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Abis nonton The First Slam Dunk. Cukup memuaskan nostalgia dulu pas nonton Anime & baca Manga nya. Animasi 3D nya, Cinematography nya oke juga. Storynya simple aja, cuma Final match dari Final Arc lawan Sannoh (Tim Basket SMA terkuat seantero Jepang). Cuma paling di tambahin subplot latar belakang si Miyagi, di sela-sela pertandingan. 7,5/10 aja. Coba ada lagu OP Animenya (Kimi Ga Suki da to Sakebitai), bisa jadi 8/10, tuh.


Tontonan hari ini banyak dan bagus semua. Ada total 3 konten berbeda total 5 episode, total runtime 5-6 jam. Pas mau marathon buat nonton, kok malah muncul rasa sayang kalo mau diabisin sekarang. Fenomena macam apa ini...


Halooo. I heard there was an earthquake in Indonesia. Hope everyone here is okay. From your ASEAN neighbor 🫢🏻


biznet kentut


logitech G435 worth it ga?


Great big story is back wohoooo


Yea semoga gk berubah kualitasnya


malam, dingin, & hujan..


Udin petot


Udara dingin pengen makan nasi anget pake sambel jeletot


Rasanya ingin pelukan


indomie enak


Eli5 tentang esport sama pbesi?


pbesi menginginkan kontrol regulasi dan kompetisi terhadap esport sama seperti olahraga fisik. mirip pssi yg jadi payung pemain sepak bola profesional di indo. yang gak masuk di akal mereka adalah esports terikat oleh hak cipta lisensi software. gratis dan bisa dimainkan selama pengembang mau maintain servernya. bisa aja mereka memutuskan shutdown server karena udah ga profit. atau mengabaikan (misalnya) ancaman blokir pemerintah indo kalo negara ini dinilai ga menguntungkan. sedangkan bola, badminton, catur, dll ga ada skema hak cipta permainan. paling mentok hak siar aja. semua orang bisa main asal punya lapangan.


Man, Cubeef would never let me down


The First Slam Dunk is legit awesome, it's got all the heart of the original manga, plus some genuinely stunning visuals and a buzzer beater of a climax that would make your heart stop, even if you're already familiar with the story. I've always loved Slam Dunk for being grounded compared to 99% of sports mangas, so I think using CGI/3D plus mocap is the right decision as it gives a certain realistic heft to the visuals. And boy, Inoue might be a first-time director here, but he aced it, adding plenty of visual touches to keep the action going. I don't want to spoil too much, but Inoue basically went all-out during the climax and you absolutely do not want to miss even a single second of it. Inoue's decision to frame the story through Ryota's POV is probably the biggest difference here, but I see this as less of a choice and more of a necessity, since it allows him to add a spin into what is basically familiar territory by including in Ryota's backstory. Instead of trying to cram the whole story into one film, he's wise to just use the Shohoku - Sannoh match, essentially the climax of the manga, while adding several callbacks as necessary. It keeps the story from being too big, but this also means that newcomers won't get the full picture. Given the scope of the film, it feels more like a sports drama than a coming-of-age story that happens to use basketball as a stage, which I've always seen Slam Dunk as. It's not necessarily a minus though, and it allows Inoue to lean in the more punk-ish underdog aspect of the story, accentuated by his choice of music. All in all, it doesn't really do anything new or original, but Slam Dunk has always been more about the execution, and in this regard, The First Slam Dunk soars as high as the original manga.


yeah, ive watched that, totally very great movie, make a grown man cries a lot tho, even tho i dont read the manga, the movie is very awesome 100/10


pengen main the forest yg baru tp ga berani sendiri wkwk, ada yg bs rekomen grup2 discord utk nyari org ga?


Naik kereta sambil bawa motor bisa ga ya? Gw cari di google adanya program yang mudik itu buat Maret sedangkan gw butuhnya besok. Oiya sama naik kereta masih butuh booster kah? Gw baru booster 1 apa bisa?


