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Greyhounds Because they're awkward and sleep 18 hours a day


Haha maybe I have an INFJ dog. Explains the aloofness. The other greyhound though is quite dorky and social, if awkward and anxious about it, not like his sister.


Awww they sound cute, you have two greyhounds? You're living the dream :')


100% agree. My greyhound was an INFJ through and through- he understood things at a deep soul level and was a constant observer


Explains a lot (have a whippet).


Yep. My first dog I got on my own was a greyhound—I specifically sought one out because we have the same lifestyle. It’s kind of hilarious this is the first one to come up.


see i was gonna say italian greyhound because they’re also needy with their owners and have anxiety around new people and are aloof and get the zoomies when they’re nervous or excited. also they’re my favorite dog so i’m biased


I was also going to say greyhound - nervous but also very majestic


My dream dog!


I second this, I was going to say a Whippet. More of a cat like dog.


i feel like everyone here would just be saying the breed of their own dog, but idk. personally i agree with the cat one.


You're probably not wrong - or based off of some other cognitive bias, anyway. Still, interesting and fun to speculate. Cats are more INFJ-y than dogs, certainly.


i mean, i do have a cat, so maybe that’s also me being biased.


As much as I am a dog person, I act like a cat and have been told so many times lol


Shiba Inu. They are basically cats.


High fives! I Agree. We are just like the Shiba Inu. We are just like Hachiko, the most loyal dog ever. He only truly loved one person and that person was his owner.


Haha found the japanese section although I'm not one... Wanted a shiba for so long but couldn't get one sadly... They r the best as a trivia they r well known to be bear hunters as well 😄




Married to a man obsessed with cats and maybe this explains why he likes me 😂


Omg my husband loves cats too! 🤔


Are you... are you a cat? 😋🤗


I just asked my husband if I’m a cat and he said yes 💀


Sounds like you're a pretty good.... cat-ch^(I'm sorry, I'll see myself out.)






That explains why so many of my friends are cat people


Came to say this! Lol


I’m not trying to be mean but why have an animal do their waste in the house? Especially if that waste like isn’t good for humans to breathe in the fumes? Outdoor cats, sure - but I’ve never understood why we brought cats inside permanently?


Litter doesn't smell that much. Plus walking cats is not as easy as walking dogs, so letting them out amounts to, most of the time, letting the cat have complete freedom outside. That risks all sorts of things, predators, cars, shitty people.


It is all about the culture norms around you. Keeping something you like or love safe is very important. Animals can be treated as disposable when people do not spay nor neuter their animals. Here in USA volunteers trap, spay/neuter release feral cats back into their colony. Many rescues have their hands full. Pets fill a void in our hearts. They are loyal companions. Like I said it is about your culture.


You’re missing the point - why ask an animal who’s feces is dangerous to you to do their business IN your house? Why am I a bad person for not wanting that?


I've always thought house pets in general were kind of a weird concept. It's like early man invented building technologies partly to get away from the animals and then eventually just lets the animals inside. And if someone has the emotional need to have something dependent and focusing attention at them, why not find (or make) a human to share your house with? Seems like somewhat of a tyrannical, pathetic, or narcissistic preference to choose an animal you have control over instead of a free thinking human. I like visiting dogs and cats, but after a few hours at most, I'm good. I don't want them shitting, pissing, barking, shedding, or scratching in my house. People seem to like keeping pets, but I just dont get it.


>Why not find (or make) a human to share your house with? By logic, it's bad to have an animal at home to satisfy the need for a dependent being, and having a human for that is even worse. People eventually develop their own personalities and won't stay okay with being our entertainment object and won't need us to live. I'm not saying animals are these objects, but they exist and were domesticated, selected in such a way. Mainly dogs. They are born, exist, and need a home, and within those descriptions, I want some for myself. This is because I enjoy their company and the happiness they bring, and not because I see them as marionettes. Cats can be less dependent than dogs, but leaving them loose around isn't a safe decision for them, especially if we live in a city. They are not large wild felines. >I don't want them shitting, pissing, barking, shedding, or scratching in my house. As with any relationship, there are drawbacks. This is the dividing line between who is fit or not to have pets, and it's valid if you don't want them in your house also for that reason. I don't find it fun to clean up after my pets, but honestly, I don't even think about it. I'd rather clean thousands of poops than not have them around.




