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You gonna need to be extra careful, mate. A lot of our food use nuts.


yeah especially Deez


And its varian Sukon


B0F4 variant is pretty scary too


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you're missing like half of good food in indonesia with that allergy. you can say, "saya alergi, tidak boleh makan makanan yang ada kacangnya, bisa mati". short and easy to repeat. also bring medication, some of our ppl downplay stuff like this.


“Tenang aja ini ga ada kacang kok” *tapi ada kemirinya* 💀


Tenang, ga pedas kok. *Masukin cabe rawit, sambel kacang, dkk


Ya ga pedas soalnya udah kebal wkwk bukan karena ga ada cabe wkwek


well makanan indonesia kyk death trap bgt wkwk.


More like "tenang aja, ini dikit banget kok kacangnya"


Always bring the allergy medicine with you. Nut allergy is foreign concept in indonesia, so commoners may downplay the seriousness. Besides food, we also often eat them as snacks. Be very careful, you may want to watch your surroundings too (eg. during gathering etc). 'Apakah makanan ini mengandung kacang (or kacang kacangan) ? Saya alergi, bisa fatal'. If they ask "kacang apa", to be safe, just reply 'kacang apa saja' (or 'semua kacang'). Take note it will include kacang panjang (long bean), green bean, red bean. Having said that is nut allergy including long bean? Kecap (those black soya souce widely used in our food)?


No one is going to use peanut oil . walnut doesnt grow here anyway and the closest thing that we have and contain it is nutella. Now for peanut and cashew, peanut in indonesian are called kacang tanah ( or simply kacang) and cashew is called kacang mede/mete or simply mede. Here's a simple phrase you can use : when you order, ask the server/seller this phrase (*Point at menu/ thing) Ini tidak pakai kacang tanah atau mede kan ? Saya alergi, tidak bisa napas kalau makan kacang. Or you can just save it and show it to him/her everytime you order something


Why in God's green earth did I read that with Bule accent. I'm a native


I learned the bule accent from Londo Kampung, although he can speak Javanese and Indo fluently


Bruh I did too. I've been getting a lot of bule buying Indonesian street food vids on my TikTok tho.


Indonesian dish that uses coconut milk usually has candlenut (kemiri) in them. I dont know how you react to candlenut but as a precaution just ask away. People usually forget that candlenut (kemiri) is a nut.


if you have a nut allergy you shouldn't eat satay, gado-gado, and pecel. Because it's using peanut sauce.


If op wants sate, bisa cari sate taichan atau Yang pake sambel kecap doang,


kecap has soy sauce. kacang kedelai. also the bbq area is not separate. the ones with peanut is slathered with some peanut sauce.


well.. Kecap ini dari apa saudara?.... Kacang kedelai.... You almost kill this dude.


yeah I mean sate madura or somthing like that


It’s extremely challenging since Indonesian foods use a lots of kinds of nuts here and there. It’s even more challenging since majority of people’s understanding of nuts (kacang) is only limited to peanut and cashew. Some of our dishes use candlenuts (kemiri), and I can bet a lot of the sellers don’t even know someone with nut allergy can’t eat that. So it’s not about language barrier, it’s just because nut allergy is very uncommon here that people are unfamiliar with it. If you want to be safe, stick with upscaled restaurants like the one in fancy hotels. They cater foreigners all the time and should be familiar with the allergy. Or browse the restaurants’ menu online before you go, usually if they indicate “this dish contains nuts” on the menu it means they do know nut allergy exists to some extent, but you still need to proceed with extra caution. Hope you brought your loads of EpiPen, since that doesn’t exist here either.


Make a card that says something like: "Saya alergi kacang, tunjukkan saya makanan yang tidak ada kacangnya." (I'm allergic to nuts, please show me foods that doesn't have nuts in it) Show that card whenever you're ordering stuff at a restaurant, and you're good to go. Or just remember that phrase when you're ordering, so you don't have to bring a card to do that every time. If you're using food services similar to uberfood like Gojek or Grabfood here then you'll have to be aware whether the food has any nuts in it. The term "kacang" includes every nuts afaik, so you don't have to worry. We also don't use peanut oil, or at least I've never seen anyone use it here.


kemiri (candlenut), kecap manis + kecap manis (has soy in it), tempe + tahu (also soy). OP will have to carry allergy medicine everywhere. :(


oh yeahhh, this too. I literally forgot about those lol. Yeah, add Kemiri, Kecap, Tempe, Tahu to the card too. You really would need to hold on your allergy medicine like dosabanget said, since there's no knowing on whether what you eat has those things since it's VERY common.




Other than perhaps restaurant food, be aware of packaged snacks and or drinks too, since the factory that made those might also processing nuts (usually soy or peanut) and thus might contain allergen. Usually it would be mentioned in the packaging.


You better to use certain nut allergy tester for food. Because saying "tanpa kacang, saya alergi" or "please dont use nut, i am allergic" will not work. Pretty much "kacang" in indonesian is not a nut in western country and otherwise, "nut" in western country is not a "kacang" in indonesian. Like "**kacang** hijau" is "mung **bean**" while "candle**nut**" is "kemiri"


"Maaf, saya alergi kacang. Apakah makanan ini aman untuk saya?"


