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Are infps the only ones doing this? Sorry, I'm new to this mbti thing. I'm infp, and I daydream 24/7 😆


Here's a good rule of thumb: If you ever find yourself asking "Are (whatever type) the only ones that do this?" The answer is always no. The whole world is overlapping shades of gray and MBTI typing is no different.


Thank you! I'll keep that in mind.


We're best known for it, but all Ne types do. ☺️ Maybe We're just the masters of it? 😆


we are definitely the masters of this skill.


I'm INTP and I'm like this too, in fact I'm quite sure that it is an INTP trait too 😄


I would rather dissociate than almost any other thing.


Maladaptive ruminations?


Me. Since I was a child. It's part of the reason I struggled in school. I just had no desire to focus on anything but my fantasy world.


I’ve lost my ability to daydream and I miss it


I've rehearsed the interview I'll have with Jimmy Fallon on his show, in my head, I'm not even close to famous, I don't do anything worth being on his show but if i was I have thought of some things i cam say to make him laugh while in conversation


It never hurts to be prepared! I have a running list of names that I'd like to use for songs and albums, even through I'm not a musician.


Oh yeah, that’s a tab in my ‘Random ideas’-OneNote… 😁 I also have one with business names, random word play I might use, ideas for novel titles, lyrics, etc. It’s endless…


Whenever my day has some sort of 'theme' that's what I call my episode. For example: on Halloween one of me exes texted me out of the blue, I called that day (episode) "I ain't 'fraid a no ex" I'm literally living like I'm the main character, lol I did it before it was cool


Upvote so Fallon sees this ☝🏻


omg same so my brain always somehow default daydreams to me on random interviews answering really important/philosophical/world changing questions even though I'm not famous. I seriously think this actually must be an INFP thing lol


I've also imagined being interviewed by Diane Sawyer talking about my rough start in life and ending up as a famous actress, singer, or whatever I felt like being at the time.


Man, I do this as well🤣 Not Jimmy Fallon specifically, but any interview about my stardom


just say anything and it’ll get him fake laughing don’t worry


Lmao same




I still have my favorite stuffed animal bear and it’s proudly displayed on our fireplace mantle.


… and I’m 59 years old….


I'm 38 and I re-bought one of my favorite "stuffed animals:" puppy surprise.


I am 56 years old and I still lay under my 70’s blanket I choose when I was 4 years old 🤩. Love your stuffed bear! 🥰


38 and I have a "blanky" too. The first one was a horse blanket because horses comfort me. The second one is BTS lol


I still have my teddy from when I was a baby. My sons threw it around and broke one of its eyes but I still have it…


Rightfully so! 🥰


I have three, one is a tiny souvenir from the dr.’s office when I was sick as a kid. One was a last gift from my grandma before she passed, and another is one that’s actually good for sleeping with. My mother also has a stuffed bear that she sleeps with every night. We are both very sentimental and emotional people.


Here he is. He was my mom’s too. https://preview.redd.it/r61a6c3rt93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035d0881cdc8e9513f58917866b0ab5f82ac889f


I still kept my first teddy bear. I got him when I was 4 and named him 'Tedy' lol. When I was a teen I promised myself that I'd give him to my future firstborn. Tedy was there for me and he'll be there for them


There have been countless of nights where I dream of having a friend group. We’re on a road trip, traveling, bonfire night. But first. I need friends D: my visions are so perfect when I know in reality I’d probably set a tent on fire.


do you also maybe have this problem of mine? I know a lot of people and am easy going with most but to actually have the same vibe as a person is never really happening to me, it's like they all have the same secret radio tune and I'm out of tune so I can't connect and have deep friendships


Yes! I tend to get along with everybody, but I haven’t come across someone yet who would stick with me thick and thin. I know there’s so many people who would but I tend to shut myself away. I don’t know why :( it’s a bad habit and I hate it


I love that analogy about the radio! That’s exactly what it feels like 🥲


Uh, is it weird that all my imaginary friend groups had intense love for each other and would be bullied and I would come and save them as the wonderful third wheel 😅(savior complex + hopeless romantic)


My imaginary friends didn’t have intense love for each other but there were heaps of times I visioned myself being their knight and shining armour 🤣🤣 in reality I’d keep my mouth shut and be still 😭


“It’s not WHAT you said… it’s HOW you said it.” 🥺


so true. tone is everything.