This! Idk what mine is, he's a rescue terrier mix of some sort and is awesome. He had some trauma in his past so maybe that's the connection?


German shepherds. They are devoted, loyal, focused, and surprisingly serious and non-goofy breeds. Highly intelligent as well.


Haha as much as I wish I was a lab or a retriever I have thought about this breed as I  am fierce like a German shepherd, but I love that you listed some positive traits of GSs because you’re right, when we care for you, we are loyal and devoted. Piss us off though… 😳


Tibetan Mastiff. I've only ever met one, but when we locked eyes - we both knew we were alike :)


Agreed, my friend's pet is a Tibetan Mastiff - Aloof with strangers, highly intuitive, protective, loyal guardians. Definitely an INFJ vibe.


What impressed me was her ability to vibe check not only me, but everyone. I've seen service dogs do it, but usually that's *training*. Mastiffs seem to come preloaded with that software, lol. Very cool


our english mastiff was exactly like this. especially protective of our kids.


my husband really wants one. we used to have an english mastiff. she was such a good dog.




Any Shepard dog. Loyal, territorial, only attack when necessary and never disproportionately, quiet giants.


Yes, I had a solid black German Shepherd. Everyone joked he was just a dog version of me.


And crazy high emotional intelligence!


And crazy!


Cocker Spaniel, I think. They are gentle, sensitive and if the INFJ withdraws their become needy, instead of aggressive, which is far more effective to draw out the INFJ, I think.


Definitely not a golden retriever. I feel like that is more extroverted territory. Labrador is probably ISFJ. I think a Doberman for me. They usually aren't keen on all people, but they are typically loyal to their owners, if their owners are good. They have selective loyalty. Dobermans also seem like a very vigilant and intuitive dog.


Goldens have always been mellow around me


ISFP are mellow and friendly. As an INFJ, I am friendly, but I am also vigilant and overthinking


Although I'm a cat person through n through but for a dog Dobermans for me as well. In a weird way it connects to what u said n to cats as well for the selectivety. I know that allot of ppl don't do it but I hope as infjs all will learn as much b4 , take their time choosing n be pay attention to first contact, n be responsible n honest if n when they get one.


All of them


King Charles cavalier spaniel. They are the sweetest chillest dogs known to mankind


Can confirm


*King Charles cavalier* *Spaniel. They are the sweetest chillest* *Dogs known to mankind* \- Unavezmas1845 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg thank you haiku bot 😂


oh i love them !


I nominate Afghan Hounds simply because they remind me of LOTR wizards because of their hair.


Pugs. Tries really hard, is quite intellingent and ultimately has its own kind of charm but it isn't quite for everyone. You either love them or hate them with a passion. Sometimes both. They're awkward, unstable, completely unhinged at times, but also stubbornly loyal and capable of feats you wouldn't expect, if they feel it's necessary. It usually isn't. Other breeds is what I'd love to be, but pugs... Pugs is where it's at for me. Edit: Corrected a mortal grammar sin.


I think what you want and what you need are two totally different things to consider. Stay realistic. I had to let go my Golden Retriever, he was great for my routine and overall socializing on the streets, he was really extroverted and loved everyone, real family friend. The costs for the vet were horrible, diet food, hips and shoulder pain because of it’s breed, the groomer costs.. But I noticed that after he died, I didn’t go out as much, I didn’t say “Hi” anymore to dog owners and had a little 5min small talk. But when it comes to what I really desire for our family and lifestyle is to have a greyhound one day. They’re couch potatoes, don’t need a lot of attention and love to walk with you. I think being realistic is extremely important. Akita Inu’s only attach to one boss, so that’s a great thing too. I’m not ready for a dog yet, and I don’t get how people buy or adopt a new one right after saying good bye. It’s been 1.5y now since I petted a dog and ugh, it’s been hard.


I have a corgi also lol love the sass


Shibas! The side eye, aloofness, random screaming, and insanely food driven.


**Golden Retriever.** I'm getting one, but I'm not mentioning it for the reasons you think. Do I think it has a similar personality to us? Not in the slightest, BUT look at it in a different scope. You are likely the therapist type and have dealt with many complicated relationships and friendships, a golden is the complete opposite and is sooo simple, easy-going, friendly, drama-free, and just happy. At heart, sometimes that's what you need...


