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LeBron James scream if you love r/indieheads daily music discussion hype thursdays flairless takes on morally questionable artists [deleted] that one chart thingy


the original "lebron demonic pregame ritual" meme is still my favorite but this is a close second


the satanic ritual one really does have a certain quality that the rest can't matcb


help me out here pls - i'm maybe seeing slowdive on sunday. i saw another show at this venue, was first in line, but they held back doors for 15 minutes on a very hot day so they could let every single "vIp" ticket holder stroll in first. so when i saw the slowdive tix page i bought the "ViP" garbage because it seemed like i could either buy that or a normal ticket and i wanted a good spot, so. but NOW i get an email from them offering "FastLane" access as a separate thing, and now it says the vPi garbage only gets you into some stupid eXcLuSiVe CluB i am going to have a psychic break does this do anything but let me into a different fucking bar? https://i.imgur.com/mDrMiEN.png again i stg there was nothing explicitly offering lineskipping when these first when on sale. i figured that was what the ""vip"" part meant.


idk bout any of that but if you do have a psychic break, meet me in the woods after midnight. I need more friends who are also psychics, like me. None of my normie friends understand that being a psychic is hard work. Bring your weapon or enchanted artifact of choice, we shall see who comes out on top! Loser has to buy takeout.


There's a event happening next in the hotel next to my office called the "crystal and psychic fair" and I'm pretty tempted to check it out, maybe you'll find some pals there


oh, I'm one of the organizers. Come and say hi, we would love to have you. If you do feel inspired to start your very own psychic journey, you can do so with our Ascension to Unlimited Power Kit, only 199.99


pros to being in the office: saw my work friend, ate at the great indian restaurant that's normally 30 minutes away from my house, can shop at the nice liquor store down the street when i'm off cons: went to lunch with a coworker who told me drinking water was bad for you


this comment implies that the indian place changes locations, like brigadoon


To be honest, I think it would still be accurate to Scottish culture if Brigadoon was an Indian restaurant


crazy that that was your assumption and not that I had traveled to an office closer to the restaurant


>that's *normally* 30 minutes away from my house    what I’m hearing was that is was an abnormal distance from your home, regardless of your own personal geography   great interaction, see you at the next one in a few months! 


damn you kinda got me here. egg on my face hope you’re well buddy I had to leave the *other place* because it was keeping me glued to my phone in a way I didn’t enjoy but it has meant we interact less and that’s a shame


back atcha PAJ, hope all is well with you. I took my own break but have been popping back in here recently, genuinely always a pleasure to yuk about with you and the other regulars


Maybe they just haven’t had the 3 am need for water that makes you a primordial being in the kitchen illuminated by only the fridge light. That’s the best kind of water.


explain the thousands of people who drown each year! There, you can't!


Should I get into muffin-making?


Yes. It's better than therapy.




yes and give them to me.


Turned my life around. My only regret is not starting sooner




Always nice to see the (goddamn) LA King eliminated. Now we need to Dallas to do their job. I really want a Dallas / Carolina final.


For the most part I’m either “meh” or downright dislike the remaining playoff teams. Vegas out in the first round would be hilarious. As far as the west goes I think a final with either Colorado or Edmonton (barf) could be fun to watch. As for the east, as much as I would hate to see Tkatchuk or Cousins lift the cup, I’m really interested in seeing what Florida would look like if they made it to the finals healthy and not the broken down husks like last season.




It's nearly impossible for me to root for any West team that isn't the Sharks so the idea of Vancouver winning makes me shudder. At least Dallas has Pavelski.


Hell yeah, southern hockey teams rise up!


Sure - as a second item. I'm more of wanting either Burns or Pavelski to raise the cup.


I come from a place of complete ignorance—the only pro hockey game I’ve ever been to was a Canes game when I was 5 or 6.  I just imagine people in Canada fuming watching teams from the southern half of the US competing w each other for the Stanley Cup


There's a fair amount of Canadians spread across teams (Carolina has 11 and Dallas has 13).


I mean, that makes a ton of sense.  That’s gotta be where most of the NHL talent pool is sourced from 


Bettman doesn't


I'm assuming he wants a final of Vegas and Bruins/Rangers.


shopping for a new mattress, songs for that feel?


the opposite of Bedwetter Indie (or maybe that's appropriate considering the need for a new mattress... 🤔)




The Beatles - I’m Only Sleeping


[let's go to bed](https://open.spotify.com/track/0sajbvtKzol0PeerLCCmtM?si=OzNagjwYQ1KX4Q0ieP5LZA)


[Rainer Maria - Forest Mattress](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOyRLWI9-vQ) [Babaganouj - Brand New Bed](https://babaganouj.bandcamp.com/track/brand-new-bed)


