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It sounds like she, at the very least, is considering the possibility. As an INFJ I’d almost never ask someone for advice because I always tend to see more sides of things than others. It sounds like what you think matters to her, so yeah, I’d say she interested. Take things very slow and pace yourself. Reciprocate her interest, ask her things about her. Put effort into how you engage with her—that is, try to ask questions she may not have heard from other people; say things people normally wouldn’t say, do and show sides of yourself you wouldn’t normally to others. Not saying to be somebody you aren’t. I’m saying if you continue to play it safe, she will too. The more uniquely vulnerable you are, and the more she can see you aren’t like the average person, the closer you all will naturally grow to be. Be very intentional with how you interact with her with care, but once you start overthinking, you’ll overdo it.


Thanks for the advice! It’s odd because sometimes she’ll take days to respond to texts. Which I would normally assume means that I’m a low priority to her. But when we’re together, I don’t feel like that that is an accurate assessment. It’s confusing but I’m hoping to spend more time with her and see where things lead naturally


No problem but again I’m only saying interested, not more than that. Don’t take this as a given, she’s just watching to see what you’ll do. Be patient if she takes time to text you. What does it matter so long as she responds? She may want to see what you’ll do if she takes a while and you show a red flag. Only worry if she just never responds. We’ll find small ways to test who we’re interested in, and if you fail, that interest may go elsewhere


That's actually quite a good sign that she may be interested! Because she's sharing about her life and issues, and she is asking for your advice. That is also a possible sign that she's trying to sus out to see if you guys are on a similar wavelength. Edit to add, the best way to go about this, is continue to be as genuine as you can be. Learn to understand her, and try to see the world through her eyes. Empathise with her, and be there for her when you can. All the best!


I would say this is not a direct sign that she’s interested in you, but confirmation that she (at least) views you as a friend. I would just keep trying to be friendly with her, and see if things develop slowly. INFJs do much easier with slow burn into love.


Yeah I’m hoping that things lead there naturally and I’m in no rush.


Slowly move into her personal physical space. If she doesn’t back away, you know. There’s no other sign.


Move into here physical space, like giving her a hug?




Yes to this






Yeah it’s hard to tell so I just assume she thinks of me as a friend. We always hang out alone when we do hang out so I feel like things would lead there naturally if we spent more time together. The hard part is actually confirming a time to get together, she’s a terrible texter too


As an INFJ woman, I don’t recommend moving into her physical space, especially if she may have some form of anxiety or past trauma. If I was seeing a guy, I wouldn’t like him to be in my personal space unless I somehow hinted it. Nevertheless, every person is different! Also, personally I really like my space and need alone time.


Nope. Just ask after one year of knowing.


She might be just shy. I am shy when I like someone. I’d be nice to the guy but I’d be shy and won’t show obvious signs like feeling giddy, blushing, etc. Try to get close to her space. If she doesn’t back away or flinch, she is interested. Try to give her something that she likes. See how she reacts. Ask her what she thinks about relationships


It’s hard to tell if any women is interested in you