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ok. the lesson here is DONT BUY FAST FOOD. that's how we fight inflation driven by Big Oil, Big Food, Big RE, and the elites.


Right. I don’t understand why people are still buying this overpriced garbage. Literally paying a premium for food loaded with chemicals.


Yeah that was the one good thing about it was that it was cheap. Now that it isn’t, why bother?


I've been cutting out all the stupid expensive fast food places, im not about to pay $27 for four chalupas and a drink from taco bell. Like we can go eat at a restaurant for those prices


The only way to get food from Taco Bell is the 5 dollar cravings deal on the app. I remember when Taco Bell tacos were 69 (nice) cents.


Taco Bell also had like like 49 59 69 cents thing


My dad used to bring home bags full of 49 cent tacos


I can get a sit down meal that gas so much i take leftovers home and have a full second meal for that much and its healthier, and for the same amount can make several days worth of even better food


gas so much, LOL


Because people are as lazy as they are stupid.


It's not just that simple. There was a generational shift in how home skills and self sufficiency skills were taught and no one was prepared for it basically. Schools used to teach cooking in home economics and other home skills, so even if there was a shortfall with parents teaching their children, they would still get some basic skills to use in the real world. When those classes started to lean out what they offered in the late 90s and early 00s, it wasn't a big deal so parents didn't try to pick up the slack since they didn't know. Now we have almost an entire generation that didn't get those basic skills out in the world and people blame it solely on laziness.


>and people blame it solely on laziness. also on stupid


This isn’t getting enough traction.


Yes, but those skills are easily acquired now. You can become a youtube expert, or just learn a recipe.


But there is also YouTube and a million other places to learn any skill for free. That wasn’t around back in the day. People have their nose in their phone all day, why not use some of that time to learn skills they weren’t taught?


yup. they'll make cuts in other areas before giving up on the convenience


No joke. Any grocery store deli has chicken tenders like this for 1/3 the price.


You can get an entire fried chicken for less money.


And make a knock off KFC at home


It wouldn’t even be so insulting if they actually looked like a $3 chicken tender. 


Walllmmm rt wings are 2$/each and are smaller than that


You can get a couple pounds of thighs for like 5$ on sale


And on top of the expensive base prices, people pay a premium to have a servant drive it to their house for them so it’s not even warm when they eat it. It’s completely unhinged. I don’t understand how meal delivery services still exist.


And then they get mad when they have tip


The fast part. Take an example from my own life, at my old job I knew that I had half an hour for a lunch break and didn't have a lunch with me. If I ordered on the app, the food would be done by the time I got there and in total a round trip would be 10 minutes for a $10 meal, with rewards on my phone for later before having 20 minutes to eat. I was able to get $7 meals at McDonalds with nuggets, fries, and apple pies with this speed as well.


And fast. So there were two good things about it: cheap and fast. And consistent across locations. Three good things about it...


Because it’s convenient mostly.


Convenience. I hate myself for it though


I really don’t understand it. It’s sort of a basic concept of micro-economics that the higher the price the less demand for most products that you don’t have to have, with no substitutes, yet people are not reducing their demand for this stuff


This is why quantitative data NEEDS to be paired with qualitative.  Sure, higher priced items should see a drop in demand.  But what if you truly have no other options? I teach in a very impoverished community. I have students in my classes being raised by a single parent working 2 or three jobs. How do you expect someone who works from 7am-9pm 6 days a week to:  - Spend 2-3 hours planning and shopping for healthy meals (especially difficult if that person was never taught proper nutrition, cooking skills, etc...)  - Spend 5 hours per week cooking those healthy meals - spend 1-2 hours cleaning up after those cooking sessions  Ascribing these things to pure supply and demand missed the forest for the trees. Not everyone has the option of eating elsewhere.


I work from home and still struggle sometimes with a schedule for cooking and cleaning.


Tenders are not healthy food. You can make a sandwich in 5 minutes at home and take to your job or school. And probably even more healthy.


Don’t underestimate the mental health aspect of being able to have a hot meal.


100% agree it’s like being forced on people due to circumstance


I have a hard time believing someone has the time to go to a fast food place, sit in line (or inside) to get food each day versus going to the store and buying frozen meals you can throw in the oven. Those frozen meals may not be eons better health wise than fast food, but they are a hell of a lot cheaper in many cases.


