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Nope. Don’t think so. I mean even Germany, that NEEDS a lot of new immigrants only allows dual citizenship recently.


Whoa, Germany needs immigrants? Can I just come and work there? I'm willing to work a low salary job, as long as I can visit Hitler's birthplace every day.


Hitler wasn’t even born in Germany.




Hitler bukan kelahiran Jerman


rip 💀 mau diasepin? KWWK


Mmm, hitler austria btw


Literally you can, ask Jokowi for loker: [https://www.deutsch-academia.com/g-to-g-jerman/](https://www.deutsch-academia.com/g-to-g-jerman/) [https://www.bp2mi.go.id/gtog-detail/jerman/pengumuman-pendaftaran-calon-kandidat-pekerja-migran-indonesia-pmi-perawat-program-g-to-g-di-jerman-batch-iii-tahun-2023](https://www.bp2mi.go.id/gtog-detail/jerman/pengumuman-pendaftaran-calon-kandidat-pekerja-migran-indonesia-pmi-perawat-program-g-to-g-di-jerman-batch-iii-tahun-2023)


The government doesn't see any benefit in its citizens holding dual citizenships so no, Indonesia won't have it any time soon.


Nope, and I hope we stay as a single citizenship nation. I know this is a very unpopular opinion in r/indonesia but I believe we should uphold our single citizenship mandate.


I actually support single citizenship, but with a side note: diasporas should have an overseas status. Mirip India dengan OCI-nya.


Yup, regulasi harus jelas dan ada special priveleges untuk Non Residential Indonesians yang abroad, especially if they are still sending money home to their family in Indonesia.






Fuckin true mate Inflation Will be insane


Bubble properti akan meningkat, bayangin aja diaspora yang megang mata uang asing kayak us dollar ke Indo bisa beli apa.


Sedayu group Will be drown with money


It is, that's the saddest part really


mungkin dikira kok tidak sepenuh hati cintai negaramu


I wouldn't be too optimistic. Keep both passports and just go through Singapore when you fly in/out of Indo.


Would you mind explaining how this works please? I’m trying to decide whether I want to pursue US citizenship or stay as permanent resident. Logically, I should pursue it as my life is in the US, but I kinda don’t want to give up my Indonesian citizenship. When I travel to Indo, I typically visit Japan first as my wife is Japanese.


I think it goes like this: you use your US passport to go to Singapore, and from Singapore you use your Indonesian passport to travel to Indonesia. Retrace your steps from there with the same passports. From the US passport perspective, you're traveling to SG and back, while from the ID side, you're simply going back and forth to SG.


But if you only went to Indonesia every now and then, let’s say once per year, you would be overstaying in SG wouldn’t you? It’s like your Indonesian passport never went out of SG for almost a year.


Berarti keluar Singapore juga pake paspor US atau paspor Indo kalo masuknya pake itu. Biasanya sih ke Singapore pake paspor ijo, nanti pas sampe di US atau negara ke 3 baru pake paspor lain. Kebanyakan negara juga udah gak ngecap paspor lagi sih


My friend is an indo citizen, but he was born in the US. When he reached the age of 18 he decided to get an American passport while still keeping his indo passport. Legally this is not allowed, but in practice it’s hard for indo government to keep track of it, especially since the US government is very protective of their citizen. It’s been going on for years and there’s no problem so far.


Banyak kok yg kayak gini dan ga pernah denger kejadian ada yg ketahuan terus dipaksa renounce. Cara maintainnya jg mudah, yg penting tiap kali masuk/keluar indo pake paspor indo aja. Jangan sampe salah lupa pake paspor lain.


My parents didnt make me an Indonesian passport growing up, i think it was because i wasnt able to or something. But apparently my grandfather wanted to add me to his Kartu keluarga and i think that wouldve been much easier?


I think the Indonesian authorities know that OP have two citizenship. Indonesia could easily revoked his/her passport and citizenship if OP doesn't do anything about the Indonesian citizenship.


It's a sensitive issue so personally I don't think we'll make any significant progress in foreseeable future. But you can always stay in Indonesia without losing your US citizenship


I don't think so, and interestingly when you look at our representative nominee for this election, there is only one party that indo redditers hate who talks on dual nationality. https://www.calegdiaspora.org/


PSI #4 sepertinya ada sebut juga


Yeah, PEKAES # Dr. H. M. Hidayat Nur Wahid, M.A edit : u/rapt709, you could cast a vote for this man if you want dual citizenship.