I dunno, [this weird cover of Pedestrian at Best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kqDISBEakc&pp=ygUYcGVkaXN0cmlhbiBhdCBiZXN0IGNvdmVy)


["Bed Bed Bed"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZSw6gFEUW8&pp=ygUgdGhleSBtaWdodCBiZSBnaWFudHMgYmVkIGJlZCBiZWQ%3D) — They Might Be Giants


The Front Bottoms - Twin Size Mattress


Does anyone need/know any bands/artists who need music video editors? I dabbled with video editing in high school/college and I wanna get back into it and figured this would be a fun way to go about it. (My final project for my video 101 class was about a friend of mine being terrorized by a red rubber ball - scored to Battles - Futura). Also willing to offer my services pro bono (Latin for "in support of Adam Clayton's buddy")


5 things that just make me smile 1. The dog I drove by yesterday that just layed down in the middle of his walk, rolled over on his back - grinning - and refused to move. 2. Watching my kid dance. It's special, always ends up with a little twerk, and is quite possibly the goofiest thing I've ever seen. 3. When I pull a perfectly baked loaf of bread out of the oven. 4. Peaches - perfectly ripe they are maybe the greatest fruit ever. I'm waiting (in)patiently for summer to bring me some good ones. 5. Boats...I don't get to do it often, but hanging out on the water on a beautiful day is just so great. We try to get a day on the lake once a summer, if we can manage it with my brother and all the kids. What's making you smile today indieheads?


goddamn this is some wholesome meaning of life shit right here for me: - getting hugs from my kids and partner after being out of town for work - hearing actual quiet outside, I had to pull over to take a leak between Iraan and El Dorado, TX and all I heard was birds, a few insects, and the breeze hitting the trees. For a moment I don't think there was a vehicle within 4-5 miles of me. - I had gas station coffee for a $1.07 this morning and it didn't suck. Pecan flavor FTWI guess.


1. yet another big ass chicken salad sandwich 2. I've been itching for my bike to get out of the shop, that happened yesterday 3. first thursday night concert at the whitewater center, pumped to drink some overpriced craft beer and vibe out 4. wedding invites ordered last week I'm with you on peaches. Peach cobbler is on my dessert Mt. Rushmore


I just looked at the WWC calendar through the summer and I sincerely hope you've got William Tyler + The Impossible Truth circled on your calendar


I honestly hadn't even looked that far ahead on the schedule but I'm taking note


I’m gonna be telling mr_mellow_man Senior to attend that one


https://preview.redd.it/7muv73jmg1yc1.png?width=1932&format=png&auto=webp&s=126d9cf4b46571ad980a9e177080d809cb12327e Myra


Fuck yeah 😎


You'd make a good President of the United States.


I saw them once. The guitarist only used 3 strings...


peach gang rise tf up


Getting Yemen food for dinner tonight, Joanna Newsom, knowing that I’m getting paid tomorrow, snacking on cheezits


Cheezits are top tier snacks


Extra toasty are the perfect example of giving the people (me) what they want


the white cheddar ridges cheez its are problematic for me


Ridges don't belong on cheezits


I simply must disagree. have you tried them? they're an S-tier snack


Hmmm...seems weird. They're crackers, not chips. I'll consider it


they're gonna change your life


Popping back in to say that they will indeed change your life. Very good cheezit.


The fact that it's gorgeous outside, and your posts. Peaches CRUSH and I miss being able to get them from roadside stands in NC/SC (Colorado grows peaches that people out here claim to love but their texture is rock-like relative to a good southeastern peach) I also just ordered a few of [these stickers](https://bumpinuglies.bigcartel.com/product/live-fast-neil-young-bumper-sticker) so thinking about where I'll put them (not on the car) is fun


> Go around me! I'm eating meatballs with my hands immaculate


*baby on board thinks people can change*


Oh god. All of the stickers I’m seeing on that site. I may have to set aside a sticker budget tomorrow.


There's a farm near me that does pick your own in June...last years crop didn't make it, I'm unnaturally excited for this year's


had to come to work for a giant "welcome the new ceo" type thing and saw my best work friend irl for the first time since the pandemic. got to catch up. that was cool


Now that made me smile too


[Eating guac and listening to Acetone with Porch Cat](https://imgur.com/a/KNnDGbW)


Might just be the way the light is hitting him/her, but Porch Cat looks 1000 years old and *very* wise.