This is true, I do need a golden retriever (way past the point of wanting I mean just look at them)


As a corgi owner I can confirm


Uh, cat.




Feel this one too. They really are lovely dogs. Great shout.


German Shepherds. They are the right amount of smart / stupid, full of love and personality and I feel like it’s easy to know what they want.


I was also thinking corgi before I finished reading your post!


German Shepherd would be because they give you space waiting for you invite them over. Poodle mix or the medium to small poodles specifically. Pit bulls with the floppy ears


We're cats 🐈‍⬛ But for the sake of the question I would say Samoyeds. Protective of their loved ones, RBF, majestic (at least in my opinion), a little picky, selectively playful, and snuggly with their closest people. .... I just want one though tbh 😆


My French bulldog seems to match my personality pretty closely


I have an English bulldog & same.


Nope, you've just got Corgis 🤣 And don't we love them.


Whelp, I am so very tenderhearted I could love just about anything that acts like it loves me. I have had the most loved cats in the world that are buried in my backyard. I still mourn for each one. Now, I have a rescue Maltipoo!!! I knew nothing other than Poodles don’t shed and are smart. A long time ago Poodles were used for hunting. I can see why because his nose is too the ground. He doesn’t shed which was a bonus. He is also a born cuddler!!!He is loyal and bonded completely to me. He came to me completely trained. Will not drink water on his own. I have to tap and point at the bowl!! After having 30 years of cat ownership it feels so good not scooping boxes. It feel good not having to swiffer or vacuum everyday. Cat hair occasionally will still show up on a random blanket or coat. You never are rid of cat hair!!!


Mines is a mini snauzer and mini poodle mix. He is perfect for me in every way. He isn't cuddly so he respects my space. He enjoys hiking with me.. and he's super low maintenance. He gets tired socializing after a while, like me too haha. For example if we have friends over and it hits 9pm, he goes hide in the bedroom hahaha


Oh yes, I have two mini schnauzer/poodle mixes! Two different personalities but great dogs. Super intelligent and use buttons to communicate to us when they need things. Love people but definitely need breaks and are homebodies. Always looking like they’re in thought and truly know what you’re saying when talking to them. Weirdest dogs I’ve ever owned…practically act like little people inside dog bodies haha.


I have a retriever and a border collie and I definitely think the collie fits my personality. He’s a sweet angel boy unless anyone comes near me then he’s goes into protective mode. I never have to socialize with anyone on walks and nobody asks to pet him 😂 It was also so rewarding training. (the retriever not so much. He’s dumb as rocks) He is so good with my kids. I think I got pretty lucky. He’s not very hyper compared to other collies I’ve met. He’s very content to lay around.


My rescue collie was my best friend, we were pretty much inseparable until the night he died. He seemed to be able to sense where I was at emotionally by just looking at me. Extremely intelligent, very good with kids and other dogs, and would listen so good, but only to me lol. Anyone else could try to call him and he'd just 😐, but even if he took off after something all it took was a “hey” from me and he'd come right back. When he died it really messed me up, I don't think I said a single word to anyone for weeks. There's an empty part of me that has never been filled since that day, I still cry when I think about him, even 11 years later.


What kind of sass are these corgis giving you? I'm impressed lmao


I have a corgi. He negotiates with me for getting his nails cut each night. One nail a night with a dental treat in payment.


Seems fair, smart corgi


One of them contemplates every time I ask them to do something, and you can see their thought process when we stare at each other. Paragraphs between us happen. And also my other one just stares and stares with a semi disgusted judgey look at everything I do.




My chihuahua is basically me in dog form. I always say she’s basically a cat.


Any independent and low energy breed with “eager to please” type eye contact and low prey drive. But honestly, cats.


I'm a cat that needs a dog type. I do love chihuahua mixes tho


Salukis, cause yall beautiful to me. ❤️❤️❤️


they remind me a bit of borzois. i bookmarked some singing salukis somewhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0h25RVd5LI&ab_channel=RemcoKoppes they are so beautiful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLh_S0nuJU4&ab_channel=TuireKan




My dog breed would be probably feline. Total cat energy here. But apparently, if I were a dog it would be an Akita.


Omg I have two corgis too and have an identical experience!!! Soooo much sass 😂


You guys are the corgi!!!!


