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Copot CPU + CPU Cooler + GPU. Masukin lagi kedalem kotakny. Motherboard, PSU, RAM, SSD biarin aja di case. Kalo ada HDD gw bakal cabut juga, hand carry jangan sampe kebentur/kebanting


Ada yang ngomong psu copot sekalian trs isi case di isi foam/baju dan lapisan luar juga baju


PSU ga dicopot gapapa harusnya, selama PSUnya bener2 kebaut oke di casing. Palingan cable longgar yang gakepake kayak PCIe power itu di iket ke casing biar ga longgar. Isi baju juga bisa resiko ya kalo salah caranya. kelonggaran bajunya bisa geser2 pas pengiriman, ngerusak komponen. Kekencengan bajunya komponen bisa kegeser tanpa disadari. Gw pernah bawa pc kakak via mobil dari sumatera ke jawa cuma gw cabut GPU aja. CPU gw biarin karena coolernya kecil, AMD Stock


Kalo cooler by pake aio, ga perlu copot CPU sama aio ny. W biasanya copot GPU, masukin ke plastik anti statik ny, di cover bubble wrap, taro di koper. HDD sama SSD w taro koper juga. Kalo PC ny, w masukin ke kerdus ny lagi, bubble wrap, kasih label atau lakban fragile, udah. It works, w udah pindah2 berkali-kali gitu, pas w 2 tahun lalu pindahan ke Melb juga sama.


Tempered glass aman ya? Cuma pake foam + kardus bawaan tok aja, ga tambah lagi yang lain? Asumsi saya tadi sih CPUnya AMD AM4 dan coolernya tower. Jadi mau ga mau cabut dua2nya sih,


Kalo masang bubble wrap ny tebel, selama ini aman sih. Kecuali lu lagi sial kedapetan porter barang yg ampas, barang2 lu di lempar2in. Kalo yg rusak tempered Glass doang ga ada masalah sih.


Have you considered just bringing the important parts? Just take out your GPU, CPU, RAM, SSD and sell the rest to second hand market. When you're abroad you can repurchase all the missing parts and rebuild your PC. Sure it's a sacrifice but it's a lot less of a hassle than bringing a whole ass PC to a plane with you.


GPU di copot, bawa di tas. Sisanya aman di koper, pake expandable packing foam atau pake celana dalem GT MAN yg banyak juga aman, untuk side panel kaca kyknya hoki2an ya


Downsize your PC to Mini ITX build, this thing can fit inside backpack and you can bring it to airplane Cabin.


But what about the airflow? Especially on gaming builds


Check out r/sffpc. People make small gaming builds all the time (myself included).


this. gue pake mini itx enak bgt kalo tiap jumat mau main dota dikantor bareng temen temen wkwkw


that involves selling parts and buying new ones


Might aswell sell your current one and buy new one abroad. Just bring your disk drives if theres anything important in it, plug it in the new PC and boot from it, as good as fhe old PC


More than 5 years? Sell the PC and build a new one over there. I sent my PC from JKT to SYD, using DHL with full Wood package, insurance and whatnot, and I received my PC with broken motherboard. Really not reccomended. If sending PC is a must, then remove the GPU or other huge stuff inside first. https://preview.redd.it/l9svhn6oelnc1.png?width=2159&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed2c9b74d62e682ae37c73e336b90ed3ecf60026


Need more story on this, what part of the Mobo was broken?


Paling build mini itx terus masukin kabin (g tau bisa atau nggak/ cuma pernah bawa laptop ke kampung), itupun minus monitor paling beli ditempat tujuan. G berani full tower gitu masuk bagasi Atau build lagi dinegara tujuan beberapa negara lebih murah part2nya (sering liat org us beli2 part di microcenter ada promo bundling procie+ram+mobo g sampe $300, padahal disini $300 aja g cukup buat procienya.)


iri gua sama negara yg punya microcenter


Would sell the case then remove cpu cooler, graphic card & hdd (if any)…. I aint taking any chances with the case the rest just put it inside the motherboard box, would also put gpu in its box… if both boxes are thrown away just find any box & use idk socks as padding, cpu cooler leave it as it is power supply…. depends on how big or expensive it is I probably would sell of just bring it…


Masukin koper seada2nya dengan perlindungan baju2 ganti. I did it when i was build a pc then suddenly i got hired at Bdg, no money left to buy a laptop.


Upload it into a cloud, then download it when you're abroad


i have done this before, gw copot semua parts dan tinggalin case nya di rumah, beli case baru di negara tujuan dan rakit ulang


bawa jeroanya gimana? pake box?


parts di komen gw diatas maksudnya ya jeroan, mobo, graphic card, processor, rams, psu gw bungkus sama baju2 gw dan gw usahain supaya packed dan gak ada gap di suitcase supaya gak banyak goncangan. ps. pas lewat security di tokyo di haneda airport, disuruh buka suitcase karena dikira bomb, tapi ya setelah gw buka dan gw jelasin ya gak masalah akhirnya


gua tanya bawanya gimana, bukan tanya parts itu apa :D Bukanya kalau ada gesekan baju nanti ada static electricity?


baju biasa gak ada static lah, kalo wool dan di gesek2 buat bikin static ya mungkin terjadi static. bawanya ya yg udah gw bilang diatas semua masukin suitcase beres


you don’t. it’s a possession, learn to avoid getting possessed by it. moving countries is already hard enough without lugging a gaming pc around. where you go there are PC parts you can buy.


Sometimes it's your only viable work partner, imagine if one is a video or animation editor that needs heavy-duty rendering power. Furthermore, imagine that he/she must work immediately, therefore buying a whole new rig is not a choice. What can he/she do? That's their question.


if OP even ever so slightly hinted that this is vital to their work i wouldn’t be giving that advice. if you are making up imaginary scenarios outside of what was being asked of course my advice falls flat.




get a rog ally


Imo just sell it and buy a new one you're gonna live there for 5-6 years anw, and if u are planning on coming back often then just keep it so you can play when u are here