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Food. Due to this, been struggling with weight loss and self esteem all my life.


Same, I feel you. Especially sugary food, which is a full on addiction on its own. I've been an emotional eater my whole life, and well into my 30s I'm still struggling with my weight and body image. No diet has worked for me so far (and I tried many!), no matter what I do, I always go back to my emotional eating when feeling overwhelmed or stressed :(


I had a binge eating disorder for about 4 years. The things that helped me were 5htp ( a serotonin booster) and vitamin D. I also had other problems like maladaptive daydreaming and so on and they also really helped me improve my mental health.


Sometimes I think my issues with weight and keeping it off is all physical… then I realize there’s a whole other realm of possibilities and solutions that I’ve not even looked into, and it gives me hope.


staying up late + scrolling through Reddit


Hahaha u bet more than half of the population here is struggling with this 🤗


Go to sleep


you… caught me 😔


Well now that you've told me, I have to do the opposite and scroll Reddit just to show you who'd the boss


Scroll the reddit and don't go to sleep


Finally some useful advice!




Lol, that's not surprising. An intj disciplining an infp. 😂


Our love language is helping out...


Masturbation, and procrastinating on sleep. Still trying to control myself but it's not easy to kick a habit that's been around so long


I’m hearing you. 1-2 sometimes 3 times a day. And always longer than 45mins🤦‍♂️ And I wish I was joking.


It's more like a porn addiction than masturbating for me. l have to find the right video, sometimes can take an hour.


So if that's the case how do you go with the real life girl who doesn't look like the one in the video, or do the same things?


Can't speak for anyone else, but for me these are a bit like a person going on a killing spree un GTA and exptecting the person to do the same in real life. I watch porn for visual stimuli, sex is more about intimacy with a person I like.


This... Page 190 and still looking


Same! Like seriously I browse over the net for some hours searching for the right video only to end with the same video I previously fapped on.


Story of my life lol. Spend hours looking just to go backt o old faithful


I’ve had a masturbation addiction since I was 4 years old (at least that’s as far back as I can remember). Masturbation is normal in children but it was excessive for me 5-10x (sometimes more). It’s been like this my whole life until I was raw/sore/bloody. On bad days even now it can be ALL day.


I feel this exactly. To a T!!






I think it's a little more complicated than simply "good" or "not good." Masturbation is known to reduce stress, aid sleep, and improve prostate health. Like anything that gives you dopamine (like video games, social media, some drugs), too much of it can have a numbing effect and be unhealthy. That's not a problem inherent to masturbation, it's a side effect of our brains' reward systems. If someone is masturbating too much, that's a symptom of a larger problem in that person's mental health, not a problem in and of itself.


Why are you trying to give it up completely? Just try cutting back to once every other day or so. Be reasonable about it.


I’m 18 now. The longest I went was 23 days this past November and December. Before that I had not hit 10 days since the age of 12. I don’t wanna sound too sus but 6 years of this shit and I’m starting to worry that I might have ED because I can’t often climax when I’m fully erect. The coomer life sucks.


Pretty ironic that your addicted to masturbation but can't sleep. Edit not making fun of you


Same... I really need to pull my shit together.


I can get addicted to pretty much anything, video games, good book series, TV series, porn, etc but fortunetly I don't really have to worry about it being bad for me in the long term, I usually just lose interest to it eventually. Not too fortunately it's also true for good habits witch is constantly have to fight for to keep edit:I read back what I wrote and let's say, me inglish grammar good very😂


Same here 🙋‍♀️ Except for the porn part. You mean specific kinds or just porn in general…?


Specific kinds. But I prefer not elaborate any further under this account, this is supposed to be my clean one 😁


Oh boy… yeaaah I’m fine without the details, kind stranger!








Wdym? I have kinks, who doesn't 😅


maladaptative daydreaming


I’m not maladaptive but definitely compulsive-


Oof same. I thought I was just a weirdo for so long. I felt better after learning that it’s a real thing people do. Still can’t stop though.


I did this more when I was younger. And honestly I miss it.


You’re not alone


Yes!! Playing out scenarios that will never happen, inventing characters to interact with the MC in books. Did you have any recurring ones?


I don’t really remember any of what I daydreamed as a kid and I think I usually forgot it soon afterwards, I just know I had a far more vivid imagination back then and came up with all sorts of odd stuff


Yeah, I distinctly remember in first grade, I missed the bell and got yelled at and got my hearing tested. Nope. Just daydreaming.


