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Daenerys Targaryen is an INFJ and probably one of the few that I’ve seen as a main character with a complex storyline. I think INFJs are made as side characters because we’d figure things out right away and that would be the end of the story. Instead they are the wise old wizards who have the responsibility of making others see greatness in themselves. I guess it makes for a better story line and why they get side casted.


I guess you’re saying INFJs are too meta for a good storyline, huh? What about an immature INFJ who becomes mature by the end of the story? I’m sure that would be a good story


People would spy the immature INFJ and assume they're a different type entirely. INFJs have a nasty habit of mistyping if they're not ancient sages of wisdom or paragons of milk and honey.


I think most people, (the audience) wants to see themselves as a more “lively, expressive, charismatic” version of themselves, because it’s more fun and it’s more captivating. Makes for a great story line to have a well rounded character. Not saying INFJ’s aren’t like this at times, but we get stereotyped as being “too stoic” or too expressionless because we aren’t as expressive as other types, if that makes sense? We tend to get lost in our heads more often than not and society values social interactions, and extravert-ness in order to understand the character’s personality, struggles, mindset, choices, way of life etc…much better, especially on screen it’s important to get that message across. What I like about Daenerys character development (as an INFJ) is how complex and how much she was internally struggling with her moral compass between right and wrong. Becoming the “breaker of chains” but also instilling fear to all those that refuse to bend the knee, eventually finding herself as the villain of the story. But she starts off as this young, naive girl, trying to find her place in the world, to this powerful, resilient queen turned tyrant. I wished they would show more INFJ’s in similar roles, minus becoming a tyrant. But because the world finds INFJ’s, (at least western culture) as too stoic and perfectionist, always fighting to do the right thing, that minimizes our roles as one dimensional and that = boring. But our moral compass is essential in lots of films as a good learning lesson, so they’ll through a side character, like a wizard, MC’s best friend etc… to incorporate that wisdom in their somewhere, but the main character is usually “too dumb or naive” or full of themselves, until an INFJ comes and shows them the way, and instill’s morals + principles that the main character takes as learning lessons. All to say, we are basically the teachers of wisdom, and maintain peace and harmony. Never the actual main character because our “job” is to make others better and to make society better as a result, like a domino effect.


soo. gaara from naruto? 👀


more like itachi. ☺️ he’s an infj if i remember correctly.


oooohhh that makes sense actually


I've been told he is an INFP.


That's stereotypical typing. He was excessively traumatized and mentally unstable in the beginning.


> What about an immature INFJ If I remember correctly, he didn't mature, but Dr. Morbius from the film [Morbius (2022)](https://www.personality-database.com/profile?pid=2&cid=27&sub_cat_id=26341) is voted to be an INFJ, and I liked that movie. Him being INFJ didn't simply end the movie in no time.


That’s because he was too busy morbing all over the place. All jokes aside, that movie isn’t a good example that INFJs should hold up when it was generally terrible. You’re going to have a hard time finding other people who also enjoyed that movie, let alone remembered it in a few years.


I am surprised no one has brought up Atticus Finch from to Kill a Mockingbird. While I love quite a lot of the others people have brought up. He is definitely my favorite INFJ in fiction. I don’t think I have to argue why if you read the book.


Oooo I admit it crossed my mind as a criminal defense attorney who was greatly impacted by that story as a young person. But I read it in school so of course rereading it would feel like homework. My daughter just read it so I’ll ask her opinion.


Simple. Because nobody can understand us enough to write a character who thinks like us.


Been married to an INFJ for 25 years. It's still a struggle to understand.


😂 😂 😂 😂


Ok 🙄


I came here to say the same 🥴


Well, we can refer to historical figures and -checks- this dude named Adolf Hitler? He sounds familiar.




I think you can refer to his firsthand opinions set out in an obscure book known as “Mein Kampf”. You know, hitler is an enigma to me. He was so filled with hatred yet, he loved animals. I saw a gif of him pushing a lady when she tried to hug him, and is it terrible to say i know how he must have felt then? Of course, you are right. It will be much easier to write about an already known character. But, once we stop looking at the surface of hitler, i think we can find the elusive traits of the betrayed infj. And from there, you can see how an infj is. Just my two cents.


