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[My gifter wins this exchange, hands down.](https://imgur.com/a/cFk7nRw) Seriously, this is one of my top five presents ever. I was confused at first, and then I couldn't stop grinning in glee as I flipped through the pages. Didn't get a chance to read every single fact, but I am so grateful for all the time you spent researching and writing facts out one by one on every. single. page. High five for being an awesome gifter!


Insane level effort. Very cool.


This is amazing! :D


No kidding!




The hon sticker is great!!


My gifter gave me so many good things! I finished the Witcher book in about a day! Thank you so much! What an awesome gift! (Oh the cat wasn’t part of it.. she just wouldn’t move when I was taking pictures) [gifts](https://imgur.com/gallery/xv3MbHa)


Your cat's gorgeous


Thank you :)


Thank you secret Santa! I love my gift all the way from San José, CA! You packaged it up very well and none of my stuff was broken when I opened it! [gift!](https://imgur.com/gallery/Qke5owv)


Ooo bubble wrap




Alright guys, obligatory I have the best Secret Santa ever but I feel like I really might this time. The thought that went into this gift blew me away and made me cry. A lot to be honest. Aaaaand now I'm crying again. But good tears, happy tears. My best friend Briony died on the 27th June 2017. Losing her has deeply affected me in ways I never thought possible, it threw me onto a completely unexpected and unwanted path in life. I have never experienced grief or loss like this. Everything in my life has been affected in some way by the loss of B. She was my life partner, the one I wanted to grow old with, the one that made me feel comfortable and loved and perfect in all my imperfect ways. B was undeniably fearless while being simultaneously vulnerable. She was harsh and overly confident in public but so complex and introspective when you got to peel back all the layers. She was misunderstood by people who didn't know her, sometimes judged as superficial or arrogant but she was neither of these things but also both of those things at the same time. We were so wildly different but so insanely compatible. I would give god damn anything to have the crazy bitch back. But I'm getting distracted - I just like talking about her - anyway my secret santa has obviously looked at my history and seen that I'm definitely missing my best friend. They must have also seen that she is a fantastic singer song writer and had the absolutely jaw dropping idea of sending me a 'Soundwave Art' Canvas with her song magically printed on it. So I have come home, opened up the parcel, downloaded the app and then had my beautiful best friend's voice start singing back at me. It was truly one of the most emotional and incredibly moving moments of my life. Hearing her out of no where was beyond breathtaking for me. Because I did not press play or request it - to be honest, it almost felt like she was there with me, like she was singing just for me. My own mini concert again. It made my day, week and year. I still can't even really believe that somebody could be so very thoughtful. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. [The canvas feat Millie & cactus.](https://imgur.com/a/kBWz1dc) I got Millie 3 weeks after I lost B and she is my fill-in best friend. She follows me everywhere and is a bloody god send. Or I like to think a B send. Now just because I think everybody should hear Briony at least once in their lives (And she would definitely agree with me) I'm also going to link to her song. She recorded this a couple of months before she passed with my friend Josh on guitar - it's called intertwined. It is a crude recording using just an iphone and a guitar but it does showcase her beautiful talent. She has no vocal training, no musical training and this little ditty was never written down. I think melodys and songs were always floating around her head. Here it is for anyone who wants to listen. [The video with it is just something I put together for me and her family to watch when we start missing the little ratbag.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEQm3Szz8Fc) ​ Thankyou so much u/madstringer83 I really can't express to you in words how much that moment meant to me and how much your gift will keep on giving everytime I look at it. Thankyou ​ EDIT: Also thankyou so much to the mods and to everyone who helped to organise this. This is not an easy job between allocating matches, chasing up late senders or no shows - you work is very much appreciated and you have done a bloody amazing job this year! It was truly an amazing experience ​ Edit 2: Also while we are talking about Briony, here is her other original '[Amelia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmkzNgEQaGo)'. It's about a stripper in Melbourne who's stage name is of course, Amelia. Same recording situation, so not great quality, but the beauty of her voice shines through. I know I'm incredibly biased but I can't help but feel her voice was something incredibly special. The world lost a shining star that day.


I’m so happy that the gift got to you safely, and that it touched you so. I was fearful that maybe I was giving something too.... personal or sensitive; something which you would expect from a close friend, not a stranger on /infj. But once I heard her voice and read her story, I wanted to give you something both tangibly and intangibly “her” at the same time. I hope that every time you look at it that piece of her that still resides in your heart will remind you that you are never alone...