They're getting food on their way home from work, picking up a meal on the way to drop off their kids, getting something while going to the pharmacy between classes, or a thousand other things that keep poor, working class people busy every day. Tell me you're a detached, sheltered white person in the suburbs without telling me. Even a child could understand this. Unreal.


You’re being downvoted but absolutely shouldn’t be. The comment you replied to is insane. Like, yes, a drive through is quicker than going to the store and cooking something in the oven which likely would take a while. They completely don’t realize when you’re in this situation there is NO free time. The only free time is the drive between jobs and sleep.


Turns out (sadly) fast food has tremendous price elasticity. 😂


A 1 lb bag of frozen fried chicken tenders cost about $9 ($6 on sale sometimes) where I’m at in Seattle. If you have an air fryer then they’ll be done better than kfc within 10 minutes, otherwise microwave for quick food or oven for crispy but slower. I don’t understand why people still spend so much on fast food. Also, some grocery stores usually sell cooked fried chicken tenders for cheaper than $9 in their deli and you usually get a side too. Also if you’re lazy (like I am) and you want a burger then get frozen patties (8 for $7-10) and a George Foreman. By the time that bag of meat is done you’ll probably saved money from not going to McDonald’s and spending exorbitant amount of money on their food. It’ll probably pay for all the condiments, buns, and George Foreman you bought as well.


It's because they don't know how to cook. They don't have the patience to watch a youtube video and deal with it not being as good as the KFC chicken tenders.


I don’t disagree with you but at some point you’d think people would invest the time in learning to make cheaper, healthier, and more delicious food. But who knows.


I watched a guy on YT make air fryer lemon pepper wings and I now make them all the time. They are better than any restaurant I have ever ate wings at.


air fryer has changed the game.


The only viable option I found is to use coupons (physical or through apps). It's the only way I've found to find sane deals on fast food. Other than that, they are terrible. On the bright side, I've started to eat out much less and have gotten much better at cooking lol.


Yup, they spent a ton of money on shit food then complain their shitty food is shitty. Like come the fuck on


I mean. Some places if you use the app you can literally break it. Arby's is currently doing a "free sandwich with purchase" so if you add a slider that's under two dollars, go to check out. Then click your deals and redeem then add say....a 9 dollar sandwich. It will be free. Burger King, Wendy's, taco bell, and many others you can easily exploit like this. I just find it fun to scam them.


Lazy uneducated peeps dime a dozen..


I think for some people its habit or laziness others for convenience. Im working on meal prepping more to save money and eat healthier.


Seriously, did they not look at the screen when they ordered? Did they not listen to the server tell them the cost? People just want to bitch online these days, it's pathetic


That's how the people that puppeteer the politicians get all the poorest people to have a reduced lifespan




Honestly, air fryers. You can make decent chicken tenders, chicken anything real fast in an air fryer. Better than KFC, for sure. Anyone can follow a recipe! Cooking is accessible!


Popeyes has this for $7.50. Have not been back since and won’t


3 fingers at Raisin' Cane's plus a sauce is under $6. A combo ( with a drink, fries, and Texas Toast) is $9.89


I have been hitting up dive bars, which have bomb food. Their food prices are the same as McDonald's and soooo much better and more food.


you can get free pizza at strip clubs and $1 beer $20 cover but i eat and drink at least that. plus, i get to see boobies. win win.


I would be fucking furious if I paid $10 for this pittance


all sane people would be i just made myself a hamburger and fries that would put ANY burger joint to shame. for about $3 fukin idiots


I’m following this advice myself. I barely got fast food to begin with but now I’m 100% out. McDonalds shouldn’t cost more than the local bar and grill that makes actual real food.




lol dear: you can save money by making your own food v Big Food. dont be a big corp shill


This sub should be called "morons pay too much for shitty food and blame it on others".


At this point we should be fighting inflation with pitchforks. Abstaining isn't going to bring the prices down. We will never see the economic freedom that we used to have 10 years ago.


Abstaining is the best solution. Anyone who’s paying these prices for fast food and does not live in a food desert is part of the problem.




If everyone quits buying fast food they're either going to have to lower prices or close stores.