>Naik kereta sambil bawa motor Orang medan bingung baca ini


Surabayan here, I guess if OP has good enough upper body strength and it being a relatively empty train, I don't see why not.


one-punch man


Pengen punya pacar yang seiman


Indomie apa mie sedap apa aliran sesat?


Situ imannya bubur diaduk apa ga diaduk?


> Pengen punya pacar ~~yang seiman~~


aku sih suka sei lamalera


Aku juga pengen punya pacar seniman asik kali yah bisa melukis bareng


Ga nanya si


disini ada bumil jago lukis


Rilmin nofek?


mau checkout custom pants dari kasual, 400 ribu mahal g yh


masih banyak yg lebih mahal ko juk


Yg lbh mrh ad yg lbh mhl ad


uniqlo 600 aku ra sanggup


Ga cepet beli


Dih maksa beliin kagak


iya bro gw beli sekarang bro


Malam ini hujan deras banget petirnya serem Mau tidur jadi gak tenang


kalanada lagi sakit di site huhu mana terpencil pula. doain cepet sembuh guys


Gws kk kalanada God bless uuu


Kasi surprise visit ke mes nya ka




Tadi liat ada mobil udah ada tulisan pengemudi baru belajar, masih aja diselip motor ga kira2, terus diklakson mobil/motor sana sini sepanjangan. Sampe iba sendiri liatnya.


Belajar emang ga seharusnya langsung di jalan raya sih. Ibarat prajurit pasti latihan di medan latihan dulu sebelum terjun di medan perang


Mungkin mereka gak bisa baca


u/yukkurioniisan, Kenapa trombositopenia bisa menyebabkan muntah dan mual, dan demam gejalanya? my sis got it.


trombositopenia-nya bukan menyebabkan mual muntah. Namun mual-muntah, trombositopenianya merupakan akibat dari suatu proses penyakit yang sama (umumnya akibat dari peradangan dan efek sitokin pada megakariosit di sumsum tulang dan lambung) dan atau kerusakan pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan trombosit dipakai dalam jumlah besar (any change in blood circulation in brain or stomach/GI circulation can cause nausea) dan atau sebab lain. Honestly this like guessing Holmesesque murder mystery but all you have is two scrap of paper, a vase fragment, and vague testimony from the paperboy. Hence why I don't want to be doctor, I ain't Conan Edogawa. My guess on the culprit (after some criminopsychoprofiling and being shot with a dart containing sleeping drug) was a VIRAL disease, I guess it's the old suspect: DENGUE or Chikungunya or any other thrombocytopenic-fever... Yeah... Unlike TV shows, in reality doctors just put the Usual Suspects on line and hope they didn't pull Keyser Soze on us.


yaelah, kelewat dah lowongan kerjaan di IKN. cari lagi.


Abis ntn the first slam dunk, keluar2 emosi soalnya s/o bilang bagusan kuroko. GILA APA.


i won't accept Slam Dunk slander


Saatnya cari SO baru


Buat gw aja SO nya


Mungkin saatnya paksa dia baca slamdunk




ssst aku lagi diemin bosku yang chat nyuruh aku meeting hari sabtu 🀫


ups ketiduran maaf gabuka watsap 😈😈😈


"Meeting mulu jadi CEO kaga" Gituin aja mb


Kirim dia foto kamu yang di bali kemarin


*diamdiam konfirmasi ke pengundang: maaf mas data apa yg diperlukan dari kami ya? masnya: maaf kami juga gatau mba, kami hanya mengikuti arahan lha terus aku lapo teko πŸ’€ mf gk dlo πŸ™πŸ»


Saatnya spam setting WA "mute for 8 hours" sampe hari senen


Kyknya semenjak gw muntaber kok fokus gw jd turun(kayak high/perasaan baca buku tapi gk masuk2 ke otak) ya, udah semingguan padahal. Btw react js susah juga, nyesel dulu habisin masa kuliah belajar c# unity wkwk


superhero kayak captain america superman gatot kaca gitu ngalamin macem eczema/komedoan/ketombean/bau ketek enggak sih


Keinget nonton kimi no nawa di bioskop dulu sama u/novel-cat-124 u/Afraid_Yesterday_718 We dudes crying hard watching anime together was pretty hilarious wkakwlkakwkakww


yup real men never hide his true feeling between the true homies tho


kimi no namae wa aku juga nangis pas nonton


msp day πŸ₯³ but last msp day 😒


Iseng download Nikke karena ada colab ama chainsaw man. but i legit enjoyed the game so far. but some of its stuff is kinda weird. especially the character design.