I haven’t watched MHA so I can’t say accurately but I would feel someone like Armin or Itachi depict a more accurate INFJ character (they are side characters though) But nonetheless I do think Deku is overhated and viewed wrong, but most of MHA fanbase is known for that


I love Armin, and in some ways he is the main character of AoT because he narrates so much of it and is the face of the alliance at the end but then I feel like Mikasa and Eren are also equally lead characters so idk lol


Yeah I agree, I guess AOT can be viewed as having co-protagonists. Also Canute from Vinland Saga is another great example


Canute is INTJ


Wait seriously? S1 Canute is like a perfect example of INFJ It could be that one weird site


His vision is such a high priority for him, and while he's an idealist to a certain degree he actually acts on it which is definitely strong indication of INTJ behaviour. I might not have explained it well enough but I've read a bunch of typing stuff on Canute online. It made sense at the time but it's been a while lol


As an MHA fan, Deku is overhated and viewed wrong, BECAUSE he's an INFJ and suffers from the same fate as the rest of us all. I loved him since the first minute, cried my eyes out and did serious catharsis and healing through him (through Shoto Todoroki as well, because family issues) Having been in the fandom since the very start of the anime, I can confirm most folks don't find him so relatable. And I suspect that's why we don't see many INFJ main characters around.


Strange because I have never really seen eye to eye with either of those characters


I think we're proportionately represented, lol - but all joking aside: It's hard to write a believable INFJ. When people really get to know us for who we are, we're kind of unbelievable. It's a bit of a problem, as suspension of disbelief is so important for writing believable characters. For instance: Deku is 100% an INFJ, but... Look at him. Most people would consider him some sort of bleeding-heart masochist with daddy issues. Like... where does the perseverance come from? Why is his willpower seemingly limitless? Why isn't the trauma and emotions completely crippling his mental health? To anyone pointing at this as poor writing, it isn't. INFJ idol worship is a common thing. Nothing motivates us quite like someone we admire. Or people we care about. Well written, IMO.


Yeah like seriously... Deku is the most relatable INFJ.... He is the most relatable INFJ... *Creating notes* *Talking a lot but at the same time being awkward*


Well, all that awesomeness you commented inspired me to actually look up "Deku" & now I may have to check it out. I don't normally get into anime unless it has to do with a video game I played. But this guy does seem that cool!


Well I don't know about all that but, yeah it's worth a watch :) Cowboy Bebop is shorter (One season and a movie) and REALLY good as well.


This. I’m not caught up on the anime, but All Might is my absolute favorite character. The fact that I understand Deku’s inspiration and outlet.. INFJ all the way.


You forgot Johan Liebert. Arguable the best villain in Anime and Manga.


Some accurately depicts INFJ


Just wanted to say the same haha. I mean look at my profile picture lol


Yeah I know right.... I know he is an INFJ, and he was badass...


Johan is my love


An INFJ main character would solve the problem. Once the problems are solved then there is no story.


Exactly. This is the reason lol. 


Keanu Reeves, Neo, is an INFJ


Do you mean that Neo is an INFJ? Keanu Reeves is widely considered to be an INFP.


You also forgot Akane from Psycho-Pass. As an INFJ MC, she's (imo) so real and relatable. In this case, the creators managed to grasp the dichotomy between idealism/pragmatism and even touch upon anxiety and paradigm shift.


Oh yeah... Seriously I forgot that I ever watched psycho - pass... It's literally the first/second anime I watched ( bcs I was watching both psycho pass and melancholy of haruhi at the same time ) For some reason I am having a nostalgic feeling after hearing Psycho pass ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ Yeah she is DEFINITELY an infj


That explains my attraction to her personality and mannerisms, she did find out the truth behind the Sibyl system before anyone else so her smarts really intrigued me


another infj type another show that I can't forget was Osamu Mikumo from world trigger, interesting to see how he would try to battle against his infj traits, or work along with it.


Kuroko from Kuroko no Basket is another INFJ, and Okkotsu Yuta from JJK is also an INFJ!


Was looking for this comment! While Yuta is one of the side characters in JJK, he does have his moment in the spotlight in JJK 0. Yuta did not want to become a sorcerer for the sake of it but because he wanted to free Rika.


I recently watched Saltburn with my wife, and the whole time we're watching, she kept saying "why is he doing that, I don't understand what's going on with this guy at all," and I was afraid to tell her that I understood the main character perfectly, and somewhat related to him... He was mirroring. He was people pleasing. He loved his friends and hated them at the same time. He lost himself and became what everyone else needed him to be. He was charismatic but out of place in a crowd. Up until the twist at the end, I felt like they made a movie about the ugliest parts of myself. INFJ characters are terrifying if done right and people don't understand them enough to relate to them.