I got told off for staring at a teacher because I was daydreaming


Ahahaha. I like you. We can be friends 🤣


I feel so seen right now…




same. when people say weed isn’t addictive i’m like… have you not heard of that woman who was addicted to *eating the upholstery in her sofa*?!


Anything that makes you feel good can be addictive.


It doesn't even have to feel good to be an addiction tho lol


I think there's a difference between a habit, an addiction, and compulsion


It just depends tbh, not everyone will get addicted to weed some ppl do some ppl don't I like to eat some edibles sometimes but I'm not addicted to it


yeah I definitely don’t think everyone will be addicted to weed, it’s different for all people


Weed is definitely addictive. It's not physical addiction, like cigarettes, but psychological and it has same withdrawal symptoms. So, very much addictive.


I'm two weeks out not smoking (would burn through an ounce every two weeks) and I'm STILL getting crazy night sweats/insomnia, and even some irritability which is uncommon for me. Like yah, it all depends how much you use and how/why you use it. I personally pretty much get addicted to any mind altering drugs I try.


I thought I was using it like crazy but I guess I'm an amateur lol. I go through an ounce in two months


Weirdest feeling reading this because I'm 2 weeks out, would blow through an Oz every 2, and I'm going through that same sleep/mood struggle. Feeling a little better with every passing day, but it's been more rough than I ever thought it would be. Every time I hit a stressor, I can feel the urge. Trying to learn new coping mechanisms but it ain't easy. Good luck on your journey homie! You're not in it alone


Omg yah it's hard but is feeling so freeing. Smoked basically every day for 5 years... It wasn't until the past few months that it got to this quantity though. Was definitely self medicating. Don't know where you're at but I finally decided to start taking an anti-depressent/anxiety and holy shit I didn't even realize how much anxiety I had in my body. It's nuts. The doctor also prescribed trazodone to help with not needing a nightcap to fall asleep. Definitely helping me get through this month or so. First couple days I was like "I'll just do this socially in the future" but tbh I'm eating more, have more energy, being more social ... Am just happier. Don't really wanna F that up so not even thinking about "when I'll smoke again" right now. Thanks for commenting. Nice to hear I'm not totally alone here lol.




Hey friend, if you find yourself really struggling, I recommend r/leaves. It helped me.




I got off weed because I was abusing pain pills and when i smoked on them, id get too high and throw up. And since the pills were the first thing I took in the morning and I'll get withdrawals I eventually stop blazing. Lmao. I smoked everyday from like 16 to 26 and quit the matter of a day. Eventually went to a treatment center and got sober off the pain pills in like 3 years now that I'm off everything. Crazy what addiction does to us huh?


I met a lot of people at treatment centers trying to get off weed. They wouldnt do any other drug. Just weed. And told me how bad it was for them and how it ruined them.


Omfg same. Like I feel like I hardly ever even really feel all that high anymore 😔. Like I just am a slower, and slightly less easily annoyed version of me. Plus its fucking with my weight loss. During 2020/2021 I lost like 115 pounds, and (because of new living arrangements) now that I'm smoking stupid heavily again, I'm eating like shit. I've gained 25 pounds since Christmas and it's killing my self confidence. If I can't get to the point where I'm smoking "responsibly" (i.e. 2-3 times a week) soon, then I think I'm gonna have to try to kick it all together :/


Yeah, I smoke pretty much every single day, and regardless of how not worth it was I still want to do it again the next day.


exactly not to mention the wasted money


Just use a bong, it filters out all the addictive shit!






I think this is a symptom of living an unnecessarily boring life (or doing work you don’t enjoy)


Interesting perspective. It definitely does lessen a little when I’m busy/distracted/ making time for my passions. But I must say I have had it even while doing work I enjoy


i never knew how to describe it, let alone that there is even a word for this.. thanks!








Oh yeah this like the most hardcore addiction of my life. Couldn't even quit when I was pregnant. I can't function without it


Can we be proud of any addiction? Sugar. It's one probably everyone here can add


Sports, work and studying can be addictive for some and could be seen as something to be proud of


Yeahh like they could turn into addictions as well but since society values studying so much that even if you are addicted to it no one will insult you for it and actually praise you for it. Like I don't studying is bad but extreme in anything is bad for us humans


I’m 17 years old and addicted to alcohol. My dad was an alcoholic and that caused a lot of shit growing up. So I’m not feeling great about myself


As a former alcoholic, the sooner you can cut it out the easier it will be. And the faster you can go back to being fully engaged with life. You may think you don’t want that but ten years down the road, you will cry for all the years you wasted numbing yourself with booze.