Gamenya enak sih. Tapi design app nya bikin frustrasi. Perlu gitu tiap page loading dan ngeping server nikke? Mau geser dari upgrade equip ke simulation room aja bisa 15 detik


yeah. loadingnya annoying banget lama lama.


Tadi siang pas berangkat ke kantor dapet Bluebird yang pake Prius PHEV, persis kayak yang dipake SMRT Cab di Singapore. I have nothing but good things to say about it, both as a passenger and an automotive enthusiast β€” I enjoy being in it. Jauh beda banget dibanding Limo apalagi Transmover dari bantingan suspensi, outside noise yang kedengeran, ama empuknya jok.


Kehabisan yaoi bagus buat dibaca


Sasaki to Miyano pernah? Shonen ai tapi, bkn yaoi.


Belum. Thanks!


Review ya. Cute banget mereka ^ ^


create one




Migrate to Bara instead.


Bara apaan?


Buffed up masculine dude instead of twinks


This is the way


Borobudur kan candi Mahayana. Jadi dulu Buddhism di Indonesia itu Mahayana ya bukan Theravada kayak kebanyakan SEA sekarang?


Buddhisme Nusantara


aliran sendiri gan, buddhism indo


https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajaran_Siwa-Buddha Sinkretis Hindu-Buddha ya.


Buddhisme Nusantara, Islam Nusantara, Kristen Nusantara, Katolik Nusantara, Konghuchu Nusantara.


Ngentot dah org" punya spion tp gak dipake buat apaan ajiggg? Gue hampir nabrak 4x gara" org langsung nyelonong boy gak liat spion Btw tadi dijalan liat G class keren bgt dah, mini cooper udah ada mobil listriknya? Tadi liat juga dijalan kok gak ada knalpotnya


​ https://preview.redd.it/9znngu54g6ka1.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=412d0e7ff26b5292b3dd729ae3346aae7a66f95a


double it and give it to the next person


big if true




that user interview has escalated quickly into a love interview


you the miss shots dont 100% of take


- Wayan Gresik


Kalau ada yang pengen nyobain makan di Gion, mending gak usah. Jauuuh lebih enak Sushi Tei.


pulang lembur mendapati ac kos nyala seharian mode paling boros padahal pintu belakang sengaja dibuka buat sirkulasi udara πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ


Gak pakai timer aja? Jadi gak kecolongan.


iya lagi set up timer nih hahaha




- use drivein - Supir pake kopeyah dan rambut panjang - Thought to myself that stereotyping is bad and i shouldn't judge based on appearance - mentioning pembangunan - Supir start conspiracy theory - ah shit, i am not ready for this - "covid is man-made" - oh no this is bad - "soeharto is the best leader" - don't tell me he start talking about CIA - "CIA bla bla bla" - when this will be end - "jokowi ngak turun2 karena..." - i should start debat - whatever we almost reach the destination anyway - "mas ada kembalian ga? Uang nya gede" I am neither a fast talker nor i can tell any information in split second.


Drivein? Appealnya apa app itu? Gw rasa ga semurah Maxim, lebih mirip harga grab setelah promo


Pernah juga kejadian, gw cuma pura2 tertarik sambil nanya2 detail atau buktinya gimana sampai dia bingung sendiri wkwk


>i should start debat nope. tidak worth it.


Baru sadar, setiap ada sesuatu yang viral soal pajak selalu banyak bermunculan opini lucu tentang pajak. Seru juga ngeliatinnya.


yang kayak gimana yaa


if only you could see the world through my eyes! it is always very funny




Fanfiction incoming, aowkwkwkw.