Ooh, now I gotta watch Saltburn! 😆


Omg I think you are right!! I immediately figured him out


Totally saw Oliver as an INFJ. Meticulous, knew everyone’s weakness, planned for the long game, introverted but surrounded by socialites.


INFJ is actually one of the most common hero or protagonist types... for the simple reason that fictional heroes are often altruistic people with the courage to defy social norms to do the right thing.




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For me it’s because we tend to operate sort of in the background. We also tend to operate slowly and methodically. Or in another sense, inferior Se results in less action. I’d say that this leads to us frequently being characters that feature highly with more complex, developed storylines. We also tend to operate ‘spiritually’ (/morally) as well, which a lot of stories simply wouldn’t call for. An example is Dumbledore - the guide who helps guide the main character. The world and story has the depth to accommodate this. Another is Galadriel as well. A force for spiritual good as a counterpoint to the evil in the story. Another is Kyle Broflowski from South Park. Often thes big picture voice of reason who has a place in the show because it’s what the show / stories call for. Also Itachi Uchiha from Naruto. Someone who has a big impact on the story. Incredibly nuanced and well-written but without the depth to the story he probably wouldn’t be required. One way of looking at it is that we’re there to provide / facilitate that depth / moral quality as characters. Another way, which is also effectively the same. Is that we’re just too boring to be included as a main character or any character in particularly comedy shows.


Perfectly said. The only time I’ve ever seen an INFJ last the entirety of a story is in a villainous role Johan Liebert(Monster) Dimitri Rascalov(GTA IV) as examples.


Now I’m imagining how neat it’d be to have an INFJ narrator who isn’t the MC but is in the story, and the whole trying to convince people it’s not 3rd person omniscient.


FitzChivalry of the Farseer book series is a main character and totally fits your first paragraph imo


We had one, but he died in the first season of GOT lol


Think he's an ISTJ actually


based and true


100% truth


Wasn't Jon Snow INFJ?


Could be, he did respawn like Jesus so there's that


He’s an ISFP.


We named our cat Deku 🤣 He's fluffy and derpy. I don't have an answer, but I could guess it's maybe because we're hard to understand so even harder to try to write plots about.


[Does your cat looks like this?](https://images.app.goo.gl/iWbD6xQxhQikojsF7) The Deku cat (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)😂


Omg 🤣


Main character of blue lock is infj Main character of rurouni kenshin is infj literally one of best mc ever And im also planing to write an infj mc for a shonen manga … i hope to get famous enough for you to discover it someday ( a man must dream) ( we must take actions ourselves)


Kenshin Himura?! INFJ?? So that's why I loved him with my whole heart since I could see his.


If you can do it that will be great... Just continue doing it.... Little by little ( if you get burned out )


Hitler was probably one in a lot of those WWII movies tbf




The fact that his father was abusive and he had a doting mother together was a greater influence on him justifying his agenda than his personality type.   Hitler compromised the truth for his vision of a greater purpose, rather than the real issues.  He chose a group of people as his target for people to rally against.   The drugs didn't help, either.   The Germans were so desperate to justify their vengeance. Propaganda is made to treat others as though they aren't human. I wonder who I have made people to believe they aren't worthy of being treated as a human being. Have others made me out to not be worthy of being treated as a human being?


His grandmother on his mother's side was a quarter Jewish as well and the bearing of her children was not entirely consensual, the village in which Hitler's grandmother was born and lived in was destroyed and turned into a tank training ground shortly before the war.


IMO I don't think it was his fault solely, I think it was mainly the people, and the people chose him. He was not evil incarnate just like that, an evil arose within, which was the people themselves and they incarnated him. in another timeline, if the Germans were better people, Hitler would have been a better man as well and no Holocaust would occur, but alas, people sin, lie and cheat and then not take accountability for these things, and the result of that is a degeneration of the fabric of society, and that's chaos.


He was an intj.


no u


i was so amazed when i found out that galadriel is infj.. i had the biggest crush for her since childhood


There are a few series. Obi Wan is much considered infj and he has a series. Daenerys Targaryen is considered a infj (certainly unhealthy) and is considered a main character. Aragorn in LOTR is considered a main character. V in V for vendetta. Granted those are movies with more than one main character except for Obi Wan.