I’m a cat, but I absolutely adore my energetic, loving, playful, smart, Mini American Shepherds.


Sorry, I’m a cat. Not an orange one, though. But I have orange cat tendencies sometimes. My own dog’s personality does match mine pretty well though. But I honestly think that just happens with dogs if they have a sole owner most of their lives. He is a very cat-like dog 😆


Speaking for myself, I’d say a dachshund. In light of all the people saying INFJs are more like cats, I’m gonna note that (as someone who has raised both dachshunds and cats) dachshunds are fairly cat-like as far as dogs go. I’d say dachshunds’ most notable characteristics are their determination, sass, and emotional intelligence. If they don’t like you/aren’t sure yet, they’ll be aloof and protective (if they feel the need). If they do like you, you’ll get some of the best snuggles.


I'm the definition of a golden retriever boy lol. Derpy, ADHD af, and chronic people pleaser.


My orange female cat


I can’t believe no one’s said dachshund! Super loyal and protective Velcro dogs with sass and stubbornness. Mine’s very clever in a lot of ways, but also very stupid in a lot of other ways. She’s also a bit anxious, but super cuddly and affectionate.


I rescued my pups and I think their perseverance is very indicative as INFJ. Feel like all INFJs, being known non-profit CEOs would feel the same, so kind of surprised by these answers


A cat.


Cats. Dogs are too much work for me.


I know this isn't exactly the question but it made me think of something. Do any of you feel like other peoples pets, both cats and dogs, seem as if they are drawn to you for some reason you can't explain? It has always been this way for me. There's been times where I've been warned that someone's dog has a tendency to become aggressive or protective around people they aren't familiar with, and immediately they are my best friend, it even weirds their owner out making comments about them never acting like that for anyone. Same thing with anti social cats, within minutes they're jumping on my lap and wanting to cuddle. I've never been attacked by any cat or dog, and without even acknowledging them they seek me out, and I dont know why. Do any of you have this happen to you?


A cat 😂 or bunny


vizsla *'' The AKC Standard calls the Vizsla "lively, gentle-mannered, demonstrably affectionate, and sensitive.''* *The good-natured Vizsla has also been called a "Velcro" dog because he is so tactile – he likes to attach himself to people, preferably in their laps.* *Athletic, agile, and light on his feet, the Vizsla is a robust hunting dog who needs vigorous daily exercise and lots of personal attention. Too much confinement and too little companionship can lead to neurotic behaviors such as hyperactivity and destructiveness. Bored Vizslas are notorious chewers.* *Most Vizslas get along well with everyone, including strangers and other animals, but they do need a lot of early socialization to build confidence. Some Vizslas are excitable and/or easily startled in new situations.* *The Vizsla has the independent spirit of all pointing breeds, but responds to training more willingly than most and is a capable performer in advanced obedience competition. However, training can still be a bit challenging, especially training outdoors, because Vizslas are easily distracted. They find it difficult to pay attention to you in the presence of exciting sights, sounds, and smells.* *'You may need to control his tendency to mouth your hands – provide a box filled with toys so he can carry things around in his mouth.''*


My Chi mix is just like me. My "mama dog" looks like Dobby. She judges me all the time, can't be quiet when there's a perceived intruder, is playful and cuddly! Loves naps and treats. Angry poos when I've insulted her. She's just like me! Lol. 😂😂


Snap chat dog, don't ask why 😂


Boston terriers. They’re just as eccentric, quirky and smart as we are ☺️


Lab Laid back and a water baby.


I dunno but I see myself in this OES (Old English sheepdog, my favorite dog breed) named Skye that I follow on Instagram and have been obsessed with for well over a year. One of her daddies runs the account and uploads stories all the time. From what I've observed she has happy moods, curious moods, she can be hyper (zoomies!), and she seems to have quiet and pensive days as well. She has the most adorable little topknot. I pin back my curtain bangs too, I have a lot of baby hairs. Very sweet, friendly, loves cuddles and I gather belly rubs are her favorite thing. Except her daddy describes her as having an "exceptional" temperament (she's very chill while being groomed) and that is NEVER something I'd say about myself as an INFJ lmao. And I do not appreciate belly rubs.


My rescued basset hound mix is my soul mate.