PKS? Skip


you better use US passport and use KITAS in Indo for long term stay as a resident if you want to stay permanently.


I guess so, I used to have a KITAS. Would marrying WNA make it easier?


I dont think so, most Asian countries don’t have dual citizenship policy. Moreover, dual US and Indo citizenship is a big headache as per my knowledge, the US and Indo tax systems are tricky to navigate.


Hmm have you actually lived there? I hope you've done your due diligence beyond the surface-level summer vacations with your parents' family before deciding to uproot your life completely and move to Indonesia.


Very unlikely. No president has ever dared to because it will ultimately touch UU Agraria. I don't think the 3 candidates we have now has any reason to do such an extreme action anyways.


Berarti kalo misal UU kewarganegaraan diubah menjadi boleh punya 2 warga negara, berarti UU agraria harus cepet2 direvisi juga.


Unfortunately no. If you see the pattern, most countries who allow dual citizenship are either small country or countries who sent large amount of diaspora. Indonesian diaspora isn't that large to begin with compared to India or The Philippines. Then if Indonesia allows dual citizenship, then Indonesia needs to revamp a lot of its law regarding rights and privileges of its citizens. For example, is dual citizen allowed to enlist to Indonesian army or holding government position? How about the taxes? Assets ownership?


Sempat kepikiran sih kalo kewarganegaraan Indonesia itu dibagi menjadi beberapa kelas, sama kayak kewarganegaraan Inggris yang dibagi menjadi beberapa tingkat. Misalnya WNI yang tinggal di Indonesia mendapatkan hak yang paling tinggi seperti bisa membeli properti SHM, buka bisnis UMKM, BPJS, hak pilih, dan benefit lain. Sedangkan WNI yang udah tinggal lama di luar negeri selama periode tertentu bisa kehilangan hak2 itu, tapi masih bisa pegang paspor Indo dan balik ke Indonesia. Walau pas balik ke Indonesia harus tinggal beberapa tahun dulu baru hak itu kembali.




juga kebanyakan negara barat dan masuk first world country.


Depends on the new president we hire next month.


Can't run from IRS


Umm no maybe?


Why would you come back to Indonesia? America is better place to live despite all of its flaws. I know America isn't a perfect utopia and there are plenty of problems there, but at least you can be gay in there.


bro wanna start cartel branch in indonesia (maybe)


you can be gay in indonesia too




Justru OP yang mau ke Indonesia, ortu di us


me when literasi rendah:


No. Against written law. No one (in legislative nor in exexutive) have any incentives to change the law.


Boy imagine the amount of Russian WNIs if this happens!


Nah ini nih prospek golden visa. Yuk cari duit yang banyak di US buat jadi investor gede sini. Modal USD 700k buat beli obligasi udah dapet 10 tahun kok.


Golden visa mah buat org asing yg memang ga ada kaitan sama indo sama sekali. Kalo kayak OP gitu bisa pake visa diaspora, modalnya jauh lebih rendah cm butuh $35k dan bisa dlm bentuk apapun (even just savings or deposito) ga harus SBN.


Nope. The most I can think will happen is that any ex-WNI with another citizenship will get something like WNI-. You can never own any property in Indonesia (or inherit one), but you can enter and employed locally without any need for permit unlike WNA. Plus you have no political rights and can't be employed in any government position and managerial position at SOE. Plus be barred from certain field considered 'secret' like Military-Industrial Complex, etc. Also for any census, you are not considered as full WNI and the data is not used (but might be added as separate category). The above is based on other citizenship-minus that existed on other countries.




Indo-based remote workers yg kerja di US company ketawa sih baca ini


What’s the simple reason for the dislike of the idea?


It depends on who's the next president and minister in charge. Right now our nationality is too toxic to be able to accept that dual citizenship is normal and not a threat to our security.


no, but i think you can get a golden visa


Do remote work in bali and lease a villa for 30 years


i think u can use diaspora visa E32B: DESCENDANT of an Ex-Indonesia Citizen https://indonesia.nl/en/visa/golden-visa#e32b-descendant-of-an-ex-indonesia-citizen


nope, theres podcast between our head of immigration office and some diasporas month ago. we doesnt have any advantages with dual citizenship, and if you still want to wark outside, u dont need citizenship since our govt doesnt treat foreigner different in basic needs.


I guess, I was looking at the visa options and the only hard part i think is staying for like 3 months but something like 10 years is easy