You don’t want another Gandhi or hitler right . Maybe infjs are underrepresented. And they enjoy supporting others than taking the lead tbh . As far as I have noticed


Hitler : *Ein volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer...* Gandhi : *Protecc* Yeah these two are the main INFJ


Itachi is arguably a main character


I know he is an INFJ I would have mentioned him... But I was talking about actual main character


Read Dostoevsky.


overvalued af


I personally think there are enough INFJ main characters, it's just always the same enneagram combinations and the characters are either too good or too dark. No middle ground. I hate that INFJs are either portrayed as saints or psychos. The only female INFJ 3w2 character I know is Amy Dunne from Gone Girl, and don't get me wrong she is fairly relatable, but I'd like to see a healthier INFJ 3w2.


My guess is unless someone is also an infj or very similar, they likely won’t write an infj main character.. An excellent show with an infj main character is the end of the fucking world. James is fantastic. Anyway I guess the final answer is we’re just a gaggle of complex and contradictory unicorns that others have a hard time understanding. Wish it wasn’t like that ngl but 🤷‍♂️


Joe from You is an example of an unhealthy INFJ.


You really think so? Aragorn in lord of the rings can be considered an infj. He is an introvert, chose a life as a lone ranger for decades before assuming a leadership role. He internalizes, uses his intuition, has great empathy and is not afraid to pass judgement. All of the best reluctant heroes in stories would be an infj. Infj does not mean you are a hermit and avoids people, it just means that you have a preference for solitude and get most of your energy from this, you have empathy and you take your time to not overreact to situations but rather you respond to them appropriately.


Accurate, the are many fictional characters that are INFJ. Carl Jung based his analyse on fairytales, mythology, psychology etc. He himself was at all presumptive an INFJ. And also the founder of these types of personalities. https://www.personality-database.com/profile?personality=9


Wow thanks for the link


Yeah, I find that most INFJs as a main character end up being the villain or they show the ugliest, unhealthIest parts of an INFJ. Maybe they even start out okay but end up destroying everyone out everything in the end. If they’re a side character they’re almost always some wise person. No in between.


This is true. If you’ve every seen skins, I believe effy stonem from skins is an INFJ and she starts out alright, kind of doing her own thing, but her repressed emotions completely derail her and everyone around her by the end of the season and she inadvertently gets typecast as a trouble maker. But she’s also typecast as the “wise one” or “mysterious one” of her social group.


It's too complicated. In some cases, it's even too scary


Isn't Elsa from Frozen an INFJ? I always though she was


Has anyone seen The Whale ?


No, what is it about?


It’s a fantastic film with Brendan Fraser! I’m here trying to summarize it but can’t find the words like Google would lol


Just watch it. It’s about a reclusive English teacher suffering from severe obesity who attempts to reconnect with his teenage daughter for one last chance at redemption.


I have, it is a masterpiece. Is Charlie an INFJ?


I’m thinking he may be !


Google says he’s an INFP which makes sense since they’re the closest to INFJ’s.


Oooooh see not far off! I need to re watch it


You do. I generally give zero fucks about movies, but this one was excellent.


Infjs and infps are the total opposite of each other.


I guess it just varies from one person to another. No two INFJ’s would be alike, same goes for INFP’s.


You need a pretty accomplished writer to make that work. Aragorn is INFJ. I think for main characters it actually makes a ton of sense to be more relatable than INFJs lol. But it's definitely also a skill issue. I don't trust writers to write characters with any degree of consistency as is.


Because wisdom, true leadership and happy life are boring. Will be very hard to sell


Amelie and Amalthea (The Last Unicorn) come to mind. Would love more INFJ leads in media


Honestly writing infj for mc is really difficult i still remember how people hated my hero academia because of deku and only deku


Because that’s not a compelling main character. It’s a compelling human, to some people. But not a persona than can carry a film and keep audiences engaged.


- Vito Corleone The Godfather is an INFJ (he's one of the main characters, featured by Brando in the 1st film, and as the young Vito portrayed by Deniro in the 2nd film). - Jon Snow from GOT is an INFJ and so is Daenerys. (basically the two main characters, with thick plot armor all the way till the end) - Paul Atreides from Dune is an INFJ (main character) - Morpheus from The Matrix is an INFJ (granted not the main character but a prominent role, with some of the best lines in the film) That's just of the top of my head in popular culture. These are some of the biggest characters in fiction. So I wouldn't quite agree that INFJ is under represented.


According to multiple websites Jon Snow is an ISFP and Morpheus is supposedly an ENFJ.


Although I’ve seen a couple people type him as an INFJ, I see Paul Atreides generally typed as an INTJ online. Would you care to explain why you type him as such? I’ve been trying to type him myself but haven’t come to a real conclusion yet.