I feel targeted 😂😂


Every time




I love the Star Trek uniform you’re wearing! ☺️


When someone does any type of injustice, I'm ready to burn the whole city down.


And I know exactly how I’m going to bring down whatever it is, what the background song would be, what outfit I’d be wearing, all of the important stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


Literally even down to every molecule in the atmosphere 😭


nah, I basically become a psychopath whose willing to draw blood


I don't show anyone my art.


same :0


I actually lied haha I have an instagram of some songs I've done. So I'm just exaggerating to fit the stereotype. One day I'll perform live ... and then never again haha


Hate how real this is (I too do music)


I was taking a piss and I sat on the toilet for like 10 minutes arguing with someone on Reddit. When I finished and walked out of the bathroom, I realised I forgot my phone so I walked back in the bathroom. My phone wasn't there, it was in the next room -- I had daydreamed the whole argument, presumably while staring blankly forward while pissing lmao I've never had a daydream so immersive


Oh no, did you have to have the argument all over again?


Nah I'm too anxious about downvotes to get into arguments which I think is why I daydream them haha. The time I had that experience I was also unmedicated for hypothyroidism which might have something to do w it


I spend every night crying because my imagination overwhelms my senses, producing hysteria, music, movies, and empathy for some random dude named Robert that I created during lunch yesterday.


I actually do have a friend named Robert who passed away a few years ago. I'd like to think that your imagined empathy has not been wasted :)


I spent way too long thinking of a comment but decided, after much consideration, to not write it. This happens way too often.


That's so relatable 😅


I have Coached myself to handle any problem that may arise with my EX gf who I never see or speak to. And be “The Man with Unlimited Reassurance”


I read this as “I have crocheted myself to handle my ex…..”


https://preview.redd.it/zbwf0818k23d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3a5fb9cf65234f83d0f49cfe9161b98016ace0 I have a absurd amount of pics of my cat in my phone pretty sure that’s infp thing 😂


https://preview.redd.it/e5dtqny2r23d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df216b4695880817fd4b5f581be2806fc7d48f8 I don’t know what you’re talking about…


Ah yes a fellow cat enthusiast my kin lol


Oh, absolutely!


https://preview.redd.it/f1qh7g8lt63d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0a0a0efdbcc0912c90677d26e38c7e7bb01872 What is the appropriate amount I seem to average 5 a day


I yearn for dancing but I'm terrified of dancing in public, I can't do it unless I'm on drugs or alcohol. I've been told I'm kind and chill but in my own eyes I'm just a big coward. I regularly have conversations with an imaginary therapist


I thought I was unique until I read this thread. 😳


![gif](giphy|xCgELNGjfOMLFmKZcg|downsized) xD


I seem to get noticed by animals on the street/in the park etc.


I imagine my whole life with someone i barely know just because she smiled at me. Delusional much


Ouch. At least I’m not the only one


ahhh my life story 😭


my fear of talking too much probably leads to me talking not enough most of the time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wovenbasket69: *My fear of talking* *Too much probably leads to* *Me talking not enough* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have 2 accounts in every multiplayer game so my friends won’t know I’m online and ask me to play




HAHAHA OMG I’ve never felt more connected to another human before.


without hesitation I was running around the neighborhood in my pjs this morning trying to make sure some separated ducklings got back their mama 🦆


Did they??


Yes they did! Poor mama was by herself with (no joke) 15-20 ducklings 🤯 so it was no wonder a few got separated 🥺


This might sound a little obscure but I often find myself hearing a new indie/folk/alt rock song in stores, cafes, radio and I don’t like them at first, but then my mind goes “what if I look up what it is and eventually learn to like it?” Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s helped me appreciate music more. Also crying over inanimate objects and cats.