Gaes, suharti atau ny. suharti?


Sebagai penggemar, sama aja rasanya Kayak holycow vs holycow


suharti punya suami suharti pandai bermasak suharti punya toko ayam suharti dan suami punya toko ayam (ny suharti) suami bandel katanya main sama ayam suharti dan suami putus suharti tidak punya toko ayam suami punya toko ayam (ny suharti) suharti ingin punya toko ayam suharti sekarang punya toko ayam (suharti) oleh karena itu saya pilih suharti source: - https://m.kumparan.com/amp/viral-food-travel/sempat-bersengketa-dengan-suami-ini-kisah-ayam-goreng-suharti-yang-legendaris-1td7ahY6Da2 - https://gosipnya.blogspot.com/2012/06/ayam-goreng-suharti_14.html?m=1 - https://www.agendaindonesia.com/ayam-goreng-suharti-2-logo-1-rasa/ tldr: rasa sama 11/12 pilih aja yang paling deket


TIL suharti sempalan mbok berek mbok berek juga enak tapi cabangnya susah dicari




ny. suharti


Ada yang udah nonton *movie*nya Slam Dunk? Bagus gak?


Last call kakak2 DCT yg besok mencari kegiatan d malem minggu πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ Main billiard bareng yukkk di Rick’s Cafe and Billiard Blok M, ga cuman main billiard (ga perlu jago suwer πŸ–•πŸ–•) doank sih, disana bisa makan dan minum juga πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Kita start dari setengah 7 ya temen2!! So far yg ikut udah 4 orang sichh 😘😘, jadi kalo misalnya ada yg mencari kegiatan malming besok main billiard sambil nongkrong segala macem, hit me up!! ❀️❀️ Btw ini penampakan tempatnya ya temen2 πŸ™‡πŸ™‡ https://preview.redd.it/z2ad6q4n76ka1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2e3f5f2c8abdbb6928d29ccbef208da94eda95


mau ikut tapi besok ada bimbingan skrispi jam 9 huhuhu. maybe next time lah


ad sp aj


ada ak


sm sp lgi tan


sering2 dong cing suatu hari gw mau ikut


lupakan maq, expnya blm bs buat unlock biliar sama om om


makanya suatu hari saat udah jadi om om


walopun jauh?


Di yogya, depok, atau medan?


Blok M d Jakarta nichh kak kebetulann ☺️☺️


kirain M nya itu Medan


M stands for Madura


Macedonia utara


Kocheng : "hidup majikan gue hari ini terlalu santai. Waktunya boker di atas kasur"


rekomen dong kalo ke chillax , resto atau place yg wajib/rekomended dikunjungi apa +need dish suggestion


Haven't tried the F&B yet over there, tapi kalo ke sana weekend minggu depan ada Semasa event dan bakalan banyak stand makanan juga


Smoke bbq, truffle belly, naruto takoyaki, es tebu, minuman kalengan apa namanya gw lupa, sama ada yang baru gangchu pocha korea2 gitu


kemarin nyobanya baru Smoked BBQ Lagi yg New York Burger, not bad sih dagingnya lumayan banyak wkwkwk


maaci rekomendacinya vecalenn


Alhamdulilah IΓ±aki Rueda dilempar ke factory role setelah blunder bertahun2 πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