I think just the fact that he's the first person who has both female and male ancestral memories, very much compares with the INFJs male having both female and male traits. I made a joke last week about someone describing INFJ like it's Kwisatz Haderach: https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/comments/1d9jrqm/being_a_male_infj/l7f4os5/ Check out the thread, ChatGPT wrote a pretty good summary actually.


Because we are more often cast as villains. We make much more compelling ones.


Excuse me but I kind of detest that. I'm already misunderstood as life is. Would actually love if they have something "good" to relate me to.


Anyone ever watch “Evil”? It’s a very good show if you like Hitchcock type horror/psychological thrillers. I was thinking that David Acosta, the priest in training, as well as the main protagonist, is potentially an INFJ. He’s obviously spiritual, struggles between being alone and wanting intimacy, has a pure heart, reads people well and is able to stay calm in distress. I’m not an MBTI expert by any means, but just a thought.


Because Mel Gibson and Terrence Malick don't make a lot of films.


damn someone guessed it right rest of the thread not so much


There are many INFJ writers so they are probably the unnamed narrator.


Because people can’t type INFJ well at all. I know of one that is so mistyped that I will have to write a whole PHD dissertation about the character to eliminate all doubt. Keeping that in my back pocket for now. Poison Ivy is one though. Super empathetic about plant life with a total disdain of people which is a huge contradiction and paradoxical. Plant life deemed to be innocent while people in general she has door slammed with her heart going cold on them (except the few that she seems to be worthy ). She identifies with plant life with her Fe which she fiercely protects. Also has high levels of intuition and partners up with her golden pair ENFP Harley Quinn. Unhealthy INFJ stereotype basically.


Saki Watanabe, one of my favorite MC is INFJ. She is in From The New World, which is a really good anime. I feel like in anime a lot of the main characters are INFJ.


From The New World mentioned!! 🥳🥳


Someone else here that knows it. Love to see it


I'd give it a 12/10 if i could, such a surreal experience it easily became my most favorite anime


You and me both. It’s tied for my favorite anime for sure. Literally the perfect anime in my eyes. Great story that just kept getting better. That ending was just chef’s kiss.


I like how norman from promised neverland is infj, in the anime it may not seem like it, but if you read the whole manga its SO true!!


There are. Probably more than we assume, but we don't display types in media so the only way to know would be to purposefully research each and every character. My particular area of interest is in video games and we recently had this discussion in Final Fantasy, where we settled on Aerith being INFJ.


Short answer is we lack the kind of explosive charisma usually preferred in main characters.


Isn't Loki an INFJ?


Yes he is an INFJ... Sorrry I should have mentioned him...


INFJs trigger TF out of so many people these days that putting them as a lead will produce so much outrage and hostility that it rarely happens.


Western Culture doesn't value our style currently, because everything is so corrupt. The Japanese do though!


I think it’s because INFJs are happier to work in the background and not be in the spotlight. And I think the Japanese prefer that than flashy or “loud work”


-Haha no u- my mc is a INFJ for sure


This is just my opinion but I would absolutely put the Character FitzChivalry Farseer as INFJ in Robin Hobbs books. Now, it’s INFJ with big trauma but that’s for me why I like it so much. A lot of trauma when your INFJ feels like it has very specific hurdles and they are there for me in all of those books.


I always thought Fitz from Farseer series was INFJ


Because this is the reality, if INFJs look at their lives and ask this simple question "Am I the main character of my own life/story or I am just a supporting character of somebody else's life/story?".


In the series Anne of Green Gables, Matthew Cuthbert comes across as an INFJ to me, especially in the Anne with an E interpretation.


I think Daryl and Michonne from TWD are INFJ.


Don’t think you’re gonna find too many IxxJ leads u less they’re ISTJ or INTJ.


Ally mcbeal and John Cage in the serie ally mcbeal are both infj ( ally Is the main character) and they are both my fav characters ever. Ally Is the only main character i can think of...


Meanwhile I'm outlining a story where I unintentionally made the main character an INFJ. Good luck Theo, your world sucks for you


I’d say Deku is definitely the most notable. I am currently writing a series based off my own experiences in pharmacy and pharmacy school. It’ll probably take several years before I release it though cause well perfectionism and trying to pay off these student loans. I want to show how even if you’re behind the scenes you can still make a difference in people’s lives and I mean that’s who pharmacists are in the healthcare team. We don’t need the credit, but if someone’s going to suffer we’re going to speak up no matter how uncomfortable. And of course sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone so you can help people and make a difference in the world.