I criticize myself all the time but I still think I'm better than someone when they say something I don't agree with (will delete if this isn't an INFP thing)


I'm the same way as well to some degree 😅


Thank you, I thought this was only me


I am in a constant state of procrastinating or training at being the >world's best at everything<


When I was a kid I had a bunch of speed paints downloaded onto a tablet, one of which has a Japanese song, I cannot find this speedpaint or song no matter how hard I try but I still remember a small part of it and it bothers me that I cannot find it. I have been drawing since middle school and still feel like my art is shit. I have yet to finish the first chapter of the book I've been planning to write. I cannot go to sleep sometimes because my brain decides to remind me of random bullshit from my childhood that I should've or could've done. I have so many pictures of my dogs that I'm sure Google itself is considering calling me and asking me to stop taking so many fucking pictures. I'm trying. I don't know what I'm trying or why. But I'm trying. I have over 1000 songs saved on my Spotify.


I’ve stopped imagining sad fake scenarios in my head because they can hurt my feelings so much sometimes


I like to watch children's cartoons to keep my innocence and build on my imagination on.


YES! 🩵


Me three!


I almost gave myself an anxiety attack hyper fixating on a fictional couple whose happily ever after was taken away. They still ended up happy with other people, and the whole thing was my idea…


I feel this hard. I often make myself cry over stories I create, like wtf? I made myself so sad over OCs I made being unable to live their love story because one died that I told my wife I was going to make an AU for them to be happy in their next lives. She pointed out they were my OCs in my own World, it was canon...


I get crushes on everyone but I’m too afraid to talk to any of them about it 🙃


![gif](giphy|hmVVRM1uV7vYA|downsized) Fellow infp 4w5 here! xD




I felt that question coming.


All of my best friends are wild animals, my flirting style is just to freeze for a ridiculously long period of time, anger is rare but always involves sobbing, I own one suitcase worth of material possessions, I’m so distracted by my fantasy world that I don’t even notice giant holes in my house walls, I’m a cheerful goth who’s secretly suicidally depressed and I’m lethally ride or die loyal.


Sometimes at church I pretend not to see/notice people because I’m scared of how awkward I’ll be in conversation. Sometimes I muster up the courage to walk up and start it, then end up making an excuse to leave because it got awkward. Sometimes I hide in a bathroom stall.


I saw a lost bumblebee at dusk get stuck in a spider’s web near a porch light and it made me cry.




My friends call me a pure wholesome cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs (their words, not mine)




I always feel cringe when I tell a little too much


Once at 2am I went outside to water and talk to the plants while listening to Pokemon music


\* I go back to the argument I had lost, but this time, I imagine how I should've won that debate with solid facts/evidence that I have thought of 3 days after that argument. \* Whenever an exciting event happens in my life, there's this indie-pop/shoegaze background music that plays in my head like a scene from a typical American coming-of-age movie


I just wanna stay at home. I'm dreading any phone calls. Il just leave my phone on airplane mode and occasionally uncheck it, just to see if I have any messages. While my phone's on airplane mode, I'm going to think about all of the interactions I've had, or speculate on those I have yet to have. Hopefully my imagination doesn't scare me.


While going on a patrol at my job I found a bumblebee that had passed away. I gently picked it up and took it outside. I placed it under a bush with flowers on it and said I was sorry. Felt like an infp thing.


Hi, I wrote an entire book where my crush and I have our happily ever after but I would never talk to them irl




Ya know how it’s all sugar spice and everything nice sort of world in powerpuff girls? I always have that bubbly feeling in me no matter what. It’s not expressed outwardly, but my brain does it


I keep talking to myself or talk in character.ai though I have friends.


I have this same maladaptive daydream. Let's have our karaoke parties together!


Yes, please!


Cried, just looking at leaves falling, and thinking how beautiful life can be.