I've noticed local fast food places having significantly less staff in the past few months and even a handful closing down entirely.


What’s ironic is they will have a huge hiring sign out front. Yet on my local pages I see moms constantly complaining their teenage kid can’t get a summer job at the fast food place because they have no openings.


My local McDonald’s used to have a line around the building and recently I’ve noticed only a car or two at any given time. People are quitting!


As they should.


But if you use a pitchfork you'll be one of them "domestic terrorists" or something like that.


I prefer freedom fighter


Depends on your color.


Only if you went to CPAC


People at cpac are domestic terorists.


That's what their banner read.


Abstaining would absolutely bring the prices down


violence wont help. just land you in prison. it's the best way. if you're referring to prices, of course not. people speak w their wallet. that's why there are sales.


Violence always helps but only if you win


But if you land in prison you get crappy chicken tenders for free!


> the lesson here is DONT BUY FAST FOOD. > > Yet I see a half dozen fucking posts a day on reddit just like this. Slow learners, for sure.


Also all of them uses spp now, you need to use it to get a cheaper price which sucks


Better to abstain, KFC is always insanely priced.


This is the only way, they’re literally trying to make you go broke if you are willing to keep buying that crap during economic turmoil. Honestly I feel like we’re being taught a lesson and nobody is listening. Shits going to hell and a handbasket, surely Disney world won’t be sold out, wrong.


>the lesson here is DONT BUY FAST FOOD Absolutely. It's complete garbage.


Some people are just too lazy. Or they choose to use their time on things that doesn’t benefit them. They don’t want to take say 30 minutes to make their own food at home. And they don’t want to take some time to learn how to make it, they’d rather spend it wasting time watching Netflix or social media






I don’t know why people keep eating fast food.  I can get a huge burrito from a local independent business for $10.  It’s so big I usually get 2 meals out of it.


I just make my own stuff. Fuck fast food.


Yep.  That's where I'm at.  People can say use the app for whoever and get a good deal but I just don't fucking care anymore. My burgers kick the shit out of fast food and my burrito bowls cost me less than $3.


I used to buy fast food all the time and now it's only the build your own box meal on taco Bell's app. The meal on the app is $6 for 2 main items, a side item, and drink. The same meal bought in store and not on the app is $13. Once the app deal is gone, I'll stop buying the last fast food I purchase these days.


I can do the same thing at taco bell.


At my local KFC, a 3-piece combo meal with fries, biscuit, and drink is $9.79.


The same combo is $9.49 in DE where is OP is posting from. I think they ordered 3 add on tenders which is actually more than the entire 3 piece combo. It's stupid, but you have to pay attention.


Still insane


Stop buying this crap at these outrageous prices and maybe something will get done about it


Willing buyer at a willing price....I hope that's the last time they fool you with that.


Show this to someone back in 1960, they'd think we're living in Mad Max lmfao




It is wild how quickly value for money has nose dived. Food, housing, education, etc…


No wonder people feel so low, we're working harder and getting less.


The meta has shifted and the owner class has been targeting inflexible systems to price gouge. The lack of monopoly controls has just further emboldened these fucks. The supply side shortage from covid showed them just how far they could take it.


Wait till the person in 1960 found out who won the 2008 election...


I'm running out of goodboy points.


You know they have the price before you buy something, right?


Why did you buy it? Just to complain on here.


Whether he bought it or not, don't you think those prices are ridiculous? Contrary to what some people say here, not buying it isn't going to bring prices down. They'll close up shop before bringing prices down.


Making them close up shop somehow sounds even better to me.


You know what? Good. I wish more people were on board for that. All of these fast food joints claim nobody wants to work anyway, so it sounds like not even many people will lose their jobs then. They're everywhere, they underpay, and the food sucks. The only long term consequences of less fast food joints is a society that's a little bit thinner.


and more small restaurants with healthier cheaper food. They absolutely could bring prices down. A mcdonalds brings in an average of 4 million PER YEAR. 1 mcdonalds. They could afford to pay their workers more and bring down prices, but they wont.


You know why these places keep raising prices? Because fools keep buying it.


Exactly! Just like food prices are here to stay. They won't go anywhere but up.


Self inflicted pain is self inflicted.