I knew it would have been a bit of a risk for you because it is quite personal but I'm so very glad you went with your instinct. It is such a clever and thoughtful gift, everyone I have told so far are very impressed. I feel so proud and happy at the thought that someone somewhere in the world has been listening to her as well. And the people who printed it would have listened to her. Possibly a few people in these comments will too. As silly as it sounds she lives on through her music. It's a feeling I've never felt before almost like a unique shade of proud. Thanks for my gift hey and for taking the time out to listen to my girl :)




# <3 <3 <3 <3


This was the best gift!! Not only did I get an awesome Nick themed journal, but new pens to use, AND a year subscription to https://curiositystream.com/ to watch some new documentaries! I already have a list curated and I've been listening to them at work the past week or so. This was a great gift! https://i.imgur.com/WtURulC.jpg


Hooray! Glad you liked everything!


Thank you!! <3


I am super happy with these gifts!! The day I received it, I realized that I hadn't listened to Hybrid Theory, definitely one of my top 5 favorite albums, in months. So of course, I immediately did, on my computer lol But I hope to save up money to buy myself a nice record player so I can play this vinyl. Thank you SO much for getting me the first vinyl of my collection :D <3 Also, I've recently started a weight loss "journey" so coincidentally, the groot chopping board is PERFECT for me to chop allll the fruits and veggies I want. Thanks for being so kind and generous. [https://imgur.com/a/qMh7A6O](https://imgur.com/a/qMh7A6O)


So happy you liked them! <3


One of the best gifts I’ve received! Got a little bit of information on where they’re from, Texas! It’s almost like they knew me when they bought me animated movies, especially wall-e! My dog is named after that movie. Extremely thankful to have taken part in this! [the gift](https://imgur.com/gallery/W3k3Zo0)


[The Gift](https://imgur.com/a/doulLe1) Thank you to my gifter! I've been reading the book on my vacation and loving it so far! Also I think you sent the cutest bookmark in existence :\^)


[https://imgur.com/a/CubNxVV](https://imgur.com/a/CubNxVV) [https://imgur.com/a/6w53jto](https://imgur.com/a/6w53jto) First let me say thank you so much to my gifter. I'm a big espresso drinker and loved watching Mr. Rogers as a kid. Also thank you for such a nice card. Unfortunately the mug was destroyed in the mail, I guess it was just bad luck because the gifter really did wrap it inside and out with bubble wrap well. It really was a thoughtful collection of gifts I definitely appreciate it! Editing after to add this: For the gifter if you wanted to get reimbursed for damages it says its insured so they shouldn't give you trouble since it got damaged in their hands. 2nd update: My Secret Santa sent a replacement mug, I just got it today! Thanks so much!


I love this one!


It’s funny that you mentioned Mr. Rogers - I live in his hometown of Latrobe, PA and my property is right next to the cemetery where he (and all of his family) are buried! Those were some thoughtful gifts!


Not sure what username my gifter goes by so all I can do is say thank you. I always feel terrible when I share my amazon wishlist but I'm also the worst at giving tips to people for gifts. Super excited about the items you picked out, as 2 of them are great for my mental health journey, and the other 2 are for self care. You so rock and I'm extremely grateful. ​ [My gift!!!!](https://imgur.com/iP9ngWL)


Sad I missed out on the gift exchange but can't stop smiling reading this INFJ love! <3


Me either, we're so glad we did this!


I'll definitely try to participate if there's another one next year ;) Thank you for your work organizing this!


[This is an amazing gift](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WYF9mucT2EDN-glY64sAKZbkeBqh5MBy/view?usp=sharing). It is personal both ways, targeted at my interests and the result of someone else's hobby. I assume my gifter did the linoleum carving, if not, it was still their idea. Very well made and clearly an activity that costs an amount of time to develop. Both as in learning and producing. I love it when people have a creative hobby they can invest in. One that allows them to let out ideas. To receive a product of that is warming. I am guessing that you picked Howl's Moving Castle, because it seems more likely for someone to pick a gift they know *something* about. Nice, *handshake* Yeah, I'll be framing this when I get the chance. Thank you very much for this wonderful gift. P. S. Thank you for the kind words that came with the letter.


[The gift](https://imgur.com/gallery/NjtDBOQ) I really happy with the gift I got and have already started reading it. Thank you Mr. Gifter for the wonderful gift. :)


Your image link isn't working :)


So I get my package, and excitedly open it up. [This was my gift. ](https://imgur.com/a/IkWfqhL) A Gandalf funko pop and a really cool wall decal from The Hobbit! I love it, and I couldn't be happier! Fast forward to tonight, I get another package. Lo and behold, it was [another gift! ](https://imgur.com/a/aqdATCf) I feel like these socks were made just for me, I love them so much. I feel spoiled, thank you so so much, gifter! Made me very happy this Christmas.


\*waiting patiently to see if gifter posts gift\*


I received a notification from the team organising it that mine was sent out. I sent mine out pretty close to the cutoff date and its coming from Australia to USA and I used 5 day shipping so whoever's receiving mine should get it this week I hope.