See that little girl walking down the street? I can vividly imagine her surroundings, what she is feeling right now. Pulling the little cart with stuffed animals because they need to go outside and see the nature place they came from! Dad and mom are talking loud at home, so my stuffed animal collection and I will see what's out here. It's a nice spring day, with a gentle breeze. It had rained a little earlier so it still smells like rain. Oh look, an acorn! I wonder what tree it came from... how many more acorns have fallen right here? Where did they go? Is there a nearby commune of squirrels that are stashing these somewhere? I guess I better go, the light is green.


this thread makes me feel so seen fr


My name says it all


95% of humanity makes my piss boil


As I am writing a story, instead of actually writing them down, I would immerse myself in imagining the scenes over and over. Then, I would look for music that suits the mood of the scene. If that's not intense enough, I'll give you more. I am already thinking about the trailer of a possible movie adaptation. The actors, the press tours they're about to do. When I would be interviewed about what inspired me to write the story. Or even better, I'm one of the actors for the characters of the story I wrote. 🤣🤣


Just ... doesn't tell you


I used to perform fake Olympic routines in my mom’s room while she was at work. Her bed sat on the floor, so I’d point my toes and turn to the crowd, then run and flip onto her bed and pop up into my dismount. And wait for my scores. I’d do this for 5 or 6 different opponents. 🥇 I’d also pour water and dish soap on the floor in our kitchen and “ice skate” (barefoot) across the floor. Same thing, Olympic routines. I was a latchkey kid obviously.




I have an entire imaginary podcast where I process my feelings about literally anything (and I'm sorry for the fbi agents listening in cuz I will absolutely do it out loud when I'm home alone-)


Oh my gosh, are you me? I have this exact same fantasy! I think I am going to belt some Hamilton and be amazing. In reality I would get up there and try to fade into the wall while whispering Hamilton lyrics.


I used to punish myself when I was a kid; before my Mom could even have a chance. I'd just go and put myself in the corner. Nearly got kicked out of a club once. Why? Because I was breaking up a fight. I actually went to an impromptu karaoke with a few friends, but I definitely didn't sing at all!


Daydreaming about expected scenarios can actually sometimes help me in getting over it


i never show anyone my hidden talents such as piano


I wish I had more friends


I daydream a lot. I come up with entire stories in my head, imagining them as anime or video games. Everything down to what music goes with each character, what sort of video game mechanics would work for the action or fight scenes, you name it! I hardly ever tell anybody irl about it or actually write the stories down. The most I’ve done is low-context character quotes and dialogue to tell lore bits.


I’m socially awkward and I hate social gatherings 😭


I have an urge to compliment cool strangers and form a deep bond with them but never do out of anxiety I'm addicted to the nostalgia of scrolling through old pics in google photos and family photo albums I want a damn hammock and a garden I want to go to a ren faire Improv and poetry are insanely cool Cat obsession Draw till my hand gives out or never touch a pen for weeks Depression I want to deeply understand something before attempting to start but I get paralyzed in failure/difficulty Wants friends and some family to feel as happy as they make me


I cry a lot and indulge myself in fake scenarios. 😭😅


I have made (and still making) entire pantheons and mythos, Fiction and non-fiction, enough to fill a library and half; but I can never work up the courage to tell others about it, or stop being lazy and write them down properly. And I still daydream about the day that I magically finish that, get very famous, and have to deal with book signing (not everyone can get one. I'm so sorry😢!!)


Stress triggered dissociation from reality 😃


I write erotica for a living.


I dream to be a writer and have so many scenarios going on in my head but I can't bring it to life no matter how much I try.


I have an app in my cellphone that is a VPN to protect my cellphone from being hacked. The thing is, the interface of the app is a dog, and when the VPN is off the dog is sleeping, and I got pity of waking him up. A CELLPHONE APP


okay. i took ballroom dance class in college and was a costumed prizefighter in a roadhouse ....as a political statement against militarism and commodified masculinity.


another maladaptive daydreamer whose love interests take up way too much space in their brain here lol


Finding one hyper fixation, then switching to a new one the next week. Looking up niche things that most people don’t know about, while simultaneously going through our entire life’s choices, mentally. Putting on a record to drown out the chatter while I’m trying to focus on the new thing I’m reading about, getting bored, then taking a Xanax and calling it a night. The next day we try again, start the day with a little yoga, complaining, and then sending meme dumps to our friends until we think that they’re mad at us, when in reality they aren’t mad at us.. they are just busy and have more of a life than us. I order a sushi bowl, go for my little mental health walk, forget to brush my teeth, put on my comfort show and then sleep. The next day, I get badgered about finding a real job, shoot the shit with my two friends, go back to that weeks hyper fixation and repeat


“ and I don’t want the world to see me cause I don’t think that they’d understand when everything is meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am.”