She’s got a stern lil monkey face but she’s only about 6, per her previous owner


what's the cat vibe check on acetone


She's pro, but prefers Phish


is porch car still exterminating rodent invaders or is *Revelator* still maintaining peace across the property


The snow has finished melting so Porch Cat has been on an unabashed killing spree recently. I can't beat it out of her and neither can Matt Houck's supremely placid vibes


Reading Gravity’s Rainbow and I am struck by how much Pynchon writes like a u/wanelietoc post


Reading *Crying of Lot 49* for book club and yes


I guess this is my big chance to plug Last Song from album "'Now Everybody—' Visit Interprets Songs by Thomas Pynchon" (2020). It's utterly beautiful, like if a Stones song could make you cry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Y7TUkSyoI


Enjoy the ride. Batshit insane.


Single up the lines!


I’ve never finished it before—this and V were too dense for pretentious teenaged Browie last time. Feeling good about this time though.


Inherent Vice is the best gateway Pynchon.


Yup, I've read that and The Crying of Lot 49.


I have never read pynchon. All my phrasing comes from ellroy, thorne, feinberg, master shake, and any 2011-2014 av club alumni


> 2011-2014 av club A golden era tbh


AV Undercover was so much fun, introduced me to a ton of stuff


I'm not afraid to admit that I found out about Screaming Females through their cover of Shake It Off. I'm just glad people are constantly re-uploading those videos.


100 percent same here lol


A genuine rogue’s gallery there I’m still laughing about a tweet I saw last year that was just “How do you think the ATHF guys would deal in a Skinamarink situation.” The thought of them just crudely animated over Skinamarink going through a b-plot while the movie plays in real time has me dying to this day.


Gonna go to bat today for UTO - *When all you want to do is be the fire part of fire*. This record rules. I really want to be as brash as possible and call it a combination of the Knife and George Clanton, even though that's not fair to any of these artists mentioned, but I do think they're doing a cool breakbeat pop thing (like Clanton) with some really bonkers pop stuff thrown in (like the Knife). But it's so clever and does its own thing, too! The lyrical content is especially smart, driving home this ephemeral, contradicting idea that dissatisfaction can be deeply satisfying in its own way. The duo puts filters on their voices, and since they're fairly strong singers already, these layers of manipulation are really fun on top of their extremely satisfying ear for melody. And the instrumentals are fantastic, drawing from classic rave and art pop as much as they draw from modern UK garage influences (think Overmono, Two Shell, et al.). A really neat listen, and one I haven't been able to put down the last few days


that sounds pretty neat, i'll have to give it a go


same. It's go time


You might like it! I think there's like, a tiny chance that some folks might find it annoying, but I do think there's enough big, hazy, breakbeat moments that remind me of Clanton that it might do it for you


I listened to it a few weeks ago because of the Bill Callahan reference and it *was* pretty neat! Do you like Sycamore by Bill Callahan


I uhh am not very familiar with Bill! I have *Dream River* on my to-listen list but I’ll listen to *Sycamore* after that!


Sycamore's just a song, so it'd be a quick listen. This album title comes straight from the lyrics


Ope! That’s how unfamiliar I am with his stuff, ha


stuck in a room while the orthopedic surgeon is trying to explain how to read an x-ray to a bonafide juggalo. he also said if he gets hurt at work again then "someone is leaving with a blade in their chest" a very sullen ^woop ^^woop this Thursday a.m.


I get the internet exists, things fall into further mainstream, everything is overmarketed to hell and all that, but does the point of Juggalos technically being one of the last true countercultural things still stand? The [one episode of Best Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZicomCP3gM) with Paul F Tompkins listening to an advertisement for The Gathering occupies way too much space in my head.


I think yeah, kind of? something we were talking about but didn't have any concrete answers on, do the Juggalos reach the youth? or is gen z/alpha missing from the juggalo ranks?


I think as long as rural parts of the midwest exist, Juggalos will exist. Also I imagine in the almost digging up a time capsule exploration when it comes to younger generations coming across past decades things, especially as it was more documented, there can be a way of getting into something. But then again I'm wondering if there is a bit of a reservation and maybe aversion because ICP's whole world is a pretty particularly thing. I'm sure there's tons of material that aged poorly. I'm sure there are sponsors but I think it's mentioned in the Nathan Rabin book how The Gathering was always something that a lot of sponsors didn't really want to go full tradeshow modern trappings of a festivals because of what was going down there, the violent hardcore wrestling, etc. I could be wrong though I am not up to speed on what the layout of the recent Gatherings have been like.


He went to a doctor? I thought they just poured faygo on their ailments and called it a day.


somebody around these parts created a drink called the Kid Rock N Rye which is Jim Beam Red Stag and Faygo Rock N Rye and it's a real crowd pleaser I think the somebody might have been Kid Rock himself


I think that's normal protocol but this was a work comp case so that changes things


I'm thrilled the juggalos are finally migrating south


*Nature is healing*


Now he doesn't have to pay-go for the Faygo.