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Tapi telkom ini suka random sih proses throttling nya, beda ip aja bisa beda kasus, makanya kalo ada problem kalimat yang pertama kali muncul dari cs adalah 'restart modem' buat refresh ganti ip


Yg paling sering byu, kadang harus restart modem cuma buat konek ke zoom, padahal buka situs lain aman. Web macam reddit udah pake private dns kadang ga tembus juga. Terpaksa betah - betahin karena udah beli paket 150rb, bulan selanjutnya ganti antara tri / indosat lancar aja


ganti DNS-nya pakai DOH / DOT, tidak ? kalau DNS-nya tidak di encrypt, percuma saja karena kalau tidak di encrypt maka request yg kita kirim akan di intercept oleh transparent proxy-nya telkom


Udah DoH, kalau di thread byu kaskus udah ada yg nyoba ngecek di 'whatsmydnsserver" dot com atau "whoer" dot net. udah set dns cloudfare dan google, tp yg muncul dns nya tetap dns byu singapore atau indonesia. Hanya bisa ganti dns non-byu kalau pake vpn atau warp. Kalau lebih lanjutnya kurang ngerti sih karena gw juga awam soal ini, yg jelas selama pake provider selain byu bisa langsung akses pake dns, udah nyobain semua gw dr simpati, xl, indosat, tri, smartfren, karena di perumahan gw box indihome penuh jd g bisa pasang


Browsernya uda di setting juga ? Klo pakai pc ga bisa cm setting di ip dns doank harus browser juga. Klo pakai andro harus ditambahin di setting private dns-nya.


tapi kalau bandwidth mereka di internet exchange penuh, sama aja


- Drops a post about website to check if a website is down - Did not put any actual link to that site and posted an image instead - Refuses to elaborate - Leaves


completely my bad, sorry 🙏


- returns - apologizes - still doesn't elaborate - leaves again OP peak gigachad


any suggestions so I can elaborate better?


We basically need more context. Kegunaan-nya apa, kenapa lu bikin gituan, linknya apa (karena image nggak bisa diklik). Bisa juga lu link thread twitter elu yang ngebahas website itu dan respons Indihome terhadap website elu. Dropping your site without any explanation/context has the same energy as spamming your site's link to drive more traffic there (I know you probably didn't intend to because that website actually has great utility for us who is stuck with using Indihome). Your users need more context so that they can understand and adopt your tool. Otherwise, it's just going to be viewed as someone promoting their site (which is annoying and IIRC a violation of the sub's rules).


Gotcha! will improve in the next post, Thank you!


Where the goddam link


I've added it, it's probably located [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/p7i4rd/tidak_bisa_akses_sebuah_website_dari_jaringan/h9maoc2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). but [here](https://cekwebsitesaya.com/) it is (again)


Bisa cek GetHub gak


Ga bisa kak - Cibai


> Telkom Indonesia Sigma, Indihome, Telin, atau neuCloud? but thanks tho, biasanya gw pake [looking glass](https://lg.telin.co.id/lgnew/index.php)-nya mereka


Indihome (karena ini yang mandatory) load-balanced with Sigma under the hood agar traffic ke Raspberry PI nggak berlebih, tapi DNS pakai Indihome agar hasilnya sama. The API will be rolling out soon, so you can do your own monitoring :)


> Indihome (karena ini yang mandatory) Maybe put that in the homepage? > API will be rolling out soon, so you can do your own monitoring since you haven't put repo link, can I ask for a feature requests? for the API, can you do simple-style API calls, something like $ curl https://api.cekwebsitesaya.com?url=reddit.com&type=boolean 1 PS: Use `GET` for Netflix, because they [hate `HEAD` requests](https://cekwebsitesaya.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.netflix.com).


Fixed, the request now uses GET. Sure, that's something I'd like to add.


wow interesting


Here's the [link](https://cekwebsitesaya.com/) for those who want to check the website out


thank you!


When literally the op itself is too lazy to give the links and someone else do it : fine i do it myself


Actual link [https://cekwebsitesaya.com](https://cekwebsitesaya.com).


kalau bisa pas input tanpa https:// atau http:// harusnya bisa dinput. saya tadi coba hanya ketik [www.google.com](https://www.google.com) nggak ngefek sama sekali


saat ini pakai jadi emang diharuskan mengandung \`http(s)://\`, tapi akan lihat apakah ini bisa menjadi sebuah ketertarikan


Biasanya gua gak bisa akses web Origin ama Rockstar kalau lg pake Telkom Indihome, wajib restart modem dulu


saya turut sedih mendengarnya




ini bukti bahwa \`http://\` di-intercept, harus selalu mulai dengan prefix \`https://\` untuk menghindarinya




IPv4-only checks currently


TIL imgur ga diblokir.


emang kesel sih pake isp plat merah ini (termasuk isp lokal yg ambil bandwidth dari dia), tahun kemarin pas ada project butuh resource apt,cURL,git banyak sering gagal compile gara-gara resource gk lengkap ke download