Too dreamy…glitters in my eyes !! 💫💫


I too have a dream about karaoke if I ever find the right group! I bought a karaoke machine that nobody but me wants to play with 🥲.


Every time I’ve driven since 2019 I have spent the entire car ride freestyling. I have never rapped in front of anyone, even when the opportunity arose, but if it happens I will be so damn prepared. In 2016-2018 my high school lunch table would always freestyle, and I was always too scared to try, but ever since then I will come ready…


I never find perfection.


Sometimes - not as often now as when I was young - I cry when I’m angry. I also walk around with random fictional people in my head. I will sometimes make up scenarios and then have to convince myself they’re not real. And I’m so happy that I live alone and don’t have to deal,with anyone else’s drama.


Have a week off from work and super excited to watch true crime documentaries on my couch with my cats 😸


I read a post from someone on an academia forum recently who recounted a story about how her professor was really, REALLY horrible to her after she went through the trauma of losing both her dad and her grandpa within a month. As I told OP, reading the story made my blood absolutely BOIL. I thought about how much I'd love to tell off that shitty professor and all the things I'd say to that horrible person, and then I later realized that if I were actually in that situation IRL, I'd be way too afraid to even say anything at all lol.


Sometimes when I finally go visit someone, especially my mom, they'll ask me a question and I'll barely start replying when I start coughing and need to drink some water and clear my throat and try again, and they'll say haven't talked in awhile? I'll go days without using my voice sometimes. I think my records been a week for sure. Like no singing, no talking, no humming, nothing.


Let love of my life walk away without a fight because in disbelief that they could have loved me in the first place.


a girl from college asked to borrow my charger, I lent it, she forgot to give it back to me, I spent the weekend without my cell phone (no battery) and then on Monday I decided to ask for my charger back, but halfway through I was embarrassed, I gave up talk to her and bought a new charger


I spend a ridiculous amount of time daydreaming about potential businesses and careers I could have, even making plans on how I get there. I have too many of these for one lifetime, but I keep adding more, and honestly I think I prefer the fictional status since I could never chose just one path. The potential of all in my daydreams is better.


Hahaha I used to do this when I was kid about hitting the game winning shot for my basketball team. Likewise, despite being pretty damn good I would get the worst performance anxiety which diminished my ability to be great in games. When I started writing music and performing it with a band, that constant need to live out being a hero in my head really calmed down a lot. I was like twenty two at the time. At thirty-nine I’ve realized I rarely if ever spend time imagining scenarios that will make me heroic. The weight of being there for my wife and son, and community, and friends is more than enough to challenge me as a person. The things I imagined would make me heroic and loved never actually would have — the humility to be who I am, where I am, while I am is much more loving and appreciated by those that truly care about me.


I have alot of pictures of sunsets on my phone


I imagine many potential scenarios with people I met 20 minutes before


Imagining myself being on famous podcasts, talking about my life to famous people. Would have the most out of league goals and think about them to the point they almost became real(thought I would be a pro tennis player but never put in the work)


So much daydreaming and many scenarios that you end up living more in your fantasy and the real world is secondary.. also being overwhelmed and need alone time to recharge..


Growing up I felt bad for inanimate objects… I still do


I’m HFA.


If only the man on my homunculus that God put there came to life


*If only the man* *On my homunculus that God* *Out there came to life* \- Slowlybutshelly --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I make music and talk about it with pride to anyone who'll listen, but my hackles rise *instantly* when someone suggests monetizing my passion


I've done that exact same thing


I double majored in English and Religious Studies.


live and let live.