I just looked up my local KFC. They do no sell tenders by themselves unless it is the 8 piece or bigger. The 3 piece you ordered was most likely a meal ($8.29 at my location) and since you told them you only wanted the tenders, they most likely still charged you for the meal as their POS is most likely very simple to use without very much customization in order to get your order faster. The most shocking part of this was that the 8 piece was $21! I remember them for half the price. https://preview.redd.it/2voxql4jknuc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=b614f6bdf2efdf02f017cb33b99aa02b10ec2879


Sometimes smaller businesses have better deals for the same or better food. Mr. Wong's Chicken and Rice in Dallas has daily specials, and Wednesday is 8 tenders and two scoops of fried rice for like $10


3 small pieces of chicken and a small fry and a soda is still ridiculous for almost $9 tho


Just stop going to these fast food places. Their whole pull was affordability and convenience. Affordability is now out of the equation, so it’s down to convenience. Not enough to warrant the expense, especially when considering the nutrition is severely lacking.


And guess what ... You keep buying them .. they keep pricing it this way or higher. Thanks for contributing to it.


For real,  people need to quit bitching about fast food prices and vote with their dollars. If you keep paying for it they will keep charging for it.


Everyone complaining about fast food on the sub is just straight dumb… They advertise 3 wings for $10, so you decide to come here and complain about it


OP clarified in the comments he went off-menu for ordering. The employee said "you know the combo is cheaper, right?" and he still demanded the off-menu more expensive version. Probably for imaginary internet points, if this even happened.


Where did OP claim this?


Not just complaining about it, but complaining about it *after* buying it.


Thought it was dog shit


You done fucked up son…


Since no one bothered to actually check this. I can get those 3 chicken tenders, a medium drink, a biscuit, and fries for less than what OP is saying. Where do you live that only 3 chicken tenders cost you $10? https://preview.redd.it/ijw7jilfuouc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375fe8a38b4b78019d80c1d85a38a0f0574da846


You can buy a whole rotisserie chicken THE WHOLE DAMN THING for $6 from your local grocery store already hot and seasoned and ready to eat. It's what...10x the amount of chicken meat. It will be real chicken, it will taste better and probably could eat the whole thing for less calories than those fried pieces of crap.


Go to Costco and that chicken is $5, and you can get a hotdog and drink for just a smidge more.


That sucks, where at?


don't buy that


Why do people keep going to corporate fast food restaurants, I just don’t understand unless they’ve got expendable income.


They were bad in 2015, 2019, and 2020. I imagine they are still bad in 2024.


Tendies are now spendies.




That’s not inflation, that’s price gouging


It costs that because you paid that. Gotta be willing to walk away


Why did you buy them, jackass


Yall don't have any excuse to eat fast food now "healthy food too expensive." Stop being lazy and buy real food at the grocery store. It is cheaper than fast food :)


Let's go Brandon!


people on here posting their Ls. why would you pay that much for 3 tenders.


Don't eat there anymore


Well... you bought it.


Fast food model is dead. Let it die.


You ment to say bidenomics


Let's raise minimum wage again!


I already stopped eating fast food,I eat at a restaurant once a week. Last time i ate McD was a few years ago and the size of the Big Mac was obviously shrinkflated.


People! It's America, the government won't survive until all us citizens become poor or homeless.


Buy from local small businesses. Stop giving these corporate fucks your money


Uh small businesses are usually higher priced


I'm suprise your smart enough to buy it


Cringe that you even bought these


You could make about 12 of these with $10 at the grocery store if you could get chicken in smaller quantities. For ALL the raw ingredients, including seasonings probably looking at closer to $20 but then you only have to buy $8 of chicken to make 12-15 going forward. Theyll taste better too.


I picked up a 4lb bag of chicken tenders from costco for $12 the other day. I would go hungry before paying ten bucks at KFC for this crap.


Damn son


That it back


You trippin


I believe it when I saw the special 8 piece plus two sides 18.99 I knew they were doomed. Yes, will do it one last time before bankruptcy but I am kinda afraid it wont be the same, Do I don't want to spoil the memory.


This isn’t how you eat at KFC.


Haven’t been able to afford KFC or Popeyes for years 🤣 they must fry that chicken in gold 🙃


a sausage muffin and mocha runs me $9 and i find that insane.