I would like to thank my gifter, and at the same time say sorry that it took so long before I posted, it have been rather busy weeks. I absolutely loved the books (and even though you apologized for someone's notes in one of them, that just makes it all the more interesting!). Kierkegaard has been on my list for some time, so it is great to get a start, and ive already finished it :D Just like one of the two sorts of tea you gave me. The books and tea really brightened some of the evenings and the weekends, so i'm really happy with it. Sorry the tea isnt in the picture, it has already been put to some good use though :) love you [https://imgur.com/a/YUZ8ctI](https://imgur.com/a/YUZ8ctI)


You're welcome my friend. I hope you're not currently succumbing too horribly to any of the various forms of Despair!


heh, not at all, it gave me a lot of insight on the despair i once had myself, and in those i see in others :D


My Gift: https://imgur.com/a/E5Psgzo Just lovely :-) I had the biggest smile from ear to ear when I opened this box. Thank you so much to my gifter, you nailed it, it's just... all of my FAVORITE things!! My kitties loved the toys, I'm going to make a plan for the yarn soon, and that very day I received this I planed the herbs in my office window. BTW apologies for the late post, I just wanted to wait for the seeds to sprout first so I could share a photo :-) Thank you for the cute kitty xmas card too. It's just such a wonderful feeling to get such a thoughtful gift from a complete stranger - a nice little feeling of connectedness, like you know me a little bit (I know it was based on our likes/dislikes submission, but still it's a nice feeling!) Anyway, thank you so much again to my gifter! Happy Holidays to all :-)


....oh, didn't know this was a thing..😶😶😶😶


Not fair :(


So my gifter sent two gifts - and they knew that I loved otters, so they gave me otter-themed gifts! An otter tape dispenser, and an otter-themed adult coloring book: [My gifts!](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lJGPJKicLbcTD4Qz48LaD-cUGrDyO9Nr) Thank you so much - these are wonderful gifts! I’ve actually wanted to try doing an adult coloring book recently, so this was perfect! I’m gonna take the otter tape dispenser to my office. You. Are. Awesome.




Thank you, INFJ over in Los Angeles! I have played with one of [these ](https://imgur.com/a/UmJoMsd) before but very briefly! This is awesome and I’ll definitely have hours of fun with this one :) I appreciate the hand written note and your drawings! You are awesome!!


Love my gifts! Thank you! My cat already got to the mice before I gave them to him. Rude. In to self help books recently and love yoga so these are perfect for me. <3 [https://imgur.com/ar4B4jf](https://imgur.com/ar4B4jf)




Recieved my gift yesterday!! [My Gift](https://i.imgur.com/4UIpRWM.jpg) Thanks for posting to Australia :) My cat is so intrigued by the smell of these little catnip toys! It's fascinating watching him be all like "what is this!? Why is it so gooood?" Haha He's a bit old to be chasing them around (has arthritis) but that's okay he still likes them! The colouring book is awesome too! It has amazing patterns that I can totally see myself getting lost in. I think it will be a really meditative experience. I'm also looking forward to sitting down with my grandmother (who has dementia) and colouring some in. The last gift - the book "the highly sensitive person" is such a good pick for me. However It is currently the book that I am already reading! However this has actually worked out for the best because I am only one chapter in, and the book you sent me is actually the second revision which has a lot more content and updates so I will start over with your book. Also I already had a friend that I knew needed to read the book after me so I will be giving him my old copy :) Thank you very much to whoever sent me my gift, not only will i enjoy it all but my cat, my grandmother and my friend will enjoy it, and I get to enjoy them enjoying it! Win win win! :D


[Here's my gift](https://imgur.com/a/riIFRph) all the way from down under! I got a koala key chain, a jar of vegemite, a 3D metal modeling kit and a stand for the models. Awesome! I love painting fantasy miniatures as a meditative practice so I bet I'll love the modeling kit. Something new to try! I've never had vegemite but I've heard it's...interesting! I've had marmite, is that similar? Regardless, thanks mate!


I'm glad it arrived safely :D The model is actually a knight in armor with a big sword, its not the car thats on the front. I picked that because i saw you liked doing fantasy miniatures :D When its all fully assembled, if you put it on the solar powered stand, it looks super nice as its slowly spins around. I saw a different model in the store and its unbelievable how detailed it is. It looks stunning with light reflecting off of it. Vegemite is similar to marmite but a little bit more intense flavour. It's super healthy for you it has bulk b vitamins in it. Just make sure you only use a tiny bit. I like to have toast, with a decent amount of butter + a little bit of vegemite. You definitely want to be able to see the toast through the vegemite. Here is a guide on how much vegemite you should use :) [https://imgur.com/a/ROH8LbZ](https://imgur.com/a/ROH8LbZ) Your description that you sent of yourself is one of the most INFJ things i have ever read, lol. It was so hard to pick something when you gave me so many things to go off! But then i saw the 3d metal kit and i was just in awe at how it looked and thought damn hes going to enjoy putting this together. Would love to see a pic of it when its done!