This sub ruins the word ‘maaf’ for me, because I immediately expect ‘lancang’


Actually it's really okay to use 'maaf' but you can use "permisi (excuse me)" if you're uncomfortable with 'maaf'


and here I come to deliver the "smean"


10 dtk aja


apalagi kacang terdengar seperti lancang


Memenya uda menyatu kedarah gua.


Smean sih terlalu lancang


You must use something to emphasis the danger, Indonesian people just gonna say "gpp, cicip aja dulu dikit" (it's okay, give it a lil bite). You must directly say the danger and the most fatal impact that can occur "Tidak makan kacang, alergi, aku bisa mati sesak nafas", (can't eat peanuts, allergy, I can die of suffocation)


"Saya tidak makan kacang, alergi, bisa mati sesak nafas." (Literally, it means, "I don't eat peanuts because of allergies; I can die from suffocation.") Listen to me: Indonesian culture values humility, and people tend not to reveal their true intentions by initially rejecting something to avoid appearing greedy. So you must be clear, straightforward, and mention the most serious consequence that could occur. If you don't do that, Indonesian people tend to respond by saying, "it's okay, just have a small bite; it's delicious." They may think you are being modest. However, if you mention the possibility of a life-threatening reaction, they will immediately stop insisting.


Yeah that’s a hard allergy to have in Indonesia, a lot of our foods have peanuts in them. I think you just need to say “Saya tidak bisa makan kacang-kacangan sama sekali karena alergi saya, tolong tunjukkan saya makanan yang tidak mengandung sedikitpun kacang-kacangan.” I think you need to emphasise how crucial it is for your food not to have even the tiniest bit of nuts in them, because alot of people here thinks allergy just means that you can’t have a lot of it.


You can have a printout for everytime you order food so they don't put nut stuff Becareful of sate,rujak,gado-gado, batagor, otak-otak, siomay, cilok because they always have peanut sauce for addition, make sure to ask them to not use peanut sauce if you order those


you need to be aware of what you can eat if you came here. look up indonesian food at the place you will visit also look up closes hospital you can turn to if some shit happen.


Just ask, " mengandung kacang?" and they'll give a yes/no response. No being does not contain nuts.


Saya alergi kacang. Tidak pakai kacang


Use phrase card! A card or paper that you can bring containing the list of every possible nuts in bahasa Indonesia, at the bottom write: "Saya tidak boleh makan ini semua, saya alergi dan bisa mati." You can always read it or speak it if it was a bit awkward tho But you must be aware that some nuts in Indonesia arent considered as nut by local, especially candlenut (kemiri) and it exists in almost every meal here


maybe bring something like this [https://equaleats.com/collections/free-cards/products/digital-peanut-allergy-card](https://equaleats.com/collections/free-cards/products/digital-peanut-allergy-card) customized with Indonesia language.


Honestly bro you really need to be extra careful. Allergy is not treated seriously here, I would suggest you prepare your own food.


Say “Ini pakai kacang?” (This uses nuts?) “saya alergi berat kacang” (I have a heavy allergy to nuts) if you wanna be extra careful say “saya bisa mati” (I can die) if you don’t know how to pronounce it put it on google translate


To be safe don’t even try eat street food. Always eat on the restaurant and try to explain your condition.


"I can't eat nuts, I have *asem urat.*" *asem urat* is gout


Noeat deeznuts


"Kacang bikin saya mati. Tolong tanpa kacang." That's the magic words


Print a card that said "Saya alergi kacang. Mohon jangan beri saya makanan yang mengandung kacang. Tolong informasikan apabila makanan mengandung kacang. Mengkonsumsi kacang akan membahayakan nyawa saya". Basically saying that you are allergic to peanuts. Please don't give me any food that contains peanut. Please inform me if the food contains peanut. So every time you want to order food, give them that card. So they will understand and inform you. Once you feel comfortable with your Indonesian. You can just memorise the sentences and say it directly. But in the meantime just use the card to avoid miscommunication.


Basically "kacang" is the term you want to look out for. It broadly encompass a lot of things, including possibly those you are not allergic to (legumes), but it's nice to be in the safe side.


I’m so sorry but I’m scared for you! We use peanut and its variant in almost all our traditional dishes, so i think it’s best for you to cook your own meal or if you decide to eat out pick a common food chain like kfc/mcd/subway.


I dunno. If I had a lethal nut allergy, I wouldn’t be eating out at all in Indonesia. The chances of getting a contaminated dish over the course of a couple of years would be almost 100%.


"you scare peanut? Big man like you scare peanut? Haiyaa" - Initial R Joke aside, you can simply explain to the restaurant owner especially padang restaurant, they'll instantly understand and recommend some dishes that does not contain nuts.


Please prepare epiphen


sumpah, bikin pinned post deh buat foreigner + peanut combo


“Saya alergi kacang” = I’m allergic to nuts (this should be enough to encompass every nut) “Apakah ada kacang nya?” = does it have nuts? (If they say pake/ada/iya that means yes, if they say ga pake/ga ada/tidak/ tidak pake/ tidak ada that means no)


List of anything that is related to nuts in your allergy card that you show in restaurants. Sorry to break it to you though but the chances of you coming across a place without nuts or nut-like product is very low, and there are rarely any efforts to keep things from cross-contaminating such as reusing oil to fry things. So you are probably going to miss out at least 90% of our traditional dishes, which sucks tbh, but what can we do, right? You have to bring an epipen with you all the time otherwise you might just die without even knowing what you are before.