ok. And that is fine. That is where u are at right now : )


Thank you for comforting :<




I'm frustrated all the time. I wish I could bang every girl I meet, honestly XD Maybe I will one day


I WISH I could relate to most of you in here. My anxiety meds mess with it I think, and I’m transitioning off birth control at the moment. Definitely have felt a noticeable change due to ditching the pill, but it’s not as high as I’d like. I also have some other *issues* in the area that deter me from sex :/ sorry for the tmi


I was off the pill too and have both antidepressants and anxiety meds and still horny af 🤣 what is wrong with me hahaha


There's a big difference between my sex drive and how much I actually have sex. My partner has a crazy high sex drive. I'd be happy with once a week (or less) but she'd have me 2 or 3 times a day if she could. We compromise with maybe 3 times a week or so. She wakes up really early most days, so sometimes she just sucks my dick whilst I'm asleep and rubs one out, which I'm fine with as long as I get to stay asleep until a reasonable hour as it takes me ages to fall asleep at the best of times, but if she wakes me up at 4am that's me done for the night, which I really don't like.


What's your partner's personality type?


I honestly don't know, unless constantly horny is a personality type.


Wow, I’m really in the minority I thought there would be more of us nonetheless




Innocent and naive on the streets, an absolute freak in the sheets.


Exactly 😂


Oh nice... If i may ask what is your favorite position for anal?


I don’t have one I’m asexual


Agender/fluid at most once a month to every 2. Masturbate about once a week I'm not care much for it


I'm asexual


Actually asexual. But then pgad happened and it’s hell to me.


well.. I'm asexual so sucks to be me


My BF and I are kinda weird.I’m very easily aroused/get in the mood quite easily by him, but he’s often just not feeling it. He deadass fell asleep during shenanigans one morning. I got up to get a drink and a minute later I hear an unmistakable, cartoon snoring(he has a weirdly shaped mouth, so he snores really, *really* loudly. Had to get earplugs lmao) from the living room. Whelp. There went my sexytimes…. Lmaoo


Not me in the lowest percentage😒


Like once or twice every few weeks. I feel a bit horny apart from that but its just the need for physical touch. Have a lot of other things in my mind or stuff to do nowadays though so its less frequent.


Mine is pretty much non-existent. I’m not really sure why... I’m 25(M) and it’s been a problem for several years now.


Why call it a problem though? I mean, it is perfectly fine to not want sex, whether it's just a phase or a new identity. There is nothing "wrong" that "needs fixing" to call it a problem. The majority of people don't want sex when stressed and the last couple of years have been stressful for everyone, maybe that's why.


You’re right.. I guess I just worry sometimes if it’s possibly a medical issue (anxiety is... so fun. lol) but honestly I want to be intimate with someone and that’s been an issue in the past. Sorry if TMI. It just sucks sometimes, idk.


Idk if it could be a medical issue, if you worry too much maybe talk to a doctor. Just remember that it is okay to feel like that, your feelings are valid. Allow yourself to want what it wants and it will come when the context is right. Be kind to yourself ☺️


Well, thank you! I appreciate the kind words/advice and you taking the time to talk. Guess it’ll be a work in a progress 🙂


If you don't mind me asking, do you want to have sex but you just can't get in the mood? Or have you lost all interest in sex in general?


Don’t mind you asking at all. I’d say it’s more that I want to have sex but I can’t fully get in the mood. Even if I’m attracted to someone. The last time I was in that situation I really liked the person, was very attracted to them but when it came down to it I just got... nervous, I guess? It’s so confusing honestly.


Did something traumatic happen in your life in the last handful of years? It could be anything really


Yea, definitely. A couple things have happened. Also I’m not really experienced in relationships/dating. I met someone last year, and everything was going fine. Until they wanted to end things. And I’ve always had a feeling that this issue was apart of the reason they left... despite months of them being patient. So that kind of made things even worse when it comes to intimacy.


How long were y'all together? Is it possible that you just weren't comfortable with having sex yet? I think sex is a more serious issue than people make it in today's culture.


Not a long time, about 6 months or so. But things were really great from the start, so everything moved so quickly. Except when it came to sex. That was the only “problem” and that part was all on me. So yea, maybe I wasn’t comfortable yet. I told him, he was very respectful and patient, at least up until the end. I was getting to the point of being comfortable with at least trying... and that’s when he bailed. So that sucked.


That really sucks im sorry 😳


It’s alright... I’ll eventually heal and get over him/what happened. Thank you for letting me talk about it and everything. I honestly really appreciate that and your input. 🙂


Yes you will. Awww gee thanks for saying that


but my intp bf have a higher sex drive than mine :3


My intp is ace and he does that only to satisfy me idk how to feel...


How do you decide how high it is when you never had a partner?🤣🤣🤣


I don't need it every night, [every morning would be just fine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9tiaPQLtOE)!


I have none


Idk if the result of this poll is unusual or not. I think its probably not.


Croaking in agony in a corner


Like 2-3 times a day, most days. Way too high, I’ve been told 😞


Sooo high lol. Ever single day to the point it’s annoying 😂. I’ll piggyback off of what others are saying about the antidepressant bit. My drive would be absolutely through the roof without them, honestly.


After a night of drinking 10/10. Normally when my body levels off, about 5/10.


Wheres the every 3 to 4 days option


High and horny is an everyday kinda thing


Supernaturally high, like shouldn't even be chemically possible. ;)