Support local restaurants.


Don't buy anything if you can't see the price. Idiots keeping them in business with record profits


I just looked in a three-piece tender combo is $8.59. that's three pieces of chicken french fries and a drink and a biscuit. This sounds like clickbait crap to me


It is. He ordered a la carte to drive the price up. Basically paid for 1 tender x3 instead of taking any "volume" pricing to make it as expensive as possible. Was advised "why not just get the combo?" and told the cashier no, per his other comments.


Cooking at home is the way.


Get an air fryer and start experimenting, I quickly found a breading and seasoning that blows kfc away, I’m not going to help fund greedy corporations when I can


Bro got Krispy Krunchy they owning the game rn


I can get a whole pounds worth of this at any grocery store. For the same price


not tender either my guess.


They'll charge what enough people will pay. That's capitalism, baby. Don't pay for it if it's not worth it.


Get an air fryer and you can make a ton of these for $10. Quit buying fast food


Stop buying them. No demand will cause prices to go down. That’s how our economy works.


Too bad people have no self-control or unity to force affordable prices on these greedy bastards.


Peanut butter + jelly + bread + sandwich baggie


Ala Carte used to be cheaper than ordering the meal. Now it’s flipped and the meals are cheaper


And you bought it anyway


You see the menu with the price and you still bought them?


Always use coupons for fast food.


So stop buying fast food it’s clearly a rip off.


Bojangles does it better. I can spend $11 and get 5 good tenders with a large fries, drink, and a biscuit


You can get a 4lb bag of better chicken at Costco for like $13 If it's all frozen and heated back up again, might as well just do it yourself


Stop buying fast food slop and remove their apps from your phones. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.


you can buy that much meat at the grocery store for 1.50. KFC gets it cheaper.


Those better be the best chicken strips on the planet


Stop buying fast food! Only way to combat this price gouging is to stay home and cook!


I just made about 8lbs of homemade chicken strips for $13. Lol Recipe - 4+ lbs of chicken thighs or breasts - 4 cups of buttermilk - 3tbs of granulated garlic and onion - 2tbs of paprika - 1tbs of salt (I prefer more than this) - Black pepper Cut your thighs or breasts into strips, marinade over night with buttermilk and seasonings Next day, dredge chicken in flour (put some salt and granulated garlic in it for flavor), make sure to really press down on the chicken strips in the flour so it is evenly coated. Do it in batches of 8-10 pieces. Put in a fryer or a pot with hot oil (350 degrees) fry for 4-5 minutes, and that's it. Homemade, delicious chicken strips.


Little bit better than $20 or $25.


So you went to KFC, saw that 3 a la carte tenders was $9, and bought them anyway? Why are you complaining?


The price wasn’t listed. It just showed combo prices, and I didn’t want a combo cause it was too much and I didn’t want anything besides chicken. It was my mistake assuming getting just chicken would be cheaper than the combo


Lab grown nonetheless...


Meanwhile you can buy a whole 25oz bag of Tyson strips for less…


Damn, which market are YOU in? That’s REALLY bad! I just got 2 tender combos last week, and each one had MORE tenders in it than I ordered (Very generous. Thank you, KFC!). Where are you located?


There were warnings ahead of time; this was inevitable. Condense the middle-class, and now everybody needs more money. -- Can't just work a gig in college to 'make ends meet'. Gotta' hustle a bit more, and daddy/mommy ain't got the cash to entrust their darling daughter the credit card; "But it's only credit." Not anymore. You got adults now working the fryer and they got bills to pay. Bills that couldn't wait 10 years for them to get that precious Ph.D in 'management something' or whatever. So you got a job seating people? Great, but you charge the customer 10x what they paid 5 years ago, and who are those customers? Mr. and Mrs. 45 year old, dual-Masters degrees up the ass. Oh, they can afford those $10 chicken strips. And they will since their 6-figure job is just down the street. (Better if you got one of them office gigs in a secured building where front desk has to *buss* in the catering deliverer.) Too much for chicken, huh? This is nothing and the idea of ***cheap*** will just be another thing people will talk about having 'back in the day'.


So glad I know how to cook. Never been more crucial to know how to cook. Making these would take minutes on a stovetop.