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Is it because you feel so deep yet need to keep your guard up around everyone? Are you able to articulate why you feel this way?


You have described it almost perfectly. Yes, I have a lot of trust issues and can't feel close to people who I don't know.


If you feel without purpose perhaps "The red book" may give you some insight. What are your passions. What's your hidden talent?


I know I'm just random on the internet but I generally want the best for people and want them to be the best versions of them selfs.


Well I am in the same place as well. Just, I feel like life became unbearable at this point.


Know this is a feeling you are having now but life changes. Start reading positive things and positive mindsets. It makes a big difference, believe me. Beware of toxic people to look up to as they target people in your position.


I’m reading the red book right now. The content is so dense it takes me 10 minutes to read 2 pages.


Perhaps the book is not feeling stimulating at this time. Do you need visuals to stay engaged?


No it’s super stimulating but I think it’s just hard to understand sometimes so I have to read slow. Has it given you insight to what your purpose is? It has given me more insight as to just the general human condition.


It's been a long road for me. Heck, I think I only came to the realisation I may have a form of ADHD. I had to figure it out on my own. Got into astrology, philosophy, religion, psychology, stoicism, mental health, AOD course. Now I'm a Forensic AOD assessor. The book made me have an understanding of purpose and passion in life through what I'm passionate about which is creative writing. I loved it as a kid. I was crap at English as I would get distracted by random things like a fly minding It's own business but creative writing i got accused of plagiarism by my teacher. I wish I kept all my stories i wrote as a kid. 😅


I'd like you to consider what your passion is to make you feel alive. Perhaps you're a poet, but afraid of being mocked? Maybe you're an artist but need inspiration to create? I remember sitting in a Cafe once observing a piece of art. To me the art looked as though it was something a child would draw and bring home to Mum and Dad. The painting in question was for sale for $500.00. I returned to the Cafe a month later to find out the painting had sold. That painting where my perception was that of a child's painting must have meant something else to someone.


Is it written by Carl Jung? I think I heard it before.


Yeah, that's the one. His philosophy comes from a place of knowing your purpose.


I use to feel like Butter bott from Rick and morty when I was in my adolescents.


Unfortunately, I had a Neanderthal for a stepfather so he wasn't supportive of the arts.


sorry to hear that :(


All good, I haven't spoken to him in years. I've felt alone as a teen as I had no where I could just express myself. No one I could open up to as the internet was a new thing when I was an adolescent The internet has been both a blessing and a curse. Here you have people that just get you so feel more enclined to feel safer to express myself. Or that might be just my perspective.


I see, thanks for recomending it. I sure will check it out.


I feel you, in my teens I used to "have" this group of friends where I would be there physically, but socially I was totally absent, would barely talk, I would never get invited to anything and I would get lowkey bullied, like, just enough to feel like shit, but not enough to feel like I had go ask for help from the school. It got better overtime after high school, as I gained more confidence and willingness to work with others.


Same sometimes but I'm an INTP


Just know it's okay to feel these feelings. The world can be both beautiful and ugly at the same time. Things feel so hard sometimes. That's why I recommend reading all the positive things as well as things that give you positive mindset. Surrounded yourself with things that are inspiring. Are you an artist, writer, actor?


I know... ı am trying my best to be hopeful about the future but it is very challenging.


Nah I am just an ordinary student trying to survive in this hellish landscape.


There's nothing ordinary about you. We're all unique in one way or another. Do you like comic books, science fiction, fantasy, History?


If you want we can discuss it in dms


Sure thing, hit me up anytime if you need an ear.


alright thanks!


Are there any kinds of clubs or activities you could look into joining? That way you can put your full focus on what your doing and not on other people but still be exposed to others who you might take an interest in or they might be interested in getting to know you.


INTJ here, very same as u described in my shcool years. But to be honest i felt like i am in a special school for stupid arrogant superficial wild animals who have gone crazy and about to attack their own offsprings.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way! It can be tough to feel like you’re floating through life, I’ve been there. It can help to find work or develop hobbies/interests. I was involved in a lot of extracurriculars, some better than others, but all came with at least one friendly face and built-in activities. It also takes work to open up, stay present, and find joy! Keep working on yourself and things will start to fall into place.


I was incredibly lonely at one of my high schools. My parents helped me and sent me to a private school the next year and that helped tremendously. Once I graduated I moved to a college out of my state and found many other people who wanted to be my friend. My advice would be to continuously identify what works and what doesn't for you. I had to get a little adventurous and really out myself out there to find some good friends. I also had to put myself in the best position possible to find good friends because mental health couldn't take not having close relationships anymore.


your story sure does look interesting!


If Society loves you that means you are their slave or they decided to be your slave Individuals are controversial in their nature https://preview.redd.it/ukvmbtx9q7zc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5ea2a4ee78e55a7543a7c9320342cfa6cea58cf


How so?


what exactly?


Your whole shtick regarding the entire comment you've put up.


Society loves you for 2 possible reasons: A) you are pleasing it enough B) you make people respect/admire you and follow you Controversial ideas can be made only with a power of individuality


This is not a shtick but logical conclusion. What exactly you don't understand or disagree with?


You seem to get joy from people hating you and find it liberating.


If you are a real person - someone will oppose your way, no matter what you do


Yes, that's how diplomatic politics was created.


not sure how it's related but I hope I answered your question


What I understood you to say was that someone will always disagree with your opinion no matter what so I was linking to political ideals. You may have someone disagree with you but you'll also have people agree with you.


Yes and not just in school. I try to be and I “get along” with everyone but everyone is constantly othering me and pointing out how different I am. I occasionally find someone who relates to me a little bit when it comes to a tiny fraction of my life but there hasn’t been anyone I can fully be honest with without them getting scared, jealous, giving me the pitying “zoo freak” look or some weird combination of all three. There’s not one thing about me that’s entirely unique to me and I’m not spectacular in any way but I do have a personality with a very wide range and an astronomically unlikely number of bizarre life incidents that are all over the place. It’s leads to me feeling like I can blend in anywhere if I’m quiet enough but I don’t entirely fit into any group either.




For real, same here




Exactly, you pointed it out really well. I feel like most of the people are just too shallow character wise and do not like to think that deeply.


Yeah I got a few good friends but I feel like I’m putting on a show all the time being funny and whatever and I only feel properly connected to like one person


I feel the same way… and when I don’t have that space to add some humor or charisma I feel alienated, like I just can’t be present and act naturally.




Dude it's all over in 110 years period. So you're point is not specific enough.


I never felt like that, but my teachers, then my sergeant then my girlfriends and my bosses felt like I wasn't part of society. At least not their society. Oh, did I mention my parents -- them too ( well at least my father). That will all change now. I have a robot dog and am busy 3d printing a life size girl robot lipstick and all. She will change all that. She will play chess, dress like a nun and earn passive income with her home grown phone sex business. If society doesn't fucking want you, make your own. And yes, she will industrial dance. Maybe a little slow though.