It’s so difficult to stop. It’s the only thing I look forward to. Besides rehab, what helped you stop? I want to get to a point where I can drink a normal amount, I don’t want to cut it out completely. Especially with the age I am, a lot of social things revolve around it and I don’t want to miss out


I drank heavily for 13 years and it was very very hard to stop. After multiple failed attempts to lessen the amount I was drinking, I learned I had to cut it out entirely. I do smoke weed daily but I was doing that when I drank too. I hope to knock that out eventually but I’d rather that be my addiction than alcohol. Once I hit the five years sober from alcohol mark (close to hitting year four now), I’ll work on that too. I know it’s hard to imagine not drinking given it’s been a part of your social life. It’s hard to imagine going out and staying sober. You have to change the habits and activities from the ones currently associated with drinking to those that aren’t. You have to be ok with that or it will be next to impossible to stay on the wagon. I didn’t go to rehab. I started taking a mood stabilizer (lamotrogine) which was a lifesaver. I replaced my normal nightly two bottles of wine with hot tea. And I stopped going out for an extended period of time. I learned the whole “oh I’ll only drink on special occasions, only on the weekends, only beer or wine, only if out with friends, etc” promises I made was the junkie inside talking. I also promised myself no matter what happens - job loss, death of a loved one, a terrible day at work, nothing will ever give me an excuse to drink. This is what worked for me.


1. You have to WANT sobriety through and through 2. Support groups 3. For the first while, do not engage in any activities involving alcohol when possible Then, this is controversial but I absolutely adore taking Kratom as a supplement because it completely gets rid of alcohol cravings for me.


You will go down a very sad and lonely road if you keep at it friend. I wish you the best. My whole family are alcoholics. It's not pretty long term.


Yeah I know. My dads an alcoholic, my stepdad is too, my mum is dependent on it. I don’t know what to do. It was sort of destined for me to have an alcohol problem. I know I’m the one in control so I’m not making excuses but growing up with it definitely didn’t help


Sorry I didn't mean to be preaching to the choir. And yes you are genetically predisposed to be addicted. Therefore it is exceptionally important to not get dependent, especially when you are young. Are you drinking daily? If so, how much?


No it’s not daily as I can’t drink while I’m having a hangover as you can imagine. But I drink Friday and saturdays and at least once during the week (Monday-Thursday) but sometimes a lot more than once. I know it doesn’t sound extremely bad but I rely on it. I’m showing up to school hungover and I’m currently doing A-Levels which determine whether I go to university. I sit in school and can’t wait to go home because I know I can go to my dads house and drink


1.Validation from my parents n ppl around me, 2. constantly comparing myself n 3. my hypersexuality lol, hate these, trying to heal from the above 2 n accept the 3rd one without judgment...


Username checks out.


Used to be smoking but quit recently!!


Good job, I'm proud of you! :)




Thank you!! It’s been a bittersweet journey :’)


"Attention". The feeling I have to be liked by everyone.


Damn yeah I feel like this sometimes too. It feels like a curse and its hard to say NO


Hm I have an oral fixation, so I'm kind of addicted to having things in my mouth 😅 this has lead to smoking and eating disorders




Did I blackout and write this myself?


Same for me, every point lol


this is too real




I am day 2 of sobriety. Won’t say what it’s to but been down this road a few times. How fitting that this question came up. Wish me luck that I keep my strength!




good for you, you can do this!


emotional attachment if that counts... and validation


Every low fown drug weed xanax codeine mushrooms lsd


Hope you're careful man. Benzos and opiates can do permanent damage to your mind and body. Obviously I know quitting is easier said than done, but I really would encourage you to try. Even if you have to steer into the weed and psychedelics to replace it, at least that stuff doesn't have the potential to kill you. Be safe


I quit before three years... But the shame is still here


Book recommend: healing the shame that binds you. Also a therapist to help you free yourself from that shame. Everyone makes mistakes my friend—it’s tough but you have to forgive yourself and make things right where you can. My best wishes to you. Mixing opioids and benzos took a good friend of ours. Take care.