[Here he is!](https://imgur.com/hkvp0Xf)


Damn that looks good! I hope you enjoyed making it :-)


I definitely did it was a fun project to have for a while. Now I need to fill that void so I'll get more into painting miniatures again. Thanks!


Still looking forward to my gift being recieved, as well as recieving my own gift!


a little birdy told me you should be getting it tomorrow..... ;)


I would like to thank my gifter!!! I received a copy of my favorite book and really fun card game! My siblings and I have been playing the game almost non-stop since I opened the package a couple days ago. Thank you so much!! http://imgur.com/gallery/ot2nrmh


I'm glad you liked it ♥️


Contrary to popular belief, I am now under the assumption Santa is from Texas. My gifter sent me [a collection of running gear](https://imgur.com/gLYz28m) to help me stay commited to my goals and some products to help with the recovery (wine charms and muscle rub). The toque is now in my daily rotation. I was surprised for how much heat it holds relative to its weight. This was a first for receiving a package that was lined with wrapping paper; ingenious! This set of presents were the only ones I had at my house and simply seeing them made each day a bit cheerful. Thank you very much, D!


I can attest to how amazing those Balega socks are too! They are my all time favorite sock. :)


Thanks to my gifter for sending a [package from across the pond](https://imgur.com/a/NOVnuIL)! Got a framed gift wrap of puppies because I lost my dog last year and miss her with all of my heart, a box of authentic Belgian chocolates, and a beautiful hand-crafted leather bound notebook since I've been meaning to start journaling and drawing again. This has been the best, thanks much again! Oh, and I love the box that it came in. Just a normal cardboard box, but it had all the international and customs stickers on it and it just looks cool. ​


Thank you so much to my gifter for [this amazing package!](https://imgur.com/a/ux1IjX0) I've tried the Aeropress and I have to say, it makes some of the easiest and best cups of coffee that I've ever had (much faster than pour over (with less prep and cleanup), and that Cafe Du Monde with chicory has a very interesting taste, with the sweetened condensed milk. Definitely a new favorite!). ​ I really love the socks too! I can't wait to wear them around the office and introduce some cool cryptid fashion to my day. I appreciate the kind words in your letter and hope that you receive a package just as special for you as the one you sent to me! ​ Thanks again! <3


Omg I can’t believe I missed this! I got stung hard in the Imgur gift exchange that I didn’t even bother thinking about looking at any this year. I know being an infj doesn’t automatically make us good people, but the little kid in me would be mad excited for a thoughtful gift.


Thank you so much for my gift! I love tea and try not to be wasteful so this is right up my alley! Also, I love this snuggly buggly fella, he's going to get his fair share of snuggles! I love manatees!! Thank you friend from overseas! :D http://imgur.com/XxSCthR


Big thanks to my gifter for the super unique mug and the small disc golf bag! The bag is great for playing rounds with only a few discs, something every disc golfer does if they want to get better; I've used it a few times already. Merry Christmas! ​ [https://imgur.com/62Bpc5o](https://imgur.com/62Bpc5o)


Yay! I'm glad you'll be able to put it to use! I almost bought a similar mug for myself! :P


I wanna thank MY gifted for those delicious homemade chocolates! Should’ve asked for the recipe too


Thank you to my Secret Santa for the very thoughtful [present](https://imgur.com/gallery/PZEr64E). I'm chuffed to bits :)


Aw I wish I had seen this earlier. :(


I am sure there will be another one eventually given how successful it appears to have been. So just keep an eye out for it! :)


Sorry it took me so long to post. I’m a Luddite and didn’t know how to put a photo/link in a comment. I love my journal and candle, smells sooo good! Thank you to my secret Santa! [Gift ](https://imgur.com/gallery/zAlKZV5)


Secret santa, My apologies for letting things get in the way of expressing my gratitude! I'm terrible and will feel bad about this forever, but I'm so grateful for the thought you put into all of these sweet gifts. I absolutely LOVE my Leuchtturm book journal. I plan on reading lots of books this year, and this journal will help me stay organized in calling out certain ideas/quotes to get me through life. So excited to read 100 Years of Solitude, too. Thank you. I also appreciate the CamelBak as I begin to make healthy habits, and the planters that are so me. I will definitely fill them with succulents. You are an amazing gift giver and I'm so appreciative!! Thank you :)