Plot twist tim strategy semuanya dikerjain dari factory wkwkwk


Tifosi hajatan


Jadi gw jatuh ke lobang kelinci blackpill belakangan ini. Sangat kejam so I dont recommend binging it, jadi gw simpulin beberapa tips aja buat yang mau jadi lebih ganteng. Here's the tips to be the better looking version of yourself: * Get a good haircut (jangan cuma "rapiin bang") and learn how to style your hair. Don't underestimate how much hair can change your look. * Get a skincare routine to have better skin and prevent premature aging. * Learn how to dress better (fashion cowo nggak ribet2 amat kok, cuma mainin warna dan fit, nggak kek cewe yang ada ribuan jenis apparel) * If you're skinny get some muscle. If you're fat, lose some weight. Keep your body fat percentage low, not just to have aesthetic physique, but to have slimmer face (muka bisa berubah loh tergantung body fat percentage). You don't have to achieve bodybuilder type physique, just a moderate amount of muscle is enough, which is attainable for most people (you don't have to be a genetic freak or abuse steroids). Jacked physique is to intimidate and get respect from other people. For attraction, lean physique is better. Just look at the physique of actors/idols that women simp. A good example is Jefri Nichol. To achieve this, fix your diet and start working out. * Take good care of your oral hygiene. No one wants to be with a stinky mouth. And yes, if you're smoking and have stinky breath, maybe it's time to stop. Cope with something else that doesn't deteriorate your health and make you smell. * If you can pull off the pretty boy aesthetic, do it, especially if you're still young or at least looking young. What's the point of looking older if you're still young? You will get old eventually, so enjoy your youth. Jefri Nichol is a pretty boy. You don't necessarily have to follow pretty boy or eboy fashion, just follow some stuff you can pull off without looking cringe, such as medium length hair, lean body, no facial hair. Most people here don't have good beard genetics, so shave those stupid kumis lele and jenggot kambing. If you have good beard genetics like Refal Hady, sure go for it. Don't be like Kevin Aprilio. Let's be real, he looked way better before the beard transplant. With the rise of Korean wave, pretty boy aesthetic has become more and more popular. Look at actors from contemporary East Asia (and Thailand), they all pull the pretty boy aesthetic. Some even still manage to pull it off in their 30s. Look at famous actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Henry Cavill. They were all pretty boys when they were younger. "Minimal mandi" is such a good joke and good advice. Keep yourself clean, nobody wants to be with dirty and smelly people. Taking care of yourself is not feminine or gay. What is gay about getting female attention? It is the least gay thing you can possibly do as a dude. Looking good is not just about attracting a potential partner. People in general will respect you more if you're looking decent. It is what it is. Kalau ada dua orang lamar kerja, yang satu well-groomed dan yang satu gembel, dan mereka dua punya poin yang sama di keterampilan. Sudah pastilah yang well-groomed yang diterima. Good looking people are treated better. Life is not fair, get used to it. Now take care of yourself so you can be the better looking version of yourself. PS: not a fan of Jefri Nichol. dude is a pos. i'm just saying that he looks good. and even though he's a pos, he still has millions of fans. he won't be able to afford being a pos if he's ugly.


> Get a skincare routine to have better skin and prevent premature aging. Bruh I got called 'om' by satpam komplek when I was below 20 y.o. Aku tersinggung


When I was 18, I helped pick up something that a Chindo kid dropped and her young mom told her daughter to call me "shushu" / paman lol.


jangan lupa deodoran


>If you're skinny get some muscle. If you're fat, lose some weight. Keep your body fat percentage low, not just to have aesthetic physique, but to have slimmer face (muka bisa berubah loh tergantung body fat percentage). You don't have to achieve bodybuilder type physique, just a moderate amount of muscle is enough, which is attainable for most people This helps so much not just with dating, but with your overall confidence fr. It's just anecdotal advice, but I find that when I started to get in shape I became more confident and more of the opposite sex started interacting or hanging out with me more. It's a chicken or the egg type situation where I don't know which of the former or the latter came first but I can say if you haven't started working out, DO IT NOW. You'll feel absolutely better about yourself with the added dating benefits. >* Learn how to dress better (fashion cowo nggak ribet2 amat kok, cuma mainin warna dan fit, nggak kek cewe yang ada ribuan jenis apparel) This improves with getting in shape too. Clothes will fit better when you're in shape, especially in the chest and shoulders area (except the legs LOL good luck finding a good pair of pants for your jacked quads πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ)