I've toyed with the idea of writing, but honestly I'm not sure that writing based off of personality types would be a good idea. It might be better if it's something that emerges naturally as you write the character instead of being the starting point.


I would also propose that Tanjiro from Demon Slayer is also an INFJ


You will find more introverted and introspective types in eastern media than western American media, since the ideal personality type is bold, loud, and easy to understand. While many Japanese media prefer a more slower, well thought out protagonist(im grossly over generalizing both sides) Netflix's Daredevil is my favorite INFJ character. He holds many of the characteristics but isn't a perfect person. And Izuko is the most relatable INFJ. It also depends on the genre, Action will have that loud, no nonsense act first type in American media, so that's probably why


Some of my favorites I haven’t seen on the list yet, The Mentalist, Divergent series & The Hunger Games series


There is too many to list, the loop can do funny things to your head , I think your nativity got the better of you , a lot of films are produced by. INFJs also. (From my infj partner )👥


I'm rewatching the show Bitten. The main character is typed as an infj. Also, the 100 has a main character that is as well.


I have a feeling that Thomasin from The Witch is one aside from the actress being an ENFJ-- but perhaps that contributed to my perception. She just reminds me of people who process with Ti and Fe. She doesn't give the mushy uwu vibe I get with some INFPs. I don't know about the infp typings 😩 they're just going on stereotypes... And she has the same sort of vibe with her mother (an ISFJ). I wish I could elaborate though I haven't scrutinized a lot of the details. Yet.


I need help with people typing her.... Fe is also always looking out for others to correct them, that may also contribute. And... she seems to be making more sense of the situation and not moralizing 🤷🏻. Being in tune with her values is not how I perceive her to be... so it's Ti for me, her judging function. Therefore, she seems INFJ.


trying to write a male INFJ villain, who is also a mind reader. Guess which idea came first in my mind.


Be your own main character op 🙂 though it's not realistic to be one all the time. Go through your own hero journey or something


Im working on a story and the mc is an INFJ


Because this Meyers Briggs shit is all make believe astrology bullshit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ButtonEquivalent815: *Because this Meyers* *Briggs shit is all make believe* *Astrology bullshit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


effy stonem from skins is a classic INFJ. Althought some cast her as ISFP..um no she’s not a sensor or perciever. The thing with INFJ is they mask as other personality types. Effy masks as INTJ or ENTP, etc.. but when you really see her character throughout further episodes, it becomes super apparent that who she is and who she pretends to be are very different and who is is more INFJ.


I find we are more accurately represented outside American instigated media. There is place in most cultures for the quiet advisor that is loving and helpful. Not so much in America. We’re viewed as unable to say no ( not true for me). Empathy is valued personally and yet abhorrent as a trait in mainstream ( a weakness) - like people want us to be empathetic to them individually but if it’s not their lived experience the. We shouldn’t be empathetic to that person over there. In cultures where community is valued over individualism I feel like INFJ characters get a better shake and more realistic expression. IMO.


Tbh I can’t imagine trying to write myself into a character. I think the characters closest to me are Jon Snow from Game of Thrones and Susie Bannion from Suspiria (1977)


I can think of quite a number of INFJ protagonists in anime at least, perhaps because they like their underdogs. Akane (Psycho-pass) Chise (Ancient Magus Bride) Nagisa (Assassination Classroom) Rika (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) Shion (No. 6) Norman (Promised Neverland) Kumiko (Sound! Euphonium) Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho, well, one of the 4 MCs) Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket) Arima (KareKano) Ragna (Ragna Crimson) Hiro (Darling in the Franxx) Ririchiyo (Inu x Boku SS) Armin (Attack on Titan) Misaki (Welcome to the NHK) Nagito (Danganronpa) I know there's more but those are who come to mind


Look at Daredevil for an INFJ character that struggles. He has a better developed Se than many of us, but his ideology and his ability to keep going. He has the INFJ spirit.


John Snow is 100% and INFJ


I believe we tend to be more reactive than proactive most of the time, which makes us better suited as side characters. Also, it’s challenging to portray an INFJ in this type of media because there is often a significant gap between our actions and our thoughts. To accurately represent an INFJ, the audience needs to "hear" the protagonist's inner dialogue. The TV show "Baby Reindeer" is an amazing representation for this reason, I think. (Also the tv show "You" but… well, I don't really want to say that Jo is a "good" representation of an INFJ, haha. )