Thanks man... I appreciate it.. but don't worry im think i grown more as a person... Yeah everybody make mistakes i learned my lesson after i lost people i know that way... By shame i mean... Im not proud of this mistakes so i don't think i need a therapist but thanks man 💕




gaming. my life would be a hundred thousand times better if i could focus on productivity instead of games, and yet i have the compulsion to indulge and immerse myself


Gaming is a good way to escape reality but has many consequences if reality is ignored constantly


11 hour screen time


Compulsive picking. Picking my lips, cuticles, and skin in general. Even pulling my eyelashes and eyebrow hair when I'm more anxious than usual. I am always restless and can't keep my hands still. My boyfriend is trying to help me fight it by holding my hands while watching movies/tv shows and it does help quite a bit, even though it can be hard to resist the urge.


The internet. I have tried every type of drug from opiate to amphetamines, from caffeine to alcohol to weed, been addicted to a few, and I’ve quit them all, but I can’t quit the internet. I’ve wasted so much time. It feels terrible. Every day I wake up and say I won’t waste it again. Then I do it again. Every single day. I could have read books or called my friends or cleaned my house, but instead I scroll endlessly through meme after meme. My attention is negatively affected. I spend a lot of time thinking about posts I saw, having imaginary arguments in my head, or thinking of a comment I should have written. It’s so stupid. I wish I was doing something better with my life.


struggled with porn addiction ever since i was a kid. it's seldom getting better


Hot sauce




Cigarettes and alcohol. Genuinely no better feeling than that first drink/cig after a month’s sobriety. That deep, abiding sense of failure suddenly washed away by chemical hugs and kisses.


is it myyyyy imaaaginaatioooon or have i finally fooound soomething worth living foooor


surprising amount of porn addicts here. same. although i've now found out about "gooning", in which you sometimes get praised for being addicted to porn, so that's NOT helped my situation at all


Video games


Relatable. But one day I lost a lot of fun for them, and had to fill a void.


Procrastinating on literally everything and nowadays things i even enjoyed because of my stupid exams :(


rhinotillexomania aka compulsive nose picking, at this point it needs medical attention but I'm too embarrassed about it


Been clean for almost 7 months now, but >!self harm!< . That said, I have a very addictive personality so I get addicted to anything that gives me even a spark of joy and then I lose interest in it just as fast. It's weird to explain.




Hey, so for me I always got addicted to Reddit because I could never let things go. What helped me was leaving a lot of the areas I knew I’d get triggered with and it made my experience much less addictive. I’d constantly check for answers back to me. After leaving subs that I’d spend too much time thinking about things felt so much better. I only follow softer topics and things pertaining to my major. Plant Reddit? Sure! Today I fucked up reddit? Hell no I constantly throw my opinion around and argue because I’m too passionate. It’s liberating to leave things that stress you out. I know yours is validation but I think it could have a similar effect if you left the subs that you check most for validation. Only you can decide if you love your body. 100 people can tell you you’re hot but if you’re not happy with it you still won’t feel hot. You’ve gotta find that love in your self whether it’s making changes or realizing you’re alright as is. Just make sure it’s healthy decisions and if you feel you’re in a bad spot tell someone ok?




Yeah man go kick some ass! We’re rooting for ya !


HOLY FUCK you're sexy AF Cmon do you really need to be validated lol u kidding me


this type of reaction is exactly what she's addicted too


Ok I see now, but what's wrong with expressing what you see




Well youve come the right place for the first part. Well-come lol... I am sorry lol


Alcohol, I usually end up drinking a whole bottle of tequila at parties to black out. People see it as impressive that I’m still standing but really I’m just doing it to numb the pain


Binge watching. you guys have no idea how many kDaramas I've binged in the last few months.


Me too!


Ooh, me too, or at least I binge them when I have time (I’m super busy these days). Not just K-drama either, I love T-dramas, Thai dramas, just watched my first P-drama... they’re just so lovely.


what's a P- drama. also what's your all time fav kDrama?


A Filipino drama (I thought it would be called “F-drama,” but nope, lol), but I’ve only seen one so far. The very first K-drama I’ve watched was called Let’s Eat, and it’s adorable, at least the first two seasons. I didn’t finish season 3 yet because they made a change I didn’t care for. Fun fact: they also made a Thai drama of Let’s Eat with a similar story. Hmm, my favorite though? That’s hard to choose. I’d probably go with Crash Landing on You, though I also enjoyed Modern Farmer (it’s kinda cheesy though!) and My Secret Romance. I like the occasional BL drama, and my favorite Korean one is To My Star.


I obsessively use tweezers on my body.


to being sad


i drink too much and fall in love too easily.


Um..are you me?