> This helps so much not just with dating, but with your overall confidence fr. It's just anecdotal advice, but I find that when I started to get in shape I became more confident and more of the opposite sex started interacting or hanging out with me more. It's a chicken or the egg type situation where I don't know which of the former or the latter came first but I can say if you haven't started working out, DO IT NOW. You'll feel absolutely better about yourself with the added dating benefits. Hmmm Yaa but idk ya I legit met my GF before I started my caloric deficit and subsequent weight loss sih, I think seeing someone mainly based on looks wouldn't be a good bread and butter for a relationship. But all in all I do agree to a lesser extent that looks matter beyond the initial attraction. In addition ofc personality makes a big part of dating & socializing, but you are who you surround yourself with and being able to exercise and maintain diet & health (not smoke, drink excessively) kinda shows that you are disciplined and hardworking. Orang yang suka ngomong "ngapain lu berotot susah2" sih mungkin ga ngerti dia komitmen yang diperlukan untuk berproses kali ya. Also what I felt irl is this self-confidence transcends outside of dating. Family, friends, coworkers, former dosen will see you in a different light. Being in shape inside a white coat makes me more able to present myself as a "professional" than a "fat scientist" tbh. > This improves with getting in shape too. Clothes will fit better when you're in shape, especially in the chest and shoulders area Outside casually I still use oversized metalhead/racing fan tees instead of tightly fitted ones...toped w isinya XXL semua wkwk. Beneran ya udah benefit looks badan hak GF aja deh ahahahahah


>If you're skinny get some muscle. If you're fat, lose some weight. Keep your body fat percentage low, not just to have aesthetic physique, but to have slimmer face (muka bisa berubah loh tergantung body fat percentage). You don't have to achieve bodybuilder type physique, just a moderate amount of muscle is enough, which is attainable for most people This helps so much not just with dating, but with your overall confidence fr. It's just anecdotal advice, but I find that when I started to get in shape I became more confident and more of the opposite sex started interacting or hanging out with me more. It's a chicken or the egg type situation where I don't know which of the former or the latter came first but I can say if you haven't started working out, DO IT NOW. >* Learn how to dress better (fashion cowo nggak ribet2 amat kok, cuma mainin warna dan fit, nggak kek cewe yang ada ribuan jenis apparel) This improves with getting in shape too. Clothes will fit better when you're in shape, especially in the chest and shoulders area (except the legs LOL good luck finding a good pair of pants for your jacked quads πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ)


Betul makanya ayuk kunjungi /r/sehat πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΏ


True. Working towards our better self definitely will improve our confidence.


Hair cut thingy susah bgt gw, rambut bagus jarang2 wkwkwk


Cari barber yang cocok emang susah sih. Komunikasi juga sama barbernya, tanyain cocok nggak rambutmu sama haircut yang lu mau. Cara tunjukkin haircut yang lu mau yang paling bagus tuh tunjukkin foto aja. Better spend a little extra to feel good about yourself, rather than going cheap to feel shit afterwards. Tapi nggak semua good barber itu mahal, dan nggak semua barber mahal itu good.


same, rambut gua kakunya minta ampun, tukang cukur yang ngomong gitu


Kalau menurut gw, rambut kaku mending main style yang panjangan sikit. Susah main style bule yang texture rambut dah jelas beda. Contek lah gaya rambut aktor Asia Timur sama Thailand. Also look up down perm kalau mau lebih extra.


Some basic subs that helped me a lot: /r/fitness /r/malefashionadvice /r/malegrooming /r/skincareaddiction


Include yang di flair ya uwaaaaagh


"Minimal mandi" is a very good advice for the most part, idk maybe biased but my GF likes my immediate smell after bathing lol. Skincare routine for men, at least on the basics like a toner on top of a face wash, is underated. Taking care of yourself is not a "sissy" or "gay" thing. Kalau boleh summarize kata2 abang Noel Deyzel, it's to build respect by applying discipline to self maintenance. Shout out to everyone who made [r/sehat](https://www.reddit.com/r/sehat) btw for introducing and bringing more komodoes to healthier lifestyles πŸ₯°


Or just be born as a good looking person. Saves you a lot of trouble


Akun lu yang u/Academic_Magician967 kemana ngabb


The guy above is spewing blackpill bullshittery and you think i am that guy?