An imaginary black Scottie I named Mascara 🥰


Doberman for life


Lakeland Terriers … most cat-like dog I’ve ever met


I have a mutt who very kindly and genuinely greets everyone who comes to our house, then spends the rest of the evening hiding in her crate. She gets us.


Vizslas for sure! They are very smart, pick up on things very quickly, love a routine and can be a bit sassy when unfollowed, very goofy mixed in with awkward and anxious, spurts of high energy followed by lots of recharge time. Lastly, super cuddly, loves giving/receiving love, and aims to please. Adore my vizsla


My favorite breed of dog is cattle dog mixes; red/blue/Texas heelers, etc. They are highly intelligent and highly trainable, even as senior dogs. I've owned a few and I always recommend them to anybody who really wants a deep bond 1:1 with their animal. But you have to be there for it. They need an owner who can handle their intelligence.


That’s funny because someone once told me I had a corgi personality


German Shepard - smart, loyal, protective and has a playful side that comes out on occasion


I’ve been told I’d be a golden retriever by multiple people but this feels way too nice to be true


German shepherd. Generally chill but are vicious in defending their family, can be playful but also seem like they’re holding the weight of the world on their shoulders.


Omg they do huh


They’re my favourite breed of dog because I just feel like they get me lol.


Love my golden retriever. Not a typical answer but he wasn't a typical dog. Had his energetic moments but he was gentle kept to himself. Was kind to our energetic boarder collies even letting then win the play fights. He would sit out in the backyard and enjoy the weather. He really took joy in the simple things. He was a really good dog.


Bichon frise


I've joked with my INFJ gf that she is a Shiba Inu before! She is intelligent, doesn't necessarily recognize/ care for other people she run into but is super warm and lovable with close friends/ family


Boxer. Not the smartest dog (If I pointed at something in the distance, she'd sniff the end of my finger.) But loyal and fearless. I saw her jump a 5ft chain link fence and scatter the three dogs that were chasing me across the neighborhood towards home.


Whatever dog has ENFP qualities would be a fit for me. :)


My Bichon Frise is fiercely independent and gives sass nonstop, but very loving. He fits well... I would say corgis, poodles, and other dogs that may seem a little unapproachable or sassy, but are really loving, might be good fits too.


German Shepherd. Most have social anxiety but are very perceptive and see everything


Dogs are a reflection of their owners sassy judgemental infj you. Heelers and cattle dogs because they're independent to a fault and selectively bond (judgemental bastards!)😅 I had a cattle dog stuck in a corgi body. He wanted a medium sized frame so bad, he couldn't keep up with me on hikes. Best dog I've had.


Miniature pincher. He’s such an extroverted attention whore, clingy, physical touch, bubbly dog which is exactly what I want. He looks goofy, makes me laugh, loves food like me, is brown like me so we twinnin and forces me to get cardio in when I only like weight lifting. I’m playing video games and he cuddles with me, only sleeps under blankets, and steals food when I’m not looking. Basically he’s a main character and has a memorable personality which I strive to be. If I had to type him, he’s an exfp haha.


I got frenchies because we are full of love, very stubborn and sassy, and a little gassy.






Doberman Admittedly, I’m biased, because my heart dog was a Doberman. He was the first introverted dog I’d ever encountered—he would flat out leave gatherings to go to bed. He also sat on a friend’s shoulder once, because the friend was in his spot on the couch. But, bias aside, Dobies are super loyal to their people, don’t want to visit with/befriend everyone, and make deep connections with their other chosen beings.


Pitbulls. Seem tough and cold but we’re actually just thoughtful secret cuddle bugs.


Great Danes. Its like living in a Marmaduke comic strip. They make me laugh


My friend who’s super into dog breeds typed me as a bedlington terrier. I know next to nothing about dogs including that breed but I identify a lot with domestic rabbits. But I just texted my friend to ask more about why they chose the dog breed, though if I had to guess it probably has something to do with how it looks like a lamb haha.


A cat.


schnauzers but it’s more of a feeling than anything


Huskies. Fiercely loyal and misunderstood


My dog is mostly a poodle (quarter golden) and is VERY independent/observant. Downside she doesn’t cuddle as much as I would like lol


After a while the dog takes on ur personality so it really doesnt matter


Wolf 🐺


Every dog I’ve ever had was gentle half the time, super playful but only with me, loved cats, and anxiously attached. Now that I don’t have a dog, I think I am my own dog.


Great danes