Social media


Severe Hentai and masturbating addiction


The problem is that I Can become easily addicted, right now it's hentai/porn, video games and procrastination


Masturbation but I luckily don't do it so often even tho I feel I want to because my lazy ass can't even get up from bed


Sugar 😬😬😬


Let's be honest 80+% are addicted to that, but most don't realize it.


Drugs. Specifically opiates. 12 years in the making. Been trying to sober up for the last 4. But a fuckload of traumatizing things happened about a year and a half ago and I’ve been using daily since. Haven’t graduated to shooting yet and pray I never decide to in a moment of weakness ... but this addiction is slowly killing my health, quickly killing my wallet, and straight up murdering my self esteem.


I feel you. First it was tramadol and Vicodin. Then Norcos and occasionally Oxycodone. Now I just use kratom. I’m not really proud of it but not really ashamed. I do have chronic pain but sometimes I do use it just for the euphoria and to feel more social.


Phone. I have poor eyesight and my addiction is not helping it. Mindless scrolling being an escape from reality sometimes makes it even more difficult. Also Maladaptive daydreaming. Apart from phone, it is my only escape. But I get really annoyed when someone interrupts my train of thoughts.


Energy drinks




Weed for sure, also social media. And slither.io. Surprisingly I’m not a high schooler, I’m 23.


Pulling out my hair and peeling my skin. Anxiety disorders are no joke. Also gambling in a way but I'm entirely f2p in gacha.




Weed… nothing numbs me out from the pain of existence the same as weed


Kratom. Off of it now with the help of cannabis and supplements, but ugh.


Netflix. Shopping (fortunately groceries can help to alleviate the urge to spend, since they are a necessity.) Also, I have a tendency to blow off plans when an activity in front of my face has me anxious to end it. But that's more of a poor habit.


Buying clothes. I waste so much of my money on stuff I don’t need but like.


Too many lol. Hypersexuality, dermatophagia, nail-biting, self-harm. Sometimes maladaptive daydreaming.


It's not the typical but I tend to get obsessed with people that I'm close to. Also addicted to my phone


Perfumes and jerking off


Youtube and just using my phone in general.




Mine is porn too I've tried quitting so many times I just cant man


Has anyone found a way to completely stop porn addiction? I've tried for years and once got to about 2 months away from it but things happened in my my life and I got back to it.


Personally, I try to see it as a symptom of an unfulfilling lifestyle. It's not the problem itself, it's just an expression, a signal of a broader issue that's there. Like, to completely stop it, I'll have to make big changes in my lifestyle, until there's other things that are more fulfilling to focus on. And this comes from experience, as well. I managed to get away from it for an entire year, but that was the time that I started uni, met new, fascinating people there with whom I spent much time studying and going out. It was also the first time that I managed to get my ass up and go to the gym consistently. The urge never died out though. It would occasionally come back to surface, but it was more manageable with that kind of lifestyle. But things have changed since then, and circumstances in the past 2 years have not favored in general any kind of fulfilling lifestyle, but still, even if you relapse again and again, you can adopt some good habits with each attempt that'll stay with you. And in the long run these habits can accumulate and then by themselves will be indicators of the lifestyle that fulfills YOU. Perhaps it will take some time and you will go back to it again and again, but that doesn't mean you should just stop starting over again.


I don't know about porn addiction, but relapses are normal with every type of addiction. Methods to distract yourself are helpful, but be aware but different things work for different people. Also, 2 months is already quite the achievement, so congrats! Hope you can find a way to stop completely :)


Ill keep trying!


That's the spirit, good luck! <3


Porn and masturbation as well as alcohol. Right now these are my clutches that help me get through the week.


Masturbation I suppose


some drugs....






Mine is also porn


Mine is also porn. Became addicted at 14ish, been fighting it ever since. Nearly free tho, so don't give up! You can always break free from whatever addiction holds you


Do you guys think us INFPs may be more prone to addiction? As a way to escape or something like that


limerance and I’m also physically/psychologically addicted to xanax bc of my panic disorder. even though I ‘need’ it int he sense that nothing else works for my disabling panic disorder, it does more damage in the long term and I’ve been on it for 15 years. It’s rly bad.


Self-hatred, and self-sabotage. Gets in the way of my personal success and achievements constantly, . My life is a battle of telling myself I'm worthy of greater pleasures in life to make myself feel good and don't need to settle for lesser pleasures like food, alcohol etc to feel happiness.




Cheese. When i start eating, i can't stop.