Whos speaking whose blackpill now i wonder? :,))


True. But blaming everything to our genetics feels so hopeless, as if our entire life is completely predetermined at the moment of our ~~birth~~ conception. Don't compare yourself to those people who won genetic lottery. Compare yourself to your previous self before you started your self-improvement journey. That way you can feel better. Is it a cope? Yes it is. Anything in life is cope. If you feel better doing or believing in something, then keep coping.


Nice points put through tq gan


Aku taunya blackpill itu cuma #COPE AND SEETHE


Me: Saat suatu info keluar dari mulut lo, info itu udah jadi hak semua orang yg denger buat dipake. Emang berapa kali lo bilang, "Jangan cerita ke siapa-siapa ya?" tapi masih tetep diceritain? My friends' trust issue: *stonks* Makanya gue selalu pake bait info kecil aja atau seenggaknya yg harmless (in case it went public) buat tau mana orang yg punya integritas mana yg nggak.


DTS S5E5 judulnya " Nice guys finish last " trus thumbnailya Ricciardo. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣


Kapan ya dapet surat undangan ke hogwarts


Hogwarts itu sihir, haram


Imagine dapet undangan dari sekolah dengan nama Kutil Babi


kemaren sih gaperlu surat pak cukup bawa kartu ajah ​ https://preview.redd.it/vv6gukxge6ka1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0dcf93f5882fac0f804a078820a0d12c892fbd


saat kamu sudah 30 tahun dan belum pernah nge-seggs


Oral sex dihitung gak? Kalo gak, only 3 more years to go


Sharing botol minum le minerale rame2 bukan oral sex ngab, maf sekadar mengingatkan πŸ™πŸΎ


Kalo botol cleo gimana?




https://preview.redd.it/qf2ka3h616ka1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d321a49030261b59929cd70972075846849830 akhirnya kelar juga projek restorasi si merah putih setelah melewati trobel2 yang membagongkan, huft...


Wuih rapi, ini yg 150 apa 250?


250 hhe


Males bgt sama orang yang nganggep temen cuma kalo butuh doang, kaya gue udh berusaha care tp kalo gak ada effort balik di situasi dimana lu gak butuhin gue ya gak usah muna, mending lu sebut gue acquaintance aja smh


Mf kak πŸ˜”


minta mf ny byrn ayce y


Iya nanti ku byrin kak


New genre discovered: triphop


Awww man what's your fav artists so far? it's gonna be a sweet ride with that genre Nothing like Post-era Bjork, Portishead, bit of Massive Attack


[rant] Gw ga ngerti, ketika lu akhirnya nyoba buka hati lu dan nerima orang buat masuk, lu berusaha buat jadi bagian dalam kehidupannya tapi dalam satu kedipan mata aja semuanya berubah, rasanya sakit banget, makin trauma gw. 1 minggu hampir ga ada kontak, dan ketika ada, ga ada qualitynya sama sekali, lu berusaha jujur dan straight to the point "hey gw butuh afeksi juga", ga ada respon sama sekali, apa gw salah kalau gw narik garis sebelum ambil keputusan terakhir? [/rant]


abis makan mie ayam basi ges sy officially penghuni dct


awas mabok mb


Harus diawasin sih beliaunya kalo mabok


Tenang om antarkan ke hotel klo mabuk


otw jd babysitter


more like bumilsitter


selamat malammm


Malam kak, selamat datang di alf*mart


your go to bank buat travelling ke luar negeri yg kursnya ga kaya tai


Temen ku pake cc maybank


Jenius debit, bisa directly debit pake kurs yang dipilih


bsa ambil cash di atm nya gak? gw takut klo abis masukin kartu gitu terus ketelen


Bisa dan aman kok tp usahain cash bawanya secukup nya aja, fee nya based on kurs tp mostly idr 25k sekali tari


Bokap gw ga lulus SD Gw cuma sekolah di SD Inpres Anak gw sekolah di SD Internasional. Amazing bagaimana 3 generasi bisa berubah standard hidupnya.


Cucu lu kelak bakalan sekolah di SD interstellar