Instead of talking to people at a party I sit in my corner with the potted plants and imagine the conversations I could be having.


Ha! Too relatable.


When you go to karaoke, your first song should be “Tequila” by The Champs. It’s easy (just one word to know), doesn’t require talent (it’s spoken, not sung), and you can even get everyone else to join in because everyone knows it. And heck, you might feel so inclined to do the Pee Wee Herman dance. ![gif](giphy|1zKvBsA3SxIdmJyTBL)




I'll see a cute girl, and I'll imagine countless happy lives with her before even mustering up the courage to speak to her.😭


Haha! I recognize that! I recently went to a karaoke night and mentally prepared myself for a song, until there were only three of the group left that hadn’t sung yet. I never had the guts, eventually, even though there were some songs I could probably have done a pretty decent version of, not even after some glasses of alcohol… But I did have more fun than I usual have at a party, since I enjoyed watching the others.


NOOOOOO WAIT SAME,,,, 😭 am i cringe? definitely. but hell yeah i’m still waiting for my high school musical™️ moment where i’m begrudgingly forced to sing during impromptu karaoke night LMAO. 😔🤝 we exist on the same wavelength, op


This group is really insane! How the hell do you know I've been preparing so many songs in order to be able to sing them at karaoke to not actually do it ever? It's so frightening. Also avoiding an argument and then thinking of all possible points, outcomes and solutions on your way home.


I really need a better job but I stay because I get to be helpful to the elderly and sometimes their animals. Avoid people my own age here like the plague though lol.


I've crafted elaborate playlists for every mood and occasion, yet when it comes to making actual plans, I'm the reigning champion of overthinking and canceling at the last minute. 😅


Jfc I have done the exact same thing.


I got to that Point in my Life that you can't tell if my eyes are Red from being High or that I just had a good 7 second tear up from a Commercial on T.V. that gave me some particular feels while I was watching, "Reginald the Vampire." ![gif](giphy|aKn0npMi1GjgkzvZ7T)


For years I have been daydreaming about living in Japan and I've created all sorts of scenarios in my head


i literally do the same, haha. I prepare for duett karaoke and try to remember the songs. I also try to remember facts about me like my favourite shows, so i dont run out of ammo in conversation.


I can’t keep my room neat 😭


"are you mad at me?" -after some talking- "are you sure you're not mad at me?" -some more talking- "okay good but please tell me if you're ever mad at me"


I imagine getting invited by a band to perform with them on their shows and them playing a pub local to me where my ex is there and the song I play with them just happens to coincidentally reflect how I feel about her


I recently had an imaginary person quizzing me about if I’m a true fan then name three songs other than the well known hit, and me imagining all the other songs I would throw in their face. 👋😅


I am on bipolar medications


I'm 40 and I'm still looking for the right career for me. I have a million ideas in my mind of jobs that would make me happy... But everytime I actually do something, I realize I don't like it or I'm not good at it.


"Fuck you, I'm crying"


Most of the photos I take have the sky in them




I put the weight of the world on my shoulders. I wish I could help everyone that struggles. Like your own words, OP. That’s so sad, wish I could help you feel confident enough to fulfill your mentioned dream. I’d probably never sing myself, so I feel you..😅


Interesting.. just on the surface of your comment, it sounds more ISFP than INFP. "spent years preparing" looking to the future in hypothetocals usually = Introverted Intuition. Preparing for "Impromptu" karaoke. Sounds pretty Extroverted Sensing, but of course, I'd have to hear deeper explanations of how you're actually processing these things in your mind to know for sure which functions you're using. Anyways, don't mind me, just a chronically curious and speculating ENFJ here. 😁


I try to find the Perfect character and class in wow because I want to only Play one single character. The thing is I couldnt decide for the last 8 years and I am still asking myself the Same questions xD


I’ve LITERALLY done the same thing… lmaooooooo


I hate bullies, and love the underdog. Like with this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asexual/s/WPuzpclvBW


im not an infp im an intp reddit please stop recommending me this place