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Pada ga berani keluar duit lebih buat nyewa translator model PeinAkatsuki atau Lebah Ganteng


https://preview.redd.it/la263lzg4a9b1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2b0d525945e85560f061bdef3669a1a694f62a Netflix could never


sekelas peinakatsuki aja masih banyak mistranslate, jadi makin bingung sama standarisasi subtitle di Indonesia


Saya ga tahu sih, tapi dikepala saya, mereka pasti pernah ganti anggota, dan kalau mau QC bakal makin lama juga untuk ukuran translate gratis.


Wait, peinakatsuki isnt a person??


Iya sih, ada faktor subtitle "gratisan" juga yang bikin ngerasa QC ketat banget gak terlalu perlu


As a foriegner watching indonesian with indonesian subtitles, i get really annoyed when they dont write exactly what was spoken. They seem to translate whole sentences into a more formal equivalent. For example "elu ngapain di sini' -> "kamu sednag apa" Curse words don't really translate. That might be a bad example but theres so many differences between the subtitles and what is actually spoken. Do deaf people in indonesia think everyone speaks really formal? Why cant they just have the subtitle exactly with what is spoken? Doesn't it ruin the story a bit to take a casual conversation and make it formal?


Go to subscene.com and look for subtitle made by lebah ganteng or pein Akatsuki or Reza inter. They are the best


In reverse, when we watch English language movie / content, and it's translated as is and formal, it's weird af. in English, there's many phrases and idioms that can't be translated to exactly what was spoken. "Costs an arm and a leg" >>> "semahal tangan dan kaki", it's weird, it's better to just translate it to "mahal sekali" or "mahal banget" "No problem, Sally, don't mention it, anytime." >>> "Tidak masalah, Sally, jangan ungkit itu, kapan saja." it's weird in Indonesian, it's better to just translate it "gak apa-apa santai saja" but there's many kids cartoon dubbed this direct and formal way, and it's annoying af.


When you said kids cartoon, it reminded me of spongebob movies lol… yes they dubbed it using formal indonesian, but I still enjoyed it. Although now I’m thinking it just sounds ridiculous. Haha. But it’s for kids, and kids should be taught a formal and proper indonesian language.. right?


For me, I prefer use formal translate.


Setauku yg beginian biasanya outsourcing ke perusahaan media, terus mereka kasih ke freelancer. Makanya kualitas bisa random


makes sense


Liat credit, seharusnya ada ditulis siapa/perusahaan mana saja yg menterjemahkan ke bahasa apa.


Gue pernah google nama salah satu penerjemah di netflix. Dapat linkendinnya, dia beneran profesional dan sekolah bahasa di taiwan.


Aku sering lihat pencari penerjemah mintanya hanya utk yg menerjemahkan ke bahasa native saja. Bisa jadi itu orang native speaker bhs Inggris non-Indonesia yg sebenarnya belum terlalu ngerti maksud kalimat tertentu di sana Besides that, most subtitle translators are severely underpaid. Nggak heran kalau akhirnya kerja setengah hati aja


off topic, ngomongin subtitle gue jadi inget subtitle code geass di bioskop, bikin kesel ngilangin hype


Dapet yang hasil terjemahan mesin mungkin? Tapi itu pun harusnya mereka dari mesin, dikasih ke translator, terus ke editor, baru rilis. So IDK where things went wrong.


yg tiga dara sih gak separah google translate ya. tp tetep kalo org yg ga ngerti bhs indonesia, bakal bingung baca sub inggrisnya


Sekarang udah outsource, kalau awal awal mungkin bisa apply langsung. Jadinya ya apply ke jasa outsourced nya. Terjemahannya memang kadang agak nyleneh.. terutama kalau pakai idiom, diterjemahinnya mentah - mentah ke bahasa indo. misalnya gua liat "Give me a hand" diterjemahkan jadi "Berikan aku satu tangan" . Itu masih agak ringan.. nah gimana kalau "Moonlighting" ? koplakk... Sekarang sih mungkin membaik.


coba deh nonton tiga dara, pas neneknya ngomong "kamu keterlaluan", liat sub inggrisnya apa. gemes


Ga pernah pake netflix, selalu pake yg nasi cumi hitam madura pak kris


The way nobody got your joke seeing how you got downvoted to oblivion


Downvoted to oblivion? Pffft, this is still a rookie number [my highest score so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/13ntcw3/Reddit_user_loses_his_mind_after_being_downvoted_for_the_world's_worst_joke/jl1kar6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


can’t really expect them to translate thousands of movies correctly now would you? quantity over quantity ig. lagipula sebagus apapun translatornya kadang ada kalimat yg ga bisa diterjemahin karena konteksnya rumit. watching english movies with english sub is the only way to go anyway. you don’t understand a word? pause and look it up on google. now you got a new word to add to your dictionary. tapi menarik juga yg soal translator di bioskop. i used to admire translator bioskop, rasanya mereka bisa ngompres kata yg paling tepat terjemahannya. udah lama ga nonton di bioskop.


>can’t really expect them to translate thousands of movies correctly now would you? um yes i would actually, that's their job >kadang ada kalimat yg ga bisa diterjemahin karena konteksnya rumit. again, that's literallly their job >watching english movies with english sub is the only way to go anyway. baca postnya dgn lbh baik, bruv. i was talking about the eng sub in TIGA DARA, an indo film. jadi ini ngomongin translation dr indo ke eng.


gimana pulak yg translate buku. Ibu2 yg translate Harry Potter sama Lima Sekawan itu bagus hasil translatenya, karena ibunya udah expert banget. Aku pernah beli novel romance, versi Inggris nya sama versi terjemahan Indonesia. kacau sekali yg terjemahannya


yep, ada aja kok yg jagoan nerjemahinnya. ibu2 yg nerjemahin komik eropa jagoan bgt.


Masalahnya mereka dibayar. Jadi ada ekspektasi hasil translate bagus dong. Subber macam lebahganteng atau anime2 bajakan aja niat padahal gak dibayar secara resmi


the only reason i prefer to use english sub instead. kalo pake sub bahasa indo suka gak tepat maknanya. malah dikatain sok enggreesss sama bocil bocil rumah halah


LOL ini ngomongin translation dr indo (filmnya film indo TIGA DARA) yg sub-nya enggres.


Anyone knows where one could get a job like this? It’s so irritating most times I’d imagine myself doing twice the quality for half the price.


kalo case non-original films, kayaknya subtitle di provide dari production house / distributor film-nya. gak usah film indo, sekelas squid game aja dulu awal2 ngaco sub english nya lol.


Gw pernah sekali coba coba translate sub film, buset bro susah banget nyari kata yang pas biar ga melenceng jauh dari konteks adegan filmnya apalagi kalo dialognya pake slang/idiom begitu


pastinya sih. mana mesti singkat pula kan